The Benefits of Saturated Fats--- Health benefits of Butter--
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994
Plaster—Healing with Clay and Essential Oils
The Benefits of Saturated Fats
The much-maligned saturated fatswhich Americans are trying to avoidare not the
cause of our modern diseases. In fact, they play many important roles in the
body chemistry:
The scientific evidence, honestly evaluated, does not support the assertion that "artery-clogging" saturated fats cause heart disease. (44) Actually, evaluation of the fat in artery clogs reveals that only about 26% is saturated. The rest is unsaturated, of which more than half is polyunsaturated. (45)
"Research undertaken at The University of Auckland suggests that dairy foods may reduce the occurrence and symptoms of asthma and other allergic diseases. University studies have shown that mice with allergic conditions show a reduced reaction to allergens when fed a diet enriched with fatty acids derived from milk. These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and occur naturally in cow's milk but are not present in margarine. The reduction of butter consumption and the subsequent increase in margarine use in the Western World occurred at the same time as the increased incidence of asthma, eczema and other allergic diseases. In New Zealand , margarine was not available in shops until 1971. "A number of studies have shown that butter consumption is associated with a reduction in allergic disease," says Dr Peter Black from the University's Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. "We believe that 10g per day of butter enriched with these natural fatty acids should help control symptoms of asthma.We are currently conducting a study to look at this."
Stearic Acid found innocent
Despite the
huge ramifications this discovery might have to nutritionists who continually
warn us against consuming saturated fats, this news has managed to miss the
worldwide media. The
reason is quite obvious, nobody knows what stearic acid is!
Contrary to the notion we get from nutritionists, saturated fats are a range of
different molecules, of which one of the most common is stearic acid. The
requital of stearic acid occurred from studies using Shea butter, a tropical nut
oil that contains most of its saturated content as stearic acid. A study found
that The effect of fats high in individual, prevalent saturated dietary
fatty acids on lipoproteins and hemostatic variables in young healthy subjects
was evaluated in a randomized metabolic feeding study.
The results indicate that intake of shea butter high in stearic acid favorably
affects blood lipids and factor VII coagulant activity in young men.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Feb 1994. Vol. 59, Iss. 2; pg. 371 This is on top of previous studies that
have concluded that stearic acid does not raise cholesterol levels, and even
suggestions that
acid should not need to be counted as a 'saturated fat' for labelling purposes.
The only reason why saturated fats are considered bad is that they are meant to
raise cholesterol levels, which in turn are correlated to a higher risk in
Coronary Heart Disease. Although, there have been many other attempts to link
saturated fat consumption to diabetes and cancer, essentially it is the
cholesterol/heart disease links that has formed the basis of saturated fat's bad
image. So if I play by the rules and assume everything about saturated fats and
cholesterol are essentially true, but exclude stearic acid from the equation, I
come to quite a startling discovery:
tallow, the fat that has been demonised as the heart-disease cause, is in fact
mostly made of fats that help the heart.
The composition if beef fat is as follows:
40% mono unsaturated (oleic and palmitoleic)
22% stearic acid
3% myristic (saturated)
25% palmitic (saturated)
4% polyunsaturated
5% rumanitic trans-fats
As the nutritionists tell us mono unsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats
help lower cholesterol,
we have 66%
of beef tallow composed of fats that have favorable effects for the heart!
This leaves the remaining 34% to be responsible for cholesterol raising. While
myristic and palmitic acid have been suggested to raise cholesterol,
studies so
far have produced contradictory results with regard to these components.
Even the Heart Foundation have noted that
that palm oil (which is high in palmitic acid) raises cholesterol is
ORAC is a standardised test adopted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to measure the Total Antioxidant Potency of foods and nutritional supplements. This standardised test was developed by Dr. Guohua Cao, a physician and chemist at the National Institute on Ageing in Baltimore, Maryland. It provides a very precise way of establishing the Free Radical destroying or neutralising power of a particular food, supplement or compound. The ORAC unit has become one accepted industry standard for measuring antioxidants. The antioxidant test combines a measure of both the time an antioxidant took to react and also its antioxidant capacity in a given sample. The ORAC unit then combines them into one measure, making it the first in vitro assay method for measuring total antioxidant potential. It is easily expressed as per 100 grams of sample. The recommended daily antioxidant dose should add up to 5000 ORAC units each day. Looking at Table 1 below, it is clear that one has to be quite selective in the foods chosen so as to easily achieve this. If you at bananas alone, you would need to eat 2.4 kilograms of bananas to get your daily ORAC dose! You would however, only need to eat 87 grams of prunes. In a study of 36 older people, boosting fruit and vegetable intake to reach 3,200 ORAC units a day increased the antioxidant potential of the blood by 10 to 15%; enough to have an impact on disease prevention (Holly, 2003). The ORAC is not the ultimate unit, however, as different antioxidants have different effects. Lycopene protects against prostate cancer and is found in tomatoes, strawberries and pink grapefruit. Lycopene is the predominate carotenoid in plasma, and various tissues including the prostate gland (Lucich, 2001). Research (ref.) has shown spinach to be more effective than strawberries (which score higher in the ORAC assay) when measured as blood antioxidant scores. The researchers conjecture that it may be due to specific compounds or a specific combination of them in the greens. Spinach caused the biggest change in a test between spinach, strawberries, and red wine (all high-ORAC foods) and 1,250 milligrams of vitamin C.
Other essential oils are also strong antioxidants with a high ORAC value:
Essential oils really potent antioxidants. A drop of Clove oil contains 400 times more antioxidant per unit volume than wolfberries, the most powerful of all know fruits.
Three assays methods for the determination of total antioxidant capacity are found in published literature: the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay, the Randox Trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity (Randox-TEAC) assay, and the ferric reducing ability (FRAP) assay (Cao & Pior, 2002). The FRAP assay is simple and inexpensive but does not measure the SH-group-containing antioxidants. The ORAC assay has high specificity and responds to numerous antioxidants. The ORAC method is chemically more relevant to chain-breaking antioxidants activity, while the FRAP has some drawbacks such as interference, reaction kinetics, and quantitation methods. On the basis of the ORAC results, green pepper, spinach, purple onion, broccoli, beet, and cauliflower are the leading sources of antioxidant activities against the peroxyl radicals (Ou et al, 2002).ORAC is a standardised test adopted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to measure the Total Antioxidant Potency of foods and nutritional supplements. This standardised test was developed by Dr. Guohua Cao, a physician and chemist at the National Institute on Ageing in Baltimore, Maryland. It provides a very precise way of establishing the Free Radical destroying or neutralising power of a particular food, supplement or compound. The ORAC unit has become one accepted industry standard for measuring antioxidants. The antioxidant test combines a measure of both the time an antioxidant took to react and also its antioxidant capacity in a given sample. The ORAC unit then combines them into one measure, making it the first in vitro assay method for measuring total antioxidant potential. It is easily expressed as per 100 grams of sample. The recommended daily antioxidant dose should add up to 5000 ORAC units each day. Looking at Table 1 below, it is clear that one has to be quite selective in the foods chosen so as to easily achieve this. If you at bananas alone, you would need to eat 2.4 kilograms of bananas to get your daily ORAC dose! You would however, only need to eat 87 grams of prunes. In a study of 36 older people, boosting fruit and vegetable intake to reach 3,200 ORAC units a day increased the antioxidant potential of the blood by 10 to 15%; enough to have an impact on disease prevention For anybody who could handle the smell, a drop of clove oil would give the required ORAC dose. There are however doubts as to whether ingesting clove oil (Syzigium aromaticum) is safe~~~-- It is safe---always use a carrier oil ---honey---syrup---never ever take this straight. ~~~Wolfberries (Lyceum barbarum) is a fruit from the Ningxia Province, China, where some people have lived to over 120 years. The ORAC is not the ultimate unit, however, as different antioxidants have different effects. Lycopene protects against prostate cancer and is found in tomatoes, strawberries and pink grapefruit. Lycopene is the predominate carotenoid in plasma, and various tissues including the prostate gland (Lucich, 2001). Research (ref.) has shown spinach to be more effective than strawberries (which score higher in the ORAC assay) when measured as blood antioxidant scores. The researchers conjecture that it may be due to specific compounds or a specific combination of them in the greens. Spinach caused the biggest change in a test between spinach, strawberries, and red wine (all high-ORAC foods) and 1,250 milligrams of vitamin C.
Three assays metnods for the determination of total antioxidant capacity are found in published literature: the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay, the Randox Trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity (Randox-TEAC) assay, and the ferric reducing ability (FRAP) assay (Cao & Pior, 2002). The FRAP assay is simple and inexpensive but does not measure the SH-group-containing antioxidants. The ORAC assay has high specificity and responds to numerous antioxidants. The ORAC method is chemically more relevant to chain-breaking antioxidants activity, while the FRAP has some drawbacks such as interference, reaction kinetics, and quantitation methods. On the basis of the ORAC results, green pepper, spinach, purple onion, broccoli, beet, and cauliflower are the leading sources of antioxidant activities against the peroxyl radicals (Ou et al, 2002).
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994
S. 784--AN ACT
To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to establish standards with respect to dietary supplements, and for other purposes 103D CONGRESS 2D SESSION S. 784
To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to establish standards with respect to dietary supplements, and for other purposes.
1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 4 This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994’’. 2
(a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds that— (1) improving the health status of United States citizens ranks at the top of the national priorities of the Federal Government; (2) the importance of nutrition and the benefits of dietary supplements to health promotion and disease prevention have been documented increasingly in scientific studies; (3)(A) there is a definitive link between the ingestion of certain nutrients or dietary supplements and the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis; and (B) clinical research has shown that several chronic diseases can be prevented simply with a healthful diet, such as a diet that is low in fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium, with a high proportion of plant-based foods; (4) healthful diets may mitigate the need for expensive medical procedures, such as coronary bypass surgery or angioplasty; (5) preventive health measures, including education, good nutrition, and appropriate use of safe nutritional supplements will limit the incidence of chronic diseases, and reduce long-term health care expenditures; S 784 ES --(A) promotion of good health and healthy lifestyles improves and extends lives while reducing health care expenditures; and (B) reduction in health care expenditures is of paramount importance to the future of the country and the economic well-being of the country; there is a growing need for emphasis on the dissemination of information linking nutrition and long-term good health; consumers should be empowered to make choices about preventive health care programs based on data from scientific studies of health benefits related to particular dietary supplements; (A) national surveys have revealed that almost 50 percent of the 260,000,000 Americans regularly consume dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, or herbs as a means of improving their nutrition; and (B) nearly all consumers indicate that dietary supplements should not be regulated as drugs; studies indicate that consumers are placing increased reliance on the use of nontraditional health care providers to avoid the excessive costs of traditional medical services and to obtain more holistic consideration of their needs; S 784 ES the United States will spend over $1,000,000,000,000 on health care in 1994, which is about 12 percent of the Gross National Product of the United States, and this amount and percentage will continue to increase unless significant efforts are undertaken to reverse the increase; (A) the nutritional supplement industry is an integral part of the economy of the United States; (B) the industry consistently projects a positive trade balance; and (C) the estimated 600 dietary supplement manufacturers in the United States produce approximately 4,000 products, with total annual sales of such products alone reaching at least $4,000,000,000; although the Federal Government should take swift action against products that are unsafe or adulterated, the Federal Government should not take any actions to impose regulatory barriers limiting or slowing the flow of safe products and needed information to consumers; dietary supplements are safe within a broad range of intake, and safety problems with the supplements are relatively rare; and S 784 ES (A) legislative action that protects the right of access of consumers to safe dietary supplements is necessary in order to promote wellness; and (B) a rational Federal framework must be established to supersede the current ad hoc, patchwork regulatory policy on dietary supplements. (b) PURPOSE.—It is the purpose of this Act to— (1) improve the health status of the people of the United States and help constrain runaway health care spending by ensuring that the Federal Government erects no regulatory barriers that impede the ability of consumers to improve their nutrition through the free choice of safe dietary supplements; (2) clarify that—
(A) dietary supplements are not drugs or food additives;
(B) dietary supplements should not be regulated as drugs;
(C) regulations relating to food additives are not applicable to dietary supplements and their ingredients used for food additive purposes, including stabilizers, processing agents, or preservatives; and
(D) the burden of proof is on the Food and Drug Administration to prove that a product is unsafe before it can be removed from the marketplace; (3) establish a new definition of a dietary supplement that differentiates dietary supplements from conventional foods, while recognizing the broad range of food ingredients used to supplement the diet;
(4) strengthen the current enforcement authority of the Food and Drug Administration by providing to the Administration additional mechanisms to take enforcement action against unsafe or fraudulent products;
(5) establish a series of labeling requirements that will provide consumers with greater information and assurance about the quality and content of dietary supplements, while at the same time assuring the consumers the freedom to use the supplements of their choice;
(6) provide new administrative and judicial review procedures to affected parties if the Food and Drug Administration takes certain actions to enforce dietary supplement requirements; and
(7) establish a Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels within the executive branch to develop recommendations on a procedure to evaluate health claims for dietary supplements and provide recommendations to the President and the Congress.
(a) DEFINITION OF CERTAIN FOODS AS DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS.—Section 201 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321) is amended by adding at the end the following: The term ‘dietary supplement’ means—
‘‘(1) a product intended to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake that bears or contains one or more of the following dietary ingredients:
‘‘(A) a vitamin;
‘‘(B) a mineral;
‘‘(C) an herb or other botanical;
‘‘(D) an amino acid;
‘‘(E) another dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake; or
‘‘(F) a concentrate, metabolite, constituent, extract, or combination of any ingredient described in clause (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) or
(F); a product that‘‘(A)(i) is intended for ingestion in a form described in section 411(c)(1)(B)(i); or ‘‘(ii) complies with section 411(c)(1)(B)(ii); and ‘‘(B) is not represented for use as a conventional food or as a sole item of a meal or the diet; and
‘‘(C) is labeled as a dietary supplement.’’.
(b) EXCLUSION FROM DEFINITION OF DRUG.—Section 201(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321(g)) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ‘‘(3) The term ‘drug’ does not include a dietary supplement as defined in paragraph (ff), except that ‘‘(A) an article that is approved as a new drug, certified as an antibiotic (under section 355 or 357), or licensed as a biologic (under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262 et seq.)) and was, prior to such approval, certification or license, marketed as a dietary supplement or as a food, may continue to be offered for sale as a dietary supplement unless the Secretary has issued a regulation, after notice and comment, finding that the article when used as or in a dietary supplement under the conditions of use and dosages set forth in the labeling for such dietary supplement, is unlawful under section 402(f); and ‘‘(B) an article that is approved as a new drug, certified as an antibiotic (under section 355 or 357), or licensed as a biologic (under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262 et seq.)) and was not prior thereto marketed as a dietary supplement or as a food, may not be considered as a dietary ingredient or dietary supplement unless the Secretary has issued a regulation, after notice and comment, finding that the article would be lawful under section 402(f) under the conditions of use and dosages set forth in the recommended labeling for such article.’’.
Section 201(s) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321(s)) is amende(1) by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of subparagraph (4);
(2) by striking the period at the end of subparagraph
(5) and inserting ‘‘; or’’; and
(3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:
‘‘(6) an ingredient described in paragraph (ff)
in, or intended for use in, a dietary supplement.’’.
(d) FORM OF INGESTION.—Section 411(c)(1)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 350(c)(1)(B)) is amended(1) in clause (i), by inserting ‘‘powder, softgel, gelcap,’’ after ‘‘capsule,’’; and (2) in clause (ii), by striking ‘‘does not simulate and’’. SEC. 4. SAFETY OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS AND BURDEN OF PROOF ON FDA. Section 402 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 342) is amended by adding at the end the following:
‘‘(f) If it is a dietary supplement that ‘‘(1) the Secretary finds, after rulemaking, presents a substantial and unreasonable risk of illness or injury under conditions of use recommended or suggested in labeling; ‘‘(2) the Secretary declares to pose an imminent and substantial hazard to public health or safety, except that the authority to make such declaration shall not be delegated and the Secretary shall promptly thereafter convene rulemaking pursuant to section 701(e), (f), and (g) to affirm or withdraw the declaration; or ‘‘(3) is or contains a dietary ingredient that renders it adulterated under paragraph (a)(1) under the conditions of use recommended or suggested in the labeling of such dietary supplement. In any proceeding under this section, the United States bears the burden of proof on each element to show that a dietary supplement is dulterated.’’. SEC. 5. DIETARY SUPPLEMENT CLAIMS. (a) SUPPLEMENT CLAIMS.—Chapter IV of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 341 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 403A the following new section: ‘‘DIETARY SUPPLEMENT LABELING EXEMPTIONS ‘‘SEC. 403B. An article, another publication, a chapter in books, or the official abstract of a peer-reviewed scientific publication that appears in the article and was prepared by the author or the editors of the publication, reprinted in its entirety, shall not be defined as labeling when used in connection with the sale of dietary supplements to consumers when it—
‘‘(1) is not false or misleading;
‘‘(2) does not promote a particular brand of a dietary supplement;
‘‘(3) is displayed or presented, or is displayed or presented with other such items on the same subject matter, so as to present a balanced view of the available scientific information on a dietary supplement; and ‘‘(4) if displayed in an establishment, is physically separate from the dietary supplements. This section shall not apply to or restrict a retailer or wholesaler of dietary supplements in any way whatsoever in the sale of books or other publications as a part of the business of such retailer or wholesaler. In any proceeding under this section, the burden of proof shall be on the United States to establish that an article or other such matter is false or misleading.’’.
Section 403(r)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 343(r)(1)) is amended by adding the following new sentence at the end:‘‘For purposes of this subparagraph, a statement for a dietary supplement shall not be considered a claim of the relationship of a nutrient or dietary ingredient to a disease or health-related condition if the statement does not claim to diagnose, prevent, mitigate, treat, or cure a specific disease or class of diseases. A statement for a dietary supplement may be made if the statement claims a benefit related to a classical nutrient deficiency disease and discloses the prevalence of such disease in the United States, describes the role of a nutrient or dietary ingredient intended to affect the structure or function in humans, characterizes the documented mechanism by which a nutrient or dietary ingredient acts to maintain such structure or function, or describes general well-being from consumption of a nutrient or dietary ingredient.’’.
(a) SECTION 201.—The next to the last sentence of section 201(g)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1)) (as amended by section 3(b)) is amended to read as follows: ‘‘A food or dietary supplement for which a claim, subject to section 403(r)(1)(B) and 403(r)(3) or section 403(r)(1)(B) and 403(r)(5)(D), is made in accordance with the requirements of section 403(r) is not a drug solely because the label or the labeling contains such a claim. A food, dietary ingredient, or dietary supplement for which a truthful and nonmisleading statement is made in accordance with section 403(r)(1) is not a drug solely because the label or the labeling contains such a statement.’’. (b) SECTION 403.—Section 403 (21 U.S.C. 343) is amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘A dietary supplement shall not be deemed misbranded solely because its label or labeling contains directions or conditions of use or warnings.’’.
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act is amended by adding at the end of chapter III (21 U.S.C. 331 et seq.) the following new section:
‘‘SEC. 311. WARNING LETTERS. ---‘‘Any warning letter or similar written threat of enforcement under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act constitutes final agency action for the purpose of obtaining judicial review under chapter 7 of title 5, United States Code, if the matter with respect to such letter or threat is not resolved within 60 days from the date such letter or threat is delivered to any person subject to this Act. In any proceeding for judicial review of a warning letter or similar written threat of enforcement under the Act, the United States bears the burden of proof on each element of each alleged violation of law described.’’. SEC. 9. WITHDRAWAL OF THE REGULATIONS AND NOTICE. (a) IN GENERAL.—The advance notice of proposed rulemaking concerning dietary supplements published in the Federal Register of June 18, 1993 (58 FR 33690– 33700), the notices of proposed rulemaking concerning nutrition labeling for dietary supplements and nutrient content claims for dietary supplements published in the Federal Register of June 18, 1993 (58 FR 33715–33731 and 58 FR 33731–33751), and the final rules and notices published in the Federal Register of January 4, 1994 concerning nutrition labeling for dietary supplements and nutrient content claims for dietary supplements (59 FR 354– 378 and 378–395) are null and void and of no force or effect insofar as they apply to dietary supplements. Final regulations and notices published in the Federal Register of January 4, 1994 concerning health claims for dietary supplements under the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (59 FR 395–426) shall not be affected by this section and shall remain in effect until 120 days after the date of the submission of the final report of the Commission established under section 11 to the President and to Congress, or 28 months after the date of enactment of this Act, whichever is earlier.
(b) NOTICE OF REVOCATION.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall publish notices in the Federal Register to revoke all of the items declared to be null and void and of no force or effect under subsection (a).
(c) ISSUANCE OF REGULATIONS.—Notwithstanding any provision of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990(1) no regulation is required to be issued pursuant to such Act with respect to dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, or other similar nutritional substances; and no regulation that is issued in whole or in part pursuant to such Act shall have any force or effect with respect to any dietary supplement of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, or other similar nutritional substances unless such regulation is issued pursuant to rulemaking proceedings that are initiated by an advance notice of proposed rule-making that is published no earlier than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, and followed by, at least, a notice of proposed rulemaking prior to issuance of the final regulation, except insofar as the regulation authorizes the use of labeling about calcium, folic acid, or other matters and does not prohibit the use of any labeling SEC. 10. DIETARY SUPPLEMENT INGREDIENT LABELING
(a) MISBRANDED SUPPLEMENTS.—Section 403 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 343) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ‘‘(s) If‘‘(1) it is a dietary supplement; and ‘‘(2)(A) the label or labeling of the supplement fails to list‘‘(i) the name of each ingredient of the supplement that is described in section 201(ff); and ‘‘(ii)(I) the quantity of each such ingredient; or ‘‘(II) with respect to a proprietary blend of such ingredients, the total quantity of all ingredients in the blend; ‘‘(B) the label or labeling of the dietary supplement fails to identify the product by using the term ‘dietary supplement’, which term may be modified with the name of such an ingredient; ‘‘(C) the supplement contains an ingredient described in section 201(ff) (1)(C), and the label or labeling of the supplement fails to identify any part of the plant from which the ingredient is derived; ‘‘(D) the supplement—
‘‘(i) is covered by the specifications of an official compendium;
‘‘(ii) is represented as conforming to the specifications of an official compendium; and ‘‘(iii) fails to so conform; or
‘‘(E) the supplement‘‘(i) is not covered by the specifications of an official compendium; and ‘‘(ii)(I) fails to have the identity and strength that the supplement is represented to have; or ‘‘(II) fails to meet the quality (including tablet or capsule disintegration), purity, or compositional specifications, based on validated assay or other appropriate methods, that the supplement is represented to meet.’’
(b) SUPPLEMENT LISTING ON NUTRITION LABELING.—Section 403(q)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 343(q)(1)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘A dietary supplement may bear on the nutrition label or in labeling a listing and quantity of ingredients that have not been deemed essential nutrients by the Secretary if such ingredients are prominently identified as not having been shown to be essential or not having an established daily value.’’.
(c) DIETARY SUPPLEMENT LABELING EXEMPTIONS. Section 403(q)(5) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 343(q)(5)) is amended by adding at the end the following new clause: ‘‘(H) The labels of dietary supplements shall not be required to bear the nutrition information under subparagraph (1), but shall be required to list immediately above the ingredient listing the amount of nutrients required by the Secretary to be listed pursuant to clause (C), (D) or (E) of subparagraph (1) or clause (A) of subparagraph that are present in significant amounts in the supplement.’’.
(d) VITAMINS AND MINERALS.—Section 411(b)(2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 350(b)(2)) is amended by striking ‘‘vitamins and minerals’’ and inserting ‘‘dietary supplement ingredients described in section 201(ff)’’; by striking ‘‘(A)’’ and inserting ;and by striking subparagraph (B). SEC. 11. COMMISSION ON DIETARY SUPPLEMENT LABELS. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There shall be established as an independent agency within the executive branch a commission to be known as the Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels (hereafter in this section referred to as the ‘‘Commission’’). (b) MEMBERSHIP.— (1) COMPOSITION.—The Commission shall be composed of 7 members who shall be appointed by the President.
EXPERTISE REQUIREMENT.—The members of the Commission shall consist of individuals with expertise and experience in dietary supplements and in the manufacture, regulation, distribution, and use of such supplements. At least three of the members of the Commission shall be qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate the benefits to health of the use of dietary supplements and one of such three members shall have experience in pharmacognosy, medical botany, traditional herbal medicine, or other related sciences. No member of the Commission shall be biased against dietary supplements. (c) FUNCTIONS OF THE COMMISSION.—The Commission shall conduct a study on, and provide recommendations for, the regulation of label claims for dietary supplements, including procedures for the evaluation of such claims. In making such recommendations, the Commission shall evaluate how best to provide truthful and nonmisleading information to consumers so that such consumers may make informed health care choices for themselves and their families. (d) REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. FINAL REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 24 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Commission shall prepare and submit to the President and to the Congress a final report on the study required by this section. RECOMMENDATIONS.—The report described in paragraph (1) shall contain such recommendations, including recommendations for legislation, as the Commission deems appropriate. (e) ADMINISTRATIVE POWERS OF THE COMMISSION.— (1) HEARINGS.—The Commission may hold hearings, sit and act at such times and places, take such testimony, and receive such evidence as the Commission considers advisable to carry out the purposes of this section.
(2) INFORMATION FROM FEDERAL AGENCIES. The Commission may secure directly from any Federal department or agency such information as the Commission considers necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
(3) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. SEC. 12. GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES. Section 402 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 342) (as amended by section 4) is further amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(g)(1) If it is a dietary supplement and it has been prepared, packed, or held under conditions that do not meet current good manufacturing practice regulations issued by the Secretary under subparagraph. The Secretary may by regulation prescribe good manufacturing practices for dietary supplements. Such regulations shall be modeled after current good manufacturing practice regulations for food and may not impose standards for which there is no current and generally available analytical methodology. No standard of current good manufacturing practice may be imposed unless such standard is included in a regulation promulgated after notice and opportunity for comment in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act.’’. SEC. 13. OFFICE OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS. (a) IN GENERAL.—Title IV of the Public Health Service Act is amended by inserting after section 486 (42 U.S.C. 287c–3) the following: ‘‘Subpart 4—Office of Dietary Supplements ‘‘SEC. 486E. DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS. ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall establish an Office of Dietary Supplements within the National Institutes of Health. ‘‘(b) PURPOSE.—The purposes of the Office are to explore more fully the potential role of dietary supplements as a significant part of the efforts of the United States to improve health care; and to promote scientific study of the benefits of dietary supplements in maintaining health and preventing chronic disease and other health-related conditions. ‘‘(c) DUTIES.—The Director of the Office of Dietary Supplements shall conduct and coordinate scientific research within the National Institutes of Health relating to dietary supplements and the extent to which the use of dietary supplements can limit or reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, birth defects, osteoporosis, cataracts, or prostatism; ‘‘(2) collect and compile the results of scientific research relating to dietary supplements, including scientific data from foreign sources or the Office of Alternative Medical Practice; serve as the principal advisor to the Secretary and to the Assistant Secretary for Health, and to provide advice to the Director of the National Institutes of Health, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, on issues relating to dietary supplements including ‘‘(A) dietary intake regulations; ‘‘(B) the safety of dietary supplements; ‘‘(C) claims characterizing the relationship between dietary supplements; and ‘(ii)(I) prevention of disease or other health-related conditions; and ‘‘(II) maintenance of health; and ‘‘(D) scientific issues arising in connection with the labeling and composition of dietary supplements; compile a database of scientific research on dietary supplements and individual nutrients; and coordinate funding relating to dietary supplements for the National Institutes of Health.
1 ‘‘(d) DEFINITION.—As used in this section, the term
2 ‘dietary supplement’ has the meaning given the term in
3 section 201(ff) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
4 Act (21 U.S.C. 321(ff)).
6 are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section
7 $5,000,000 for fiscal year 1994 and such sums as may
8 be necessary for each subsequent fiscal year.’’.
9 (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section 401(b)(2)
10 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 281(b)(2))
11 is amended by adding at the end the following:
12 ‘‘(E) The Office of Dietary Supplements.’’.
Passed the Senate August 13 (legislative day, August
11), 1994.
Attest: Secretary.
Plaster---Healing with Clay and Essential Oils
Clay and Essential oils have been use throughout time to cause healing and regenerating and detoxing poisons out of the body either topically or internally---here is a recipe that may assist a lot with skin issues from psoriasis –eczema—acne---topical pinworms---lice—scabies---metal or non metal particulates imbedded in the skin ---regeneration of skin cells---antioxidant properties antifungal and antibacterial---re invigorating the skin---ØØØYou will need clay—gelatin---water---aloe vera---essential oils in this case we will use these 4 ( juniper---thyme---lemon or lemon grass-and pine )-wormwood tincture ------All the oils add 3 drops---add 1 dropper full of wormwood—add ¼ cup of aloe vera juice or inner fillet---1 tablespoon of gelatin---and ¼ cup to ½ and mix all in a bowl til it becomes have way soppy and firm then apply lightly and in small coats in problem areas---this will dry and draw out poisons as well as let in the content of the oils and the wormwood---it will sting—tingle---and Chill at the same time---this will definitely draw out heat and can be used as well with someone feverish---Caution it does chill the system so to make this more effective consume some fat –butter—coconut oil—avocado—almond—etc reason being you will actually taste the oils in the system via through the skin and this will assist the effect----if you need to drink something warm do so---you will seal this seal a wound in some cases within the first topical application---you may see it disinfect the skin---you may see parasites and other particulates actually comeout in a bath as a result of this---you can see the skin heal and restore--Now these are just some examples of the essential oils you can use---there is a book out by Jean Valnet called the The Practice of Aromatherapy---it is one of the best books I have seen with the practical uses of essential oils and this one I would definitely encourage---get it used or new
The Myths of Vegetarianism---RECIPE for a Nutritional FAT
The following was issued by the United States Congress in 1936 Excerpts from Senate Document 264
by Stephen Byrnes, ND, PhD, RNCP
"An unflinching determination to take the whole evidence into account is the only method of preservation against the fluctuating extremes of fashionable opinion" -- Alfred North Whitehead Bill and Tanya sat before me in my office in a sombre mood: they had just lost their first baby in the second month of pregnancy. Tanya was particularly upset: "Why did this happen to me? Why did I miscarry my baby?" The young couple had come to see me mostly because of Tanya's recurrent respiratory infections, but also wanted some advice as to how they could avoid the heartache of another failed pregnancy. ---Upon questioning Tanya about her diet, I quickly saw the cause of her infections, as well as her miscarriage: she had virtually no fat in her diet and was also mostly a vegetarian. Because of the plentiful media rhetoric about the supposed dangers of animal product consumption, as opposed to the supposed health benefits of the vegetarian lifestyle, Tanya had deliberately removed such things as cream, butter, meats and fish from her diet. Although she liked liver, she avoided it due to worries over "toxins." Tanya and Bill left with a bottle of vitamin A, other supplements and a dietary prescription that included plentiful amounts of animal fats and meat. Upon leaving my office, Tanya looked at me and said ruefully: "I just don't know what to believe sometimes. Everywhere I look there is all this low-fat, vegetarian stuff recommended. I followed it, and look what happened." I assured her that if she and her husband changed their diets and allowed sufficient time for her weakened uterus to heal, they would be happy parents in due time. As they left, I shook my head in disbelief and concern: I knew they were not the only ones. Along with the saturated fat and cholesterol scares of the past several decades has come the notion that vegetarianism is a healthier dietary option for people. It seems as if every health expert and government health agency is urging people to eat fewer animal products and consume more vegetables, grains, fruits and legumes. Along with these exhortations have come assertions and studies supposedly proving that vegetarianism is healthier for people and that meat consumption causes sickness and death. Several medical authorities, however, have questioned these data, but their objections have been largely ignored. As we shall see, many of the vegetarian claims cannot be substantiated and some are simply false and dangerous. There are benefits to vegetarian diets for certain health conditions, and some people function better on less fat and protein, but, as a practitioner who has dealt with several former vegans (total vegetarians), I know full well the dangerous effects of a diet devoid of healthful animal products.It is my hope that all readers will more carefully evaluate their position on vegetarianism after reading this article. It is important to note that there are different types of vegetarianism, including lacto-vegetarian diets (dairy products included) and lacto-ovo-vegetarian diets (dairy products and eggs included). The nutritional caveats that follow are primarily directed at veganism, or a diet totally lacking in animal products.
MYTH #1:
Meat consumption contributes to famine and depletes the Earth's natural resources.
Some have argued that cows and sheep require pasturage that could be better used to raise grains to feed starving millions in Third World countries. Additionally, claims are made that raising livestock requires more water than raising plant foods. Both arguments are illogical and simplistic. The pasturage argument ignores the fact that a large portion of our Earth's dry land is unsuited to cultivation. The open range and desert and mountainous areas yield their fruits to grazing animals (1). Unfortunately, the bulk of commercial livestock are not range fed, but stall fed. They do not ingest grasses and shrubs (like they should), but are fed an unnatural array of grains and soybeans. It is true that these foods could be fed to humans. The argument here, then, is not that eating meat depletes the Earth's resources, but that commercial farming methods do. Such methods also subject livestock to deplorable living conditions where infections, antibiotics, steroids and synthetic hormones are common. These all lead to an unhealthy animal and, by extension, an unhealthy food product. Organically raised livestock, then, is a healthier and more humane choice (see myth #15 for more on this topic). --As for the claims that raising livestock requires more water than raising plant foods, water that livestock drink would be drunk by them anyway, even if they were not being raised for food. Additionally, the urine of grazing animals, which mostly comprises water, is rich in nitrogen which helps replenish the soil. Much of the water used in commercial livestock farming, however, is used up in growing the various grains and soybeans fed to the animals. If a concerted effort were made to return to the ecologically sound "mixed farm," (described below), then such huge expenditures of water would be unnecessary. A far more serious threat to humanity, and the Earth, is the monoculture of grains and legumes, advocated by some vegetarian groups, which depletes the soil and requires the heavy use of artificial fertilisers and dangerous pesticides; pesticides that must first be tested on animals for safety (2). The solution? Astute writers on this dilemma have pointed out: The educated consumer and the enlightened farmer together can bring about a return of the mixed farm, where cultivation of fruits, vegetables and grains is combined with the raising of livestock and fowl in a manner that is efficient, economical and environmentally friendly. For example, chickens running free in garden areas eat insect pests, while providing high-quality eggs; sheep grazing in orchards obviate the need for herbicides; and cows grazing in woodlands and other marginal areas provide rich, pure milk, making these lands economically viable for the farmer. It is not animal cultivation that leads to hunger and famine, but unwise agricultural practices and monopolistic distribution systems. (3) The "mixed farm" is also healthier for the soil, which will yield more crops if managed according to traditional guidelines. British organic farmer and dairyman Mark Purdey has accurately pointed out that a crop field on a mixed farm will yield up to five harvests a year, while a "mono-cropped" one will only yield one or two (4). Which farm is producing more food for the world's peoples? Purdey well sums up the ecological horrors of "battery farming" by saying: Our agricultural establishments could do very well to outlaw the business- besotted farmers running intensive livestock units, battery systems and beef-burger bureaucracies; with all their wastages, deplorable cruelty, anti-ozone slurry systems; drug/chemical induced immunotoxicity resulting in B.S.E. [see myth # 13] amd salmoella, rain forest eradication, etc. Our future direction must strike the happy, healthy medium of mixed farms, resurrecting the old traditional extensive system as a basic framework, then bolstering up productivity to present day demands by incorporating a more updated application of biological science into farming systems. (5)
MYTH #2: *******= Look at the footnote!!!
Vitamin B12 can be obtained from plant sources.
Of all the myths, this is perhaps the most dangerous. Vegans who do not supplement their diet with vitamin B12 will eventually get anaemia (a fatal condition) as well as severe nervous and digestive system damage (6). Claims are made that B12 is present in certain algae, tempeh *****(a fermented soy product) and brewer's yeast. All of them are false. Like the niacin in corn, the B12 analogues present in algae and tempeh are not bioavailable. We know this because studies done on people's blood levels of B12 remained the same after they ate spirulina and tempeh; there was no change, clearly indicating no absorption by the body (7). Further, the ingestion of too much soy increases the body's need for B12 (8). Brewer's yeast does not contain B12 naturally; it is always fortified from an outside source. Some vegetarian authorities claim that B12 is produced by certain fermenting bacteria in the intestines. This may be true, but it is in a form unusable by the body. B12 requires intrinsic factor from the stomach for proper absorption in the ileum. Since the bacterial product does not have intrinsic factor bound to it, it cannot be absorbed (9). It is true that vegans living in certain parts of India do not suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. This has led some to conclude that plant foods do provide this vitamin. This conclusion, however, is erroneous as many small insects, their eggs, larvae and/or residue, are left on the plant foods these people consume, due to non-use of pesticides and inefficient cleaning methods. This is how these people obtain their vitamin B12. This contention is borne out by the fact that when Indian Hindus migrated to England, they came down with pernicious anaemia within a few years. In England, the food supply is cleaner, and insect residues are completely removed from plant foods (10). The only reliable and absorbable sources of vitamin B12 are animal products, especially organ meats and eggs (11). Though present in lesser amounts, milk products do contain B12. Vegans, therefore, should consider adding dairy products into their diets. If dairy cannot be tolerated, eggs, preferably from free-run hens, are a virtual necessity. --That vitamin B12 can only be obtained from animal products is one of the strongest arguments against veganism being a "normal" way of human eating. Today, vegans can avoid anaemia by taking supplemental vitamins or fortified foods. If those same people had lived just a few decades ago, when these products were unavailable, they would have died. In my own practice, I recently saved two vegans from death from anaemia by convincing them to eat generous amounts of dairy products. Both of these sickly gentlemen thought their B12 needs were being met by tempeh and spirulina. They weren't.
MYTH #3:
The body can convert omega-6 fatty acids into omega-3 fatty acids as it needs.
falsehood is akin to myth number two. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are
polyunsaturated fats of which two, linolenic (an omega-3) and linoleic (an omega
6), are essential to human life and must be obtained from food as the body
cannot synthesise them. Although very small
amounts of omega 3 linolenic acid are found in whole grains and dark green leafy
vegetables, it is principally found in animal foods (especially fish and eggs),
as well as flax seed oil. Omega 6 linoleic acid is mostly found in
vegetables, but small amounts are present in certain animal fats. To assuage
vegans who fear they may not get enough omega 3 linolenic acid, some vegetarian
sources assert that the body can simply convert excess omega 6 linoleic acid
into omega 3 linolenic acid, and other omega 3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA,
two fatty acids intimately involved in the health of the brain and immune
system. Renowned lipid biochemist Dr Mary Enig, of the University of Maryland,
and other authorities have shown that the body cannot change the omega number
of fatty acids. The body can change the fatty acid's degree of saturation
and also its molecular length, but not its omega number (12). In other words,
omega 6 fatty acids can only be converted into other omega 6 fatty acids; omega
3s only into other omega 3s. Again, I have seen the results of this
misinformation in my practice. I've had several patients of Northern European
descent with severe mental and immune problems caused by a lack of EPA and DHA,
two omega-3 fatty acids not found in plant foods (DHA is found in small amounts
in some algae). People native to warmer climates in the
world can manufacture these fatty acids from other omega-3s,
but those of Northern European or Innuit descent cannot.
Since their ancestors ate so much EPA- and DHA-rich
fish, their bodies eventually lost the ability to manufacture these fatty acids
(13). For these people, vegetarianism is
impossible; they must consume either eggs or fish in order to survive.
There is also a very real danger from consuming too many omega-6 fatty
acids, principally found in vegetables. The body requires both omega-6 and
omega-3 fatty acids. However, when the body's cells are overloaded with
omega-6s, their ability to utilise the omega-3 is inhibited (14).
Chronically low levels of omega-3 fatty acids are associated with higher
cancer rates and immune dysfunction. Excessive levels of omega-6 fatty acids
are also strongly correlated with a high incidence of cardiovascular disease (as
is excessive consumption of refined sugar and trans-fatty acids) [15].
MYTH #4: The body's needs for vitamin A can be entirely obtained from plant foods. ----Vitamin A is principally found in animal products. Plants do contain beta-carotene, a substance that the body can convert into vitamin A. The impression given by some vegetarian sources is that beta-carotene is just as good as vitamin A. This is not true. Firstly, the conversion from carotene to vitamin A can only take place in the presence of bile salts. This means that fat must be eaten with the carotenes to stimulate bile secretion. Additionally, infants and people with hypothyroidism, gall bladder problems or diabetes either cannot make the conversion or do so very poorly. Lastly, the body's conversion from carotene to vitamin A is not very efficient: it takes 46 units of carotene to make one unit of vitamin A. What this means is that the sweet potato (containing about 25,000 units of beta-carotene) you just ate will only convert into about 4,000 units of vitamin A (assuming you ate it with fat and do not have a thyroid or gall bladder problem) [16]. Relying on plant sources for vitamin A, then, is not a very wise idea. This is why good-old-fashioned butter is a virtual must in any diet. Butter from pasture-fed cows is rich in vitamin A and will provide the intestines with the fatty material needed to convert vegetable carotenes into active vitamin A. Vitamin A is all-important in our diets, for it enables the body to use proteins and minerals (17).
MYTH #5: Meat-eaters have higher rates of heart and kidney disease, cancer, obesity and osteoporosis than vegetarians. ---Such stupendous claims are hard to reconcile with historical and anthropological facts. All of the diseases mentioned are primarily 20th century occurrences, yet people have been eating meat and animal fat for thousands of years. Further, there are several native peoples around the world (the Innu, Masai, Swiss, Greeks, etc.) whose traditional diets are very rich in animal products, but do not suffer from the above-mentioned maladies (18). This shows that other factors besides animal foods are at work in these diseases. Several studies have supposedly shown that meat consumption is the cause of heart disease, cancer and bone loss, but such studies, honestly evaluated, show no such thing (19). For example, the studies that supposedly proved that meat consumption among the Innuit caused high rates of osteoporosis, failed to note other dietary factors that contributed to bone loss (and to the other chronic diseases listed in myth #5). Things such as refined sugar consumption, alcoholism and a junk food consumption equalled more bone loss were not done with real meat but with fractionated protein powders (20). Certainly, when protein is consumed in such an unnatural fashion, separated from the fat-soluble nutrients required for its absorption and assimilation, it will lead to problems. Because of this, the current use of fat-free protein powders as "food supplements", and low-fat or non-fat dairy products should be avoided. Trimming off visible fat from meats and removing duck and chicken skin before eating should also be discouraged. Despite claims that studies have shown that meat consumption increased the risk for heart disease (21), their authors actually found the opposite. For example, in a 1984 analysis of a 1978 study of Seventh Day Adventists (who are largely vegetarian), H. A. Kahn concluded, "Although our results add some substantial facts to the diet-disease question, we recognize how remote they are from establishing, for example, that men who frequently eat meat or women who rarely eat salad are thereby shortening their lives" (21). A similar conclusion was reached by D.A. Snowden (21). Despite these startling admissions, the studies nevertheless concluded the exact opposite and urged people to reduce animal foods from their diets. Further, both of these studies threw out certain dietary data that clearly showed no connection between eggs, cheese, whole milk, and fat attached to meat (all high fat and cholesterol foods) and heart disease. Statistician Dr. Russel Smith concluded, "In effect the Kahn [and Snowden] study is yet another example of negative results which are messaged and misinterpreted to support the politically correct assertions that vegetarians live longer lives." When all of the data are taken into account, the actual differences of heart disease between vegetarians and non-vegetarians in these studies was less than 1%: hardly a significant amount (22). It should be noted here that Seventh Day Adventists are often studied in population analyses to prove that a vegetarian diet is healthier and is associated with a lower risk for heart disease and cancer (but see the last paragraph in this section). While it is true that most members of this Christian denomination do not eat meat, they also do not smoke, drink alcohol, or drink coffee or tea, all of which may be factors in promoting cancer and heart disease (23). The Mormons are a religious group often overlooked in vegetarian studies. Although their Church urges moderation, Mormons do not abstain from meat. Mormonism's founder, Joseph Smith, declared a diet devoid of animal products as "not of God." As with the Adventists, Mormons avoid tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine. Despite being meat eaters, a study of Utah Mormons showed they had a 22% lower rate for cancer in general and a 34% lower mortality for colon cancer than the US average (24). A study of Puerto Ricans, who eat large amounts of fatty pork, nevertheless revealed very low rates of colon and breast cancer (25). Similar results can be adduced to demonstrate that meat consumption by itself does not correlate with cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, kidney disease, or obesity (26). Obviously, other factors are at work. It is usually claimed that vegetarians have lower cancer rates than meat-eaters, but a 1994 study of California Seventh Day Adventists (who are largely vegetarian) showed that, while they did have lower rates of some cancers (e.g., breast), they had significantly higher rates of several others (brain, skin, uterine, cervical and ovarian)! (27)
MYTH #6:
Saturated fats cause heart disease and cancer, and low-fat, low-cholesterol diets are healthier for people.
Despite claims that primitive societies are/were largely vegetarian, diets of native peoples the world over are rich in saturated fats and animal foods (28) and, as noted above, heart disease and cancer are primarily modern diseases. Saturated fat consumption, therefore, cannot logically cause these diseases. As with the poorly done studies of the Inuit, modern-day researchers fail to take into account other dietary factors of people who have heart disease and cancer. As a result, the harmful effects of eating refined sugar, nutrient-poor "foods," trans-fats (found in margarine and hydrogenated oils) and vegetable oils get mixed up with animal fat consumption. It is commonly believed that saturated fats and cholesterol "clog arteries", but such ideas have been shown to be false by such scientists as Linus Pauling, George Mann, John Yudkin, Abram Hoffer, Mary Enig and others (29). On the contrary, studies have shown that arterial plaque is primarily composed of UNsaturated fats, particularly polyunsaturated ones, and not the saturated fat of animals, palm or coconut (30). Trans-fatty acids, as opposed to saturated fats, have been shown by researchers such as Enig, Mann and Fred Kummerow to be causative factors in atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, cancer and other assorted diseases (31). A recent study of thousands of Swedish women showed no correlation between saturated fat consumption and increased risk for breast cancer. However, the study did show a strong link between vegetable oil intake and higher breast cancer rates (32). The Framingham Heart Study is often cited as proof that dietary cholesterol and saturated fat intake cause heart disease and ill health. Involving about 6,000 people, the study compared two groups over several years at five-year intervals. One group consumed little cholesterol and saturated fat, while the other consumed high amounts. Surprisingly, Dr William Castelli, the study's director, is quoted in the Archives of Internal Medicine (July 1992) as saying: In Framingham, Mass., the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person's serum cholesterol ... we found that the people who ate the most cholesterol ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories, weighed the least and were the most physically active. It is true that the study did show that those who weighed more and had higher serum cholesterol levels were more at risk for heart disease, but weight gain and cholesterol levels had an inverse correlation with dietary fat and cholesterol intake. In other words, there was no correlation at all (33). In a similar vein, the US Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial, sponsored by the National Heart and Lung Institute, compared mortality rates and eating habits of 12,000+ men. Those who ate less saturated fat and cholesterol showed a slightly reduced rate of coronary heart disease (CHD), but had an overall mortality rate much higher than the other men in the study (34). The few studies that indicate a correlation between saturated fat reduction and a lower CHD rate also clearly document a sizeable increase in deaths from cancer, suicide, violence and brain haemorrhage (34). Like the bone density experiments, such things are not told to the public. Low-fat/cholesterol diets, therefore, are decidedly not healthier for people. Studies have proven over and over that such diets are associated with depression, cancer, psychological problems, fatigue, violence and suicide (35). Children on low-fat diets suffer from growth problems, failure to thrive, and learning disabilities (36). Despite this, sources from Dr. Benjamin Spock to the American Heart Association recommend low-fat diets for children! One can only lament the fate of those unfortunate youngsters who will be raised by unknowing parents taken in by such misinformation. There are many health benefits to saturated fats, depending on the fat in question. Coconut oil, for example, is rich in lauric acid, a potent antifungal and antimicrobial substance. Coconut also contains appreciable amounts of caprylic acid, also an effective antifungal (37). Butter from free-range cows is rich in trace minerals, especially selenium, as well as all of the fat-soluble vitamins and beneficial fatty acids that protect against cancer and fungal infections (38). In general, however, saturated fats provide a good energy source for the vital organs, protect arteries against damage by the atherogenic lipoprotein (a), are rich in fat-soluble vitamins, help raise HDL levels in the blood, and make possible the utilisation of essential fatty acids. They are excellent for cooking, as they are chemically stable and do not break down under heat, unlike polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Omitting them from one's diet, then, is ill-advised (39).
Vegetarians live longer and have more energy and endurance than meat-eaters.
Surprising as it may seem, some prior studies have shown the annual all-cause death rate of vegetarian men to be slightly more than that of non-vegetarian men (0.93% vs 0.89%). Similarly, the annual all-cause death rate of vegetarian women was shown to be significantly higher than that of non-vegetarian women (0.86% vs 0.54%). (40) Russell Smith, PhD, referred to in myth # 5, in his authoritative study on heart disease, showed that as animal product consumption increased among some study groups, death rates decreased! Such results were not obtained among vegetarian subjects. For example, in a study published by Burr and Sweetnam in 1982, analysis of mortality data revealed that, although vegetarians had a slightly (.11%) lower rate of heart disease than non-vegetarians, the all-cause death rate was much HIGHER for vegetarians (41). It is usually claimed that the lives of predominantly meat-eating peoples are short-lived, but the Aborigines of Australia, who traditionally eat a diet rich in animal products, are known for their longevity (at least before colonization by Europeans). Within Aboriginal society, there is a special caste of the elderly (42). Obviously, if no old people existed, no such group would have existed. Dr. Price has numerous photographs of elderly native peoples from around the world (42). Explorers such as Vilhjalmur Stefansson reported great longevity among the Inuit (again, before colonisation). (43) Similarly, the Russians of the Caucasus mountains live to great ages on a diet of fatty pork and whole milk products. The Hunzas, also known for their robust health and longevity, eat substantial portions of goat's milk which has a higher saturated fat content than cow's milk (44). In contrast, the largely vegetarian inhabitants of southern India have the shortest life-spans in the world (45). Dr Weston Price, DDS, travelled around the world in the 1920s and 1930s, investigating native diets. Without exception, he found a strong correlation among diets rich in animal fats, with robust health and athletic ability. Special foods for Swiss athletes, for example, included bowls of fresh, raw cream! In Africa, Dr Price discovered that groups whose diets were rich in fatty fish and organ meats, like liver, consistently carried off the prizes in athletic contests, and that meat-eating tribes always dominated peoples whose diets were largely vegetarian (42). It is popular in sports nutrition to recommend "carb loading" for athletes, to increase their endurance levels. But recent studies done in New York and South Africa show that the opposite is true: athletes who "carb loaded" had significantly less endurance than those who "fat loaded" before athletic events (46).
MYTH #8:
The "cave man" diet was low-fat and/or vegetarian.
Our Neolithic ancestors were hunter-gatherers, and two schools of thought have developed as to what their diet was like. One group argues for a high-fat and animal-based diet supplemented with seasonal fruits, berries, nuts, root vegetables and wild grasses. The other argues that primitive peoples consumed small amounts of lean meats and large amounts of plant foods. Once again, such notions of a "low-fat diet" are hard to reconcile with what we know of modern-day hunter-gatherer societies. Present-day African tribes readily consume the fatty portions of animals, especially organs such as the brain, liver and tongue. The Aborigines, another hunter-gatherer society, also have a diet rich in saturated animal fats (47). Explorers such as Stefansson reported that the Innuit and North American Indian tribes would worry when their caches of caribou were too lean: they knew sickness would follow if they did not consume enough fat (48). Canadian Indians would deliberately hunt older male caribou and elk, for these animals carried a 50-pound slab of back fat on them which the Indians would eat with relish. Native Americans would also refrain from hunting bison in the springtime (when the animals' fat stores were low, due to scarce food supply during the winter), preferring to hunt, kill and consume them in the fall when they were fattened up. More interesting is the way political prisoners are sometimes tortured in South and Central America: they're fed a diet of lean meat and they die quickly[A2] . Why? Without the fat-soluble vitamins contained in animal lipids, the body is unable to utilise and synthesise the proteins and other nutrients present in the meat (49). On his journeys, Dr Price never once found a totally vegetarian culture. Anthropological data support this: throughout the globe, all societies show a preference for animal foods and fats and people only turn to vegetarianism when they have to (50). Nutritional anthropologist H. Leon Abrams, Jr, has shown that prehistoric man's quest for more animal foods spurred his expansion over the Earth, and that he apparently hunted certain species to extinction (50). Price also found that those peoples who, out of necessity, consumed more grains and legumes, had higher rates of dental decay than those who consumed more animal products (51). Archaeological evidence supports this finding: skulls of prehistoric peoples who were largely vegetarian have teeth containing caries and abscesses and show evidence of tuberculosis (50, 51). Based on all of this evidence, it is certain that the diets of our ancestors, the progenitors of humanity, ate a very NON-vegetarian diet that was rich in saturated animal fat.
MYTH #9:
Meat and saturated fat consumption have increased in the 20th century, with a corresponding increase in heart disease and cancer.
Statistics do not bear out such fancies. Butter consumption has plummeted from 18 lb (8.165 kg) per person a year in 1900, to less than 5 lb (2.27 kg) per person a year today (52). Additionally, Westerners, urged on by government health agencies, have reduced their intake of eggs, cream, lard, beef and pork. Chicken consumption has risen in the past few decades, but chicken is low in saturated fat (chicken skin contains primarily polyunsaturated fat). Furthermore, a survey of cookbooks published in the last century shows that people of earlier times ate plenty of animal foods and saturated fats. For example, in the Baptist Ladies Cook Book (Monmouth, Illinois, 1895), virtually every recipe calls for butter, cream or lard. Recipes for creamed vegetables are numerous as well. A scan of the Searchlight Recipe Book (Capper Publications, 1931) also has similar recipes: creamed liver, creamed cucumbers, hearts braised in buttermilk, etc. British Jews, as shown by the Jewish Housewives Cookbook (London, 1846), also had diets rich in cream, butter, eggs, and lamb and beef tallows. One recipe for German waffles, for example, calls for an entire pound of butter! A recipe for Oyster Pie from the Baptist cookbook calls for a quart of cream and a dozen eggs, and so forth and so on. It does not appear, then, that meat or saturated fat consumption has risen in this century. What has gone up, however, is consumption of margarine and other trans-fatty acids, lifeless, packaged "foods," processed vegetable oils, pasteurised/homogenised milk, commercially raised livestock and plant foods, and refined sugar. These, along with exposure to a growing number of environmental poisons, are our real culprits in the modern epidemics of cancer and coronary heart disease (and other chronic illnesses) [53].
MYTH #10:
Soy products are adequate substitutes for meat and dairy products.
The billion-dollar soy industry has profited immensely from the anti-cholesterol, anti-meat gospel of current nutritional thought. Whereas, not so long ago, soy was an Asian phenomenon, now soy products proliferate in the North American market. While the traditionally fermented soy products of miso, shoyu, tempeh and natto are definitely healthful in measured amounts[A3] , the hyper-processed soy "foods" are not. Non-fermented soybeans are extremely high in phytic acid (54), an anti-nutrient that binds to minerals in the digestive tract and carries them out of the body. Vegetarians are known for their high rates of iron and zinc deficiencies (55). Soybeans are also rich in trypsin inhibitors, which hinder protein digestion. Textured vegetable protein (TVP), soy "milk" and soy protein powders, and popular vegetarian meat and milk substitutes are entirely fragmented foods made by treating soybeans with high heat and various alkaline washes to extract the beans' fat content or to neutralise their potent enzyme inhibitors. These practices completely denature the beans' protein content, rendering it very hard to digest. MSG, a neurotoxin, is routinely added to TVP to make it taste like the various foods it imitates (56). On a purely nutritional level, soybeans, like all legumes, are deficient in cysteine and methionine, vital sulphur-containing amino acids (56). Soybeans are also lacking in tryptophan, another essential amino acid (56). Furthermore, soybeans contain no vitamins A or D, required by the body to assimilate and utilise the beans' proteins (56). It is probably for this reason that Asian cultures that do consume soybeans usually combine them with fish or fish broths, The New Zealand government[A4] is considering removing soy formula from the market and making it available only by prescription (58). ---Though research is still ongoing, some recent studies have indicated that soy's phyto-oestrogens could be causative factors in breast cancer and infantile leukaemia (59). Regardless, soy's phyto-oestrogens, or isoflavones, have been shown to depress thyroid function and cause infertility in some animals (60). As a practitioner, I have seen more than my share of vegetarians with hypothyroidism. They invariably rely on soy foods to get their protein.
MYTH #11:
The human body is not designed for meat consumption.
Some vegetarian groups claim that since humans possess grinding teeth like herbivorous animals and longer intestines than carnivorous animals, this proves the human body is better suited for vegetarianism (61). This argument fails to note several human physiological features which clearly indicate a design for animal product consumption. First and foremost is our stomach's production of hydrochloric acid, something not found in herbivores. HCL activates protein-splitting enzymes. Further, the human pancreas manufactures a full range of digestive enzymes to handle a wide variety of foods, both animal and vegetable. While humans may have longer intestines than animal carnivores, they are not as long as herbivores; nor do we possess multiple stomachs like many herbivores, nor do we chew cud. Our physiology definitely indicates a mixed feeder, or an omnivore, much the same as our relatives, the mountain gorilla and chimpanzee (who have been observed eating small animals and, in some cases, other primates) [62].
MYTH #12:
Eating animal flesh causes violent, aggressive behaviour in humans.
Some authorities on vegetarian diet, such as Dr Ralph Ballantine in Transition to Vegetarianism (63), claim that the fear and terror (if any, see myth #15) an animal experiences at death is somehow "transferred" into its flesh and organs and "becomes" a part of the person who eats it. In addition to the fact that no scientific studies exist to support such a theory, these thinkers would do well to remember the numerous studies that show that low saturated-fat consumption CAUSES violent behaviour in people (see notes to myth #7). Furthermore, in his travels, Dr Price always noted the extreme happiness and ingratiating natures of the peoples he encountered, most of whom were heavy meat-eaters (see references to Weston Price in notes).
MYTH #13:
Animal products contain numerous, harmful toxins.
A recent vegetarian newsletter claimed the following: "Most people don't realise that meat products are loaded with poisons and toxins! Meat, fish and eggs all decompose and putrefy extremely rapidly. As soon as an animal is killed, self-destruct enzymes are released, causing the formation of denatured substances called ptyloamines, which cause cancer." (64) This article then went on to mention "mad cow disease" (BSE), parasites, salmonella, hormones, nitrates and pesticides as toxins in animal products. If meat, fish and eggs do indeed generate cancerous "ptyloamines," it is very strange that people have not been dying in droves from cancer for the past million years. Such sensationalistic and nonsensical claims cannot be supported by historical fact. Hormones, nitrates and pesticides are present in commercially raised animal products (as well as commercially raised fruits, grains and vegetables) and are definitely things to be concerned about. However, one can avoid these chemicals by taking care to consume range-fed, organic meats, eggs and dairy products which do not contain harmful, man-made toxins. Parasites are easily avoided by taking normal precautions in food preparations. Pickling or fermenting meats, as is custom in traditional societies, always protects against parasites. In his travels, Dr Price always found healthy, disease-free and parasite-free peoples eating raw meat and dairy products as part of their diets. Similarly, Dr Francis Pottenger, in his experiments with cats, demonstrated that the healthiest, happiest cats were the ones on the all-raw-food diet. The cats eating cooked meats and pasteurised milk sickened and died and had numerous parasites. Salmonella can be transmitted by plant products as well as animal (65). Mad Cow Disease is probably not caused by cows eating animal parts with their food, a feeding method that has been done for over 100 years. British organic farmer Mark Purdey has argued convincingly that cows that get Mad Cow Disease are the very ones that have had a particular organophosphate insecticide applied to their backs (see notes to myth #1) or have grazed on soils that lack magnesium but contain high levels of aluminium. Small outbreaks of "mad cow disease" have also occurred among people who reside near cement and chemical factories and in certain areas with volcanic soils. Purdey theorises that the organophosphate pesticides got into the cows' fat through a spraying program, and then were ingested by the cows again with the animal part feeding. Seen this way, it is the insecticides, via the parts feeding (and not the parts themselves), that has caused this outbreak. As noted before, cows have been eating ground up animal parts in their feeds for over 100 years. It was never a problem before the introduction of these particular insecticides (66).
MYTH #14:
Eating meat or animal products is less "spiritual" than eating only plant foods.
It is often claimed that those who eat meat or animal products are somehow less "spiritually evolved" than those who do not. Though this is not a nutritional or academic issue, those who do include animal products in their diet are often made to feel inferior in some way. This issue, therefore, is worth addressing. Several world religions place no restrictions on animal consumption; and nor did their founders. The Jews eat lamb at their most holy festival, the Passover. Muslims also celebrate Ramadan with lamb before entering into their fast. Jesus Christ, like other Jews, partook of meat at the Last Supper (according to the canonical Gospels). It is true that some forms of Buddhism do place strictures on meat consumption, but dairy products are almost always allowed. Similar tenets are found in Hinduism. As part of the Samhain celebration, Celtic pagans would slaughter the weaker animals of the herds and cure their meat for the oncoming winter. It is not true, therefore, that eating animal foods is always connected with "spiritual inferiority." Nevertheless, it is often claimed that, since eating meat involves the taking of a life, it is somehow tantamount to murder. Leaving aside the religious philosophies that often permeate this issue, what appears to be at hand is an understanding of the life force and how it works. Modern peoples (vegetarian and non-vegetarian) have lost touch with what it takes to survive in our world, something native peoples never lose sight of. We do not necessarily hunt or clean our meats: we purchase steaks and chops at the supermarket. We do not necessarily toil in rice paddies: we buy bags of brown rice; and so forth, and so on. When Native Americans would kill a game animal for food, they would routinely offer a prayer of thanks to the animal's spirit for giving its life so that they could live. In our world, life feeds off life. Destruction is always balanced with generation. This is a good thing: unchecked, the life force becomes cancerous. If animal food consumption is viewed in this manner, it is hardly murder, but sacrifice. Modern peoples would do well to remember this.
MYTH #15:
Eating animal foods is inhumane.
Without question, commercially raised livestock live in deplorable conditions where sickness and suffering are common. Additionally, some prescription drugs are derived from animals (e.g., Premarin) in torturous ways. In America, at least, livestock animals are exempted from anti-cruelty laws and, typically, commercially raised livestock animals are slaughtered in ways that promote adrenaline release, which could have harmful effects on the people who eventually consume them. In countries like Korea, food animals such as dogs are killed in horrific ways, i.e., beaten to death with a club. Our recommendations for animal foods consumption most definitely do not endorse such practices. As noted in our discussion of myth #1, commercial farming of livestock results in an unhealthy food product, whether that product be meat, milk, butter, cream or eggs. Our ancestors did not consume such substandard foodstuffs, and neither should we. It is possible to raise animals humanely. This is why organic, "free-range" farming is to be encouraged: it is cleaner and more efficient, and produces healthier animals and foodstuffs from those animals. Each person should make every effort, then, to purchase organically raised livestock (and plant foods). Not only does this better support our bodies, as organic foods are more nutrient-dense and are free from hormone and pesticide residues, but this also supports smaller farms and is therefore better for the economy (67). Orthodox Jewish and Muslim slaughtering methods (kosher and hallal, respectively) are similar to those practised by organic farms, in that the animals are slain in a state of tranquillity‹unlike their unfortunate battery-farm cousins. Such practices minimise, if not eliminate, the release of harmful stress hormones and are therefore more humane to the animal and more healthful to us. Nevertheless, many people have philosophical problems with eating animal flesh, and these sentiments must be respected. Dairy products and eggs, though, are not the result of an animal's death and are fine alternatives for these people.
As a cleansing diet, vegetarianism is a good choice. Several health conditions (e.g., gout) can often be ameliorated by a temporary reduction in animal products with an increase of plant foods. But such measures must not be continuous throughout life: there are vital nutrients found only in animal products that we must ingest for optimal health. Furthermore, there is no one diet that will work for every person. Some vegetarians and vegans, in their zeal to get converts, are blind to this biochemical fact. "Biochemical individuality" is a subject worth clarifying. Coined by biochemist Roger Williams, PhD, the term refers to the fact that different people require different nutrients based on their unique genetic make-up. Ethnic and racial background figure in this concept as well. (The current theory of blood type influencing nutritional needs is false, as discussed below.) A diet that works for one may not work as well for someone else. As a practitioner, I've seen several patients following a low-fat, low-protein, high-carbohydrate diet with severe health problems: obesity, candidiasis, hypothyroidism, leaky gut syndrome, anaemia and generalised fatigue. Most of these people have been vegetarians. Because of the widespread rhetoric that a vegetarian diet is "always healthier" than a diet that includes meat or animal products, these people see no reason to change their diet, even though that is the cause of their problems. What these people actually need for optimal health is more animal foods and fewer carbohydrates! Conversely, some people do very well on little or no meat and remain healthy as lacto-vegetarians or lacto-ovo-vegetarians. The reason for this is because these diets are healthier for those people, not because they're healthier in general. However, a total absence of animal products, whether meat, fish, insects, eggs, butter or dairy, is to be avoided. Though it may take years, problems will eventually ensue for these people. The reason for this is simple evolution: humanity evolved eating animal foods and fats as part of its diet, and our bodies are suited and accustomed to them. One cannot change evolution in a few years. When it comes to good nutrition, it's best to stick with the tried and true, rather than the untested and new. Humanity has been consuming animal products and saturated fats for thousands of years as part of its diet. Today's health-conscious person needs to follow humanity's historical example and make ample room for all of the gifts of life provided to us by our animal friends.
There is a nutritional "fad" at the present time, spurred on by the book,
Eat Right 4 Your Type, by Peter D'Adamo, ND (Putnam; USA, 1996). The
main tenet of the book is that the four major blood types (O, A, B, AB) evolved
sequentially as humans colonised the Earth. Anthropologists, however, have
disputed this and have produced considerable evidence that all four types were
present at the same time. On top of this obvious
difficulty is the reality that there are well over 400 blood types found in
human beings! Though most of these are confined to small groups of
isolated peoples, the fact remains that such diversity argues against the blood
type/nutrition theory. Clinically, I have seen patients
who have had a lack of stomach acid who were type Os.
According to the theory, type Os should produce plenty of HCL acid to handle
more meats. Additionally, I have seen
blood type A’s with no HCL acid deficiencies. According to the theory, type A’s
should have low HCL levels. Such experiences strongly argue against
the blood typing/food theory. For more detail on this subject, I refer readers
to the article, "Eat Right 4 Your Type Hype," by Sally Eauclaire Osborne,
published in The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Journal, Winter 1998, link to "Eat
Right 4 Your Type Hype," by Sally Eauclaire Osborne.
Author's Notes:
The author would like to thank Sally Fallon, MA; Lee Clifford, MS, CCN; and H. Leon Abrams, Jr., for their gracious assistance in this paper. This paper was not sponsored or paid for by the meat or dairy industries. --About the Author: Stephen Byrnes is a naturopathic doctor and registered nutritional consultant who enjoys robust health on a diet that includes butter, cream, eggs, meat, whole milk dairy products, and offal. He is the author of Healthy Hearts: Natural Medicine for Your Ticker, Digestion to the Max!, and Overcoming AIDS with Natural Medicine (available off of, as well as numerous magazine articles, published worldwide.
References and Sources
Myth #1:
1. Sally Fallon, Mary Enig and Patricia Connolly, Nourishing Traditions,
ProMotion Publishing, USA, 1995, p. 5.
2. Purdey, Mark, "The Vegan Ecological Wasteland," Journal of the Price-Pottenger
Nutrition Foundation [hereafter referred to as Jnl of PPNF], Winter 1998; "Are
Organophosphate Pesticides Involved in the Causation of Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy (BSE)? Jnl of Nutritional Medicine 4:43-82, 1994.
3. Fallon, et al, op. cit., p. 6
4. Purdey, op cit.
5. Ibid
Myth #2:
6. Dunne, L. The Nutrition Almanac, 3rd ed. (McGraw Hill; New York), p. 32-33;
Garrison, R. & Somer, E. The Nutrition Desk Reference, 3rd ed., (Keats
Publishing; CT), p. 126.
7. Scheer, James. Health Freedom News, (Monrovia, CA), March 1991, p. 7.
8. Smith, Allan. Soybeans: Chemistry & Technology, vol 1 (Avi Publishing Co;
CT), 1972, pp. 184-188.
9. Rowland, David. Digestion: Inner Pathway to Health (Health Naturally
Publications; Canada), 1996, p. 22.
10. Specker, B.L. et al., Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 47:89-92 (1998); Van den Berg, H.
et al., Lancet 1:242-3 (1998); Abrams, H. Leon, "Vegetarianism: An
Anthropological/ Nutritional Evaluation," Journal of Applied Nutrition 32:2,
(1980) p. 59.
11. Dunne, op cit, p. 31.
Myth #3:
12. Fallon and Enig, "Tripping Lightly Down the Prostaglandin Pathways," Jnl of
PPNF, Fall 1996; Lands, W.E.M., "Biochemistry & physiology of n-3 fatty acids,"
The FASEB Journal, vol. 6, May 1992, pp. 2530-2536.
13. Fallon & Enig, ibid.
14. Food Technology, October 1988, p. 134; Kabara, J.J. The Pharmacological
Effects of Lipids (Amer Oil Chemists Society; IL), 1978, pp. 1-14.
15. Horrobin, DF. Reviews in Pure and Applied Pharmacological Sciences, vol 4
(Freund Publishing House; 1983), pp. 339-383; Harmon, D. et. al., Jnl of Amer
Geriat Soc, 1976 24:1: pp. 292-298; Meerson, Z, et al., Bulletin Exper Biol Med,
1983 96:9: pp. 70-71.
Myth #4:
16. Fallon, Sally, "Vitamin A Vagary," Jnl of PPNF, Summer 1995; Dunne, op cit,
p. 14.
17. Jennings, I.W., Vitamins in Endocrine Metabolism, Charles Thomas, 1970, pp.
39-57, 84-85.
Myth #5:
18. Price, Weston. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (Keats Publishing; CT),
19. Smith, Russell. Diet, Blood, Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease: A
Critical Review of the Literature, Vector Enterprises, 1991.
20. Spencer, Herta and Lois Kramer, "Factors Contributing to Osteoporosis," Jnl
of Nutr. 116:316-319 (1986); "Further Studies of the Effect of a High Protein
Diet as Meat on Calcium Metabolism," Am. Jnl Clin. Nutr. 924-929, June 1983.
21. Kahn, et al., Amer Jnl Epidem, 1984, 119:775; Snowden, et al., Preventive
Medicine, 1984, 13:490. Quotation from Kahn is printed in Smith, op cit.
22. Smith, op. cit. See also "Vegetarian Studies -- A Summary" by Smith, Jnl of
PPNF, Winter 1998.
23. Abrams, op cit., p. 62
24. Lyon, et al., New Eng Jnl Med, 294:129, 1976.
25. Enig, et. al, Federation Proceedings, 37:2215, 1978.
26. Ibid. See also Price, op cit.
27. "7th Day Adventists & Cancer," Am. Jnl Clin. Nutr. 59:1136S-1142S (1994).
Myth #6:
28. Abrams,Leon. "The Preference for Animal Protein and Fat," Food and Evolution
(Temple University Press; PA), 1987; see also Price, op cit.
29. Fallon and Enig, "The Oiling of America," Nexus, Dec 1998Jan 1999 and FebMar
1999; Yudkin, John, Pure, White and Deadly, (Davis Poynter, London), 1972;
Pauling, Linus, How to Live Longer and Feel Better, (Avon Books,
New York), 1985; Hoffer and Walker, Putting It All Together: The New
Orthomolecular Nutrition, Keats Publishing, CT), 1995; Mann, George, (ed).
Coronary Heart Disease: The Dietary Sense and Nonsense (Veritas Society;
London), 1993; Cleave, T.L., The Saccharine
Disease, (Keats Publishing; CT),1975.
30. Lancet 344:1195 (1994)
31.Mann, George, "Metabolic Consequences of Dietary Trans-fatty Acids," Lancet
343:1268-71 (1994); Enig, Mary et al., Fed. Proc. 37:2215, July 1978; Kummerow,
F. "Nutritional Effects of Isomeric Fats," Dietary Fats and Health, Horisberger
and Bracco, eds. (Amer Oil Chem Soc; IL), 1983, pp. 391-402.
32. Wolk, A. et al., Arch of Inter Med, 158:41 (1998); see also Chris Mudd's
Cholesterol and Your Health (American lite Co; OK), 1990, for a thorough
discussion of studies that show high polyunsaturate intake with increased cancer
33. Hubert, H. et al., Circulation 67:968 (1983)
34. Jnl of American Med. Assoc. 248(12):1465, September 24, 1982
35. Lancet 339:3/2/92
36. Food Chem. News, October 3, 1994
37. Fallon, Enig, and Connolly, op. cit., pp. 17-18.
38. Ibid, pp. 14-15.
39. Enig, Mary, "Trans-Fats and Saturated Fats: Not the Same," Jnl of PPNF,
Winter 1998.
Myth #7:
40. "Death Rates of Vegetarians," Am. Jnl Epidemiol. 97:372 (1973)
41. Smith, op. cit.; Burr and Sweetnam, Amer Jnl Clin Nutr, 1982, 36:873.
42. Price, op. cit.; Fallon, S. "Nasty, Brutish, and Short?" The Ecologist,
(London), Jan/Feb 1999; Enig & Fallon, "Australian Aborigines," Jnl of PPNF,
Summer 1998.
43. Stefansson, V., The Fat of the Land, Macmillan, New York, 1956
44. Pitskhelauri, G.Z., The Long Living of Soviet Georgia, Human Sciences Press,
New York, 1982; Moore, Thomas. Lifespan: What Really Affects Human Longevity
(Simon & Schuster; NY), 1990.
45. Abrams, "Vegetarianism," pp. 74-77.
46. "Carb Loading for Athletes? Not Such a Good Idea," Jnl of PPNF, Fall 1996
Myth #8:
47. Abrams, H. Leon, "The Preference for . . ."; Fallon & Enig, "Australian
48. Stefansson, op. cit.
49. Stefansson, op cit.; Fallon and Enig, "The Cave Man Diet," Jnl of PPNF,
Summer 1997.
50. Abrams, "Vegetarianism" and "Preference for . . ."
51. Price, op cit.
Myth #9:
52. Rizek, et al., "Fat in Today's Food Supply," Jnl Amer. Oil Chem. Soc.,
51:244 (1974).
53. See note 29 and 30, as well papers listed at
Myth #10:
54. Tiney, E.H., "Proximate Composition and Mineral and Phytate Contents of
Legumes Grown in Sudan," Jnl of Food Comp. and Analysis, vol. 2, 1989, pp.
67-78; Leviton, Richard, Tofu, Tempeh, Miso and Other Soy Foods, (Keats
Publishing, CT),1982; Grant, T.G., Progress in Food and Nutrition Science
13:317-348 (1989); Fallon, Sally and Enig, Mary, "Soy Products for Dairy
Products? Not So Fast," Health Freedom News, September 1995; Anderson, Robert
and Wolf, Walter, "Compositional changes in trypsin inhibitors, phytic acid,
saponins, and isoflavones related to soybean processing," Jnl of Nutr., March
1995, 518S-588S.
55. Abrams, "Vegetarianism . . .," pp. 60-61; Wilson, MD, Lawrence. "Evidence
for Traditional Diets from Hair Mineral Analysis," Jnl of PPNF, Spring 1999.
56. Fallon and Enig, "Soy Products . . .,"
57. Fitzpatrick, Mike, "Soy Isoflavones: Panacea or Poison?" Jnl of PPNF, Fall
1998; see also papers on></a><br>58.%20See%20<a%20href=
59. Leukemia 13:317-20 (1999); Hsieh, et al., Cancer Res, 1998, Sept 1, 58:17,
60. Ishizuki, et al., Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi, 1991, May 20, 67:5, 622-9;
Divi, et al., Biochem Pharmacol, 1997, Nov. 15, 54:10, 1087-96; Fitzpatrick, op
Myth #11:
61. "Why Not Meat? (Part 2)," Down to Earth News, Dec/Jan 1998, pp. 1-4;
Ballantine, Ralph, Transition to Vegetarianism, Himalayan Institute Press, PA,
62. Abrams, "Vegetarianism . . .," pp. 75-76.
Myth #12:
63. Ballantine, op. cit.
Myth #13:
64. "Why Not Meat? (Part 3)," Down to Earth News, Feb/March 1999, pp. 1-3.
65. Pottenger, Francis, Pottenger's Cats, (Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation,
CA), 1997 (reprint).66. Purdey, op. cit.; Sally Fallon, personal communication.
Myth #15:
67. See Biodynamics, March/April 1998, for a report on the horrors of commercial
hog farming, as well as its drain on local economies and the environment. Also
in this article are the benefits of "free-run," organically raised hogs. You can
also check out
for a horrendous exposé on commercial hog
Recipe idea for including Fats---when you buy a fat Soluble vitamin Like Vitamin D—Vitamin E—Cq10---Vitamin A---Vitamin K--- take the vitamins you just bought and open them up or crush them to get the powder out—and blend them into to your Coconut oils---Butter---Palm Oils—Ghee—Olive oils—Avocado or Pumpkin Seed Oils –Almond and Apricot---Flax—Walnut—Perilla oils
By blending them in these oils what will actually happen is that they will be utilized by the body more effectively allowing for better cellular health as well as over all organ and tissue health---you may start to see that a lot of the skin conditions may disappear—a lot of the neurosis and brain dysfunction may as well heal on there own---you may see a reduction in body mass without any effort or cravings---you may see even the brain start to respond more effectively---immune system be more proactive and effective in prevention or even restoration.-----take ( based on the strength of the capsule or caplet or tablet) 3-5 caplets of Vitamin A 5000 IU at 5 caplets that is 25,000 IU’s of vitamin A then add to a blender butter and perhaps another oil ( you chose ---rice bran ( loaded with toctrienols) olive ( loaded with polyphenols and vitamin E ) and add 3 table spoon to a 4 tablespoon of butter---blend together till soft and liquidified and to thicken just add more butter to get it back to being thinker orrr even add coconut oil—once thickened then pour into a glass jar and let set either out or in a a fridge---this will re solidify the fat and now every time you spoon it—straight up or spread it---you will get the added bonus of the nutrients---you can add as many varied supplements or just one—Cq10+ rosemary essential oil 1-2 drops---and lemon essential oil 1-2 drops = heart and brain and immune enhancing and antioxidant recipe
[A1]Goats milk has a higher saturated content then cows milk!!! Means muscle growth or hormonal health
[A2]It’s been known in canada that if you eat just rabbit, in wintery season you would die as a lack of fat from the rabbits,,,,fat is essential to surviving and maintaing health
[A3]Here is where I disagree with this fellow, I see no need to even eat this stuff at all. With the xeno estrogens,combined with the phytoestrogenic effect of soy, the effect is nothing but sheer disease and deficiency as a result of estrogen contaimanation
[A4] New Zealand is going to make soy a prescription food…in other words it is not allowing it’s citizenry to poison itself with this toxin….THE USA and CANADA need to do the same thing!!!!
ScienceDaily (Jan. 25, 2010) — Canada's food safety system is reactive, lags behind other countries, and investment is needed to ensure it can adequately protect Canadians, states an article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).---Foodborne illness surveillance is needed to ensure safety from gastrointestinal infections caused by bacteria such as toxigenic E.coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter and Listeria. As there is no national foodborne illness surveillance program in Canada, the estimated 11 million cases of foodborne illness every year are based on surveys of self-reported gastrointestinal illness. More accurate data are needed to execute meaningful intervention.---European Union countries, the US and Australia have surveillance systems that allow them to collect information on food vehicles and organisms that cause foodborne illness, something Canada cannot currently do. Canada's multi-government system with national, provincial and local governments that share responsibility for health, as well as monitor the safety and quality of food are key reasons that we have a fragmented system with poor focus. The US suffers from the same problem, yet does a better (though not perfect) job.---"Multijurisdictional fragmentation of both food inspection and foodborne illness surveillance are obstacles to safe food that can be overcome with determination and commitment," writes Dr. Richard A Holley from the Department of Food Science at the University of Manitoba.---While Canada does have a single national food inspection authority, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, it shares responsibility for food inspection with provincial and municipal governments.---"The large size of the country, regional differences in population density and availability of infrastructure complicate attempts to implement and administer both foodborne illness surveillance and uniform food inspection programs," writes the author.---Government must invest to develop a proactively cooperative foodborne illness surveillance system and use the data to establish insightful, uniform, risk- and science-based food safety policy across the country.
Adapted from materials provided by Canadian Medical Association Journal, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.--
The following was issued by the United States Congress in 1936 Excerpts from Senate Document 264
In 1936 the United States Senate issued Document 264 relating to proper food mineral balances presented by Mr. Fletcher. The pioneers of this era and the genius in the field of nutrition demonstrated that countless human ills stem from the fact that impoverished soil in America no longer provides plant foods with the mineral elements essential to human nourishment and health! The pertinent excerpts from this document are published here for your review: --“Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our foods come from are brought into proper mineral balance?” --“The alarming fact is that foods - fruits, vegetables and grains - now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contains enough of certain minerals, are starving us - no matter how much of them we eat!” ---“This talk of minerals is novel and quite startling. In fact, a realization of the importance of minerals in food is so new that the textbooks on nutritional dietetics contain very little about it. Nevertheless it is something that concerns all of us, and the further we delve into it the more startling it becomes”. --“Laboratory tests prove that the fruits, the vegetables, the grains, the eggs and even the milk and meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the mineral salts he requires for perfect health...” “No longer does a balanced and fully nourishing diet consist merely of so many calories or certain vitamins or a fixed proportion of starches, proteins, and carbohydrates. We now know that it must contain, in addition, something like a score of trace mineral salts”. “It is bad news to learn from our leading authorities that 99 percent of the American people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in DISEASE. Any upset of the balance, any considerable lack of one or another element, however microscopic the body requirement may be, and we sicken, suffer, shorten our lives”. ---“This discovery is one of the latest and most important contributions of science to the problem of human health”. ---“Dr. Northern asked himself how foods can be used intelligently in the treatment of disease, when they differed so widely in content. The answer seemed to be that they could not be used intelligently. In establishing the fact that serious deficiencies existed and in searching out the reasons therefore, he made an extensive study of the soil. It was he who first voiced the surprising fact that we must make soil building the basis of food building in order to accomplish human building. Bear in mind, says Dr. Northern, that minerals are vital to human metabolism and health-and that no plant or animal can appropriate to itself any mineral which is not present in the soil upon which it feeds.” “We know that vitamins are complex chemical substances which are indispensable to nutrition, and that each of them is important for the normal function of some special structure of the body. Disorder and disease result from any vitamin deficiency. It is not commonly realized, however, that vitamins control the body’s appropriation of minerals, and that in the absence of minerals they have no function to perform. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless”. “Certainly our physical well being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take in to our system than upon calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume.” “So it goes, each mineral element playing a definite role in nutrition. A characteristic set of symptoms, just as specific as any vitamin deficiency disease, follows a deficiency in any one of them. It is alarming, therefore, to face the fact that we are starving for these precious health-giving substances.” “The minerals in fruit and vegetables are colloidal; i.e., they are in a state of such extremely fine suspension that they can be assimilated by the human system. Therein lies the short cut to better health and longer life.” “Sick soils mean sick plants, sick animals, and sick people. Physical, mental and moral fitness depends largely upon an ample supply and a proper proportion of minerals in our foods. Nerve function, nerve stability and nerve cell-building likewise depend upon trace minerals.” “Our soils which are seriously deficient in trace minerals, cannot produce plant life competent to maintain our needs, and with the continuous cropping and shipping away of those trace minerals and concentrates, the condition becomes worse”. “One sure way to end the American people’s susceptibility to infection is to supply through food, a balanced ration of trace minerals. An organism supplied with a diet adequate to, or preferably in excess of, all mineral requirements may so utilize these elements as to produce immunity from infection quite beyond anything we are able to produce artificially by our present method of immunization. You can’t make up the deficiency by using a patent medicine or drug.” “Prevention of disease is easier, more practical, and more economical than cure. Disease preys most surely and most viciously on the undernourished and unfit plants, animals and human beings alike, and when the importance of these obscure mineral elements is fully realized, the chemistry of life will have to be rewritten. No man knows his mental or bodily capacity, how well he can feel or how long he can live, for we are all cripples and weaklings. In the future we will be a nation of fat bellies.” “It is a disgrace to science. Happily, that chemistry is being rewritten and we are on our way to better health by returning to our bodies the things (trace minerals) we have stolen from it.”
(Reprint from READER’S DIGEST - March 1936)
{Editors note: The farming ground is even more depleted today, 2004, and fertilizers add only 3 not so great ingredients that do not help us because putting only 3 of the 84 required for balance will create illness and disease from the imbalance!}
Healing SALT Recipe---take some Epsom Salt and essential oils of choice---what you will do is take a 1/8 cup of salt and add to it 8 drops of any 1 or combo of the essential oils---I will use –Pine—Camphor—Penny Royal—Cajeput—and Lugols iodine –8 drops of each with ¼ cup of Epsom salt to get started---then as the salt powders down I will add a little at a time ( 1/8-1/4 cup increments ) and allow this to also pulverize even more so---if the blender gets bogged at this point stop—unplug the blender and use either a chop stick or spoon and loosen up the bottom sediment---or pour some out and continue til there is a fine powder---and repeat the process just by taking out half the portion and then just adding more epsom salt ---do this ti you make almost 4 times what you started with ---In this all you are doing is using the base of the salts with the mixed oils and then you are just adding more salt---and as the blenders bog down you take out half and then just add new salt---DO this with both halves ---you will pull out the 1st load and leave to the side ---once you added new salt to the blender and re blended it then take it all out and add the 1st half and add more salt and re-blend. So ¼ cup will eventually wind up to about 20-30 ounces---bottle this and then add to your bath 3 table spoons minimum******This alleviate a lot of pain and cellular congestion—will increases circulation---remove cold or chill spots in the body---will allow for deep penetration and can assist in the removing of bacterial or fungals internally and externally---may see an improvement in vitality as well as a removal of chemicals and toxins or infections
This is worth reading. Be sure to read to the end. You will be amazed
Did you ever wonder how much it costs a drug company for the active ingredient
in prescription medications? Some people think it must cost a lot, since many
drugs sell for more than $2.00 per tablet. We did a search of offshore chemical
synthesizers that supply the active ingredients found in drugs approved by the
FDA. As we have revealed in past issues of Life Extension, a significant
percentage of drugs sold in the United States contain active ingredients made in
other countries. In our independent investigation of how much profit drug
companies really make, we obtained the actual price of active ingredients used
in some of the most popular drugs sold in America
The data below speaks for itself.
Celebrex: 100 mg Keflex: 250 mg Prevacid: 30 mg Zestril: 20 mg
Claritin: 10 mg Norvasc: 10 mg Tenormin: 50 mg Zocor: 40 mg |
Since the cost of prescription drugs is so outrageous, I thought everyone should
know about this. Please read the following and pass it on. --It pays to shop
around. This helps to solve the mystery as to why they can afford to put a
Walgreen's on every corner.
On Monday night, Steve Wilson,
an investigative reporter for Channel 7 News in Detroit, did a story on generic
drug price gouging by pharmacies. He found in his investigation, that some of
these generic drugs were marked up as much as 3,000% or more.
Yes, that's not a typo.....three thousand percent! So often, we blame the drug
companies for the high cost of drugs, and usually rightfully so.
But in t his case, the fault
clearly lies with the pharmacies themselves.
For example, if you had to buy a prescription drug, and bought the name brand,
you might pay $100 for 100 pills. ---The pharmacist might tell you that if you
get the generic equivalent, they would only cost $80, making you think you are
'saving' $20. What the pharmacist is not telling you is that those 100
generic pills may have only cost him $10! --At the end of the report, one of
the anchors asked Mr. Wilson whether, or not there were any pharmacies that did
not adhere to this practice, and he said that Costco consistently charged
little over their cost for the generic drugs. I went to the Costco site,
where you can look up any drug, and get its online price. It says that the
in-store prices are consistent with the online prices. I was appalled. Just to
give you one example from my own experience, I had to use the drug, Compazine,
which helps prevent nausea in chemo patients. ---I used the generic equivalent,
which cost $54.99 for 60 pills at CVS. I checked the price at Costco,
and I could have bought 100
pills for $19.89. For 145 of my pain pills, I paid --$72.57. I could have got
150 at Costco for $28.08.
I would like to mention, that although Costco is a 'membership' type store,
you do NOT have to be
a member to buy prescriptions there, as it is a federally regulated substance.
You just tell them at the door that you wish to use the pharmacy, and they will
let you in. (this is true) --I went there this past Thursday and asked them. I
am asking each of you to please help me by copying this letter, and passing it
into your own e-mail, and send it to everyone you know with an e-mail address.
Sharon L. Davis
Budget Analyst
U.S. Department of Commerce
Room 6839
Office Ph: 202-482-4458
Office Fax: 202-482-5480
E-mail Address:
Medical Errors - A Leading Cause of Death
The JOURNAL of the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (JAMA) Vol 284, No 4, July 26th 2000 article written by Dr Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH, of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, shows that medical errors may be the third leading cause of death in the United States.---The report apparently shows there are 2,000 deaths/year from unnecessary surgery; 7000 deaths/year from medication errors in hospitals; 20,000 deaths/year from other errors in hospitals; 80,000 deaths/year from infections in hospitals; 106,000 deaths/year from non-error, adverse effects of medications - these total up to 225,000 deaths per year in the US from iatrogenic causes which ranks these deaths as the # 3 killer. Iatrogenic is a term used when a patient dies as a direct result of treatments by a physician, whether it is from misdiagnosis of the ailment or from adverse drug reactions used to treat the illness. (drug reactions are the most common cause).--The National Academies website published an article titled "Preventing Death and Injury From Medical Errors Requires Dramatic, System-Wide Changes." which you can read online at or the book "To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System" at - These show medical errors as a leading cause of death.---Based on the findings of one major study, medical errors kill some 44,000 people in U.S. hospitals each year. Another study puts the number much higher, at 98,000. Even using the lower estimate, more people die from medical mistakes each year than from highway accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS. And deaths from medication errors that take place both in and out of hospitals are aid to be more than 7,000 annually.
Prescription Drugs - Leading
Killer in USA
According to information we have received, a statistical study of hospital
deaths in the U.S. conducted at the
University of Toronto revealed
that pharmaceutical drugs kill more people every year than are killed in traffic
study is said to show that more than two million American hospitalized patients
suffered a serious adverse drug reaction (ADR) within the 12-month period of the
study and, of
these, over 100,000 died as a result. The researchers found that over 75 per
cent of these ADRs were dose-dependent, which suggests they were due to the
inherent toxicity of the drugs rather than to allergic reactions.--The
data did not include fatal reactions caused by accidental overdoses or errors in
administration of the drugs.
If these had been included, it is estimated that another 100,000 deaths would be
added to the total every year.--The
researchers concluded that ADRs are now the fourth leading cause of death in the
United States after heart disease, cancer, and stroke.---Source: Jason, et al. (Lazarou
et al), Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients, Journal of
the American Medical Association (JAMA), Vol. 279. April 15, 1998, pp. 1200-05.
Also Bates, David W., Drugs and Adverse Drug Reactions: How Worried Should We
Be? JAMA, Vol. 279. April 15, 1998, pp. 1216-17.---
One of the first JAMA article on medical errors appeared in JAMA 1994;272:1851-7. by Leape LL. Then in April 1998, JAMA 1998 Apr 15;279(15):1200-5 See
Related articles are at
Other related articles:
Schuster M, McGlynn E, Brook R. How good is the quality of health care in the
United States? Milbank Q. 1998;76:517-563.
World Health Report 2000. Available at:
Starfield B. Evaluating the State Children's Health Insurance Program: critical considerations. Annu Rev Public Health. 2000;21:569-585.
Leape L. Unnecessary surgery. Annu Rev Public Health. 1992;13:363-383.
Phillips D, Christenfeld N, Glynn L. Increase in US medication-error deaths between 1983 and 1993. Lancet. 1998;351:643-644.
Weingart SN, Wilson RM, Gibberd RW, Harrison B. Epidemiology and medical error. BMJ. 2000;320:774-777.
Guyer B, Hoyert D, Martin J, Ventura S, MacDorman M, Strobino D. Annual summary of vital statistics 1998. Pediatrics. 1999;104:1229-1246.
Harrold LR, Field TS, Gurwitz JH. Knowledge, patterns of care, and outcomes of care for generalists and specialists. J Gen Intern Med. 1999;14:499-511.
Holland E, Degruy F. Drug-Induced Disorders - November 1, 1997 - American Family Physician "...more than 1 million patients are injured while in the hospital and approximately 180,000 die because of these injuries."
An article by Dennis
Cauchon, the USA
TODAY Newspaper
Sept. 25, 2000
According to a
USA Today study, more than half
of the experts hired to advise the government on the safety and effectiveness of
medicine have financial relationships with the pharmaceutical companies that
will be helped or hurt by their decisions.
These experts are hired to
advise the Food and Drug Administration on which medicines should be approved
for sale, what the warning labels should say and how studies of drugs should be
designed. The
experts are supposed to be independent,
but USA TODAY found
that 54% of the time, they have a direct financial interest in the drug or topic
they are asked to evaluate.
These conflicts include helping a pharmaceutical company develop a medicine,
then serving on an FDA advisory committee that judges the drug.--The
conflicts typically include stock ownership, consulting fees or research grants. --Federal
law generally prohibits the FDA from using experts with financial conflicts of
interest, but according to the article, the FDA has waived the restriction more
than 800 times since 1998. ---These pharmaceutical experts, about 300 on 18
advisory committees, make decisions that affect the health of millions of
Americans and billions of dollars in drugs sales. With few exceptions, the FDA
follows the committees' advice. ---The FDA reveals when financial conflicts
exist, but it has kept details secret since 1992, so it is not possible to
determine the amount of money or the drug company involved.
A USA Today analysis of financial conflicts at 159 FDA advisory committee
meetings from Jan. 1, 1998, through last June 30 found:
At 92% of the meetings, at least one member had a financial conflict of
At 55% of meetings, half or more of the FDA advisers had conflicts of
Conflicts were most frequent at the 57 meetings when broader issues were
discussed: 92% of members had conflicts.
At the 102 meetings dealing with the fate of a specific drug, 33% of the
experts had a financial conflict.
"The best experts for the FDA are often the best experts to consult with
industry," says FDA senior associate commissioner Linda Suydam, who is in charge
of waiving conflict-of-interest restrictions. But Larry Sasich of Public
Citizen, an advocacy group, says, "The industry has more influence on the
process than people realize."
FDA Conflict-of-Interest continued:
In the book Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer, they discuss "How Cancer Politics Have Kept You In the Dark" - Chapter 26. They talk about one study that disclosed that almost 50% of high-ranking FDA officials had been employed by major drug companies immediately before joining the FDA and that half of these officials upon leaving the FDA take up executive jobs in pharmaceutical companies. ---Another study that they discuss was printed in the Wall Street Journal in 1992. It revealed that 60% of drug advertisements in medical journals actually violated FDA guidelines, yet the FDA did nothing about those violations.Yet, in 1985, the FDA teamed up with the Pharmaceutical Advertising Council to use drug industry funds to combat "quackery" in medicine - alternative medicine. ---Note: To get an understanding of why the FDA and other organizations are so opposed to "alternative medicine", be sure to read chapter 26 of the above named book - Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer and other books, including the section of G. Edward Griffin's book World Without Cancer titled "The Politics of Cancer Therapy---
System to Control Deadly Drug
Interaction Failing
This article written by Andrea Knox for Knight Ridder Newspapers appeared on
January 7, 2001 in "The Star," a Ventura County Newspaper.---In the article, it
is reported that in the past four years, 10 prescription drugs and a vaccine
have been taken off the market after killing and injuring thousands. According
to the article, it is estimated that US drug fatalities runs 100,000 a year.
There is no way of
confirming the numbers because there is no reliable way to track and investigate
problems with drugs. Doctors are not even required to report bad drug
interactions. --It
also doesn't help that the FDA has cut the time for routine drug approvals,
making the real-life test for drugs coming after it has actually been approved.
Without a proper monitoring system, it takes longer to discover what drugs could
be causing problems.---
Number of physicians in the U.S..........................................700,000
Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year................120,000
This information was sent to us indicating that it came from the Benton County
News Tribune on the seventeenth of
November, 1999
How Common Are Medical Mistakes?
They are too common. Although exact estimates are difficult to find, it is not surprising that an industry as stretched, complex, and burdened as the medical industry is fraught with errors. Many errors go unreported and tracking their exact prevalence is difficult. Nevertheless, bearing in mind that about 2.5 million deaths occur annually in the USA, here are some of the statistics and death rate estimates from various reports:
Various studies have been performed about medical errors. A phone survey by the National Patient Safety Foundation found that 42% of people believed they had experienced a medical error personally or to a relative or friend. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) reports on two studies estimating the hospital deaths due to medical errors at 44,000 to 98,000 annually, which would place medical errors in the top ten causes of death in the USA. Barbara Starfield's article in JAMA places the estimates even higher, citing a total of 225,000 deaths due to iatrogenic causes, which would place health-caused deaths as the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA. Holland et al (1997) estimates as many as 1 million patients are injured while in the hospital and approximately 180,000 die as a result, with the majority due to medication adverse reactions.
Nosocomial infections caught during a hospital stay are also common, although these are not necessarily due to an identifiable error by medical personnel. On the other hand, many nosocomial infections would be prevented if hospital staff placed greater emphasis on preventive measures such as hand washing and sterilization. Estimates of nosocomial infections are as high as 2 million case annually or about 10% of hospital patients in the USA. Death rate estimates range from 20,000 annually to 88,000 deaths annually. The cost burden may be as high as $4.5 billion annually.---IOM study: deaths from medical errors: An Institute of Medicine (IOM) study in 1999 cited two different studies placing the number of deaths due to medical error in hospitals at 44,000 and 98,000 annually in the USA. For comparison, the CDC reports that in 1999 there were roughly 2.4 million US deaths, which would mean the above estimates represent approximately 1.8% and 4.0% of deaths respectively. The CDC lists the following top ten causes of death in USA for 1999 (see deaths overview for more details):
By either estimate, the results would place deaths from medical errors clearly into the top ten causes of death at either position 5 or position 9. Furthermore, since these reports were based only on hospital admissions, the real number of deaths from medical errors in a doctor's office, such as misdiagnosis or delayed treatment, may be much higher.---The above reports were based on estimates of the rates of hospital admission that results in death from adverse events. The reports found rates of adverse events at 2.9 and 3.7 percent of hospitalizations respectively, and these were extrapolated to the annual rate of hospitalizations in the USA of 33.6 million admissions in the USA 1997. About half of these adverse events were due to errors: 58% and 53% respectively.----How common are medication errors? The IOM report gives much detailed information about deaths and adverse events due to errors in medication. The report estimates that 7,391 deaths resulted from medication errors in 1993. The IOM report cites one study finding that about 2% of hospital admissions experienced a preventable adverse drug event, although the majority were not fatal. Medication error was cited as the cause of death for 1 in 131 outpatient deaths and 1 in 854 inpatient deaths. Errors in prescription and dispensing are known but difficult to quantify. For example, the IOM report cites an Australian study for 1988-1996 finding that 2.4 to 3.6 percent of hospital admissions were due to medication events, of which 32 to 69% were preventable. For more details, see medication errors.---Surgical errors: Death rates from anesthesia in surgery have declines massively to about 1 per 200,000-300,000 cases compared to 2 per 10,000 in the early 1980s--Starfield JAMA article: Barbara Starfield's JAMA article (Volume 284, No. 4, 2000), gives very large estimates of death due to medical treatment. A total of 225,000 deaths are attributed to various iatrogenic causes. This figure puts them at the 3rd highest cause of death, only after heart disease and cancer. With roughly 2.4 million US deaths in 1999, these estimates would put iatrogenic causes at approximately 9.3% of deaths.---However, not all of these deaths are necessarily from "mistakes" with 106,000 deaths due to "nonerror adverse events of medications". In other words, people had adverse reactions to a medication but it was not an error because they had no previous indication of a risk factor. Another 80,000 deaths are attributed to nosocomial infections, which are also not necessarily due to a particular "error" since there is always a risk of infection in hospitals. Her report also cites 12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgery, 7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals, and 20,000 deaths in hospitals from causes other than medication errors.---National Patient Safety Foundation Survey: The National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) commissioned a phone survey in 1997 to review patient opinions about medical mistakes. The findings showed that 42% of people believed they had personally experienced a medical mistake. In these cases, the error affected them personally (33%), a relative (48%), or a friend (19%)
Studies show that differences in what you eat after exercise produce different effects on the body's metabolism
ScienceDaily (Jan. 29, 2010) — Many of the health benefits of aerobic exercise are due to the most recent exercise session (rather than weeks, months and even years of exercise training), and the nature of these benefits can be greatly affected by the food we eat afterwards, according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology."Differences in what you eat after exercise produce different effects on the body's metabolism," said the study's senior author, Jeffrey F. Horowitz of the University of Michigan. This study follows up on several previous studies that demonstrate that many health benefits of exercise are transient: one exercise session produces benefits to the body that taper off, generally within hours or a few days.---"Many of the improvements in metabolic health associated with exercise stem largely from the most recent session of exercise, rather than from an increase in 'fitness' per se," Dr. Horowitz said. "But exercise doesn't occur in a vacuum, and it is very important to look at both the effects of exercise and what you're eating after exercise."---Specifically, the study found that exercise enhanced insulin sensitivity, particularly when meals eaten after the exercise session contained relatively low carbohydrate content. Enhanced insulin sensitivity means that it is easier for the body to take up sugar from the blood stream into tissues like muscles, where it can be stored or used as fuel. Impaired insulin sensitivity (i.e., "insulin resistance") is a hallmark of Type II diabetes, as well as being a major risk factor for other chronic diseases, such as heart disease.--Interestingly, when the research subjects in this study ate relatively low-calorie meals after exercise, this did not improve insulin sensitivity any more than when they ate enough calories to match what they expended during exercise. This suggests that you don't have to starve yourself after exercise to still reap some of the important health benefits.---The paper, "Energy deficit after exercise augments lipid mobilization but does not contribute to the exercise-induced increase in insulin sensitivity," appears in the online edition of the journal. The authors are Sean A. Newsom, Simon Schenk, Kristin M. Thomas, Matthew P. Harber, Nicolas D. Knuth, Haila Goldenberg and Dr. Horowitz. All are at the University of Michigan. The American Physiological Society (APS: published the research.
Study Design
The study included nine healthy sedentary men, all around 28-30 years old. They spent four separate sessions in the Michigan Clinical Research Unit in the University of Michigan Hospital. Each session lasted for approximately 29 hours. They fasted overnight before attending each session, which began in the morning.The four hospital visits differed primarily by the meals eaten after exercise. The following describes the four different visits:
The exercise was performed on a stationary bicycle and a treadmill. The order in which the participants did the trials was randomized.---In the three exercise trials, there was a trend for an increase in insulin sensitivity. However, when participants ate less carbohydrate after exercise, this enhanced insulin sensitivity significantly more. Although weight loss is important for improving metabolic health in overweight and obese people, these results suggests that people can still reap some important health benefits from exercise without undereating or losing weight, Dr. Horowitz said. ---The study also reinforces the growing body of evidence that each exercise session can affect the body's physiology and also that differences in what you eat after exercise can produce different physiological changes.
Next Steps
The research team is now performing experiments with obese people, aimed at better identifying the minimum amount of exercise that will still improve insulin sensitivity at least into the next day.---Story Source:Adapted from materials provided by American Physiological Society, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS
Cocoa, Almond, Sesame Seed, Whey, Bioflavonoids ( orange and lemon ) Essential Oil of Nutmeg & Orange ( 1 drop ) Berry/Almaretto, Pineapple & Papaya (dried ) Coconut oil, Cinnamon, Cardamon, Nutmeg, and Clove powder, Gelatin----What you do is measure off the amounts mentioned of the seeds ---put in blender and pulverize to a powder—Sift the coarse particles and allow the powder seeds in a bowl---then add the powdered bioflavonoids in the blender and pur in your honey and add the tablespoon of amaretto---allow this to blend and as it blends it will soften the honey and make it more liquid add your powdered spices about ½ tsp of each---add your dried fruit powders 1 tsp of each –add your whey at about 80 grams ( Approximately 2 ½ ounces ) blend til it all absorbed and smooth make sure you add your gelatin ( you can let sit in water or the amaretto and when it is dissolved add it in---when down pour in bowl and allow to settle ( cool down) when it is almost at a taffy stage---lubricate your wax paper ( notice not plasti wrap but waxed paper) with coconut oil ---portion out what you want---shape it –refrigerate ---consume as you like---will make approximately 3 protein bars
ØAlmond and Sesame Seed …..50grams of each omega 6 oils and protein and minerals with rich source of B15 and small levels of Laetrille
ØWhey..Protein and antioxidant support…. 80 grams total
ØBioflvanoids,…. Rich antioxidants that support veins, heart, and resist specific cancer causing elements, intestinal support
ØEssential Oil of Nutmeg& Orange…1 drop, enriched with antioxidant and has anti tumour support as well as brain lift
ØBerry/Amaretto …..2 tablespoons of the berry mix and ½ teaspoon of the Amaretto …high levels of antioxidants as well as laetrile, used to soften honey during process
ØPineapple & Papaya digestive assistance as well as circulatory health…. 15 grams of each
ØCoconut Oil….Anti Viral Properties and AntiBacterial….saturated fat for Brain support and energy….. 1 tsp
ØCinnamon, Cardamon, Nutmeg. Clove…High Antioxidant, Anti Yeast, Antifungal, AntiBacterial, AntiViral
ØHoney ..Rich in minerals and antioxidants, energizer and stabilizer
S. Humphries, MD [medical doctor]
January 22, 2010
H1N1 and seasonal influenza vaccines are now being given to sick hospital patients with or without their doctor’s consent. This is being done despite there being no data on the safety of doing so. ---I am a licensed, board-certified nephrologist, otherwise known as a kidney specialist, working in a large, city-based hospital. Because I rarely admit patients to the hospital other than for specific procedures, such as a kidney biopsy, I only recently became aware of my hospital’s policy regarding flu shots for sick people. Waking up to this new rule made me realize that Big Pharma is getting closer and closer to bypassing doctors completely to deliver direct patient “care”. ---We have an elaborate electronic charting system at our hospital. All of the medications and procedure orders are placed into the patient’s record by doctors and nurses so that every person has access to all that is happening with the patient. A few weeks ago, I arrived to see my first patient of the day, a patient with a kidney ailment that leaks protein and usually progresses to complete kidney shutdown. When I opened her electronic chart, I expected my section to be empty. Instead, I saw an order for an influenza vaccine with my name on it. Even more shocking was that the order was highlighted bright blue, meaning, the shot had already been given. I thought perhaps I had opened the wrong chart or some sort of mistake had been made. But it was the right file; her name in the upper left hand corner. And my electronic signature was on the page after the order. My patient, with kidney failure and an autoimmune disorder had been given a flu shot without my consent.----I was informed that according to a hospital policy that had been in effect since 2007, a pharmacist is permitted to visit a patient and offer them a flu vaccine. If the patient agrees, the RN is instructed to administer the shot and document the event in the chart. The attending physician’s signature stamp is used to complete the order. No one called to ask, “By the way, your patient wants a flu shot; can we give her one?” I’m not sure what was said to her, but she obviously agreed, and I didn’t need to be involved. The pharmacist had written an order for an injectable substance that I considered toxic and inappropriate for my patient, and it was administered by the RN before I even got to the floor. ---My dissatisfaction eventually made it to the Chief of Internal Medicine who challenged me to produce peer-reviewed journal articles in support of my objection. There were dozens of case reports of kidney disease or small blood vessel inflammation following influenza vaccination. In fact, one paper cited 16 patients in its written report(1). Under-reporting of adverse vaccine reactions is a known phenomenon. The National Vaccine Information Center estimates that only about two percent of adverse vaccine reactions ever get reported. It would follow that written and published case reports found in medical journals represent a miniscule sampling of the totality of vaccine injury cases. These implications should evoke at least some curiosity on the part of doctors and health care advocates. ---The peer-reviewed literature was delivered to the department head. His initial response was to suggest that future vaccination orders be signed off by another physician so I didn’t have to be involved with the process of a nurse giving a “routine” flu shot. But the point had been missed; flu shots should not be given to sick patients. --- I was challenging “routine orders” that had been in place since 2007. The defense for supporting the policy was that no side effects had been reported since the standing order had been instituted. I wondered to myself and then later inquired: How do you know that is true? Is it because nobody filed a formal report? If a patient became more ill after the shot, did you consider his condition to be a side effect of the vaccine, or was it simply called an unfortunate complication to the patient’s current illness? What if the patient was discharged from the hospital but readmitted several weeks later. Was the reason logged simply as a progression of his existing disease…or was the cause an overlooked, delayed side effect of the vaccination? If vaccine reactions are not considered as part of a patient’s differential diagnosis, how do you know? Without taking a vaccine history when considering a timeline of events, how could anybody possibly make the connection between a vaccine and a subsequent illness? How does anyone else know for that matter – that there were no side effects from the “routine” administration of flu shots, ordered by a pharmacist and given by a nurse, without doctor consent? The truth is, there is no real tracking and reporting system in place. And nobody is enthused about trying to start one. What has essentially happened is that the guards have all been told to go home and nobody is thinking to even look for the wolf. I am sure there are thousands of unreported cases of kidney failure – and a wide range of other serious health conditions – because doctors fail to ask a very simple question as part of the admission evaluation: “When was your last vaccine?” And few doctors suspect any connection because the party line screams, “Vaccines are safe, effective and harmless. They keep people healthy and prevent infection.” If nobody looks, vaccine-related side effects and complications won’t be found. There was a law passed in 1986, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act, that made vaccine manufacturers and administering physicians immune from legal recourse in the event of a vaccine injury. This has given manufacturers a dangerously long leash and has enabled them to push vaccines through FDA approval with little need to create a safe product. Now drug companies have extended their reach into the hospital right past doctors, and put the power to vaccinate in the hands of pharmacists and executive committees, allowing them to make decisions about what is best for a patient. For years, I have suspected that vaccines affect the immune system in an unnatural way. Those who are trained in the sciences should know this has to be true. For starters, the partial and temporary effect of a vaccination is significantly different than the precise and long-lasting cellular responses that come from a natural infection. Vaccines contain more viral and bacterial particles than what we are told; there are known allowable contaminants in vaccine cultures and in vaccine vials(2). The solutions also contain heavy metals, carcinogenic chemicals and toxic preservatives. Vaccine-induced antibodies can become “confused”. They can then adhere or deposit in small blood vessels and the kidney filters called glomeruli, causing inflammation and degeneration, known as an “autoimmune response”; the person’s own antibodies attack and destroy the body. The incidence of autoimmune disease has sharply increased in recent years, and I believe that vaccines have played a role. That is why it has never made sense to me to vaccinate anyone, let alone someone who is sick--- but especially someone already sick with an autoimmune disease. While patients who are immunocompromised may be at a disadvantage when faced with infectious pathogens, giving them a flu shot with toxic chemicals cannot, in my estimation, possibly protect them. Moreover, it is known that elderly patients and those who are losing protein in the urine don’t necessarily mount a strong or protective response to flu vaccine injections. Despite these facts, the CDC and various medical organizations still recommend injecting sick, elderly patients with flu vaccines. ---There is no scientific basis for this. Vaccine research is conducted on healthy people. Vaccine research does not include double blind placebo studies; rather they use a false placebo which is often the prior years’ flu vaccine. Once a vaccine is approved for general use, the shot is routinely given to everyone. Case reports (1, 3-7) support the notion that it is highly possible that an unhealthy person could develop an exacerbation of an underlying kidney disease or that a healthy person could develop a new kidney disease after a vaccine. It should be common sense that patients who are sick and have advanced kidney disease are much more vulnerable to the 25 micrograms of mercury in multi-dose flu vaccines than healthy persons with normal kidney function. Doctors take note: You are not in control anymore. Your patients can be harmed by vaccines that you have not ordered-- while your back is turned. Patients: Be vigilant and ask questions. Big Pharma has dozed past another barrier and now its reach has expanded past your doctor and right into your hospital room. Propaganda about vaccines and the flu will be posted around the hospital. If ever there was a time to become highly suspicious of the motives in the world of hospitals and pharmaceutical business, it is now. Take these suggestions to heart: When somebody other than your doctor enters your hospital room and offers you anything, even if they tell you the doctor ordered it, do not believe that you must accept it without first talking to the doctor in charge of your care. You have a right to know why you are being injected and what the risks are.· If there is ever a good time to get a vaccine, it is not while you are sick. Please consider both sides of the vaccination debate before agreeing to one. You won’t be given a fact sheet with balanced pros and cons by a conventional medical doctor or by the hospital. You have the right to refuse any drug, any shot and any intervention at any time, as long as you are psychologically competent. Mine is only one story, but it represents things to come with the corporate takeover of medicine and the massive push for vaccines. It has been insidious but it is now showing up everywhere: In the schools, in Wal-Mart, in the mainstream press. The doctor-patient relationship is no longer valued or honored. Guidelines, recommendations and one-size-fits-all treatment programs of all comers for the sake of profit are the real driving forces. Our “health care system” has little to do with health. Even the word “health” has been mutated and twisted to represent some distorted picture that looks more like desperation for survival than thriving vitality. Health care centers that vaccinate with complete disregard for the truth about what they are actually doing to people, are not delivering a sound product that can be trusted and relied upon by those who hope to have their health guarded and restored.
1. Kelsall, John T. et. al. Microscopic Polyangiitis After Influenza Vaccination, Journal of Rheumatology. Vol.24:6, pp1198-1202.
2. Tenpenny, Dr Sherri J, FOWL! Bird Flu: It’s not what you think, 2006, pg. 74.
3. Yanai-Barar, et al., Influenza vaccination induced leukocytoclastic vasculitis and pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis. Clinical Nephrology, vol 58. No. 3/2002
4. Damjanov, Ivan, Progression of Renal Disease in Henoch-Schonlein Purpura After Influenza Vaccination, JAMA 1979, vol. 242, No.23. p2555-2556.
5. Ulm, S et. al., Leukocytoclastic vasculitis and acute renal failure after influenza vaccination in an elderly patient with myelodysplastic syndrome., Onkoligie, 2006, vol. 29, No. 10, 470-2.
6. Tavadia, S, Leukocytoclastic vasculitis and influenza vaccination. Clin Exp Dermatol., 2003, vol 28, No 2, 154-6.
7. Kielstein, JT, Minimal Change nephrotic syndrome in a 65-year-old patient following influenza vaccination.,Clin Nephrol, 2000, vol 54, no 3, 246-8.
8. Narendran, M, Systemic Vasculitis following influenza vaccination—report of 3 cases and literature review., J Rheumatol, 1993, vol 20, no 8, 1429-31.
Industry attacks McCain Bill for "regulatory overkill"--
Senators McCain and Dorgan Betray Dietary Supplement ConsumersMelatonin Precursor Stimulates Growth Factor Circuits in Brain
Industry attacks McCain Bill for "regulatory overkill"
Industry groups and legal experts have condemned the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 as an unnecessary threat to existing legislation that is already empowered to ensure dietary supplements in the United States are safe.
The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN); Natural Products Association and the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) all issued statements criticizing the Bill. ---Introduced by Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona and Byron Dorgan of North Dakota the Bill seeks to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,
"to more effectively regulate dietary supplements that may pose safety risks unknown to consumers". Industry has attacked it for being motivated by false premises such as an over-estimation of the problem of sports contamination, and for stepping on the toes of a regulation (the 1994 Dietary Supplements and Health Education Act) that already provided measures to address the issues raised by the Bill. ---"This bill is not only unnecessary, it is regulatory overkill," said Virginia-based attorney, Jonathan W Emord. --It requires companies to report non-serious adverse events to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); gives immediate recall rights over products suspected of contamination; creates an Accepted Dietary Ingredients list in place of New Dietary Ingredients provisions and demands all facilities to register on a list annually.Robust enforcement needed
The founder executive director of the American Botanical Council, Mark Blumenthal, added adequate implementation of DSHEA was required, not a new set of regulations that will do little to address the problems at hand. --"It is understandable why legislators and others might feel the need to hold hearings and propose additional legislation to attempt to prevent or correct some of the problems in the dietary supplement industry," he said. --"This includes the need to address problems of poor quality, intentional adulteration, exaggerated and unsubstantiated claims, and other excesses that exist in some pockets of the industry." ---He said the fact DSHEA had not in 15 years been, "adequately, uniformly, fully, and robustly enforced" fuelled the creation of such a Bill, but observed, "what is really needed is robust enforcement of existing laws and regulations, not more laws." ---A host of major sporting bodies including the National Football League (NFL) and Major League Baseball (MLB) have thrown their weight behind the
Bill after Senator McCain said one of the motivations for introducing it was to combat contamination of sports supplements. ---"[The Bill] places new burdens on dietary supplements that are not required for any other class of food," said Michael McGuffin, president of the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA). ---"And at least in the case of the proposed policing responsibility for retailers, it appears to be more stringent than retailer requirements under current drug laws."Scapegoating
Daniel Fabricant, PhD, the NPA’s vice president for scientific and regulatory affairs, said the current political climate in Washington made it difficult to predict how the Bill might be received on Capitol Hill. ---"
I think such a bill has a better chance of being tacked onto another bill as a floor amendment than being a standalone piece of legislation, so it will be monitored accordingly," he said, noting industry had to respond to the challenge and up its efforts in defense of DSHEA. ---He defended the industry against the scapegoating that has gone on from the likes of professional athletes and associations that have blamed certain transgressions on dietary supplements when other factors may have been involved. "Let us not forget that a number of athletes have lied or withheld information on their steroid use when they testified in front of both the house and senate," he told ----"The sporting leagues' failures to correct their drug testing policies should have no affect on the millions of Americans who safely and successfully use a supplement daily."You cannot be serious
On the matter of non-serious adverse event reporting (AER), CRN president and chief executive officer, Steve Mister, said an obligation to report non-serious AERs could be counterproductive as it may stretch FDA resources beyond breaking point. ---"The best way to help consumers is through collaborative efforts with industry, government and other stakeholders, such as USADA (US Anti-Doping Agency), to implement the current laws, to provide more resources and funding to FDA, and to pass the food safety bill, which already includes many of these provisions," he said. ---Emord said a requirement to report non-serious adverse events was "laughable"--"If it is not serious why bother?" he wondered, noting ‘seriousness’ had not been defined. "Is it when the vitamin bottle drops to the floor and the cat eats every one?" ---We are now likely to have a deluge of filings to the FDA, inundating it with non-serious junk mail that will overwhelm it and render it difficult to find all serious adverse event reporting." ---He added: "I think it is fair to say that this bill is Orwellian. It is more like 1984 than anything a Democratic member of Congress has produced. John McCain has outflanked his most liberal Democratic counterparts." ---USADA CEO Travis T Tygart stated: "
The McCain bill is a fair and balanced approach that provides significant protections for all consumers of dietary supplements, while at the same time avoids placing unreasonable burdens on legitimate companies in the industry. We are grateful to Senator McCain for his strong leadership on this public health issue and urge other members of Congress to support this bill."
Senators McCain and Dorgan Betray Dietary Supplement Consumers
On Thursday, Feb. 4, 2010, Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Byron Dorgan (D-ND)
introduced The Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA) of 2010. This bill would
amend DSHEA and undermine, if not entirely eliminate, consumer access to
valuable dietary supplements, according to Jim Turner, Citizens for Health Board
Chair.---Over the next week, Citizens for Health will report in detail on
specific sections of the bill, which would:
Reverse the 100-year long status of supplements as foods;·
Create onerous requirements for supplements not applied to other foods or even to prescription drugs; and·
Wipe out significant numbers of small supplement manufacturers and sellers."This bill, typical of Washington's 'destroy the economy, wipe out consumer rights, and undermine individual health' mentality
," says Turner, "thoughtlessly reinforces the costly, unresponsive, dangerous policies that have created an unsafe and depleted food supply and a bankrupt health care system."--This bill takes power, choice, and self-determination from consumers and gives it to government. Urge your Senators to avoid co-sponsoring it. The people of Arizona and North Dakota, who believe in consumer rights, safe and healthy food, and responsible government, deserve better Senators. McCain and Dorgan are up for re-election this year - and if this bill passes, voters will line up to set them straight in November.--Stay tuned to for further developments, and enter your email address to receive our blog posts on issues of importance to the natural health and wellness community.---James S. Turner is a partner in the Washington, DC, law firm of Swankin and Turner, formed in 1973, and Board Chair of Citizens for Health, the consumer voice of the natural health community. From 1968 to 1971, Mr. Turner worked with Ralph Nader, and wrote The Chemical Feast: The Nader Report on Food Protection at the FDA (Grossman 1970).---In 1975, he successfully opposed the Federal Trade Commission proposal to ban the words "natural," "organic" and "health food" from all commerce. In 1990, he lobbied successfully-with many others-for passage of the "Organic Food Production Act of 1990". In 1994, he worked with the newly created Citizens for Health to pass DSHEA. Congress received one and a half million communications supporting DSHEA.---Turner also led the team that persuaded FDA to approve acupuncture needles (1996); campaigned successfully against the 1976 Swine Flu program, which the government stopped for being dangerous; lobbied successfully for the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990, which legalized health claims for food; and wrote Making Your Own Baby Food (Workman 1974, Bantam 1975, 2nd expanded edition Workman 1976).*******************************************************************************************************
Melatonin Precursor Stimulates Growth Factor Circuits in Brain
ScienceDaily (Feb. 5, 2010) — Scientists at Emory University School of Medicine have discovered unexpected properties for a precursor to melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep cycles.--
Melatonin is produced from the neurotransmitter serotonin in a daily rhythm that peaks at night. Melatonin's immediate precursor, N-acetylserotonin, was not previously thought to have effects separate from those of melatonin or serotonin.---Now an Emory team has shown that N-acetylserotonin can stimulate the same circuits in the brain activated by the growth factor BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor).---The results will be published online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.---The team was led by Keqiang Ye, associate professor of pathology and laboratory medicine, and P. Michael Iuvone, professor of pharmacology and director of research at Emory Eye Center. Researchers from Morehouse School of Medicine and the University of Wisconsin contributed to the paper.---The discovery has implications for the study of how some antidepressants function and may also explain previous observations that N-acetylserotonin has antidepressant activity in animal models of depression.---"Our results suggest that the molecules and pathways involved in mood regulation and circadian rhythms are intertwined," Ye says.---A lack of BDNF, which pushes brain cells to grow and helps them resist stress, is thought to lie behind depression and several neurodegenerative diseases. Ye and his colleagues have been searching for chemicals that can mimic BDNF by activating TrkB, the receptor for BDNF on cells' surfaces.---Several widely prescribed antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as fluoxetine/Prozac) increase levels of serotonin in the brain, but the connections between serotonin levels and depression are complex. Because antidepressants seem to take weeks to display their effects, scientists have proposed that their real targets are BDNF and TrkB.---"We were exploring whether the serotonin system is involved in TrkB signaling," Ye says. "We were surprised to find that N-acetylserotonin, but not serotonin or melatonin, can activate TrkB."---N-acetylserotonin could stimulate TrkB even when BDNF was not present, both in cell culture dishes and in mice, Ye and his colleagues found. It could also protect neurons from overstimulation in the same way that BDNF can.----Melatonin is produced at several sites in the body: the pineal gland, the retina and the intestine. One of the most common strains of laboratory mice (C57Bl6) is deficient in making N-acetylserotonin and melatonin and develops retinal degeneration.---The authors observed that in the retinas of mice that produce adequate melatonin, TrkB is turned on at night, a pattern that matches the appearance of N-acetylserotonin. However, the pattern of TrkB activation is flat in C57Bl6 melatonin-deficient mice.---Ye's laboratory is now investigating the mechanism by which N-acetylserotonin activates TrkB. He says that N-acetylserotonin has a short lifetime in the body but similar compounds that are more stable may be useful in treating neurological diseases.--The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health and Research to Prevent Blindness.---Story Source:-Adapted from materials provided by Emory University. Original article written by Quinn Eastman
Technical Term (Lay Term) |
Definition of Term A. Top five plants used for the specific property/action (in order). B. Plants documented by research (and herbal medicine use). C. Plants documented by herbal medicine use only. |
Abortifacient (Abortive) |
substance that causes or induces abortions. A. N/A B. Anamu, boldo, carqueja, chanca piedra, clavillia, pau d’arco C. Bitter melon, damiana, epazote, espinheira santa, fedegoso, gervão, manacá, picao preto, scarlet bush, vassourinha |
Adaptogen | See Alterative. |
ACE Inhibitor |
A substance that
inhibits angiotensin-converting enzyme (typically resulting in lowered blood
pressure). A. Erva tostão, embauba, mutamba, abuta B. Abuta, embauba, erva tostão, mutamba C. N/A |
Aldose Reductase Inhibitor |
agent that inhibits aldose reductase—an enzyme that converts glucose into a
nerve toxin which results in nerve damage (i.e., diabetic neuropathy &
macular degeneration) A. Chanca piedra, pedra hume caá, chuchuhuasi, annatto B. Annatto, chanca piedra, chuchuhuasi, pedra hume caá C. N/A |
Alterative (Adaptogen) |
substance which restores or balances in some unknown way the normal
functions of an organ or system. A. Suma, cat’s claw, erva tostão, samambaia, sarsaparilla B. Cat’s claw, erva tostão, samambaia C. Damiana, guaraná, maca, manacá, muira puama, picao preto, sarsaparilla, suma, tayuya, velvet bean, yerba mate |
Amebicide (Anti-amebic) |
agent used to kill amebas to treat amebic infections. A. Simarouba, amargo, epazote, erva tostão, guava B. Amargo, epazote, erva tostão, guava, graviola, quinine, simarouba C. Bitter melon, carqueja, cashew, gervão |
Analgesic (Pain-reliever) |
substance that relieves or reduces pain. Also referred to as anodyne. A. (Internal) Iporuru, tayuya, manacá, vassourinha, mulungu (External) Copaiba, andiroba, sangre de grado, kalanchoe, manacá B. Abuta, amargo, amor seco, anamu, andiroba, Brazilian peppertree, carqueja, catuaba, chanca piedra, chuchuhuasi, copaiba, embauba, erva tostão, gervão, guacatonga, guaraná, guava, jurubeba, kalanchoe, macela, manacá, muira puama, nettles, passionflower, pau d’arco, scarlet bush, suma, tayuya, vassourinha, velvet bean C. Andiroba, boldo, cipó cabeludo, clavo huasca, epazote, espinheira santa, fedegoso, graviola, guaco, iporuru, juazeiro, mullaca, mulungu, quinine, sangre de grado, sarsaparilla, simarouba |
Anaphylactic | A
substance that causes an allergic reaction. A. N/A B. Balsam, Brazil nut, cashew, copaiba C. N/A |
Anesthetic |
substance that decreases nerve sensitivity to pain. A. Sangre de grado, manacá, guaco, scarlet bush, Brazilian peppertree B. Brazilian peppertree, chanca piedra, curare, sangre de grado, scarlet bush C. Copaiba, embauba, guacatonga, guaco, manacá |
Anodyne | See Analgesic. |
Anti-anaphylactic (Anti-allergy) |
A substance that blocks
or reduces an allergic reaction. A. Amor seco, nettle, kalanchoe, gervão, guaco B. Amor seco, gervão, guaco, kalanchoe, nettle C. Erva tostão, pau d’arco, sangre de grado, suma, yerba mate |
Antacid |
substance reduces or neutralizes stomach acid. A. Espinheira santa, guacatonga, carqueja, gervão, jurubeba B. Carqueja, espinheira santa, gervão, guacatonga, jurubeba C. Annatto, copaiba, epazote |
Anti-allergy | See Anti-anaphylactic. |
Anti-amebic | See Amebicide. |
Antianxiolytic (Anti-anxiety) |
agent used to reduce or prevent anxiety. A. Passion flower, mulungu, tayuya, manacá, damiana B. Mulungu, passion flower C. Anamu, catuaba, damiana, graviola, guava, manacá, muira puama, suma, tayuya, velvet bean |
Anthelmintic | See Vermifuge. |
Antibacterial | A
substance that kills or inhibits bacteria. A. (Internal) Picao preto, mullaca, anamu, Brazilian peppertree, fedegoso (External) Copaiba, sangre de grado, mulateiro, anamu, andiroba B. Abuta, anamu, andiroba, annatto, avenca, balsam, bitter melon, Brazilian peppertree, cashew, catuaba, chanca piedra, clavillia, copaiba, embauba, erva tostão, fedegoso, graviola, guacatonga, guaco, guaraná, guava, jatoba, juazeiro, kalanchoe, macela, mulateiro, mullaca, mulungu, mutamba, pau d’arco, picao preto, sangre de grado, sarsaparilla, scarlet bush, simarouba, stevia, vassourinha C. Aveloz, cipó cabeludo, nettle, quinine |
Anticandidal (Anti-yeast) |
agent that inhibits or kills the yeast, Candida albicans. A. Jatoba, pau d’arco, anamu, Brazilian peppertree, picao preto B. Anamu, avenca, Brazilian peppertree, clavillia, guaco, guava, jatoba, mulateiro, pau d’arco, picao preto, stevia C. (Included in B above) |
Anticarcinomic (Anticancerous) |
substance that kills or inhibits carcinomas (any cancer that arises in
epithelium/tissue cells). A. (Internal) Graviola, mullaca, espinheira santa, vassourinha, guacatonga (External) Espinheira santa, sangre de grado, graviola, mullaca, copaiba B. Amargo, anamu, andiroba, bitter melon, Brazilian peppertree, cat’s claw, chuchuhuasi, copaiba, epazote, espinheira santa, graviola, guacatonga, macela, mullaca, mutamba, pau d’arco, sangre de grado, simarouba, suma, vassourinha C. Aveloz, fedegoso, guaco, jergon sacha, samambaia, sarsaparilla |
Anticoagulant (Blood thinner) |
substance that thins the blood and acts to inhibit blood platelets from
sticking together. A. Guaco, cipó cabeludo, boldo, mullaca, macela B. Cipó cabeludo, guaco, guaraná, macela, manacá, mullaca, picao preto C. Anamu, boldo, cat’s claw, pau d’arco |
Anticonvulsant | An
agent that reduces or prevents convulsions. A. Erva tostão, amor seco, abuta, mulungu, nettle B. Abuta, amor seco, erva tostão, graviola, nettle C. Annatto, anamu, guava, jaborandi, kalanchoe, macela, mulungu, passionflower, tayuya |
Antidepressant | A
substance meant to oppose depression or sadness. A. Mulungu, tayuya, passionflower, muira puama, graviola B. Cat’s claw, graviola, mulungu C. Brazilian peppertree, damiana, muira puama, passionflower, tayuya, yerba mate |
Antidysenteric | An
agent used to reduce or treat dysentery and diarrhea. A. Simarouba, sangre de grado, amargo, guava, cashew B. Amargo, cashew, gervão, guava, pau d’arco, samambaia, sangre de grado, simarouba C. Cat’s claw, chuchuhuasi, clavillia, scarlet bush |
Antifungal | An
agent that kills or inhibits the growth of fungi. A. (Internal) Jatoba, pau d’arco, anamu, fedegoso, picao preto (External) Jatoba, copaiba, sangre de grado, mulateiro, pau d’arco B. Abuta, anamu, Brazilian peppertree, clavillia, copaiba, embauba, fedegoso, graviola, guacatonga, guava, iporuru, jatoba, kalanchoe, mulateiro, mutamba, pau d’arco, picao preto, sangre de grado, sarsaparilla, scarlet bush, stevia, vassourinha C. Balsam, cashew, quinine |
Antihemorrhagic (Hemostatic) (Styptic) |
agent which stops or prevents bleeding. A. (Internal) Abuta, sangre de grado, Brazilian peppertree, erva tostão, picao preto (External) Sangre de grado, juazeiro, nettle, mutamba, kalanchoe B. Abuta, annatto, erva tostão, sangre de grado C. Brazilian peppertree, carqueja, cashew, embauba, fedegoso, guacatonga, jatoba, juazeiro, mullaca, mutamba, nettle, pedra hume caá, picao preto, simarouba |
Antihepatotoxic (Liver detoxifier) |
substance with protects the liver from toxins, or clears toxins from the
liver. A. Boldo, carqueja, erva tostão, chanca piedra, fedegoso B. Artichoke, boldo, carqueja, chanca piedra, erva tostão, fedegoso, macela, picao preto, sarsaparilla C. Amargo, cat’s claw, epazote, mutamba |
Antihistamine | An
agent used to counteract the effects of histamine production in allergic
reactions. A. Gervão, guaco, nettle, amor seco, kalanchoe B. Abuta, amor seco, gervão, guaco, kalanchoe, nettle C. Carqueja, erva tostão, iporuru, pau d’arco |
Anti-inflammatory | A
substance used to reduce or prevent inflammation. A. (Internal) Iporuru, guaco, amor seco, tayuya, cat’s claw (External) Copaiba, andiroba, scarlet bush, guaco, kalanchoe B. Abuta, anamu, andiroba, boldo, carqueja, cashew, cat’s claw, chuchuhuasi, copaiba, embauba, erva tostão, fedegoso, gervão, guacatonga, guaco, iporuru, jatoba, juazeiro, jurubeba, kalanchoe, macela, manacá, mulungu, nettle, passionflower, pau d’arco, picao preto, samambaia, sangre de grado, sarsaparilla, scarlet bush, suma, tayuya, vassourinha, velvet bean, yerba mate C. Acerola, amargo, amor seco, annatto, bitter melon, chanca piedra, curare, epazote, espinheira santa, jaborandi, jergon sacha, mullaca, mutamba |
Antileukemic | A
substance that kills or inhibits the growth of leukemia cells. A. Mullaca, picao preto, vassourinha, simarouba, cipó cabeludo B. Bitter melon, cat’s claw, cipó cabeludo, espinheira santa, mullaca, pau d’arco, picao preto, simarouba, suma, vassourinha C. (See B above) |
Antilithic | An
agent that reduces or suppresses urinary calculi (stones) and acts to
dissolve those already present. A. Chanca piedra, boldo, cipó cabeludo, artichoke, erva tostão B. Chanca piedra C. Amargo, artichoke, avenca, boldo, cipó cabeludo, erva tostão, kalanchoe, velvet bean |
Antimalarial | An
agent used to treat malaria and/or kill the malaria-causing organism,
Plasmodium sp. A. Quinine, simarouba, amargo, vassourinha, epazote B. Abuta, amargo, andiroba, chanca piedra, epazote, fedegoso, graviola, guava, pau d’arco, picao preto, quinine, simarouba, vassourinha C. Amor seco, anamu, annatto, damiana, bitter melon, carqueja, gervão, guaco, jatoba, manacá, mullaca, mutamba, sarsaparilla, scarlet bush |
Antimicrobial | A
substance that destroys or inhibits growth of disease-causing bacteria,
viruses, fungi and other microorganisms.
(See Antifungal, Antibacterial, Antiviral and Anticandidal) |
Antimutagenic (Cellular protector) |
agent that can reduce, prevent or reverse cells from mutating.(ie, healthy
cells mutate to cancer cells) A. Cat’s claw, chanca piedra, samambaia, fedegoso, boldo B. Boldo, cat’s claw, chanca piedra, fedegoso, manacá, samambaia C. Guacatonga, simarouba. |
Antioxidant | A
substance that protects against free radical activity and lipid peroxidation
by preventing oxidation. (Thought to protect body cells from the damaging
effects of oxidation.) A. Cat’s claw, samambaia, gervão, tayuya, fedegoso B. Abuta, acerola, anamu, annatto, artichoke, boldo, Brazil nut, camu-camu, cat’s claw, chuchuhuasi, embauba, fedegoso, gervão, guaraná, guava, macela, mulateiro, mutamba, samambaia, sangre de grado, tayuya, yerba mate C. Avenca, bitter melon, jatoba, pau d’arco, pedra hume caá, sarsaparilla, suma |
Antiparasitic | A
substance that kills parasites (either internally or externally). A. Amargo, simarouba, epazote, boldo, fedegoso B. Amargo, andiroba, balsam, boldo, epazote, fedegoso, graviola, quinine, simarouba C. Annatto, bitter melon, clavillia, erva tostão, guava, jatoba, macela, mulateiro, nettle, pau d’arco, picao preto, scarlet bush, velvet bean |
Antiprotozoal | A
substance that kills protozoa. (A large family of disease-causing single
cell microscopic organisms.) A. Amargo, guaco, simarouba, bitter melon, anamu B. Amargo, anamu, bitter melon, epazote, erva tostão, graviola, guaco, guava, quinine, simarouba C. Boldo |
Antipyretic | See Febrifuge |
Antiseptic | A substance that
destroys or inhibits germs and disease-causing organisms and is sufficiently
nontoxic to cleanse wounds and prevent infections. A. Mullaca, Brazilian peppertree, picao preto, annatto (leaf), guava (leaf) B. Balsam, Brazilian peppertree, copaiba, sangre de grado C. Abuta, andiroba, annatto, boldo, cashew, damiana, embauba, epazote, espinheira santa, fedegoso, guacatonga, guaraná, guava, mullaca, mulungu, nettle, picao preto, quinine, sarsaparilla |
Antispasmodic (Smooth muscle relaxant) (Muscle-relaxer) |
substance that relieves spasms or inhibits the contraction of smooth
muscles. A. Amor seco, abuta, vassourinha, manacá, mulungu B. Abuta, amargo, amor seco, annatto, boldo, Brazilian peppertree, chanca piedra, clavillia, curare, embauba, erva tostão, fedegoso, gervão, graviola, guava, kalanchoe, macela, manacá, mullaca, mulungu, mutamba, passionflower, quinine, vassourinha, velvet bean, yerba mate C. Anamu, chuchuhuasi, damiana, epazote, guaco, iporuru, picao preto |
Antitumorous | An
agent that kills tumor cells and/or prevents the formation of malignant
tumors. A. (Internal) Graviola, mullaca, espinheira santa, vassourinha, guacatonga (External) Espinheira santa, sangre de grado, graviola, mullaca, copaiba B. Amargo, anamu, andiroba, bitter melon, Brazilian peppertree, cat’s claw, chuchuhuasi, copaiba, epazote, espinheira santa, graviola, guacatonga, iporuru, kalanchoe, macela, mullaca, mutamba, pau d’arco, picao preto, sangre de grado, scarlet bush, simarouba, suma, vassourinha C. Aveloz, gervão, jergon sacha, jurubeba, manacá |
Antitussive (Cough-suppressant) |
substance that depresses coughing. A. Guaco, embauba, amor seco, passionflower, guava B. Guaco, guava, passionflower C. Abuta, amor seco, annatto, avenca, balsam, bitter melon, cashew, copaiba, damiana, embauba, espinheira santa, gervão, iporuru, jatoba, jergon sacha, juazeiro, kalanchoe, macela, mutamba, picao preto, vassourinha, velvet bean |
Antiulcerogenic Antiulcerous (Anti-ulcer) |
agent used to protect against the formation of ulcers, or is used for the
treatment of ulcers. A. (Internal peptic) Gervão, carqueja, espinheira santa, guacatonga, cat’s claw (Internal H. pylori) Carqueja, guacatonga, bitter melon, balsam, pau d’arco (External) Copaiba, gervão, kalanchoe, juazeiro, picao preto B. Abuta, amargo, balsam, carqueja, cat’s claw, chanca piedra, copaiba, espinheira santa, gervão, guacatonga, jurubeba, kalanchoe, muira puama, picao preto C. Andiroba, bitter melon, epazote, guava, juazeiro, mutamba, pau d’arco, tayuya |
Antivenin | An
agent used against the venom of a snake, spider, or other venomous animal or
A. Jergon sacha, guaco, guacatonga, picao preto, tayuya B. Annatto, guacatonga, guaco, picao preto, velvet bean C. Abuta, amargo, anamu, curare, embauba, erva tostão, jergon sacha, manacá, pata de vaca, pau d’arco, tayuya, vassourinha |
Antiviral | A
substance that destroys or inhibits the growth and viability of infectious
viruses. A. (Internal) Jergon sacha, mullaca, anamu, chanca piedra, bitter melon (External) Sangre de grado, bitter melon, carqueja, clavillia, vassourinha B. Amargo, anamu, bitter melon, Brazilian peppertree, carqueja, cat’s claw, catuaba, cha de bugre, chanca piedra, clavillia, erva tostão, iporuru, kalanchoe, macela, mullaca, mutamba, pau d’arco, picão preto, sangre de grado, simarouba, stevia, vassourinha C. Andiroba, aveloz, avenca, copaiba, embauba, fedegoso, graviola, guacatonga, jergon sacha |
Aperient (Mild laxative) |
substance that acts as a mild laxative by increasing fluids in the bowel. A. Carqueja, fedegoso, nettle, erva tostão, samambaia B. Fedegoso C. Amargo, annatto, Brazilian peppertree, carqueja, curare, damiana, erva tostão, guava, jurubeba, nettle, samambaia |
Aphrodisiac | An
agent that increases sexual activity and libido and/or improves sexual
A. (Male) Muira puama, catuaba, damiana, velvet bean, clavo huasca (Female) Clavo huasca, abuta, catuaba, suma, passionflower B. Damiana, muira puama, passionflower, suma, velvet bean C. Abuta, annatto, bitter melon, cashew, catuaba, chuchuhuasi, clavo huasca, guaraná, iporuru, maca, sarsaparilla |
Appetite Stimulant | A
substance use to increase or stimulate the appetite. A. Quinine, bitter melon, jatoba, amargo, boldo B. Quinine, amargo C. Amargo, avenca, boldo, bitter melon, chanca piedra, chuchuhuasi, clavo huasca, erva tostão, guaco, jatoba, muira puama, samambaia, suma |
Appetite Suppressant | A
substance use to suppress the appetite and/or satiate the feelings of hunger. A. Cha de bugre, guaraná, damiana, yerba mate B. Damiana, guaraná C. Cha de bugre, yerba mate |
Astringent | A
substance that contracts blood vessels and certain body tissues (such as
mucous membranes) with the effect of reducing secretion and excretion of
fluids and/or has a drying effect.
A. Mutamba, pau d’arco, jatoba, Brazilian peppertree, guaraná B. Cashew, mulateiro C. Acerola, amargo, andiroba, annatto, artichoke, avenca, bitter melon, Brazilian peppertree, camu-camu, cat’s claw, copaiba, damiana, embauba, espinheira santa, graviola, guacatonga, guaraná, guava, jatoba, juazeiro, macela, muira puama, mutamba, nettle, passionflower, pata de vaca, pau d’arco, pedra hume caá, picao preto, quinine, simarouba |
Bile Stimulant | See Chologogue and Choleretic |
Bitter | Having
a taste that is sharp, acrid, and unpleasant - thought to stimulate the flow
of digestive juices and bile to aid in digestion. A. Amargo, quinine, carqueja, simarouba, artichoke B. Amargo, andiroba, artichoke, quinine C. Bitter melon, boldo, carqueja, damiana, macela, picao preto, simarouba, tayuya |
Bronchodilator | An
agent that dilates or relaxes bronchial muscles. A. Amor seco, guaco, embauba, gervão, balsam B. Amor seco, gervão, guaco C. Avenca, balsam, embauba, guaraná, manacá, velvet bean, yerba mate |
Blood Cleanser | See Depurative. |
Blood Thinner | See Anticoagulant. |
Cardiodepressant | An
agent that decreases contraction force of the heart and/or lowers heart
rate. A. Graviola, mutamba, guava, nettle, jaborandi B. Graviola, guava, mutamba, nettle C. Jaborandi, manacá |
Cardiotonic (Heart Tonic) |
which strengthens, tones, or regulates heart functions without overt
stimulation or depression A. Embauba, Brazilian peppertree, erva tostão, picao preto, vassourinha B. Cha de bugre, embauba, guava, jurubeba, picao preto, quinine, stevia, vassourinha C. Abuta, acerola, annatto, artichoke, avenca, Brazilian peppertree, cat’s claw, erva tostão, graviola, guaraná, juazeiro, macela, muira puama, mulungu, mutamba, passionflower, pau d’arco, pedra hume caá, yerba mate |
Carminative | An
agent used to prevent or expel gas from the stomach and intestines. A. Jurubeba, epazote, bitter melon, carqueja, espinheira santa B. Copaiba C. Bitter melon, boldo, carqueja, chanca piedra, clavillia, clavo huasca, epazote, erva tostão, espinheira santa, guaraná,, jatoba, jurubeba, kalanchoe, macela, picao preto, simarouba, suma, velvet bean |
Cathartic | See Purgative. |
Chologogue (Bile stimulant) |
substance that increases the production and flow of bile in the liver. A. Boldo, artichoke, jurubeba, gervão, jaborandi B. Artichoke, boldo, yerba mate C. Amargo, erva tostão, gervão, jaborandi, jurubeba |
Choleretic (Bile Stimulant) |
substance that increase the volume and flow of bile from the gallbladder. A. Artichoke, chanca piedra, boldo, erva tostão, macela B. Artichoke, boldo, chanca piedra, macela C. Abuta, balsam, amargo, erva tostão, jaborandi |
Choliokinetic | A
substance that increases the contractive power of the bile duct. A. Artichoke, carqueja, jaborandi B. Artichoke C. Carqueja, jaborandi |
Cicatrizant | See Vulnerary |
Contraceptive | An
agent that prevents conception or interferes with fertility.
A. N/A B. Bitter melon, cat’s claw, espinheira santa C. Amor seco, epazote, vassourinha |
Cough Suppressant | See Antitussive. |
COX Inhibitor | An
agent that inhibits or interferes in the production of cyclooxygenase
enzymes. (Linked to inflammatory processes and diseases.) A. Iporuru, picao preto, anamu B. Anamu, iporuru, picao preto C. N/A |
CNS Depressant | A
substance which depresses the central nervous system. A. Manacá, kalanchoe, passionflower, mulungu, damiana B. Damiana, guava, kalanchoe, manacá, passionflower, vassourinha C. Embauba, gervão, mulungu |
CNS Stimulant | A
substance which stimulates the central nervous system. A. Muira puama, guaraná, catuaba, yerba mate, velvet bean B. Guaraná, muira puama C. Catuaba, velvet bean, yerba mate |
Decongestant | A
substance that relieves or reduces nasal or bronchial congestion.
A. Amor seco, nettle, embauba, jatoba, gervão B. Nettle C. Abuta, amor seco, carqueja, cashew, cipó cabeludo, embauba, erva tostão, gervão, jatoba, jurubeba, mutamba, picao preto, vassourinha |
Demulcent (Emollient) |
agent that soothes internal membranes.
A. Avenca, sarsaparilla, samambaia, balsam, amor seco B. N/A C. Andiroba, amor seco, annatto, avenca, balsam, boldo, bitter melon, samambaia, sarsaparilla |
Depurative (Blood cleanser) |
agent used to cleanse or purify the blood.
A. Tayuya, sarsaparilla, samambaia, manacá, mullaca B. Sarsaparilla C. Amargo, amor seco, anamu, annatto, avenca, bitter melon, boldo, carqueja, cat’s claw, chanca piedra, erva tostão, espinheira santa, fedegoso, guacatonga, guaco, guaraná, guava, jaborandi, jurubeba, manacá, mullaca, mutamba, nettle, pata de vaca, samambaia, tayuya, vassourinha, velvet bean, yerba mate |
Detoxifier | A
substance that promotes the removal of toxins from a system or organ.
A. Samambaia, chanca piedra, fedegoso, tayuya, nettles B. Artichoke, sarsaparilla C. Amor seco, avenca, bitter melon, boldo, cat’s claw, chanca piedra, clavillia, erva tostão, espinheira santa, fedegoso, nettles, samambaia, tayuya, vassourinha |
Diaphoretic (Sweat promoter) |
substance that induces perspiration. Also called sudorific. A. Jaborandi, jatoba, mutamba, picao preto, guaco B. Jaborandi C. Abuta, anamu, avenca, carqueja, cha de bugre, chanca piedra, embauba, epazote, fedegoso, gervão, guaco, jatoba, macela, manacá, mutamba, nettle, picao preto, samambaia, sarsaparilla, simarouba |
Digestion Stimulant | See Stomachic. |
Disinfectant | An
agent that prevents the spread of infection, bacteria or communicable
disease. A. Mullaca, Brazilian peppertree, anamu, copaiba, espinheira santa B. Brazilian peppertree C. Anamu, copaiba, espinheira santa, guacatonga, mullaca, mulungu, passionflower |
Diuretic | A
substance that increases urination.
A. Erva tostão, amor seco, chanca piedra, cipó cabeludo, nettle B. Abuta, boldo, chanca piedra, embauba, erva tostão, jaborandi, nettle, passionflower, pata de vaca, sarsaparilla, scarlet bush, stevia, vassourinha C. Acerola, amor seco, anamu, annatto, artichoke, avenca, Brazilian peppertree, carqueja, cashew, cat’s claw, cha de bugre, cipó cabeludo, clavillia, copaiba, curare, damiana, epazote, espinheira santa, fedegoso, gervão, guaco, guaraná, jatoba, jergon sacha, juazeiro, jurubeba, manacá, mullaca, picao preto, samambaia, tayuya, velvet bean, yerba mate |
Emetic | An
agent that induces vomiting.
A. N/A B. Aveloz, graviola C. Copaiba, jaborandi, yerba mate |
Emmenagogue (Menstrual promoter) |
substance that stimulates, initiates, and/or promotes menstrual flow.
Emmenagogues are used in herbal medicine to balance and restore the normal
function of the female reproductive system.
A. Abuta, vassourinha, Brazilian peppertree, avenca, simarouba B. N/A C. Abuta, anamu, avenca, bitter melon, Brazilian peppertree, carqueja, chuchuhuasi, curare, damiana, embauba, epazote, erva tostão, espinheira santa, gervão, guaraná, guava, kalanchoe, macela, manacá, nettle, picao preto, simarouba, velvet bean, vassourinha |
Emollient | An
agent that has a protective and soothing action on the surfaces of the skin
and membranes.
A. Andiroba, Brazil nut, copaiba, balsam, nettle B. N/A C. Andiroba, annatto, avenca, balsam, Brazil nut, copaiba, mulateiro, mutamba, nettle, picão preto, vassourinha |
Expectorant | An
agent that increases bronchial mucous secretion by promoting liquefaction of
the sticky mucous and expelling it from the body. A. Embauba, guaco, samambaia, avenca, guava B. Guaco C. Abuta, amargo, anamu, andiroba, annatto, avenca, Brazilian peppertree, copaiba, damiana, embauba, guava, jatoba, juazeiro, mullaca, mutamba, samambaia, vassourinha |
Febrifuge (Fever-reducer) |
agent that reduces fever. Also called an antipyretic. A. Juazeiro, scarlet bush, manacá, vassourinha, kalanchoe B. Boldo, juazeiro, kalanchoe, manacá, nettle, scarlet bush, velvet bean C. Abuta, amargo, anamu, andiroba, annatto, avenca, bitter melon, Brazilian peppertree, carqueja, cashew, chanca piedra, chuchuhuasi, curare, fedegoso, gervão, graviola, guaco, jurubeba, mullaca, mutamba, picao preto, quinine, samambaia, sarsaparilla, simarouba, vassourinha |
Galactagogue | See Lactagogue. |
Gastrotonic Gastroprotective |
Something which strengthens, tones, or regulates gastric functions (or
protects from injury) without overt stimulation or depression. A. Jurubeba, picao preto, carqueja, cat’s claw, guacatonga B. Annatto, artichoke, boldo, carqueja, cat’s claw, chanca piedra, copaiba, gervão, guacatonga, guava, jurubeba, macela, picao preto C. Abuta, amargo, avenca, bitter melon, epazote, muira puama |
Heart Tonic | See Cardiotonic. |
Hemostatic | See Antihemorrhagic |
Hepatoprotective (Liver-protector) |
substance that helps protect the liver from damage by toxins, chemicals or
other disease processes. A. Carqueja, erva tostão, chanca piedra, picao preto, boldo B. Annatto, artichoke, boldo, carqueja, chanca piedra, erva tostão, fedegoso, gervão, jatoba, macela, picao preto C. Abuta, acerola, avenca, cat’s claw, epazote, mutamba |
Hepatotonic (Liver tonic) |
substance that is tonic to the liver - usually employed to normalize liver
enzymes and function. A. Carqueja, picao preto, gervão, artichoke, chanca piedra B. Artichoke, chanca piedra, erva tostão, fedegoso, jurubeba, mulungu C. Abuta, acerola, amargo, anamu, avenca, boldo, carqueja, embauba, gervão, juazeiro, macela, mullaca, pau d’arco, picao preto, vassourinha. |
Hormonal (Female) | A
substance that has a hormone-like effect similar to that of estrogen and/or
a substance used to normalize female hormone levels. A. Abuta, damiana, Brazilian peppertree, suma, chuchuhuasi B. Abuta, damiana, cat’s claw C. Brazilian peppertree, chuchuhuasi, damiana, espinheira santa, maca, suma |
Hormonal (Male) | A
substance that has a hormone-like effect similar to that of testosterone
and/or a substance used to normalize male hormone levels. A. Muira puama, nettle, velvet bean, sarsaparilla, damiana B. Nettle, velvet bean C. Catuaba, chuchuhuasi, damiana, maca, muira puama, sarsaparilla, suma |
Hyperglycemic | A
substance that raises blood sugar levels. A. N/A B. Annatto, guaraná C. N/A |
Hypocholesterolemic (Cholesterol-reducer) |
substance that lowers blood cholesterol levels. A. Bitter melon, artichoke, velvet bean, suma, chanca piedra B. Artichoke, bitter melon, chanca piedra, guava, suma, velvet bean C. Acerola, annatto, avenca, carqueja, cat’s claw, kalanchoe, muira puama, sarsaparilla, vassourinha, yerba mate |
Hypoglycemic | An
agent that lowers the concentration of glucose (sugar) in the blood
. A. Pata de vaca, pedra hume caá, chanca piedra, bitter melon, stevia B. Abuta, anamu, annatto, avenca, bitter melon, carqueja, chanca piedra, damiana, embauba, guava, macela, mullaca, mutamba, pata de vaca, pedra hume caá, stevia, vassourinha, velvet bean C. Amargo, cat’s claw, iporuru, jatoba, mulateiro |
Hypotensive | A
substance that lowers blood pressure. A. Graviola, abuta, chanca piedra, picao preto, erva tostão B. Abuta, Brazilian peppertree, carqueja, chanca piedra, embauba, erva tostão, fedegoso, graviola, guava, jurubeba, muira puama, mulungu, mutamba, nettle, passionflower, picão preto, stevia, vassourinha C. Annatto, artichoke, avenca, cashew, gervão, guaraná, jaborandi, pedra hume caá, samambaia, velvet bean, yerba mate |
Hypothermal | See Refrigerant. |
Immune modulator | A
substance that affects or modulates the functioning of the immune system. A. Cat’s claw, samambaia, B. Erva tostão, mullaca, nettle, picao preto, samambaia, sarsaparilla, suma, velvet bean C. Cat’s claw, pau d’arco |
Immune stimulant | A
substance that stimulates the activity of immune cells/function and/or
increases the production of immune cells. A. Cat’s claw, anamu, mullaca, fedegoso, macela B. Anamu, bitter melon, cat’s claw, chuchuhuasi, fedegoso, macela, mullaca, scarlet bush C. Chanca piedra, jergon sacha, maca, pau d’arco, simarouba, suma, yerba mate |
Immune suppressant | A
substance that suppresses the functioning of the immune system. A. N/A B. Aveloz, kalanchoe C. N/A |
Insecticide | A
substance that kills insects. A. Amargo, graviola (seeds), andiroba, mulateiro, epazote B. Amargo, andiroba, epazote, graviola, kalanchoe, manacá, mulateiro, pau d’arco, quinine C. Annatto, bitter melon, Brazilian peppertree, fedegoso, macela, vassourinha |
Insect Repellant | An
agent that repels insects. A. Andiroba, annatto, mulateiro, amargo, vassourinha B. Andiroba C. Amargo, annatto, aveloz, mulateiro, vassourinha |
Lactagogue | A agent
that increases or stimulates milk flow or production. Also called a
galactagogue. A. Nettle, erva tostão, gervão, avenca, graviola (fruit juice) B. N/A C. Avenca, bitter melon, epazote, erva tostão, gervão, graviola, jaborandi, mulungu, nettle. |
Larvacidal | An
agent which kills insect or parasite larva. A. Amargo, gervão, carqueja, boldo, bitter melon B. Amargo, bitter melon, carqueja, gervão C. Balsam, boldo, jergon sacha, simarouba |
Laxative | A
substance that stimulates evacuation of the bowels causing looseness or
relaxation intestinal muscles. A. Guava, gervão, tayuya, chanca piedra, amor seco B. Gervão C. Amor seco, aveloz, bitter melon, boldo, chanca piedra, clavillia, embauba, epazote, espinheira santa, guaraná, guava, pau d’arco, simarouba, tayuya |
Molluscicidal | An
agent that kills snails. (Typically used as an testing method to find agents
to treat schistosomiasis) A. Graviola (seeds), bitter melon, macela, epazote, cashew B. Bitter melon, cashew, cipó cabeludo, epazote, jatoba, graviola, guacatonga, macela, pata de vaca C. N/A |
Muscle Relaxant | See Antispasmodic. |
Nervine | A
substance that is tonic to or has a balancing effect on the nerves and/or
central nervous system. A. Catuaba, damiana, tayuya, graviola, muira puama B. Damiana C. Amor seco, catuaba, cipó cabeludo, epazote, graviola, guaraná, guava, muira puama, quinine, sangre de grado, scarlet bush, suma, tayuya, yerba mate |
Neurasthenic | A
substance used to treat nerve pain and/or weakness. (i.e., neuralgia,
sciatica, etc.) A. Sangre de grado, passionflower, mulungu, tayuya, manacá B. Passionflower, sangre de grado C. Catuaba, guava, guaraná, macela, manacá, muira puama, mulungu, quinine, tayuya, suma, velvet bean, yerba mate |
Neuroprotective | A
substance that protects brain cells from damage, helps repair damaged brain
cells, and/or balances brain chemicals. In herbal medicine, neuroprotective
plants are also used for memory disorders. A. Samambaia, cat’s claw, sarsaparilla, guaraná, velvet bean B. Cat’s claw, graviola, guaraná, samambaia, sarsaparilla, velvet bean C. Catuaba, damiana, mulungu, simarouba, suma, yerba mate |
Pectoral |
Pertaining to or used for the chest and respiratory tract. A. Avenca, samambaia, amor seco, embauba, balsam B. N/A C. Abuta, amor seco, avenca, balsam, catuaba, cha de bugre, copaiba, embauba, epazote, jatoba, gervão, graviola, guaco, jatoba, kalanchoe, mutamba, picao preto, samambaia, sarsaparilla, vassourinha |
Pediculicide | An
agent that kills lice. A. Amargo, andiroba, graviola (seed), balsam, fedegoso B. Amargo, balsam C. Andiroba, fedegoso, graviola, guacatonga, nettle |
Piscicide | An
agent that kills fish (which is a common indicator that the substance has
other properties that make it toxic to parasites or bacteria). A. Abuta, graviola, aveloz, chanca piedra, Brazilian peppertree, anamu B. N/A C. Abuta, anamu, aveloz, Brazilian peppertree, cashew, graviola, guaraná, mulungu |
Purgative | A
substance used to cleanse or purge, especially causing the immediate
evacuation of the bowel. A. Abuta, jatoba (fruit/seed), graviola (seed), manacá, aveloz B. N/A C. Abuta, annatto (seeds), Aveloz, bitter melon, cashew, clavillia, graviola (seeds), jatoba, manacá, yerba mate |
Refrigerant (Hypothermal) |
substance to lower the temperature of the body, a part of the body, to
reduce the metabolic activity or its tissues, or to provide a local
anesthetic effect. A. Scarlet bush, manacá, kalanchoe, mulateiro, mutamba B. Manacá, nettle, scarlet bush C. Avenca, annatto, bitter melon, cashew, carqueja, mulateiro, mutamba, nettles, erva tostão, kalanchoe, samambaia, sarsaparilla, vassourinha |
Sedative | Having
a soothing, calming, or tranquilizing effect; reducing or relieving stress,
irritability, or excitement. A. Manacá, mulungu, kalanchoe, passionflower, vassourinha B. Amargo, graviola, guava, kalanchoe, mulungu, passionflower, vassourinha C. Anamu, boldo, epazote, gervão, macela, manacá, mullaca, nettle |
Sialogogue (Salivation-promoter) |
substance used to increase or promote the excretion of saliva. A. Jaborandi, espinheira santa, amargo, picao preto, Brazilian peppertree B. Jaborandi C. Amargo, Brazilian peppertree, espinheira santa, picao preto |
Spasmolytic | See Antispasmodic. |
Stimulant | A
substance that promotes the activity of a body system or function. A. Guaraná, yerba mate, jatoba, chuchuhuasi, erva tostão B. Erva tostão, guaraná, yerba mate C. Abuta, artichoke, avenca, boldo, Brazilian peppertree, catuaba, cha de bugre, chuchuhuasi, copaiba, damiana, jatoba, maca, muira puama, picao preto, sarsaparilla, suma, yerba mate |
Stomachic (Digestive Stimulant) |
agent that stimulates or strengthens the activity of the stomach; used as a
tonic to improve the appetite and digestive processes. A. Jurubeba, mutamba, carqueja, amargo, artichoke B. Artichoke, boldo, carqueja, espinheira santa, jurubeba C. Abuta, amargo, amor seco, annatto, balsam, bitter melon, Brazilian peppertree, cashew, cat’s claw, chanca piedra, chuchuhuasi, clavillia, clavo huasca, damiana, embauba, erva tostão, gervão, graviola, guacatonga, guaraná, jatoba, juazeiro, muira puama, mutamba, nettle, quinine, sarsaparilla, simarouba, tayuya, yerba mate |
Styptic | See Antihemorrhagic. |
Sudorific | See Diaphoretic. |
Tonic |
A substance that acts to restore, balance, tone, strengthen, or invigorate a body system without overt stimulation or depression. A. Cat's claw, suma, chuchuhuasi, catuaba, sarsaparilla B. N/A C. Abuta, amargo, artichoke, avenca, bitter melon, Brazilian peppertree, carqueja, cashew, cat’s claw, catuaba, chanca piedra, chuchuhuasi, clavillia, curare, damiana, espinheira santa, gervão, jatoba, juazeiro, jurubeba, maca, muira puama, pata de vaca, quinine, samambaia, sarsaparilla, simarouba, tayuya, vassourinha |
Uterine Relaxant | An
agent that relaxes the muscles in the uterus. A. Abuta, passionflower, boldo, chuchuhuasi, embauba B. Abuta, boldo C. Chanca piedra, chuchuhuasi, embauba, pata de vaca, passionflower |
Uterine Stimulant | An
agent that stimulates the uterus (and often employed during active
childbirth). A. Fedegoso, mutamba, picao preto, Brazilian peppertree, bitter melon B. Bitter melon, Brazilian peppertree, clavillia, fedegoso, graviola, mutamba, picao preto C. Avenca, carqueja, erva tostão, kalanchoe, nettle, velvet bean |
Vasoconstrictor | An
agent that causes constriction of the blood vessels and decreases blood flow. A. Fedegoso, guava, nettle, artichoke B. Fedegoso, guava C. Artichoke, nettle |
Vasodilator | A
substance that causes a widening and/or relaxation of the blood vessels and
therefore and increase in blood flow. A. Graviola, boldo, gervão, guaraná, yerba mate B. Boldo, catuaba, gervão, graviola, guaraná, yerba mate C. Brazilian peppertree, simarouba, stevia |
Vermifuge (Worm-expeller) |
substance used to expel worms from the intestines. A. Amargo, epazote, simarouba, boldo, carqueja B. Amargo, bitter melon, boldo, carqueja, epazote, fedegoso, simarouba C. Anamu, andiroba, balsam, cat’s claw, chanca piedra, clavillia, copaiba, erva tostão, gervão, graviola, guaco, guava, jatoba, macela, mullaca, passionflower, pata de vaca, picão preto, scarlet bush, vassourinha, velvet bean |
Vulnerary (Wound-healer) |
substance used to heal wounds and promote tissue formation. A. Sangre de grado, copaiba, juazeiro, scarlet bush, Brazilian peppertree B. Balsam, Brazilian peppertree, copaiba, juazeiro, sangre de grado C. Acerola, amor seco, andiroba, annatto, avenca, bitter melon, cat’s claw, clavillia, embauba, epazote, espinheira santa, gervão, guacatonga, guaco, picao preto, sarsaparilla, scarlet bush, stevia, vassourinha |
Mayonaisse—take 2 boiled eggs and peel the shell---then add to blender ---add cream til you cover the egg and go about a inch above the egg---add to it 30-40 thousands IU’s of Vitamin A ( crush the caplets or tablets to a powder in either a coffee grinder or pestle or blender) add your vitamin D and or Cq 10---what you will have then is a Fat soluble Vitamin with the mix of Lecithin ( from the egg ) the fats from the cream and the fat benefits (109 Linoleic Acid—900 Alpha-Linolenic Acid 600 ---Vitamins: Vitamin A --Vitamin D--17 IU-- Vitamin E ) if in butter ( if you go to that level with the cream ) (mg of Substance per 100 grams)
Amino Acids: 400
Carotenoids: Beta-Carotene
Fatty Acids: 81,110 Saturated - Short-Cain: Butyric Acid 2,630
Caproic Acid 1,557 --Saturated - Medium-Chain: -Caprylic Acid-906
Capric Acid 2,034
Lauric Acid 2,277
Saturated - Long Chain: Stearic Acid 9,829
Palmitic Acid 21,334
Myristic Acid 8,157
Mono-Unsaturated: Oleic Acid 20,405
Palmitoleic Acid 1,816
Polyunsaturated: Linoleic Acid--1,832
Superunsaturated: -Alpha-Linolenic Acid --1,180
Sterols: Cholesterol 219
Then the benefits of adding all of your fat soluble vitamins in will make them more effective to absorb--- If you like you can herbals as well such as roemary---sage—thyme—oregano—ascorbic acid—powdered goji berry---juniper berry---cinnamon—clove—cardamon—nutmeg---you can alter this by adding powdered walnut and powdeed almond ---about 2 tablespoons of each or 3 tablespoons of either one and allow to blend til thickened you can add even coconut fat ---cocoa fat—even mct oil to this to really enrich the effect of these antioxidants---you can add garlic---ginger ---hawthorn berry powder this will with the seeds and nuts give you more of the omegas 3 and 6---the proteins in the seeds or nuts will be better regulated and you will again see a longer lasting effect on the sugar levels in the system and less appetitie---if you add the garlic you will have an amazing spread with the power of garlic or adding ginger again a different effect--- Either way with the egg mix it becomes a real good spread as a mayonnaise or a dip or a spread over a salad and you will reap the benefits from brain support to liver and gall blader functions to cholesterol regulating to hormonal materials as well---
Wet summer, more demand could create seed shortage
First Discovery of the Female Sex Hormone Progesterone in a Plant
Stop selling unlicensed natural health remedies: pharmacy regulators
.Recipe--Spray Of Allspice or Clove
Ruling on Farmer for producing, selling and marketing raw milk
Wet summer, more demand could create seed shortage.
DES MOINES, Iowa – Dreaming of biting into a garden-fresh cucumber sandwich this summer
? Better order your seeds now A poor growing season last year and increased orders from Europe could make it difficult for home gardeners to get seeds for the most popular cucumber variety and some vegetables this spring. Farmers, who usually grow different varieties than home gardeners, aren't likely to be affected Seeds for what's known as open-pollinated cucumbers seem to be most scarce, but carrots, snap peas and onions also could be in short supply ."I suspect there will be some seeds you just won't be able to buy if you wait too long on it," said Bill Hart, the wholesale manager in charge of seed purchasing at Chas. C. Hart Seed Company in Wethersfield, Conn. "The sugar snap peas we're not able to get at all, and other companies that have it will sell out pretty quickly." The problem is primarily due to soggy weather last year that resulted in a disappointing seed crop. European seed growers also had a bad year, leading to a big increase in orders for American seeds Demand for seeds in the U.S. soared last year, as the poor economy and worries about chemical use and bacteria contamination prompted many people to establish gardens. Homegrown food seemed safer and more affordable. But some wonder if the wet weather that ruined gardens in many areas last summer will discourage first-time gardeners from planting again . "A lot of people are getting into it, but it was a disastrous year for gardens last year because it was so cold and wet," said wholesale seed distributor Mel Brekke, who owns Brekke's Town and Country near Ames, Iowa Kathy Gocke of Bondurant, Iowa, said she orders seeds early for herself and her county's master . gardener's program and advises others to do the same you do it before the first of January, they have a pretty good stock," Gocke said If Burpee Seeds in Warminster, Pa., bills itself as the largest provider of home garden seeds, and . But Ball said he understands why others might have limited supplies after a big spike in seeds Chief Executive Officer George Ball said the company's huge reserves mean it will have plenty of demand in the past two years . "It was unlike anything I've seen in the past 30 years," he said "It was unlike anything I've seen in the past 30 years," he said Barbara Melera, owner of D. Landreth Seeds of New Freedom, Pa., expects carrot seeds to be especially hard to find because of big orders from Europe, which had a poor crop last year. Also fewer farmers are opting to grow seeds, she said. Many now have switched to growing corn for the biofuels industry "In this country, farmers who grow things for seed are becoming an endangered species," Melera . said. "The farms producing things for seeds is reduced significantly, and in the past two to three years they can get more money for growing corn for ethanol plants than carrots for seeds Jennifer Nothwehr, seed coordinator for the Shenandoah, Iowa-based Earl May seed and nursery business, said she hasn't run into shortages, but her company typically orders its seeds from wholesalers a year in advance. They received and packaged the seeds they'll sell this year last fall, and because they set prices last spring, any shortage won't affect them. Nothwehr also said that while popular varieties, like one known as the straight eight cucumber may be hard to find, others are available "One of the most popular carrots we can't get, but we have four other varieties we can get if a customer wants to try something different," she said customer wants to try something different," she said Hart said his family business has a small retail operation, and he's noticed people coming in .earlier than usual this year, possibly because of worries over a shortage of seeds "I don't know if they're hoping for spring or just hoping to get going," he said .***********************************************************************************
First Discovery of the Female Sex Hormone Progesterone in a Plant
Leaves of the walnut tree contain progesterone, the female sex hormone, discovered for the first time in a plant. ----
ScienceDaily (Feb. 7, 2010) — In a finding that overturns conventional wisdom, scientists are reporting the first discovery of the female sex hormone progesterone in a plant. Until now, scientists thought that only animals could make progesterone. A steroid hormone secreted by the ovaries, progesterone prepares the uterus for pregnancy and maintains pregnancy. A synthetic version, progestin, is used in birth control pills and other medications.---The discovery is reported in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Natural Products.---"The significance of the unequivocal identification of progesterone cannot be overstated," the article by Guido F. Pauli and colleagues, states. "While the biological role of progesterone has been extensively studied in mammals, the reason for its presence in plants is less apparent." They speculate that the hormone, like other steroid hormones, might be an ancient bioregulator that evolved billions of years ago, before the appearance of modern plants and animals. The new discovery may change scientific understanding of the evolution and function of progesterone in living things.--Scientists previously identified progesterone-like substances in plants and speculated that the hormone itself could exist in plants. But researchers had not found the actual hormone in plants until now. Pauli and colleagues used two powerful laboratory techniques, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy, to detect progesterone in leaves of the Common Walnut, or English Walnut, tree. They also identified five new progesterone-related steroids in a plant belonging to the buttercup family.Story Source:
Adapted from materials provided by American Chemical Society, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.---Journal Reference: Pauli et al. Occurrence of Progesterone and Related Animal Steroids in Two Higher Plants. Journal of Natural Products, 2010; 100128124334075 DOI: 10.1021/np9007415*********************************************************************************************
*****= my Comments on this Nonsense!!!
Stop selling unlicensed natural health remedies: pharmacy regulators
Makers of natural-health products say they are bracing for widespread layoffs and millions of dollars in losses after Canada's pharmacy regulators issued a surprise directive recently urging druggists to stop selling unlicensed natural remedies
.---The order affects thousands of herbal treatments, multi-vitamins and other products, most of them waiting for approval from Health Canada under a backlogged, five-year-old program to regulate natural-health goods.---The National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) says pharmacists cannot be assured the products are safe until they are granted a government licence, and should not sell them in those circumstances. "Pharmacists are obliged to hold the health and safety of the public or patient as their first and foremost consideration," said the association's recently issued position statement.---Representatives of the natural health industry, however, have reacted angrily to the directive issued last month, predicting it will have little impact on patient safety, while triggering an economic "crisis" for their members.---"We are talking about job loss, we are talking about a lot of income loss, we are talking about product stuck in warehouses that cannot be sold," Jean-Yves Dionne, a spokesman for the Canadian Health Food Association, said in an interview.--A statement issued by the association calls the directive self-serving and contrary to federal government policy. ---"It has taken a sledge hammer to a finishing nail," the group said. "It will create confusion for consumers. It is the wrong thing to do."--NAPRA is comprised of representatives of the provincial colleges of pharmacy that regulate the profession. It is now up to the individual provinces to implement the statement. The Ontario and Quebec colleges have already done so, with Ontario pressing pharmacists to not buy or order any more of the affected products, and its neighbour pushing for druggists to also remove unlicensed product already on their shelves, Mr. Dionne said.******* ( Licensed!!!!! Since when is a food or a derivates of foods Licensed????)-*****-Pharmacies, as surprised by the directive as anyone, are caught in the middle, said Jeff Poston of the Canadian Pharmacists Association.---"One of the questions that everybody is asking in the pharmacy world is, ‘Why now?' As far as people can determine, nothing has significantly changed."---A spokesman for NAPRA was not available for comment.--The controversy revolves around Health Canada's natural-health products regime, launched in 2004 to vet treatments that had been virtually unregulated before, in a new system some critics said was still too lax. As it ploughed through tens of thousands of applications for licences, the department said manufacturers could continue selling their products, so long as they had at least applied for approval.—*****The question is who are they going to sell to??? First it will be the drug companies they are targeting then next it will be the health food industry***----The department has issued about 18,000 natural-health licences, while at least 10,000 products are still waiting for certification, industry representatives said. The whole process was supposed to be done by this January.----The natural-food association argues that it makes no sense for the pharmacy regulators to try to block sales of products awaiting licences, when Health Canada itself has said they can be sold pending an approval decision. ---- ******** This is right ---who in the hell do they CODEX think they are to tell us in Canada what we can or cannot do with our food –our right of choice and health even the drugs we use—Last I checked we are an autonomous country unless we got taken over without our knowing about it( doesn’t this sound like agenda 21 ??!!)****The industry is worth an estimated $1.5-billion to $2-billion a year, but many producers are small operations with sales of $1-million to $2-million annually and could be decimated by the directive, Mr. Dionne said. He cited a call he got last week from a manufacturer in Nova Scotia who sells two products -- a homeopathic remedy for diabetes-related pain and a vitamin-based pill -- that are waiting for approval and could be forced off the shelves. ---"They are really panicking out there," he said.--Some manufacturers could sell their products in health-food stores instead, but others rely exclusively on pharmacies, said Mr. Dionne.---Gerry Harrington of Consumer Health Products Canada,***** ( another Goof ball working with the system to undermine it---opinions like this should be reduce to it’s lowest denominator, OH wait coming from this it is at the lowest denominator )another industry group that represents natural-health producers, said his members strongly support the regulations****** ( He never asked me??? What members?? Some fictitious BS numbers ???). NAPRA may be targeting others, though, who are trying to evade any government oversight, he said.---"There is a sub-set of companies out there who have no intention of complying with the regulations, who have taken advantage of the interim approach to essentially ignore the regulations," Mr. Harrington said. "Some companies have chosen ... to lobby politically for an essentially unregulated or minimally regulated industry."**** ( here I agree why should we have heavy regulations when there are already in place safety measures protecting the consumer ) *** the only people getting away with anything were those drug or pharmaceutical companies who are manufacturing industrial waste and calling them vitamins and there not even being monitored---this is a flagrant attack on the industry and consumer choices forcing the extermination of choice for supplements***Meanwhile, Mr. Poston said pharmacists are pressing for the regulators to lessen the disruption by phasing in the policy.-----National*************************************************************************************************************
Ruling on Farmer for producing, selling and marketing raw milk
An Ontario court just ruled in regards to Regina V Schmidt, (January 21, 2010) the text of the ruling can be found at: The case is in regards to charges being laid against the farmer for producing, selling and marketing raw milk. I’ve read the ruling and concluded that it is probably the most comprehensive, well written, most researched, easiest to read, easiest to understand ruling I’ve ever read. I truly believe there are individuals, even in the court system and in government that want to do and are doing the right thing. This case goes well beyond the desire for individuals to have access to raw milk. I personally believe that this case has sweeping implications in all aspects of health (food / medicine) and the right for the individual to choose … if we do it right. The details of which has been outlined in this ruling. A brief synopsis of the ruling is as follows (this is by no means complete in comparison to the details in the ruling):
1. The Queen has a duty to protect the "vulnerable"
2. The Queen assumes that all individuals engaged in public activity is "vulnerable", including purchasing foods, etc from public vendors
3. The individual has the right to choose protection from the Queen or take responsibility for one self.
5. The individual must prove due diligence, self governance and rebut the presumptions that the Queen makes, otherwise the Queen will assume that the individual is vulnerable and requires protection meaning that the legislation applies to that individual. Otherwise, the legislation DOES NOT APPLY!
The judge also had some significant rulings and quotes from the Supreme Court of Canada regarding "Legislative Harmonization" which you may be very interested in, especially with your fight against Bill C-6.
Point-Claire (City) v. Quebec ( Labour Court ), [1997] 1.S.C.R. 1015
"There is no doubt that the principle that statues dealing with similar subjects must be presumed to be coherent means that interpretations favouring harmony among statues should prevail over discordant ones …"
There are many pages of similar quotes in this ruling that argue that the legislation must be in harmony and based on my own research, discussions with other freedom fighters and receipts of emails from your group,
Bill C-6 does not follow these requirements as outlined by the Supreme Court of Canada. The individual has the right to choose to waive the "benefit" of protection from the Queen. There is a burden upon that individual to rebut the presumption, but the courts (including the Supreme Court) have held for some time that if the individual demonstrates that they have done their "due diligence" the legislation no longer applies to that individual (via free will choice) and the Queen no longer has a duty to protect that individual. It is my opinion that this case is extremely important no only to those who want to consume raw milk, but also to the millions of people who want to consume other types of food, vitamins, minerals, supplements, alternative health care, etc, etc ,etc. I teach people about what it is going to take to be a responsible, self governing adults from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. We may have moved away from our biological parents when we turned 18, but the Queen Mother resumed (and presumed) the responsibilities of looking after us until we get to the point where we choose to be a mature adult in all aspects of our lives. The Queen Mother is behaving as if we must prove to her that we are adults now (no longer vulnerable) and the courts have actually outlined the burden of proof to do just that. This ruling covers way more than what I’ve shared here today, but there is too much to discuss using this medium. I will be going through the ruling in detail this Wednesday evening (7pm) at the St. Andrews Church located at 12810 – 111 Ave in Edmonton. I would encourage anybody that is involved in alternative health, food, vitamins, medicine, etc to come if they want help in understanding the implications of this ruling and how they can takes steps to rebut the presumption that the Queen makes and actually take full responsibility for their lives as self governing, responsible, accountable adults. Space is limited to 60 individuals and it is over ½ full already. The ruling is easy to read for most, so I do encourage you to read through it yourself and come to your own understanding and conclusions. We are asking $10 at the door to cover costs. Note to all: I’ve blind carbon copied this e-mail (to protect their right to privacy) to key members of our group and to a number of alternative health care professionals in the Edmonton and Toronto Area. Feel free to send this out to others whom you feel may be interested in the implications of this case. Please e-mail me if you’re interested in attending. If the demand is greater than the capacity of the room, I will setup a special evening in a larger venue to discuss this case. But I need to know from those who are interested, otherwise I will assume that the room we have is enough to accommodate the group. We will turn people away if we exceed the capacity of the room.*******************************************************************************************
J Food Sci. 2009 Oct;74(8):M461-6 ---Authors: Takemasa N, Ohnishi S, Tsuji M, Shikata T, Yokoigawa K
To reduce the amounts of verocytotoxin (VT) produced by Escherichia coli O157:H7, various spices were screened for their ability to suppress VT production. Extracts of these spices were prepared with 70% ethyl alcohol. When E. coli O157:H7 cells were grown to the stationary phase at 37 degrees C in Luria-Bertani medium supplemented
with 0.02% allspice extract, the production of both VT1 and VT2 was significantly reduced. Neither growth inhibition nor a delay in the lag phase was observed when the cells were cultured in the presence of 0.02% allspice extract. An active component of the allspice extract was purified by HPLC and was identified as eugenol. When we examined the suppressive effect of eugenol on VT production by E. coli O157:H7, the amounts of both intracellular and extracellular VTs were found to decrease with an increase in eugenol concentration. Our results suggest that eugenol is useful for reducing the virulence of E. coli O157:H7.PMID: 19799674 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Recipe Spray Of Allspice or Clove
---Take the essential oil of Clove or Allspice then add the one drop or 2 drops in a spritzer type bottle that is glass—add Vodka or Gin or Tequila or Rum ( make sure they are clear—you want this as clean as possible to be used on spraying anything you may want to clear up ) then apply this by spraying over anything you may think might be contaminated with ecoli or any other bacterial contaminant---rinse of with water and proceed to prepare your meal or salad----you can use this as well as a dental pain relief just by spraying in the mouth and then allowing the spray to mix with the saliva and direct to the area of pain –relief will be in seconds----you can as well buy the allspice balls and fusing them in a wine or or ---take 1 -2 tablespoons of the all spice –add ½ cup of wine and then blend them together in a blender for 5-8 minutes at high speed—this will cause a fusion of the 2---then when finish strain through a handkerchief or filter and bottle this In glass this will effectively can be used as a protection for this as well---you can do the same thing but using oil ---can be used for digestive issues or even for sanitizing the lower GI –use 1 tsp after meals---this to will reduce or eliminate parasite eggs that may have gotten through as a result of food contaminants
Herbal Medicines Can Be Lethal, Pathologist Warns—
Another Agenda 21 gameResistant Wheat Goes for the Gut to Protect Against Hessian Flies
As someone who has followed the Natural Health Product Regulations from their origins in 1997, I found NHPD Director General, Michelle Boudreau’s comments in the January 2009 Alive, (Natural Health Regulations - A View from the Top), to be full of half-truths and inaccuracies.--In hypnotic bureaucratic style, Boudreau repeated the terms "safe and effective" twelve times in her responses, and "risk" nine times. Those unfamiliar with the topic likely came away with the impression that a meaningful proportion of Natural Health Products (NHPs) are risky, and that Health Canada’s regulations are necessary to ensure "safe and effective" products. Yet not even one Canadian death has ever been attributed to an NHP, and talking to manufacturers, (as I have for many years)
, not a single one thinks that Health Canada’s regulations have made their products any more safe or effective than they ever were. Rather, they are just more expensive and there are less of them. After all, the regulations are a pure paper chase. Health Canada no longer has any labs, and doesn’t test anything in house, pharmaceuticals included. If Health Canada is so concerned with ensuring "that all Canadians have ready access to natural health products that are safe, effective, and of high quality…" why did they endlessly harass Nutraceutical Inc. for four years until the makers of the Solaray and Kal brands finally closed their Canadian operations? Backed by excellent science, their products are some of the highest quality, most extensively tested supplements anywhere in the world! Indeed, after submitting over 500 NHP license applications, the constant hassles, blocked shipments, and hundreds of thousands the company spent on legal fees indicate that Health Canada wanted them to leave. When the regulations started in 2004 Canadians could domestically purchase an estimated 70,000 products. Five years later only an estimated 40,000 products remain, over 20,000 U.S. imports have been blocked, and by the January 2010 deadline it is unlikely that any more than 15,000 products will be licensed. And this includes virtually no multi-ingredient products. At a 2004 consultation for NHP stakeholders in Edmonton, Heather Troop of the NHPD repeatedly stated that "by far" the number one request Health Canada got in its cross-country consultations with Canadians was they wanted "greater access to a wider variety of NHPs". If as Boudreau claims, "The NHP regulations are a direct response to Canadian consumers’ expressed desire for a regulatory system…" why is Health Canada then turning around and doing the exact opposite of what the majority of Canadians requested? This calls into question the true motivations behind the regulations. It appears Health Canada is more intent on reducing the size of Canada’s natural health industry, and getting rid of its health food stores, than with fulfilling Canadians’ "expressed desire." ----I dread the day when Canada gets hit with a major infective epidemic. When the hospitals are full and the public turns to natural products to protect themselves, only to find that the few remaining products are only moderately effective because so many of the best ones were forced off the market by Health Canada. As pointed out by Michele Brill-Edwards, a former Senior Physician Responsible for Prescription Drug Approval at Health Canada (who resigned so she could "bear witness to what was going on"), a major problem with Health Canada as a regulatory agency is that it is responsible for enforcing the very same policies that it created, and this in turn creates huge potential for conflicts of interest. With a background in law and pharmacy, Michelle Boudreau was a major and direct participant in the formation of the NHPD regulations, and regardless of her personal ethics or attributes, for this reason alone she should never have been appointed as the NHPD Director General. After all, our police departments do not write our laws for good reason.John Biggs BSc – Nutrition
Nutritional Consulting Practitioner
Owner – Optimum Health Vitamins, Edmonton
Herbal Medicines Can Be Lethal, Pathologist Warns
cienceDaily (Feb. 12, 2010) — A University of Adelaide forensic pathologist has sounded a worldwide warning of the potential lethal dangers of herbal medicines if taken in large quantities, injected, or combined with prescription drugs.---A paper by Professor Roger Byard published in the US-based Journal of Forensic Sciences outlines the highly toxic nature of many herbal substances, which a large percentage of users around the world mistakenly believe are safe.---"There's a false perception that herbal remedies are safer than manufactured medicines, when in fact many contain potentially lethal concentrations of arsenic, mercury and lead," Professor Byard says.---"These substances may cause serious illnesses, exacerbate pre-existing health problems or result in death, particularly if taken in excess or injected rather than ingested."---Professor Byard says there can also be fatal consequences when some herbal medicines interact with prescription drugs.---"As access to such products is largely unrestricted and many people do not tell their doctor they are taking herbal medicines for fear of ridicule, their contribution to death may not be fully appreciated during a standard autopsy."--An analysis of 251 Asian herbal products found in United States stores identified arsenic in 36 of them, mercury in 35 and lead in 24 of the products.----In one documented case a 5-year-old boy who had ingested 63 grams of "Tibetan herbal vitamins" over a period of four years was diagnosed with lead poisoning. Another case involved a young boy with cancer of the retina whose parents resorted to a traditional Indian remedy that caused arsenic poisoning.---A herbal medicine known as Chan su, used to treat sore throats, boils and heart palpitations, contains the venomous secretions of Chinese toads, which can cause cardiac arrests or even comas, according to Professor Byard.---Other side effects of herbal medicines can include liver, renal and cardiac failure, strokes, movement disorders, muscle weakness and seizures.----"Herbal medicines are frequently mixed with standard drugs, presumably to make them more effective. This can also have devastating results," Professor Byard says.---In his paper he cites the case of an epileptic patient on prescription medicine who had also ingested a Chinese herbal preparation and lapsed into a coma. Cushing's syndrome, a hormonal disorder, has also been linked to the ingestion of steroids and herbal cures mixed together. Some herbal medicines may also have a variety of effects on standard drugs, according to Professor Byard. St John's Wort can reduce the effects of warfarin and cause intermenstrual bleeding in women taking the oral contraceptive pill.---Gingko and garlic also increase the risk of bleeding with anticoagulants and certain herbal remedies such as Borage Oil and Evening Primrose Oil lower the seizure threshold in epileptics.---Professor Byard says the American Society of Anesthesiologists has recommended its patients discontinue using herbal medicines at least two weeks before surgery because of the risks of herbal and drug interaction, including an increased chance of hemorrhaging.---Herbal medicines have become increasingly popular in western countries in recent years, with an estimated 30% of United States citizens using them, often without their doctor's knowledge.---"Forensic pathologists the world over need to become more aware of the contribution that herbal medicines are playing in a range of deaths, that is not currently recognised," Professor Byard says.Story Source:
Adapted from materials provided by University of Adelaide.~~~~~~~
The facts and the fallacy mixed here all in one---yes a mixing of supplements with pharmaceuticals will always get you in hot water ---never take any supplement with any pharmaceuticals and in fact wait 2 hours either way ---taking the drug then wait to take your supplement or the other way around---again a 2 hour window---Now what I find amusing here is that you can buy cigarettes which have over 4000 carcinogens, and that is ok, you can add neurotoxins in foods, excitotoxins in foods and that is ok---you can have aluminum and mercury and other toxic metals in prescription drugs and that is ok---Agenda 21 is well in progress and again these are nothing more the scare mongering and false alarms to frighten the ignorant---giving you a superstitious idea of the " Dangers" of something which is not unless you abuse whatever you are taking---A 5 year old should not be ingesting almost 2 ounces of any herb unless it is singular and it is for a reason ---the game again is to cause doubt and fear---the next time you eat garlic---keep in mind it can kill you just as easy as a pharmaceutical---the next time you eat nutmeg or clove or cinnamon remember they to can kill you just like a drug---remember the next time you breathe this to can kill you because of all the pollutants and chem. Trails you are breathing in---when seeing these kind of reports do not be alarmed at the report but rather be alarmed at what they are doing to you with this false advertising and fear mongering---it is always the way of seduction to sell you an idea of being or feeling safe, and the worse case is that what is supposed to make you feel safe is in fact the thing you need to fear the most—false security!!!! ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
imply stated, when buildings collapse, the weight of the ceilings falling upon the objects or furniture inside crushes these objects, leaving a space or void next to them. This space is what I call the "triangle of life". The larger the object, the stronger, the less it will compact. The less the object compacts, the larger the void, the greater the probability that the person who is using this void for safety will not be injured. The next time you watch collapsed buildings, on television, count the "triangles" you see formed. They are everywhere. It is the most common shape, you will see, in a collapsed building TIPS
Resistant Wheat Goes for the Gut to Protect Against Hessian Flies
ScienceDaily (Feb. 11, 2010)
— Resistant wheat plants stave off attacks by Hessian fly larvae by essentially destroying the fly's midgut and its ability to absorb nutrients, according to a study by Purdue University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. --Hessian fly larvae midguts -- similar to human intestines -- were observed in three different feeding situations. Larvae on susceptible plants had normal midgut function. Those that were given nothing to eat showed no damage to the midgut, though they starved. But those on plants resistant to Hessian flies showed serious midgut disruption. --Richard Shukle and Christie Williams, research scientists with the USDA Agricultural Research Service Crop Production and Pest Control Research Unit and Purdue adjunct associate professors of entomology, and Subhashree Subramanyam, a research associate in agronomy, had their findings published in the early online edition of the Journal of Insect Physiology.---Shukle said that within three hours, larvae feeding on resistant wheat had abnormal microvilli, fingerlike appendages that extend inward from the walls of the midgut to increase surface area for nutrient absorption. By six hours, the microvilli were nearly destroyed and the midgut was void of food.---"Some chemical or compound they're encountering from the resistant plant is causing the microvilli to become disrupted, and it's happening very quickly," Shukle said. "The midgut is certainly one of the major targets of the defense compounds elicited from a resistant plant. There could be other targets, but the midgut is a major target."The research also showed that Hessian fly midguts are lacking a peritrophic membrane, a common insect feature that protects the microvilli from toxic substances.---Hessian flies cause considerable damage to wheat crops, with grain yields reduced as much as 20 bushels per acre with moderate infestation levels. There are about a half dozen undeployed genes identified in wheat that offer high resistance to Hessian flies and could be deployed to defend the plants. But understanding how the resistance genes stave off Hessian flies is important because the fly has overcome or is overcoming several genes initially deployed to protect wheat lines. ---Williams and Subramanyam believe lectins could be one of the toxic substances causing the midgut disruption. Lectins are proteins that bind carbohydrates. --Williams said resistant wheat plants contain higher levels of proteins made by the Hessian fly responsive genes, called Hfr-1 and Hfr-3, than susceptible plants. Studies have shown that the protein made by Hfr-1 is a lectin, and the protein made by Hfr-3 is lectin-like. ---The fly larvae activate the genes responsible for resistance, and Williams and Subramanyam believe those genes may be triggering lectin function. ---"Lectins are one of the toxins in resistant plants, and they are probably targeting the microvilli," Subramanyam said. ---Shukle said he will next try to determine what is attaching to the microvilli causing the disruption and will test the Hfr-1 protein to see if it is toxic to the flies. ----The USDA ARS Crop Production and Pest Control Research Unit funded the research.---Story Source:
Adapted from materials provided by Purdue University. Original article written by Brian Wallheimer.---Journal Reference: Shukle et al. Ultrastructural changes in the midguts of Hessian fly larvae feeding on resistant wheat. Journal of Insect Physiology, 2010; DOI: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2010.01.005~~~~~~ Potentially why you may be having intestinal issues or stomach issue---if this resistant wheat is damaging the flies midgut---and it is very similar to our own then the results will be the same---and the damage will as well---Remember GMO or GE foods will affect the Genetic code of us as well and cause DNA damge this has been proven with other animal species---to think it will affect these animals and Not Humans is an arrogance and not sound science~~~~~~~~
The polyphenol content of quinoa and buckwheat flours may enhance the nutritional profile of gluten-free formulations, and may be a better option than amaranth, says a new study. ---The findings could lead to enhanced products for the blossoming gluten-free food market, worth almost $1.6bn last year, according to Packaged Facts, and experiencing a compound annual growth rate of 28 per cent over four years. ---Sufferers of coeliac disease have to avoid all gluten in their diet, but diagnosis is not the only factor. Other sectors of the population, such as those who have self-diagnosed wheat or gluten intolerance or who believe gluten-free to be a healthier way of eating, are also strong drivers. ----But against this backdrop of popularity, there have been concerns that some gluten-free products on the market made with rice, corn and potato flour and xanthan or guar gum to improve texture have sub-optimal levels of essential nutrients. -----"Improving the nutritional quality of gluten-free products is essential, as the presently available gluten-free products in the market have been shown to be of poor nutritional quality," wrote the researchers, led by Eimear Gallagher from the Ashtown Food Research Centre, Teagasc. ---According to their results, published in Food Chemistry
, bread made from quinoa and buckwheat had significantly higher nutritional content in terms of antioxidants and polyphenol than wheat bread. ----"Therefore, these pseudocereal seeds represent feasible ingredients in gluten-free baking for increasing the antioxidant properties and phenolic content of gluten-free breads, and improving their overall nutritional quality," they stated.Study details
Gallagher and her co-workers examined the polyphenol and antioxidant content of extracts of amaranth, quinoa, and buckwheat, and compared them to wheat. They subsequently investigated how sprouting and baking affected the results. According to their findings, buckwheat topped the rankings for phenol content, followed by quinoa, then wheat, and finally amaranth. Analysis of using chromatography showed the main phenols were phenolic acids, catechins, flavanol, flavone and flavonol glycosides. ---
Baking (breadmaking) of all samples led to a reduction in total phenol content and antioxidant activity, but "all of the breads containing pseudocereals showed significantly higher antioxidant capacity when compared with the gluten-free control", said the researchers.Science grows
The study supports earlier findings from the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University in New York, which found that replacing standard gluten-free flours with those made from ‘alternative’
grains like oats and quinoa may improve intakes of protein, iron, calcium and fibre, according to researchers ----"By adding three servings of gluten-free alternative grains, the nutrients (fiber, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate and iron) are improved," wrote the researchers, led by Anne Lee, in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.Supply issues
In a review in the journal Trends in Food Science & Technology (2010, Vol. 21, pp 106-113) co-authored by Professor Arendt, it is noted that, despite the successful formulation of gluten-free products using these ‘pseudo-cereals’ "availability of these products in the market is still quite limited. More research is necessary to fully exploit the functionality of these seeds as gluten-free ingredients in the production of palatable products which are also nutritionally balanced," they added.
Source: Food Chemistry
Volume 119, Issue 2, Pages 770-778
"Polyphenol composition and in vitro antioxidant activity of amaranth, quinoa
buckwheat and wheat as affected by sprouting and baking"
Authros: L. Alvarez-Jubete, H. Wijngaard, E.K. Arendt, E. Gallagher
Get either buckwheat or Quinoa or both and add ¼ cup of this in a blender----let blend til you see the grain become powdery. Stop blender and sift the powder and the heavier pieces put back in the blender and repeat the process- Stop when you can no longer sift out anything refined and throw the left over in a garden or flower pot---do this repeatedly til you have enough baking flour from these grains---this can be done with buck wheat---quinoa---oat---barley or any grain you like ---this can be used to make pancakes ---just add eggs and baking soda and either a seed milk or water and proceed to mix and then cook—add fat as well so the bread or pancake will not be as dry---you can even mix powdered herbs in this mix to get even a better antioxidant profile or even fruit such as anything dried that you make---add yogurt or kefir to it as well with the flour and baking soda and even carrot powder you have left over from your carrot juice---add nuts and seeds to it that you powder down---the list is endless---Clean bread non GMO
Bad Testing By the Canadian Gov’t
Scientists cross pigs with spinach
Shell Oil Comments and Cell Phone Fires
Bad Testing By the Canadian Gov’t
fter three and a half years negotiating directly with Health Canada, NorthRegentRx has finally gone public.---As some of you are aware, our company was forced to recall our product ‘Libidus’ in September 2006.--NorthRegentRx, site licensed since 2005, one of very few companies that do ‘mandatory batch testing’ on all imported product through ALS Tech, knew even then that both the FDA and Health Canada were mistaken.--- It took the better part of two years to get Access to Information files that not only showed mistakes made but most disturbingly, mistakes that were intentional.---After three and a half years this moment is vindication for not only our company but for those few stores that remained loyal to us during this incredibly difficult time.--For those of you who stood by our side and understood that Health Canada did this to choke our company on returns and remained patient, thank you.------For those of you who didn’t question why we would NOT move on, why it was important to stand and fight, thank you.---We want you to know that your loyalty at this time will not be forgotten.---Since the paper story hit on Friday, we’ve been inundated with press requests. The Winnipeg Sun will be doing an expose on our company and our battle against outright corrupt individuals and actions by Health Canada in this upcoming weekend’s edition.---As I’m sure you can understand, Health Canada has been working very hard to come up with a negotiation offer before these paper articles go to press.---The Liberals Health Critics office is also very concerned and wants to bring this to parliament.---For the remainder of stores in Canada that would not take the time to understand and appreciate the struggle and work it takes to legitimize a company, provide transparent batch tests and do so knowing some believe ‘herbal formulas’ are suspect, perhaps this might be the time to reconsider those notions.---Our Access To Information files have been handed over at this point to make sure that proper investigations of those responsible currently working for (and some currently in private practice) Health Canada are handled by the proper authorities. This will include some high profile organizations here in Canada for their role in this affair.---We’d like to thank James Bezan, MP Conservative, Selkirk, Manitoba. ---James was one of the first to see the evidence and for sometime now has been literally screaming at high ranking Health Canada officials who, up until our public release of ATI files, were completely unwilling to accept wrong doing.---While this might not necessarily lead to us reintroducing Libidus on the marketplace… (we’ve been beaten up and discredited publically but we’re not dumb, we don’t expect the hassles to stop .---And again, those who have stayed with us during all this hassle and controversy will be the first to be thanked.A sincere thank you for staying with us!
Jody W. Baxmeyer
VP NorthRegentRx
Toll Free 1-866-373-4368 ext 23.
Site License 300387
Scientists cross pigs with spinach ---Thursday, 24 January, 2002, 22:23 GMT
The GM pigs produced less fat than normal---Scientists in Japan say they have successfully implanted vegetable genes in a living animal for the first time. --Researchers at Kinki University near Osaka inserted genetic material from spinach into a pig, which they say will produce healthier pork. The experiment, which began several years ago, has yielded two generations of pigs with the spinach gene known as FAD2. --Research team leader Akira Iritani said the pigs with the spinach gene had produced less fat than normal. ---"It is confirmed for the first time in the world that a plant gene is functioning properly in a living mammal, not in a cultured cell," said Professor Iritani.
Safety issues
The experiment involved inserting the spinach gene into a fertilised pig egg, which was then implanted in a female pig's womb to produce genetically modified piglets. ---The FAD2 gene was found to convert about a fifth of the piglets' saturated fatty acids into healthier linoleic acids. ---Professor Iritani said he hoped to prove the genetically modified pork was safe to eat. "I know genetically modified food has met poor public acceptance, but I hope safety tests will be conducted to make people feel like eating [the GM pork] for the sake of their health," he said. ---Professor Iritani said only about 1% of GM piglets survived after being born, although breeding among GM pigs would ensure the spinach gene was passed on.
Shell Oil
Comments and Cell Phone Fires
Safety Alert!
India has put off the commercial cultivation of a GM aubergine due to safety concerns, despite getting the go-ahead from government scientists last year. --BT Brinjal was developed by Indian seed company Mahyco, a partner of Monsanto. More resistant to natural pests than regular aubergines, it would have been the world’s first GM vegetable. ---But according to the BBC, the decision not to plough ahead with cultivation was taken by environment minister Jairam Ramesh, who said more studies are needed to be sure it is safe for both humans and the environment. ---The question has divided public opinion in India, which cultivates some 2000 different varieties of aubergine. Anti-GM protestors taking to the streets dressed in aubergine suits. ---Dr PM Salimath, director of research at the University of Agriculture Sciences in Dharwad in Karnataka state, who led the field trials, insists there is no danger, He argues that the same gene, Cry1Ac, has been used in corn, canola and soya for the past decade.
***************************************************************************************************(OMNS Nov 9 2007) The most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, often responds to a remarkably simple, safe, at-home treatment: vitamin C. Physicians and patients report that vitamin C, applied directly to basal cell skin cancers, causes them to scab over and drop off. [1] Successful use involves a highly-concentrated vitamin C solution, directly applied to the blemish two or three times a day. Vitamin C is selectively toxic to cancer cells, but does not harm healthy skin cells. This is also the basis for high-dose intravenous vitamin therapy for cancer. [2] Even higher concentrations of vitamin C can be obtained by direct application. The use of topical vitamin C to kill basal cell carcinoma has been known at least since 1971. Frederick R. Klenner, MD, wrote: "We have removed several small basal cell epithelioma with a 30 percent ointment" of vitamin C. [3] ---One person, who reported that a 2mm diameter spot on the nose would not heal for months, had it disappear within a week with twice-daily concentrated vitamin C applications. Another patient reported that after dermatologist-diagnosed multiple spots of basal cell carcinoma were coated with vitamin C, the spots fell off within two weeks. [4] ---Basal cell carcinomas are slow growing and it is rare for them to metastasize. This provides an opportunity for a therapeutic trial of vitamin C, provided one has proper medical diagnosis and follow-up. ---Preparation of a water-saturated vitamin C solution is simple. Slowly add a small amount of water to about half a teaspoon of vitamin C powder or crystals. Use just enough water to dissolve the vitamin C. Using less water will make a paste. Either way, application with the fingertip or a cotton swab, several times daily, is easy. The water will evaporate in a few minutes and leave a plainly visible coat of vitamin C crystals on the skin. ----Consult your doctor before employing this or any other self-care treatment. A physician’s diagnosis is especially important, since other forms of skin cancer, such as melanoma, are faster growing and more dangerous. If the vitamin C treated area is not improved after a few weeks, a doctor should be consulted once again.
[1] William Wassell, MD:
Skin cancer and vitamin C. Cancer Tutor,
[2] Riordan NH, Riordan HD, Meng X, Li Y, Jackson JA: Intravenous ascorbate as a
tumor cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agent. Med Hypotheses 1995; 44: 207-2 13. and
and also
[3] Fredrick R. Klenner, MD: Observations on the dose and administration of
ascorbic acid when employed beyond the range of a vitamin in human pathology.
Journal of Applied Nutrition Vol. 23, Nos 3 & 4, Winter 1971. and
[4] Age spots, basal cell carcinoma and solar keratosis.
Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine---Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information:
A glass of grapefruit juice may improve intestinal absorption of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) by almost 50 per cent, says a new study from Japan.
The juice appears to inhibit a protein in the membrane of cells called P-glycoprotein (P-gp), which thereby leads to an increased absorption of CoQ10, according to results of a laboratory study published in Food Chemistry.-- “We have demonstrated that a higher cellular uptake of CoQ10 was achieved in the presence of grapefruit juice,” wrote the Japanese researchers, led by Ken Iseki from Hokkaido University. ---The formulation of the CoQ10 is known to play a key role in its bioavailability. Since the coenzyme is lipophilic (fat-loving) its absorption is enhanced in the presence of lipids. Therefore, when taken as a supplement apart from meals, the absorption of some formulations is lower. ---It is possible that co-administration of CoQ10 with grapefruit juice constitutes an easily accessible way to improve the intestinal absorption of CoQ10,” added Iseki and his co-workers. Grapefruit juice is well-known to interact with other compounds in the digestive system. Chemicals in juice and pulp of the fruit are reported to interfere with the enzymes that metabolise certain drugs in the digestive system, including statins to lower cholesterol. This results in potentially toxic quantities of drugs circulating in the blood. ---The new study, however, suggests that grapefruit juice’s inhibiting effects may actually benefit CoQ10 absorption.
CoQ10 has properties similar to vitamins, but since it is naturally synthesized in the body it is not classed as such. Our ability to synthesise the compound peaks at the age of 20 and amounts in our body decrease rapidly after we pass the age of 40. ---With chemical structure 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decaprenyl-1,4-benzoquinone, it is also known as ubiquinone because of its 'ubiquitous' distribution throughout the human body. ---The coenzyme is concentrated in the mitochondria - the 'power plants' of the cell - and plays a vital role in the production of chemical energy by participating in the production of adenosince triphosphate (ATP), the body's co-called 'energy currency'. ---There is an ever-growing body of scientific data that shows substantial health benefits of CoQ10 supplementation for people suffering from angina, heart attack and hypertension. The nutrient is also recommended to people on statins to off-set the CoQ-depleting effects of the medication. Other studies have reported that CoQ10 may play a role in the prevention or benefit people already suffering from neurodegenerative diseases.
Study details--The Japanese researchers used Caco-2 cells, a cell line used to model the lining of the human intestine. Cells were cultured in the presence of CoQ10 powder (10 micromoles, supplied by Kougen Co. Ltd.) and grapefruit juice (diluted to a concentration of 1 per cent, purchased from the Dole Food Company Inc., USA). Results showed that CoQ10 uptake in the presence of grapefruit juice was increased by almost 50 per cent. “These results indicate that the combined administration of CoQ10 and grapefruit juice could enhance CoQ10 absorption,” said the researchers. ----“Taking these findings into consideration, it is possible that co-administration of CoQ10 with grapefruit juice will be an easily accessible way to improve the pharmacological effects of CoQ10,” they added. ---The researchers concluded that additional studies are required in order to investigate the pharmacological effects of CoQ10 when administration with grapefruit juice. “Such investigations will provide important information for improving the pharmacological effects of CoQ10,” concluded Iseki and his co-workers. ---
Source: Food Chemistry**********************************************************************************************
^^^^^^^Recipe Cq10 ---
take a capsule of cq10 and mix it in your grapefruit juice and add a pinch of pepper with it ---what happens is that the grapefruit will give you a 50 percent more absorption and the black pepper will increase the longevity of the Cq 10—In other words it will keep it in the system longer thereby offsetting health issues and increasing the longevity effect of cells in the body promoting immune stimulating ---antiaging—and cellular support and mitochondrial energy ^^^^^^^
Hypolipidemic and Antioxidant Effects of Dandelion—RECIPE For Dandelion Mix
Nobiletin—Suggested Solution and USE
In vitro screening for the tumoricidal properties of international medicinal herbs
Mutant Seeds For Mesopotamia Order 81
Dandelion 1
Int J Mol Sci. 2010;11(1):67-78
Authors: Choi UK, Lee OH, Yim JH, Cho CW, Rhee YK, Lim SI, Kim YC
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), an oriental herbal medicine, has been shown to favorably affect choleretic, antirheumatic and diuretin properties. Recent reports have indicated that excessive oxidative stress contributes to the development of atherosclerosis-linked metabolic syndrome
. The objective of this current study was to investigate the possible hypolipidemic and antioxidative effects of dandelion root and leaf in rabbits fed with a high-cholesterol diet. A group of twenty eight male rabbits was divided into four subgroups; a normal diet group, a high-cholesterol diet group, a high-cholesterol diet with 1% (w/w) dandelion leaf group, and a high-cholesterol diet with 1% (w/w) dandelion root group. After the treatment period, the plasma antioxidant enzymes and lipid profiles were determined. Our results show that treatment with dandelion root and leaf positively changed plasma antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid profiles in cholesterol-fed rabbits, and thus may have potential hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects. Dandelion root and leaf could protect against oxidative stress linked atherosclerosis and decrease the atherogenic index.PMID: 20162002 [PubMed - in process]
RECIPE for Dandelion Mix—take 1 bundle of dandelion leaf with 2 bundles of parlsey and 1 bundle of watercress---or nettle or any other greens you like—take and clean then—add to a blender in equal amounts and blend til purried or fused—then take and put through a handkerchief or cloth strainer—and repeat the process till all is used—can make 3-5 litres ( quarts ) and will hold for about 8-10 daysIncreasing evidence suggests that the elevation of beta-amyloid (Abeta) peptides in the brain is central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Onozuka H's studies at Tohoku University, Japan, demonstrated that
nobiletin, a polymethoxylated flavone from citrus peels,
Suggested Solution and USE –If you want to get this you can either get it from clean tangerine peels( but they must not be sprayed with anything) orr you can get the essential oil of Tangerine which will have this in it as well as limonene ---always mix with either a carrier oil or carrier sugar or in fluids or wine or brandy
In vitro screening for the tumoricidal properties of international medicinal herbs.------
Mazzio EA, Soliman KF. College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Florida A & M University, Tallahassee, Florida 32307, USA.- F in vitro is performed not in a living organism but in a controlled environment, such as in a test tube or Petri dishThere is growing use of anticancer complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) worldwide. The purpose of the current study is to assess a sizeable variety of natural and plant sources of diverse origin, to ascertain prospective research directives for cancer treatment and potential new chemotherapy drug sources. In this study, 374 natural extracts (10 microg/mL-5 mg/mL) were evaluated for dose-dependent tumoricidal effects using immortal neuroblastoma of spontaneous malignant origin. The findings indicate no pattern of tumoricidal effects by diverse plants with similar families/genus under the classes
Pinopsida, Equisetopsida, Lycopodiosida, Filicosida, Liliopsida Monocotyledons or Magnoliopsida Dicotyledons. The results indicate that many of the most commonly used CAMs exhibited relatively weak tumoricidal effects including cats claw, astragalus, ginseng, echinacea, mistletoe, milk thistle, slippery elm, cayenne, chamomile, don quai, meadowsweet, motherwort and shepherd's purse. The data demonstrate that the most potent plant extracts were randomly dispersed within the plantae kingdom (LC(50) = 31-490 microg/mL) in order of the lowest LC(50) Dioscorea villosa (Dioscoreaceae) ( Wild Yam ) > Sanguinaria canadensis (Papaveraceae) ( BLOOD ROOT )> Dipsacus asper (Dipsacaceae) > Populus balsamifera (Salicaceae) Balm of Gilead> Boswellia carteri ( Boswella or Myrrh ) (Burseraceae) > Cyamopsis psoralioides (Fabaceae) ( Guar Gum ) > Rhamnus cathartica (Rhamnaceae)( European Buckthorn ) > Larrea tridentate ( Chaparral ) (Zygophyllaceae) > Dichroa febrifuga (Hydrangeaceae) ( Hydrangea ) > Batschia canescens (Boraginaceae) ( Alkanet )> Kochia scoparia (Chenopodiaceae) ( Kochia)> Solanum xanthocarpum (Solanaceae)( Yellow Berried Nightshade ) > Opoponax chironium (Umbelliferae) ( Sweet Myrrh ) > Caulophyllum thalictroides (Berberidaceae) ( Blue Cohosh)> Dryopteris crassirhizoma (Dryopteridaceae) ( Cr0wn Wood Fern ) > Garcinia cambogia (Clusiaceae) > Vitex agnus-castus( Chaste Tree ) (Verbenaceae) > Calamus draco (Arecaceae). These findings show tumoricidal effect by extracts of ---wild yam root, bloodroot, teasel root, bakuchi seed, dichroa root, kanta kari, garcinia fruit, mace, dragons blood and the biblically referenced herbs: balm of gilead bud, frankincense and myrrh gum. (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mutant Seeds For Mesopotamia Order 81
Iraqi farmers have been using farm-saved wheat and barley seeds for generations. In fact, the tradition goes back to at least 4000 BC, when irrigated agriculture first emerged, and probably to about 8000 BC, when wheat was first domesticated--One would think that Iraq's farmers - under "freedom" and "democracy" Â would be able to plant the indigenous seeds of their choosing. Wrong.
That choice, under little-known Order #81, would be illegal.--Iraq's commercial farmers must now buy "registered" seeds, by law. According to Ghali Hassan: "The US Order introduces a system of private monopoly rights over seeds and will force Iraqi farmers to rely on big US corporations to buy its yearly crop seeds for planting."[1] Many of these American seeds, apparently, were originally designed for pasta.---Obviously, the Bush domestic replacing free enterprise with monopoly capitalism is for now for export, and Order #81 carries the Orwellian chapter title of "Plant Variety Protection" (PVP). Of course, it accomplishes the opposite, imposing standardization and uniformity upon Iraq's food supply. Jerry Smith explains:---"The most significant part of Order 81 is a new chapter that it inserts on Plant Variety Protection' (PVP). This concerns itself not with the protection of biodiversity, but rather with the protection of the commercial interests of large seed corporations.---To qualify for PVP, seeds have to meet the following criteria: they must be new, distinct, uniform and stable'. Under the new regulations imposed by Order 81, therefore, the sort of seeds Iraqi farmers are now being encouraged to grow by corporations such as WWWC will be those registered under PVP.---On the other hand, it is impossible for the seeds developed by the people of Iraq to meet these criteria. Their seeds are not new' as they are the product of millennia of development. Nor are they distinct'. The free exchange of seeds practiced for centuries ensures that characteristics are spread and shared across local varieties. And they are the opposite of ‘uniform' and ‘stable' by the very nature of their biodiversity. They cross-pollinate with other nearby varieties, ensuring they are always changing and always adapting."[2]--Could this be true? Is planting Mesopotamian seeds now illegal? The actual text of the Coalition Provisional Authority's Order #81 confirms the ugly truth. Important sections highlighted in bold by this author:----CPA/ORD/26 April 2004/81 15 "A. A Register shall be regulated in the Ministry under the supervision of the Registrar and shall be called the "Register of New Plant Varieties" in which all the data related to the new plant varieties shall be maintained