USES of H2O2-Hydrogen Peroxide Part 1


Hydrogen Peroxide Uses:

This hydrogen peroxide is 35% food grade quality. 35% solution is caustic and needs to be handled with care. Dilution ratio is 1 to 11... 1 oz (or whatever measure you want) of H2O2 to 11 parts of the same measure of water. This makes a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.  3% is the common store hydrogen peroxide strength but is NOT safe for oral use. Store bought and food grade H2O2 contains preservatives, including heavy metals that are unsafe when taken orally or when used to clean foods or the many other uses as listed below.

 How much 35% H2O2 do you need?

Here's how to figure the total amount of 3% (useable %) Hydrogen Peroxide: 11 to 1 mix... 1 part H2O2, to 11 parts water:

1 Pint 35% H2O2 makes 1.5 gallons of 3% H2O2 solution

1 Quart 35% H2O2 makes 3 gallons of 3% H2O2 solution

1 Gallon 35% H2O2 makes 12 gallons of 3% H2O2 solution

 Some uses for 3% Solution of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide:

Water storage: 1/2 cup of 35% H2O2 per 55 gallons of water.

 Vegetable Soak: (in place of unsafe bleach) Add 1/4 cup 3% H2O2 to a sink full of cold water. Soak light vegetables (lettuce, etc.) 20 minutes, thicker skinned vegetables (like cucumbers) for 30 minutes. Drain and dry. This will help them to stay fresh longer. Leftover Tossed Salad: Spray with a solution of 1/2 cup water and 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Drain, cover and refrigerate. Eliminates use of chemical preservatives.

 Freshen Kitchen: Keep a spray bottle of 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in the

kitchen. Use to wipe off counter tops and appliances, or for floors. It will disinfect and give the kitchen a clean, fresh small. Works great in the refrigerator and lunch boxes. Also, use it to disinfect sponges and mops which harbor bacteria in large amounts, and garbage disposals.

 Washing/Laundry: Add 8 oz of 3% to your wash in place of bleaches.

 Dishwasher: In the dishwasher or dishwater: Add 2 ounces of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the regular washing formula. Your glasses will sparkle and your washer will not smell bad.

Sprouting seeds: Put 1 oz of 3% H2O2 in 1 quart of distilled water. Water or mist plants with this  solution. Put 8 oz of white sugar in 8 oz of 3% H2O2 and add to one gallon of water.  For use as a non-toxic insecticide spray.

 Humidifier/Steamers: Use 1 pint of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of water. This helps keep them clean too.

 Bathroom: Use the 3% solution. Spray toilet and sink as disinfectant. Add 1/2 to 1 pint of 35%

 H2O2 to a full tub of water for a detoxifying bath. (Note; Do not detoxify after 6-7PM as the increased oxygen may keep you awake.) Shower: Keep a spray bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide in the shower. Spray your body after washing to replace the acid mantel on your skin that soap removes.

 Athletes foot: Soak feet nightly in a 3% solution.

 Ear Protection-Pour a capful of 3% hydrogen peroxide in each of your ears after swimming to prevent ear infections

 Use 3% grade as an astringent on your face, neck and full body after bathing. Gets rid of acne FAST.

 Antiseptic-Use it in 3% grade in a spray bottle for cuts and sores. Spray on frequently and watch them disappear.

 Mouthwash: Use 3% H2O2 and swish around in you mouth for 1 minute after brushing.

 Use as gargle for sore throats. (Add pure, organic Essential Oils for flavoring)

 Toothpaste: Add 3% to baking soda and make a paste, or just use H2O2 without toothpaste... you don't actually need toothpaste, as it is a commercial creation.

Douche: Equal parts of 3% solution and water is the maximum strength. (Start with more water and gradually increase H2O2 to equal parts.)

 Enema: Use 6 Tbs. of 3% to 1 quart of water. This is a maximum dosage. (Start with 3 Tbs. and gradually increase to 6.)

 Colonic: Use 1 pint of 3% to five gallons of water.

 Marinade: Place meat, fish or poultry in a casserole (avoid using aluminum pans). Cover with a diluted solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Place in a loosely covered container in refrigerator for 1/2 hour. Rinse and cook.

 For livestock: Use 8 oz of 35% to 1000 gallons water. Has increased milk production by 20%.

 Pets: For small animals (dogs and cats) use 1 ounce 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1 quart water for their drinking water and bath.

 House & Garden Plants: Put 1 ounce 3% hydrogen peroxide in 1-quart water. Water or mist plants with this solution.

 Camping: Use in water storage tank to keep fresh and pure.

 Internal 35% H2O2 Usage:

Note; Safe internal use of H2O2 has evidence on both sides of the argument. PHS suggests the internal use ONLY where serious health conditions may warrant it's use, but do not recommend using H2O2 as a daily health "supplement" as there are much better and nutritionally sound ways to maintain health and prevent problems. H2O2 is a potent free radical and can do damage, long term, to the cardiovascular and other systems of the body. Short term use for serious health problems far outweighs any possible damage.

 Keep in mind that having a supply of 35% H2O2 as a tool to use against terrorist (foreign and domestic) biological attacks, and could save lives if used against such biologicals. Normal ramp up for health problems:

Day 1, 2 drops in 8 oz of spring water 3 X during day. Day 2, 3 drops 3 X during day. Increase by one drop up to 25 drops 3 X a day. Some stay at 25 drops up to 3 weeks. (If serious biological attacks occur, higher dosages may be warranted as time is critical in these cases.) There may be some short duration cleansing reactions to this process including skin eruptions, nausea, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, congestion, ear infections, boils and other toxin elimination means. Note: It is important to follow a short cleansing program with Essential Nutrients that will provide Foundational Nutrition to enhance healing and promote immune system function.

 Another Suggestion Cleansing Dosage  

Day #

Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration

Times Per Day

12% -     17% -     35%                  



6 drops

4 drops

2 drops



12 drops

8 drops

4 drops



18 drops

12 drops

6 drops



24 drops

16 drops

8 drops



30 drops

20 drops

10 drops



36 drops

24 drops

12 drops



42 drops

28 drops

14 drops



48 drops

32 drops

16 drops



54 drops

36 drops

18 drops



60 drops

40 drops

20 drops



60 drops

40 drops

20 drops



60 drops

40 drops

20 drops



60 drops

40 drops

20 drops



60 drops

40 drops

20 drops



60 drops

40 drops

20 drops



60 drops

40 drops

20 drops



 Special Note—If you do decide to use the H2O2 suggestions internally –the you must increase the vitamin C accordingly to quench any free radical occurrences from the peroxide—so if you are taking the high end of 25 drops of peroxide then I would do a minimum of 5 grams a day( 5,000mgs a day ) in divided doses