Show of the Week JANUARY 2 2012
Show Of The Week January 6 2012
Show Of The Week January 9 2012
Show Of The Week January 13 2012
Show of the Week January 16 2012
Show of the Week January 20 2012
Show of the Week January 23 2012
Show of the Week January 27 2012
Show of the Week January 30 2012
Calcium may enhance probiotic survival in the gut, cut cholesterol levels
Probiotics may influence carbohydrate metabolism
Pineapple bromelain has anti-tumor properties
Serrapeptase’s Uses- Serrapeptase Effects and Heals
Calcium may enhance probiotic survival in the gut, cut cholesterol levels
Combining calcium phosphate supplements with probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei may enhance the colonization of the probiotic in the gut, and boost reductions in LDL cholesterol levels, says a new study with humans. -- Calcium in the form of pentacalcium hydroxy-triphosphate, combined with Lactobacillus paracasei (LPC37) was associated with significant reductions in total and LD cholesterol following four weeks of supplementation, and the results were greater than those observed for L. paracasei alone, according to findings published in Clinical Nutrition. --“To the best of our knowledge, there are no published studies examining the influence of a combinatory supplement consisting of probiotics and calcium phosphate on the faecal microbiota and on cholesterol metabolism in humans,” wrote researchers from Friedrich Schiller University Jena in Germany. --“The results of the present human study imply that calcium phosphate positively affects the colonization of LPC37 in the human gut under conditions of combinatory supplementation of calcium phosphateand LPC37.
“This combined supplementation is also capable of beneficially modulating blood lipids in healthy, hypercholesterolemic men and women.” --Probiotic potential - The study adds to the ever growing body of science supporting the potential benefits of probiotics. -- On Tuesday, an elegant study by Dr Jeff Gordon and his team at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis revealed that probiotic bacteria consumed in a yogurt may not change the host’s gut populations, but they do influence carbohydrate metabolism by the resident microbes. -- The new study suggests that calcium phosphate may enhance the activities of L. paracasei. --Study details --- Led by Gerhard Jahreis, the Jena, Germany-based researchers recruited 34 omnivorous men and women with moderately elevated blood cholesterol levels to participate in their double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. -- Participants were divided into two groups: One was provided with a probiotic drink containing 10 billion colony forming units (CFUs) per day of L. paracasei (Danisco) for four weeks, while the second group received the probiotic plus an additional gram of pentacalcium hydroxy-triphosphate. -- After the intervention period, all participants had a two week period without intervention – the so-called wash out period – followed by two weeks of receiving placebo. After this they were crossed over to the other intervention for another four weeks. --- Results showed that the combined intervention was associated with a significant reduction in total and LDL cholesterol levels, compared with the probiotic alone and placebo. ---“There are two possible explanations for this observation,” said the researchers, “either LPC37 and calcium phosphate act synergistically, or the cholesterol-lowering effect of LPC37 + calcium phosphate is due to the action of calcium phosphate in the human gut.” --- With reference to other studies that have shown an effect of calcium supplementations on blood lipids to a similar extent as measured in the current study, the researchers proposed that the “cholesterol-lowering effect is solely due to the calcium phosphate supplement”. -- In addition, the level of L. paracasei and all lactobacilli in the feces increase significantly following both the combined and probiotic only interventions, compared with placebo.
“There was a significantly positive correlation between the fecal concentration of calcium and the concentration of L. paracasei,” wrote the researchers.
“This supports the hypothesis that calcium phosphate positively influences the colonization of L. paracasei in the human gut.” Source: Clinical Nutrition Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2011.09.013 “A combination of calcium phosphate and probiotics beneficially influences intestinal lactobacilli and cholesterol metabolism in humans” Authors: U. Trautvetter, B. Ditscheid, M. Kiehntopf, G. Jahreis
Probiotics may influence carbohydrate metabolism
Probiotic bacteria consumed in a yogurt may not change the host’s gut populations, but they do influence carbohydrate metabolism by the resident microbes, according to an ‘elegant’ new study using identical twins and germ-free mice. --- Probiotics in a yogurt were not found to colonize the gut microflora when studied in identical twins, but additional study in mice revealed that ingestion of the probiotic bacteria produced a change in many metabolic pathways, particularly those related to carbohydrate metabolism. -- Researchers led by Dr Jeffrey Gordon at the Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, published their results yesterday in Science Translational Medicine. --- In an accompanying perspective article the study was described as “elegant” by Jordan Bisanz and Gregor Reid from the Lawson Health Research Institute at the University of Western Ontario.
Dr Gordon and his team have made a habit of advancing our understanding of gut microbe populations and their interactions with their hosts. In 2006, the St Louis-based researchers reported in Nature (Vol. 444, pp. 1022-1023, 1027-1031) that microbial populations in the gut are different between obese and lean people, and that when the obese people lost weight their microflora reverted back to that observed in a lean person, suggesting that obesity may have a microbial component. --Roadmap
“One of the questions that this field is asking is what are the effects of these organisms on individuals,” said Dr Gordon in an audio podcast with Science Translational Medicine . ---“Can we create a discovery pipeline where we can analyze their effects under highly controlled conditions – more controlled than we can achieve with human studies – and having interrogated those models, can we translate the information to humans to guide clinical trials, and gain a greater degree of insight about their effects?” -- And that is what the researchers appear to have created. According to Bisanz and Reid, “a valuable roadmap has now been produced to guide future research on how exogenous organisms affect the host – and specifically its microbiome”. --- In an email to NutraIngredients-USA, Prof Reid added: "The study is important as it tests a probiotic food in humans then investigates the mechanisms of action using a variety of state-of-the-art methods. The researchers then create a reduced microbiota in an animal and show that the effects of the probiotic can to some extent be mimicked." ---Study details -- Dr Gordon and his team examined the potential of four months of consuming a commercial yogurt containing Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis, two strains of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilis, and Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, in seven pairs of female twins in their 20s and 30s. Dr Gordon has not named the product to avoid being seen as endorsing it. --- The researchers also tested the effects of the yogurt in gnotobiotic mice, or mice that were completely germ-free except for the 15 specially introduced strains of bacteria that are present in the human gut. --- Results showed that, in both mice and humans, the probiotic yogurt did not modify the composition of the gut microbial communities. --- However, further analysis of using genome sequencing, and transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses, revealed a change in marked changes in numerous metabolic pathways, particularly those related to the processing of carbohydrates. --- According to Bisanz and Reid, “a real strength of [Dr Gordon’s] study is that ingestion of a fermented milk product, essentially a commercial probiotic yogurt, was monitored by having the microbial transcriptional responses from the animal model acting as biomarkers for interrogation of the metatranscriptome data sets of the human twins. ---“The apparent stability of the twins’ gut microbiota, despite a twice daily intake of the fermented milk product containing bifidobacteria and lactic acid-producing bacteria, demonstrates the remarkable ability of the host’s microbes to withstand the arrival of new strains of bacteria.”
What next? --- Dr Gordon and his co-workers note that his team’s experimental model could be used to identify biomarkers and other ‘mediators of the effects of existing or new probiotic strains’ The model may also help scientists identify potential new prebiotics that could also modify the metabolic effects of probiotic species. --- Bisanz and Reid added that the “incredible precision and thoroughness of [Dr Gordon’s] study will not be easy to duplicate, but they have certainly laid a valuable pathway for others to follow.” Source: Science Translational Medicine 26 October 2011, Volume 3, Issue 106, 106ra106 “The Impact of a Consortium of Fermented Milk Strains on the Gut Microbiome of Gnotobiotic Mice and Monozygotic Twins" Authors: N.P. McNulty, T. Yatsunenko; A. Hsiao, et al.
Pineapple bromelain has anti-tumor properties superior to the chemo-agent 5-fluorouracil. - In vivo antitumoral activity of stem pineapple (Ananas comosus) bromelain.
Abstract Source: Planta Med. 2007 Oct;73(13):1377-83. Epub 2007 Sep 24. PMID: 17893836
Abstract Author(s): Roxana Báez, Miriam T Lopes, Carlos E Salas, Martha Hernández
Abstract-----Stem bromelain (EC is a major cysteine proteinase,[U1] isolated from pineapple ( Ananas comosus) stem. Its main medicinal use is recognized as digestive, in vaccine formulation, antitumoral and skin debrider for the treatment of burns. To verify the identity of the principle in stem fractions responsible for the antitumoral effect, we isolated bromelain to probe its pharmacological effects. The isolated bromelain was obtained from stems of adult pineapple plants by buffered aqueous extraction [U2]and cationic chromatography. The homogeneity of bromelain was confirmed by reverse phase HPLC, SDS-PAGE and N-terminal sequencing. The in vivo antitumoral/antileukemic activity was evaluated using the following panel of tumor lines: P-388 leukemia, sarcoma (S-37), Ehrlich ascitic tumor (EAT), Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC), MB-F10 melanoma and ADC-755 mammary adenocarcinoma. Intraperitoneal administration [U3]of bromelain (1, 12.5, 25 mg/kg), began 24 h after tumor cell inoculation in experiments in which 5-fluorouracil (5-FU, 20 mg/kg) was used as positive control. The antitumoral activity was assessed by the survival increase (% survival index) following various treatments. With the exception of MB-F10 melanoma, all other tumor-bearing animals had a significantly increased survival index after bromelain treatment. The largest increase ( approximately 318 %) was attained in mice bearing EAT ascites and receiving 12.5 mg/kg of bromelain. This antitumoral effect was superior to that of 5-FU, whose survival index was approximately 263 %, relative to the untreated control. Bromelain significantly reduced the number of lung metastasis induced by LLC transplantation, as observed with 5-FU. The antitumoral activity of bromelain against S-37 and EAT, which are tumor models sensitive to immune system mediators, and the unchanged tumor progression in the metastatic model suggests that the antimetastatic action results from a mechanism independent of the primary antitumoral effect.
Pubmed Data : Planta Med. 2007 Oct;73(13):1377-83. Epub 2007 Sep 24. PMID: 17893836 Article Published Date : Oct 01, 2007
Study Type : Animal Study
Diseases : Cancer Metastasis : CK(230) : AC(120), Lung Cancer : CK(423) : AC(182)
Pharmacological Actions : Anti-metastatic : CK(152) : AC(95)
Additional Keywords : Drug: 5-flourouracil : CK(68) : AC(23), Food as Medicine : CK(15) : AC(6), Hall of Fame : CK(26) : AC(6), Superiority of Natural Substances versus Drugs : CK(776) : AC(172)
The plant materials were cleaned of residual soil and air-dried at room temperature. Plants were ground to a fine powder using a laboratory mill and passed through a 24 mesh sieve to generate a homogeneous powder, stored at room temperature (22–23 °C), and protected from light until extraction.
Methanolic extractions were conducted using 250 mg sample of each ground plant material, of the used parts (see Table (1), in 10 mL methanol (80%), at 37 °C for 3 h, in a shaking water bath. After cooling, the extract was centrifuged at 1500 g for 10 min, and the supernatant was recovered. The solvent was evaporated under vacuum at 40°C using a rotary evaporator. The solid residues were collected and stored in dry condition until analysis
( this is away to concentrate your remedy by allowing the materials to be in a solvent sealed and placed in 100degree water so that the materials will extract and become even more concentrated and then poured into a evaporator to remove all the alcohol and residue to all you have is a extract )
Preparation of Extract for In Vitro Assay
The tested extracts were initially dissolved in DMSO to give five different stock solutions with a concentration range of 0.625-10.0 mg/mL (0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 5.0 and 10mg/mL). Subsequently, 20 μL aliquot of each stock solution was used in the reaction mixture to give a final concentration range of 12.5- 200 μg/mL (12.5, 25, 25, 50 and 200 μg/mL).
Serrapeptase is known in several other names such as serralysin, serratiapeptase, serratia peptidase, serratio peptidase, or serrapeptidase and is derived from the microorganism called Serratiopeptidase which is found present in the intestines of silkworm which allows the emerging moth to dissolve its cocoon. Serrapeptase is produced by purification from culture of Serratia E-15 bacteria.
It is an enzyme that eats or digests non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque, inflammation, internal scar tissue as well as help with new external scars by either converting it into amino acids or excreted in the normal manner. Here are a few uses for Serrapeptase:
As a natural solution to pain & inflammation--With Serrapeptase, chronic inflammation can be resolved or minimized in a natural and balanced way. Symptoms of inflammation disappear within 1 to 2 weeks but health practitioners normally recommend administration for up to 4 weeks to reassess the condition. --As a natural alternative to NSAIDs--Since the discovery of Serrapeptase and its wonderful healing properties with inflammation, it has become the favored choice compared to salicylates, ibuprofen and the more potent NSAIDs. Because Serrapeptase is naturally occurring, there fore no inhibitory effects on prostaglandins have been recorded and is devoid of gastrointestinal side effects.
As an alternative to Warfarin---Warfarin is known for its blood thining properties that is why the proper dosage each time is sued and monitored. Serrapeptase also has blood thinning properties though not as potent as Warfarin. Many natural remedies and dietary improvements will thin the blood naturally that is why a doctor’s recommendation is always needed. Though that, blood thinning at certain levels is good as it makes the blood healthy if the blood is already too thick and the platelets are sticking together. Serrapeptase does not thin blood in an unhealthy way, rather it promotes healthy production of blood cells to stop chronic inflammation.
As treatment for arterial blockage---Dr. Hans Neiper’s findings for serrepeptase is probably the main reason why serrapeptase is popular. Dr. Hans found that Serrapeptase has properties of treating arterial blockage in his coronary patients. It works by dissolving blood clots and shrinking varicose veins. Several of Dr. Hans’ patients who were scheduled for amputation recovered quickly through treatments of Serrapeptase. Serrapeptase is always known as a natural anti-inflammatory and as a strong protease that can dissolves the dead proteins that bind the plaque blocking the arteries. ---As a natural inflammation treatment for: Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Osteoporosis, Lupus, Diabetes, MS, Headaches and Migraines caused by inflammation --Lungs – Emphysema, Bronchitis, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Bronchial Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, Bronchiectasis etc ,Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s, Colitis etc, Inflammation in joints or muscles e.g. Fibromyalgia, Repetitive strain injuries, Breast Engorgement, Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Cysts, Cardiovascular Disease, Arterial Disease, Angina, Blood clots, Varicose Veins, Eye, nose and throat problems from inflammation or blocked veins – ear infections, hayfever, swollen glands, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, runny nose,Sports Injuries, traumatic swelling, post operative swellings, leg ulcers Post operative healing -Enlarged Prostate
Serrapeptase Effects and Heals - can safely remove inflammation and dead tissue that causes pain, blocked arteries, varicose veins, lung problems and other common symptoms.--Serrapeptase, serrazyme, Serraplus+, serraplus+, inflammation, blocked arteries, varicose veins, dead tissue, lung problems, scar tissue, scars, Pain, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis, back problems, Diabetes, Leg Ulcers, Osteoporosis, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, Prostate Problems, Repetitive Strain (RSI) Carpal Tunnel, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Breast Engorgement, Cystitis, joints or muscles, Fibromyaligia, Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Headaches, Migranes, Inflammatory bowel diseases, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s, IBS, Lupus, Lung, Chest, Asbestosis, Miners and Farmers Lung, Bronchietasis, Bronchial Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Cystic Fibrosis, Emphysema, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Eye Problems, Blocked veins, Multiple Sclerosis, MS, Neurological problems, Damaged Nerves, Ear, Nose, Throat problems, Chronic ear infections, Catarrhal Rhinopharyngitis, Hayfever, Sore Throat, Swollen Glands, Laryngitis, Runny nose, Rhinitis, Sinusitis problems, Trauma, Sports Injuries prevention.
Serrapeptase Reference
l.. Kee WH. Tan SL, Lee V. Salmon YM. The treatment of breast engorgement with Serrapeptase (Danzen): a random ized double-blind controlled trial. Singapore Med J. 1989:30(1):48-54.
2. M izukoshi, D. et al. A double-blind clinical study of serrapeptase in the treatment of chronic sinusitis. Igaku Ayrni 109:50-62.1979.
3. Carratu, L. et al. Physio-chemical and rheological research on mucolytic activity of serrapeptase in chronic broncho-pneumopathies. Curr. Ther. Res. 28(6):937-951. 1980.
4. Braga, P.C. et al. Effects of serrapeptase on muco-ciliary clearance in patients with chronic bronchitis. Curr. Ther. Res. 29(5):738-744,1981.
5. Mazzonie, A. et al. Evaluation of serrapeptase in acute or chronic inflammation of otorhinolaryngology pathology: a multicentre, double-blind randomized trial versus placebo. J. int. Med. Res. 18(5):379-388,1990.
6. Kakinumu, A. et al. Regression of fibrinolysis in scalded rats by administration of serrapeptase. Biochem. Pharmacol. 31:2861-2866,1982.
7. Marly, M. Enzymotherapie anti-inflammatoire a l'aide de la serrapeptase: resultats cliniques en traumatologie et en ORL. C RTherapeut. 3:9-19,1985.
8. Odagiri, J. et al. Clinical applications of serrapeptase in sinusitis. Med. Consult. New Remedy 6:201-209, 1979.
9. Yamazaki, J. et al. Anti-inflammatory activity of TSP, a protease produced by a strain of Serratia. Folia Pharmacol. Japon. 6^302-314,1967.
I0. Harad~, Y. Clinical efficacy of serrapeptase on buccal swelling after radical operation for chronic sinusitis. Igaku Ayumi 123:768-778.1982.
1 I. Matsudo, A. et at. Effect of serrapeptase (Danzen) on inflammatory edema following operation for thyroid disease. Med. Consult. New Remedy 18:171-175, 1981.
12. Fujitani, T. et al. Effect of anti-inflammatory agent on transfer of antibiotics to the maxillary sinus mucosa in chronic sinusitis. Otorhinolaryngol. Clin. North Am. 66:557-565. 1976.
13. Tago. T. and Mitsui, S. Effects of serrapeptase in dissolution of sputum, especially in patients with bronchial asthma. Jap. Clin. Exp. Med. 49:222-228, 1972.
14. Mazzonie, A. et al. Evaluation of serrapeptase in acute or chronic inflammation of otorhinolaryngology pathology: a multicentre, double-blind randomized trial versus placebo. J. int. Med. Res. 18(5):379-388,1990.
15. Kase, Y. et al. A new method for evaluating mucolytic expectorant activity and its application. II. Application to two proteolytic enzymes, serrapeptase and seaprose. Arzneimittelforschung 32:374-378,1982.
16. Marriott, C. Modification of the rheoloaical properties of mucus by drugs. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 144^75-84, 1982.
17. Majima. Y. et al. Effects of orally administered drugs on dynamic viscoelasticity of human nasal mucus. Am. Rev. Respit. Dis. 141:79-83.1990.
18. Miyata, K. Intestinal absorption of serrapeptase. J ApplBiochem. 1980:2:111-16.
19. Aso T. et al. Breast engorgement and its treatment: Clinical effects of Danzen (serrapeptase) an anti-inflammatory enzyme preparation. The world of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Japanese). 1981:33:371-9.
20. Esch PM, Gemgross H. Fabian A. Reduction of postoperative swelling. Objective measurement of swelling of the upper ankle joint in treatment with serrapeptase-a prospective study (German). FortschrMed. 1989; 107(4):67-8, 71-2.
21. Majima Y, lnagaki M, Hirata K. Takeuchi K, M orishita A, Sakakura Y. The effect of an orally administered proteolytic enzyme on the elasticity and viscosity of nasal mucus. Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 1988;244(6):355-9.
22. Selan L, Berlutti F, Passariello C. Comodi-Ballanti MR, Thaller MC. ?roteolytic enzymes: a new treatment strategy for prosthetic infections? Antimicrob Agents Cheroother. 1993; 37(12):2618-21.
23. Koyama A, Mori J, Tokuda H, Waku M, Anno H, Katayama T, Murakami K, Komatsu H, Hirata M, Arai T, et al. Augmentation by serrapeptase of tissue permeation by cefotiam (Japanese). Jpn JAntibiot. 1986; 39(3):761-7
Show Of The Week January 6 2012
Artificial sweetener consumption is associated with urinary tract tumors.– Aceslfame K
Effect of a Herbal-Leucine mix on the IL-1β-induced cartilage degradation and inflammatory gene expression in human chondrocytes.
Anti-tumorigenic activity of five culinary and medicinal herbs grown under greenhouse conditions and their combination effects
DHA used in infant formula products comes from genetically modified algae
Antioxidant capacity of hesperidin from citrus peel using electron spin resonance and cytotoxic activity against human carcinoma cell lines.
Artificial sweetener consumption is associated with urinary tract tumors. – Aceslfame K
Artificial sweetener consumption and urinary tract tumors in Cordoba, Argentina.
Prev Med. 2008 Jul;47(1):136-9. Epub 2008 Apr 8. PMID: 18495230
Abstract Author(s): M M Andreatta, S E Muñoz, M J Lantieri, A R Eynard, A Navarro Article Affiliation:
Escuela de Nutrición, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. Abstract:
OBJECTIVE: To determine the role of the habitual use of the most common artificial sweeteners (AS) in the development of urinary tract tumors (UTT) in Argentina. METHODS: Case-control study of 197 patients with histologically confirmed UTT of transitional varieties, and 397 controls with acute, non-neoplastic, and non-urinary tract diseases, admitted to the same hospitals in Córdoba (Argentina) between 1999 and 2006. All subjects were interviewed about their use of AS and their exposure to other known or suspected risk factors for UTT. RESULTS: Fifty-one UTT patients (26%) and 87 controls (22%) used AS. The risk of UTT was significantly increased in long-term (>or =10 years) AS users compared with none-AS users. The OR (95% CI) for long-term consumers was 2.18 (1.22-3.89) and for short-term users was 1.10 (0.61-2.00) after adjustment for age, gender, BMI, social status. and years of tobacco use. CONCLUSION: Regular use of AS for 10 years or more was positively associated with UTT.--Study Type : Human Study
Effect of a Herbal-Leucine mix on the IL-1β-induced cartilage degradation and inflammatory gene expression in human chondrocytes.
BMC Complement Altern Med. 2011;11:66-Authors: Akhtar N, Miller MJ, Haqqi TM
BACKGROUND: Conventional treatments for the articular diseases are often effective for symptom relief, but can also cause significant side effects and do not slow the progression of the disease. Several natural substances have been shown to be effective at relieving the symptoms of osteoarthritis (OA), and preliminary evidence suggests that some of these compounds may exert a favorable influence on the course of the disease. The objective of this study was to investigate the anti-inflammatory/chondroprotective potential of a Herbal and amino acid mixture containing extract of the Uncaria tomentosa, ( cats claw) Boswellia spp ( myrrh or frankinsense )., Lepidium meyenii( maca ) and L-Leucine on the IL-1β-induced production of nitric oxide (NO), glycosaminoglycan (GAG), matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), aggrecan (ACAN) and type II collagen (COL2A1) in human OA chondrocytes and OA cartilage explants.---METHODS: Primary OA chondrocytes or OA cartilage explants were pretreated with Herbal-Leucine mixture (HLM, 1-10 μg/ml) and then stimulated with IL-1β (5 ng/ml). Effect of HLM on IL-1β-induced gene expression of iNOS, MMP-9, MMP-13, ACAN and COL2A1 was verified by real time-PCR. Estimation of NO and GAG release in culture supernatant was done using commercially available kits. --RESULTS: HLM tested in these in vitro studies was found to be an effective anti-inflammatory agent, as evidenced by strong inhibition of iNOS, MMP-9 and MMP-13 expression and NO production in IL-1β-stimulated OA chondrocytes (p < 0.05). Supporting these gene expression results, IL-1β-induced cartilage matrix breakdown, as evidenced by GAG release from cartilage explants, was also significantly blocked (p < 0.05). Moreover, in the presence of herbal-Leucine mixture (HLM) up-regulation of ACAN and COL2A1 expression in IL-1β-stimulated OA chondrocytes was also noted (p < 0.05). The inhibitory effects of HLM were mediated by inhibiting the activation of nuclear factor (NF)-kB in human OA chondrocytes in presence of IL-1β.
CONCLUSION: Our data suggests that HLM could be chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory agent in arthritis, switching chondrocyte gene expression from catabolic direction towards anabolic and regenerative, and consequently this approach may be potentially useful as a new adjunct therapeutic/preventive agent for OA or injury recovery.---PMID: 21854562 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]--You can do this several ways---anytime you increase nitric oxide reduce inflammation ( sodium phosphate) cayenne and tumeric and pineapple –you may see this sort of thing reverse---especially when adding gelatin and comfrey to your daily regimen---or utilizing anti catabolic ( stops the break down of muscle and tissue) substances or materials or foods.************************************************************************
Anti-tumorigenic activity of five culinary and medicinal herbs grown under greenhouse conditions and their combination effects.
J Sci Food Agric. 2011 Aug 15;91(10):1849-54
Authors: Yi W, Wetzstein HY
BACKGROUND: Herbs and spices have been used as food preservatives, flavorings, and in traditional medicines for thousands of years. More and more scientific evidence supports the medicinal properties of culinary herbs. Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in the USA, and the fourth most common form of cancer worldwide. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the antitumor activity of five selected herbs grown under greenhouse conditions, and to study the potential synergistic effects among different herbal extract combinations.
RESULTS: Thyme, rosemary, sage, spearmint, and peppermint extracts significantly inhibited SW-480 colon cancer cell growth, with sage extracts exhibiting the highest bioactivity, with 50% inhibition at 35.9 µg mL⁻¹, which was equivalent to 93.9 µg dried leaves mL⁻¹ of culture medium. Some mixtures of different herbal extracts had combination effects on cancer cell growth. The inhibitory effects of peppermint + sage combinations at a 1:1 ratio were significantly higher than rosemary + sage combinations at 1:1 ratio, although peppermint extracts showed lower inhibition than rosemary extracts.--CONCLUSION: Extracts from herb species (thyme, rosemary, sage, spearmint and peppermint) can significantly inhibit the growth of human colon cancer cells. Mixtures of herb extracts can have combination effects on cancer cell growth. The study suggests that these five herbs may have potential health benefits to suppress colon cancer.PMID: 21452174 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]***********************************************************************
DHA used in infant formula products comes from genetically modified algae
One of the most vulnerable segments of the population -- infants -- are being affected as chemical giant Martek Biosciences uses cronyism to have its patented GMO products classified as organic. The National Organic Program is trying to correct this, but in the meantime the "organic" infant formula or baby food parents feed their children could contain industrial Frankenfood.
History of Irresponsibility----The story of how this state of affairs came about reveals much on how politics and profit can undermine food safety. Here's a timeline on how the word "organic" is being undermined, creating a health threat for babies who are fed with formula.
2002: Food manufacturers begin supplementing infant formula and baby food with synthetic forms of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA). These polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, naturally present in breast milk, are important components of the human brain and eyes. Although the form of DHA/ARA used in infant formulas is structurally incompatible with the form found in human milk, food manufacturers market their products with the claim that their formulas will make babies more intelligent.
2006: In spite of the fact that its synthetic DHA/ARA is from laboratory-grown fermented algae and fungus through the use of hexane, a petroleum by-product and EPA-identified neurotoxin, Martek applies for organic status for its products. The USDA's National Organic Program (NOP) tells Martek its synthetic DHA and ARA does not quality as organic. Martek attorney J. Friedman ignores the decision of NOP staff and contacts NOP director Barbara Robinson to have the decision reversed.
2009: A front page Washington Post article, "Integrity of Federal 'Organic' Label Questioned" uncovers the Martek story. The article quotes Martek's lawyer saying "I called Robinson up, I wrote an e-mail. It was a simple matter."
2002-2010: Parents and medical professionals observe reactions in babies fed with products containing Life's DHA, the product name Martek gives its patented GMO version of naturally occurring fatty acids. The range of infant health problems includes difficulties breathing and gastrointestinal disorders. When affected babies are no longer fed the formula, the ailments disappear. Although Freedom of Information Act requests reveal hundreds of FDA adverse event reports, the FDA is slow to react.
2011: FDA announces it will investigate claims that DHA/ARA infant formulas support brain and eye development. The National Organic Program is now trying to remedy its 2006 decision by asking Martek to formally ask permission of the NOP's National Organic Standards Board to use its DHA and AHA in organic products.Products Containing this GMO
In the meantime, Life's DHA is being sold in many so-called organic brands which many consumers trust. Paying higher prices for products labeled as organic does not necessarily mean your family's food does not include this particular Frankenfood. From Martek's own website, here is a list of infant formulas containing their product which is both genetically modified and typically manufactured using a known toxin:
Earth's Best Organic Soy with DHA & ARA (Hain Celestial Group)
Enfamil LIPIL (Mead Johnson Nutritionals)
Enfamil Next Step (Mead Johnson)
Isomil 2 Advance (Abbott Laboratories)
Nestle Good Start Supreme with DHA & ARA (Nestle USA)
Parent's Choice Organic (Wal-Mart)
Similac Advance (Abbott Nutrition)
Ultra Bright Beginnings Lipids (PBM Products, LLC)
There is also a long list of pre-natal supplements as well as vitamins and dietary supplements for infants, children and adults containing this product. A surprisingly wide range of foods and beverages use this GMO substance including Apple Bran Muffins sold at Starbucks; Farm Pride Omega-3 Eggs; Horizon Organic Milk; Kroger Active Lifestyle Premium Light OJ Beverage; Minute Maid Enhanced Pomegranate Blueberry Juice; Pediasure Children's Beverage; Pompeian OlivExtra Plus and Silk Soymilk. The list of products containing this GMO is multinational, with products in many countries across the globe. If you want to check whether a supplement, food, or beverage you use contains Life's DHA, the full list is here:**************************************************************************
Antioxidant capacity of hesperidin from citrus peel using electron spin resonance and cytotoxic activity against human carcinoma cell lines.
Pharm Biol. 2011 Mar;49(3):276-82---Authors: Al-Ashaal HA, El-Sheltawy ST
CONTEXT: Hesperidin is a flavonoid that has various pharmacological activities including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral activities.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is the isolation of hesperidin from the peel of Citrus sinensis L. (Rutaceae), and the evaluation of its antioxidant capacity and cytotoxicity against different human carcinoma cell lines.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the present work, hesperidin is identified and confirmed using chromatographic and spectral analysis. To correlate between hesperidin concentration and antioxidant capacity of peel extracts, extraction was carried out using 1% HCl-MeOH, MeOH, alkaline solution, the concentration of hesperidin determined qualitatively and quantitatively using high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis, in vitro antioxidant capacity of hesperidin and the extracts against free radical diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH•) performed using an electron spin resonance spectrophotometer (ESR). Cytotoxic assay against larynx, cervix, breast and liver carcinoma cell lines was performed.- RESULTS: Hesperidin was found to be moderately active as an antioxidant agent; its capacity reached 36%. In addition, the results revealed that hesperidin exhibited pronounced anticancer activity against the selected cell lines. IC₅₀ were 1.67, 3.33, 4.17, 4.58 µg/mL, respectively.-- DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Orange peels are considered to be a cheap source for hesperidin which may be used in the pharmaceutical industry as a natural chemopreventive agent. Hesperidin and orange peel extract could possess antioxidant properties with a wide range of therapeutic applications.--PMID: 21323480 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Show Of The Week January 9 2012
Delay Breastfeeding to "Improve" Vaccination?
Senators Give Supplements a Lifeline
When Overeating, Calories -- Not Protein -- Contribute to Increase in Body Fat
Fountain of Youth in Bile- Longevity Molecule Identified
Cancer-Killing Compound Spares Healthy Cells- Lithocholic acid
Delay Breastfeeding to "Improve" Vaccination?
Over the course of the past few years, we have been gathering studies from the US National Library of Medicine on the adverse, unintended health effects of vaccination [1], in an attempt to offset the one-sided propaganda foisted upon the public, namely, that all vaccines are unequivocally "safe" and "effective," a priori. ---Along the way, we happened upon a 2010 study [2] published in the Journal of Pediatric Infections & Diseases which has been shared more than any other article on our database, and which suggests that breastfeeding should be delayed in order to prevent immune factors within breast milk from inactivating vaccine-associated antibody titer elevations and "vaccine potency." The concluded the study with the following statement:--"INTERPRETATION: The lower immunogenicity and efficacy of rotavirus vaccines in poor developing countries could be explained, in part, by higher titers of IgA and neutralizing activity in breast milk consumed by their infants at the time of immunization that could effectively reduce the potency of the vaccine. Strategies to overcome this negative effect, such as delaying breast-feeding at the time of immunization, should be evaluated."---It is not difficult to comprehend what caused the flurry of interest in this study. Readers were a the obviously disturbed by the suggestion that women in the underdeveloped world temporarily stop breast feeding (often the only source of infant nutrition) in order to increase the vaccine's purported "efficacy." Are we to assume that these breast milk deprived infants should consume formula* in the interim? And to what end? So that the vaccine can generate a temporary spike in antibody production, which is no measure of real-world effectiveness? ---*Note: Infant formula has been linked to 48 adverse effects [3], including increased mortality.---First, it should be made clear that the term "efficacy," when used in the context of a vaccine's antibody-elevating effects, does not equate to effectiveness, i.e. whether or not a vaccine actually works in real life to protect against the infectious agent of concern.--It is this semantic trick (conflating and confusing "efficacy" with "effectiveness") which convinces most of the "developed" world that vaccine research is "evidence-based" and focused on creating enhanced immunity, when in fact it is primarily a highly successful business enterprise dependent on defrauding its "customers" of both their money and health. The dangers of common vaccines [1] are so well known by "health experts," and the manufacturers who produce, them that their risk (like nuclear power) is underwritten by world governments. The importance of this fact can not be overestimated or understated.-----------Introducing foreign pathogenic DNA, chemicals, metals, preservatives, etc., into the body through a syringe will generate a response not unlike kicking a bee hive. The harder you kick that beehive, the greater will be the "efficacy" (i.e. elevated antibodies), but the actual affinity that these antibodies will have for the antigen (i.e. pathogen) of concern, can not be guaranteed; nor must the vaccine reseachers prove antibody-antigen affinity to receive FDA approval. --Also, valuable immune resources are wasted by generating "false flag" responses to threats which may not readily exist in the environment, e.g. there are over 200 forms of influenza A, B & C which can cause the symptoms associated with annual influenza A, so the seasonal trivalent flu vaccine only takes care of little more than 1% of the possible vectors of infection - and often at the price of distracting resources away from real threats and exhausting and/or damaging the entire immune apparatus. Truth be told, there is actually a shocking lack of evidence to support flu vaccines [4], in any age or population.---What's worse, the vaccine response can "blow back" causing loss of self-tolerance and, via the resultant Th2 dominant immune system, the body can attack itself (auto-immunity). In the meantime, the first line of defense against infection (Th1) is compromised and this "front door" can be left wide open to unmet infectious challenges.---It is clear that one can create a synthetic immune response through vaccination, but it is not likely to result in enhanced immunity, insofar as real-world effectiveness is concerned, which is the only true judge of whether a vaccine is valuable or not. One might view the basic criteria used by vaccine researchers, namely, that generating elevated antibody titers proves the value of the vaccine, oppositely: proving the vaccine is causing harm to the developing infant by generating unnecessarily elevated antibodies by any means necessary, i.e. throwing the chemical and biological kitchen sink at the immune system, e.g. aluminum, phenol, diploid (aborted fetal) cells, peanut oil, pertactin, etc. --In the same way that secretory IgA from breast milk [5] deactivates a broad range of "natural" antigenic challenges for the infant, this breast milk derived, indispensable immune factor also deactivates the inherently disruptive and immunotoxic antibody-generating vaccine antigens and adjuvants. Rather than view this as the "enemy," the reduction in antibodies that accompanies a well-nourished breastfed infant's blood work, after the highly invasive and unnatural introduction of a vaccine, is a sign of health, not disease.----This study struck a deep psychic chord out there. Images of phallic syringes stabbing away jealously at the symbolic breast of Nature come to mind, as the increasingly invasive ethos of modern medicine -- always attempting to "improve on Nature" -- drives us sick, mentally and physically. Can't we just leave the timeless wisdom of mothering and nourishing that is woven into the mother-infant dyad alone?
Additional Topics:
Infant Formula: Risk Factor for 48 Diseases [3]
Breast Feeding: Risk Reduction for 59 Diseases [6]
Vaccination Research Database [1]
Article: Infant Formula For Disaster [7]
Vaccine researchers have suggested delaying breastfeeding to "improve" vaccine efficacy. Images of phallic syringes stabbing away jealously at the symbolic breast of Nature come to mind, as the increasingly invasive ethos of modern medicine -- always attempting to "improve on Nature" -- drives us sick, mentally and physically. Can't we just leave the timeless wisdom of mothering and nourishing that is woven into the mother-infant dyad alone?
Source URL:
Senators Give Supplements a Lifeline
Will it be enough to rein in FDA’s outrageous power grab?
ANH-USA, together with a number of supplement trade organizations, went to Capitol Hill to plead our case about the FDA’s profoundly flawed NDI (new supplement) draft guidance in the offices of two powerful senators and longtime friends of natural health, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT). Our visit was preceded by all the letters you have been sending to Congress, which have immeasurably increased the visibility of this issue. As you know, if this draft guidance stands, it would allow FDA to arbitrarily deny the sale of any supplement created (or modified) in the past seventeen years [1]. Immediately after this meeting, Sens. Harkin and Hatch wrote to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg and formally asked the FDA to withdraw its guidance document.-------The senators urged FDA to begin work on a new draft that provides needed clarification on what constitutes a New Dietary Ingredient (NDI)—but, in their words, does not undermine Congress’s desire to provide consumers with access to safe, affordable dietary supplement products. Exactly!--------These senators were uniquely qualified to make such a request, since they were the principal authors of DSHEA, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. “When Congress included language in the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) directing FDA to clarify when a dietary supplement ingredient is a new dietary ingredient, the expectation was that the guidance would be consistent with DSHEA,” they write. “Unfortunately, the draft guidance serves to undermine DSHEA in a number of important respects.”
They go on to outline the various arguments that we have been making in these pages for some time:
- The requirement for a manufacturer to submit an NDI notification for every dietary supplement containing an NDI is directly contrary to the language of DSHEA, which requires notification only of the intent to use an NDI;
- This new requirement is burdensome and would impose substantial additional costs on manufacturers, would not provide additional safety benefits, and would undermine access to the safe, affordable nutritional supplements that DSHEA was designed to ensure;
- The NDI guidance’s assertion that synthetic copies of ingredients can never be a dietary ingredient is without any statutory basis, and is contrary to longstanding FDA policy; and
- This guidance is contrary to Congressional intent by grandfathering in only ingredients that were marketed before the enactment of DSHEA—such an argument is particularly specious since “the term dietary supplement wasn’t even defined prior to DSHEA”!
The senators requested that FDA meet with interested parties to work through all of the issues raised in our and others’ comments. Fortunately, FDA can’t just ignore the senators’ request, because the agency is required to work within legislative intent. Otherwise they would be creating new law—which legally they cannot do. This is one of the arguments we have been making all along—that FDA is in fact making new law with this draft guidance, and now Congress is calling them on it!----We would like to thank Senators Harkin and Hatch for being such stalwart champions of natural health, and for their leadership in this battle to prevent the FDA from usurping powers that they are not legally entitled to. We also want to thank every one of you for contacting Congress and the FDA and being such a vital part of this process.---We aren’t out of the woods yet—we’ll have another update soon with additional action items for you. The time may come for more specific legislative action, and we may find ourselves battling FDA in the courts as well. That’s why your continued support and activism is so terribly important. Together we can win this one, preserve your access to supplements, and keep supplements from costing as much as drugs.
Article printed from Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health – USA:
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[1] it would allow FDA to arbitrarily deny the sale of any supplement created (or modified) in the past seventeen years:
When Overeating, Calories -- Not Protein -- Contribute to Increase in Body Fat
ScienceDaily (Jan. 3, 2012) — In a study conducted among 25 healthy individuals living in a controlled setting who were randomized to overconsumption of different levels of protein diets, those consuming the low-protein diet had less weight gain compared to those consuming normal and high protein diets, and calories alone, and not protein appeared to contribute to an increase in body fat, according to a study in the January 4 issue of JAMA. The researchers also found that protein did contribute to changes in energy expenditure and lean body mass.-----"Obesity has become a major public health concern with more than 60 percent of adults in the United States categorized as overweight and more than 30 percent as obese," according to background information in the article. The role of diet composition in response to overeating and energy dissipation is unclear.--George A. Bray, M.D., of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, La., and colleagues conducted a study to determine whether the level of dietary protein differentially affected body composition, weight gain, or energy expenditure under tightly controlled conditions. The randomized controlled trial included 25 U.S. healthy, weight-stable male and female volunteers, ages 18 to 35 years, with a body mass index between 19 and 30. The first participant was admitted to the inpatient metabolic unit in June 2005 and the last in October 2007. After consuming a weight-stabilizing diet for 13 to 25 days, participants were randomized to receive diets containing 5 percent of energy from protein (low protein), 15 percent (normal protein), or 25 percent (high protein), which they were overfed during the last 8 weeks of their 10- to 12-week stay in the inpatient metabolic unit. Compared with energy intake during the weight stabilization period, the protein diets provided approximately 40 percent more energy intake, which corresponds to 954 calories a day.---All participants in the study gained weight and there were no differences by sex. The rate of weight gain in the low protein diet group was significantly less than in the other 2 groups (6.97 lbs. [3.16 kg] vs. 13.3 lbs [6.05 kg] for the normal protein diet group and 14.4 lbs [6.51 kg] in the high protein diet group).--"Body fat increased similarly in all 3 protein diet groups and represented 50 percent to more than 90 percent of the excess stored calories. Resting energy expenditure, total energy expenditure, and body protein did not increase during overfeeding with the low protein diet," the authors write.-Lean body mass (body protein) decreased during the overeating period by 1.5 lbs. (0.70 kg) in the low protein diet group compared with a gain of 6.3 lbs. (2.87 kg) in the normal protein diet group and 7 lbs. (3.18 kg) in the high protein diet group. Resting energy expenditure (normal protein diet: 160 calories/day; high protein diet: 227 calories/day) increased significantly with the normal and high protein diets.-"In summary, weight gain when eating a low protein diet (5 percent of energy from protein) was blunted compared with weight gain when eating a normal protein diet (15 percent of energy from protein) with the same number of extra calories. Calories alone, however, contributed to the increase in body fat. In contrast, protein contributed to the changes in energy expenditure and lean body mass, but not to the increase in body fat," the researchers write. "The key finding of this study is that calories are more important than protein while consuming excess amounts of energy with respect to increases in body fat."
Editorial: Overeating and Overweight -- Extra Calories Increase Fat Mass While Protein Increases Lean Mass----In an accompanying editorial, Zhaoping Li, M.D., Ph.D., and David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of California, Los Angeles, write that the results of this study "informs primary care physicians and policy makers about the benefits of protein in weight management." "The results suggest that overeating low protein diets may increase fat deposition leading to loss of lean body mass despite lesser increases in body weight. Policy makers and primary care physicians need to understand the role of the Western diet in promoting overweight and obesity. Because this diet increases the risks of overnutrition through fat deposition beyond that detected by body mass index, the method used to assess the current obesity epidemic and the magnitude of the obesity epidemic may have been underestimated. Clinicians should consider assessing a patient's overall fatness rather than simply measuring body weight or body mass index and concentrate on the potential complications of excess fat accumulation. The goals for obesity treatment should involve fat reduction rather than simply weight loss, along with a better understanding of nutrition science." Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by JAMA and Archives Journals.
Cancer-Killing Compound Spares Healthy Cells- Lithocholic acid
ScienceDaily (Jan. 4, 2012) — Lithocholic acid (LCA), naturally produced in the liver during digestion, has been seriously underestimated. A study published in the journal Oncotarget shows that LCA can kill several types of cancer cells, such as those found in some brain tumors and breast cancer.The research team, led by Concordia University, included scientists from McGill University and the Jewish General Hospital's Lady Davis Institute in Montreal as well as the University of Saskatchewan.--Previous research from this same team showed LCA also extends the lifespan of aging yeast. This time, the team found LCA to be very selective in killing cancer cells while leaving normal cells unscathed. This could signal a huge improvement over the baby-with-the-bathwater drugs used in chemotherapy.--"LCA doesn't just kill individual cancer cells. It could also prevent the entire tumor from growing," says senior author Vladimir Titorenko, a professor in the Department of Biology and Concordia University Research Chair in Genomics, Cell Biology and Aging.--What's more, LCA prevents tumors from releasing substances that cause neighboring cancer cells to grow and proliferate. Titorenko says LCA is the only compound that targets cancer cells, which could translate into tumor-halting power.--This is important for preventing cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body," he says, noting that unlike other anti-aging compounds, LCA stops cancer cell growth yet lets normal cells continue to grow.--A wide effect on different types of cancers --The next step for the research team will be to test LCA's effect on different cancers in mice models. Titorenko expects that LCA will also kill cancer cells in those experiments and lead to human clinical trials. "Our study found that LCA kills not only tumors (neuroblastomas), but also human breast cancer cells," says Titorenko. "This shows that it has a wide effect on different types of cancers."--Titorenko emphasizes that unlike drugs used in chemotherapy, LCA is a natural compound that is already present in our bodies. Studies have shown that LCA can be safely administered to mice by adding it to their food. So why is LCA so deadly for cancer cells? Titorenko speculates that cancer cells have more sensors for LCA, which makes them more sensitive to the compound than normal cells.---LCA sensors send signals to mitochondria -- the powerhouses of all cells. It seems that when these signals are too strong, mitochondria self-destruct and bring the cell down with them. Simply put, Titorenko and his colleagues engaged in cancer cell sabotage by targeting a weakness to LCA.--This study was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Concordia University Research Chair program.-Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Concordia University. -Journal Reference--Goldberg AA, Beach A, Davies GF, Harkness TA, Leblanc A, Titorenko VI. Lithocholic bile acid selectively kills neuroblastoma cells, while sparing normal neuronal cells.. Oncotarget, 2011 Oct;2(10):761-82 [link]
Fountain of Youth in Bile- Longevity Molecule Identified
(Bile Acids are Organic Acids that are a constituent of Bile - they occur primarily as Salts. Chemically, Bile Acids are classified as Steroids)
Cholesterol is excreted from the body by Bile Acids. Bile Acids are the body’s only significant mechanism for the elimination of excess Cholesterol from the body. Bile Acids solubilize Cholesterol in the Bile, preventing the precipitation of Cholesterol in the Gallbladder.
Bile Acids facilitate the digestion of Triglycerides from dietary Fats. Bile Acids function as emulsifying agents that render the Fatty Acids from dietary Triglycerides accessible to Pancreatic Lipase.
Bile Acids facilitate the intestinal absorption of Fat-Soluble Vitamins.
Immune System-Bile Acids may suppress Helicobacter pylori.
New research has identified the role of a bile acid, called lithocholic acid, in extending the lifespan of normally aging yeast---ScienceDaily (Sep. 15, 2010) — The human quest for longer life may be one step closer, thanks to research from Concordia University. Published in the journal Aging, a new study is the first to identify the role of a bile acid, called lithocholic acid (LCA), in extending the lifespan of normally aging yeast. The findings may have significant implications for human longevity and health, as yeast share some common elements with people. "Although we found that LCA greatly extends yeast longevity, yeast do not synthesize this or any other bile acid found in mammals," says senior author Vladimir Titorenko, Concordia University Research Chair in Genomics, Cell Biology and Aging and a professor in the Department of Biology. "It may be that yeast have evolved to sense bile acids as mildly toxic molecules and respond by undergoing life-extending changes. It is conceivable that the life-extending potential of LCA may be relevant to humans as well."
Over 19,000 small molecules screened
Titorenko and colleagues screened more than 19,000 small molecules to test their ability to extend yeast-lifespan. Under both normal and stressed conditions, LCA had a major impact.--"Our findings imply that LCA extends longevity by targeting two different mechanisms," says first author Alexander Goldberg, a Concordia doctoral student. "The first takes place regardless of the number of calories and involves the day-to-day or housekeeping proteins. The second system occurs during calorie-restriction and involves stressor proteins."---"Regardless of their triggers both of these mechanisms work to suppress the pro-aging process," he continues.-- Bile acids may be beneficial to health---"Although we have an overall idea how LCA works to extend longevity in yeast, we still need to determine if this is the case for other species," says Titorenko. "We do know from previous studies, however, that bile acids are beneficial to health and longevity. For example, they have shown to accumulate in the serum of long living mice and play a role in improving rodent liver and pancreatic function."--"This leads us to believe that bile acids have potential as pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of diabetes, obesity and various metabolic disorders, all of which are age-related," continues Titorenko. "They may indeed offer hope for a healthy aging life."---This study was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Canada Foundation for Innovation and the Concordia University Chair Fund.---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Concordia University. --Journal References-Alexander A. Goldberg, Vincent R. Richard, Pavlo Kyryakov, Simon D. Bourque, Adam Beach, Michelle T. Burstein, Anastasia Glebov, Olivia Koupaki, Tatiana Boukh‐Viner, Christopher Gregg, Mylène Juneau, Ann M. English, Vladimir I. Titorenko and David Y. Thomas. Chemical genetic screen identifies lithocholic acid as an anti‐aging compound that extends yeast chronological life span in a TOR independent manner, by modulating housekeeping longevity assurance processes. Aging, 2010; 2 (7): 393 [link]--Alexander A. Goldberg, Pavlo Kyryakov, Simon D. Bourque and Vladimir I. Titorenko. Xenohormetic, hormetic and cytostatic selective forces driving longevity at the ecosystemic level. Aging, 2010; 2 (8): 461-470 [link]
Show Of The Week January 13 2012
Taurine increases bile acid pool size and reduces bile saturation index In the hamster
Dietary Taurine Enhances Cholesterol Degradation and Reduces Serum and Liver Cholesterol
High Dietary Taurine Reduces Apoptosis and Atherosclerosis in the Left Main Coronary Artery
Leaked-- US to Start ‘Trade Wars’ with Nations Opposed to Monsanto, GMO Crops
Hydrogen Peroxide Benefits and Data
Taurine increases bile acid pool size and reduces bile saturation index In the hamster
+ Author Affiliations
- Chair of Gastroenterology, University of Modena, Italy.
There is evidence that increased availability of taurine enhances the proportion of taurine-conjugated bile acids in bile. To explore the possibility that taurine treatment could also influence hepatic cholesterol and bile acid metabolism, we fed female hamsters for 1 week and measured both the biliary lipid content and the microsomal level of the rate-limiting enzymes of cholesterol and bile acid synthesis. In these animals the cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity was significantly greater in respect to controls (P less than 0.05). The total HMG-CoA reductase activity, as well as that of the active form, was similarly increased. The stimulation of 7 alpha-hydroxycholesterol synthesis was associated with an expansion of the bile acid pool size in taurine-fed animals. Taurine feeding was observed to induce an increase in bile flow as well as in the rate of excretion of bile acids, whereas the secretion rate of cholesterol in bile was decreased. As a consequence, the saturation index was significantly lower in taurine-fed animals (P less than 0.05). The possible mechanisms through which taurine exhibits the modification of the enzyme activities and of the biliary lipid composition are discussed.
Dietary Taurine Enhances Cholesterol Degradation and Reduces Serum and Liver Cholesterol Concentrations in Rats Fed a High-Cholesterol Diet1
Hidehiko Yokogoshi*2, Hideki Mochizuki*, Ken Nanami*, Yuko Hida*, Fuyuko Miyachi† and Hiroaki Oda†
; * ; School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, The University of Shizuoka, Shizuoka 422-8526, Japan and; † ; Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
2To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed.
The effect of taurine on hypercholesterolemia induced by feeding a high-cholesterol (HC) diet (10g/kg) to rats was examined. When various amounts of taurine (0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 g/kg diet) were supplemented to HC for 2 wk, serum total cholesterol gradually and significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner and normalized at the dose of 10 g taurine/kg, compared with the control (cholesterol free) diet group. By contrast, serum HDL-cholesterol was elevated by taurine supplementation. The HC diet caused a significant decrease in the concentration of taurine in serum, liver and heart compared to that in the control group, and the effective dose of supplemental taurine to improve its reduction was 2.5 g/kg diet. In the hypercholesterolemic rats fed the HC diet, the excretion of fecal bile acids and hepatic cholesterol 7 α-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) activity and its mRNA level increased significantly, and the supplementation of taurine further enhanced these indexes, indicating an increase in cholesterol degradation. The abundance of mRNA for Apo A-I, one of the main components of HDL, was reduced by HC and recovered by taurine supplementation. Agarose gel electrophoresis revealed that, in hypercholesterolemic rats fed the HC diet, the serum level of the heavier VLDL increased significantly, but taurine repressed this increase and normalized this pattern. Significant correlations were observed between the time- and dose-dependent increases of CYP7A1 gene expression and the decrease of blood cholesterol concentration in rats fed the HC diet supplemented with taurine (time, r = -0.538, P < 0.01, n = 32; dose, r = -0.738, P < 0.001, n = 20). These results suggest that the hypocholesterolemic effects of taurine observed in the hypocholesterolemic rats fed the HC diet were mainly due to the enhancement of cholesterol degradation and the excretion of bile acid.
High Dietary Taurine Reduces Apoptosis and Atherosclerosis in the Left Main Coronary Artery----Association With Reduced CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein Homologous Protein and Total Plasma Homocysteine but not Lipidemia
- Anthony Zulli,
- Eza Lau,
- Bagus P.P. Wijaya,
- Xin Jin,
- Komang Sutarga,
- Grace D. Schwartz,
- Jonathon Learmont,
- Peter J. Wookey,
- Angelo Zinellu,
- Ciriaco Carru,
- David L. Hare
+ Author Affiliations
- From the Departments of Cardiology (A.Z., E.L., B.P.P.W., X.J., K.S., G.D.S., J.L., P.J.W., D.L.H.) and Medicine (A.Z., D.L.H.), University of Melbourne, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Australia; and the Department of Biomedical Sciences (A.Z., C.C.), University of Sassari Viale S Pietro, Sassari, Italy.
- Correspondence to Anthony Zulli, Vascular Laboratory, Department of Cardiology, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Australia. E-mail
We sought to determine whether taurine could specifically protect against coronary artery disease during an atherogenic diet and whether taurine affects the lipid profile, metabolites of methionine, and endothelial atherogenic systems. Rabbits were fed one of the following diets for 4 weeks: (1) control diet; (2) 0.5% cholesterol+1.0% methionine; or (3) 0.5% cholesterol+1.0% methionine+2.5% taurine. Endothelial function was examined, and the left main coronary artery atherosclerosis was quantified by stereology and semiquantitative immunohistochemistry to determine the endothelial expression of proteins related to the NO, renin-angiotensin, endoplasmic reticulum, and oxidative stress systems, as well as apoptosis. Taurine normalized hyperhomocysteinemia (P<0.05) and significantly reduced hypermethioninemia (P<0.05) but not lipidemia. The intima:media ratio was reduced by 28% (P=0.034), and atherosclerosis was reduced by 64% (P=0.012) and endothelial cell apoptosis by 30% (P<0.01). Endothelial cell CCAAT/enhancer binding protein homologous protein was normalized (P<0.05). Taurine failed to improve hyperlipidemia, endothelial function, or endothelial proteins related to the NO, renin-angiotensin, and oxidative stress systems. Taurine reduces left main coronary artery wall pathology associated with decreased plasma total homocysteine, methionine, apoptosis, and normalization of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein homologous protein. These results elucidate the antiapoptotic and antiatherogenic properties of taurine, possibly via normalization of endoplasmic reticulum stress.
Leaked-- US to Start ‘Trade Wars’ with Nations Opposed to Monsanto, GMO Crops
The United States is threatening nations who oppose Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) crops with military-style trade wars, according to information obtained and released by the organization WikiLeaks. Nations like France, which have moved to ban one of Monsanto’s GM corn varieties, were requested to be ‘penalized’ by the United States for opposing Monsanto and genetically modified foods. The information reveals just how deep Monsanto’s roots have penetrated key positions within the United States government, with the cables reporting that many U.S. diplomats work directly for Monsanto. The WikiLeaks cable reveals that in late 2007, the United States ambassador to France and business partner to George W. Bush, Craig Stapleton, requested that the European Union along with particular nations that did not support GMO crops be penalized. Stapleton, who co-owned the Dallas/Fort Worth-based Texas Rangers baseball team with Bush in the 1990s, stated--“Country team Paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU since this is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits. The list should be measured rather than vicious and must be sustainable over the long term, since we should not expect an early victory. Moving to retaliation will make clear that the current path has real costs to EU interests and could help strengthen European pro-biotech voices.”The Leaked Political Agenda Behind Monsanto’s GMO Crops
The ambassador plainly calls for ‘target retaliation’ against nations who are against using Monsanto’s genetically modified corn, admittedly linked to organ damage and environmental devastation. Amazingly, this is not an isolated case. In similar newly released cables, United States diplomats are found to have pushed GMO crops as a strategic government and commercial imperative. Furthermore, the U.S. specifically targeted advisers to the pope, due to the fact that many Catholic bishops and figureheads have openly denounced GMO crops. In fact, the Vatican has openly declared Monsanto’s GMO crops as a ‘new form of slavery’.[U1] “A Martino deputy told us recently that the cardinal had co-operated with embassy Vatican on biotech over the past two years in part to compensate for his vocal disapproval of the Iraq war and its aftermath – to keep relations with the USG [US government] smooth. According to our source, Martino no longer feels the need to take this approach,” says the cable.---Perhaps the most shocking piece of information exposed by the cables is the fact that these U.S. diplomats are actually working directly for biotech corporations like Monsanto. The cables also highlight the relationship between the U.S. and Spain in their conquest to persuade other nations to allow for the expansion of GMO crops. Not only did the Spanish government secretly correspond with the U.S. government on the subject, but the U.S. government actually knew beforehand how Spain would vote before the Spanish biotech commission reported their decision regarding GMO crops. The cable states--“In response to recent urgent requests by [Spanish rural affairs ministry] state secretary Josep Puxeu and Monsanto, post requests renewed US government support of Spain’s science-based agricultural biotechnology position through high-level US government intervention.”----Monsanto has undoubtedly infiltrated the United States government in order to push their health-endangering agenda, and this has been known long before the release of these WikiLeaks cables. The U.S. is the only place where Monsanto’s synthetic hormone Posilac is still used in roughly 1/3 of all cows, with 27 nations banning the substance over legitimate health concerns. Despite Monsanto’s best attempts at incognito political corruption, nothing can stop the grassroots anti-Monsanto movement that is taking over cities and nations alike
Oxygenate---when you see heavy dosing of chem. Trails you may want to use “ Rocket Fuel” as some call it in science or Hydrogen Peroxide—if you have food grade—take 1-3 drops in a 1 ounce container—add distilled water and then attach a mister or a spray nozzle---and every so often give your self a pump this will release or increase Oxygen into the blood stream and take a load off the heart—and increase oxygen circulation throughout the body---
When doing this as well Increase Vitamin C intake ( 5 grams plus) to offset any prooxidant effect of the H2O2
ORRR got to a dollar store and get a Peroxide without stabilzers—and add the whole thing to a one ounce bottle and add a mister to it and apply as been mentioned in the above paragraph—this will again offset any potential issue that may occur as a lack of Oxygen
Hydrogen Peroxide Benefits and Data
Pure Hydrogen Peroxide, discovered by a French chemist in 1818 was utilized extensively from the early 19th century until the early 20th Century as a treatment of various illnesses such as; asthma, cholera, syphilis, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, ulcers and pertussis. Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is approved by the United States Department of Agriculture as it contains no harmful additives.
The use of Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment lost a great deal of its appeal with the introduction of the pharmaceutical industry in the 20th Century. With the increased knowledge of several of the side effects produced by taking today's prescribed medicines, a lot of individuals are reverting back to the use of the older, conventional cures including Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment, also called Oxygen Therapy.
Hydrogen Peroxide was utilized following the First World War to fight a pneumonia pandemic. It was, and still is, used extensively to treat emphysema and congestive lung problems. The main benefit is due to its ability to increment the oxygen content of blood and body tissue which increases blood flow and raises body temperature.
Some of the medical uses of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide contain:
Cuts, Scrapes and Open Sores -This is the old conventional treatment for open cuts and sores. The procedure consists of applying Hydrogen Peroxide to kill any infection.
Acne - Applied with a cotton swob it will dehydrate the acne. A moisturizer ought to be applied afterwards to restore some of the natural moisture of the skin as the Hydrogen Peroxide will dry the area encompassing the acne.
Mouthwash - A mild solution may be used as a mouthwash. This will kill bacteria that causes bad breath as well as help prevent Periodontal disease. Simultaneously it will whiten your teeth.
Take away Ear Wax - A weak solution put in your ear will aid in the removal of set ear wax.
Athletes Feet - You could use a spray bottle to apply to affected areas of the feet. This will kill off the fungus causing the athletes feet.
Colds, Flu - Gargling a weak solution will kill off the germs causing these illnesses.
Some Non-medical, family uses, include:
Stain Remover - Amazing for removing blood stains.
Sanitizer - Utilize it in the kitchen and bathroom to sanitize and clean all surfaces.
Wash Vegetables - Vegetables are sprayed with all types of insecticides and additives to keep them fresh. Rinsing them off with a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide will kill off these harmful additives.
Water Plants - Utilized to provide extra oxygen to the soil. Numerous farmers now spray a weak solution on their crops to remove harmful bacteria and act as a natural insecticide.
Treat Fungus - Wash moldy places with Hydrogen Peroxide.
Hydrogen Peroxide is likely one of the best and least expensive products on the market nowadays that can be utilized in a lot of areas. Everybody should have a bottle on hand at all times and utilize it wherever harmful bacteria is present.
Utilize it with care and utilize it often
Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
[U1]The Irony Here is that Own Monsanto---so this is a smoke screen to distance themselves as to save Face among there 1 billion catholics---if they knew that there own religion was forming a genocide on the membership they would be outraged---this would disassociate them from the institution
Show of the Week January 16 2012
Cancer Cells Feed On Sugar-Free Diet
Statins linked with small diabetes risk
Rare 'supersoldier' ants created in Canadian lab
These Substances may Enhance Hair Growth -if Hair Follicles are still Alive
ScienceDaily (Aug. 17, 2009) — Researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah have uncovered new information on the notion that sugar "feeds" tumors. The findings may also have implications for other diseases such as diabetes. The research is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.--"It's been known since 1923 that tumor cells use a lot more glucose than normal cells. Our research helps show how this process takes place, and how it might be stopped to control tumor growth," says Don Ayer, Ph.D., a Huntsman Cancer Institute investigator and professor in the Department of Oncological Sciences at the University of Utah.-During both normal and cancerous cell growth, a cellular process takes place that involves both glucose (sugar) and glutamine (an amino acid). Glucose and glutamine are both essential for cell growth,[U1] and it was long assumed they operated independently, but Ayer's research shows they are inter-dependent. He discovered that by restricting glutamine availability, glucose utilization is also stopped. "Essentially, if you don't have glutamine, the cell is short circuited due to a lack of glucose, which halts the growth of the tumor cell" Ayer says.--The research, spearheaded by Mohan Kaadige, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow in Ayer's lab, focused on MondoA, a protein that is responsible for turning genes on and off. In the presence of glutamine, MondoA blocks the expression of a gene called TXNIP. TXNIP is thought to be a tumor suppressor, but when it's blocked by MondoA , it allows cells to take up glucose, which in turn drives tumor growth. Ayer's research could lead to new drugs that would target glutamine utilization, or target MondoA or TXNIP.--Ayer says the next step in his research is to develop animal models to test his ideas about how MondoA and TXNIP control cell growth. "If we can understand that, we can break the cycle of glucose utilization which could be beneficial in the treatment of cancer," Ayer says.--Story Source--The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Utah Health Sciences, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
Cancer Cells Feed On Sugar-Free Diet
ScienceDaily (Jan. 10, 2012) — Cancer cells have been long known to have a "sweet tooth," using vast amounts of glucose for energy and for building blocks for cell replication.---Now, a study by a team of researchers at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere shows that lymph gland cancer cells called B cells can use glutamine in the absence of glucose for cell replication and survival, particularly under low-oxygen conditions, which are common in tumors.---Writing in the Jan. 4, 2012, edition of Cell Metabolism, Anne Le, M.D., and a team of investigators collaborating with the Johns Hopkins Brain Science Institute, say the finding is critical for developing innovative cancer therapies because it offers "proof of concept" evidence that curbing the growth of B cell cancers can be accomplished by inhibiting a glutamine enzyme called glutaminase.--Le notes that although little is known about glutamine's role in the growth of B cell cancer, the amino acid circulates in the blood at the highest level among the 20 amino acids that do so.--The tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA or Krebs cycle) is classically regarded as a pathway for glucose oxidation. However, the experiments by Le and the team show that B cells oxidize glutamine when glucose is absent.---The study also found that when oxygen is scarce, there is enhanced conversion of glutamine to glutathione, an important agent for controlling the accumulation of oxygen-containing chemically reactive molecules that cause damage to normal cells.---When the investigators used a glutaminase inhibitor, cancerous growth of B cells was stopped in petri dishes.---"The flexibility of the TCA cycle in using both glutamine and glucose pathways may be important for cancer cells to proliferate and survive, especially under the low-oxygen and nutrient-deprived conditions often encountered in the tumor microenvironment," says Le.--Now, perhaps, scientists can exploit that survival strategy to stop cancer, according to former Johns Hopkins scientist Chi Dang, M.D., now at the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania. "A broader and deeper understanding of cancer cell metabolism and cancer cells'ability to reprogram biochemical pathways under metabolic stress can be a rich ground for therapeutic approaches targeting tumor metabolism," he says.---In addition to Le, an assistant professor in the Department of Pathology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, other researchers from Johns Hopkins who participated in this study include Sminu Bose, Arvin Gouw, Joseph Barbi, Takashi Tsukamoto, Camilo J. Rojas and Barbara Slusher. The Johns Hopkins Brain Science Institute, where Tsukamoto, Rojas and Slusher are faculty, is pursuing the development of new glutaminase inhibitor drugs.---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Johns Hopkins Medicine. --Journal Reference--Anne Le, Andrew N. Lane, Max Hamaker, Sminu Bose, Arvin Gouw, Joseph Barbi, Takashi Tsukamoto, Camilio J. Rojas, Barbara S. Slusher, Haixia Zhang, Lisa J. Zimmerman, Daniel C. Liebler, Robbert J.C. Slebos, Pawel K. Lorkiewicz, Richard M. Higashi, Teresa W.M. Fan, Chi V. Dang. Glucose-Independent Glutamine Metabolism via TCA Cycling for Proliferation and Survival in B Cells. Cell Metabolism, 2012; 15 (1): 110 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2011.12.009
Statins linked with small diabetes risk
Whether statins can make blood sugar rise enough that someone crosses the threshold to diabetes has been confusing. -A new side-effect seems to be emerging for those cholesterol-lowering wonder drugs called statins: They may increase some people's chances of developing Type 2 diabetes.--A study adds to the evidence, finding a modest risk among older women who used a variety of statins. It's a puzzling link, and specialists say people who most need statins because of a high risk for a heart attack should stick with the drugs.-"What I fear here is that people who need and will benefit from statins will be scared off of using the drugs because of reports like this," says Dr. Steven Nissen, cardiology chairman at the Cleveland Clinic, who wasn't involved with the research. "We don't want these drugs in the water supply, but we want the right people treated[U2]. When they are, this effect is not a significant limitation."--But more and more doctors are urging otherwise healthy people to use the pills as a way to prevent heart disease[U3]. For them, the findings add another potential complication as they consider whether to tackle their cholesterol with diet and exercise alone or add a medication.-"The statin should not be seen as the magic pill,"[U4] says Dr. Yunsheng Ma of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, who led Monday's study of postmenopausal women.
Heart risks of diabetes
Statins are one of the most widely prescribed drugs, and among the most touted with good reason. They can dramatically lower so-called "bad" LDL cholesterol. Studies make clear that they save lives when used by people who already have heart disease.--What's debated is how much the drugs help people who don't yet have cardiovascular disease but whose chances are higher because of other factors such as smoking or high blood pressure — or diabetes.---In fact, long-term diabetes is so heart-risky that the American Diabetes Association urges fairly aggressive statin use by many diabetics. For everyone else, Nissen says the general rule is statins help people who have at least a 10 per cent chance of a heart attack in the next 10 years, something a doctor can calculate.
All drugs have side-effects that are important to consider while deciding whether they're a good bet for an individual. Statins have long been known to cause muscle pain that on rare occasions becomes a serious breakdown of muscle that can lead to kidney failure, even death.—Not to mention RNA damage—and lobotomizing the brain as well---But whether statins can make blood sugar rise enough that someone crosses the threshold to diabetes has been confusing.--After all, some of the same risks for heart disease — such as being overweight and sedentary — also increase the odds of developing Type 2 diabetes. And Ma says too many statin users wrongly assume the pills will let them eat whatever they want.
Ma's team examined a huge government study that tracked the health of postmenopausal women for many years. They culled the records of more than 153,000 women who didn't have diabetes when they enrolled in the Women's Health Initiative in the 1990s. Just 7 per cent were taking statins at the time. Fast forward to 2005: Nearly 10 per cent of the statin users had developed diabetes as a needed note of caution for women, saying there's less certainty about the drugs' overall effects in them. Stay tuned: Her own research aims to narrow down which statin users are more likely to experience a blood-sugar jump.
Rare 'supersoldier' ants created in Canadian lab
McGill Unversity researchers were able to create supersoldier ants, which are a biological anomaly, in the lab. (Alex Wilder/
As It Happens on super soldier ants8:09
Canadian researchers have discovered how to make a certain kinds of ants develop into "supersoldiers"[U5] with huge oblong heads and giant vicious jaws.--The findings are significant because they show there is dormant genetic potential that can be invoked by changes in the environment and locked in place for a very long time, said lead author Ehab Abouheif, a McGill University biology professor, whose research was published Friday in the journal Science.--The authors suggest that hanging on to ancestral developmental toolkits can be an important way for organisms to evolve new physical traits.--"Birds with teeth, snakes with fingers and humans with ape-like hair – these are ancestral traits that pop regularly in nature,"[U6] Abouheif said. "But for the longest time in evolutionary theory, these ancestral traits were thought to go nowhere … the Barnum and Bailey of evolution. So they've been an unappreciated source of evolutionary variation."---Typically, supersoldier ants are biological anomalies that occur rarely in nature and only in limited geographical regions. But the McGill researchers found these supersoldiers in unexpected regions and also created them by manipulating hormones.---Pheidole (big-headed) ant colonies contain millions of ants, including minor workers and soldiers. Depending on the food ants are fed, certain hormones are triggered in the ant larvae and they either develop into soldiers or minor workers.--Then there are supersoldier ants that block their nest entrance with their extra-large heads and fight with invading ants during army ant raids.--Abouheif and his team unexpectedly found supersoldier ants in the Pheidole species in Long Island where they aren't normally seen. They were then able to artificially induce them in the lab by by dabbing the larvae with juvenile hormone, indicating that environmental cues can switch on the genetic machinery that produces supersoldiers.[U7]--"The kind of environmental stressors that evoke this dormant potential are there all the time, so when the need arises natural selection can take hold of the potential and actualize it," said Abouheif.---"So what we're showing is that environmental stress is important for evolution because it can facilitate the development of novel phenotypes. Any time you have a mismatch between the normal environment of the organism and its genetic potential you can release them – and these things can be locked in place for 30 to 65 million year
[U1]Glutamine Breaks down into 5 different amino acids and is the most abundant amino in the oesophagus-and intestine and stomach regions—it will converto to gaba-glutationie-glycine-glutamic acid and ghb—the glycine converts to glucagons( sugar ) which is required fro brain and liver and cellular energy
[U2]“the right People/”” this is amazing these drugs are so damaging from the genetic code to the arterial integrity-RNA DNA damage—brain lobotomizing---who are these “ right people?
[U3]This is unbelievable and the ignorance is what this report is showing the medical field is doing to healthy individuals to compromise there health
[U4]First we are going to use a s preventative and now we are not to look at it as a magical pill
[U5]Welcome to Canada EH!!! The land of Biodiversity and death—we export Nuclear energy ( bombs) food ( GMO WHEAT AND CANOLA ..ETC ) andd Now Pestilence--
[U6]Genetic engineering experiments—anomalies created in a lab
[U7]In other words they created these ants and put them on Long Island and were able to manipulate the Genetic code of these bugs---meaning we are now heading for a new Bio Warfare –we will just create a Super bug to inflict a people or Undesirables we do not want—we will give an ant a poison bite a butterfly with a knoxious sting –a flea to carry MRSA—etc.
Show of the Week January 20 2012
Effects of Maple (Acer) Plant Part Extracts on Proliferation, Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest of Human Tumorigenic and Non-tumorigenic Colon Cells
Recipe for Maple Syrup Extract
Fungus Contaminant in Corn, Peanuts, Soybeans- Chlorophyll Effective Against Aflatoxin
An aqueous birch leaf extract of Betula pendula (tea or extract ) inhibits the growth and cell division of inflammatory lymphocytes
(1) Research Research Laboratory in Sciences Applied to Food, Canadian Irradiation Center (CC), INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier, 531 Boulevard des Prairies, Laval, QC., H7V 1B7, CANADA--(2) Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, McGill University, 21, 111 Lakeshore, Ste-Anne de Bellevue, QC, H9X 3V9, CANADA
AbstractThe phenolic compounds in maple sap and syrup were extracted at different periods of the season and were separated to collect the glycosylated compounds and the aglycone compounds. The antioxidant and antiradical activities of each phenolic compound were studied using the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay and the N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD) decoloration test to measure the free radical scavenging. The results showed that in general the phenolic compounds had a good antioxidant and antiradical properties. The glycosylated compounds from maple sap and maple syrup showed a better activity than the aglycones.[U1] The antimutagenic effects of each phenolic compounds from maple sap and syrup were also investigated as the inhibition of SOS induction by chemical agents in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 containing the fusion gene umuC-lacZ. Induction of the SOS gene (umuC) expression was assayed by measuring accumulated β-galactosidase activity using a modified Umu test. The antimutagenic properties were studied per se and after metabolisation by S9 fraction. The results showed that an optimum of antimutagenic properties of the glycosylated metabolites phenolic compounds from sap and syrup was observed at 75% of the season for the sap and at 25% of the season for the syrup. A higher antimutagenic activity was observed at 25% and 100% of the season for aglycones present in syrup and at 75% of the season for aglycones present in sap.
Effects of Maple (Acer) Plant Part Extracts on Proliferation, Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest of Human Tumorigenic and Non-tumorigenic Colon Cells
Phenolic-enriched extracts of maple sap and syrup, obtained from the sugar and red maple species (Acer saccharum Marsh, A. rubrum L., respectively), are reported to show anticancer effects. Despite traditional medicinal uses of various other parts of these plants by Native Americans, they have not been investigated for anticancer activity. Here leaves, stems/twigs, barks and sapwoods of both maple species were evaluated for antiproliferative effects against human colon tumorigenic (HCT-116, HT-29, Caco-2) and non-tumorigenic (CCD-18Co) cells. Extracts were standardized to total phenolic and ginnalin-A (isolated in our laboratory) levels. Overall, the extracts inhibited the growth of the colon cancer more than normal cells (over two-fold), their activities increased with their ginnalin-A levels, with red > sugar maple extracts. The red maple leaf extract, which contained the highest ginnalin-A content, was the most active extract (IC50 = 35 and 16 µg/mL for extract and ginnalin-A, respectively). The extracts were not cytotoxic nor did they induce apoptosis of the colon cancer cells. However, cell cycle analyses revealed that the antiproliferative effects of the extracts were mediated through cell cycle arrest in the S-phase. The results from the current study suggest that these maple plant part extracts may have potential anticolon cancer effects.
Yuki WATANABE1), Asuka KAMEI1), Fumika SHINOZAKI1), Tomoko ISHIJIMA1)2), Kota IIDA2), Yuji NAKAI1)2), Soichi ARAI1)3) and Keiko ABE1)2
1) Project on Health and Anti-aging, Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology
2) Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Science, The University of Tokyo
3) General Research Institute, Tokyo University of AgricultureRats fed a 20%-maple syrup diet (maple syrup group) for 11 d showed significantly lower values of the hepatic function markers than those fed a 20%-sugar mix syrup diet (control). The reason was suggested by a DNA microarray analysis which revealed that the expression of genes for the enzymes of ammonia formation were down-regulated in the liver of the maple syrup group.
Recipe for Maple Syrup Extract---
if you cannot tap a tree then buy a maple syrup ( real maple syrup not a pancake syrup) pout it into a pot and at low heat simmer it –make sure you are there with the stuff or it will overflow---ask me how I know?---then with a wooden spoon stir it ---when you get to about half way—stop the heat and pour it back in the container you got it from unless the container is plastic then use glass---take out another small portion 4 oz and pour it back into the pot---turn the heat on and continue letting it be warm for another 5 min or so.---then stop the stove and pour into a glass container---it will have almost gone frothy by then before you pour it in the container- allow to sit and it will crystallize –as a bonus you can ad essential oils or tinctures to this and when it crystallizes the fused oil will also be noticeable
Fungus Contaminant in Corn, Peanuts, Soybeans- Chlorophyll Effective Against Aflatoxin
ScienceDaily (Dec. 29, 2009) — A new study has found that chlorophyll and its derivative chlorophyllin are effective in limiting the absorption of aflatoxin in humans. [U2]Aflatoxin is produced by a fungus that is a contaminant of grains including corn, peanuts and soybeans; it is known to cause liver cancer -- and can work in concert with other health concerns, such as hepatitis.----Levels of aflatoxin are carefully regulated in the United States, but are often found in the food supplies of developing nations, especially those with poor storage facilities.--OSU scientist George Bailey, a distinguished professor of environmental and molecular toxicology, pioneered studies of aflatoxin in China, where he found that in one region, one out of every 10 adults died from liver cancer.--But what has the science world particularly intrigued with this follow-up study is the methodology used by the researchers -- a new "Phase 0" approach that safely tests low levels of carcinogens in human volunteers to measure the total aflatoxin exposure and to determine the effect of dietary chlorophlls on reducing this exposure.---Results of the study were just published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research.--Bailey and several other researchers, including lead author Carole Jubert, were part of the recent study. The journal also included a perspective written by a pair of Johns Hopkins researchers -- Thomas Kensler and John Groopman -- who praise the methodology and suggest that these Phase 0 "microdosing" studies should be expanded.--They wrote: "…microdosing studies with carcinogens have the potential to provide important insights into chemopreventive interventions and to enhance the overall clinical development and safety evaluation of preventive agents."--The Phase 0 study "…may open the door for all kinds of new research," said Jubert, a former researcher in Bailey's lab at OSU's Linus Pauling Institute. Jubert now works for Life Microsystems, an OSU spinoff company that hopes to continue work with natural products grown in Oregon, including pure chlorophylls.--"The technology is not particularly difficult," she added. "It's just a novel approach to evaluate toxin exposure in humans."--In their study, Jubert and her colleagues gave very low doses of aflatoxin labeled with carbon-14 isotopes as a tracer to four human volunteers. They then gave the volunteers the same doses of aflatoxin along with doses of either chlorophyll or chlorophyllin, which previously had been shown to reduce carcinogen bioavailability in trout and rats. Using an accelerator mass spectrometer, they measured the rate of aflaxtoxin bioavailability. This technique is extremely sensitive, the researchers say, allowing measurement of minute amounts of any labeled compound.--Their research revealed rapid absorption of aflatoxin, which was significantly limited after the chlorophyll and chlorophyllin treatments.--"The beauty of this kind of 'Phase 0' study is the use of ultra-sensitive technology and 'microdoses' of environmental carcinogens to study toxicokinetics within the human body," said John Mata, an OSU pharmacologist and second author on the study. "These measurements can be important because they allow us to better design future studies to understand the effects of dietary constituents on cancer risk.--------"In this case, clearly the results merit further study," Mata added. "We showed that aflatoxin is absorbed quite rapidly and that chlorophyll and chlorophyllin have an ameliorating effect, preventing the toxin from getting into the bloodstream. Further studies can more precisely explore the interactions, as well as dosage levels."---Jubert and Mata also have tested the feasibility of using similar technology on human exposure to other toxins, including smokers who ingest carcinogens through cigarette smoke.--Mata, a professor in OSU's College of Veterinary Medicine, is a pharmacologist who previously worked in the drug industry. He said Phase 1 studies are designed to see if a compound is safe; Phase 2 expands the scope of the project, and Phase 3 looks at the compounds' efficacy. Phase 0 represents a new concept -- a way to measure the kinetics of a drug by using extremely small doses that pose little risk to the volunteers.--In this case, the amount of radiation given the human volunteers was equal to that you would encounter from a one-hour airplane ride; the level of aflatoxin administered was 1/30th the amount the Food and Drug Administration allows in a peanut butter sandwich.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Oregon State University, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
Simple Remedy—Use chlorophyll to reduce this or juice high amounts of peppermint –parsley-dandelion-watercress and drink glass amounts to offset this
An aqueous birch leaf extract of Betula pendula (tea or extract ) inhibits the growth and cell division of inflammatory lymphocytes.
J Ethnopharmacol. 2011 Jul 14;136(3):444-51
Authors: Gründemann C, Gruber CW, Hertrampf A, Zehl M, Kopp B, Huber R
ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Leaf extracts of Betula pendula have been traditionally used for the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or osteoarthritis. --AIM OF THE STUDY: We investigated the anti-proliferative capacity of an aqueous leaf extract of Betula pendula (BPE) on human primary lymphocytes in vitro, because activated lymphocytes play a major role in the initiation and maintenance of RA.--MATERIALS AND METHODS: Lymphocyte proliferation and cell division was measured by the activity of mitochondrial dehydrogenases and by using the membrane-permeable dye carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE), respectively. Apoptosis was analyzed by surface staining of phosphatidylserine and intracellular activation of effector caspases 3 and 7 in comparison to the drug methotrexate using flow cytometric and photometrical analysis. In addition, the impact of the extract on cell cycle distribution was investigated by propidium iodide staining of DNA. For the bioassays BPE concentrations of 10-160 μg/mL were investigated. A phytochemical analysis, using LC-MS and HPLC, was conducted to identify the polyphenolic constituents of the birch leaf extract.
RESULTS: Leaf extracts of Betula pendula inhibited the growth and cell division (CD8(+): 40 μg/mL: 45%; 80 μg/mL: 60%; 160 μg/mL: 87%) (CD4(+): 40 μg/mL: 33%; 80 μg/mL: 54%; 160 μg/mL: 79%) of activated, but not of resting T lymphocytes in a significant dose-dependent manner. The inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation due to apoptosis induction (compared to untreated control: 40 μg/mL: 163%; 80 μg/mL: 240%; 160 μg/mL: 348%) and cell cycle arrest was comparable to that of methotrexate. LC-MS analyses showed that the extract contains different quercetin-glycosides.--CONCLUSION: Our results give a rational basis for the use of Betula pendula leaf extract for the treatment of immune disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis, by diminishing proliferating inflammatory lymphocytes.--PMID: 21619918 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
[U1]Definition of AGLYCONE: an organic compound (as a phenol or alcohol) combined with the sugar portion of a glycoside
[U2]There is copper in this and this is anti mold-antifungal and antibacterial
Show of the Week January 23 2012
First Link Between Potentially Toxic PFCs in Office Air and in Office Workers' Blood
Short, Sharp Shock Treatment for E. Coli
Dietary DHA Linked to Male Fertility
Pesticide Illnesses and GM Soybeans-Ban on Aerial Spraying Demanded in Argentina
Kidney Stones—how to get rid of them
First Link Between Potentially Toxic PFCs in Office Air and in Office Workers' Blood
ScienceDaily (Jan. 18, 2012) — In a first-of-its-kind study, scientists are reporting that the indoor air in offices is an important source of worker exposure to potentially toxic substances released by carpeting, furniture, paint and other items. Their report, which documents a link between levels of these so-called polyfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in office air and in the blood of workers, appears in ACS' journal Environmental Science & Technology.----Michael McClean and colleagues explain that PFCs, used in water-repellent coatings on carpet and furniture, may have adverse effects on human health. The substances are widespread in the environment and in humans around the world. Scientists know that potential sources of exposure include food, water, indoor air, indoor dust and direct contact with PFC-containing objects. But the link between levels in air and blood had not been explored previously, so McClean's group set out to fill that gap with a study of 31 office workers in Boston.---They found concentrations of a PFC called fluorotelomer alcohol (FTOH) in office air that were 3-5 times higher than those reported in previous studies of household air, "suggesting that offices may represent a unique and important exposure environment." In addition, the study found a strong link between concentrations of FTOH in office air and perfluorooctanoic acid (a metabolite of FTOH) in the blood of office workers. The results also suggested that workers in newly renovated office buildings may receive considerably higher doses of PFCs than workers in older buildings.--The authors acknowledge funding from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. --Story Source--The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Chemical Society. ---Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.----Journal Reference-Alicia J. Fraser, Thomas F. Webster, Deborah J. Watkins, Jessica W. Nelson, Heather M. Stapleton, Antonia M. Calafat, Kayoko Kato, Mahiba Shoeib, Verónica M. Vieira, Michael D. McClean. Polyfluorinated Compounds in Serum Linked to Indoor Air in Office Environments. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012; 46 (2): 1209 DOI: 10.1021/es2038257
Short, Sharp Shock Treatment for E. Coli
ScienceDaily (Jan. 11, 2012) — A short burst of low voltage alternating current can effectively eradicate E. coli bacteria growing on the surface of even heavily contaminated beef, according to a study published in the International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health. The technique offers an inexpensive and easy to implement approach to reducing the risk of food poisoning, which can occur despite handlers complying with hygiene standards.---Food poisoning is a serious public-health issue, especially with the emergence of lethal and highly virulent strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli O157:H7, for example). Infection with this bacterium causes serious diarrhea, dehydration, kidney problems and can lead to serious long-term problems or even be fatal in children, the elderly and people with pre-existing health problems. Tens of thousands of people are affected by E. coli infection each year through eating contaminated beef and other food products. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 2500 people are hospitalized and there are several dozen deaths each year.---Now, Ajit Mahapatra and colleagues at Fort Valley State University, in Georgia and Virginia Tech have demonstrated that applying a low-voltage alternating current to beef samples inoculated with large numbers of the potentially lethal E. coli O157:H7 can almost completely deactivate the bacterium, which is usually present on the surface of contaminated meat. The team points out that the level of contamination used in their tests far exceeded the contamination that would be seen in commercial carcasses after slaughter.---Previous researchers had demonstrated that electricity can kill bacteria effectively. The study by Mahapatra and colleagues proves efficacy against E. coli O157:H7 at low voltage and low alternating current. It offers a quick and easy way to decontaminate at-risk, but otherwise safe beef without recourse to microbicidal chemicals or other more complicated treatment processes.---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Inderscience Publishers, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS. --Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.---Journal Reference-Donna L. Harris, Ajit K. Mahapatra, Baron L. Jones, Govind Kannan. Efficacy of low-voltage AC for inactivating surface adherent Escherichia coli O157:H7 on beef. International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health, 2011; 4 (2/3/4): 214 DOI: 10.1504/IJFSNPH.2011.044624
SPECIAL NOTE—Remedy---So it would appear running A small cuurent of electricity to you foods may in fact assist in the prevention of pathogens that may infact creat a proble—so a good zapper or even a stunner set to low may in fact kill off any thing in the meats you are about to prepare
Dietary DHA Linked to Male Fertility
ScienceDaily (Jan. 9, 2012) — Who knew that male fertility depends on sperm-cell architecture? A University of Illinois study reports that a certain omega-3 fatty acid is necessary to construct the arch that turns a round, immature sperm cell into a pointy-headed super swimmer with an extra long tail.---"Normal sperm cells contain an arc-like structure called the acrosome that is critical in fertilization because it houses, organizes, and concentrates a variety of enzymes that sperm use to penetrate an egg," said Manabu Nakamura, a U of I associate professor of biochemical and molecular nutrition.---The study shows for the first time that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is essential in fusing the building blocks of the acrosome together. "Without DHA, this vital structure doesn't form and sperm cells don't work," said Timothy Abbott, a doctoral student who co-authored the study.--Men concerned about their fertility may wonder what foods contain DHA. Marine fish, such as salmon or tuna, are excellent sources of this omega-3 fatty acid.[U1]--The scientists became intrigued with DHA's role in creating healthy sperm when they experimented with "knockout" mice that lack a gene essential to its synthesis. "We looked at sperm count, shape, and motility, and tested the breeding success rate. The male mice that lacked DHA were basically infertile," Nakamura said.---But when DHA was introduced into the mice's diet, fertility was completely restored. "It was very striking. When we fed the mice DHA, all these abnormalities were prevented," he said.---The scientists then used confocal laser scanning (3D) microscopy to look at thin slices of tissue in progressive stages of a sperm cell's development. By labeling enzymes with fluorescence, they could track their location in a cell.--"We could see that the acrosome is constructed when small vesicles containing enzymes fuse together in an arc. But that fusion doesn't happen without DHA," he said.--In the absence of DHA, the vesicles are formed but they don't come together to make the arch that is so important in sperm cell structure, he noted.--Nakamura finds the role this omega-3 fatty acid plays in membrane fusion particularly exciting. Because DHA is abundant in specific tissues, including the brain and the retina as well as the testes, the scientists believe their research findings could also impact research relating to brain function and vision.--"It's logical to hypothesize that DHA is involved in vesicle fusion elsewhere in the body, and because the brain contains so much of it, we wonder if deficiencies could play a role, for example, in the development of dementia. Any communication between neurons in the brain involves vesicle fusion," he noted.--The Illinois scientists will continue to study sperm; meanwhile, Nakamura has sent some of his DHA-deficient knockout mice to other laboratories where scientists are studying DHA function in the brain and the retina.--This work was supported in part by a CONACyT Mexico fellowship award.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. The original article was written by PhyllisPicklesimer. -Journal Reference-M. Roqueta-Rivera, T. L. Abbott, M. Sivaguru, R. A. Hess, M. T. Nakamura. Deficiency in the Omega-3 Fatty Acid Pathway Results in Failure of Acrosome Biogenesis in Mice. Biology of Reproduction, 2011; 85 (4): 721 DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.110.089524
Pesticide Illnesses and GM Soybeans-Ban on Aerial Spraying Demanded in Argentina
Coalition of doctors, health professionals and researchers demand ban on aerial spraying based on evidence documenting increase in pesticide-related illnesses since the introduction of GM soya. Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji------A network of 160 physicians, health workers and researchers in Argentina are demanding a ban on aerial spraying of pesticides based on increases in cancer and a range of pesticide-related illnesses since the introduction of genetically modified (GM) soybeans. These illnesses affect development, reproduction, the skin, as well as the immune, respiratory, neurological, and endocrine systems.--The network met in August 2010 [1] and again in 2011[2]. Following the 2010
meeting an important report was compiled linking agrochemical exposure to significant increase in illnesses including birth defects and cancers in and around areas where agrochemicals are used. Increasing illness parallels the introduction and spread of GM soybeans tolerant to Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicide, Roundup. ----The striking link between illness and pesticide use presented at the first meeting led the Network Of Physicians Of Drop-Sprayed Towns to propose a complete ban on all aerial sprayings of pesticides, a complete ban of pesticides of toxicological types Ia (defined as extremely hazardous) and Ib (highly hazardous), and a ban on other pesticide use within 1 kilometre of residential areas. They also questioned the current agro-industrial and transgenic production model, stating that other options for agro-ecological production should be promoted and developed by the State University.--The second meeting called on local and national government to ensure people’s right to good health instead of the rights of agribusiness and private proprietors that currently prevail, and repeated their call for a complete ban on aerial spraying.---The Argentinean communities’ fight for judicial, healthcare and governmental
recognition for health problems associated with pesticide use goes back 10 years. A summary compiled by non-governmental organisations and community residents is contained in the ‘Declaration of Caroya’. It documents [3] the “reduction in the average age and height” of residents in crop-sprayed towns “due to malnutrition”, and “decrease of the body’s natural defences.” In addition, “birth defects, mutagenesis, miscarriages, depression and suicide, disorders of the central nervous system and other neurological pathologies; disabilities, spina bifida, lupus, leukemia and other types of cancers; chloracne and other skin problems; asthma, allergies, and other respiratory and lung-related problems; male sterility and impotence; hormonal disruption and other hormonal disorders; diminished childhood development; prolonged febrile syndrome without focus; children’s increased vulnerability to pollutants; anemia, multiple sclerosis, cerebral ischemia, death..[U2]”---Alarming increases in birth defects, cancers, and other illnesses Public health officials have ignored ‘alarming notes coming from healthcare officials’ and consequently, very few epidemiological studies have been conducted. However the physicians (most of whom have been serving the same populations for over 25 years) have striking observational data that correlated with presentations and stories from people in the communities for a range of diseases associated with agrochemical exposure. They highlighted a systematic link between the unusual observations of recent years with this exposure. --The province of Chaco, where Dr Maria del Carmen Serveso heads a hospital intensive care unit, presented a devastating overview of rising illnesses in many towns. The illnesses include renal failure, birth defects in children of young mothers, cancers even in very young people, miscarriages, difficulty in becoming pregnant, respiratory problems and acute allergies; [U3]all linked by health teams to chemical contamination from agroindustrial farming recently imposed on the area replacing small-scale cotton farming and native forests. Respiratory illnesses were found to correlate with paraquat exposure.-- One of the few epidemiological studies performed by Dr Gladys Trombotto, a geneticist from the University of Cordoba Maternity and Neonatal Unit, assessed 110 000 births over 10 years, and found a 2- and 3-fold increase in congenital and musculoskeletal defects respectively between 1971 and 2003 [4]. Child cancer data presented by Dr Otaño backed up what other physicians found in their own observations – incidence of birth defect rates increased significantly. He recorded 15.7 cases/100 000 in 2007 compared with the pre-existent level of 10.5 cases/100 000 in 1985---. The strong correlation of pesticide exposure with incidence of illness was exemplified by the observation made in 2005 by members of the Córdoba's Ituzaingó neighbourhood, showing a higher rate of cancer in residents living closer to the fields that are sprayed. --- The doctors suspect that the scale of damage to human health caused by agrochemicals is not fully recognized. The numbers of miscarriages may be higher than recorded levels, and other neurological and psychological problems are not currently being assessed. Preliminary and small-scale tests of children under a year of age suggest the existence of such illnesses in agrochemical use zones. [U4]****************************************************************************
Kidney Stones—How to Get rid of them!
R= Recipe
If you have this condition then AVOID BEETS AND SPINACH AND ANY FOODS THAT WILL INCREASE OXALATE ACID AND OR URIC ACID—WHICH ARE THE BIGGEST CAUSE OF THISAsparagus-Parsley- Carrot—Spinach-Rhubarb-Chard-Beets-and Beet Leaves—Never mix with calcium or they will bind and cause the issue.are high in Oxalates
RØMagnesium supplementation (400 - 600 mg per day) may inhibit Calcium Oxalate crystal formation in the Urine (Magnesium increases the solubility of Calcium Oxalate) and may thereby help to prevent Kidney Stones: --The Urine of Kidney Stones patients often has a reduced Magnesium:Calcium ratio.
-Magnesium (combined with 100 mg Vitamin B6 per day) may cause partial elimination of Kidney Stones in 89% of Kidney Stones patients and total elimination in 79% of patients.-Magnesium supplementation may be very effective for preventing the reappearance of Kidney Stones in persons who have previously had Kidney Stones.
Manganese may help to prevent Kidney Stones.
Potassium may help to prevent Kidney Stones (by inhibiting the urinary excretion of Calcium).
Selenium (combined with Vitamin E) may help to prevent Kidney Stones (by lowering elevated urinary excretion of Calcium and Oxalic Acid).
Organic Acids
RØCitric Acid may prevent recurrent Kidney Stones. –By consuming a good amount of citrus fruits will as well increase magnesium which will both balance out the kidneys and prevent or disperse kidney stones----Another means would be to take citric acid powder and dissolve in water and add magnesium to it this will alleviate this ---and as well some will take lemon juice and olive oil and mix 1 tablespoon of each in 2-3 oz of water and drink to assist with this and is also good for gall stones
Inositol Hexaphosphate (Phytic Acid) may help to prevent and treat Kidney Stones.
Phosphatidylcholine (PC) may prevent and dissolve Kidney Stones by emulsifying their constituent Lipids. Lecithin—Egg Yolk or Sunflower is preferred—utilizing this daily will as well increase phosphorus which will regulate the calcium and not allow it to build up
Vitamin B6 (10 - 100 mg per day) may prevent the formation of Kidney Stones caused by Hyperoxaluria (due to its role in the metabolism of Oxalic Acid).
ØVitamin C may prevent the formation of Kidney Stones: -Kidney Stones do not normally develop as a result of consuming Vitamin C supplements. Human studies have shown that 10 grams per day of supplemental Vitamin C for long periods did not initiate or cause any Kidney Stones.
Vitamin E (combined with Selenium) may help to prevent Kidney Stones (by lowering elevated urinary excretion of Calcium and Oxalic Acid).
RØWater (when consumed in quantities sufficient to produce 2 - 3 quarts of Urine daily) may prevent the formation of Kidney Stones—if flushing with a distilled or RO water or Ionized water this will break up the calcium deposit and dilute the acid allowing the system to break and remove the excess
These Foods/Herbs may Dissolve or Prevent Kidney Stones
Spirulina may help to prevent Kidney Stones and may help to prevent the damage to the Kidneys caused by Kidney Stones.
Fruit- AS you can see either consuming a good dose of the citrus fruits or even juicing at home will eliminate or prevent stone formation
Cranberry (juice) may help to prevent Kidney Stones.
Grapefruit (juice) may help to prevent Kidney Stones (due to the Citric Acid content of Grapefruit). references
Lemon (juice) may reduce the Pain of Kidney Stones and may facilitate their elimination.
Orange (juice) may help to prevent Kidney Stones (due to the Citric Acid content of Oranges).
Barley Water may reduce the pain of Kidney Stones—making a barley milk or barley broth will increase the phosphorus which will regulate calcium in the kidney displacing the excess calcium---
Blue Vervain may help to prevent and treat Kidney Stones. Buchu may help to treat Kidney Stones (according to folklore).
RØBurdock may help to prevent and treat Kidney Stones.
RØCollinsoni (Stoneroot) may accelerate the elimination of Kidney Stones. Cornsilk may break Kidney Stones up into fine grains which allows them to be eliminated (although it should be noted that Cornsilk has no effect on Oxalate Stones).
Equisetum (Horsetail) is claimed to provide relief from the symptoms of Kidney Stones.
Gravel Root is claimed to provide relief from the symptoms of Kidney Stones (according to anecdotal reports).
Green Tea may help to prevent Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones.
Juniper Berries are claimed to provide relief from the symptoms of Kidney Stones (due to its Volatile Oil, Terpinen-4) (according to anecdotal reports).
Parsley (juice diluted in Water) may facilitate the elimination of Kidney Stones. Phyllanthus (Phyllanthus niruri species) may help to prevent and treat Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones.
Pumpkin Seeds may reduce the incidence of Calcium Oxalate Stones.
RØParsnip may facilitate the elimination of existing Kidney Stones.-Juice this with parsely root or parsley and dandelion and will increase nutrient uptake and cleans the kidneys as well
[U1]Other dietary Sources of DHA are Sea Algae and---
(mg of DHA per 100 grams)
Algae: Brown Algae Red Algae
Eggs: Chicken Eggs 37 Omega Eggs 100
Chicken Egg Yolk 114
Fish Oils: Salmon Oil 18,200 Cod Liver Oil 11,000
Sardine Oil 10,700 Menhaden Oil 8,560
Herring Oil 4,210
Meats: Brains - Lamb Ox 0.32
Poultry: Chicken 40 Turkey 100
Seafood: Cod 160 Haddock 126
Halibut 250 Herring 1,080
Eel * Salmon * 1,290
Mackerel * 1,400 Trout *
Sardines * Anchovy 911
Caviar 3,800 Tuna 890
Crab 361
[U2]And this is just the tip of the iceberg here ---this is what they know –this does not tell you what they do not know---this is a very elaborate way of wiping out and indigenious community without firing a bullet or wasting resources to eliminate a race or culture---and this is being done globally---MONSANTO = VATICAN—they Own Monsanto and started this company
[U3]Seems Like Bio Warfare to me---
[U4]I wonder who are the real terrorist here?religious zealots who you hear boo from or the silient but deadly chemical and agro megalith who bioterrorize indigenious people and take advantage of them who are not technologically at par—Makes you wonder eh!!
Show of the Week January 27 2012
BASF pulls out of European GM market
Shocking and Disturbed White Coats over exaggerates and sensationalizes false alarm on vitamin industry
Micronutrient combination may boost male fertility
Fertility and what to do to increase it—If you want to!!
BASF has announced it will pull the plug on its European operations in
genetically modified plant development due to a lack of acceptance in the market.[U1]The German chemical and biotechnology company said it would relocate the headquarters of its BASF Plant Science group from Limburgerhof in Germany, to Raleigh in the USA.[U2] The company added that it will be concentrating its plant biotechnology activities on its main markets in North and South America in the future[U3]. The company added that its development and commercialisation of all GM products targeted solely at cultivation in the European market will be halted – these include four varieties of potato and one of wheat. We are convinced that plant biotechnology is a key technology for the 21st century. However, there is still a lack of acceptance for this technology in many parts of Europe – from the majority of consumers, farmers and politicians, said Dr. Stefan Marcinowski, a member of the BASF board of executive directors, responsible for plant biotechnology. It does not make business sense to continue investing in products exclusively for cultivation in this market ,he said. We will therefore concentrate on the attractive markets for plant biotechnology in North and South America and the growth markets in Asia. Acceptance for innovation? BASF cited a lack of consumer and industry acceptance as the main reason for its decision to halt European operations in GM products. [U4]It added that the decision to relocate to the USA was taken because there is less resistance to the technology. The announcement was celebrated by environmental campaign groups Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth: This is another nail in the coffin for genetically modified foods in Europe, said Adrian Bebb of Friends of the Earth. Whilst Greenpeace EU agriculture policy director Marco Contiero said the announcement shows that BASF admits Europeans don’t want GM crops. Europeans are not alone in rejecting GM food,” he added. “BASF’s retreat to the Americas follows a string of defeats for the industry over the last two years in China, India, the Philippines, Thailand and elsewhere. Over 90% of GM food crops are grown in just four countries in the Americas--However, the move by BASF has also been also been seen a major blow for science and innovation in the European market.[U5] Professor Denis Murphy of the University of Glamorgan, UK, warned that Europe is now in danger of becoming a scientific backwater and will be unable to assist developing countries the address food insecurity [U6]There is now a danger that we will lose, not only companies like BASF, but also academic researchers and students – as well as any influence that we have had previously in developing countries where we used to be major providers of assistance and expertise argued Murphy – an expert in biotechnology. BASF said it will adjust the portfolio and site footprint of its plant science to reflect the move. The chemical giant said the move to new headquarters for activities in the area of plant biotechnology at Raleigh in North Carolina will see the current HQ site in Limburgerhof, Germany retain 11 positions in some functions, such as regulatory experts for Europe. The division employees 157 people in Limburgerhof, plus another 63 at facilities elsewhere in Europe. BASF said it would relocate 123 of those jobs[U7] to the North Carolina facility. The company plans to close its sites in Gatersleben, Germany, and in Svalöv, Sweden. The announcement will mean a reduction of 140 jobs in BASF’s European operations. The company said it aims to offer the affected employees other positions within the BASF wherever possible. Our employees have done excellent work over the past years. We regret that we are losing these high-quality jobs in Germany and Sweden said Marcinowski
[U1]ABOUT &^%$# TIME!!! Now we need to get them out of Canada and the USA as well and while we are at it out of the planet
[U2]This really really really really is a disappointment—in plain English Blows---Why Would Raleigh allow BASF a foothold in the USA to further Poison America and Canada??
[U3]Not Sure this is Acceptable—Maybe we should boycott this—Send this to everyone in North America –I don’t want them in Canada—and I am sure a lot like myself are not wanting them here either or in the USA for that Matter--
[U4]I hate to say this the Euorpeans are a lot smarter then we are—they are getting rid of there poison we are going to allow it here ---I am so excited---
[U5]What a crock –what this is really saying is Loss Profits to rape developing countries and poison them with noxious foods
[U6]Food Security??? With GE or GMO’s!? now they will at the least see the benefit of there health cost go down---this is why the EU is being hit economically
[U7]123 slaves to develop poisons to kill off people—lets call it what it is---BS
Liver and thyroid cancer rates rise
A "relatively large" increase in the prevalence of liver cancer, which is nearly 100 times less common than prostate cancer, has been reported by Statistics Canada.---The agency released its report, Canadian Trends in Cancer Prevalence, on Tuesday, calling it the first such detailed report of the trends in the country.--The five-year prevalence rate for cancer overall rose 2.1 per cent a year between 1997 and 2008, according to Statistics Canada. Wong Maye/Associated Press-Prevalence rates for prostate cancer, the most common cancer in Canada, rose substantially, mainly because of the aging of the population over the study period 1997 to 2008, according to the report.[U8] Increases in the prevalence of breast cancer, the second most common cancer and the most common in women, were "more moderate." Prevalence is defined as all cancers diagnosed within a given period among people alive on a specified date. In contrast, "incidence" refers to newly occurring cases. The five-year prevalence rate for cancer overall rose 2.1 per cent a year between 1997 and 2008.
Liver cancer factors
Larry Ellison and Kathryn Wilkins of the agency’s health statistics division said both the incidence and observed survival rose over the study period, with only about 20 per cent of the increase in prevalence due to aging of the population.--Various explanations for rising liver incidence have been suggested, they said, including:
- Increases in immigrants from countries where hepatitis B and C virus infections and exposure to aflatoxins that can lead to liver cancer are more common.
- Rising incidence of hepatitis C infection linked to intravenous drug use and sharing of needles.
- Growing rates of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.[U9]
Liver cancer was the least prevalent cancer studied, with a five-year prevalence proportion of 6.2 cases per 100,000 persons on Jan. 1, 2008. For perspective, the corresponding figure for prostate cancer was nearly 100-fold higher at 610 cases per 100,000 men, Statistics Canada noted.--Many countries have also reported increases in thyroid cancer [U10]incidence rates, especially among young and middle-age women. Advances in diagnostic techniques are thought to be a factor, though a recent U.S. study suggested more detection alone can't explain the increase in that country, the authors said.--Radiological tests such as ultrasound and CT are picking up smaller lumps in the thyroid that aren't visible in clinical exams and some of turn out to be malignant, said Dr. Ali Imran, director of the thyroid oncology and neuropituitary clinics at Dalhousie University in Halifax.--"Others have suggested a higher radiation exposure but that wouldn't explain why it is commoner in women," he added in an email.
Rates declined for cancers of the larynx and a type of uterine cancer.The biggest disparity between the sexes was for lung cancer. The five-year prevalence proportion fell slightly among men but rose among women — a difference that was attributed to sharper decreases in smoking prevalence among men since the mid-1960s[U11]
Suggestions—To Maximize Liver and Thyroid health Utilize Lugols Iodine as well as Tyrosine and Selenium---and the Use of Taurine + Milkthistle or Milk thistle and Vitamin C—Mame Teas with Sage and Rosemary as well—and consume sea weeds and watercress-parsley and dandelion as well—this will target anticancer os so many different levels
And Eliminate all Grains ( GMO) and other foods Like SOY and CANOLA ) Nothing packaged-boxed or bag with few exceptions
Shocking and Disturbed White Coats over exaggerates and sensationalizes false
alarm on vitamin industry
The supplement trade must do more to combat the threat of spiking with unauthorized drugs or its critics
will seize upon data unveiled on the Dr Oz show this week as further evidence that the industry is under-
regulated,[U12] experts have warned. Dr Alex Schauss, chief executive of contract research organizationAIBMR Life Sciences, was speaking following an investigation conducted by the Dr Oz show into spiking.
Tests conducted by James Neal-Kababick, director of Oregon-based Flora Research Laboratories as part
of the Dr Oz show investigation, revealed the presence of unauthorized active pharmaceutical ingredients
(APIs), including some banned and potentially dangerous APIs, in supplements sold via multiple channels
across the US. One supplement tested contained six times the levels of a drug banned by the FDA
because of deaths associated with its use, while analysis of others revealed the presence of
multiple banned APIs. Shocking and disturbing The findings were shocking and very disturbing and if
continued will undermine consumer confidence unless effectively addressed,[U13] claimedSchauss, who has chaired the safety subcommittee of ComPLI (the Compliance and Label Integrity Committee
of the Natural Products Association) since 1991. The levels of some of the APIs in these products was off the
chart. But I think it also showed that this problem is not just limited to renegade supplement makers selling
products on the internet, but to products sold all over the US in every kind of channel. [U14]Unfortunatelack of context However, it was unfortunate that a comment made by Neal-Kababick that nine out of 10 of his
samples tested positive for APIs or their analogs was not clarified by Dr Oz, who left viewers with
the erroneous impression that nine out of 10 supplements on the market were spiked with drugs,
said Schauss. It was not made clear that the figures referred specifically to samples sent to Neal-Kababick’s lab
because there were suspicions about them in the first place. It was also disappointing that comments
made by another guest on the show - associate professor of medicine at Harvard University, Dr. Pieter Cohen –
suggesting the solution was more regulation,[U15] were not challenged, said Schauss. He basicallyproposed a system where everything is tested before it is allowed to be put on the market. But
that is not going to solve this problem. Anyone can send off a clean sample for testing – but is
it the same product that you actually put on the market?[U16]” Laboratories with the expertise andexperience to carry out forensic investigations Part of the problem was that rogue elements in the trade were
getting ever more sophisticated at fooling those conducting analytical tests, said Schauss. There needs to be
more help for people to know what methodologies they should be using to test for these substances and any
analogs. He added: The information on what to test for and how is available and should be made available to
stakeholders. It should be available to all QA/QC managers and directors. Manufacturers and distributors
should be utilizing contract analytical laboratories that have the expertise and experience to carry out forensic
investigations such as was performed for Dr Oz, if they don’t have the same quality of forensic capabilities.
Meanwhile, retailers could also do more to demand from manufacturers and distributors selling them products
to make sure this appropriate testing is done for any category of supplements where there is an economic
incentive to mislead the public about a product’s content[U17], he said. Neal-Kababick, who recently alertedthe trade to the I must say that I am seeing a rise in this problem not an abatement. Is that because more people
are forwarding samples for us to test or is it because unethical midnight manufacturers are catching on to the
opportunity? Regardless, we must remain vigilant, applying proper sampling plans and state of the art technology
combined with strong phytoforensic techniques to assure that spiked raw materials do not make
it into consume products[U18] Deliberate spiking or inadvertent contamination? Asked whether the APIsdetected in samples passing through his labs were the result of deliberate spiking or inadvertent contamination
due to poor supply chain controls, Neal-Kababick said: It’s both. We’re seeing more deliberate spiking with high
levels of APIs but also more samples with low level Contamination. In the latter case, this might be due to
manufacturers producing supplements in facilities that are also licensed to produce drugs, or where manufacturers
are making counterfeit drugs and then producing ingredients or dietary supplements out of the same facility,
he said. “Some of these companies use compressed air to clean up kit between batches – which can leave residues
- instead of properly washing down the facility and then validating the cleaning as per pharmaceutical standard
is sloppy manufacturing. He added: What is also worrying is that while most of the spiking is in weight loss, sports and
male virility products, we’re also seeing more in anti-diabetic blood sugar support products – where we have
detected anti-psychotic and blood pressure meds************************************************************************
Micronutrient combination may boost male fertility
A combination of eight micronutrients may boost sperm quality and enhance the chance of conception, suggests new
data from Austria.A study with 132 sub-fertile males showed that three months of supplementation with the nutraceutical
combination resulted in improvements in measures of sperm quality by up to 215%.--The micronutrient
combination was also associated with higher rates of conception, with 34 pregnancies reported
during the six months that followed the study, compared with 11 in the control group, according to
findings published in the European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism---The Austria-based
researchers used the branded PROfertil supplement, containing L-carnitine, L-arginine, zinc, vitamin
E, glutathione, selenium, coenzyme Q10 and folic acid, all of which are said to be required for
“optimal sperm cell metabolism, DNA synthesis during spermatogenesis, proliferation and anti-oxidative
protection. --In consideration of their biochemical function, these ingredients are of great significance for male
reproduction wrote researchers led by Martin Imhof from the Fertility Clinic IMI in Vienna. Nutrients and
fertility Sub-fertility in men is reported to account for between 25 and 30% of all infertility causes, and is
listed as one of the many reasons that birth rates are falling in Western countries. [U19]In addition, about50% of male fertility is the result of unknown causes (idiopathic), said the Austria-based researchers, and
nutrition has been touted as a potential way of boosting the quality of sperm. ---[U20]The new studyassessed the potential of a non-prescription nutraceutical containing eight micronutrients on sperm quality
in 132 sub-fertile males with a mean age of 34, while 73 sub-fertile men with a mean age of 38 participated
as controls.--The nutraceutical group received supplements providing total daily doses of 440 mg
L-carnitine, 250 mg L-arginine, 40 mg zinc, 120 mg vitamin E, 80 mg glutathione, 60
micrograms of selenium, 15 mg coenzyme Q10, and 800 micrograms of folic acid. The
supplement was provided by Vienna-based Lenus Pharma GmbH. Results showed that men receiving
the active supplement displayed a 33% improvement in ejaculatory volume, a 215% improvement
in sperm cell density, and a 23% improvement in total sperm motility.[U21]These incrementswere significantly higher than those observed among controls, added Imhof and his co-workers. Limitations
and potential We recognize the non randomized placebo controlled design of our study as a limitation said the
researchers. However, a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study is currently on the way to support
these preliminary results. Despite mentioned limitations and in light of the fact that therapies for sub-fertile men
are still missing, the investigated compound is a promising therapeutic approach, improving sperm parameters
and enabling natural conception for couples with idiopathic male infertility they concluded. Source: the European
e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Published online 3 December 2011, doi:10.1016/j.eclnm.2011.11.002
Improvement of sperm quality after micronutrient SupplementationAuthors: M. Imhof, J. Lackner, M. Lipovac, P.
Chedraui, C. Riedl
Fertility and what to do to increase it—If you want to!!
Wheatgerm oil—has been utilized since the 1920’s to increase pregnancies in bot women and animals to increase births—it increase both the fertility of men and women –Apply 1-2 tablespoon daily
Vitamin E from non soy sources---olive –rice-palm-wheat-almond oil—increases fertility in both men and women—400-800mgs a day or 1 tablespoon of the oils mentioned
Acetly L Carnitine ---2 grams a day increases Sperm Count
Arginine -2-3 grams a day also increase sperm count as well for both genders increases Nitric oxide to the genital area
Selenium- a must for the males—every load ejaculated releases the selenium to protect the seed as it travels—It protects the sac from cancer 200mcg 2 times a day
Zinc –to sustain insulin and protect prostate 30 mgs 2 times a day
Male Combo for the reproductive is Zinc 30 mgs Selenium 200 mcg and Vitamin E-400IU
Fats are required for both genders to increase hormonal health and a healthy reproductive system
Another Combination For Men and Women is
B5-adrenal support-Choline –Connection support-and Arginine Heart Support—when combined they have a synergy to turn the switch on and can help sustain the the activities as well
Consuming foods such as walnuts- peanuts-almonds-sunflower seeds-pumpkin seed will increase the Male reproductive system—
Things to Avoid—Soy—Peas—Xenoestrogens-Canola-GMO Corn—Chemicals in general
[U1]ABOUT &^%$# TIME!!! Now we need to get them out of Canada and the USA as well and while we are at it out of the planet
[U2]This really really really really is a disappointment—in plain English Blows---Why Would Raleigh allow BASF a foothold in the USA to further Poison America and Canada??
[U3]Not Sure this is Acceptable—Maybe we should boycott this—Send this to everyone in North America –I don’t want them in Canada—and I am sure a lot like myself are not wanting them here either or in the USA for that Matter--
[U4]I hate to say this the Euorpeans are a lot smarter then we are—they are getting rid of there poison we are going to allow it here ---I am so excited---
[U5]What a crock –what this is really saying is Loss Profits to rape developing countries and poison them with noxious foods
[U6]Food Security??? With GE or GMO’s!? now they will at the least see the benefit of there health cost go down---this is why the EU is being hit economically
[U7]123 slaves to develop poisons to kill off people—lets call it what it is---BS
[U8]Makes sense the Soy in the diet over a period of time has increased this type of cancer as well as Canola oil and other processes and not to mention the fact Canada is a leading developer of GMO foods which would contribute to this dilemma we all Face in Canada as well as other parts of the Planet
[U9]None Of these Statistics would give these kind of number –None of them --this is a misdirecting of facts---on something of this scale it would have to be more to a common thread---foods Poisoning –and environmental exposure to solvent or chemicals or emf which would cause this
[U10]Again this could be tied to Soy and Pesticide exposure—Not to mention Vaccinations which would in fact destroy both liver and thyroid
[U11]Smoke and Mirrors--
[U12]Under Regulated –or Over cautious---theDSHEA allows and provides all the regs that are needed—what is transpiring here is a retalitary effect from the FDA to use White Coats to force Peer pressure to change the 2 officials from gov’t
[U13]ALLLLL HS!! This is about the FDA getting there fingers rapped—They had over stepped there power—and were told that they did not need more power –they had enough todo what was needed—this is about White Coats denying access to supplements
[U14]OH OH we are now going to scare you into a lulled sense of security making you think that supplements are dangerious---OOOooOO the boogey man is going to get you Now!!! No ONE has ever Died from a vitamin –No One---Butttt People die from drugs and the number one killer is aspirin---and why are you not hearing this from so called campaigner for health??
[U15]Regulation = Denied Access—and what they –the white coats working for the FDA want to do is Undermine your right to health by making you more dependent on Pharmaceuticals that shut down your brain—your spirit and your soul
[U16]The FDA shut down it’s Labs years ago just like HPB in Canada did allowing the industry to test---this used to be a secondary line of defence—the problem was it was to easily corrupted by the very corporations handing in those samples so they bought out the branches of Gov’t and now conduct there own in house test---any one can fabricate anything---and todays vitamins by mainstream drug companies are the worse ones with the most additives and poisons
[U17]Again this is such Rubbish and BS—the Health fod industry is more regulated then the Pharmaceutical industry HUGELY---and as has been reported No one has ever died from taking supplements—but many have died from pharmaceuticals and in fact a lot of them are poisonous and have all these analysis’s done and still people are getting rooked----so the answer really is stop buy foreign raw materials and start getting raw materials locally---will never happen due to cost and money lost with hyper inflating things made at home
[U18]Aren’t Pharmaseuticals Consumer Products??? And yet where is the outcry here!!—this is an elaborate art of persuasion to get people afraid of there supplements
[U19]Birth rates are falling due to lack of semen from fluoride-soy-pesticides and xenoestrogens in everyday exposure and including biowarfare being done on the human race—with different waves of infection
[U20]Shutting down the endocrine system and not feeding people what is required to sustain a health reproductive system would be more the case
[U21]Arginine and acetyl L Carnitine is what they give guys who are porn stars to increase flow---it does work when trying to get pregnant add selenium with this ---males lose there selenium when having intercourse due to the ejaculation so it is good to supplemet to protect the sac
The Bitter Truth About Splenda
High Levels of MRSA Bacteria in U.S. Retail Meat Products, Study Suggests
Environmental Exposure to Organochlorines May Impact Male Reproduction
Pesticide Metabolites Associated With Increased Risk Of Testicular Cancers
Nettle has protective activity of beta-cells of langerhans in hyperglycemic rats
The Bitter Truth About Splenda
'If you were told to ingest a biologically alien synthetic chemical whose presence on this planet did not predate 1976, and whose structure is only a few atoms away from the deadly pesticide DDT, and you knew that not only were there no long term human safety studies performed on it, but that it had been already proven in tests to have following adverse health effects would you still consume it?'
· Shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage)
· Enlarged liver and kidneys.
· Abnormal histopathological changes in spleen and thymus
· Reduced growth rate
· Adverse changes to gastrointestinal bacteria
· Abnormal Pelvic Mineralization
· Decreased red blood cell count
· Aborted pregnancy (Maternal & Fetal Toxicity)
· Decreased fetal body weights and placental weights
· Increase glycosylation of hemoglobin (HbA1c) for diabetics
….would you still consume it? Of course not! And yet, millions of Americans (including our precious children!) are doing exactly that by consuming Splenda. So, what is sucralose, chemically speaking?
Like “Splenda,” the term “sucralose” is a cute little marketing ploy. The true name of this ugly little chemical is actually too long for the human tongue to comfortably pronounce (which is usually an excellent indication that it is not safe to ingest!) Go ahead and see if you can wrap your vocal chords around this phonetic monstrosity:
1,6-dichloro-1,6-dideoxy-BETA-D-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-4-deoxy-alpha-D-galactopyranosideDespite the intended insinuation, sucralose is not a form of sucrose (cane sugar). Sucralose/Splenda is produced through artificially substituting three hydroxyl groups (hydrogen + oxygen) with three chlorine atoms in the sugar (sucrose) molecule. Natural sugar is a hydrocarbon built around 12 carbon atoms.
When transformed into Splenda it becomes a chlorocarbon, in the same family as deadly pesticides like DDT, insecticides, biocides, disinfectants like Chlorox Bleach, and WWI poison gas like dichlorourea.
The makers of sucralose/Splenda argue that this “remarkably stable” chemical passes unchanged into the urine and feces, when in fact, up to 11% to 27% is absorbed into the body (FDA, 1999). In fact, the varying degrees to which sucralose is absorbed is used as a marker for gut and intestinal permeability to determine certain disease states. Once absorbed, some portion of this chlorocarbon accumulates in the body (between 1.6% to 12.2%). What effects will these accumulated chemicals have?
According to James Bowen, M.D:
“Any chlorocarbons not directly excreted from the body intact can cause immense damage to the processes of human metabolism and, eventually, our internal organs. The liver is a detoxification organ which deals with ingested poisons. Chlorocarbons damage the hepatocytes, the liver’s metabolic cells, and destroy them. In test animals Splenda produced swollen livers, as do all chlorocarbon poisons, and also calcified the kidneys of test animals in toxicity studies.”
How can this be true for an FDA approved sweetener?
FDA approval does not in any way guarantee safety…..sadly enough, in many cases, it guarantees the exact opposite. Take aspartame for instance. Aspartame (Equal/NutraSweet) contains 10% methanol, which is broken down in our body into two extremely toxic substances: formaldehyde and formic acid. There are over 30 known adverse health effects associated with its consumption! This sweetener gained FDA approval in 1981, despite appalling evidence linking it to cancer, particularly, brain cancer.
So, if Splenda is not a viable alternative to sugar, what can we use instead?
When one uncouples the experience of “sweetness” from caloric content, the body becomes confused because it does not receive nourishment and therefore will not attain satiety – this, in turn, leads to overindulgence. Indeed, new studies have shown exactly this: those who consume synthetic sweeteners are more prone to obesity. What this means is that when we ingest something sweet, it should also have caloric and nutritional content. Anything less than this equation is a recipe for failure and ill health.
Thankfully Nature provides us with a veritable cornucopia of healthy sweeteners: honey, stevia, xylitol, erythritol , maple syrup or sugar, coconut nectar or sweetner , malitol, and birch tree syrup all of which are available at a local health food store or ethnic market. Next time that sweet tooth calls, remember not to succumb to advertising hype which would convert poisonous chemicals into “magical” no-calorie sweeteners. Use both common sense and a sense of moderation, and your body will thank you.
High Levels of MRSA Bacteria in U.S. Retail Meat Products, Study Suggests
ScienceDaily (Jan. 20, 2012) — Retail pork products in the U.S. have a [U1]higher prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (MRSA) than previously identified, according to new research by the University of Iowa College of Public Health and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.--MRSA can occur in the environment and in raw meat products, and is estimated to cause around 185,000 cases of food poisoning each year. The bacteria can also cause serious, life-threatening infections of the bloodstream, skin, lungs and other organs. MRSA is resistant to a number of antibiotics.---The study, published Jan. 19 in the online science journal PLoS ONE, represents the largest sampling of raw meat products for MRSA contamination to date in the U.S. The researchers collected 395 raw pork samples from 36 stores in Iowa, Minnesota and New Jersey. Of these samples, 26 -- or about 7 percent -- carried MRSA.---"This study shows that the meat we buy in our grocery stores has a higher prevalence of staph than we originally thought," says lead study author Tara Smith, Ph.D., interim director of the UI Center for Emerging and Infectious Diseases and assistant professor of epidemiology. "With this knowledge, we can start to recommend safer ways to handle raw meat products to make it safer for the consumer."
The study also found no significant difference in MRSA contamination between conventional pork products and those raised without antibiotics or antibiotic growth promotants.
"We were surprised to see no significant difference in antibiotic-free and conventionally produced pork,[U2]" Smith says. "Though it's possible that this finding has more to do with the handling of the raw meat at the plant than the way the animals were raised, it's certainly worth exploring further."--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Iowa, via Newswise. --Journal Reference-Ashley M. O'Brien, Blake M. Hanson, Sarah A. Farina, James Y. Wu, Jacob E. Simmering, Shylo E. Wardyn, Brett M. Forshey, Marie E. Kulick, David B. Wallinga, Tara C. Smith. MRSA in Conventional and Alternative Retail Pork Products. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (1): e30092 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0030092
Food Statistics > Pork consumption per capita (most recent) by country
Showing latest available data.
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Weighted average:
Environmental Exposure to Organochlorines May Impact Male Reproduction
ScienceDaily (Jan. 9, 2012) — Melissa Perry, Sc.D., M.H.S., professor and chair of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the GW School of Public Health and Health Services and adjunct associate professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, led an observational study indicating that environmental exposure to organochlorine chemicals, including Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and p,p'-DDE (the main metabolite of the insecticide DDT) can affect male reproduction.--The research was published online on Dec. 21, 2011 in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. ---The researchers studied 192 men who were part of couples that were sub-fertile, to see if the men with higher levels of organochlorines in their blood showed evidence of increased rates of sperm abnormalities. They looked for sperm disomy, which occurs when sperm cells have an abnormal number of chromosomes. While all men have a certain number of sperm with such abnormalities, researchers found that men with higher levels of DDE and PCBs had significantly higher rates of sperm abnormalities.--"This research adds to the already existing body of evidence suggesting that environmental exposure to certain chemicals can affect male fertility and reproduction. We need to further understand the mechanisms through which these chemicals impact sperm," said Dr. Perry. "While we cannot avoid chemicals that already persist in the environment, it is imperative that decisions about putting biologically active chemicals into the environment need to be made very carefully, because there can be unanticipated consequences down the road."-The researchers used a new sperm imaging methodology developed by Dr. Perry and colleagues to detect the chromosomal abnormalities, which allowed them to study a larger sampling of individuals than previous studies.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by George Washington University Medical Center.
Pesticide Metabolites Associated With Increased Risk Of Testicular Cancers
ScienceDaily (Apr. 29, 2008) — Men exposed to organochlorine pesticide metabolites, such as DDE, had an increased risk of testicular germ cell tumors. Previous research suggested that persistent exposure to organochlorine pesticides may increase the risk for some types of testicular cancer, but that observation had not been replicated in an independent data set.---In the current case-control study, Katherine McGlynn, Ph.D., of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md., and colleagues measured the amount of pesticides or their metabolic breakdown products in blood samples from men who were later diagnosed with testicular germ cell tumors and in blood samples from healthy controls. The men were all part of the U.S. Servicemen's Testicular Tumor Environmental and Endocrine Determinants study. The 915 control subjects and 739 case subjects had donated blood samples an average of 14.2 years prior to the current analysis.--When the researchers divided the participants into quartiles based on the concentration of a particular pesticide in their blood, the team saw a trend for an increased risk of testicular cancer in men with higher concentrations. The trend reached statistical significance for some of the pesticides and metabolites tested. For example, men in the highest quartile for DDE (p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)--which is a persistent metabolite of DDT (p,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)--were 1.7 times more likely to develop testicular germ cell tumors than those with the lowest concentration.---"If the relative risks calculated in this study are accurate, the population-attributable risk of DDE (i.e., the propor¬tion of disease in the study population that is attributable to DDE exposure) would be approximately 15 percent for all [testicular germ cell tumors]," the authors write.--This research was reported April 29 in the Journal of the National Cancer --Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Journal of the National Cancer Institute, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
Nettle has protective activity of beta-cells of langerhans in hyperglycemic rats.The protective activity of Urtica dioica leaves on blood glucose concentration and beta-cells in streptozotocin-diabetic rats.
Pak J Biol Sci. 2007 Apr 15;10(8):1200-4
Authors: Golalipour MJ, Khori V
This study was done to determine the protective activity of the hydroalcholic extract of Urtica dioica leaves on Hyperglycemia and beta-cells in hyperglycemic rats. Thirty Wistar rats were allocated in groups of normal, Diabetic and treatment. Hyperglycemia in Rats induced by 80 mg kg(-1) streptozotocin. In treatment group, animals received hydroalcholic extract of Urtica dioica 100 mg kg(-1) day(-1) for five days, intraperitoneally and then hyperglycemia induced by streptozotocin. The blood glucose concentration was measured by using a Glucometer in 1st, 3rd and 5th weeks. In the end of 5th weeks the animals in each group were sacrificed by anesthesia and whole pancreas in three groups extracted and fixed in bouin's fluid and stained by chromealum hematoxiline-phloxine and beta cells were counted in three groups by Olympus microscope. Mean +/- SE of blood glucose concentrations in the end of fifth weeks were 99.4 +/-5.0, 454.7 +/- 34.5 and 303.6 +/- 100.6 in control, diabetic and treatment groups, respectively (p < 0.05). The percentages of beta-cells in control, diabetic and treatment groups were 73.6, 1.9 and 22.9%, respectively. The percentage of beta-cells in treatment group comparing with diabetic group was significant (p < 0.05). This study showed that the protective administration of hydroalcholic extract of Urtica dioica has hypoglycemic effect and protective activity of beta-cells of langerhans in hyperglycemic rats.---PMID: 19069917 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Recipe –add Nettle to a blender and distilled water to it and alcohol—measure this so that the water will be 50/50 with the alcohol—and add to blender and then add the nettle 1/3 rd the amount to the water/alcohol mix—blend this at high speed for about 10 minutes and strain ---you will have made an extract—use a half a tsp as needed
Another means to do this is to add nettle with cinnamon bark and juniper berry—place all 3 components in a coffee percolator and then seal the containment area---and add distilled water to the pot---fill it to the mark and then allow it to perk on the stove for about 10 minutes or allow it to get about 1-2 inches from the bottom---pour out to a bottle and when it cools add alcohol to it 2:1 to the extract—use ½ tsp several times a day
These recipes have other uses as well not just for diabetic conditions but for a host of others as well ranging from anti bacterial-antifungal-antiviral-male issues-anti cancer issues-anti microbial issues-blood-organ –immune –antioxidant-and many more –something that can be gotten from the woods or from any open field –if gotten from out doors make sure you clean these with some kind of cleaning method to remove potential chemtrail and GMO fall out
[U1]This whole report should have everyone alarmed and cautious about where and what meat they buy—this would include kosher and Hal el as well –if the meat can get contaminated with MRSA which is something coming out of the medical field or clinical or pharmaceutical setting thennnnn we have a problem with somebody doing this purposely—they are trying to get us all to be livestock grazing on veges---the largest consumers of this tpe of foods are –Asians—are we in Biowarfare?
Something to think about
[U2]In other words the so called natural meats in a health food store may not have any significance