Show of the Month April  2011


These Scripts are Free to Download--Any and All Information can be utilize but the Onus is on the USER --this is an Educational and Illustrative Forum to Show Options and Alternatives you may not be aware of --Prudence and Study May be Required on the Seeker of this type of Information--SO please Study













Show of the Week April 1 2011

Show of the Week  April 4 2011


Show of the Week  April 8 2011

Show of the Week April 11 2011

Show of the Week April 15 2011

Show of the Week April 18,2011

Show of the Week  April 22 2011

Show of the Week April 22 2011

Show of the Week  April 29 2011






Recipe for Radiation


Cysteine Containing Foods


Iodine Containing Foods


Dramatic synergism between excess soybean intake and iodine deficiency


Eliminate the Microwave Completely




Recipe for Radiation


Cysteine Containing Foods

Dairy Products:    Most Dairy Products contain Cysteine.                            

Eggs               Yolks                        

Meats:          Most Meats contain Cysteine.                                   

Nuts:             Most Nuts contain Cysteine.                          

Seeds:           Most Seeds contain Cysteine.                        

Vegetables:            Garlic-Onions –Broccoli-Brussels Sprouts


Iodine Containing Foods-

Dairy Foods:Cheddar Cheese 50-Milk       

Butter 35                

Eggs: Chicken Eggs 53              

Fruit:  Pineapple                         

Fungi: Mushrooms                                

Herbs:-Ginsengs - “True”-Black Walnut-Eyebright                           

Mineral Foods: Table Salt 40-Sea Salt 4

Table Salt - Iodized: 7,600                 

Nuts: Peanuts                              

Seafood: Haddock -120  Herring 24—Whiting 65-361-Cod 100

Sea Vegetables:-Kelp 535--Bladderwrack           

Vegetables: Onions—Spinach—Tomato--Carrot           

Watercress --Tomato—Radish—Cabbage—Lettuce--Fennel           



ðððThe dairy products and the other foods containing iodine will be contingent to the soil and how much is in it---to insure adequate amount in diet use sea weed and increase sea weed in gardens or just add iodine to it


ðð Keep to the mustard family to once a week not everyday or this to will suppress the thyroid since they can be goitrgenic—broccoli-radish-cauliflower-brussels sprouts--


The need for Iodine and Glutathione and Vitamin E and C and Selenium are crucial as well as baking soda so here are some things you may want to incorporate to assist your immune system and systemically strengthen the body during exposure


A)Iceland Moss –Irish Moss and Hyssop –equal parts and make into a tea—thes can reduce radiation exposure and support respiratory system

As well utilize  Vitamin A and Vitamin C and NAC or MSM or Methionine or Cysteine or Garlic ( fresh or fermented ) this will increase fortification and protection against chromosomal damage and genetic as well


B) Garlic and Sea weed cream---take the tincture or extract of Garlic and add to the cream---powder down the sea weed til fine then add 1 tsp of the sea weed ( any will do )  add Vitamin A and Cq 10 1-3 capsules of each ( irregardless the strength of each ) blend or whip til all things are fused and your liquid thickens and is a cream--Use this on spreads on potatoes—in soups or broths


C) Take lugols iodine solution and add 2 drops to beet juice ( preferably fresh made ) and add 2-3 grams of vitamin C and 4 drops of lugols blend and use 1 oz increments


D ) Make an Aerosol By adding 4-8drops in a 2 oz container then adding Alcohol ( vodka-gin-grappa-tequila) make sure they are clear percuss the mixing at the least 30 times the apply the spray as needed


E) Watercress-dandelion- parsley juice you make through a blenderblend 1 part dandelion 2 parts parsley 1 part watercress ( you can modify as you like by adding or taking away but remember that the watercress is what firther protects the system form radiation


F )Make topical Cream or Lotion By adding 2 grams of MSM ( dissolved in water ) add this to sea weed extract—1 -4 drops of lugols iodine—essential oils of choice 16 drops—hot beeswax and fat mixture ¾ cup—1/8 cup of water-citric acid—nd xanthium gum---what you will do is fuse the beeswax with the oil ( make it as thick or loose as you like by adding more wax or less ) then when it is melting drop eight drops of any essential oil into this

In the blender you will add water the iodine and the xanthium with the citric acid blend all of this and add the other 8 drops ( you can go up if you like this is just a ball park to get you an idea )  when this starts to coagulate then pour in the melted oil  and blend it til it all fuses---when it is as smooth as milk pour into a glass jar after stopping blender


G ) Get Sea Salt or any Salt of your Choice—Coarse or powdered  1/8 of a cup and add 10 drops of lugols to it and pulverize it til the iodine is saturated in the salt—as well if you add MSM to this the you will get a sulfur that converts to cysteine and will further transport the iodine into the cells

Sprinkle on foods—this to will mitigate potential radiation in the foods


H ) When Cooking an egg add one drop to the egg yolk membrane and then lid the egg ( putting a lid on top) to steam the top this will imbed the iodine into the egg and allow for better up take


DO NOT USE MICROWAVES AT ALL—and no Soy Products what so ever and eliminate all Flouride




Dramatic synergism between excess soybean intake and iodine deficiency on the development of rat thyroid hyperplasia.

Ikeda T, Nishikawa A, Imazawa T, Kimura S, Hirose M
Division of Pathology, National Institute of Health Sciences,1-18-1 Kamiyoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8501, Japan.

The effects of defatted soybean and/or iodine-deficient diet feeding were investigated in female F344 rats. Rats were divided into four groups, each consisting of 10 animals, and fed basal AIN-93G diet in which the protein was exchanged for 20% gluten (Group 1), iodine-deficient gluten (Group 2), 20% defatted soybean (Group 3) and iodine-deficient defatted soybean (Group 4). At week 10, relative thyroid gland weights (mg/100 g body wt) were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in Groups 2 (15.5 +/- 1.3) and 4 (81.7 +/- 8.6) than in Group 1 (8.4 +/- 2.0) and pituitary gland weights (mg/100 g body wt) were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in Groups 3 (9.1 +/- 0. 6) and 4 (9.7 +/- 1.5) than in Group 1 (6.5 +/- 1.5). Serum biochemical assays revealed thyroxine to be significantly (P < 0.05) lower in Groups 2 and 4 than in Group 1. On the other hand, serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) was significantly (P < 0.01) higher in Groups 3 and 4 than in Group 1. This was particularly striking for TSH (ng/ml) at week 10 in Group 4 (126 +/- 11) as compared with Groups 1 (4.36 +/- 0.30), 2 (4.84 +/- 0.80) and 3 (5. 78 +/- 0.80). Histologically, marked diffuse follicular hyperplasia of the thyroid was evident in Group 4 rats. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen labeling indices (%) were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in Groups 2 (4.8 +/- 2.5) and 4 (13.2 +/- 1.1) than in Group 1 (0.4 +/- 0.5).
Ultrastructurally, severe disorganization and disarrangement of mitochondria were apparent in thyroid follicular cells of Group 4. In the anterior pituitary, dilated rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and increased secretory granules were remarkable in this group.
Our results thus strongly suggest that dietary defatted soybean synergistically stimulates the growth of rat thyroid with iodine deficiency, partly through a pituitary-dependent pathway.


Eliminate the Microwave Completely

1). Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven  causes long term - permanent - brain damage by "shorting out" electrical impulses in the brain [de-polarizing or   de-magnetizing the brain tissue].

2). The human body cannot metabolize [break down] the unknown by-products created in microwaved food..

3). Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods.

The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual [long term, permanent] within the human body.

5). Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.

6). The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in microwave ovens.

Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths [tumors]. This may explain the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in America ..

The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes
cancerous cells to increase in human blood.

9). Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.

10). Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence.







Show of the Week  April 4 2011


Study identifies novel phenolic compound in maple syrup

How to Make Iodine Tincture


How to Make Iodine Crystals From Seven Percent Liquid Iodine


How to Make Iodine Crystals From Potassium Iodide Crystals


Enzyme Activity Against Cancer and other Pathogenic Infections




Study identifies novel phenolic compound in maple syrup

A novel phenolic compound, known as quebecol, has been identified from Canadian maple syrup by a group of researchers from the University of Rhode Island. --The study, published in the Journal of Functional Foods, identified the novel compound, which is thought to be a product of the manufacturing process, in addition to 23 naturally derived phenolics belonging to lignan, coumarin, stilbene, and phenolic acid sub-classes in maple syrup. --“Our finding of a non-natural phenolic compound in maple syrup is interesting considering that such molecules may contribute significantly towards the reported biological activities of maple syrup,” said the researchers, led by Navindra Seeram, assistant professor in the Bioactive Botanical Research Laboratory, at the University of Rhode Island, USA. “Given the worldwide popularity and consumption of this natural sweetener, chemical identification of maple syrup constituents is of great scientific interest,” they added.

Naturally healthy?

The authors explained that province of Quebec in Canada “leads the world’s production of maple syrup, a natural sweetener obtained by thermal evaporation of sap collected from maple (Acer) species.” As a natural plant extract, maple syrup has been found to contain many beneficial compounds such as polyphenols, said the authors. “Published studies have shown that maple syrup extracts have antioxidant, antimutagenic, and human cancer cell antiproliferative properties …To this end, our laboratory has embarked on a collaborative project to comprehensively identify the chemical constituents in maple syrup,” explained Seeram and his colleagues.

Study details

“As part of our laboratory’s detailed chemical investigation of Canadian maple syrup, a novel phenolic compound, 2,3,3-tri-(3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanol, assigned the common name of quebecol, was obtained,” explained the researchers. --They said that quebecol was isolated as a pale off white amorphous powder, from a butanol extract of the maple syrup. Upon further inspection, liquid chromatography mass spectral (LC-MS) analyses revealed that quebecol is not originally present in maple sap. “This observation, as well as the lack of a feasible biosynthetic pathway to explain its origin, suggests that quebecol is formed during the processing and/or extraction of maple syrup,” said Seeram and his co-workers. “Unfortunately, we did not obtain sufficient quantity of the pure isolated compound to conduct biological testing in the current study … Thus, further studies to evaluate the levels and presence of this compound in commercial maple products as well as other grades of maple syrup are warranted,” they added. Source: Journal of Functional Foods
Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2011.02.004
“Quebecol, a novel phenolic compound isolated from Canadian maple syrup”
Authors: L. Li, N.P. Seeram



How to Make Iodine Tincture

The safest way to make iodine from a tincture is with kelp. Kelp and other sea vegetables have the highest plant sources of iodine. The George Mateljan Foundation states that kelp has 276.7 percent of the recommended daily value of iodine in 20 grams, or 1/4 cup powdered kelp. Tincturing kelp turns it into an herbal iodine tincture.

Making kelp tincture is relatively easy to do. Make sure the source of kelp is organic and from as unpolluted waters as possible. Traditionally, tincturing is begun on the new moon and harvested on the full moon.

Instructions-things you'll need:

  • Quart-sized or larger Mason jar with seal and rim
  • 8 oz. to 1 lb. organic kelp powder
  • 1 liter inexpensive 100 proof vodka
  • Adhesive labels
  • Marking pen
  • Calendar
  • Vitamix or blender
  • Spatula
  • Medium-sized glass or porcelain bowl
  • 100 percent cotton dish towel
  • 2 to 4 oz. amber glass bottles with eye droppers
  • Funnel
  1. Start the Tincture

1 Have on hand a clean, quart-sized Mason jar with a tight-fitting lid. A Kerr or Ball canning jar with a seal and rim is best.

2 Pour organic kelp powder from a reputable supplier into the jar. Fill the jar halfway with kelp.

3 Pour inexpensive 100 proof vodka over the kelp powder. Vodka is the menstruum which will pull the essential oils out of the kelp and into the tincture. Pour vodka until there is a two-inch "float'" of vodka above the level of the kelp powder.

4 Observe as the kelp expands. Close the jar, shake it, and allow the kelp to settle. Add more vodka until there is a two-inch "float" again.

5 Repeat Step 4 over the course of an hour. Keep adding vodka until it looks like the kelp will no longer expand.

6 Label the jar "Kelp Tincture" and mark the date you started it. Keep the tincture jar on a countertop or other visible place. Over the next three days, shake the jar every time you pass by it.

  1. Macerating the Herbs

1 Pour the contents of the entire jar into a Vitamix or blender on the third day after the tincture was started. Use a spatula if needed.

2 Give the kelp tincture a good whirl for a few minutes. Pour the kelp back into the jar. Use the spatula to get the kelp off the bottom of the blender.

3 Add more vodka to get the two-inch float above the kelp mash. Screw on the lid. Shake well, and allow the kelp to tincture for a solid two weeks. Shake the jar once a day. Mark a calendar as a reminder.

  1. Harvesting the Tincture

1 Gather together a clean, medium-sized glass or porcelain bowl and a clean, 100 percent cotton dish towel or nut milk bag. Try to avoid metal or plastic bowls, if at all possible. Lay the dish towel open in the bowl.

2 Pour the contents of the jar onto the dish towel in the bowl. Grab the ends of the dish towel, and wring out the tincture into the bowl. Squeeze as hard as you can to get every drop of tincture possible.

3 Discard the kelp in the compost pile.

4 Use a funnel to pour the tincture into amber glass bottles with eye droppers. Close the bottles.

5 Label the bottles "Kelp Tincture," and mark the date it was bottled.



How to Make Iodine Crystals From Seven Percent Liquid Iodine

By Samuel Sohlden, eHow Contributor Crystal iodine in rock form

Buying iodine crystals in the United States is now regulated by the federal government, according to the National Drug Intelligence Center. This is part of an effort to curb the use of iodine crystals to manufacture methamphetamine. However, this has created a problem for those who participate in what is known as at-home chemistry, which is legal experimentation done by chemists. Iodine crystals have several legal uses, such as staining, disinfecting and organic synthesis. Because iodine is sold legally in liquid tinctures, iodine crystals can still be obtained through simple chemistry.

Instructions-things you'll need:

F     Gloves

F     Goggles

F     Lab coat

F     Paper towels

F     Several bottles of iodine tincture

F     1000 mL glass measure

F     Glass flask

F     Distilled water

F     Glass stirring rod

F     Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid)

F     hydrogen peroxide

F     Plastic wrap

F     Rubber band

F     Coffee filter or standard laboratory filter paper

F     Rice or silica gel


1 Prepare your workspace for the experiment. Before doing anything else, put on your gloves, goggles and lab coat. Make sure there is adequate ventilation, as fumes tend to form. Cover up your workspace with an absorbent material such as paper towels and arrange all of your chemicals and glassware.

2 Measure out 473 mL of liquid Iodine and pour it into your glass flask. Now slowly pour 2 cups of distilled water into the flask slowly, mixing with a glass stirring rod.

3  Measure and pour 30mL of hydrochloric acid into the glass flask and wait 20 minutes.

4  Measure 473 mL  hydrogen peroxide and pour it into the glass flask while stirring. After pouring, cover the flask with plastic wrap and seal with a rubber band. Leave it sealed for 12 hours.

5 Filter the liquid mixture through your filter into a new glass container. Take the filter and wrap it in three coffee filters. Then wrap the coffee filters in paper towel and squeeze as much liquid as possible out of the filters. Now place the coffee filters in a container of rice or silica gel, as this will absorb the remaining moisture.

6  Take the remaining liquid and add another 473 mL of hydrogen peroxide or bleach. Filter this mixture again to retrieve the remaining iodine crystals. Treat and store the iodine as in the previous step. You should now have 40 to 50 grams of dry iodine crystals that are ready to use.

Tips & Warnings

·                           Read the procedure all the way through before starting the experiment so that you do not make any mistakes.

·                           Follow the procedure slowly and carefully to ensure all steps are followed.

·                           Be sure to use common sense when handling hazardous chemicals and take all necessary precautions. If something does go wrong during the experiment you need to be prepared to address the problem immediately.

·                           If you ingest any iodine, induce vomiting and call a physician or a poison control center. Amounts as low as 2 to 3 grams can kill an adult.

·                           Make sure to have adequate ventilation during the entire experiment and be sure to have paper towels lining anywhere the iodine could end up, as Iodine is a stain


How to Make Iodine Crystals From Potassium Iodide Crystals

By Allan Robinson, eHow Contributor

Potassium iodide (KI) crystals are a white salt and the most commercially important compound of iodine. Potassium iodide is commonly used as a dietary source of iodine in animal feed and iodized salt. Potassium iodide can eventually oxidize to iodine and may also be used to isolate pure iodine crystals in the laboratory.

Instructions-things you'll need:

·                           Potassium iodide

·                           Chemical scale

·                           Test tube

·                           Distilled water

·                           Hydrochloric acid

·                           Hydrogen peroxide

·                           Filter paper

·                           Funnel

·                           Vial

1.  Weigh 2g of potassium iodide on the scale and pour it into a test tube. Add             1.5 mL of distilled water to the test tube and dissolve the potassium iodide crystals by swirling the solution.

2  Add 1.5 mL concentrated hydrochloric acid to the test tube and mix by swirling. Add 10 mL of a 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide. This will immediately cause the iodine to oxidize and precipitate out of the solution as a solid.

3 Fold a piece of filter paper and place it in a funnel. Pour the solution through the funnel to collect the iodine crystals. Pour distilled water through the filter paper and allow it to drain. Repeat this procedure several times to thoroughly rinse the iodine crystals.

4 Remove the filter paper from the funnel and spread it open on a watch glass. Allow the crystals to dry thoroughly, but don't leave them exposed to air longer than necessary, as they will eventually sublimate into a gas.

5 Transfer the dry crystals to storage bottle or vial and seal the container. This procedure should produce about 1g of pure iodine crystals


Enzyme Activity Against Cancer and other Pathogenic Infections








The story of Laetrile has few more dramatic successes than in the case of lung cancer. The case histories of the late Dr. John Richardson in

treating cancer of lung and metastasized cancer to the lung were very

good.  He utilized the metabolic protocol, including pancreatic enzymes,amygdalin, amino acids, high potency vitamins and minerals supplements, high dose retinoic acid (synthetic and emulsified or emulgated vitamin A to avoid the liver), high dose vitamin C, and of course vegetarian diet, high in raw and fresh vegetables and fruits and seeds. No meat, no tobacco, no coffee, no alcohol, not even chocolate...leaches minerals.[U1] 


Dr. Philip Binzel can still be consulted,  who uses basically the same

protocols and whose results in a conservative estimate are 285% better

than standard modalities in terms of life extension in his patients.  The

name of his book, and phone number and that of other metabolic physicians

is appended at the end of this post, along with a partial bibliography.

This paper is otherwise not referrenced.


We are preparing a description of an ideal rigorous protocol for

publication on our web site that will be referrenced, but in the mean time

these observations may be of help:


One thing certainly stands out: in every case of cancer pancreatic enzymes

are depressed. And as has also been proven true: whenever a deficiency in function in one area is found in an organ, other functions are often deficient as well.  So it is not surprising to find a higher cancer incidence correlation in diabetics than in the rest of the population. ---Pancreatic enzymes are essential and central to the normal metabolically mediated control and destruction of the cancer cell.--Research has proven a correlation between chromium deficiency and the decreased effectiveness of insulin as well as the digestive enzymes of the pancreas.  The insulin function is an endocrine function, while the secretion of enzymes are referred to as exocrine functions.  That the functional products are both dependent on the mineral cofactor chromium further clears up yet another aspect of metabolic disorder that attends both diseases: diminished amino-acid metabolism.  Because it has been found that insulin assists in the delivery of amino acids to tissues and into cellular systems. This further explains the decline in the exocrine

function, since the exocrine pancreas can only synthesize the digestive

enzymes when adequate amino acids are delivered. And chromium potentiates

this function of insulin.  Thus the pancreatic deficiency becomes a

vicious circle with very broad consequences. --Various reports are circulating that supplemental insulin dependency can be dramatically reduced by satisfying the body's demand for chromium. In experimental settings, when chromium is dialyzed out of the blood, it has been found that trypsin is only 5% as effective.  When the chromium is returned, the enzymes regain their degrading power.  These findings were proven in the 1950s in European labs.  It was therefore concluded that chromium is a functional cofactor of trypsin, one of the primary proteases or proteolytic enzyme which is essential for the digestion of proteins..including those in the cancer cell.--Trypsin is merely one member of a group of proteolytic enzymes secreted by the pancreas, and they all play a role in the degradation and destruction of cancer, along with the glycogen-digesting enzyme amylase.  So important is the pre-action of these enzymes towards the resolution of cancer and other disease systems, that the exocrine pancreas can justifiably be termed as the front line in the immune process.  Because not even the phagocytes--or macrophages--can approach the cancer cell until these  work, due to an immune-cell repulsive coating around the cancer cell The best absorbed form of chromium is hexavalent chromate, which is metabolized into tri-valent chromium or Glucose Tolerance Factor. Rich sources of biologically active chromium are brewers yeast and black pepper, as well as other readily available foods.  A super chromium

brewer's yeast is now manufactured for this biologically active metal.

When an enzyme degrades or breaks down a substance, the substrate, it's

called lysis.  In the early 1900s, Dr.s Mendell and Blood found that

hydrogen cyanide in the presence of proteolytic enzymes extended and accelerated the activity of proteolysis as much as 300% and more.  At that time it was not known that hydrogen cyanide could be delivered in a

metabolically non-toxic fashion from common food sources.  In the 1950s,

Ernst T. Krebs, Jr. positively correlated the intake of nitrilosides

(hydrogen cyanide bearing compounds found in many foods, mostly seeds)

with lower cancer incidence amongst aboriginal populations. Later, Dr.

Harold Manner and even the Memorial Sloan-Kettering proved the

anti-neoplastic action of nitrilosides in rats and mice.  Although the MSK later recanted, the findings of Mendel and Blood alone suffice to show a

functional role for nitrilosides as a cofactor in the proper function of

pancreatic enzymes, just as chromium is.  But later Dr. Manner and other

clinicians proved the effectiveness of amygdalin in human cancer. There

are several papers in the RCRS Cancer index which delineate some of these

historical and clinical facts which go to prove that along with chromium

and other essential cofactors, nitrilosides are functional cofactors as

well.  For this reason the Krebses' and their associates proposed these

natural accessory food factors as a member of the B vitamins or B-17,

along with B-12, which also carries a nitrile or cyanide as it's central

molecule.-Thus research has shown that the numerous problems associated with cancer as well as the cancer itself, are symptoms of specific as well as

broad-scaled nutritional deficiencies, which formerly have often been

grouped as merely "paraneoplastic syndromes", rather than etiologically or

cause-related factors. Without an unifying principle to illuminate the

nature of the deficiencies, the universe of diverse facts surrounding

cancer might easily be trivialized or be inscrutable. Interestingly, many so-called paraneoplastic syndromes relate directly to pancreatic function.  Consider the role of magnesium and it's deficiency, which researchers around the world recognize as having catastrophic consequences in heart disease:  trypsin is secreted by the pancreas in inactive form.  An enzyme called enterokinase (or enteropeptidase) is required to activate trypsin (trypsinogen) and other enzymes secreted as inactive from the pancreas and referred to as "zymogens".  It is now

believed that the fall-off in the function of this intestinal activating

enzyme is directly related to magnesium levels, as well as aging But

magnesium by itself will activate trypsin, and therefore is an important adjunct not only in the elderly who are the most frequent victims of cancer, but as an important cofactor in clinical intervention in cancer. Magnesium is thought to be essential in the activity of at least 70 different life-sustaining enzymes in our bodies, and probably more. -- The arrested development of certain white blood cells may be due to a

deficiency of trypsin, which I am told has been shown experimentally to

promote maturation of developmentally-arrested leukocytes.  That the

immune system functions only after the peri-cellular coating is digested away from the cancer membrane is well established; if this leukocyte development function can be fully confirmed, the pancreas must then be termed an immune organ along with bone marrow and the thymus.---Thus the complete metabolic protocol for cancer must always include the pancreatic enzymes, especially amylase, whose role is to shear away the surgery side chains attached to the proteins, and which give the cancer cell it's strong negative charge that repulses the white blood cells; trypsin, which degrades the proteins along with carboxypeptidase and chymotrypsin; and later ribonuclease which degrades the cancer genome, and lipase and probably all the other enzymes secreted by the pancreas, and

which enter the entero-pancreatic circulation. (In multiple-myeloma,

amylase may not be required, as titers are usually high, while trypsin is

inhibited, thus proving both enzymes are required for successful

resolution). --There is strong empirical evidence that there is an absorption not only of the intrinsic pancreatic enzymes back into the blood and lymph, but also enzymes derived from our foods or supplements, as much as 40% according to Dr.s Lopez, Williams, and Mielhke. --The principal concept is that cancer cells actually elicit pancreatic proteases and amylase by their presence, just as food in the stomach stimulates pancreatic secretion by means not fully understood.  A deficiency in either amylase or the proteases would be disastrous if continued unsatisfied.  The delivery of the essential amino acids, chromium and magnesium (as well as zinc) insure that the pancreas will synthesize these enzymes in sufficient quantity to satisfy both intestinal digestion, and the immuno-enzyme function against the cancer cell or parasites. Supplemental enzymes at least insure that proteins delivered to the stomach and intestines will go towards further synthesis. Supplemental amino-acids are also utilized in the best metabolic clinics.  But as I said, research indicates there is reabsorption of endogenous, and absorption of exogenous enzymes, if not other macromolecules, which will bolster the intrinsic enzymes by way of the entero-pancreatic circulation. In many cases the only possibility of hope is direct injection of amylase and trypsin into the blood stream or lymph channels, as well as directly

into the solid tumor or lesion.  The programs variously used follow

closely the subjective responses, as well as presenting symptoms.  In most

cases daily injections have been well tolerated historically, but some

clinics that utilize parenterally administered enzymes allow a day of

clearance between injections. In lung cancer, the injection of the nitriloside amygdalin is especially potent as it goes directly to the right heart, thence to the lungs and avoids the liver altogether, where the hydrolized molecule may be metabolized into less active form.  Even after metabolization, however, the thiocyanate metabolite will accelerate proteolysis.




What is the unifying principle then? Cancer cells are normal cells to the

life cycle, and their principal role is in pregnancy as the origin of the

placenta, amnion and chorion both, wherein they are known as trophoblasts.

Thus they are equipped with several defensive maneuvers to survive in the

autonomous role they play in the fetal nutrition.  They are a potentiality

of the totipotent or "individual" cell, the germ cell, originally

activated by sex steroids.  And after they develop, they also secrete

hormones and steroids for their further development and preservation.  The

mother reacts to this canalized cancer system, or the trophoblasts by

secreting digestive enzymes. The trophoblast must defend itself against these enzymes, and so it secretes inhibitors which deactivate these enzymes.  A similar mechanism is used by pin and round worms like Ascaris, and other parasites.  The chorionic trophoblasts succeed at this inhibition for about 8 weeks, when

there is a sudden fall off in the activity of the invasive and

metastasizing trophoblast (cytotrophoblast).  Why?  At the 8th week, the

fetal pancreas begins to function, and so it contributes proteolytic

enzymes to the degradation of the diffusing hormones or proteins of the

cancer-trophoblast system. Still, it takes a further 28 weeks of

continual, daily enzyme action to fully control and destroy the

trophoblasts. Actually the cancer (trophoblast) cell first becomes transformed by these enzymes into a non-dividing, steroid producing phase, which corresponds to so-called benign, non-proliferating, or non-dividing cancer, or syncytial processes. They still expand slightly by actually fusing with the

contiguous somatic elements or normal cells of the mother's uterus, which results in multi-nucleated, highly vascularized cellular processes.  If the pancreatic enzymes don't actually over-balance the output of the enzyme-inhibitors of the trophoblasts, the former cyto-trophoblast can

re-arise, with powers of division and metastasis and then you have a

fulminating chorionepithelioma, the deadliest cancer there is.-- Thus the complete degradation of the trophoblasts of pregnancy represents a complete "regression" in cancer.  Every living human being represents a conquering of cancer. And after birth not one such trophoblast is left

alive in the infant's body.  Trophoblast is the origin of the entire

placenta, but does not become incorporated into the living form.

But various competent cells do exist within us, male and female, that can

evolve into trophoblast and not just germ cells. It invariably begins with

estrogen or an estrogen-like carcinogen. The hybridization of trophoblast

with the tissues of the primary site is what gives the wide variety of

types of cancer. But trophoblast is the constant malignant component, as

is proven by the several proteins expressed by cancer which are shared

only with trophoblast.




The commonest enzyme inhibitors might be running out of your tap: heavy metals like copper, mercury and silver.  They are certainly ubiquitous in the industrialized environment.  But even sweet potatoes and soy beans, not properly cooked, can inhibit trypsin.[U2]   We aren't certain, but we believe canola or rape-seed oil, one of the most processed oils on the market, may inhibit trypsin and possibly lipase, tests are under way. Margerine can foul up the works, so butter is preferred. Organic foods are of course best. The organophosphates commonly used in pesticides are amongst the most powerful of the inhibitors, broadly referred to as serpins.---For heavy metals, N-acetylcysteine, EDTA, and other chelators are important clinical innovations for getting them out of the system. If chelation is resorted to, there must be followed a rigorous repletion program for calcium, chromium, magnesium and zinc especially, as these are essential for enzyme attachment and optimal conformation in degrading the cancer-membrane-substrates.  Orotates are the preferred organic-metals, but for chromium, yeast-GTF, or tri-valent chromium-nicotinate. As mentioned, intestinal parasites like ascaris secrete trypsin inhibitors, and so pains should be taken to follow some anti-parasitical protocols.  Laetrile or amygdalin is believed to be a good parasiticide, vermifuge or anthelmintic. Ficin was shown to dissolve ascaris even when trypsin failed to do so (ficin is derived from fig sap, is used diluted, and is found to some extent in yellow figs).  Papain and bromelain together with fig-factor and nitrilosides are bound to purge many parasites. Vitamin A has been noted to be essential for normal differentiation of epithelium, which by far is the most frequent tissue target for cancer evolution.  Vitamin A deficiency leads to squamous cellular processes, and metaplasia, which is frequently observed to be a precursor in cancer evolution. Beyond that, it has been noted that amongst the side-effects of

retinoids (primarily synthetic retinoids, due to the toxicity of natural

analogs) is a weakening of the lysomal membranes in the cancer cells,

which can lead to autolysis or slow the cancer cell down at least, since

the movement of these internal enzymes to the outside of the cancer cell for destruction of tissues might be more difficult if the membrane is fragile.  Clinical experience shows that as high as 500,000 units of emulsified vitamin A is well tolerated if gradually introduced.


The experience with immuno-enzyme therapy and vitamin A is probably the

most well documented in European clinics.  Megadoses of vitamin A were

observed to stimulate the immune response, cellular antibody formation

especially. Some of the side effects of this in conjunction with enzymes

are inflammatory reactions of latent infections, but they normally subside

in 2 or 3 days. That's it.  As short as can be said without leaving out essential facts. Here is a list of metabolic physicians some of whom satisfy every point of

this outline.  Remember, if a trained physician is a fool to treat

himself....what to say of the untrained?  Get expert help. Expert and

experienced metabolic physicians. Don't make any mistake.




 [U1]This is one protocol and has benefits --will assist in cleansing the blood as well and minimizes energy from the body that will go more toward healing then processing materials ---the less you eat or the higher the value of nutrient dense foods the less energy is expanded to digest and process--and the more effective the support-so this is why thre is a minimizing of specifics--

 [U2]In the case of Soy a 2 year fermentation in lime –not aluminum as is done today to neutralize the goitregenic and  estrogenic effect that destroys both thyroid and pancreas






Show of the Week  April 8 2011


The Patriots of Canada demand that the above bill is struck down by parliament


GM crops may be linked to a dangerous new pathogen

The Food Rights Firestorm Spreads


Making a Vitamin


Monsanto Being Sued By Organic Farmers




The Patriots of Canada demand that the above bill is struck down by parliament.

We have the right to eat what ever food we wish. So a herb is called a remedy and now you wish to take pharmaceutical dick up your GI and make this herb illegal? This is not the will of the people.--Let look at what the pharmaceutical industry has done for us, shall we. (partial list only; 'now I am praying for the end of time!')

1. Made and distributed HIV by vaccination like but not limited to: Hepatitis B, polio and small pox
2. Made DNA chain scission chemicals like but not limited to AZT. These chemicals are called so called pharmaceutical cures to the disease AIDS, primary infection thereof is always by vaccination; but these chain scission chemicals kill the patient. See the Concord Study.
3. Make and distribute by vaccination female pregnancy hormones, shrinking our son's testicles. World wide sperm count is less than half what it was for my generation.
4. Make and produce toxins put into our vaccinations, thereby causing a huge increase in cancer rates and deaths. Cancer cells are immortal and the inbred monkeys are trying to unlock the keys to eternal life by using Canadians as guinea pigs.
5. Monsanto owned by the Vatican, makes genetically modifies seed that has genes producing pesticides. These genes jump over into our gut DNA when ingested and mutate our DNA, which then starts producing pesticides. This is the disease that causes the symptoms called cancer: toxic injury, the oxygen respiration to our cells drops and then the communication between our cells is screwed up; allowing the T-bacilli to get out of control (our immune system no longer controls the T-bacilli). T-bacilli is the progenitor for all cancers in all humans and mammals.
When T-bacilli is out of control it screws up the pancreas production of enzymes like protease, then our bodies stop being able to metabolize proteins. Note they give AIDS victims protease inhibitors and this causes cancer. The HIV genetically engineered microbe is 50% bovine leukemia RNA and 50% sheep visna RNA and it only attacks the protease sites on T-cells. 50% of Jews and 40% of Anglo Saxons do not have protease sites on their T-cells and therefore this man made microbe is ethnically selective.
5b. Monsanto received a patent in 2009 for aluminum resistant seed and now we find the military and commercial airlines (sold their soul for cheap fuel) spraying aluminum, barium, mould and bacilli in the sky, raining poisons down on our heads and our land. See chem trails on U-tube.
6. The pharmaceutical industry made the SARS microbe which only kills Asians and part Asians. The 50 victims in Toronto where all Asian or part Asian.
7. Mesothelioma blamed on the asbestos industry is really the fault if the pharmaceutical industry. this lung cancer cause is a co-factor (AIDS is caused by a co-factor as well) as the Simeon 40 virus used as a carrier of our vaccinations is the co factor along with asbestos. If one never took a vaccination, one could eat asbestos and never get Mesothelioma.

CWhat has the herbal remedy industry done for us? Cured disease, including cancers (cured the disease that causes the symptoms called cancer). Ayurveda (Indian herbal medicine) and TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) have 5000 years of scientific positivism (scientific inductive knowledge: the unbiased interpretation of empirical evidence) proving the efficacy of these remedies. The pharmaceutical industry cannot compete, so they twist and corrupt the political process using phenomenological knowledge (urban myths here not cognitive reasoning) to get bills like Bill C-51 pasted. This is treason, as it is eugenics against Canadians.



GM crops may be linked to a dangerous new pathogen

In February, FARFA published a letter from Dr. Don Huber, one of the nation’s senior scientists, in which Dr. Huber warned the USDA about a newly discovered organism that has the potential to cause infertility and spontaneous abortion in farm animals, raising significant concerns about human health.  Dr. Don Huber believes the prevalence of the unnamed organism may be related to the nation’s over reliance on the weed killer known as Roundup and/or to something about the genetically modified  (GM) Roundup Ready crops. 

Dr. Huber recently wrote a letter to several European officials with more details about the issues, accompanying a copy of his original letter to USDA Secretary Vilsack.  Below is the text of the cover letter. 

You can find the full letter, along with the references cited and pictures of the crop disease spread, at:

March 25, 2011

Commissioner John Dalli
Commissioner fo Health and Consumer Policy
European Commission
B – 1049 Brussels

Dear Commissioner Dalli:

This cover letter is provided to explain the reasoning and concerns that were conveyed in a letter which I sent to Secretary of Agriculture, Thomas Vilsack on January 17, 2011 (Attachment 1).  The letter was not intended for public distribution; however, the letter was ‘leaked’ and subsequently posted on the internet from which it soon became public knowledge world-wide.  Once it was widely distributed, I gave permission for subsequent postings in order to keep it consistent.  My busy meeting and travel schedule has delayed getting further information on this matter out publicly to the many individuals who have requested it. The scientific data on this newly recognized organism is being prepared for formal publication.

I wrote the letter to Secretary Vilsack for a very simple reason: we are experiencing a large number of problems in production agriculture in the U.S. that appear to be intensified and sometimes directly related to genetically engineered (GMO) crops, and/or the products they were engineered to tolerate – especially those related to glyphosate (the active chemical in Roundup® herbicide and generic versions of this herbicide).  We have witnessed a deterioration in the plant health of corn, soybean, wheat and other crops recently with unexplained epidemics of sudden death syndrome of soybean (SDS), Goss’ wilt of corn, and take-all of small grain crops the last two years.  At the same time, there has been an increasing frequency of previously unexplained animal (cattle, pig, horse, poultry) infertility and spontaneous abortions. These situations are threatening the economic viability of both crop and animal producers.---Incidence of high infertility and spontaneous abortions in the various animal species is becoming more common.  Often, all previously known causes of these conditions can be ruled out as factors for these particular farm operations (Attachment 2). Detailed examination for the newly recognized organism has shown its presence in all of the cases examined to date.  Koch’s postulates have been completed for animals to verify the cause/effect relationship with this newly culturable organism. A search for the source of animal infections revealed a high population of this newly discovered electron microscopic sized organism in soybean meal and corn products.  The organism appears compatible, and probably synergistic, with other microorganisms such as Fusarium solani fsp. glycines, the cause of SDS of soybeans and also with gram positive bacteria.[U1]   The organism also is in a very high population in Goss’ wilt infected corn caused by the gram positive bacterium Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis.

Although most corn hybrids have been genetically resistant to Goss’ wilt, preliminary research in 2010 demonstrated that the application of glyphosate herbicide, or the surfactant from glyphosate formulations, nullified this resistance and rendered them fully susceptible to this pathogen (Fig. 1).  This disease was commonly observed in many Midwestern U.S. fields planted to RR corn in 2009 and 2010, while adjacent non-GMO corn had very light to no infections in spite of the high inoculum present in no-till crop residues (Figure 2). The increased Goss’ wilt in 2010 was a major contributor to the estimated almost one billion bushels of corn ‘lost’ last year (based on USDA August estimated yields and actually harvested crop reported by USDA in January) in spite of generally good harvest conditions.--Increased severity of plant diseases after glyphosate is applied (Fig. 3) is well documented and, although rarely cited, the increased disease susceptibility is the herbicidal mode of action of glyphosate (Johal andRahe,1988, 1990; Johal and Huber, 2009; Schafer et al, 2009, 2010).  The loss of  disease resistance in Roundup Ready® sugar beets when glyphosate was applied prompted researchers at the USDA sugar beet laboratory to include a precautionary statement in their paper, e.g.  “Precautions need to be taken when certain soil-borne diseases are present if weed management for sugar beet is to include post-emergence glyphosate treatments” (Larson et al, 2006).---The loss of genetic resistance in Roundup Ready® corn hybrids to Goss’ wilt (Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis) (Fig. 1), synergistic relationship of the newly recognized electron microscopic organism causing infertility and abortions in animals with gram+ bacteria, and high populations of the new EM organism in RR corn leaves and silage creates a concern for the deregulation of Roundup Ready® alfalfa which is productive in many areas only because of its genetic resistance to bacterial wilt caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. insidiosum This disease could make alfalfa unprofitable for production and, if the EM organism is associated with it in alfalfa as it is in corn, also unsafe for animal feed and their products such as milk for human consumption.  The loss of alfalfa, the United State’s most valuable forage crop and fourth most economically important crop, could strike a mortal blow to struggling dairy and beef operations.---Extensive research has shown that this potent tool for weed management, glyphosate, is also a strong immobilizer (chelator) of essential plant nutrients to impair nutrient uptake, translocation, and physiological efficiency at only a fraction of the labeled herbicidal rate (Ekers, Ozturk, Cakmak, Zobiole, Jolly et al., 2004).  Glyphosate is a powerful biocide to harm beneficial soil organisms important for nutrient recycling, N-fixation, nutrient availability, and natural disease control (Kremer & Means, 2009; Zobiole et al, 2009, 2010) with a resultant increase in diseases of corn (Fig. 2), soybeans (Fig. 3), wheat and other crops. The close relationship between mineral nutrition and disease severity is well documented (Datnoff et al, 2007). These activities can have deleterious effects on plant nutrition, disease susceptibility, and nutritional quality of the crop produced. Deleterious effects of GM crops also are vividly demonstrated in reports from livestock producers in the U.S.  Although some of these reports are anecdotal because of limited analytical techniques to verify the cause, some producers have been able to resume economical operations by changing feed sources to non-GMO crops.  Replicated independent research is needed in this area, especially in light of the serious toxicological concerns raised recently that show potential human and animal toxicity from very low levels of residual glyphosate in food/feed that are many times lower than permitted in U.S. food and feed products (Seralini et al., 2011).  The recent Indian Supreme Court’s independent analysis and Ruling that GMO egg plant posed a significant health risk to humans needs further evaluation in the U.S. (AgroNews, 2011).---I feel I would be totally irresponsible to ignore my own research and the vast amount of published research now available that support the concerns we are seeing in production agriculture, without bringing it to the attention of the Secretary of Agriculture with a request for him to initiate the much needed independent research. Many producers can’t wait an additional 3-10 years for someone to find the funds and neutral environment to conduct such critical research (Attachment 2. Entomologist’s letter to EPA).

Based on the scientific evidence currently accumulating, I do not believe it is in the best interests of the agricultural producer or consuming public for regulatory agencies to approve more GMO crops, particularly Roundup Ready® alfalfa and sugar beets, until independent research can establish their productivity when predisposed to potentially severe diseases, the irrelevance of the new EM organism, and their nutritional equivalency.  In my letter, I asked the Secretary to allocate the necessary resources to do this, and requested that he exercise the utmost caution in deregulating these crops until such findings resolve the concerns expressed in the letter, if they do.

Don M. Huber
Professor Emeritus, Purdue University


Depsite the many arguments against the release of GM crops, the USDA approved Monsanto's genetically modified alfalfa and sugar beets.  Unless President Obama stops it, GM alfalfa and sugar beets will be widely planted this spring and begin contaminating our soils and crops. 

Contact  President Obama:
      Phone: (202) 456-1111
      Fax: (202) 456-2461

MESSAGE: "The USDA's decision to approve Monsanto's Roundup Ready alfalfa and sugar beets is wrong. I am calling to urge President Obama to reject approval of genetically modified crops.  I care about the integrity of the food I eat.  Please take immediate action to stop this approval."




The Food Rights


 Is Big Dairy Helping Regulators Use MA As Test to Bust Raw Milk Buying Clubs?

Date Just to re-cap, the agency’s position, as articulated in its response to the suit filed by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (described in my previous post), is three-fold:

--There’s no absolute right to any raw unprocessed food, unless the FDA says it’s okay;

--There’s no right to good health, except as approved by the FDA.

--There’s no right for citizens to contract privately for their food.

More Americans appear to be getting the message. The outcry in California against SB 201 in 2008 was a first sign. Then, of course, the people’s will was thwarted by Gov. Schwarzenegger’s veto. Over the past six months, we’ve had the popular push in Wisconsin, a state where the regulators have gone bonkers to eliminate raw milk, to pressure legislators to approve making it available from the farm; the proposed law now sits on the desk of a governor who has indicated he hears the consumer outrage (but is certainly subject to the not-so-gentle whispers from Big Dairy and the FDA).---And now, just within the last few weeks, we see a firestorm building in Massachusetts over a seemingly small but arbitrary decision by a regulator to restrict consumer access to milk. Unlike Wisconsin, which never officially sanctioned raw milk sales, Massachusetts has long allowed sales from dairy farms, and delivery to consumers by any of a half dozen or more buying clubs.---Everything was working fine in Massachusetts—more dairy farmers producing ever more raw milk and in the process creating a revival for the state’s moribund dairy industry. No hint of illnesses in over a decade.---The Massachusetts Department of Agriculture seemed to be doing its job of supporting state agriculture by encouraging raw-milk-producing dairy farmers rather than fighting them, like the regulators in neighboring New York state. Late last year, MDAR publicly supported dairy farmer Doug Stephans in his fight with state and local public health authorities and helped him gain approval to sell raw milk from his Framingham, MA, dairy.---But then something happened early this year to change MDAR’s approach. The agency sent cease-and-desist letters to four buying clubs that had been quietly and efficiently delivering raw milk to consumers who didn’t want to burn the gasoline or were unable because they don’t have cars or even are disabled, to travel the hour or two hours to dairy farms in central Massachusetts and pick up their milk. (The buying clubs essentially enter into contracts with individual consumers to pick up and deliver their milk.) The letters weren’t well received by the owners of the buying clubs, and they began mobilizing support from their customers and legislators to challenge MDAR. They argued that Massachusetts laws and regulations don’t specifically prohibit the buying clubs, making the cease-and-desist letters so much paper.---MDAR seems to have agreed, because two weeks ago it proposed a new regulation to prohibit the buying clubs. The regulation would make Massachusetts the first state in the country to explicitly ban raw milk buying clubs.--In advance of a hearing May 10 on the proposed regulation, a Massachusetts legislator friendly with the MDAR commissioner, Scott Soares, set up a meeting last Monday for the regulator to discuss with a few consumers his reasons for going after the buying clubs.---Surprise--15 consumers and farmers showed up for the meeting, and started peppering the startled Soares with questions about why he was taking an action that will inevitably reduce consumers’ access to raw milk, and quite possibly put at least a few of the more than twenty dairy farms selling raw milk out of business.---These 15 consumers weren’t just a few people off the street. They included some prominent local citizens who know how the system works—a local lawyer, a public health professional, the head of a nonprofit organization, and a high-ranking federal regulator. The latter, Hugh Kaufman, was Chief Investigator with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Ombudsman Office, among other high-level positions over a forty-year period.  Kaufman put Soares on the spot during the Monday meeting when Soares said at one point that there was as much passion from anti-raw-milk people as from pro-raw-milk people. Who were these anti-raw-milk people, Kaufman inquired.--“He said that large dairy producers had communicated to him,” recalls Kaufman. “I asked him who they were. He said he couldn’t tell me.”---But Kaufman says Soares talked about concerns the dairy representatives have “that if something goes wrong with raw milk, it will hurt all the dairies.” (This is a familiar refrain by the conventional dairy industry that has no basis, since public health and health regulators are quick in any suspected illness from raw milk to alert consumers, in shrill terms, to the distinction between raw and pasteurized milk.)---That led Kaufman to inquire whether Soares had written any of this down. Soares said he hadn’t.---Kaufman maintains that when government officials have conversations with industry representatives while new regulations are being considered, the officials are supposed to open a docket—make a written record of what happened and when.---I should say at this point that four other people who were at the meeting with Soares have confirmed Kaufman’s account of what occurred. Moreover, I tried via phone and email to obtain comment from Soares. His publicity official emailed me Thursday asking what I wanted to inquire about. I wrote her back that I wanted his version about what was said at the Monday meeting about his contacts with dairy officials. I didn’t receive a response.---Kaufman thinks he understands the problem: “Soares couldn’t handle 15 knowledgeable people. In the process, he opened up a pandora’s box. Now his legal problem is that he is hiding from the public the names of the large business entities, that he is meeting with, who are pushing him to restrain trade. As well as hiding from the general public, the fact that he's being pushed by these business entities in the first place. Not making a public record of these ex-parte discussions with the big dairies lobbying him to harm their competitors, during an Official Government Rulemaking, is NOT legit.”

I’ll add to Kaufman’s impressions. We know that the FDA and Midwest agriculture officials have targeted raw milk buying clubs—the case of Wisconsin buying club owner Max Kane and the pressure to force him to testify about where he obtains his milk and who his customers are is a direct result of the official crackdown.---What MDAR’s Soares seems to be saying is that the dairy industry is part and parcel of the campaign to hamper raw milk distribution by cracking down on buying clubs.---And now we have the official FDA policy to not only limit access to natural foods it deems dangerous, but to oppose private contracts (such as via buying clubs).---At least it’s all out in the open. Now it’s up to consumers to let the regulators and politicians know how they feel about this joint government-industry enforcement campaign to deprive citizens of health-giving foods of their choice. The next big opportunity comes May 10, at 10 am at 100 Cambridge St, Conference Room A, 2nd Floor in Boston, Mass. Come one, come all. It’s all within shouting distance of where the real Boston Tea Party took place.


Making a Vitamin---Buy a bulk supply of ingredients or powder a herb or dry fruit and pulverize the fruit ---weigh out the volume and then add to capsules---let’s say you want a diabetic formula—the you would either powder down some karalla or bitter melon-- sift it-  and weigh out a portion –then fill the capsules---

This is a guide to the size of capsules and by seeing this you can see how much they will hold---a  00 will hold almost a gram and there is usually an allowance for filler ---but in this case what you will make will be 100% pure and without filler—so take your powder and fill the capsule of choice and utilize the remedy---remember that since this is 100% purity there will be less dosing required—Always do your research when making your own—as to not over dose yourself---if you find by making your own—and it is to much then reduce the volume in the capsule---so now let’s say you want to combo up some things—then do the same thing measure off the volume of each component, whether 2 or more, then mix well in a blender ( this is how it is done commercially as well )  then do the math with this—take let’s say 50 grams of cinnamon powder and 50 grams of bitter melon powder and you are putting it in a 00 capsule you will have an approximate 350 mgs of each in the capsule ( rounding the numbers here ) –you take the volume and multiply the number by the amount you are using this should give approximate 350 mgs of each and you can continue to do this  as you add the volume and divined the amount down



Monsanto Being Sued By Organic Farmers

Genetically modified seed giant Monsanto is notorious for suing farmers [PDF] in defense of its patent claims. But now, a group of dozens of organic farmers and food activists have, with the help of the not-for-profit law center The Public Patent Foundation, sued Monsanto in a case that could forever alter the way genetically modified crops are grown in this country. But before you can understand why, it's worth reviewing an important, but underreported aspect of the fight over GMOs.

One of the many downsides to genetically engineered food is the fact that modified genes are patented by the companies that isolate them. This is not typically part of the story that gets much attention when you read about all those great (but nonexistent) magic seeds that will grow faster, better, cheaper, etc. and seem to forever remain "just around the corner."

As any music or movie lover knows from experience, patent and copyright law in this country is a mess. You only need to look at the music industry's successful campaign to sue random consumers over file-sharing to know that. Fun fact: no fiction copyright granted after 1929 -- whether a movie, television show, or book -- will ever be allowed to expire because that was the year of Mickey Mouse's "birth" and Disney has convinced Congress that Mickey should never fall into the public domain. That's one screwed up way to go about protecting the interests of authors. And forget about the folks over at the U.S. Patent Office -- it's clear that they have no idea what they're doing anymore.

In my recent Common Ground cover story on GMOs, I referred to the fact that the federal government "insists the food revolution will be genetically modified." Well, what biotech companies want more than anything is for the food revolution to be patented. Why is that? Because, unlike pharmaceuticals, patented genes will never go "generic" after some number of years. Monsanto and its biotech buddies can keep milking that transgenetic cow for decade after decade.

GMO crops have another interesting quality -- you can "use" a patented gene without even knowing it. When you download and share music and movies on peer-to-peer networks or plagiarize blog posts or books, let's face it -- you know what you're doing. But if you're a farmer, GMO seeds can literally blow in to your fields on the breeze or just the pollen from GMO crops can blow in (or buzz in via bees) and contaminate your organic or "conventional" fields. And if that happens, Monsanto or Syngenta or Bayer CropLife maintain the right to sue you as if you had illegally bought their seed and knowingly planted it.---In an appropriately Orwellian twist, the companies even call such accidental contamination by their products "patent infringement." And, in the face of a government more than willing to allow companies to "defend" their "intellectual property" in this way, organic farmers and others have now stepped up and said, in short, "Hell no!":

The case, Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association, et al. v. Monsanto, was filed in federal district court in Manhattan and assigned to Judge Naomi Buchwald.  Plaintiffs in the suit represent a broad array of family farmers, small businesses and organizations from within the organic agriculture community who are increasingly threatened by genetically modified seed contamination despite using their best efforts to avoid it.  The plaintiff organizations have over 270,000 members, including thousands of certified organic family farmers.  

"This case asks whether Monsanto has the right to sue organic farmers for patent infringement if Monsanto's transgenic seed should land on their property," said Dan Ravicher, PUBPAT's Executive Director and Lecturer of Law at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York. "It seems quite perverse that an organic farmer contaminated by transgenic seed could be accused of patent infringement, but Monsanto has made such accusations before and is notorious for having sued hundreds of farmers for patent infringement, so we had to act to protect the interests of our clients."

If the suit is successful, not only will it limit Monsanto's ability to sue farmers, the company will have far greater responsibility for how and where its biotech seeds are planted. The regulatory free ride will be over. While that won’t eliminate GMO crops, it will at least give organic farmers a hope of avoiding contamination.---What I find intriguing about this suit is that it comes on the heels of a set of rulings against biotech companies and in favor of organic farmers. As I have speculated before, courts have decided that the interests of organic and other non-GMO farmers are now significant enough to require protection. While the USDA and the White House seem happy to do Monsanto's bidding (as they did in recent decisions to allow Roundup Ready beets and alfalfa), the federal courts -- and even the Supreme Court -- do not seem so quick to dismiss the economic harm that might come to unfettered use of GMO seeds. This one, my friends, bears watching.    



 [U1]Synergy would mean that it would work well and cause a stronger or more potent reaction when combined---in other words a stronger pathogen







Show of the Week April 11 2011


History of Iodine


Progressive Resistance Training Can Build Muscle, Increase Strength as We Age


Runners-- Train Less and Be Faster


Brief Intense Exercise Better Than Endurance Training for Preventing Cardiovascular Disease




History of Iodine


“In the first flush of enthusiasm for the newcomer, physicians and surgeons tested it and tried it for every conceivable pathological condition. The variety of diseases for which iodine was prescribed in the early years in astonishing

paralysis., chorea, scrofula, lacrimal fistula, deafness, distortions of the spine, hip-joint disease, syphilis, acute inflammation, gout, gangrene, dropsy, carbuncles, whitlow, chilblains, burns, scalds, lupus, croup, catarrh, asthma, ulcers, and bronchitis – to mention only a few. Indeed, tincture of iodine, iodoform, or one of the iodides, was applied to almost every case that resisted the ordinary routine of practice; and between 1820 and 1840 there appeared a remarkable series of essays and monographs testifying to the extraordinary benefits to be achieved by this new and potent remedy---“In medicine iodine is frequently applied externally as a counterirritant, having powerful antiseptic properties. In the form of certain salts iodine is very widely used, for internal administration in medicine and in the treatment of many conditions usually classed as surgical, such as the bone manifestations of tertiary syphilis---The usual doses of these salts are from five to thirty grains or more. (For the reader’s information, one grain is approximately 60 mg. Therefore, the daily therapeutic dose was from 300 mg to 1800 mg iodide). Their pharmacological action is as obscure as their effects in certain diseased conditions are consistently brilliant and unexampled. Our ignorance of their mode of action is cloaked by the term deobstruent, which implies that they possess the power of driving out impurities from the blood and tissues---Most notably is this the case with the poisonous products of syphilis. In its tertiary stages-and also earlier-this disease yields in the most rapid and unmistakable fashion to iodides; so much so that the administration of these salts is at present (For the reader’s information, this was written in early 1900)---Another instance of the deobstruent power – “alterative,” it was formerly termed – is seen in the case of chronic lead poisoning. The essential part of the medicinal treatment of this condition is the administration of iodides, which are able to decompose the insoluble albuminates of lead which have become locked up in the tissues, rapidly causing their degeneration, and to cause the excretion of the poisonous metal by means of the intestine and the kidneys--The following is a list of the principal conditions in which iodides are recognized to be of definite value: metallic poisonings, as by lead and mercury, asthma, aneurism, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, gout, goiter, syphilis, haemophilia, Bright’s disease (nephritis) and bronchitis.


In a monograph published in 1940 by the Harvard University press, reviewing the history of iodine in medicine with 588 references, the author, William Thomas Salter 25 expressed his amazement at the surprisingly good results obtained with iodide in tertiary luetic (luetic means syphilitic) lesions and arteriosclerosis using daily amounts of gms  ( Grams )

of iodide for long periods of time and without any evidence of complications.---Likewise, in the-1820’s it was first introduced in the treatment of syphilis, and that use of the medication has continued since. It still is employed in the treatment of various granulomata such as actinomycosis, blastinomycosis, and odd skin disturbances like lupus erythematosus.--- Iodization of salt gave a false sense of iodine sufficiency and resulted in the public relying on iodized salt for supplementation instead of the previously used forms of iodine and iodide such as the Lugol solution in the recommended daily amount of 0.1 ml to 0.3 ml containing 12.5 mg to 37.5 mg elemental iodine.4 In order to ingest 12.5 mg of elemental iodine from salt, one would have to consume 165 gm of salt; and obviously 3 times that amount of salt would be required for supplying 37.5 mg elemental iodine----The implementation of iodization of table salt in the U.S. was associated with appearance of autoimmune thyroiditis.---- In several communities worldwide, an increased incidence of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis was reported following implementation of iodization of sodium chloride---- It is of interest to note that prior to iodization of salt, autoimmune thyroiditis was almost non-existent in the USA, although Lugol solution and potassium iodide were used extensively in medical practice in amounts 2 orders of magnitude greater than the average daily amount ingested from iodized salt. This suggests that inadequate iodide intake aggravated by goitrogens [U1] ( are things that either shut down or destroy the thyroid-Soybeans (and soybean products such as tofu, soybean oil, soy flour, soy lecithin) -Pine nuts -Peanuts -Millet -Strawberries -Pears -Peaches -Spinach -Bamboo shoots -Sweet Potatoes cassava-----Vegetables in the genus Brassica -Bok choy -Broccoli -Broccolini (Asparations) -Brussels sprouts -Cabbage -Canola-Cauliflower -Chinese cabbage -Choy sum -Collard greens -Horseradish -Kai-lan (Chinese broccoli) -Kale -Kohlrabi -Mizuna -Mustard greens -Radishes -Rapeseed (yu choy) -Rapini -Rutabagas -Tatsoi -Turnips ) - not excess iodide, was the cause of this condition- Of interest is the fact that autoimmune thyroiditis cannot be induced by inorganic iodide in laboratory animals unless combined with goitrogens, therefore inducing iodine deficiency.



Older and Stronger-- Progressive Resistance Training Can Build Muscle, Increase Strength as We Age


It's often thought that older adults must tolerate the strength and muscle loss that come with age. But analyses of current research by University of Michigan scientists reveal that not only can we fight the battle of strength and muscle loss as we age, we can even build muscle and strength well into our Golden Years. --ScienceDaily (Apr. 2, 2011) — Getting older doesn't mean giving up muscle strength. Not only can adults fight the battle of strength and muscle loss that comes with age, but the Golden Years can be a time to get stronger, say experts at the University of Michigan Health System. "Resistance exercise is a great way to increase lean muscle tissue and strength capacity so that people can function more readily in daily life," says Mark Peterson, Ph.D., a research fellow in the U-M Physical Activity and Exercise Intervention Research Laboratory, at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. -Through resistance training adults can improve their ability to stand up out of a chair walk across the floor, climb a flight of stairs -- anything that requires manipulating their own body mass through a full range of motions. Normally, adults who are sedentary beyond age 50 can expect muscle loss of up to 0.4 pounds a year. -"That only worsens as people age. But even earlier in adulthood -- the 30s, 40s and 50s -- you can begin to see declines if you do not engage in any strengthening activities," Peterson says. --"Our analyses of current research show that the most important factor in somebody's function is their strength capacity. No matter what age an individual is, they can experience significant strength improvement with progressive resistance exercise even into the eighth and ninth decades of life," he says.--Progressive resistance training means that the amount of weight used, and the frequency and duration of training sessions is altered over time to accommodate an individual's improvements.--A review article by U-M researchers, published in The American Journal of Medicine, shows that after an average of 18-20 weeks of progressive resistance training, an adult can add 2.42 pounds of lean muscle to their body mass and increases their overall strength by 25-30 percent.

Recommendations for those over age 50--Peterson says that anyone over age 50 should strongly consider participating in resistance exercise.--A good way for people to start on a resistance training program, especially for people who are relatively sedentary -- and after getting permission from their doctor to do so -- is to use their body mass as a load for various exercises.--Exercises you can do using your own body weight include squats, standing up out of a chair, modified push-ups, lying hip bridges, as well as non-traditional exercises that progress through a full range of motion, such as Thai Chi or Pilates and Yoga.

Transition to the gym

After getting accustomed to these activities, older adults can move on to more advanced resistance training in an exercise and fitness facility. A certified trainer or fitness professional that has experience with special populations can help with the transition.--Peterson says you should feel comfortable asking a trainer whether they have experience working with aging adults before you begin any fitness routine.---"Working out at age 20 is not the same as at age 70. A fitness professional who understands those differences is important for your safety. In addition, current recommendations suggest that an older individual participate in strengthening exercise two days per week," Peterson says. "Based on the results of our studies, I would suggest that be thought of as the minimum."

Don't forget to progress

As resistance training progresses and weights and machines are introduced, Peterson recommends incorporating full body exercises and exercises that use more than one joint and muscle group at a time, such as the leg press, chest press, and rows. These are safer and more effective in building muscle mass. "You should also keep in mind the need for increased resistance and intensity of your training to continue building muscle mass and strength," he says.--A good fitness professional can help plan an appropriate training regimen, and make adjustments based on how you respond as you progress.--"We firmly believe based on this research that progressive resistance training should be encouraged among healthy older adults to help minimize the loss of muscle mass and strength as they age," Peterson says.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by University of Michigan Health System.-Journal Reference-Mark D. Peterson, Paul M. Gordon. Resistance Exercise for the Aging Adult: Clinical Implications and Prescription Guidelines. The American Journal of Medicine, 2011; 124 (3): 194 DOI: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2010.08.020




Runners-- Train Less and Be Faster

ScienceDaily (Nov. 15, 2009) — In a recent scientific study just published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, Bangsbo and co-workers demonstrate that by reducing the volume of training by 25% and introducing the so-called speed endurance training (6-12 30-s sprint runs 3-4 times a week), endurance trained runners can improve not only short-term but also long-term performance.---Thus, the runners improved their 10-km time by 1 min from 37.3 to 36.3 min after just 6-9 weeks of changed training. Six of the participating 12 runners obtained a new personal record on the 10-km, despite having been training for more than 4 years. The most impressive achievement was the one runner who lowered the time with more than 2 minutes from 37.5 til 35.4 min. In addition, performance in a 30-s sprint test and an intense exhaustive run (about 2 minutes) was improved by 7% and 36%, respectively. In agreement, the authors have previously shown that an 85% reduction in training volume can improve short-term performance (see right column).--In association with the improved performance the amount of muscle Na+/K+ pumps was elevated and the rate of accumulation of potassium during exercise was lowered, and it is speculated that this may play a significant role for the increased performance.---Story Source: The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by University of Copenhagen.--Journal Reference: Bangsbo J, Gunnarsson TP, Wendell J, Nybo L, Thomassen M. Reduced volume and increased training intensity elevate muscle Na /K pump {alpha}2-subunit expression as well as short- and long-term work capacity in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology, Oct 1, 2009


Better a Sprint Than a Marathon-- Brief Intense Exercise Better Than Endurance Training for Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

ScienceDaily (Apr. 6, 2011) — Exercise is important for preventing cardiovascular disease, especially in children and adolescents, but is all exercise equally beneficial? New research published April 5 in the American Journal of Human Biology reveals that high intensity exercise is more beneficial than traditional endurance training.--"Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of mortality throughout the world and its risk factors have their origins in childhood," said lead author Duncan Buchan from the University of the West of Scotland. "Our research examines the effects of brief, intense exercise when compared to traditional endurance exercise on the markers of CVD in young people."--Buchan's team recruited a group of volunteer school children, forty seven boys and ten girls, and randomly divided the group into moderate (MOD) and high intensity (HIT) exercise teams.--The two groups performed three weekly exercise sessions over 7 weeks. The HIT group's training consisted of a series of 20 meter sprints over 30 seconds. In contrast the MOD group ran steadily for a period of 20 minutes.--By the end of the study the MOD group had completed 420 minutes of exercise while the HIT group had trained for a shorter 63 minutes. The estimated energy expenditure for the HIT intervention was 907.2 kcal in comparison to 4410 kcal for the MOD group.--The results revealed that both groups demonstrated improved CVD risk factors. However, the total exercise time over seven weeks was six times higher for the MOD group compared to the HIT group. Thus, significant improvements in CVD risk factors in the HIT group occurred in only 15% of the total exercise time.--These findings demonstrate that brief, intense exercise is a time efficient means for improving CVD risk factors in adolescents. Although limited to relatively small samples, the findings demonstrate significant improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness, blood pressure, body composition and insulin resistance in healthy adolescent youth after a 7 week intervention of different exercise intensities.--"This is the first study to demonstrate the effects of a novel interval training programme on both traditional and novel CVD risk factors in adolescents," concluded Buchan. "Larger scale and extended interventions must be undertaken so that the long term impact and effects of intermittent training programmes on unfavourable metabolic profiles may be investigated further."---Story Source-The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Wiley-Blackwell, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.-Journal Reference-Duncan S. Buchan, Stewart Ollis, John D. Young, Non E. Thomas, Stephen-Mark Cooper, Tom K. Tong, Jinlei Nie, Robert M. Malina, Julien S Baker. The effects of time and intensity of exercise on novel and established markers of CVD in adolescent youth. American Journal of Human Biology, 2011; DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.21166



 [U1]these foods are not to be avoided except for those in red--the other fruits and veggies should be included in diet but in limited amounts and especially if you are already having thyroid issues til you repair the issue ---and remember as well with added fluoride in the water and chlorine this will further exasperate an already compromised thyroid deficiency---and as you can see as a result of this  historical research eliminating iodized salt is a necessity and utilizing other salts as the body needed and acquiring iodine back into the diet






Show of the Week April 15 2011

How To Sprout




EGG Yolk Lecithin


Recipe for Cholesterol




How To Sprout

This whole activity is so relatively easy, and within 3 to 7 days (unlike your friends in their gardens who will wait 2 to 3 months for produce), you'll have edible greens that will infuse your body with all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, proteins, and amino acids that your body can stand! And you'll be sprouting seed from many of the same types of crops that they'll be growing--broccoli, radish, peas, and beans, for example.

If you can rake enough stuff off a kitchen counter, a coffee or end table, (or anywhere else for that matter), you can grow your own nutritionally-dense foods. You'll need the appropriate seed, a Mason jar, some type of drain board, a mesh lid for the jar, and water.

You can even sprout in a towel or hemp bag!

Sprouts are considered a "living food." The health benefits of this "living food" cannot be overstated. For example, alfalfa is one of the most commonly sprouted seed, and it's believed to be the most nutritious food in the world. Once those roots begin to emerge, your alfalfa sprout is full of protein, chlorophyll, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and K. 

The research on sprouts has brought us wonderful and encouraging news as well. For example, just eating 2 ½ ounces of broccoli sprouts inhibits the growth of prostate cancer for up to six hours after ingestion! Two ounces of broccoli sprouts a day appears to eradicate H. pylori infections, the ones that cause ulcers, in as little as seven days!

A Japanese study on brown rice sprouts shows a correlation between them and the prevention of Alzheimer's disease associated with Abeta, a peptide that is responsible for the plaque deposits found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients.

An Egyptian study found that bean sprouts helped reduce the total cholesterol of lab rats and significantly impacted the weight gain of the animals. An Asian study found that buckwheat sprouts resulted in the same type of cholesterol reduction and weight loss in hamsters.

All in all, the implications and resulting outcomes of scientific studies related to including sprouts in our diets are amazing. Truly, sprouts are one of God's "superfoods"!

And because sprouting increases the seed volume by up to six times the original seed, your sprout garden will give you plentiful nutrition with just four tablespoons of seed to a quart jar. They're available 24/7, anytime you want a snack. You can eat them straight from the jar, mix them into salads, use them to replace lettuce in sandwiches, or even bake sprout bread with them! The possibilities are endless!

  Sprouting  is truly a survival garden that anyone can grow, anywhere, and at anytime. It doesn't matter if you lack garden space, lack living space, are in the middle of winter or the drought of summer. You can grow the food you need to survive on extremely limited resources. And the food you grow will be far superior to anything you could buy in the grocery store or attempt to get out of a vitamin bottle.


Seeds that can be sprouted

Many seeds can be sprouted, but some sprouts, like kidney beans can not be eaten raw.

Here a list of the most common used:


DehydrationRemedies For Drying Problems


Problem Cause Prevention Moisture in the Jar or Container

1. Incomplete drying. 1. Test several pieces for dryness

2. Food cut unevenly, thus incomplete drying. 2. Cut food evenly.

3. Dried food left at room temperature too long after cooling and moisture reentered the food.--3. Cool quickly and package.

Mold on Food

1. Incomplete drying. 1. Test several pieces for dryness.

2. Food not checked for moisture within a week.--2. Check container within one week for moisture in container. Redry food at 140°F until dry.

3. Container not air tight. 3. Use air-tight container.

4. Storage temperature too warm plus moisture in food. --4. Store foods in coolest are of home below 70°F.

5. Case hardening. Food Dried at too high a temperature and food cooked on

outside before the inside dried. --5. Dry food at 140°F.

Brown Spots on Vegetables

1. Too high drying temperature used. 1. Dry vegetables at 140°F.

2. Vegetables over-dried. 2. Check periodically for dryness.

Insects in Jars

 1. Lids do not completely fit jar. 1. Use new canning lid.

2. Food dried out-of-doors but not pasteurized.--2. Pasteurize food in oven at 160°F for 30 minutes, or in freezer for 48 hours.

Holes in Plastic Bags

1. Insects or rodents ear through plastic bags.--1. Avoid use of plastic bags except when food can be stored in refrigerator or freezer.

2. Store food in glass jars, rigid freezer containers or clean metal cans.



Vegetable Suitability For Drying Vegetable Suitability For Drying


Artichokes Fair Okra Fair to good

Asparagus Poor to fair Onions Good to excellent

Beans, green Fair to good Parsley Good

Beans, lima Fair Parsnips Good

Beets Fair to good Peas Fair to good

Broccoli Not recommended 1 Peppers, green or red Good

Brussels sprouts Poor2 Peppers, chili Excellent

Cabbage Fair Popcorn Good

Carrots Good Potatoes Good

Cauliflower Poor Pumpkins Fair to good

Celery Poor Radishes Not recommended5

Collard greens Poor Rutabagas Fair to good

Corn, sweet Good Spinach Poor

Cucumbers Poor Squash, summer Poor to fair

Eggplant Poor to fair Squash, winter Not recommended

Garlic Good Sweet potatoes Fair

Horseradish Good3 Swiss chard Poor

Kale Poor Tomatoes Fair to good6

Kohlrabi Fair Turnips Fair to good

Lettuce Not recommended4 Turnip greens Poor

Mushrooms Good Yams Fair

Mustard greens Poor Zucchini Poor to fair


Special Notes on difficult drying of foods

1. Difficult to dry because of small size and layered leaves; strong flavor.

2. Cabbage readily absorbs moisture from the air. Keeps well only if stored at extremely cold temperature.

3. Odor extremely strong during processing; place dryer outdoors or in basement area.

4. High water content; product will be undesirable for use.

5. Product would be of low quality.

6. Dried tomatoes re-absorb moisture readily which causes undesirable color and flavor changes; and shortens shelf life. Package tightly. Black color can

develop because of oxidation.




Drying Seeds, Popcorn and Nuts



Drying seeds and roasting seeds are two different processes. To dry carefully wash pumpkin seeds to remove the clinging fibrous pumpkin tissue. Pumpkin seeds can be dried in the sun, in a dehydrator 115- 120°F for 1 to 2 hours, or in an oven on warm for 3 to 4 hours. Stir them frequently to avoid scorching. To roast, take dried pumpkin seeds, toss with oil and/or salt and roast in a preheated oven at 250°F for 10 to 15 minutes.


Certain varieties of popcorn can be dried at home. The best varieties are Japanese Hull-less, Hybrid South American Mushroom, Creme Puff Hybrid, White Cloud and Dynamite. Leave the ears of popcorn on the stalks until the kernels are well-dried. Harvested ears of corn can be air-dried at a temperature below 130°F. When the kernels are dry, remove them from the ears and package. Dried corn will appear shriveled. Pop a few kernels to test. Popcorn will dry down to about 10 percent moisture. No pretreatment is necessary.


Sunflower seeds usually are left on the flower to dry. The flower may have to be wrapped with cheesecloth to prevent the birds from eating the seeds. Seeds may be dried in the sun or in a dehydrator at 100°F. Higher temperature affects the flavor. When seeds are dried, they can be roasted in a shallow pan at 300°F for 10 to 15 minutes.


Peanuts are actually a legume instead of a nut and can be dried and roasted at slightly higher temperatures. Peanuts can be dried shelled or unshelled. Spread in single layer and dry at 130°F. Peanuts are dry when their shells have hardened to a brittle state. Crack one. The nut meat should be tender, but not shriveled. To roast peanuts in the shell, place them in a shallow pan at 300°F for 30 to 40 minutes. If they are shelled, roast them for 20 to 25 minutes and stir frequently to prevent scorching.




Drying Herbs


Drying is the easiest method of preserving herbs. Simply expose the leaves, flowers or seeds to warm, dry air. Leave the herbs in a well-ventilated area until the moisture evaporates. Sun, oven and dehydrator drying are not recommended because the herbs can lose flavor and color. The best time to harvest most herbs for drying is just before the flowers first open when they are in the bursting bud stage. Gather the herbs in the early morning after the dew has evaporated to minimize wilting. Avoid bruising the leaves. They should not lie in the sun or unattended after harvesting. Rinse herbs in cool water and gently shake to remove excess moisture. Discard all bruised, soiled or imperfect

leaves and stems.


The more sturdy herbs such as sage, thyme, summer savory and parsley are the easiest to dry They can be tied into small bundles and air dried. Air drying outdoors is often possible; however better color and flavor retention usually results from drying indoors.


Basil, tarragon, lemon balm and the mints have a high moisture content and will mold if not dried quickly Try hanging the tender-leaf herbs or those with seeds inside paper bags to dry Tear or punch holes in the sides of the bag. Suspend a small bunch (large amounts will mold) of herbs in a bag and close the top with a rubber band. Place where air currents will circulate through the bag. Any leaves and seeds that fall off will be caught in the bottom of the bag. Another method, especially nice for mint, sage or bay leaf, is to dry the leaves separately. Remove the best leaves from the stems. Lay the leaves on a paper towel, without allowing leaves to touch. Cover with another towel and layer of leaves. Five layers may be

dried at one time using this method. Dry in a very cool oven. The oven light of an electric range or the pilot light of a gas range furnishes enough heat for overnight drying. Leaves dry flat and retain a good color. When the leaves are crispy dry and crumple easily between the fingers, they are ready to be packaged

and stored. Dried leaves may be left whole and crumpled as used, or coarsely crumpled before storage. Husks can be removed from seeds by  rubbing the seeds between the hands and blowing away the chaff. Place herbs in airtight containers and store in a cool, dry dark area to protect color and fragrance.



Drying Jerky

Jerky is a staple in the packs of today’s outdoorsmen: backpackers, skiers, and campers. It’s a popular snack for armchair sportsmen, too.Jerky can be made from almost any lean meat, including beef, pork or venison. If made from pork the meat must be treated to kill the trichinella parasite before it is sliced and marinated. This parasite could cause trichinosis. To treat the pork, freeze a portion that is 6 inches or less thick at 5°F or lower for 20 days. Poultry is not recommended for jerky, because of its texture when raw.


The first step in preparing the meat is to slice it into long, thin strips. Trim and discard all the fat from the meat, because it becomes rancid rapidly Partially freezing the meat before cutting makes it easier to slice evenly Slice with the grain into thin strips approximately ¼ inch thick; if a chewy jerky is desired. Slice across the grain for a more tender, brittle jerky A tenderizer can also be used on the meat. Simply follow instructions on the package for tenderizing meats.

The meat is marinated for both flavor and tenderness. Ingredients for marinades include oil, salt and an acid product such as vinegar, lemon juice, teriyaki, soy sauce or wine.


¼ teaspoon each of pepper and garlic powder

½ teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon hickory smoke-flavored salt

1 ½-2 lbs. of lean meat (beef, pork, or venison)

¼ cup soy sauce

1 tablespoon worchestershire sauce

Combine all ingredients. Place strips of meat in a shallow pan and cover with marinade. Cover and refrigerate 1-2 hours or overnight.


Remove meat strips from the marinade, drain on absorbent toweling and arrange on dehydrator trays or cake racks placed on baking sheets. Place the slices close together but do not overlap. Place the Drying Jerky  racks in a drying oven preheated at 140°F Dry until a test piece cracks but does not break when it is bent

(10 to 24 hours). Pat off any beads of oil with absorbent toweling and cool. Remove strips from the racks. Cool. Package in glass jars or heavy plastic



Properly dried jerky will keep at room temperature 1 to 2 months in a sealed container. However, to increase the shelf life and maintain the flavor, refrigerate or freeze the jerky.



Drying Fruits


For Suitability For Fruit Drying Fruit Leather Drying Leather


Apples Excellent Excellent


Apricots Excellent Excellent


Avocados Not recommended1


Bananas Good Fair to good


Berries with seeds Not recommended


Blueberries Fair


Cherries Excellent


Citrus fruits Not recommended3 Only in combination


Citrus peel Excellent


Coconuts Excellent Only in combination


Crabapples Not recommended4


Currants Good


Dates Excellent


Figs Excellent


Grapes Excellent Fair to good


Guavas Not recommended5 Only in combination

Melons Poor Not recommended


Nectarines Excellent Excellent


Olives Not recommended6


Excellent Papayas Good Better in



Peaches Excellent Excellent combination


Pears Excellent


Persimmons Fair Not recommended


Pineapples Excellent


Plums Good


Pomegranates Not recommended7


Quince Not recommended8


Rhubarb Good9


Strawberries Fair to good






1. High fat content.

2. High seed content and slow rate of drying.

3. Too juicy and pulp lacks firm texture.

4. Too small and tart; can be combined with other fruit for leather.

5. Grainy flesh full of seeds; combine with other fruit for leather.

6. High oil content. Bitter flavor removable only by long processing.

7. Pulp is full of seeds.

8. Hard flesh and strongly acidic flavor. Combine with other fruit for leather.

9. Never consume leaves-they contain toxic salts of oxalic acid.




Packaging and Storing Dried Foods

Dried foods are susceptible to insect contamination and moisture reabsorption and must be properly packaged and stored immediately First, cool completely. Warm food causes sweating which could provide enough moisture for mold to grow. Pack foods into clean, dry insect-proof containers as tightly as possible without crushing.

ðGlass jars, metal cans or boxes with tight fitted lids or moisture-vapor resistant freezer cartons make good containers for storing dried foods. Heavy-duty plastic bags are acceptable, but are not insect and rodent proof. Plastic bags with a 3/8-inch seal are best to keep out moisture.

ðPack food in amounts that will be used in a recipe. Every time a package is re-opened, the food is exposed to air and moisture that lower the quality of the food.

ðFruit that has been sulfured should not touch metal. Place the fruit in a plastic bag before storing it in a metal can. Sulfur fumes will react with the metal and cause color changes in the fruit.

ðDried foods should be stored in cool, dry, dark areas. Recommended storage times for dried foods range from 4 months to 1 year. Because food quality is affected by heat, the storage temperature helps determine the length of storage; the higher the temperature, the shorter the storage time. Most dried fruits can be stored for 1 year at 60°F, 6 months at 80°F. Vegetables have about half the shelf-life of fruits.

ðFoods that are packaged seemingly "bone dry" can spoil if moisture is reabsorbed during storage. Check dried foods frequently during storage to see if they are still dry Glass containers are excellent for storage because any moisture that collects on the inside can be seen easily Foods affected by moisture, but not spoiled, should be used immediately or redried and repackaged. Moldy foods should be discarded.



Some more recipes

Simple Homemade Fruit Leathers

1.           Puree a bunch of overripe fruits in a blender. Add some water (or juice) if you need to.

2.           Pour the puree onto a fruit roll sheet (included with the dehydrator).

3.           Run the unit for 4 to 8 hours, depending on the fruit. Basically, dry until it's dry.

4.           Lay out on plastic wrap or wax paper and roll it neatly. Then, you can store them in a large plastic bag or container.


Animal Meats--Easy jerky recipe

1.           Choose a meat:

o                         Beef

o                         Venison

o                         Turkey

o                         Pork

o                         Chicken

o                         Salmon

o                         Rabbit

2.           Trim as much fat off as you can. The fatty oils will go rancid and make the jerky feel and taste bad.

3.           Slice thinly. It might be easier if you put the meat in the freezer first, to firm it up a little.

4.           Choose a marinade:

o                         Worcestershire Sauce

o                         Barbeque Sauce

o                         Beer

o                         Wine

o                         Herbal Vinegar

5.           Add seasonings to taste: salt, pepper, garlic powder, sugar, etc. Experiment!

6.           Marinate overnight for heavy meats, 2-4 hours for turkey, fish, etc.

7.           Drain meat. Use paper towels to pat it dry.

8.           Dehydrate. You want the meat to be dry, but not brittle. ---                                                                                                                            The average yield is 30%, so use that as a guide when you start

How to Dehydrate Boiled Eggs

If you're looking to dehydrate boiled eggs, then there are some things you need to know beforehand. First of all, you aren't going to be on the Food Network or win any blue ribbons for your concoction. Ideally, eggs are meant to be used and eaten fresh, so if you're going to mess with that standard, there's got to be a good reason for it, and taste isn't one of them! Dehydrating eggs will, however, make them last a lot longer with no need for refrigeration, and that could be a big plus in a camping or survival situation.

Instructions---things you'll need:

  • Raw, fresh eggs
  • Large pot
  • Heat source
  • Sharp knife
  • Dehydrator
  • Food storage bag(s)
  • Permanent marker (optional)
  • Wax paper (optional)
    • 1 Gather your eggs. Go out to the barn or grocery store to collect some fresh eggs. You can use as few or as many as you want, depending on your needs and resources.
    • 2 Place the eggs in a large pot of water, turn the heat up, and let them boil for about 10 minutes. Add about a teaspoon of salt to make the water boil faster.
    • 3 Allow the eggs to cool in an ice-water bath to stop the cooking, peel them, and slice them into thin layers about 1/8-inch thick. Depending on the size of the egg, you can usually expect to get 4 to 6 separate slices.
    • 4 Lay the egg layers out on a dehydrator, and allow them to dry out for approximately 6 to 8 hours.
    • 5 Dice the dried eggs, place them in a food storage bag, and keep them in a cool, dry place.

How to Dehydrate Potatoes
Potatoes are a difficult item to dry because they turn black in the dehydrator. The way to prevent this is to blanch them (after slicing) for five minutes or longer. The slices should be about 3/8" thick. Dry at 135 for 6-12 hours




AL 721 is a type of Phosphoglyceride mixture that is produced commercially that mimics the chemical structure of Egg Lecithin.


Chemical Components of AL 721


Triglycerides:            70%

Phosphatidylcholine:            20%

Phosphatidylethanolamine:            10%

Health Benefits of AL 721


There is some suggestion that AL721 is merely an expensive form of Choline supplementation, although its reported benefits hinge on its unusual chemical geometry.




AL 721 increases the "fluidity" of Cell Membranes by removing Cholesterol and replacing it with Phosphatidylcholine and Phosphatidylethanolamine: 


Membrane fluidity is determined by the ratio of Cholesterol and Phospholipid - the greater the C/PL ratio, the more rigid or less fluid the Cell Membrane.

AL 721 lowers the C/PL ratio of several types of Cells within the body.


Immune System


Al 721 improves the function of  the Immune System in older (but not younger) healthy subjects.

AL 721 is used as a treatment (but not a cure) for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in Israel: 


AL 721 clearly interferes with the infection of Cells by HIV "in vitro" by interfering with the lipid membrane of the HIV Virus.

AL 721 increases the Lymphocyte count of AIDS patients.


AL 721 interferes with the infectivity of all forms of the Herpes Virus.


Nervous System


AL 721 is presently undergoing clinical trials for the treatment of Cystic Fibrosis.

AL 721 enhances various aspects of general Mental Function (due to the Phosphatidylcholine in AL 721 enhancing the production of Acetylcholine).  research


Recreational Drugs


AL 721 reduces or completely eliminates the withdrawal symptoms associated with some forms of Drug Dependence: 


AL 721 minimizes the withdrawal symptoms associated with Opiates (including Morphine) addiction (by improving the fluidity of Cell Membranes).


AL 721 Enhances the Function of these Substances




AL 721 stimulates the production of Acetylcholine (due to Phosphatidylcholine).


The Difference in Lecithin -(mg of substance per 100 grams)


Fatty Acids:                            22,000                                                  

Phospholipids:                        78,000


                                                          SoyLecithin          Egg YolkLecithin


Phosphatidylcholine                      33,000                    71,000                

Phosphatidylinositol                      16,800 

Phosphatidylethanolamine:          14,100                     19,500

Phosphatidylserine                          400                           1,000

Vitamins:                   Choline (as a constituent of Phosphatidylcholine)                      

                                      Alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine           8,000


ðThe therapeutic dosage of Lecithin is 10,000 - 30,000 mg (10 - 30 grams) per day:


ðClinical trials using Lecithin for the prevention and treatment of Atherosclerosis have involved the use of 10,500 mg of Lecithin per day.

ðThe dosage of Lecithin used in a clinical trial that resulted in Memory improvement in Alzheimer’s Disease patients was 15,000 mg (15 grams) per day.  Other studies conducted on Alzheimer’s Disease patients have involved the use of 10,000 - 20,000 mg (10 - 20 grams) per day.



Recipe for Cholesterol

The idea of bad or good cholesterol is outdated and absurd in this day—the idea of cholesterol that has been damaged is a reality since it does so much for us in regard to protecting against cancer—regulating our Vitamin D conversions-removing toxins from the body—supporting brain –liver-hormone-heart and other bodily functions---so will give a recipe with lecithing for several things


Using lecithin with rosemary –will improve heart and liver and brain

Take 1-2 capsules or use ½ tsp of either sunflower or egg lecithin

Add to it either 500mgs of rosemary powder or 3-5 drops of the tincture of rosemary-or one drop of essential oil of rosemary—do this at least 2 times a day

And remove all starches and sugars that are processed from the system


Adding Lecithin with Cq10 and Black pepper will assist the heart remaining strong and the cells remaining viable—add 1-2 caps of Egg or Sunflower lecithin

With 30-60 mgs of Cq10 and add either 3 drops of black pepper tincture—one drop of the essential oil  or use approximately ¼ tsp of black pepper with this


ðSpecial Note when adding the essential oils add direct to the Lecithin of choice ( in teaspoon or open capsule and add to the fat—NEVER TAKE STRAIGHT –ALWAYS ALWAYS use a carrier or it could cause internal issues









Show of the Week April 18,2011


Doctors Lax in Monitoring Potentially Addicting Drugs


Deaths from Opioid Use Have Doubled; Five-Fold Increase in Oxycodone Deaths


Prescription Pain Killers Are Involved In More Drug Overdose Deaths Than Either Cocaine Or Heroin In U.S


How To Remove Radioactive Iodine-131 From Drinking Water


Removing Uranium From Drinking Water Using Distillation





Doctors Lax in Monitoring Potentially Addicting Drugs

ScienceDaily (Apr. 16, 2011) — Few primary care physicians pay adequate attention to patients taking prescription opioid drugs -- despite the potential for abuse, addiction and overdose, according to a new study by researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.- The study, published in the March 2 online edition of the Journal of General Internal Medicine, found lax monitoring even of patients at high risk for opioid misuse, such as those with a history of drug abuse or dependence. [U1] The findings are especially concerning considering that prescription drug abuse now ranks second (after marijuana) among illicitly used drugs, with approximately 2.2 million Americans using pain relievers nonmedically for the first time in 2009, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).--[U2] "Our study highlights a missed opportunity for identifying and reducing misuse of prescribed opioids in primary care settings," said lead author Joanna Starrels, M.D., M.S. , assistant professor of medicine at Einstein. "The finding that physicians did not increase precautions for patients at highest risk for opioid misuse should be a call for a standardized approach to monitoring."[U3] --The researchers studied administrative and medical records of more than 1,600 primary care patients for an average of two years while they received regular prescription opioids for chronic, non-cancer pain. They looked at whether patients received urine drug testing, were seen regularly in the office, or received multiple early opioid refills.--Only a small minority (8 percent) of patients were found to have undergone any urine drug testing. While such testing was more common in patients at higher risk for opioid misuse, the rate of testing among those high-risk patients was still low (24 percent). Only half of patients were seen regularly in the office, and patients at higher risk of opioid misuse were not seen more frequently than patients at lower risk[U4] . Although fewer than one-quarter (23 percent) of all patients received two or more early opioid refills, patients at greater risk for opioid misuse were more likely to receive multiple early refills.--"We were disturbed to find that patients with a drug use disorder were seen less frequently in the office and were prescribed more early refills than patients without these disorders," said Dr. Starrels. "We hope that these findings will call attention to this important safety concern."--Prescription drug misuse is a major public health problem. In a 2004 NIDA report , it was estimated that 48 million people over the age of 12 have taken prescription drugs for nonmedical uses in their lifetime -- which represents approximately 20 percent of the U.S. population.[U5] [U6]  Opioids, central nervous system depressants and stimulants were the drugs most commonly abused.--"Most primary care physicians are attuned to these problems," said Dr. Starrels, "but they haven't put sufficient strategies in place to help reduce risks." She and her co-authors recommend that physicians adopt the following risk-reduction strategies: standardize a plan of care for all patients on long-term opioids, which includes urine drug testing; schedule regular face-to-face office visits to evaluate patients' response to opioids and evidence of misuse; and stick to a previously agreed-upon refill schedule.--The paper, "Low Use of Opioid Risk Reduction Strategies in Primary Care Even for High Risk Patients with Chronic Pain," was published March 2, 2011 in the online edition of the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Co-authors include William C. Becker, M.D., of Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT; Mark G. Weiner, M.D., of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA; Xuan Li, M.S., and Moonseong Heo, Ph.D., of Einstein; and Barbara J. Turner, M.D., M.S.Ed., of the University of Texas Health Science Center and University Health System, San Antonio,--Story Source-The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Albert Einstein College of Medicine.--Journal Reference-Joanna L. Starrels, William C. Becker, Mark G. Weiner, Xuan Li, Moonseong Heo, Barbara J. Turner. Low Use of Opioid Risk Reduction Strategies in Primary Care Even for High Risk Patients with Chronic Pain. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2011; DOI: 10.1007/s11606-011-1648-2



Deaths from Opioid Use Have Doubled; Five-Fold Increase in Oxycodone Deaths

ScienceDaily (Dec. 14, 2009) — Deaths from opioid use in Ontario, Canada, have doubled since 1991 and the addition of long-acting oxycodone to the drug formulary was associated with a 5-fold increase in oxycodone-related deaths, found a new study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Most of these additional deaths were accidental.--[U7] Opioids are among the most commonly prescribed medications in Canada and are often used for patients with chronic non-malignant pain. Other studies have argued that prescribing is not a major contributor to the adverse health effects of opioid abuse, yet this study suggests that increased rates of opioid prescriptions are a significant factor in accidental opioid-related deaths.---The study looked at prescribing data from 1991 to 2007 from IMS Health Canada, which collects information from almost two-thirds of Canadian pharmacies, and deaths attributed to opioid use from records of the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario between 1991 and 2004. It also linked the coroner's data to health care databases to track patients' medical visits.---Prescriptions for opioid pain medications increased by 29%, with codeine the most frequently prescribed, although the number of prescriptions for that drug declined during the study period[U8] . Oxycodone prescriptions rose more than 850%, much more rapidly than any other opioid, and accounted for 32% of the almost 7.2 million prescriptions for opioids dispensed in 2006.--Between 1991 and 2004, 7099 deaths with complete records were attributed to alcohol and/or drugs. In 3406 of these deaths -- 61.9% -- opioids were implicated as cause of death. The median age of death was 40 years and 67% were men. Suicide was a factor in 23.6% of deaths.

"The rise in opioid-related deaths was due in large part to inadvertent toxicity," write Dr. Irfan Dhalla, of the University of Toronto and coauthors. "There was no significant increase in the number of deaths from suicide involving opioids over the study period."---After linking the coroner's data to health care databases, the researchers included 3066 deaths. Many (66.4%) of these patients had seen a physician at least once in the 4 weeks preceding their death,[U9]  with diagnosis of mental health problems and pain-related complaints the most common reasons for medical attention.--"The societal burden of opioid-related mortality and morbidity in Canada is substantial," write the authors. "In our study, the annual incidence of opioid-related deaths in 2004 (27.2 million) falls between the incidence of death from HIV infection (12 per million) and sepsis (40 per million)."---They conclude that the frequency of visits to physicians and opioid prescriptions in the month before death suggest a missed opportunity for prevention.---In a related commentary, Dr. Benedikt Fischer of Simon Fraser University and coauthor write "the pre-eminent risk in most deaths was from the use of multiple drugs involving prescription opioids and other substances that are widely and legally dispensed. As prescription drugs are involved in more overdose deaths than either heroin or cocaine in North America, the profile of the people who are dying may be changing from marginalized people to more "middle class."[U10] --The authors argue that governments must lead in developing a preventative strategy for this different demographic and refocus the federal drug policy that currently targets marginalized people.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Canadian Medical Association Journal, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.--Journal References-Irfan A. Dhalla, Muhammad M. Mamdani, Marco L.A. Sivilotti, Alex Kopp, Omar Qureshi, David N. Juurlink. Prescribing of opioid analgesics and related mortality before and after the introduction of long-acting oxycodone. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2009; 181 (12): 891 DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.090784 -Benedikt Fischer, Jürgen Rehm. Deaths related to the use of prescription opioids. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2009; DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.091791


Prescription Pain Killers Are Involved In More Drug Overdose Deaths Than Either Cocaine Or Heroin In U.S.

ScienceDaily (July 24, 2006) — Trends analysis of drug poisoning deaths has helped explain a national epidemic of overdose deaths in the USA that began in the 1990s, concludes Leonard Paulozzi and colleagues at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, USA. The contribution of prescription pain killers to the epidemic has only become clear recently. This research is published this week in the journal, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety.-Drugs called "opioids" are frequently prescribed to relieve pain, but if abused they can kill. Over the past 15 years, sales of opioid pain killers, including oxycodone, hydrocodone, methadone and fentanyl, have increased, and deaths from these drugs have increased in parallel.In 2002, over 16,000 people died in the USA as a result of drug overdoses, with most deaths related to opioids, heroin, and cocaine. Opioids surpassed both cocaine and heroin in extent of involvement in these drug overdoses between 1999 and 2002.[U11] --The situation appears to be accelerating. Between 1979 and 1990 the rate of deaths attributed to unintentional drug poisoning increased by an average of 5.3% each year. Between 1990 and 2002, the rate increased by 18.1% per year. The contribution played by opioids is also increasing. Between 1999 and 2002 the number of overdose death certificates that mention poisoning by opioid pain killers went up by 91.2%. While the pain killer category showed the greatest increase, death certificates pointing a finger of blame at heroin and cocaine also increased by 12.4% and 22.8% respectively.--In an accompanying 'comment' article, David Joranson and Aaron Gilson of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Comprehensive Cancer Centre; Pain & Policy Studies Group, of Madison, Wisconsin. They caution against increasing unwarranted fears of using opioid analgesics in pain management, noting that much of the abuse of opioid analgesics is by recreational and street users and individuals with psychiatric conditions rather than pain patients.[U12] --Joranson and Gilson also point to the large quantity of opioid analgesics stolen from pharmacies [U13] every year, saying that "overdose deaths involving prescription medications do not necessarily mean they were prescribed. It is also crucial to know that most overdose deaths involve several drugs and these data cannot attribute the cause to a particular drug."--In a second commentary, Scott Fishman, Professor of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine at University of California, Davis concludes that drug abuse and under treated pain are both public health crises, but the solution to one need not undermine the other. "The least we can do is make sure that the casualties of the war on drugs are not suffering patients who legitimately deserve relief," he says.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by John Wiley & Sons, Inc..


How To Remove Radioactive Iodine-131 From Drinking Water

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends reverse osmosis water treatment to remove radioactive isotopes that emit beta-particle radiation. But iodine-131, a beta emitter, is typically present in water as a dissolved gas, and reverse osmosis is known to be ineffective at capturing gases.---A combination of technologies, however, may remove most or all of the iodine-131 that finds its way into tap water, all available in consumer products for home water treatment.-- First, the standard disclaimers: Every government agency involved in radiation monitoring—the EPA, FDA, USDA, NRC, CDC, etc.—has stressed that the radiation now reaching the United States has been found at levels thousands of times lower than standards of health concern. When it found iodine-131 in drinking water samples from Boise, Idaho and Richland, Washington this weekend, the EPA declared--An infant would have to drink almost 7,000 liters of this water to receive a radiation dose equivalent to a day’s worth of the natural background radiation exposure we experience continuously from natural sources of radioactivity in our environment.”---But not everyone accepts the government’s reassurances. Notably, Physicians for Social Responsibility has insisted there is no safe level of exposure to radionuclides, regardless of the fact that we encounter them naturally-There is no safe level of radionuclide exposure, whether from food, water or other sources. Period,” said Jeff Patterson, DO, immediate past president of Physicians for Social Responsibility. “Exposure to radionuclides, such as iodine-131 and cesium-137, increases the incidence of cancer. For this reason, every effort must be taken to minimize the radionuclide content in food and water.”

via Physicians for Social Responsibility,

Reverse Osmosis

The EPA recommends reverse osmosis water treatment for most kinds of radioactive particles. Iodine-131 emits a small amount of gamma radiation but much larger amounts of beta radiation, and so is considered a beta emitter--Reverse osmosis has been identified by EPA as a “best available technology” (BAT) and Small System Compliance Technology (SSCT) for uranium, radium, gross alpha, and beta particles and photon emitters. It can remove up to 99 percent of these radionuclides, as well as many other contaminants (e.g., arsenic, nitrate, and microbial contaminants). Reverse osmosis units can be automated and compact making them appropriate for small systems.

via EPA, Radionuclides in Drinking Water

However, EPA designed its recommendations for the contaminants typically found in municipal water systems, so it doesn’t specify Iodine-131 by name. The same document goes on to say, “Reverse osmosis does not remove gaseous contaminants such as carbon dioxide and radon.”-Iodine-131 escapes from damaged nuclear plants as a gas, and this is why it disperses so quickly through the atmosphere. It is captured as a gas in atmospheric water, falls to the earth in rain and enters the water supply.-----This is what happened in Boise, Idaho, where iodine-131 was found in rainwater samples last week and then in drinking water samples a few days later.--Reverse osmosis works by forcing water through material with very tiny pores—as tiny as .0001 microns—so that almost nothing except water emerges on the other side. Almost nothing.---“Dissolved gases and materials that readily turn into gases also can easily pass through most reverse osmosis membranes,” according to the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. For this reason, “many reverse osmosis units have an activated carbon unit to remove or reduce the concentration of most organic compounds.”

Activated Carbon

That raises the next question: does activated carbon remove iodine-131? There is some evidence that it does. Scientists have used activated carbon to remove iodine-131 from the liquid fuel for nuclear solution reactors. And Carbon air filtration is used by employees of Perkin Elmer, a leading environmental monitoring and health safety firm, when they work with iodine-131 in closed quarters. At least one university has adopted Perkin Elmer’s procedures.--Activated carbon works by absorbing contaminants, and fixing them, as water passes through it. It has a disadvantage, however: it eventually reaches a load capacity and ceases to absorb new contaminants.

Ion Exchange

The EPA also recommends ion exchange for removing radioactive compounds from drinking water. The process used in water softeners, ion exchange removes contaminants when water passes through resins that contain sodium ions. The sodium ions readily exchange with contaminants.--Ion exchange is particularly recommended for removing Cesium-137, which has been found in rain samples in the U.S., but not yet in drinking water here. Some resins have been specifically designed for capturing Cesium-137, and ion exchange was used to clean up legacy nuclear waste from an old reactor at the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site (pdf).

Triple Threat

The best solution may be the one used routinely to treat water at the Savannah River Site. The process combines activated carbon, reverse osmosis, and ion exchange. If one doesn’t get the iodine-131, two others have a chance to capture the radiation through other means.

Vegetable Contamination

Once you have access to cleaned water, be sure to use it to wash your vegetables. The FDA has not yet begun monitoring U.S. produce for radiation because, the agency says, there is not yet a radiation threat here. The Chinese have been monitoring vegetables, and they’ve urged their citizens to wash their spinach[U14] 

The Ministry of Health also issued a statement Wednesday evening saying trace levels of radioactive isotope iodine-131 had been found in spinach planted in the open fields within the three regions.---It is has been proven that washing the spinach with water can effectively remove radioactive materials, the Health Ministry said.--It is believed that recent rains in these regions helped drop the radioactive iodine from the air to the ground, and the radioactive materials fell onto the surface of the spinach, the ministry said.”--via Xinhua



Removing Uranium From Drinking Water Using Distillation


What is distillation?-Distillation is a water treatment process that results in nearly pure water. Distillation units boil the water, gather the steam, and cool it, which turns it back into water again. The heat kills bacteria, and the minerals stay in the boiler.

Can I use it to treat my entire water supply?--Distillation units are typically used to treat only enough water for drinking and cooking.

How effective is distillation?--Distillation can remove 100 per cent of the uranium in drinking water.

Is the distillation unit reliable?--Yes, distillation has been used for many years to treat water supplies and is a reliable method of removing uranium.

Does raw water quality affect how well the distillation unit works?-No, water quality will not affect how much uranium the distillation unit can remove from drinking water.

How practical is it to operate and maintain?--The distillation unit is simple to operate and practical for household use. People who use it like it. Maintenance includes cleaning the boiling chamber from time to time.

How much does the distillation unit cost?--You can expect to pay between $2000 and $2500 (2004 prices) for a distillation unit that treats your drinking water.

How much does it cost to use?--The only known operating cost is for electricity.

How long should the distillation unit last?-The unit has a long life. Commercial sellers say that the heating element and fan motor will probably need to be replaced every 10 years, depending on the raw water quality passing through the system.

How much waste water does the distillation unit create? How do I get rid of it?--The unit makes very little waste water. Waste water can be flushed to your sewage disposal system when the boiling chamber is cleaned.

Does the distillation unit also remove other substances?-The distillation unit removes almost all substances you might expect to find in drinking water.

What happens to the substances in the water?--They are left in the stainless steel boiling chamber, but cannot get into the treated water.

Does distillation have any side effects?--Distilled water can corrode or wear away plumbing, but this is not a problem in households using the unit to treat drinking water. Some people find that the unit is too noisy to use under the kitchen sink.

Where can I get a distillation unit?--In Nova Scotia, water treatment companies sell the distillation unit.

You asked about... is a series of fact sheets produced by Nova Scotia Environment. For additional copies, contact the regional or head office nearest you.

Bedford: 902 424-7773
Halifax: 902 424-3600
Kentville: 902 679-6086
Sydney: 902 563-2100
Truro: 902 893-5880

Labs that test for uranium in drinking water

QEII Health Sciences Centre
Environmental Chemistry Laboratory, Halifax

Maxxam Analytics Inc., Bedford
(902) 420-0203

Maxxam Analytics Inc., Sydney
(902) 567-1255


 [U1]The reason is obvious--not interested in the health of the patient but rather the sales of a product--

 [U2]The Drug Companies are winning the War on drugs---they are addiciting more and more to there drug abused system and raking in Millions


 [U4]Sounds like A double blind study-to see the impact between 2 or 3 different types of addictions and seeing the impact at differnt stages

 [U5]Who is kidding  who here---the drug companies are almot using Code here to signify they are slowly enveloping the human race on narcoticsor substance abuse -medically---the medical institutions of the day are causing this to be the reality---look at 100 years ago when the psychiatrist and psycholigist had nothing but a slight means of existing, because they offered no real solutions to outstanding health issues--Nothing has changed other then the fact that now they can prescribe medications and recieve there cut for this service--Drug Dealing!!

 [U6]All this does is just lets the Pharmceutical Industry aware of the volume one human being is using and with this can regulate the uptake for another person to go higher--this just indicates the level of these chemicals --the effects---the long term inducement and use--the amount and the increments of usage to what ever state they get to and this will evaluate to them how much or how high they can give this to People before it is terminal and maintain that high dose and combo this with other " Prescriptions" to keep perpetuating the addictions and attachments to the industry

 [U7]Accidentally Prescribed for no reason!!

 [U8]So this may mean that a targeted or specific Group of people were being exploited or experimented on to see potentially the ethnic or cultural effect on this specif reaction to these opiods

 [U9]Funny in the previous report they were saying how there would be a need for more visits to a medical practiotioner to regulate the impact of opiods and here they all died within a 4 week time frame from seeing a Doctor—This is thought provoking to say either the Doctors are incapable  of determining the effect of there drugs orrr that they are not interested in the well being of a patient or they are ther to just collect data  like we have here 66.4% --a drug that should not be used at all

 [U10]CANADA KILLING OFF THE MIDDLE CLASS---2 tier system –well off and slave?

 [U11]Imagine that Legally Prescribing Death—almost if the Drug cartel is involved in the Medical field direct—OHH wait it is!!!!

 [U12]OH OH you mean to tell me people on the street are Getting Prescription Drugs!!!! And how can this be since they need to be prescribed---OHH wait the patients attending the physician maybe bootlegging them orrrrrr Maybe the doctors are needing new clients so they increase the volume of prescriptions ot  allow more to hit the street---ORR maybe a direct sale from the Pharmaceutical industrial to the streets by proxy

 [U13]NOT LIKELY---if they are being made they have more security then Gold---this would be intentional

 [U14]You May want to wash with a Baking Soda and Iodine solution to increase the detoxing of radiation off the foods







Show of the Week  April 22 2011


Laetrille Recipe


Laetrile & theImmune System


Laetrile is found in

Artificial lights compromise health and immunity

Piperine production by endophytic fungus Periconia sp. Isolated from Piper longum


Antihyperlipidemic Effects of Salvia officinalis









Blend or powder down the bitter almond once powdered then add to it the 100 grams and 20 grams of the other components and blend till saturated or fused…..encapsulate 500mgs of the mix


Utilize 1 pill 3 times a day the first week then following weeks just do 2 a day


Will reduce tumours or remove them …Kills cancer …boost the immune system


Make a AntiCancer Nut Butter filled with laetrile

You will need bitter almond ( or apricot pits or plum pits or peach pits or apple seeds or sesame seeds) add 2 oz of the apricot or bitter almond –you will need bitter almond essential oil add 5 drops –you will need cq10 300 mgs- you will need either rosemary tincture or essential oil add 1-2 drops of the essential oil of rosemary or a dropper full of the tincture- you will need 2 oz of sesame seed and 4 oz of almond—add all of these singularly in tsp amounts to get started and then add either almond oil or apricot oil 1 oz to get the mesh going then get the blender running with lid on—as you see this become more puree ‘d then open the tiny part of the lid ( leave lid on while blending but open the  center knob) and slowly add more as this goes on it will become thicker—then add your sesame seed- your almond –bitter almond –the cq10 ( with the capsule or emptied in does not matter)the rosemary ex or essential oil-as this is going just add the seeds or nuts and repeat this til you use up all your ratios once this is done—pour it into a glass container—leave half of it in the blender and then put lid on and turn on blender and open the centre hole and while it is blending add honey about half of the ratio that is in the blender this will thicken into a smooth spread---when done pour into a separate container—when using either one –do not exceed ½ tsp at any given time this is a high



 Laetrile & theImmune System

 Laetrile is claimed to be highly beneficial in the treatment of Cancer:  references


ùùùLaetrile may reduce the size of tumors and prevent their further spread (metastasis).


ùùùLaetrile may reduce the pain associated with Cancer.


ùùùThe enzymes Beta-Glucosidase and Beta-Glucuronidase (which are present in high amounts in Cancer cells and in low amounts in healthy cells) release the tightly bound and unavailable toxins - Benzaldehyde and organic Cyanide - from the Laetrile molecule and allow them to act synergistically (by a factor 100) to kill Cancer cells.


ùùùAnother enzyme, Rhodanese, which has the ability to detoxify Cyanide, is present in normal tissues but is deficient in Cancer cells.  Cancer cells are reported to contain up to 80% less Rhodanese compared to healthy cells.  These two factors combine to cause a selective poisoning of Cancer cells by the release of Cyanide from Laetrile, leaving non-cancerous cells undamaged.


ùùùThe discoverer of Laetrile believes that Cancer occurs only as a result of a direct deficiency of Laetrile and those so-called carcinogens really just contribute to cancer by placing further Stress on the body that precipitates the Cancers that result from Laetrile deficiency.



Laetrile is found in

the seeds (stones or kernels) of most members of the Rose (Rosaceae) family. 


Apple (seeds)>500 mg  Apricot (kernels)>500 mg Cherry (stones)>500 mg Nectarine (stones)>500 mg

Peach Stones>500 mg Pear Pips >500 mg

Lime Pips  Plum Stones Prune Seeds >500 mg Elderberries>500 mg

Boysenberries 100-500 mg        Raspberries 100-500 mg

Blackberries – Wild >500 mg Currants 100-500 mg

Gooseberries 100-500 mg         

Grains: Cassava  (Also known as Tapioca)     LargeAmounts Buckwheat    100-500 mg

Millet 100-500 mg      

Legumes: Mung Bean –sprouts >500 mg                

Chick Peas 100-500 mg

Alfalfa Sprouts 100-500 mg

Black-Eyed Peas 100-500  mg

Kidney Beans 100-500 mg Lentils 100-500 mg

Lima Beans   100-500 mg         

Nuts: Almonds >500 mg Macadamia Nuts >500 mg - Bitter Almonds                                                        Seeds: Flax Seeds 100-500 mg 


Artificial lights compromise health and immunity

by Adeha Feustel Asheville, NC 


Many studies indicate that ordinary artificial lighting is not the benign substitute for sunshine that we have assumed, that in fact it has a destructive and even life-threatening impact on our health, raising stress levels and disturbing cell function. When we avoid the sun, we depend on artificial lighting. Yet those indoor lights distort the frequency spectrum of sunlight, altering the critical balance between the visible light frequencies and the invisible light frequencies at either end of the light spectrum (infrared and ultraviolet).


Not only do we compromise our health and immunity by avoiding the sun, we endanger our eyesight, bone density and psychological equilibrium, and we wreak havoc with nervous and endocrine function. By so ignoring our biological mandate, we endanger every aspect of our function. By accepting artificial skewed-spectrum lighting as a substitute for sunshine, we unknowingly precipitate profound physiological effects with disastrous results, the causes of which are invisible to us, although glaringly evident in the available research on sunlight and health.


John Ott's Research into Natural and Artificial Light

John Ott got some truly stunning results when he studied the effect of variation in lighting on life span of a particular strain of mice bred for high susceptibility to spontaneous development of cancerous tumors. He compared the life spans of 2000 mice kept under various fluorescents versus those living under natural sunshine. Mouse life spans averaged 7.5 months under pink fluorescent lighting; mice under different types of light with increasingly wider spectral composition showed a progression in life span up to 16.1 months under natural sunlight!   


Lighting source

Mouse lifespan

Unfiltered sunlight (UV included)

16.1 months

UV transmitting plastic (UV included)

15.6 months

Window light (no UV)

9.4 months

Daylight fluorescent (no UV)

8.2 months

Pink fluorescent (no UV)

7.5 months


(Note the lack of UV light is associated with a huge drop in lifespan! Also, window light without UV was still considerably better than even daylight fluorescents. Full spectrum artificial lighting had not been developed.) 


Ott considered this experimental outcome the most significant of all his experimental work, and concluded that the full spectrum of sunlight was as vitally important to the health of animals (including humans) as to plants.


Of course 40 years after Ott's research, we are beginning to understand the vital importance of UV light in generating vitamin D in our bodies, and of the importance of Vitamin D in preventing cancer. We can supplement vitamin D now, to make up for not getting it from UV light. But many OTHER frequencies in sunlight are missing in indoor artificial light. What if each of those missing frequencies is critical to some vital nutrient in our body? Joseph G. Hattersley quotes John Ott: "Every nutritional substance, medicine and drug," says Dr. Ott, "has a specific wavelength absorption. If those wavelengths are missing in the artificial light source a person is exposed to, then the nutritional benefits of the substance will not be utilized." (2) 


: Ott's original research was done in the early 1970's. The research was repeated on a small scale by a few other researchers, but grant money for further research was refused on the grounds that light conditions could not possibly have anything to do with cancer! Anyone with a "genetic susceptibility" to cancer deserves to know about this study. Have you ever heard of it? Do you suppose that lighting conditions, if not the main variable in cancer experiments, should at least be controlled and standardized? Are they? No


Piperine production by endophytic fungus Periconia sp. Isolated from Piper longum L.

J Antibiot (Tokyo). 2011 Apr 20;

Authors: Verma VC, Lobkovsky E, Gange AC, Singh SK, Prakash S

The endophytic fungus Periconia sp. produces piperine (5-(3, 4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-1-piperidinopent-2, 4-dien-1-one) under liquid culture. This is the first report of the alternative source for this chemical other than its host, Piper longum. The highly functionalized fungus-derived piperine exhibits strong antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. smegmetis with minimum inhibitory concentrations of 1.74 and 2.62 μg ml(-1), respectively. The compound was crystallized and the structure was elucidated by single-crystal X-ray crystallography. This finding is of significance as piperine is a potential cancer preventative agent.  It is reaffirmed by this report that important pharmaceuticals can be produced by endophytic microbes, and these molecules appear to be mimetic to their host origin. Therefore, we can enhance the bioactive principles of medicinal plants by isolating and identifying the endophytes, thereby showing the importance of preserving the biodiversity of these plants.The Journal of Antibiotics advance online publication, 20 April 2011; doi:10.1038/ja.2011.27.--PMID: 21505472 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]




An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their  perception.

Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.

We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.

We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.

We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute.

We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.

We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.

We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.

We will use soft metals, ageing accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.

They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.

The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.

The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.

From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.

The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.

We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.

We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.

Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.

They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know
their true effect.

When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it is for their help.

We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.

When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future.

When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine.

We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.

They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.

We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they many never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all.

Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. We will use fear as our weapon.

We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides.

We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan.

They will perform the labour for us and we shall prosper from their toil.

Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way.

We will make them kill each other when it suits us.

We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.

We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.

We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves.

We will foment animosity between them through our factions.

When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.

We will make them rip each other's hearts apart and kill their own children.

We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend.

The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers. They will be busy killing each other.

They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbours for as long as we see fit.

We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us.

We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths.

We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished.

We will continue to make them live in fear and anger though images and sounds.

We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this.

The tools will be provided by their labour.

We will make them hate themselves and their neighbours.

We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know!

They must never know that colour is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal.

Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal.

We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them.

We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have.

We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.

When they shall band together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media.

We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favour.

When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that.

They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.

We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us.

The recruits will be called "initiates" and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth. They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us.

For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars. They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.

The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until its too late.

Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.

When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. This reality will be their prison. They will live in self-delusion.

When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin.

Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial.

But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW.

If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.

They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.

This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans.

This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came.

This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself.

Remember the 3 stages of truth:

  1. It is ridiculed.
  2. It is fiercely and violently opposed.
  3. It becomes self-evident.

— Arthur Schopenhauer



Antihyperlipidemic Effects of Salvia officinalis L. Leaf Extract in Patients with Hyperlipidemia: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.

Phytother Res. 2011 Apr 19;

Authors: Kianbakht S, Abasi B, Perham M, Hashem Dabaghian F

Hyperlipidemia is a common metabolic disorder contributing to morbidities and mortalities due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Conventional antihyperlipidemic drugs have limited efficacies and important side effects, so that alternative lipid lowering agents are needed. Salvia officinalis L. (sage) leaves have PPAR γ agonistic, pancreatic lipase and lipid absorption inhibitory, antioxidant, lipid peroxidation inhibitory and antiinflammatory effects. Thus, in this randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial with 67 hyperlipidemic (hypercholesterolemic and/or hypertriglyceridemic) patients aged 56.4 ± 30.3 years (mean ± SD), the effects of taking sage leaf extract (one 500 mg capsule every 8 h for 2 months) on fasting blood levels of lipids, creatinine and liver enzymes including SGOT and SGPT were evaluated in 34 patients and compared with the placebo group (n = 33). The extract lowered the blood levels of total cholesterol (p < 0.001), triglyceride (p = 0.001), LDL (p = 0.004) and VLDL (p = 0.001), but increased the blood HDL levels (p < 0.001) without any significant effects on the blood levels of SGOT, SGPT and creatinine (p > 0.05) compared with the placebo group at the endpoint. No adverse effects were reported. The results suggest that sage may be effective and safe in the treatment of hyperlipidemia..-PMID: 21506190 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]









Show of the Week April 22 2011


Study Adds Weight to Link Between Calcium Supplements and Heart Problems


Low Carbohydrate Diet May Reverse Kidney Failure in People With Diabetes


Limiting Carbs, Not Calories, Reduces Liver Fat Faster


How to Make Your Own Ear Candles WITH ADDED MODIFICATIONS


Benefits of Ear Candling



Study Adds Weight to Link Between Calcium Supplements and Heart Problems


ScienceDaily (Apr. 23, 2011) — New research published online in the British Medical Journal adds to mounting evidence that calcium supplements increase the risk of cardiovascular events, particularly heart attacks, in older women.-The findings suggest that their use in managing osteoporosis should be re-assessed.--Calcium supplements are often prescribed to older (postmenopausal) women to maintain bone health. Sometimes they are combined with vitamin D, but it's still unclear whether taking calcium supplements, with or without vitamin D, can affect the heart.[U1] ---The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study -- a seven-year trial of over 36,000 women -- found no cardiovascular effect of taking combined calcium and vitamin D supplements, but the majority of participants were already taking personal calcium supplements, which may have obscured any adverse effects. So a team of researchers, led by Professor Ian Reid at the University of Auckland, re-analysed the WHI results to provide the best current estimate of the effects of calcium supplements, with or without vitamin D, on the risk of cardiovascular events.---They analysed data from 16,718 women who were not taking personal calcium supplements at the start of the trial and found that those allocated to combined calcium and vitamin D supplements were at an increased risk of cardiovascular events, especially heart attack.--[U2] -By contrast, in women who were taking personal calcium supplements at the start of the trial, combined calcium and vitamin D supplements did not alter their cardiovascular risk.--The authors suspect that the abrupt change in blood calcium levels after taking a supplement causes the adverse effect, rather than it being related to the total amount of calcium consumed. High blood calcium levels are linked to calcification (hardening) of the arteries, [U3] which may also help to explain these results.--Further analyses -- adding data from 13 other trials, involving 29,000 people altogether -- also found consistent increases in the risk of heart attack and stroke associated with taking calcium supplements, with or without vitamin D, leading the authors to conclude that these data justify a reassessment of the use of calcium supplements in older people.--But in an accompanying editorial, Professors Bo Abrahamsen and Opinder Sahota argue that there is insufficient evidence available to support or refute the association.--Because of study limitations, they say "it is not possible to provide reassurance that calcium supplements given with vitamin D do not cause adverse cardiovascular events or to link them with certainty to increased cardiovascular risk. Clearly further studies are needed and the debate remains ongoing."--Story Source-The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by BMJ-British Medical Journal, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.--Journal Reference-M. J. Bolland, A. Grey, A. Avenell, G. D. Gamble, I. R. Reid. Calcium supplements with or without vitamin D and risk of cardiovascular events: reanalysis of the Women's Health Initiative limited access dataset and meta-analysis. BMJ, 2011; 342 (apr19 1): d2040 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.d2040


Low Carbohydrate Diet May Reverse Kidney Failure in People With Diabetes

ScienceDaily (Apr. 21, 2011) — Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have for the first time determined that the ketogenic diet, a specialized high-fat, low carbohydrate diet, may reverse impaired kidney function in people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. They also identified a previously unreported panel of genes associated with diabetes-related kidney failure, whose expression was reversed by the diet.--The findings were published in the current issue of PLoS ONE.--Charles Mobbs, PhD, Professor of Neuroscience and Geriatrics and Palliative Care Medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and his research team evaluated mice that were genetically predisposed to have Type 1 or 2 diabetes. The mice were allowed to develop diabetic nephropathy, or kidney failure. Half of the mice were put on the ketogenic diet, while the control group maintained a standard high carbohydrate diet. The researcher founds that after eight weeks, kidney failure was reversed in the mice on the ketogenic diet.--"Our study is the first to show that a dietary intervention alone is enough to reverse this serious complication of diabetes," said Dr. Mobbs. "This finding has significant implications for the tens of thousands of Americans diagnosed with diabetic kidney failure, and possibly other complications, each year."--The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate, moderate protein, and high-fat diet typically used to control seizures in children with epilepsy. Many cells can get their energy from ketones, which are molecules produced when the blood glucose levels are low and blood fat levels are high. When cells use ketones instead of glucose for fuel, glucose is not metabolized. Since high glucose metabolism causes kidney failure in diabetes, researchers hypothesized that the ketogenic diet would block those toxic effects of glucose. Considering the extreme requirements of the diet, it is not a long-term solution in adults. However, Dr. Mobbs' research indicates that exposure to the diet for as little as a month may be sufficient to "reset" the gene expression and pathological process leading to kidney failure.--The researchers also identified a large array of genes expressed during diabetic nephropathy not previously known to play a role in the development of this complication. These genes are associated with kidney failure as a result of the stress on cellular function. The team found that the expression of these genes was also reversed in the mice on the ketogenic diet.--Dr. Mobbs and his team plan to continue to research the impact of the ketogenic diet and the mechanism by which it reverses kidney failure in people with diabetes, and in age-related kidney failure. He believes the ketogenic diet could help treat other neurological diseases and retinopathy, a disease that results in vision loss.--"Knowing how the ketogenic diet reverses nephropathy will help us identify a drug target and subsequent pharmacological interventions that mimic the effect of the diet," said Dr. Mobbs. "We look forward to studying this promising development further."

This study was funded partly by the National Institutes of Health and by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School of Medicine, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.--Journal Reference-Michal M. Poplawski, Jason W. Mastaitis, Fumiko Isoda, Fabrizio Grosjean, Feng Zheng, Charles V. Mobbs. Reversal of Diabetic Nephropathy by a Ketogenic Diet. PLoS ONE, 2011; 6 (4): e18604 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018604


Limiting Carbs, Not Calories, Reduces Liver Fat Faster

ScienceDaily (Apr. 19, 2011) — Curbing carbohydrates is more effective than cutting calories for individuals who want to quickly reduce the amount of fat in their liver, report UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers.---"What this study tells us is that if your doctor says that you need to reduce the amount of fat in your liver, you can do something within a month," said Dr. Jeffrey Browning, assistant professor of internal medicine at UT Southwestern and the study's lead author.---The results, available online and in an upcoming issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, could have implications for treating numerous diseases including diabetes, insulin resistance and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD. The disease, characterized by high levels of triglycerides in the liver, affects as many as one-third of American adults. It can lead to liver inflammation, cirrhosis and liver cancer.--For the study, researchers assigned 18 participants with NAFLD to eat either a low-carbohydrate or a low-calorie diet for 14 days.--The participants assigned to the low-carb diet limited their carbohydrate intake to less than 20 grams a day -- the equivalent of a small banana or a half-cup of egg noodles [U4] -- for the first seven days. For the final seven days, they switched to frozen meals prepared by UT Southwestern's Clinical and Translational Research Center (CTRC) kitchen that matched their individual food preferences, carbohydrate intake and energy needs.[U5] --Those assigned to the low-calorie diet continued their regular diet and kept a food diary for the four days preceding the study. The CTRC kitchen then used these individual records to prepare all meals during the 14-day study. Researchers limited the total number of calories to roughly 1,200 a day for the female participants and 1,500 a day for the males.---After two weeks, researchers used advanced imaging techniques to analyze the amount of liver fat in each individual. They found that the study participants on the low-carb diet lost more liver fat.--Although the study was not designed to determine which diet was more effective for losing weight, both the low-calorie dieters and the low-carbohydrate dieters lost an average of 10 pounds.---Dr. Browning cautioned that the findings do not explain why participants on the low-carb diet saw a greater reduction in liver fat, and that they should not be extrapolated beyond the two-week period of study.---"This is not a long-term study, and I don't think that low-carb diets are fundamentally better than low-fat ones," he said. "Our approach is likely to be only of short-term benefit because at some point the benefits of weight loss alone trounce any benefits derived from manipulating dietary macronutrients such as calories and carbohydrates.--Weight loss, regardless of the mechanism, is currently the most effective way to reduce liver fat."---Other UT Southwestern researchers involved in the study were Dr. Shawn Burgess, senior author and assistant professor of pharmacology in the Advanced Imaging Research Center (AIRC); Dr. Jonathan Baker, assistant professor of pathology; Dr. Thomas Rogers, former professor of pathology; Jeannie Davis, clinical research coordinator in the AIRC; and Dr. Santhosh Satapati, postdoctoral researcher in the AIRC. The National Institutes of Health supported the study.

Story Source--The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by UT Southwestern Medical Center, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.--Journal Reference:--J D. Browning, J. A. Baker, T. Rogers, J. Davis, S. Satapati, S. C. Burgess. Short-term weight loss and hepatic triglyceride reduction: evidence of a metabolic advantage with dietary carbohydrate restriction. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011; DOI: 10.3945/ajcn.110.007674



How to Make Your Own Ear Candles WITH ADDED MODIFICATIONS

In ear candling, a metal plate is placed over the ear. There is a hole in the center of the plate to allow the wide end of an ear candle to be placed in it. The other end of the ear candle is then lit and allowed to burn for several minutes. Ear candling supporters claim that the ear candle creates a very small vacuum that lifts wax and debris out of the ear canal.


Moderately Easy


things you'll need:

Cotton (or linen) or Cheese Cloth Double-boiler Stove Tapered wooden or metal dowel rod or  Knitting Needle, about 12 inches long and two inches across on the wide end Cooking oil Paraffin or beeswax

    • 1

Cut cotton into strips that are 12 inches long and 2 inches wide. You can purchase cotton at a fabric store or use old pillowcases or sheets. It does not matter where the cotton comes from as long as it is clean. _ Orr you can as well wrap the cheese clot around and double it up so as to collect the wax better when dipped

    • 2

Melt the wax in a double-boiler over low heat. While the wax is melting, lightly lubricate the dowel rod with cooking oil.—or take a container and fill with enough wax where you can dip direct in and then have wax paper folded in such a way where you can take the wrapped dipped knitting needle and shape the wax accordingly.

    • 3

When the wax is completely melted, dip the cotton strips into the wax. Make sure that you coat the entire strip with the wax.—apply this as well with the cheese cloth method

    • 4

When the cotton strip has been coated with was, wrap it around the dowel rod. Start at the narrow end of the rod and work your way down. Make sure that the wraps of cotton overlap each other as they spiral down the rod.—again use the wax paper to twist and shape the wax as needed

    • 5

Allow the wax to begin to harden, but do not let it cool completely. When the wax is firm, gently rotate the dowel in the opposite direction of the cotton wraps to loosen it from the cotton. When the dowel is loose, slowly remove it from the middle of the cotton. You now have a homemade cotton ear candle.

Tips & Warnings



Benefits of Ear Candling

Individuals who provide Ear Candling will often tell you of the many benefits from this simple method.

These potential benefits may include:

·                                 Improved sense of smell

·                                 Relief of “swimmer’s ear

·                                 Reduced ear pain

·                                 Improved sense of taste

·                                 Balanced emotional state

·                                 Reduced ringing in ears

·                                 Relief of dizziness

·                                 Reduced pain of a tear in the eardrum

·                                 Improved color perception

·                                 Equalized pressure in the ear

·                                 Reduced stress and tension

·                                 Clearer thinking

·                                 Improved lymphatic fluid flow

Ear Candling Practitioners also feel the reason the method creates these benefits is that all of the openings in the head are inter-connected, in a maze–like configuration, which allows the vacuum created by the candle to drain the entire system by osmosis through the membrane of the ear.  It is believed that the gentle osmotic pressure caused by Ear Candling is enough to effect a correction within the structures which lay in close proximity of the ear drum, thus the reason clients feel so great following a treatment.—


Precautions to Ear Candling—

Keep in mind that when applying this to your self or having someone else doing it never go beyond a certain point with the candle due to the heat and the wax may drain or seep back into the ear—usual point is about half way and you would need at least 2 candles per ear and maybe more depending on the amount of clutter inside the ear





 [U1]This could cause a condition of calcium deposits around the heart causing blockage or in the arteries as well further damaging the circulation and the Vascular are a

 [U2]Any vessel in the body may be affected; however, the aorta, coronary, carotid, and iliac arteries are most frequently affected. When the coronary arteries are involved, it results in coronary artery disease (CAD). Hardening of the arteries is due to the build up of plaque and mineral deposits. As a result, the supply of blood to the heart is reduced, which can lead to chest pain or a myocardial infarction (heart attack). Hardening of the arteries causes an increase in resistance to blood flow and, therefore, an increase in blood pressure

 [U3]The average recommended dose for qwomen is about 2 grams ---insanity-no way can anyone –even with an intact digestive system –can utilize this  much calcium









Show of the Week  April 29 2011


Another Look at Testosterone-Prostate Cancer Link


Forgetfulness, Disorientation, Confusion and Statins


Workshop Video Recipes


USES of H2O2-Hydrogen Peroxide 1 & 2




Another Look at Testosterone-Prostate Cancer Link

ScienceDaily (Apr. 24, 2011) — The long-standing prohibition against testosterone therapy in men with untreated or low-risk prostate cancer merits reevaluation, according to a new study published in The Journal of Urology.

"For many decades it had been believed that a history of prostate cancer, even if treated and cured, was an absolute contraindication to testosterone therapy, due to the belief that testosterone activated prostate cancer growth, and could potentially cause dormant cancer cells to grow rapidly," says Abraham Morgentaler, MD of Men's Health Boston. "Generations of medical students and residents were taught that providing testosterone to a man with prostate cancer was like pouring gasoline on a fire."

This study, involving 13 symptomatic testosterone deficient men who also had untreated prostate cancer, suggests this traditional view is incorrect, and that testosterone treatment in men does not cause rapid growth of prostate cancer. It is the first to directly and rigorously assess changes in the prostate among men with prostate cancer who received testosterone therapy.--The men received testosterone therapy while undergoing active surveillance for prostate cancer for a median of 2.5 years. Median age was 58.8 years. The initial biopsy Gleason score was 6/10 for 12 of the men, 7/10 for the other (Gleason score grades the aggressiveness of prostate cancer by its microscopic appearance on a scale of 2-10. Gleason 6 is generally considered low to moderately aggressive, and Gleason 7 moderately aggressive).--Mean testosterone concentration increased from 238 to 664 ng/dl with treatment, yet neither prostate specific antigen (PSA) concentrations nor prostate volume showed any change. Follow-up biopsies of the prostate were performed in all men at approximately yearly intervals, and none developed cancer progression. In fact, 54 percent of the follow-up biopsies revealed no cancer at all.[U1] ---Although the number of men in the study was small, and none had aggressive or advanced prostate cancer, Morgentaler observed, "These men were rigorously followed. The cancers in these men were typical of the prostate cancers for which men have undergone invasive treatment with surgery or radiation for 25 years. Clearly, the traditional belief that higher testosterone necessarily leads to rapid prostate cancer growth is incorrect."--In a Journal of Urology editorial comment, Martin M. Miner, MD, of the Miriam Hospital and Warren Alpert School of Medicine of Brown University notes the conclusions represent "a remarkable shift in thinking from only five years ago. … If testosterone therapy was not associated with disease progression in men with untreated prostate cancer, how concerned must we be about testosterone therapy in men with treated prostate cancer?"--"An increasing number of newly diagnosed men with prostate cancer opting for active surveillance, and with many of them also desiring treatment for their signs and symptoms of testosterone deficiency, the results suggest a reevaluation of the long standing prohibition against offering testosterone therapy to men with prostate cancer," says Morgentaler.--Refraining from testosterone therapy due to unmerited prostate cancer fears may have adverse lifestyle and health consequences, since testosterone therapy in testosterone deficient men has been shown to improve symptoms of fatigue, decreased libido, and erectile dysfunction. Testosterone therapy may also improve mood, blood sugar control, increase muscle, decrease fat, and improve bone density. Four recent studies have shown that men with high testosterone levels appear to live longer than men with low levels, although it has not yet been shown that treating men with testosterone increases longevity.--Morgentaler commented on an Italian study that showed that low levels of testosterone were associated with aggressive prostate cancer. The risk of aggressive cancer was reduced for men with normal testosterone compared with men with low testosterone.-In an editorial in the journal Cancer, "Turning Conventional Wisdom Upside Down: Low Serum Testosterone and High-Risk Prostate Cancer Morgentaler wrote, "After seven decades of circumstantial evidence pointing us in the wrong direction, perhaps it is time to consider the once unthinkable -- conducting a testosterone therapy trial of sufficient size and duration to determine whether normalization of serum testosterone in older men many reduce the risk of prostate cancer, particularly high-risk prostate cancer."---In addition to Morgentaler, a member of the Division of Urology in the BIDMC Department of Surgery and an associate clinic professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School, the study was co-authored by Michael Sweeney, MD of Harvard Medical School and Larry I. Lipshultz, MD, Richard Bennett, MD, Desiderio Avila, Jr., MD, and Mohit Khera, MD, of Baylor Medical College.

The authors reported financial interests and/or other relationships with Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Watson Pharmaceuticals, Slate Pharmaceuticals, Bayer Healthcare, GlaxoSmithKline, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer Inc., Eli Lilly & Co., Allergan, Inc., American Medical Systems and Repros Therapeutics.- Story Source-The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.--Journal Reference-Abraham Morgentaler. Turning conventional wisdom upside-down. Cancer, 2011; DOI: 10.1002/cncr.25975


Forgetfulness, Disorientation, Confusion and Statins

By Dr. Duane Graveline, M.D., M.P.H.

The advent of the stronger statin drugs in the past decade has contributed to a flood of reports of impaired cognition. These complaints range from transient global amnesia, to aggravation of pre-existing senility to forgetfulness, disorientation and confusion.---
In the first of his double blind placebo controlled trials, Muldoon assessed cognitive function and psychological well being in 194 healthy adults. Subjects were 24 to 60 years old and had
LDL cholesterol levels of 160 mg/dl or higher. Each subject was randomly assigned to receive 20 mg/day of lovastatin or placebo for 6 months. Serum lipid levels were measured throughout the study. --
At baseline and at completion of treatment, comprehensive neuropsychological tests were conducted for attention ( digit vigilance, letter rotation, digit span, recurring words ), psychomotor speed ( grooved pegboard, maze, digit symbol ), mental flexibility (strobe interference, trail making, digital vigilance, letter rotation), working memory ( associated learning, digit span ) and memory retrieval ( controlled word association, digit symbol recall, verbal recall and complex figure testing ).---Psychological well being was assessed by daily diaries and subject interviews. At 6 month follow up, the placebo group had improved significantly in all five domains of cognitive function. The lovastatin group did poorly by comparison. Three years later Muldoon and his group repeated this study using simvastatin. The results were similar to the lovastatin study.---The mechanism of this side effect is clearly rooted in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and fundamental to neurophysiologic mechanisms. Only in the past several years have we learned the importance of cholesterol in brain function. Imagine, cholesterol, the same cholesterol we have been led by the pharmaceutical industry to be public health enemy number one, now proven to be absolutely vital in the formation and function of the trillions of synapses in our brains. ---
Explanation for statin drugs' effect on cognition came on 9 November 2001, when Dr. Frank Pfrieger of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science announced to the world the discovery of the elusive factor responsible for the development of the highly specialized contact sites between adjacent neurons in the brain known as synapses. Not surprisingly to specialists in the field, the
synaptogenic factor was shown to be the notorious substance cholesterol.
[U2] ---The so-called glial cells of the brain, long suspected of providing certain housekeeping functions, were shown to produce their own supply of cholesterol for the specific purpose of providing nerve cells with this vital synaptic component.

Since the lipoproteins that mediate the transport of cholesterol, including both LDL and HDL, are too large to pass the blood-brain barrier, the brain cannot tap the cholesterol supply in the blood. The brain must depend upon its own cholesterol synthesis, which the glial cells provide. The highly lipophilic statin drugs more easily cross the blood/brain barrier and interferes directly with glial cell synthesis of cholesterol. --Millions of patients are now taking this class of drug and are at significant risk for cognitive side effect. Transient global amnesia is just the tip of the iceberg. For every report of TGA there are hundreds of reports of impaired memory, disorientation and confusion among an older group of patients that rarely get mentioned. All too frequently, this group is willing to accept old age, "senior moments" or incipient senility as the cause, particularly when their physicians are also ignorant about this side effect of the statin drugs.



Workshop Video Recipes


Blood Purifier—Add Beets ( 2 Peeled or one big one and pre chop for the blender ) add 1 ½ cup of red wine—then blend for about 10 minutes-when done stop Blender and pour through a cloth filter ( use anything –handkerchief-pillow case-a thin sheet –etc ) ring well and add to a glass container—Use 1 oz as needed—or if trying to purify blood use this in conjunction with teas or juices that will assist in this—Use extra Vitamin C when using this remedy due to the oxalates that some of you maybe more sensitive to and will give gout or a painful joint feeling—


Waxing- this is where we take wax and melt down and add any essential oil of choice ( 1-2 drops of each oil adding) –heat up another container so that when pouring the wax inside it will maintain the heat of the wax for a longer period of time and when the wax is melted pour into the heated container and then using a sponge apply carefully and gingerly the wax on the area you wish to pull out toxins or even microbes or pest that may have penterated the skin


Ear Candle Making and Utilizing- you will need a1) knitting needle 2)wax of choice( for the demo we use a paraffin but normally we would use bee’s wax) wrap of choice whether an old pillowcase to a handkerchief to cheese cloth  ( we used cheese cloth ) 3)wrap the cheese cloth around the Needle at least 3 times and contain the wrap so it does not come undone—4)in the interim you will be heating wax and in a container of choice and use Glass when doing this--- 5)have wax paper on hand and fold it over several times so it is thick—6)Once the wax is liquefied then dip the form in the wax—when pulling out be careful not to splatter the wax- then when it is removed use the wax paper to further shape and smooth out the candle—then set to cool off –nip of the excess and you have an ear candle


Ear Candling—Once the candle has cooled then get an old pie plate and put a whole in the center big enough to slide the candle through once inserted light the opposite end of the candle and then insert into the ear –make sure it is secured not to allow a leak –you need a vacuum –this will draw out clogged materials in the ear—ONLY ALLOW the CANDLE TO GO HALF WAY OR JUST SLIGHTLY BELOW HALF—t Each ear will need 2 candles—you will hear either a crackling Noise or a vacuuming type of sound—Once done allow for the ears to adjust to noise due to he fact you have nothing causing a blockage



Egg Protein- take several Eggs and boil them once boiled then shell them so all you have is the egg—split the white and remove the yolk ( you can do both but the yolk has fat in it –lecithin- and will go rancid  if left out to long once dried-then once you have separated the yolk then mush down the eggs and then insert into a toaster oven or a regular oven for about 10 hours—heat at about 80 cel or about 165 degrees fahr—when dried poder in a blender and store in jar and use with gelatin






 [U1] This study could actually imply that a lack of testosterone could be the cause or at the least contributing factor of cancer or at the least an indicator of prostate cancer

 [U2]Here they are being sarcastic ---Cholesterol is required for the brain to be normally operating and functional





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