Show of the week March
4, 2011
Show of the Week March 7, 2011
Show of the
week March 11, 2011
Show of the
Week March 14, 2011
Show of the Week March 18 2011
Show of the Week March 21 2011
Show of the Week March 25 2011
Show of the Week March 28 2011
Pathogen New to Science Found in Roundup Ready GM Crops
Antioxidative and antiviral properties of flowering cherry fruits
Make a Super Cherry Remedy - Cherry 2- Cherry 3
Chemical Compounds in Trees Can Fight Deadly Staph Infections in Humans
Antioxidative and antiviral properties of flowering cherry fruits (Prunus serrulata L. var. spontanea).
Am J Chin Med. 2010;38(5):937-48
Authors: Yook HS, Kim KH, Park JE, Shin HJ
The phenolic compounds of many fruits have been known to be efficient cellular protective antioxidants. In this study, antioxidative and antiviral properties of flowering cherry cultivars (Prunus yedoensis, Prunus sargentii, Prunus lannesiana, and Prunus cerasus) in Korea were investigated. The antioxidant property was assayed for specific activities including 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) hydroxy radical scavenging activity, reducing power capacity, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) like activity. In addition, antiviral activity was determined by inhibition studies on the infection cycle of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), measured as minimum concentration of cherry extracts that inhibited 50% of cytopathic effect (CPE) on PEDV. Our results show that the four varieties of cherries contain substantially high antioxidants and antiviral activities. In particular, P. cerasus contains higher antioxidants and antiviral activities as well as polyphenolic content than other varieties. Our data indicate that Korean native cherry cultivars could be beneficial supplements of dietary antioxidants and natural antiviral agents.--PMID: 20821824 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Make a SUPER CHERRY Remedy—Juice the cherries in a juicer and then take and add the amount in equal portions in brandy or cognac and blend together for 5 minutes---pour into a glass container and use 1 tablespoon several times a day or when in pain
Cherry 2—take the left over cherry and mix with beet and apple as a sauce and consume regularly---
Cherry 3 take the left over and add to honey and blend til fused or for 5-8 minutes-allow to cool and you have a cherry jam or spread
Chemical Compounds in Trees Can Fight Deadly Staph Infections in Humans
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a “superbug” that is resistant to most medications, sickened more than 94,000 people in 2005 and killed more than 19,000 in the US, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control. --ScienceDaily (Feb. 25, 2011) — Most people would never suspect that a "trash tree," one with little economic value and often removed by farmers due to its ability to destroy farmland, could be the key to fighting a deadly bacterium. Now, a University of Missouri researcher has found an antibiotic in the Eastern Red Cedar tree that is effective against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a "superbug" that is resistant to most medications.--"I wanted to find a use for a tree species that is considered a nuisance," said Chung-Ho Lin, research assistant professor in the MU Center for Agroforestry at the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. "This discovery could help people fight the bacteria as well as give farmers another cash crop."--MRSA is an evolving bacterium that is resistant to most medications[U1]. For most people, the infection is isolated to the skin. However, it can spread to vital organs causing toxic shock syndrome and pneumonia, especially in people with weakened immune systems. The incidence of disease caused by MRSA bacteria is increasing worldwide. Thirty years ago, MRSA accounted for 2 percent of all staph infections. By 2003, that number had climbed to 64 percent. In 2005, more than 94,000 people developed life-threatening MRSA infections in the United States, according to a Centers for Disease Control report. Nearly 19,000 people died during hospital stays related to these infections.---While the Eastern Red Cedar has few commercial uses, it is present in the U.S. in large numbers and its range extends from Kansas to the eastern United States. An estimated 500 million trees grow in Missouri. Lin began his investigation by building on existing research showing the anti-bacterial potential of chemical compounds derived from the tree.---Lin, George Stewart, professor and department chair of Pathobiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine, and Brian Thompson, postdoctoral fellow in the Bond Life Sciences Center, identified, isolated and tested 17 bioactive compounds and has plans to analyze more compounds. Scientists found that a relatively small concentration of a chemical compound found in the Eastern Red Cedar- 5 micrograms per milliliter -- was effective against MRSA. The team tested the compound's effectiveness against many versions of MRSA in a test tube with promising initial results.-"We found this chemical from the cedar needles, an abundant and renewable resource that can be collected annually," co-researcher Brian Thompson said. "Because the compound is in the needles, we don't have to cut down the trees."----In addition to its potential use in fighting MRSA, researchers found that some chemical compounds in the tree are able to fight and kill skin cancer cells present in mice. It may also be effective as a topical acne treatment. Stewart said the compounds are years away from commercial use, as they must go through clinical trials. The team's research was presented recently at the International Conference on Gram-Positive Pathogens.-Story Source-The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by University of Missouri-Columbia.
How to Make a Red Cedar Recipe--How to make—Simmer the needles in wine in a slow cooker for a day or more—Strain and bottle—use 1 tsp several times a day or apply topically—this as well can be used for respiratory issues
3[U1]Maybe a result of GMO consumption and poor hygienc practices in hospital settings –since this is only contracted after being in a hospital
Parliament Under Pressure to Stop Genetically Modified Fish
Wolf Performance Hall, Central Library, London, ON
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 (6:30 pm � 9:00 pm)
London Media Contact: Pam Killeen 519-488-5376
On March 2, 2011, Paul Connett, PhD, co-author of The Case Against Fluoride and Executive Director of the Fluoride Action Network, will be speaking at the Wolf Performance Hall (Central Library) about the very real concerns regarding artificial water fluoridation. The three main points that Dr. Connett will demonstrate are that fluoride is ineffective, unsafe and unethical. There is scientific consensus that fluoride over-exposure is a contributor to many health problems including cardiovascular disease, cancer, thyroid suppression, arthritic-like pain, dementia, diabetes, colic in babies, and irritable bowel syndrome. In 2006, the US National Research Council (NRC) published a comprehensive review of recent fluoride studies. The report states that fluoride is an "endocrine disruptor" and that Fluoride appears to have the potential to initiate or promote cancers, particularly of the bone... The Carcinogen Identification Committee for the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment recently listed fluoride as one of the 5 chemicals selected for possible listing as a carcinogen. The crucial message of the NRC report is that the highest scientific authority in the US has determined that low levels of fluoride in drinking water may have serious adverse health effects, says Dr. Paul Connett. ---Connett adds, "There are three words that proponents dare not discuss, these are 'margin of safety.' When Chinese researchers found that lowering of IQ in children is associated with fluoride at 1.9 ppm, it should have ended fluoridation. Using the standard safety factor of 10 to protect the whole population would mean that the most sensitive children in Canada could have their intelligence lowered by drinking one to two glasses of water daily at 0.7 ppm fluoride (the level used in Ontario). Historians will be astounded that North American health authorities put children's teeth ahead of their brains." --Because some individuals consume up to 10 times more water than the average, it is obvious that the daily intake of fluoride cannot be controlled when delivered via drinking water. [U1]Although drinking water is the single largest source of fluorides, most individuals are unaware that fluoride is also in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the beverages we drink[U2], and dental products, leading to an epidemic of dental fluorosis, the visible sign of fluoride over-exposure.
Research from members of the Canadian Public Health Service (CPHS) demonstrates that artificial water fluoridation does not prevent cavities. This research from CPHS reveals that 1) artificial water fluoridation is a significant waste of taxpayers' money; 2) every dollar spent on artificial water fluoridation contributes to environmental degradation of source water and the degradation of our health. --Evidence from Freedom of Information Requests, letters, and Petitions to the Auditor General of Canada now demonstrates that the fluoride products used in drinking water are not compliant with the regulatory requirements of the Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act, written in the post-Walkerton era. A growing number of organizations such as the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE), Great Lakes United, Environmental Protection Agency unions and professionals worldwide are calling for an end to artificial drinking water fluoridation. --A recent statement by CAPE states: On the basis of this weight of evidence we believe that fluoridation of drinking water is scientifically untenable, and should not be part of a public health initiative or program.--A growing number of municipalities around the world have recently voted to remove fluoride from their drinking water. The most recent communities to do so in Canada include: Calgary, AB, Waterloo, ON, Welland, ON, Thorold, ON, Dryden, ON, Kamloops, BC, Kelowna BC, and Quebec City, PQ, Vercheres, PQ and CFB Kingston.
Artificial Water Fluoridation. Just turn it off. For further information on the NRC report, and fluoride health issues and water fluoridation, see: -Contact: Carole Clinch, Research Coordinator, People for Safe Drinking Water 519-884-8184, Contact: Paul Connett, PhD, 802-355-0999 or 315-379-9200, or, 82 Judson Street, Canton NY 13617 -Fluoride Action Network (FAN) is the leading science and advocacy group focused on health issues surrounding fluoride from water, food, air, pesticides, and industrial exposures.
Osteosarcoma--Flouride poisoning result
Cancer Causes Control. 2006 May;17(4):481-2.
OBJECTIVE: We explored age-specific and gender-specific effects of fluoride level in drinking water and the incidence of osteosarcoma.
METHODS: We used data from a matched case-control study conducted through 11 hospitals in the United States that included a complete residential history for each patient and type of drinking water (public, private well, bottled) used at each address. Our analysis was limited to cases less than 20 years old. We standardized fluoride exposure estimates based on CDC-recommended target levels that take climate into account. We categorized exposure into three groups (<30%, 30-99%, >99% of target) and used conditional logistic regression to estimate odds ratios.
RESULTS: Analysis is based on 103 cases under the age of 20 and 215 matched controls. For males, the unadjusted odds ratios for higher exposures were greater than 1.0 at each exposure age, reaching a peak of 4.07 (95% CI 1.43, 11.56) at age 7 years for the highest exposure. Adjusting for potential confounders produced similar results with an adjusted odds ratio for males of 5.46 (95% CI 1.50, 19.90) at age 7 years. This association was not apparent among females.
CONCLUSIONS: Our exploratory analysis found an association between fluoride exposure in drinking water during childhood and the incidence of osteosarcoma among males but not consistently among females. Further research is required to confirm or refute this observation. PMID 16596294
Parliament Under Pressure to Stop Genetically Modified Fish-
Motion in the House of Commons requests transparency
Thursday, March 3, 2011.
Ottawa - Today in the House of Commons, New Democratic Party Fisheries and
Oceans Critic Fin Donnelly tabled a motion asking for
transparency and more study before genetically modified (GM) Atlantic salmon are
approved for human consumption.--US company
AquaBounty has genetically modified a faster growing Atlantic salmon by
inserting a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon and genetic material from
ocean pout.--AquaBounty has asked the US Food and Drug Administration
to approve the GM Atlantic salmon for human consumption but the status of any
requests for approvals from the company to the Canadian government are
unknown because our federal departments refuse to disclose this information.---“Why
won’t the government tell us if they are doing a risk assessment?” asked Leo
Broderick of PEI and Vice-Chair of the Council of Canadians, “AquaBounty wants
to supply the market with genetically modified salmon eggs from PEI but
Canadians have no clue if the company has asked for approval here.”---AquaBounty
is not planning to produce GM salmon in the
US but is instead proposing to produce all the GM
salmon eggs on Prince Edward Island
and then ship the eggs for grow out and processing in Panama, for selling
into the US consumer market.[U3]
Today’s motion asks the government to explain its regulations and to set up a
system to notify Canadians about any requests for approval and approval
decisions. The motion also asks the government to
“prevent the introduction of genetically modified salmon destined for human
consumption into the Canadian food system until further scientific studies are
concluded by the relevant departments to determine the impact of genetically
modified salmon on human health and on the health of marine species, ecosystems
and habitats.”--“We call on all
Members of Parliament to support the motion. It is a request for basic
transparency,” said Lucy Sharratt of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network.
"This cloak of secrecy is unjustifiable and, frankly, ridiculous."---“DFO’s
own scientists have acknowledged that genetically modified salmon pose a real
risk to our wild fish stocks,” said Catherine Stewart of Living
Oceans Society in B.C. “Any debate on this issue, any scientific research
informing the debate, must be made available to all concerned citizens.”--Sixty
fisheries and oceans conservation, environmental and social justice groups
released a joint statement in December 6, 2010, opposing GM fish. --For more
information: Lucy Sharratt, Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, Cell 613 263
9511; Leo Broderick, Council of Canadians, 902 894 4874; Catherine Stewart,
Living Oceans Society: 604-916-6722;
Blood Enhancer—this can be made by adding in 10 herbs in equal ratios—Peppermint-thyme –rosemary-sage-savoury-cinnamon bark-clove –myrrh—balm of gilead-oregano --ratios can be as strong or as weak as you like—1 tsp—1 table 1oz –it should be all equal starting out I would go 1 tsp of each–add this to red wine 1 ½ cup and allow to blend for 10 -15 minutes—strain then add to glass container—use 1 tablespoon as is or juice beets and add 1 cup of beets to 1 tablespoon of this remedy—and to add another twist—add iodine ( 1-2 drops) colloidal gold 1-4 drops and colloidal silver depending on strength use 3 drops or less per ½ oz usage will see a good effect do this 2-3 times a day- after a short period of time you may notice a increase resistance to pathogens and feel an increase level of endurance and strength ---An alternative would be to do this in fresh beet juice and add the same ratio and add 1 oz of alcohol---blend for 10 minutes and strain---the results are quick--You can combo each of them ( the 2 recipes)
take bees wax and melt to get 4-6 oz ( now if you can not afford this then use the preserving jar wax paraffin for this you will be ok for the allotted time you will be using it ) take the essential oil of citronella—lemon grass- and thuja –Any essential oils will be effective these I am displaying to get you started ) heat the wax using a glass jar and a pot---you will fill the pot with water and then add the glass jar to it and add the wax ratio 2:1 wax and oil ( any oil will do I used grapseed for my use )once melted then take jar out and insert finger in jar after it cools a bit-- once cooled then apply to problem areas- and re apply to the same area----The idea is to trap the heat and increase it by layering on the wax---causing the oils and the essential oils to penetrate more effectively—this will cause a deeper penetration of heat an as a result it may draw out of the skin issue that may have been lingering or trapped inside—and will have a restorative effect and regenerating impact on the skin
[U1]AND this is the lunacy of all these health gurus telling you to drink in 7-8 glasses of water a day—you would flush out of your system magnesium iodine and salt and calcium that would regulate fluoride from natural sources ---with this overloading you would displace life giving minerals and nutrients for fluoride---then you would need lithium for bipolar due to the fact that iodine has been displaced by the fluoride causingthis dysfuntion--not to mention the bone degeneration that so many women are suffering today as a result of the overloading of flouride
[U2]Store bought juices—soft drinks and beverages---this is why Reverse osmosis and Distilled water products are best to utilize
[U3]THIS IS INSANITY--we won't grow them in the USA due to the fact that it might just be a tad controversial but instead we will go to a depressed economy like PEI in canada produce the eggs there and then send them off to be riased in panama where thre is a non issue with GMO's and then return them for sale in America or Canada???? am I the only one seeing this ?
Show of the Week March 11 2011
Combining the oils and Nutrients to get a synergy
Alcohol Consumption After Age 75 Associated With Lower Risk of Developing Dementia
Vitamin C Protects against Viral Infections
Luca forwarded your e-mail to me and I wanted to try and give you some answers to your questions. To begin with, WE (Arizonans) must deal with this on a state level by passing legislation that prohibits ANY kind of chemtrail spraying over the skies in Arizona. We are a sovereign state and can take that action. If the Feds don’t like it – Tough!!! The next thing is we must get Evergreen Air investigated. They are located in the old Marana Air Park and it is believed that they are one of the private companies that have a contract to spray this “crap” on us that also falls into our water, plants, trees and soil. I gave Sheriff Babeu (from Pinal County – that is where Evergreen Air is located) a packet with the DVD, “What In The World Are They Spraying” and a letter from me requesting him to investigate Evergreen Air at the old Marana Air Park. This was last Friday evening and I have not heard back from him as yet. Many of us that are involved in this critical issue are getting our blood tested for barium and aluminum. Those that have already gotten their results back have extremely high levels of both metals, way above the “safe” level. It won’t matter what kind of legislation gets passed at the Capital IF we are all sick with health problems that are coming from this spraying.----Judy, I feel bad to smoother you with all this information but there is so much to this issue and our very lives are at stake. Haven’t you noticed how much harder it is for so many people to focus or to remember and the epidemic increase of alzheimers along with all the breathing and respiratory problems people are experiencing is rampant. Our son, Jeff, has worked at Banner Baywood Hospital for nearly 10 years now and he recently told us that the hospital is absolutely overflowing with people coming in with the problems I just mentioned. He said it is the worse he has ever seen it. Either “they” are spraying more or “they” are putting more “crap” in the spray. At any rate, we are all getting sick and our ability to think and reason is fast waning. This is all planned and we must put a stop to it. Please, please take time to check this information out, even thought I realize you are up to your eyeballs with work – I promise this is critical. If you have any questions or anything I can help you with, Judy, just call me (928-532-1182 home or 480-734-1954 cell). I will even drive down to the Capital if we need to talk in person. Bless you for all you are trying to do to hold the line when we have “brain-dead” legislators you must work with. I was appalled when I saw the vote for the nullification legislation in the Senate go down yesterday. What a bunch of uninformed, dumbed down creations of the public school system. OK, I will try and get off my soap box and hope you will forgive me for inundating you with so much information………..Karen
Antimicrobials used in home remediation follow a variety of chemistry and functions. One common method of mold remediation utilizes Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking soda) as a blasting medium much in the way that sand is used to blast (clean) surfaces under the propulsion of compressed air. This 'Soda Blasting' makes a large cloud of dust that is pH Alkalai and its residue that permeates the wood and painted surfaces is also naturally antimicrobial as a result of the high pH and the presence of Sodium Bicarbonate. If used alone, repeated wetting can wash away the Sodium Bicarbonate residue and mold can return to the materials if the water source is not managed. Dry ice (frozen Carbon Dioxide (CO2)) is also used as a blasting agent where clean-up is more restrictive (i.e. attics) and while the dry ice blasting leaves no antimicrobial residue, it does prep the blasted surface to receive one as a secondary step. One popular, professional anti-microbial (Serum) is often applied after or without blasting by soda or dry ice and in one of its variants, is a mix of Hydrogen Peroxide and thin surface coating that neutralizes the mold (making it non-viable) and encapsulating the surface to prevent spore release. Other anti-microbial surface treatments typically contain variants of metals known to suppress mold growth; i.e. pigments or solutions involving Copper, Silver, Zinc or other metals (some of which can be toxic to humans if improperly applied). Most antimicrobial solutions are professionally applied and are not sold to the public.
Many people use either white vinegar or laundry bleach as an inexpensive anti-microbial solution. These liquids are best used in combination and they can be safely combined. When combined in equal amounts (i.e. 2 cups bleach + 2 cups vinegar in 2 gallons of warm water + 2 drops of dish soap), these make a solution known as "Acidified Bleach" and it is considerably more effective as an antimicroboial and as a disinfectant. On porous foundation surfaces, a secondary step of scrubbing with Tri-Sodium Phosphate (TSP) or Spic-N-Span is capable of leaving behind a phosphate or carbonate reside that will be antimicrobial. The key to successful foundation cleaning with longer-lasting results hinges on leaving the cleaner residue on the wall and force-drying the area with a fan to drive off the water. Long-term success requires that the water source be corrected and that the area's relative humiidity be kept as far below 54% as possible.
Antimicrobials and paints - Kitchen and Bath paint formulations are often manufactured with the understanding that these areas are often cleaned and may experience elevated humidity levels from bathing/cooking. As a result, leading manufacturers often design Kitchen and Bath formulations to be less porous, more scrubable, and often, the paint formulation is adjusted to be more antimicrobial than other interior paints. During color mixing, some stores also offer the option of buying and adding an antimicrobial packet to the paint as a booster. It is ill-advised to use a normal latex paint on a foundation since this naturally moist area will readily cause mold to grow on latex. Foundation painting should be done with products designed for that purpose and when applied over virgin masonry, these products (i.e. DryLok by United Gilsonite Labs) perform very well
A viricide is a chemical or herbal antiseptic which reliably deactivates or destroys viruses, either inside or outside the body. Natural viricides include garlic, oregano, ginseng, onions, echinacea, goldenseal, chamomile, shiitake, schizandra and St. John's wort. Antivirals also can be found in essential oils of various herbs, such as basil oil, orange oil, lemon oil, eucalyptus oil, and sandalwood oil and their constituents
The antimicrobial properties of 21 plant essential oils and two essences were investigated against five food-borne pathogens, Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella enteriditis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes. The oils of bay, cinnamon, clove and thyme were the most inhibitory, each having a bacteriostatic concentration of 0.075% or less against all five pathogens. ( A. Smith-Palmer, J. Stewart and L. Fyfe. Antimicrobial properties of plant essential oils and essences against five important food-borne pathogens. Letters in Applied Microbiology 1998. 26. 118-122)--Many essential oils are included in pharmacopoeias as having antimicrobial activity, including:
Combining the oils and Nutrients to get a synergy
Utilizing the oils in combination can create a potent synergy—For Pain and respiratory and Anti Viral and antifungal-antibacterial and a vermifuge( parasites or worms) you can combine –Peppermint—Camphor—Eucalyptus—Pine---by either using a 2 oz of oil ( any of your choice) and adding 5 drops of each essential oil—can be applied to joints—chest---around outbreaks of virus skin lesions ( best to apply around the area rather then directly on---this will stop the spreading of this and allow for containment within the are you encircle---depending on the lesion)—can be used as well as an analgesic--By consuming Zinc ( 15-20 mgs 4 times a day )with this as well as Vitamin C ( 1000mgs 4- 5times a day ( kids 500mgs 4-5 times a day or til bowel tolerance ) with lysine 500mgs 5 times a day ( kids 1 a day ) and olive leaf ( in tea or tincture ) you can as well use things Like cinnamon—clove –thyme—peppermint as a herbal spice in foods as well to reduce viral activity---For pain and aches inside use a baby Aspirin (81mgs noneneterocoated )with Arginine ( 500mgs-1000mgs) will reduce achy feelings internally---as well can be used birch polypore or chaga tinctures ½ tsp increments---consuming Onion and Applesauce will dramatically reduce the pain as well internally--
Alcohol Consumption After Age 75 Associated With Lower Risk of Developing Dementia
ScienceDaily (Mar. 7, 2011) — A study by Weyerer et al. published in Age and Ageing investigates prospectively the relationship between current alcohol consumption (quantity and type of alcohol) and incident overall dementia and Alzheimer dementia.The authors conclusions suggests that light-to-moderate alcohol consumption is inversely related to incident dementia, also among individuals aged 75 years and older.---3202 German individuals (75+) attending general practitioners , who were free of dementia were studied at baseline, were followed up 1.5 years and 3 years later by means of structured clinical interviews including detailed assessment of current alcohol consumption and DSM-IV dementia diagnoses. Associations between alcohol consumption (in grams of ethanol), type of alcohol (wine, beer, mixed alcohol beverages) and incident dementia were examined using Cox proportional hazard models, controlling for several confounders.---There was good ascertainment of the development of dementia, even among subjects who died during follow up. Of 3,202 subjects free of dementia at baseline, 217 subjects met criteria for dementia during follow up. Subjects consuming alcohol had approximately 30% less overall dementia and 40% less Alzheimer dementia than did non-drinking subjects. No significant differences were seen according to the type of alcoholic beverage consumed. Overall, these results are similar to several previous studies in the very elderly and suggest that moderate drinking is associated with less dementia, even among individuals aged 75 years and older.---The authors conclusions suggests that light-to-moderate alcohol consumption is inversely related to incident dementia, also among individuals aged 75 years and older.
Forum Comments
Background: In the last 31 years (1980 -- 2011) the association between moderate alcohol intake and cognitive function has been investigated in 71 studies comprising 153,856 men and women from various populations with various drinking patterns. Most studies showed an association between light to moderate alcohol consumption and better cognitive function and reduced risk of dementia, including vascular dementia and Alzheimer dementia.
Comments on the present study: This new study from Germany is well done and has some interesting features:
As stated by Forum member Erik Skovenborg, "The association found between alcohol consumption and incident overall dementia [adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 0.71, 95% CI 0.53-0.96], respectively, incident Alzheimer dementia (adjusted HR 0.58, 95% CI 0.38-0.89) are in accordance with most other studies, including the large Rotterdam Study1 and The Cardiovascular Health Study.2 Since a randomized, controlled study of alcohol consumption and risk of dementia has not been done (and would not be feasible), the jury is still out concerning the importance of confounding. Persons who continue drinking alcohol throughout old age are the remainder population, as mentioned by the authors of this study, exhibiting a survivor phenomenon. Happy people with many friends have the most opportunities for social drinking, and in this study alcohol consumption was significantly associated with factors that are protective for the development of dementia: better education, not living alone, and absence of depression. However, even after controlling for these and several other factors, the risk for incident dementia was still significantly lower among light-to-moderate alcohol consumers. Even so it may still be a part of the explanation that old German men and women, who drank alcohol sensibly in old age, also have a healthier lifestyle in terms of physical, dietary, and mental perspectives."---Forum member Roger Corder adds: "From all I have read on this subject, I fully agree that it is very difficult to separate alcohol consumption from other healthy lifestyle factors in populations where moderate drinking is commonplace. In this respect, the study doesn't correct for a healthy diet, which is also likely very important, as a poor diet is associated with increased risk of dementia due to deficiencies such as low omega-3 fat intake, inadequate vitamin B12, etc. However, it is also known that improved vascular function in alcohol drinkers could account for some element of -A German Forum member, Ulrich Keil, stated: "The Swiss physician and philosopher Paracelsus (1493-1541) wrote: "Alle Dinge sind Gift, und nichts ist ohne Gift. Allein die Dosis macht, dass ein Ding kein Gift ist." (An approximate English translation is "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison. However it is the dose that makes a thing not a poison.") The subjects in this study were in general very moderate drinkers.An American reviewer, Harvey Finkel, added: "The badge of age is not a warning label of fragility. While, I believe, one should not start to drink just because one has attained seniority, neither must one stop! Elderly folks handle alcohol with more responsibility than do the young, and they may derive greater health benefits from moderate drinking. Age is not a reason for abstinence."
Story Source--The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Boston University Medical Center, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.---Journal Reference-S. Weyerer, M. Schaufele, B. Wiese, W. Maier, F. Tebarth, H. van den Bussche, M. Pentzek, H. Bickel, M. Luppa, S. G. Riedel-Heller. Current alcohol consumption and its relationship to incident dementia: results from a 3-year follow-up study among primary care attenders aged 75 years and older. Age and Ageing, 2011; DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afr007
Vitamin C Protects against Viral Infections
Summarily, Klenner could well affirm that "we have been able to assemble sufficient clinical evidence to prove unequivocally that Vitamin C is the antibiotic of choice in the handling of all types of virus diseases." As well he demonstrated--through trial and experimentation--that where tissue levels of the vitamin are maintained, an environment that is extremely unfavourable for virtually all forms of viral infection is created in the human body.--Charpy reports on a clinical trial where 15 grams (15,000 milligrams) of ascorbic acid were administered daily to a group of extremely advanced (terminal) Tuberculosis patients. (Of the six to be tested one actually died before the trial could begin). The five patients who were fortunate enough to receive this treatment, all underwent a spectacular transformation in their general condition, and not only left their beds, but within a six to eight month period had regained from 20 to 70 pounds in body weight. As an added point of interest, each patient had cumulatively taken about 3 kilograms (3,000,000 milligrams) of ascorbic acid during the test period with absolute safety and perfect tolerance.
infectious hepatitis |
virus pneumonia |
influenza |
diphtheria |
virus encephalitispoliomyelitis |
pertusis (whooping caugh) |
measles |
chicken pox |
parotitis (mumps) |
tetanus (lockjaw) |
mononucleosis |
rheumatic fever |
scarlat fever |
botulism |
heavy metal intoxication |
poisonous insect, spider and snake bites |
trichinosis* |
bacillary dysentary |
malignancies |
post-operative deaths |
childbirth labor (easing and shortening) |
postpartum hemmorages (prevents) |
cardiovascular diseases |
peptic and duodenal ulcers |
pancreatitis |
severe burns (mostly external treatment) |
radiation sickness |
carbon mooxide poisoning |
barbiturate poisoning222 |
In Klenner's successful reversal of trichnosis, a combination of Vitamin C and para-aminobenzoic acid were used. |
Show of the Week March 14, 2011
Banana Peels Get a Second Life as Water Purifier
By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent
OSLO (Reuters) - Many farmers in developing nations can double food production within a decade by shifting to ecological agriculture from use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, a U.N. report showed on --Tuesday. --Insect-trapping plants in Kenya and Bangladesh's use of ducks to eat weeds in rice paddies are among examples of steps taken to increase food for a world population that the United Nations says will be 7 billion this year and 9 billion by 2050.---"Agriculture is at a crossroads," according to the study by Olivier de Schutter, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the right to food, in a drive to depress record food prices and avoid the costly oil-dependent model of industrial farming.---"Agroecology" could also make farms more resilient to the projected impact of climate change including floods, droughts and a rise in sea levels that the report said was already making fresh water near some coasts too salty for use in irrigation.--So far, eco-farming projects in 57 nations had shown average crop yield gains of 80 percent by tapping natural methods for enhancing soil and protecting against pests, it said.---Recent projects in 20 African countries had resulted in a doubling of crop yields within three to 10 years. Those lessons could be widely mimicked elsewhere, it said.--"Sound ecological farming can significantly boost production and in the long term be more effective than conventional farming," De Schutter told Reuters of steps such as more use of natural compost or high-canopy trees to shade coffee groves.
would be greatest in "regions where too few efforts have been put in to
agriculture, particularly sub-Saharan
Africa," he said. "There are also a number of very promising experiences
in parts of Latin America and parts of
Asia."---"The cost of food production has been very closely following
the cost of oil," he said. Upheavals in
Egypt and Tunisia have been partly
linked to discontent at soaring food prices. Oil prices were around $115 a
barrel on Wednesday.---"If food prices are not kept under control and
populations are unable to feed themselves...we will have increasingly states
being disrupted and failed states developing," De Schutter said.--Among
examples, thousands of Kenyan farmers were planting insect-repelling desmodium or tick
clover, used as animal fodder, within corn fields to keep damaging insects away
and sowed small plots of napier grass nearby that excretes a sticky gum to trap
pests.--Better research,
training and use of local knowledge were also needed. "Farmer
field schools" by rice growers in Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh had led to
cuts in insecticide use of between 35 and 92 percent, the study said.---De Schutter also called for a push to
diversify global farm output from reliance on rice, wheat and maize in diets.---Developed
nations, however, would be unable to make a quick shift to agroecology because
of what he called an "addiction" to an industrial, oil-based model of farming.
Still, a global long-term effort to shift to agroecology was needed.---Cuba
had shown that such a change was possible after the collapse of the
Soviet Union in 1991 cut off supplies of cheap pesticides and
fertilizers. Yields had risen after a downturn in the 1990s as farmers adopted
more eco-friendly methods.
The first GM food crop containing human genes is set to be approved for commercial production.--The laboratory-created rice produces some of the human proteins found in breast milk and saliva.--Its U.S. developers say they could be used to treat children with diarrhoea, a major killer in the Third World.--The rice is a major step in so-called Frankenstein Foods, the first mingling of human-origin genes and those from plants. But the U.S. Department of Agriculture has already signalled it plans to allow commercial cultivation.---The rice's producers, California-based Ventria Bioscience, have been given preliminary approval to grow it on more than 3,000 acres in Kansas. The company plans to harvest the proteins and use them in drinks, desserts, yoghurts and muesli bars.[U1]--The news provoked horror among GM critics and consumer groups on both sides of the Atlantic.--GeneWatch UK, which monitors new GM foods, described it as "very disturbing". Researcher Becky Price warned: "There are huge, huge health risks and people should rightly be concerned about this."---Friends of the Earth campaigner Clare Oxborrow said: "Using food crops and fields as glorified drug factories is a very worrying development.---"If these pharmaceutical crops end up on consumers' plates, the consequences for our health could be devastating.---"The biotech industry has already failed to prevent experimental GM rice contaminating the food chain.--"The Government must urge the U.S. to ban the production of drugs in food crops. It must also introduce tough measures to prevent illegal GM crops contaminating our food and ensure that biotech companies are liable for any damage their products cause."---In the U.S., the Union of Concerned Scientists, a policy advocacy group, warned: "It is unwise to produce drugs in plants outdoors.--"There would be little control over the doses people might get exposed to, and some might be allergic to the proteins."--The American Consumers Union and the Washington based Centre for Food Safety also oppose Ventria's plans.-As well as the contamination fears there are serious ethical concerns about such a fundamental interference with the building blocks of life.---Yet there is no legal means for Britain and Europe to ban such products on ethical grounds.---Imports would have to be accepted once they had gone through a scientific safety assessment.--The development is what may people feared when, ten years ago, food scientists showed what was possible by inserting copies of fish genes from the flounder into tomatoes, to help them withstand frost.--Ventria has produced three varieties of the rice, each with a different human-origin gene that makes the plants produce one of three human proteins.---Two - lactoferrin and lysozyme - are bacteria-fighting compounds found in breast milk and saliva. The genes, cultivated and copied in a laboratory to produce a synthetic version, are carried into embryonic rice plants inside bacteria.--Until now, plants with human-origin genes have been restricted to small test plots.--Ventria originally planned to grow the rice in southern Missouri but the brewer Anheuser-Busch, a huge buyer of rice, threatened to boycott the state amid concern over contamination and consumer reaction.--Now the USDA, saying the rice poses "virtually no risk". has given preliminary approval for it to be grown in Kansas,[U2] which has no commercial rice farms.--Ventria will also use dedicated equipment, storage and processing facilities supposed to prevent seeds from mixing with other crops.--The company says food products using the rice proteins could help save many of the two million children a year who die from diarrhoea and the resulting dehydration and complications. A recent study in Peru, sponsored by Ventria, showed that children with severe diarrhoea recovered a day and a half faster if the salty fluids they were prescribed included the proteins.---The rice could also be a huge money-spinner in the Western world, with parents being told it will help their children get over unpleasant stomach bugs more quickly.--Ventria chief executive Scott Deeter said last night: "We have a product here that can help children get better faster[U3]."--He said any concerns about safety and contamination were "based on perception, not reality" given all the precautions the company was taking.--Mr Deeter said production in plants was far cheaper than other methods, which should help make the therapy affordable in the developing world.--He said: "Plants are phenomenal factories. Our raw materials are the sun, soil and water."
Banana Peels Get a Second Life as Water Purifier
Banana peels show promise as superior water purification materials.
ScienceDaily (Mar. 10, 2011) — To the surprisingly inventive uses for banana peels -- which include polishing silverware, leather shoes, and the leaves of house plants -- scientists have added purification of drinking water contaminated with potentially toxic metals. Their report, which concludes that minced banana peel performs better than an array of other purification materials, appears in ACS's journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.---Gustavo Castro and colleagues note that mining processes, runoff from farms, and industrial wastes can all put heavy metals, such as lead and copper, into waterways. Heavy metals can have adverse health and environmental effects. Current methods of removing heavy metals from water are expensive, and some substances used in the process are toxic themselves. Previous work has shown that some plant wastes, such as coconut fibers and peanut shells, can remove these potential toxins from water. In this report, the researchers wanted to find out whether minced banana peels could also act as water purifiers.---The researchers found that minced banana peel could quickly remove lead and copper from river water as well as, or better than, many other materials. A purification apparatus made of banana peels can be used up to 11 times without losing its metal-binding properties, they note. The team adds that banana peels are very attractive as water purifiers because of their low cost and because they don't have to be chemically modified in order to work.The authors acknowledge funding from the São Paulo Research Foundation.-Story Source-The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by American Chemical Society.-Journal Reference-Renata S. D. Castro, Laércio Caetano, Guilherme Ferreira, Pedro M. Padilha, Margarida J. Saeki, Luiz F. Zara, Marco Antonio U. Martines, Gustavo R. Castro. Banana Peel Applied to the Solid Phase Extraction of Copper and Lead from River Water: Preconcentration of Metal Ions with a Fruit Waste. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011; : 110216180259021 DOI: 10.1021/ie101499e
An Australian Remedy for fleas and ticks-- -- Eucalyptus oil --In the past I have used the oil successfully for head lice and fleas.--I have on occasion sat down with my cats and searched through their fur for fleas and when I spotted one I would just touch it with a oil soaked cotton bud. The flea died instantly. So I am thinking the oil is highly toxic to small insects such as lice and fleas.--I would imagine scabies would be in the same family as these insects. If you do try eucalyptus oil please research the correct dilution with a carrier oil. For head lice I didnt dilute it but I have read warnings that one should always dilute the oil. I also read the oil fries the fleas exoskeleton.
Add a carrier oil and add 1-5 drops in a one ounce container this will allow for slow releases of the Eucalyptus oil without any harsh side effects
Or you
can as well add 5 drops to a 2 oz container of alcohol and 1 tsp of oil and
shake vigourously and make a aerosol out of t as well
Supplementation with selenium glycinate may increase the activities of related plasma enzymes, and reduce the levels of an important marker for the risk of prostate cancer, according to a new study that contradicts current thinking.
The research, published in Nutrition Research, suggests that selenium glycinate supplementation gave changes consistent with improved selenium functional status and lowered prostate cancer risk in a group of 30 middle-aged US men. --The researchers, from Ohio State University, USA, said that the study contradicts conventional wisdom that selenium supplementation should not increase the activities of blood glutathione peroxidase (GPx) nor affect prostate cancer risk. --“If selenium could lower PSA [prostate-specific antigen] in healthy, middle-aged men, then it could be proposed that selenium can lower prostate cancer risk in some men, especially as part of an overall dietary plan,” said the authors, led by senior author Dr Robert DiSilvestro, from the Department of Human Nutrition, at Ohio State. --DiSilvestro and his colleagues said that the type of selenium supplementation used in the study (selenium glycinate), which has not been used in previous research, could possesses “especially high bioactivity.”
Selenium levels
Daily selenium intake in US adult men is reported to be around 153 micrograms. This is well above the recommended dietary allowance (RDA), which is intended to maximize blood activities of the selenium enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx) enzymes.---“Thus, blood GPx activities would not be expected to increase in most US adult men if selenium intake is increased”. Despite this, DiSilvestro and colleagues noted interest in selenium intake has risen due to recent suggestions that intakes above the RDA may increase blood activities and reduce prostate cancer risk. --The authors noted that such an idea has been supported by several previous studies, but said that other large scale studies have not found selenium to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. --“In light of the current state of selenium research … it would seem that further research on selenium supplementation of healthy, US adult men would serve no purpose,” said the authors. --However, they stated that the number of studies on GPx response to selenium supplementation is low. --Additionally, they explained that healthy middle-aged men – a group particularly concerned with preventing prostate cancer – “have not been singled out for study on selenium supplementation” in relation to GPx or prostate-specific antigen (PSA) – a risk assessor for prostate cancer risk. --The new study tested whether a 6-week supplementation of 200 micrograms of selenium (in the form of glycinate) affected the activities of 2 blood selenium enzymes (erythrocyte and plasma GPx) and a marker of prostate cancer risk (plasma PSA).
Study details
DiSilvestro and co- workers reported that selenium supplementation, but not placebo, raised both plasma and erythrocyte GPx activities.
They also found that selenium glycinate, but again not placebo, lowered the cancer risk marker of serum PSA. ---The authors explained that reducing a marker of prostate cancer does not necessarily mean a reduction in cancer risk. --“However, this study does justify further study on selenium supplementation and prostate cancer risk, particularly supplementation as selenium glycinate,” they said.
Surprising finding
The Ohio State scientists said that the findings presented in their study go against the initial beliefs and hypothesis of the research. The authors explained that initially they believed selenium supplementation would have no effect on blood GPx or PSA, but may have effects in non-not blood derived biomarkers. -“The blood sample analysis was just included for the sake of completeness,” they explained. --“As things turned out, no interesting data resulted for the other samples but did occur for the blood samples,” said DiSilvestro and his colleagues.
Source: Nutrition Research--Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2010.10.012 --“Selenium glycinate supplementation increases blood glutathione peroxidase activities and decreases prostate-specific antigen readings in middle-aged US men”-Authors: W. Zhang, E. Joseph, C. Hitchcock, R.A. DiSilvestro
IAdding Glysine with the selenium supplemtation may increase the effect of prostate protection---since glycine as well assist in protecting the prostate---there maybe a synergistic reaction between the 2 supplements
[U1]Junk food Just got lethal---went from dangerous to lethal---and it is going to be put into snack foods---
[U2]Kansas Must be broke this is why they went from Missouri to Kansas---and they should be banning this as well
[U3]Another form of Eugenics being Introduced---these plants are not by designed to have these components and if they were really concerned about developing countries they would assist in the elimination of the causes of health issue rather then addicting them to these foods that will eventually shorten there life span---welcome to the first world
Show of the Week March 18 2011
Potassium iodide as a radioprotective agent
Multiple antioxidants
as radioprotective agents
Human studies supporting the scientific rationale for using antioxidants for radiation protection
Recipe With Herbals To Increase Adequate Protection Against Radiation
Reducing Radiation Damages with Bicarbonate
BATHS- The Epson Salt Bath-- The Clorox Heavy Metal Bath-- Inhalation Exposure Low Level Radiation Detoxification Bath- Higher Level Radiation Fallout Detoxification Baths-- Higher Level Radiation Fallout Detoxification Baths 2-
Radioprotective Herbs Plus Nutrients and Supplements
When and how to use multiple antioxidants for radiation protection in humans
Commonly used doses in
diagnostic procedures are listed in Tables 1 and 2.
It is suggested that patients
receiving diagnostic radiation
doses take orally an appropriately prepared multiple antioxidants
pill once 30 min to 60 min before radiation procedure.
workers are advised to keep the body level of antioxidants high at
all times by taking the appropriate multiple vitamins with
antioxidants, B-vitamins and appropriate minerals,
but no iron, copper
or manganese.
They may take a
booster dose antioxidant pill 30 min to 60 min before exposure to
higher radiation doses is anticipated.
Frequent-flyers may
also follow the same dose and dose schedule as radiation workers.
The proposed strategy of increasing antioxidant levels in the body
can also be implemented in populations living in regions with high
background radiation that show increased levels of
intermediate risk markers such as increased chromosomal damage or
evidence of increased oxidative damage such as lipid peroxidation.
Such a strategy may reduce the levels of intermediate risk markers,
and thereby, protect against long-term adverse health consequences of
radiation exposure among this population.
The proposed antioxidant
strategy, in addition to potassium iodide, should be adopted in the
event of nuclear accident or explosion of a "dirty bomb".
The efficacy of antioxidant strategy for biological radiation
protection in humans against low doses of radiation has not been
tested; however,
all proposed antioxidant
ingredients have exhibited radiation protection in humans and/or in
laboratory experiments.
Direct experiments with radioprotective antioxidant formulations
cannot be performed in humans for obvious ethical reasons. However,
implementation of the proposed recommendation may allow prospective
studies among radiation workers to determine its efficacy in
reducing health risks of low doses of radiation in present and future
Potassium iodide as a
radioprotective agent
The increased use of radioactive iodine (131I) in research,
diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases, and the release of
131I during nuclear explosion made it imperative that all
radiation workers working with 131I take potassium iodide pills.
Since iodine selectively accumulates in the thyroid gland, and
the thyroid is considered a very radiosensitive organ, it was thought
that the intake of potassium iodide would saturate the thyroid gland
with iodine, and thus would prevent the accumulation of radioactive
iodine in the thyroid. Thus potassium iodide remains a valuable
strategy for protecting the thyroid gland against damage produced by
radioactive iodine. However, this agent does not protect any other
radiosensitive organ against -radiation
that is produced by radioactive iodine. In addition, potassium iodide
does not protect against damage produced by other radioactive
isotopes or other radiation sources such as X-irradiation or
additional non-toxic agents must be identified to protect humans
against radiation damage produced by sources other than radioactive
Multiple antioxidants
as radioprotective agents
Although earlier
identified radioprotective SH-compounds were found to be toxic in
humans, glutathione-elevating agents such
as N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and -lipoic
acid, that are non-toxic (within certain concentration ranges) to
humans, protect
normal tissues against radiation damage [48,
In addition to glutathione-elevating agents,
dietary antioxidants such as
vitamins E, C and
are also of radioprotective value [57,
but very little attention has been given to these agents with respect
to their use in protecting normal tissue against radiation damage
in humans.
Based on published data on antioxidants and radiation protection, it
is possible to develop a non-toxic, cost-effective mixture of
antioxidants (dietary and glutathione-elevating agents) that can
provide biological protection against radiation damage in humans.
Indeed, such formulations, referred to as Bio-Shield, (patent
pending) are available commercially (Premier Micronutrient
Corporation, Nashville, TN). In vitro animal and human studies that
support the rationale of using multiple antioxidants in reducing the
risk of radiation damage in humans are described below.
In vitro studies supporting the scientific rationale for using antioxidants for
radiation protection in humans
It has been reported that mitotic cells, which are most sensitive to
radiation, have the lowest levels of SH-compounds, whereas S-phase
cells, which are the most resistant to radiation, have the highest
levels of these compounds [83].
The role of SH-compounds in radiation protection was further
substantiated by the fact that an elevation of the intracellular
levels of these compounds in mitotic cells makes them radioresistant
to the same level as S-phase cells].
It has been shown that vitamin
E and selenium reduced radiation-induced transformation in cell
culture; the combination was more effective than the individual
agents Natural -carotene
protected against radiation-induced neoplastic transformation in cell
culture. Vitamins E and C reduced radiation-induced mutations and
chromosomal damage in mammalian cells, and radiation-induced
lethality ---In
vivo (animal) studies supporting the scientific rationale for using antioxidants
for radiation protection in humans Alpha-lipoic acid, a glutathione-elevating
agent, increases the LD50 in mice with a dose reduction
factor (DRF) of 1.26
Vitamin E, Vitamin C and
protected rodents against the acute effects of irradiation.
Vitamin A and
protected normal tissue during radiation therapy of cancer in an
animal model . A
combination of vitamin A,
C and E protected against radiation-induced
myelosuppression during radiation therapy of cancer in an animal
It has been reported that L-selenomethionine and several different
types of antioxidants
(vitamin C, vitamin E,
glutathione, n-acetylcysteine (NAC), lipoic acid and co-enzyme Q10)
protected human cells in culture and rats in vivo against oxidative
stress produced by photons, protons and 1 GeV iron ions [41].
Human studies supporting the scientific rationale for using antioxidants for
radiation protection
Vitamin A and NAC
may be effective against radiation-induced carcinogenesis [60].
Alpha-lipoic acid treatment for 28 days lowered lipid peroxidation
among children chronically exposed to low doses of radiation in the
area contaminated by the Chernobyl
nuclear accident
In another study, -carotene
reduced cellular damage in the above population of children [47].
A combination of vitamin E and
acid was more effective than the individual agents [48].
also protected against radiation-induced mucositis during radiation
therapy of cancer of the head and neck [80].
A combination of dietary antioxidants was more effective in
protecting normal tissue during radiation therapy than the individual
agents [81,
Radioprotective Potential of Plants and Herbs against the Effects of Ionizing Radiation
Department of Radiobiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal-576 104, India.
Ionizing radiations produce deleterious effects in the living organisms and the rapid technological advancement has increased human exposure to ionizing radiations enormously. There is a need to protect humans against such effects of ionizing radiation. Attempts to protect against the deleterious effects of ionizing radiations by pharmacological intervention were made as early as 1949 and efforts are continued to search radioprotectors, which may be of great help for human application. This review mainly dwells on the radioprotective potential of plant and herbal extracts. The results obtained from in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that several botanicals such as Gingko biloba, Centella asiatica ( gota kola ) , Hippophae rhamnoides ( Sea Buckthorn), Ocimum sanctum ( Holy Basil ) , Panax ginseng ( American or Canadian Ginseng ), Podophyllum hexandrum ( Himalayan May Apple ), Amaranthus paniculatus ( Foxtail ), Emblica officinalis ( Indian goose berry or AMLA ), Phyllanthus amarus, Piper longum ( Long Pepper ), Tinospora cordifoila ( Guduchii ), Mentha arvensis ( Wild Mint ), Mentha piperita ( Pepper Mint ), Syzygium cumini (Jambolan plum ), Zingiber officinale ( Ginger ), Ageratum conyzoides ( Billy Goat Weed ), Aegle marmelos (Indian Bael Fruit ) and Aphanamixis polystachya (amoora ) protect against radiation-induced lethality, lipid peroxidation and DNA damage. The fractionation-guided evaluation may help to develop new radioprotectors of desired activities.
Recipe With Herbals To Increase Adequate Protection Against Radiation—Make a tea with any of these or a combination—Use as a tincture---add to foods and soups or salads---the idea is to eithr build this inside to have an offsetting effect or to increase the ability to remove the excess rads you may wind up with
So deep are the protective, buffering and neutralizing properties of bicarbonate that it is used even with radiation exposure to protect the kidneys and other tissues. In a world that is already overexposed to uranium and mercury, sodium bicarbonate becomes even more important because mercury and uranium oxide directly attack the nuclear material and mitochondria of the cells. The oral administration of sodium bicarbonate diminishes the severity of the changes produced by uranium in the kidneys.[1] It does this for all the heavy metals and other toxic chemicals including chemotherapy agents, which are highly lethal even in low dosages. After depleted uranium weapons were used starting in the first Gulf War, the United States has polluted the world with uranium oxide and it is showing up more and more in tests doctors perform. With a half life of several billion years we had better be prepared to get used to dealing with the toxic effects and help our bodies clear it more easily through the kidneys. Sodium bicarbonate is an absolute must item in any field hospital and it should be in used and recommended in all clinics and be present in every home medicine cabinet. In reality we need a more descriptive image for bicarbonate. Its pharmacological characteristics, even though widely used, are not well understood. What does bicarbonate really do? Well, instead of a muscleman with a mallet, an even better image would be a strong janitor mopping up the messes and carrying the poisons away. This strong janitor protects tissues and leaves an alkaline film or trail behind to make sure everything stays safe. In medicine, sodium bicarbonate is the cleaning and security man proven loyal through decades of faithful service and he can be brought in to provide some sort of protection in cases where people are suffering from radiation toxicity. So useful and strong is sodium bicarbonate that at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, researcher Don York has used baking soda to clean soil contaminated with uranium. Sodium bicarbonate binds with uranium, separating it from the dirt; so far, York has removed as much as 92 percent of the uranium from contaminated soil samples. I started writing about baking soda after discovering that the United States Army recommends the use of bicarbonate to protect the kidneys from radiation damage. Blaise W. LeBlanc, a former research chemist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture identified the byproduct hydroxymethylfurfural, (HMF) as a potential culprit in colony collapse disorder of bees. LeBlanc has a solution to minimize HMF toxicity: By adding bases (such as sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, lime, potash or caustic soda) to HFCS, the pH rises and HMF levels drop. Sodium bicarbonate can safely remove paint, grease, oil and smoke residue, decreasing workers' exposure to harsh chemicals and eliminating much of the hazardous waste associated with other cleaners. "Sodium bicarbonate is able to clean in areas where other substances pose fire hazards, because baking soda is a natural fire extinguisher," says Kenneth Colbert, a general manager for Arm & Hammer. This is the reason it’s used by oncology centers to control chemo agent spills and its actually used intravenously to protect patients from the hazardous toxicity of chemotherapy. If the bombs start dropping anywhere on earth you will need to have a large amount of sodium bicarbonate on hand. Minimum stocks should be 25 or 50 pounds. You will also need iodine, magnesium chloride----
Acute DU Deplete Uranium Exposure or Nuclear Event -Detox Bath-
Use after exposure to DU, medical radiation,nuclear radiation or dirty bombs, high altitude radiation exposure or irradiated foods. Dissolve 1 pound of sea salt or rock salt and 1 pound of baking soda in a hot bath -- as hot as can be tolerated -- and soak into the water until the bath becomes cool. This usually takes about 20-25 minutes. Afterwards, do not shower or rinse the salt off your body for 4-8 hours
Chorox bath can aid heavy metal removal from the body: DU and particulate radioisotopes from nuclear explosions or dirty bombs. Just add 1 cup of regular Clorox bleach to a tub of hot water -- as hot as can be tolerated Soak in it until the water becomes cool or body temperature.Don’t wash off for at least 4 hours and make sure you’re using sufficient water
Inhalation Exposure Low Level Radiation Detoxification Bath:
Dissolve 2 pounds of baking soda in a tub of hot water Soak in it until the water becomes cool or body temperature. Drink Green tea or better still take Polyphenon 100mg 6 caps every four hours to chelate toxins and heavy metals Drink EO Electrolyted Alkaline water 1 oz per 8 to 10 ounces of filtered water ( Multi Pure Water or Pure Water Systems recommended-RO or Distilled with the alkali added
Higher Level Radiation Fallout Detoxification Baths:
Parcells recommended a stronger mixture of drinking an 8-ounce glass of water containing ¼-teaspoon natural sea salt and ¼-teaspoon baking soda. Drink every 2-3 hours and each glass was to be taken with 3 caps of calcium – magnesium taurate If symptoms in the head, sinuses, chest, glands,--neck, throat, they were to add ¼-teaspoon of cream of tartar to the mixture.--Don’t shower for at least 4 hours after the bath. Bathing in the evening is more effective Please don’t mix the different bath ingredients
Higher Level Radiation Fallout Detoxification Baths 2:
Alternate the baths on different evenings or one bath in the morning and the other at night. In more severe cases a baking soda bath in the morning and Clorox bath at night may be useful.
Radioprotective Herbs Plus Nutrients and Supplements :
Selenium DNA protection -Lycopene antioxidant protection of DNA-Sulphurophane from brassica brussel sprouts and cabbage DNA-Protection --NAC, N-Acetyl Cysteine -Reduced L-Glutathione- SAMe S-Adenosyl Methionine - Polyphenon – FirstLine-Defense Caps --Longevinex - Red Wine Extract 30 capsules Polyphenol Antioxidant Alpha lipoic acid with 12 to 20 Times power with Alpha R-Lipoic (BioGenesis) Reishi mushrooms and Beta Glucans – Aloe Beta 1,3 Glucans Ambrotose – Arabinogalatan and Manapol 1,3 Beta Poly Manose - Alkalinizers to Remove Uranium and other Radioisotopes: EO Electrolyzed Water TriSalts – Ecological Formulas BioAlkalinizer – BioGenesis Buffered Vitamin C – Ca, Mg, Zn Ascorbates
Show of the Week March 21 2011
Comparison of Wiping Away Bacteria With Disinfectant Wipes or a Tissue Moistened With Saline
Comparison of Wiping Away Bacteria With Disinfectant Wipes or a Tissue Moistened With Saline
ScienceDaily (Mar. 17, 2011) — If you have time to quickly swipe your pager or cell phone three times, that would be your best bet to get rid of most of the bacteria. And a simple tissue moistened with saline would do the trick. But if you only have time for a single swipe of a 'dirty' phone -- you'd be better off reaching for a disinfectant wipe.---Those are the highlights of a recently published research study that appeared online in PubMed, with the discoveries having been made by a team of researchers in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta.--"It was the mechanical removal, not the actual act of the disinfectant that was key," says Dr. Sarah Forgie, a Pediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist in the Department of Pediatrics.---Medical student Andrea Berendt, who was working with Forgie at the time, liked the idea so Berendt came up with the protocol and conducted all the experiments in a lab over two months. The duo worked with Dr. Robert Rennie, a Professor in Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Pediatric Epidemiologist Donald Spady and technologist LeeAnn Turnbull.--Three types of bacteria -- Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Enterococci (VRE) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa -- were each prepared in a mixture and streaked onto sterile plastic Petri dishes, then allowed to dry. Numerous bacteria contaminated plates were prepared throughout the summer -- all in the same manner -- so each type of bacteria could be tested with five different types of wipes and then again with varying amounts of swipes -- one swipe, three swipes and five swipes.--Each 10 cm diameter plate was wiped for one second and in a manner that the entire surface was swiped, using a flat baton. The plates were then allowed to dry for 10 minutes. Afterwards, bacteria samples were put onto special lab plates, incubated for at least 24 hours at 35 degrees C and then the bacteria colonies were counted.-Research results demonstrated that bacterial counts dropped significantly the more often a plate was swiped -- regardless of the type of wipe used. Swiping the contaminated plates 3x decreased the bacterial load by 88% on average, compared to just swiping a plate once. Swiping a plate 5x vs. 3x didn't result in an additionally significant decrease in bacteria. And a simple saline wipe appeared to be just as effective as disinfectant wipes when the plates were swiped 3x or more. However, if the plate was swiped just once -- disinfectant wipes were better at reducing bacteria than simple saline wipes.
The research was supported in part by a grant from the Women and Children's Health Research Institute.--Story Source--The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.--Journal Reference-Berendt AE, Turnbull L, Spady D, Rennie R, Forgie SE. Berendt AE, Turnbull L, Spady D, Rennie R, Forgie SE. Three swipes and you're out: How many swipes are needed to decontaminate plastic with disposable wipes? Am J Infect Control., 2011 Feb 8
- To remove calcium buildup on kettles and electric jugs, boil the kettle with half a cup of white vinegar and leave to soak for a while. Rinse with fresh water, reboil with same and your kettle should now be calcium deposit free.
- Place a small container of vinegar in your toilet and bathroom to eliminate odors.
- A half cup of vinegar added to a toilet bowl left overnight removes bowl odor. The smell of the vinegar will also dissipate overnight.
- A cotton ball soaked in vinegar and appled to bruises for an hour is said to speed up the healing process.
- Vinegar on minor burns and many sorts of stings can alleviate pain.
- For cleaning your dishwasher, vinegar frozen into ice cubes, then a couple added to the bottom of the dishwasher just prior to a cycle is an effective alternative to using heavy chemical cleaners.
- Old, stiff paintbrushes can be revived by dipping them into heated white vinegar for a couple of hours, followed by a rinse in soapy water. Beats using turpentine!
- Vinegar can be used as a nappy soak; simply add half a cup of white vinegar to the water in the nappy bucket
- Use it as a broad leaf weed killer - spray it neat onto the leaves of weeds, being careful to avoid plants you wish to keep. A mix of vinegar and salt can be used to keep weeks and grass out of driveway cement joins.
- Vinegar can be used as a benchtop disinfectant; but it's a good idea to wipe over at night in order that the smell dissipates.
- For pet owners, white vinegar poured onto pet urine mishaps on carpets, then blotted up with paper towel will prevent staining and odor.
- Save money on washing pre-spray by spraying neat vinegar on deodorant and other stains on garments just prior to washing.
- Spray a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water onto soap scum on shower screens, leave sit then wipe or rinse off.
- Neat vinegar sprayed onto mould affected bathroom/shower tiles will kill the mould.
- Vinegar can be used as a fabric softener by adding half the amount of vinegar as you would of your usual softening agent.
- I've seen many suggestions that a tablespoon of vinegar can be used as a replacement for hair conditioner.
- Vinegar can also be used as a glass cleaner either mixed with water or used neat in a spray bottle.
- Use full strength vinegar to polish chrome and stainless steel
- Use a 50/50 vinegar and water mix to clean your iron. Add the mixture to your iron and allow it steam itself clean
- Pour boiling white vinegar down a clogged drain to remove the obstruction
- Used in an fine atomizer, vinegar is effective as room deodorizer
- Ants hate vinegar; so spray it around doorways and other areas they frequent to repel them
... not to mention vinegar is great for chips and salad dressings :).
- Comment #1 (Posted by )
If you have ever cleaned your windows with the blue windex stuff then you might have to add a little bit of liquid soap to the vinegar/water mixture in order to get rid of the wax left behind be commercial cleaners.
- Comment #2 (Posted by David)
When cleaning with vinegar, make sure that it does not come in contact with hydrogen peroxide. Mixing the two will create Peracetic Acid (C2H4O3).
The toxicity of Peracetic Acid is low. However, peracids are extremely irritating to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. It has a strong oxidizing potential, is highly corrosive, and can explode at temperatures exceeding 110ºC.
- Comment #3 (Posted by Michael (Green Living Tips))
I'm a recovering Windex junkie, so thanks for that tip.
David, that's really useful information; especially since Hydrogen Peroxide is a staple in many green cleaning cupboards - thanks!
- Comment #4 (Posted by Caroline Beven)
The idea of using vinegar as a fabric softener was not the most pleasant thought at first, after all you want your clothes to smell nice, right? But then I discovered a use for that old Downey Fabric Softener Ball -- I place white vinegar to the fill line and then put three drops of lavendar essential oil in, close the ball and throw it in at the beginning of the wash. The only thing I smell during my rinse cycle is the soothing smell of lavendar!
- Comment #5 (Posted by Michael (Green Living Tips))
Great tip Caroline - thanks!
- Comment #6 (Posted by Betty)
I have been using white vinegar for cleaning and washing for sometime. But now I found out vinegar can also be derived from Petroleum. It is recommended and I do also recommend - do not use petroleum vinegar for anything - possible toxins will be emitted. Nothing on the jug says where it was derived from. But distributed by Sam's Club. It's called Bakers & Chefs. Does anyone know where it is made from?
- Comment #7 (Posted by Michael - Green Living Tips)
Hi Betty, I wasn't able to locate anything about that particular vinegar brand, so you'll probably need to contact the company. If they state the vinegar is fermented from "synthetic ethyl alcohol", then there's likely a fossil fuel link - the key word is "synthetic".
- Comment #8 (Posted by LovinLivinDoinNaturally)
Just a quick note. Do not, I repeat, do not use full strength vinegar on grout. I have learned the hard way as a result of the vinegar eating away at my grout. Dilute with water!!! Save yourselves. :)
- Comment #9 (Posted by Michael - Green Living Tips)
LovLivin - thanks for your contribution. That raises a good point about tips offered on this site or any others for that matter - always spot test in an inconspicuous area first; particularly in regards to cleaning concoctions and older or worn surfaces. :)
- Comment #10 (Posted by Walter)
In addition of many other cleaning uses vinegar, of any kind, used full strength, will do quite nicley to clean the brown creoste/tar(s) build-up off the glass of a wood stove. Customer suggested this one day after I swept his chimney, didn't beleive him; went home, tried it, and was quite surprised at the results. Beats using oven cleaners, scraping, or even spending 6-8 dolalrs for a commercial cleaner sold in stove stores. Note: heavier build, real crusty, cresosote on glass takes several applications.
- Comment #11 (Posted by Michael - Green Living Tips)
Walter, that's a great tip; thanks! Wish I had known that one when I had my slow combustion heater!
Show of the Week March 25 2011
Recipe for a Raw Milk Consumer
Summary of findings of Supplementing Iodine
The British journal The Lancet reported, "Resistance to tuberculosis increased in children fed raw milk instead of pasteurized, to the point that in five years only one case of pulmonary TB had developed, whereas in the previous five years, when children had been given pasteurized milk, 14 cases of pulmonary TB had developed." Raw milk also contains an anti-viral agent. In 1997, British studies have shown that some mysterious substance in the aqueous portion of the raw milk, below the cream layer, works against viral infections.[49] Formula and boiled milk do not contain this virus-fighting agent. The enzyme lipase aids in the digestion of fats. It is plentiful in raw milk but destroyed by pasteurization. One of the most remarkable and important discoveries in medicine, the incredible healing power of fresh raw milk, goes unnoticed by the medical profession. No one knows who first used raw milk as a therapeutic agent, probably the Egyptians. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, prescribed raw milk for tuberculosis. Dr. J.E. Crewe, from the Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota, presented his findings on the therapeutic uses of raw milk before the Minnesota State Medical Society in 1923. Although Dr. Crewe's experiments were on the feeding of raw milk for disease, the key, he injects, is not milk but rawmilk. Dr. Crewe reported, "While milk is widely used and recommended as an article of diet, it is seldom used by regular physicians exclusively as an agent in the treatment of disease. For fifteen years I have employed the so-called [raw] milk treatment in various diseases ... the results obtained in various types of illnesses have been so uniformly excellent that one's conception of disease and its alleviation is necessarily modified." [52] His report was met with apathy and indifference, saying, "The method itself is so simple that it does not greatly interest medical men.[53] The fact that many diseases are treated and successful results [ignored], leads almost to disrespect." Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland found that raw cows milk contains 2½ times more of the enzyme lgG than pasteurized milk. This important enzyme inhibits rotavirus organisms that cause diarrhea in infants. It has been known since the earliest days of husbandry that the newborn calf thrives on raw milk. Calves fed pasteurized milk since birth die by the third month. Francis Pottenger, M.D. proved there is deficiency disease, similar to Vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) that can be cured by giving an endocrine product that contains no Vitamin C. He proved that raw milk has this endocrine nutrient and pasteurized milk does not. He proved that raw milk reversed and prevented scurvy. The Bahimas of Africa drink six pints a day. In fact, they eat little else. This is also true of the Nuers of the Upper Nile, the Todas, the Kazaks, and the Hottentots. They all live healthfully Fermented raw milk has been shown to retard tumor growth and decrease the activity of alkylating agents associated stomach cancer.[65]
Recipe for a Raw Milk Consumer
Use 2 cups of raw milk add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of red wine ( your choice) 2 drops of propolis and cinnamon extract 1/2 teaspoon blend and then proceed to drink you can add a potato to this as a meal baked or cooked in oil and water mixed with herbs....this combo can hold you fro up to eight hours, maintaining strength no desire to eat. Sugar levels maintain and maintain for a long period of time, protein a uptake is almost felt immediately and fat is decreased off the body as a result of the lipase and CLA content
"If you think you may be deficient in Iodine, consider this; most of the US population has one or more mercury amalgam fillings in their mouths. A consequence of this is that minute amounts of the heavy metal mercury are continuously being released into the mouth and absorbed into the body. This toxication stimulates a natural detox reaction by the body. Several mechanisms are utilized to remove the mercury. In order for these detoxification mechanisms to work properly, numerous essential minerals are utilized. Iodine, Zinc, Sulfur, Selenium, and Silica stimulate the excretion of heavy metals including mercury. Iodine is at the top of the list when it comes to mercury removal.
"Unfortunately, the average persons daily intake of Iodine is not high enough to keep them mercury free even when not exposed to excessive levels. Add on the exposure of mercury from vaccinations, smoking, etc., and you have the potential for serious heavy metal toxicity. This toxicity can manifest itself in many ways causing problems that would not normally be attributed to high levels of mercury.
"Iodine is essential for the health of the: Thyroid, Breast and Prostate.
"Iodine chelates:
· Mercury
· Lead
· Cadmium
· Aluminum
· Bromide
"Iodine helps to improve:
· Bowel irregularity
· Brain fog
· Renaud’s syndrome (numb finger tips)
· Low energy
· Sensitivity to cold
· Skin complexion
"In addition to mercury toxicity, you naturally have a major deficiency in the essential mineral Iodine if you are getting at or below the outdated RDA. Additionally, fluoride is an antagonistic element to Iodine, meaning it will impede the absorption of Iodine. Many of us are forced to drink fluoridated water and also brush our teeth with fluoride. Could an Iodine deficiency be related in some way to the current epidemic of hypothyroidism, breast, and prostate cancers? The protective function of Iodine in these tissues has not been described, but the fact that these tissues when healthy are replete with Iodine, and when diseased have little or no Iodine, leads one to think there is more than a casual link."
Summary of findings of Supplementing Iodine
Based on a review of the literature, and recent clinical research studies2-13, the concept of orthoiodosupplementation can be summarized as follows:
1. The nutrient iodine is essential for every cell of the human body requiring peripheral concentrations of inorganic iodide ranging from 10-6M to 10-5M.
2. In non-obese subjects without a defecting cellular transport system for iodine, these concentrations can be achieved with daily intake of 12.5 mg to 50 mg elemental iodine. The adult body retains approximately 1.5 gm iodine at sufficiency. At such time, the ingested iodine is quantitatively excreted in the urine as iodide.
3. The thyroid gland is the most efficient organ of the human body, capable of concentrating iodide by 2 orders of magnitude to reach 10-6M iodide required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones when peripheral levels of inorganic iodide are in the 10-8M range.
4. Goiter and cretinism are evidence of extremely severe iodine deficiency, because the smallest intake of iodine that would prevent these conditions, that is 0.05 mg per day, is 1000 times less than the optimal intake of 50 mg elemental iodine.
5. The thyroid gland has a protective mechanism, limiting the uptake of peripheral iodide to a maximum of 0.6 mg per day when 50 mg or more elemental iodine are ingested. This amount therefore would serve as a preventive measure against radioactive fallout.
6. An intake of 50 mg elemental iodine per day would achieve peripheral concentration of iodide at 10-5M, which is the concentration of iodide markedly enhancing the singlet triplet radiationless transition. Singlet oxygen causes oxidative damage to DNA and macromolecules, predisposing to the carcinogenic effects of these reactive oxygen species.5 This effect would decrease DNA damage, with an anticarcinogenic effect.
7. Preliminary data so far suggest that orthoiodosupplementation results in detoxification of the body from the toxic metals aluminum, cadmium, lead and mercury.
8. Orthoiodosupplementation increases urinary excretion of fluoride and bromide, decreasing the iodine-inhibiting effects of these halides.
9. Most patients on a daily intake ranging from 12.5 mg to 50 mg elemental iodine reported higher energy levels and greater mental clarity with 50 mg (4 tablets Iodoral), daily. The amount of iodine used in patients with Fibrocystic Disease of the Breast by Ghent et al20 is 0.1 mg/Kg BW per day, 10 times below the optimal daily intake of 50 mg. In our experience, patients with this clinical condition responded faster and more completely when ingesting 50 mg iodine/iodide per day.
10. For best results, orthoiodosupplementation should be part of a complete nutritional program, emphasizing magnesium instead of calcium.
11. A beneficial effect of orthoiodosupplementation was observed in the clinical conditions listed in Table I.5,7,12,13
12. The iodine/iodide loading test and serum inorganic iodide levels are reliable means of assessing whole body sufficiency for elemental iodine for quantifying the bioavailability of the forms of iodine ingested and for assessing cellular uptake and utilization of iodine by target cells.
13. Orthoiodosupplementation may be the safest, simplest, most effective and least expensive way to solve the healthcare crisis crippling our nation.
A) Iodine has other extrathyroidal functions that require more study. It removes toxic chemicals — fluoride, bromide, lead, aluminum, mercury — and biological toxins, suppresses auto-immunity, strengthens the T-cell adaptive immune system, and protects against abnormal growth of bacteria in the stomach
B) In addition to the thyroid and mammary glands, other tissues possess an iodine pump (the sodium/iodine symporter). Stomach mucosa, the salivary glands, and lactating mammary glands can concentrate iodine almost to the same degree as the thyroid gland (40-fold greater than its concentration in blood). Other tissues that have this pump include the ovaries; thymus gland, seat of the adaptive immune system; skin; choroid plexus in the brain, which makes cerebrospinal fluid; and joints, arteries and bone
C) The vast majority of people, 98 to 99 percent, can take iodine in doses ranging from 10 to 200 mg a day without any clinically adverse affects on thyroid function
D) Everyone agrees that a lack of iodine in the diet causes a spectrum of disorders that includes, in increasing order of severity, goiter and hypothyroidism, mental retardation, and cretinism (severe mental retardation accompanied by physical deformities-Prevention of breast disease requires higher doses of iodine. Indeed, a reasonable hypothesis is that, like goiters and cretinism, fibrocystic disease of the breast and breast cancer are iodine deficiency disorders (also uterine fibroids )
E ) The new truth is that the rest of the body also needs iodine, in milligram, not microgram amounts. Tell that to a thyroidologist and her response will call to mind this admonition on new truths.
F) These are the four most common formulations of inorganic (nonradioactive) iodine, as iodide (I-), and with or without molecular iodine (I2): Potassium iodide (KI) tablets, in doses ranging from 0.23 to 130 mg; super saturated potassium iodide (SSKI), 19—50 mg of iodide per drop; Lugol's solution, 6.3 mg of molecular iodine/iodide per drop; and Iodoral, each tablet containing 12.5 mg iodine/iodide. Both Lugol's solution and Ioderal are one-third molecular iodine (5%) and two-thirds potassium iodide (10%). Studies done to date indicate that the best iodine supplement is one that includes molecular iodine (I2), which breast tissue prefers
G) It is effective in gram amounts for treating various dermatologic conditions, chronic lung disease, fungal infestations, tertiary syphilis, and even arteriosclerosis
H) Their pharmacological action is as obscure as their effects in certain diseased conditions are consistently brilliant. Our ignorance of their mode of action is cloaked by the term deobstruent, which implies that they possess the power of driving out impurities from the blood and tissues. Most notably is this the case with the poisonous products of syphilis. In its tertiary stage — and also earlier — this disease yields in the most rapid and unmistakable fashion to iodides, so much so that the administration of these salts is at present the best means of determining whether, for instance, a cranial tumor be syphilitic or not."
I) They treat inflammatory dermatoses, like nodular vasculitis and pyoderma gangrenosum (shown below), with SSKI, beginning with an iodine dose of 900 mg a day, followed by weekly increases up to 6 grams a day as tolerated. Fungal eruptions, like sporotrichosis, are treated initially in gram amounts with great success. These lesions can disappear within two weeks after treatment with iodine
J) These investigators have found that iodine does indeed reverse fibrocystic disease; their diabetic patients require less insulin; hypothyroid patients, less thyroid medication; symptoms of fibromyalgia resolve, and patients with migraine headaches stop having them.
K) . Iodine removes the toxic halogens fluoride and bromide from the body. Iodism, an unpleasant brassy taste, runny nose, and acne-like skin lesions, is caused by the bromide that iodine extracts from the tissues. Symptoms subside on a lesser dose of iodine
Show of the Week March 28 2011
Specific Seed Saving Instructions for Common Vegetables
Exposure To Low Doses Of Mercury Changes The Way The Arteries Work
Mercury Contamination Of Fish Warrants Worldwide Public Warning
LIFE IN THE TIME OF CHEMTRAILS 1997-2009: YOU ARE NOW BREATHING ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE, VIRALLY MUTATED MOLDS, NANO-PARTICULATES OF ALUMINUM AND BARIUM AND CATIONIC POLYMER FIBERS WITH UNIDENTIFIED BIO-ACTIVE MATERIAL: "We the people have not been warned, advised or consulted but are certainly vulnerable to the outcomes." "Biologic components have been reported in airborne samples that include: modified molds, desiccated red blood cells and exotic strains of bacteria" <>Additionally, award winning investigative reporter, Will Thomas, has reported findings of over 300 types of virally mutated fungi in the chemtrail fall out. The Idaho Observer has reported findings of 26 metals including barium, aluminum and uranium, a variety of infectious pathogens and chemicals and drugs including sedatives in chemtrail fallout. Dr. R. Michael Castle reports the finding of cationic polymer fibers. Dr Hildegarde Staninger and Dr. Rahim Karjoom have reported findings of tiny parasitic nematode eggs of some type encased in the fibers. Additionally Drs. Staninger and Karjoom and researcher Jan Smith have reported findings of self-replicating nano-machines and rivers of silicon running wild through the bodies of the Morgellons infected. Researcher Clifford Carnicom has reported finding chemtrails fibers & abnormal blood cells that are an exact match with the bizarre fibers & blood cells found in those suffering from Morgellons Disease. Welcome to the brave new world of toxic skies, weather control, mind control and population control through the use of chemtrails modulated with electromagnetic frequencies generated by HAARP. Our health is under attack as evidenced by the skyrocketing rates of chemtrail induced lung cancer, asthma and pulmonary/respiratory problems as well as the emergence of a bizarre and frightening new plague, Morgellons Disease, an infection with a previously unknown agent that appears to be a synthesis of a bio lab created pathogen combined with self-replicating nano-technology. Over 60,000 families in the U.S. are now infected with Morgellons. I am one of the infected. My health and the health of my family has already been drastically affected. There is a main-stream media blackout on this subject so the only way to get the word out is by word of mouth. Realized or not people are already dying from chemtrail related illnesses. People are dying from Morgellons Disease. During this time of chemtrails a shocking drop in general life expectancy in the U.S. has occurred. This situation presents an immediate and serious threat to you, your family and loved ones. We must join together to stop this insane program of chemtrail spraying now. Some of you reading this may be in a position of influence and power to take significant action to bring chemtrails to a halt. Everyone can do something to help. Whatever your position or realm of influence please do whatever you can to bring an end to the aerosol spray program popularly known as Chemtrails. ADDED 7/13/2009 FUND RAISING FOR A CURE At this point just stopping the chemtrails will not be nearly enough. It is becoming increasingly apparent to researchers that virtually the entire population has most likely been infected by chemtrail pathogens that cause Morgellons Disease. The government to date has basically done nothing to fund research to find a cure for the Morgellons problem. Scientist, Clifford Carnicom has proven himself to be a dedicated and formidable researcher into Chemtrails/Morgellons for over a decade. Working on his own without funding he has managed to make many important discoveries about the nature of Morgellons disease and about the effects of chemtrails on the environment and the population. If you wish to donate to fund research for a cure The Carnicom Institute would be an excellent place to start. Copyright Glenn Boyle 2009
How can thorium affect people's health?
The principal concern from low to moderate level exposure to ionizing radiation is increased risk of cancer. Studies have shown that inhaling thorium dust causes an increased risk of developing lung cancer, and cancer of the pancreas. Bone cancer risk is also increased because thorium may be stored in bone.
How does thorium get into the body?
If inhaled as dust, some thorium may remain in the lungs for long periods of time, depending on the chemical form. If ingested, thorium typically leaves the body through feces and urine within several days. The small amount of thorium left in the body will enter the bloodstream and be deposited in the bones where it may remain for many years. There is some evidence that the body may absorb thorium through the skin, but that would not likely be the primary means of entry
What does thorium do once it gets into the body?
If inhaled as dust, some thorium may remain in the lungs for long periods of time, depending on the chemical form. If ingested, thorium typically leaves the body through feces and urine within several days. The small amount of thorium left in the body will enter the bloodstream and be deposited in the bones where it may remain for many years. There is some evidence that the body may absorb thorium through the skin, but that would not likely be the primary means of entry.
Thorium is a naturally-occurring, radioactive metal. Small amounts of--thorium are present in all rocks, soil, above-ground and underground water,plants, and animals. These small amounts of thorium contribute to the weak background radiation for such substances. Soil commonly contains an average of about 6 parts of thorium per million parts (ppm) of soil. Rocks in some underground mines may also contain thorium in a more concentrated form. After these rocks are mined, thorium is usually concentrated and changed into thorium dioxide or other chemical forms. Thorium-bearing rock that has had most of the thorium removed from it is called "depleted" ore or tailings.---More than 99% of natural thorium exists in the form (isotope)thorium-232. Besides this natural thorium isotope, there are more than 10 other different isotopes that can be artificially produced. In the environment, thorium-232 exists in various combinations with other minerals, such as silica. Most thorium compounds commonly found in the environment do not dissolve easily in water and do not evaporate from soil or water into the air. The thorium isotope-232 is not stable. It breaks down into two parts.This process of breaking down is called decay. The decay of thorium-232 produces a small part called "alpha" radiation and a large part called the--decay product. The decay product of thorium-232 also is not stable. Like thorium-232, it in turn breaks down to an unstable isotope and the process continues until a stable product is formed. During these decay processes, the parent thorium-232, its decay products, and their next decay products produce a series of new substances (including radium and radon), alpha and beta particles, and gamma radiation. The alpha particles can travel only very short distances through most materials and cannot go through human skin. The gamma radiation can travel farther and can easily go through human skin. The decay of thorium-232 into its decay products happens very slowly. In fact, it takes about 14 billion years for half the thorium-232 to change into new forms. Fourteen billion years is called the radioactive half-life of thorium-232.-- Since thorium is found almost everywhere, you will be exposed to small amounts of it in the air you breathe and in the food and water you eat and drink. Scientists know, roughly, the average amounts of thorium in food and drinking water. Most people in the United States eat some thorium with their food every day. Normally, very little of the thorium in lakes, rivers, and oceans gets into the fish or seafood we eat. The amounts in the air are usually so small that they can be ignored.—
Only a small amount of the thorium that you breathe or swallow in food,water, or soil enters your blood. One animal study has shown that thorium can enter the body if it is placed on the skin. After breathing thorium, you will usually sneeze, cough, or breathe out some of it within minutes. Some forms of thorium can stay in your lungs for long periods of time. However, in most cases, the small amount of thorium left in your lungs will leave your body in the feces and urine within days. After you eat or drink thorium, almost all of it leaves your body in the feces. The small amount of thorium left in your body may enter your bones from the blood and stay there for many years. The main way thorium will enter your body is by breathing dust contaminated with thorium. For further information on how thorium can enter and leave your body,--
Studies on thorium workers have shown that breathing thorium dust may
cause an increased chance of developing lung disease and cancer of the lung or pancreas many years after being exposed. Changes in the genetic material of body cells have also been shown to occur in workers who breathed thorium dust. Liver diseases and effects on the blood have been found in people injected with thorium in order to take special x-rays. Many types of cancer have also been shown to occur in these people many years after thorium was injected into their bodies. Since thorium is radioactive and may be stored in bone for a long time, bone cancer is also a potential concern for people exposed to thorium. Animal studies have shown that breathing in thorium may result in lung damage. Other studies in animals suggest drinking massive amounts of thorium can cause death from metal poisoning. The presence of large amounts of thorium in your environment could result in exposure to more hazardous radioactive decay products of thorium, such as radium and thoron, which is an isotope of radon. Radium and radon are the subjects of separate toxicological profiles prepared by ATSDR. Thorium is not known to cause birth defects or to affect the ability to have children. For further information on the health effects of thorium--
Progressive cirrhosis of the lungs was found in a subchronic inhalation study in rats (Likhachev et al. 1973a). Rats were exposed intermittently for 6-9 months to an inert aerosol (control), to the inert aerosol enriched with 10% or 49% insoluble thorium dioxide, or to thorium dioxide (100%) alone. The severity of the lung cirrhosis was directly related to the radiation dose and the amount of thorium dioxide. Cirrhosis of the lungs became evident in 3-6 months in the 100% thorium dioxide group, in 9-12 months in the 49% thorium dioxide group, in 12-15 months in the 10% thorium dioxide group, and in 18-24 months in the inert aerosol control group. At lung exposures of up to 150 rad, reticulosarcoma was found, while at lung exposures of 100-2700 rad, glandular cancerous tumors were found (see Section The tumors may have been caused by thorium dioxide; the exact amount of thorium administered was not clear from the report,
Biomarkers Used to Characterize Effects Caused by Thorium
Occupational and experimental studies have shown that the lung, liver, and hematopoietic system are the target organ systems following inhalation exposure to thorium. No relationship was found, however, between the measured body burden of thorium in exposed workers and complete blood count parameters (e.g., hemoglobin, red and white blood cell) (Conibear 1983). Target organs systems have not been identified for oral or dermal exposure to thorium. For further information on the health effects of thorium---POPUIATIONS THAT ARE UNUSUALLY SUSCEPTIBLE ---Neonatal animals have been found to absorb 20-40 times more thorium through the gastrointestinal tract than adult animals (Sullivan et al. 1980a, 1980b, 1983) indicating that children may be more susceptible to both the chemical and radiological effects of thorium than adults
Specific Seed Saving Instructions for Common Vegetables
Hello Tony
In a recent conversation I related to you the success I had recently experienced with the low (1-2 drops a day) intake of Lugol's Iodine. I had taken this low dose on and off for about 2 or 3 months when, at the end of February 2011 I noticed unexpectedly that I had no more pain in my breasts.
I had actually tried iodine because I was hoping to find something to help me with my "brain fogginess" which I have been suffering for at least 5 years, worsening with time and not improving now that I'm retired. Then I find that my breasts, which have been very sensitive since my 20's (and I'm 59 now) are completely pain free!
I will forward you some of the information I've found about iodine for your information and to pass on to others who are interested.
Thanks for all your work and encouragement to those of us who want to be well. God bless!
Exposure To Low Doses Of Mercury Changes The Way The Arteries Work
ScienceDaily (Oct. 27, 2008) — An international team of researchers has shown that mercury is another important factor in cardiovascular disease as it changes the way arteries work. One of the possible sources of exposure of humans to mercury is by eating contaminated fish.---The main effects of mercury affect the central nervous system and renal function. Over recent years the scientific community has reported an increase in cardiovascular risk following exposure to mercury, “although the mechanisms responsible for this increase are not completely known”, state the authors of the new study that has been published recently in the American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology explain.---Ana María Briones is a researcher at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid (UAM) and is one of the authors of the study. Briones explains the aim of the investigation to SINC: “Because the relationship between mercury and cardiovascular risk has been explained recently, and that cardiovascular risk is known to be related to changes in vascular function, we intended to see whether a relationship existed between mercury and changes in vascular responses”.--The aim of the study was to evaluate whether really low concentrations of mercury, administered over a prolonged period of time, “could have a prejudicial effect on vascular response”, that is to say, on the way the arteries behave.
Data confirm that low doses of mercury have a harmful effect on vascular function. Mercedes Salaices, one of the other authors of the study, emphasises that the impact of mercury “could be compared to the impact produced by other more traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes or hypercholesterolaemia”.
The researchers analysed whether chronic exposure to mercury causes an endothelial dysfunction in resistance and conductance arteries. Treatment with mercury induces an increase in oxidative stress, which is responsible – at least in part – for the deterioration in vascular responses. “Arteries contract more and relax less because there is less nitric oxide”, the vasodilator factor that is attacked by oxidative stress, underlines Briones.
The risk of exposure to mercury today
Humans have been exposed to different metal pollutants such as mercury, although the possible consequences to health are not known in depth. At the present time, exposure to mercury is due, mainly, to the consumption of polluted fish, to the administration of anti-fungal agents and Thimerosal antiseptics in vaccines and to the inhalation of mercury vapour from some dental re-constructions---The European Environment Agency (EEA) recommended a reference blood mercury concentration of 5.8 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). It is considered that there are no adverse effects below this level. Data reveal that the concentration of mercury in the general population is less than 1 ng/ml, whereas in workers who suffer exposure in polluted zones, the levels are between 7 and 10. The percentage reaches up to 5.6 ng/ml amongst people who eat fish on a regular basis.---Story Source--The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Plataforma SINC, via AlphaGalileo.
Mercury Contamination Of Fish Warrants Worldwide Public Warning
ScienceDaily (Mar. 12, 2007) — The health risks posed by mercury contaminated fish is sufficient to warrant issuing a worldwide general warning to the public, especially children and women of childbearing age, to be careful about how much and which fish they eat. --That is one of the key findings comprising "The Madison Declaration on Mercury Pollution" published today in a special issue of the international science journal Ambio. --Developed at the Eighth International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant last August in Madison, Wis., the declaration is a synopsis of the latest scientific knowledge about the danger posed by mercury pollution. It presents 33 principal findings from five synthesis papers prepared by the world's leading mercury scientists and published in the same issue of Ambio. The declaration and supporting papers summarize what is currently known about the sources and movement of mercury in the atmosphere, the socioeconomic and health effects of mercury pollution on human populations, and its effects on the world's fisheries and wildlife.
Five other major findings in the declaration were:
- On average, three times more mercury is falling from the sky today than before the Industrial Revolution 200 years ago as a result of the increasing use of mercury and industrial emissions.
- The uncontrolled use of mercury in small-scale gold mining is contaminating thousands of sites around the world, posing long-term health risks to an estimated 50 million inhabitants of mining regions. These activities alone contribute more than 10 percent of the mercury in Earth's atmosphere attributable to human activities today.
- Little is known about the behavior of mercury in marine ecosystems and methylmercury in marine fish, the ingestion of which is the primary way most people at all levels of society worldwide are exposed to this highly toxic form of mercury.
- Methylmercury exposure now constitutes a public health problem in most regions of the world.
- Methylmercury levels in fish-eating birds and mammals in some parts of the world are reaching toxic levels, which may lead to population declines in these species and possibly in fish populations as well.
"The policy implications of these findings are clear," said James Wiener, a Wisconsin Distinguished Professor at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse who served as technical chair for last summer's conference. "The declaration and detailed analyses presented in the five supporting papers clearly show that effective national and international policies are needed to combat this global problem." Published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Ambio ( is widely recognized as an important international forum for debate on scientific, social, economic and cultural issues affecting the human environment. ----Wiener said the Madison Declaration summarizes a year-long effort by many of the world's leading mercury scientists, assembled into four expert panels, to review and synthesize the major mercury science findings. Every member of all four scientific panels endorsed the declaration, he said. Wiener added that all 1,150 participants at the conference were invited to express their confidence in the experts' findings, and the vast majority of those who did so agreed with the experts' conclusions.
Other major findings in the declaration include:
- Increased mercury emissions from developing countries over the last 30 years have offset decreased emissions from developed nations.
- There is now solid scientific evidence of methylmercury's toxic health effects, particularly to the human fetus.
- New evidence indicates that methylmercury exposure may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, particularly in adult men.
- Increasing mercury concentrations are now being found in a number of fish-eating wildlife species in remote areas of the planet.
- The actual socioeconomic costs of mercury pollution are probably much greater than estimated because existing economic analyses don't consider mercury's impacts on ecosystems and wildlife.
- The concentration of methylmercury in fish in freshwater and coastal ecosystems can be expected to decline with reduced mercury inputs; however, the rate of decline is expected to vary among water bodies, depending on the characteristics of a particular ecosystem. Story Source-The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by University of Wisconsin-Madison, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.