Show of the Month of December 2011
Show of the Week December 2 2011
Show of the Week December 5 2011
Show of the Week December 9 2011
Show of the Week December 12 2011
Show of the Week December 16 2011
Show of the Week December 19 2011
Show of the Week December 23 2011
Show of the Week December 26 2011
Show of the Week December 30 2011
U.S. Population On Track to Getting Even Fatter
Gamma-Irradiated, Virus-Sprayed FRANKENFOODS
Agenda 21- Trilateral Agreement
Fleas Collected from Norway Rats in Downtown Los Angeles Carry Human Pathogen
*******************************************************************************************************************U.S. Population On Track to Getting Even Fatter
ScienceDaily (Nov. 16, 2011) — In 2020, the vast majority of adults in America will be overweight or obese and more than half will suffer from diabetes or pre-diabetic conditions, according to projections presented by Northwestern Medicine researchers at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions on Nov. 16, in Orlando, Florida.-- The AHA has set a target to help Americans improve their overall heart health by 20 percent in 2020. However, if current trends continue, Americans can expect only a modest improvement of six percent in overall cardiovascular health in 2020.[U1] The implications of not increasing heart health by 20 percent by 2020 could be grave. Declining rates of sickness and death from cardiovascular disease may stall, and related health care costs, already projected to reach $1.1 trillion per year by 2030, could rise even further. That's according to study author Mark Huffman, M.D., assistant professor in preventive medicine and medicine-cardiology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a cardiologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.---Representative of all Americans, the study is based on patterns found in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) from 1988 to 2008. The projected numbers on weight and diabetes, based on previous trends, follow.
In 2020, 83 percent of men and 72 percent of women will be overweight or obese.---Currently, 72 percent of men and 63 percent of women are overweight or obese (people who are overweight have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 to 29kg/m2, people who are obese have a BMI of 30kg/m2 or greater).---In 2020, 77 percent of men and 53 percent of women will have dysglycemia (either diabetes or pre-diabetes). Currently, 62 percent of men and 43 percent of women have dysglycemia.---"To increase overall heart health by 20 percent, American adults would need to rapidly reverse these unhealthy trends -- starting today," Huffman said. "In concert with individual choices, public health policies can be and should be effective tools to reduce smoking, increase access to healthy foods,[U2] and increase physical activity in daily life."More people would need to improve health behaviors related to diet, physical activity, body weight and smoking and health factors, related to glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure.[U3]"We've been dealing with the obesity trend for the past three decades, but the impact we project on blood sugar is a true shock," said Donald Lloyd-Jones, M.D., chair and associate professor of preventive medicine at the Feinberg School of Medicine, a physician at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and senior author of the study. "Those are some really scary numbers. When blood sugar goes up like that all of the complications of diabetes come into play."---Less than five percent of Americans currently are considered to have ideal cardiovascular health. The modest six percent improvement in cardiovascular health that is projected for 2020 means better cholesterol and blood pressure numbers for Americans and fewer smokers. Improvements in treatment and control of cholesterol and blood pressure with medication and declines in smoking would partially account for this small boost, but they wouldn't be enough to offset the weight and diabetes problems Americans face, Huffman said. Projected improvements in diet and physical activity also contribute to the six percent projection, but the absolute increase in Americans who consume ideal diets will remain less than two percent by 2020, if current trends continue.[U4] "Since the 1960s cardiovascular disease death rates have substantially decreased, but if the weight and dysglycemia trends continue to increase, we are in danger of seeing a reversal of those gains," Huffman said.--Achieving a healthy weight through diet and physical activity is the best way most Americans can improve their cardiovascular health, but, as Huffman stressed, not smoking is the number one preventable cause of preventable death. Yet, one in five Americans still smoke. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute funded this study.--
Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Northwestern University. The original article was written by Erin White.
Gamma-Irradiated, Virus-Sprayed FRANKENFOODS
There is a profound misunderstanding in the mass market today about the value of certified organic food. The question is not whether the 30% or more you pay at the register for an organic product is really worth the added vitamin, mineral and phyto-nutrient content you receive. Even though organic food does usually have considerably higher nutrient density, it is not always the positive quality of what it contains that makes it so special. Rather, it is what you know the organic food does not contain, or what has not happened to it on its journey to your table, that makes buying organic a no-brainer to the educated consumer.[U5] Let me explain.---The FDA presently supports and actively promotes the use of Cobalt-60 culled from Nuclear Reactors as a form of "electronic pasteurization" on all domestically produced conventional food. The use of euphemisms like "food additive" and "pasteurization" to describe the process of blasting food with high levels of gamma-radiation can not obviate the fact that the very same death-rays generated by thermonuclear warfare to destroy life are now being applied to food to "make it safer." This sort of Orwellian logic, e.g. WAR is PEACE, is the bread and butter of State-sponsored industry propaganda.---This is not a hypochondriac's rantings, as we aren't talking here about small amounts of radiation. The level of gamma-radiation used starts at 1KiloGray (equivalent to 16,700,000 chest x-rays or 333 times a human lethal dose) and goes all the way up to 30KiloGray (500,000,000 chest x-rays or 10,000 times a human lethal dose). The following table is a list of foods that are increasingly being "nuked" for your protection.
When you buy conventional food, there is little assurance that it has not been irradiated. Although labeling requirements specify that irradiated food sold in stores should have the international symbol - the Radura - affixed to it, oversight is particularly poor in this regard, and restaurant food and processed food containing irradiated ingredients are not legally required to be labeled as such.----Labeled, or not, irradiated food is exposed to the same ionizing gamma-radiation that destroyed life in Hiroshima and Chernobyl. "Primitive" lifeforms like microbes refuse to ingest irradiated food, but humans are gullible enough to believe industry pundits and governmental "authorities" like the USDA and FDA, who say doses of radiation applied to your food up to and quite close to a billion chest x-rays worth of ionizing radiation is safe for human consumption.---Despite the irresponsible promotion of this process as safe, food irradiation destroys much of the vitamin content of food, produces a number of toxic byproducts: formaldehyde, benzene, and formic acid, as well as unique radiolytic products, e.g. 2-alklycyclobutanoes, that have been demonstrated to be cytotoxic (damages cells), genotoxic (damages DNA), and carcinogenic (causes cancer) in test tube and animal studies. (View Peer-Reviewed Research on Irradiation Here). How is it that a process that is so obviously detrimental to human health is allowed? There are at least three reasons driving this dangerous process:
1) Food irradiation allows for the continuance of the fundamentally unsanitary and unsafe farming practices considered essential for the profitability of large corporation owned factory farms. When raw human sewage and wastewater in combination with manure from sick, antibiotic-raised animals is used as fertilizer, virulent strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria can infect the product, getting deep within its tissues where chemical sanitizers can't reach. Gamma-radiation, which effectively penetrates deep within the product, enables the irresponsible, immoral and unsanitary conditions to remain.
2) The increased stabilization and reduction in perishability provided by food irradiation supports the continued globalization of food production and distribution, furthering the agendas and profitability of transnational corporations, whose respect for the sovereignty, constitutional rights and public health of the U.S. or any other nation, is secondary to the primary aim of raw, unregulated capitalism in pursuit of profits at all costs.
3) Finally, the military-industrial complex requires that the public perceive nuclear energy as not just an element of war, or potential ecological disaster, but as something "beneficial" that may protect us from harm. Nuclear waste, once the irrepressible hobgoblin of the nuclear energy industry, is suddenly transformed - under the guidance and support of our government - into both a profitable commodity and a "therapeutic" agent.—
In the same way that irradiating bacteria contaminated food does nothing to remove the unsanitary processes that cause the underlying problem, in 2006, the FDA passed, without any public review or oversight, the use of bacteriphage virus "cocktails" to be sprayed on meat, in an attempt to prevent Listeria monocytogenes outbreaks. These bacteria-specific viruses, in theory, lay dormant waiting for virulent and antibiotic-resistant bacteria upon which they prey. Although the FDA only approves the use of lysic bacteriphages which are not believed to alter the DNA of the cells they infect, the possibility of contamination with lysogenic strains which can alter DNA is significant, owing to the fact that these viruses are only between 20 and 200 millionth of a millimeter in size. The FDA's decision to define bacteriophages as "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS) food additives is premature, and therefore a red flag to those who are concerned about the underlying food safety issues that are not being addressed.----With the country still reeling from the implosion of the financial markets, new attention has been placed on the huge trade deficits the US has with its trading partners. One major factor in our increasingly disadvantaged global trading position is our decision to use Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's), despite growing concern over its short and long term adverse effects on the health of the human body and the environment. For example in 2006 "the most significant event in the history of the U.S. rice industry" occurred, according to David Coia of the USA Rice Federation trade group, when trace amounts of genetically modified rice was found commingled in the U.S. rice supply.---According to GreenPeace the U.S. sustained approximately 1.2 billion dollars in losses, when over 30 countries were affected by the contamination, and many closed their markets to U.S. rice, including the European Union and the Phillipines. Why the global outcry? Despite our government's arguably criminal avoidance of the evidence linking genetically modified food to adverse health effects, the governments of other nations are aware of the dire risks to human and environmental health these GMOs pose. America is the only country in the world which does not require GMO ingredients or foods to be labeled as such[U6]. We can't expect the rest of the world to so carelessly experiment on its population with foods that have been profoundly altered to contain potentially toxic gene products from other species. Their reluctance to participate in the largest food experiment in the history of our species is directly reflected in the world' s increasing resistance to accepting food exported from the U.S., which has had huge impacts on our economic well-being. If you wish to withdraw yourself as a guinea pig from this national GMO experiment, remember, the only way you can know for sure that you food is not genetically modified is if it is certified organic.---Food quality has become an oxymoron in this country[U7]. With the state-sponsored promotion of food irradiation, virus-laden food additives, genetic modification, pesticide usage and raw sewage fertilizer, Americans who don't go out of their way to buy only organic food, are unknowing participants in the largest food experiment ever performed in recorded history[U8]. Not too long ago, all cultures considered food sacred for its ability to sustain our physical, emotional and spiritual well being from the ground up. Today, the forces of commodification and naked, "free market" capitalism have converted food into devitalized metabolic poisons, which slowly render those who consume them into commodities themselves, i.e. sickened patients, against whom are plied the thousands of branded 'snake-oil' remedies conjured up by the Diseasestablishment's cauldron-like pharmacopeia.
October 25, 2011
Dear Citizen for Health
By now you are familiar with our campaign opposing the FDA's "Draft Guidance for Industry: Dietary Supplements: New Dietary Ingredient Notifications and Related Issues": We believe this document reflects the FDA's intention to willfully and grossly misinterpret the law, especially the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of
1994 (DSHEA), regarding New Dietary Ingredients (NDIs) and filing submissions for them.---Our campaign began with a call to the Senate and the House of Representatives to put pressure on the FDA to withdraw this so-called guidance, and thousands of you responded with messages to your elected representatives. Two weeks ago we submitted comments to the FDA under the Citizens for Health name. You can read those comments at
We urged you to do the same, and once again you rose to the call. However, many of you have yet to take action against this latest effort by the FDA to undermine
DSHEA. We know many of you are involved with multiple organizations and participate in various worthwhile campaigns, and it can become overwhelming to keep up with it all. -But if this guidance moves forward to govern future FDA policy, it will strike at the very root of our health freedoms, and supplements and other products generally recognized as safe for nearly two decades will be re-assessed as if they were new ingredients. This would cause major disruption in the dietary supplement market; force a significant number of products off the shelves; and result in revenue losses of over a billion dollars and the unemployment of over 100,000 Americans. Read more at That's why we need your help now, more than ever, to have the kind of impact that will make the FDA withdraw the guidance.
Please visit!submitComment;D=FDA-2011-D-0376-0002 to send your comments opposing the NDI Guidance now.
We have drafted a sample letter to make it even easier to submit comments, and you can view it at Please take some time to edit the letter since a variety of comments has the greatest impact.--The comment period ends December 2, so act quickly, and be sure to keep an eye out for further developments in this critical campaign. --As always, thanks for your participation,
Agenda 21- Trilateral Agreement—
At the Weston Price Conference in Dallas Texas last Thursday, I walked into the hall at the Sheraton Hotel where the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund held their benefit dinner dance the day before the Conference began. Dr. Joseph Mercola was scheduled to be a featured speaker at this event, and again on Saturday night after dinner at the conference. has millions of visitors, and I had to make this effort to reach out to him. In 1997 when he first went online with his website, he called me and picked my brain for an hour seeking advice on how to get traffic to his site, information which I gave freely. At the time, the IAHF site was one of the most trafficked health freedom sites in cyberspace.
As I walked into the room, I was intercepted by Pete Kennedy,esq, [U9]Director of the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund who seemed very tense as he told me that Dr.Mercola had been put off by my efforts to reach out to him to request assistance in addressing the largest threat to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter With Canada and Mexico.
Kennedy told me that Mercola had only learned of my efforts to reach him "three days" before the conference, and he speculated that the reason for his negative reaction was that as a celebrity he "gets approached by a lot of people wanting his help."[U10] I spoke with Kennedy about the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter on the phone prior to the conference telling him about how I'd forced the FDA to give me their internal documents via the Freedom of Information Act via which they've created a framework for one harmonized set of food and drug regs between Canada, the US and Mexico which threatens to make an end run around the will of the people as expressed via passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), and I reiterated this, imploring him to assist me in reaching Mercola on the issue.
Kennedy told me that Mercola did want to be approached about this issue at all during the conference, telling me that Mercola was there only to focus on the things he'd come there to address and nothing else. Kennedy then suggested that whatever information I had, that he would make sure that Mercola would receive it.[U11]
I had a concise article about the issue with my business card attached and asked Kennedy to please give it to Mercola, which he promised to do, but as of the end of the conference on Monday, Kennedy hadn't yet done so. He told me he would mail it to him. This was the same article I'd emailed to Mercola via someone in his office who I'd spoken with by phone who told me he'd forwarded it to Mercola's CEO. (I sent this to Mercola a month prior to the conference, but never had any response, so wasn't sure he'd seen it.)
During a break in the program on Thursday night I was standing in the hall outside the room talking to some people when Mercola came walking towards me accompanied by someone from the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. When I attempted to greet him, his body language told me and my two friends that he wanted nothing to do with me and I was sharply rebuked for attempting to reach out to him by the staffer from Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund who sternly told me that she had business with Dr. Mercola whereupon she led him into a room for a private conversation, probably about FDA attacks on raw milk.
The next day, when I was in a line for lunch, Mercola was standing directly behind me in the line where he was observed blowing off someone else who attempted to talk with him, he was very aloof, clearly did not want to talk with this person, so I made no further attempt to engage him because for whatever reasons, he did not seem approachable. He knows who I am, and if he had wanted to engage me, he had a chance to do that right there. I decided to honor Pete Kennedy's request to give the man "space".
On the last day of the conference (yesterday) at a meeting of Weston A. Price Chapter leaders which I attended, I was told by one of the Canadian chapter leaders that Mercola's presentation Saturday night had been a shameless infomercial for Mercola that she was quite offended by it.
She had witnessed Mercola's refusal to engage me in the hall during the break in the dinner proceedings Thursday night, and her impression was that his primary interest is not health freedom, it is in promoting himself. She was very offended by his presentation Saturday night which I did not attend due to feeling offended that my efforts to reach out to this man would be so cavalierly dismissed after the huge effort I've been making to call attention to this sleeper issue which unequivocally poses a much larger threat to DSHEA than the FDA's NDI Guidance Document which Mercola (to his credit) HAS reported on.
I had been warned by several people that Mercola would probably act this way, and I didn't want to believe it. I see now that they were correct.
Someone who prefers to remain anonymous told me that Mercola had been paid a visit by the FDA during this past year due to a position he'd taken against mammograms. This person's feeling was that maybe Mercola was fearful of taking on this issue or of associating with me given that he realizes how much the FDA hates my guts for being the first to blow the whistle on Codex and also on the Trilateral Cooperation Charter (TCC). Perhaps Mercola simply feels that he's taking on all he can and that he can't shoulder this additional burden.
That could be, but only our Creator and Dr. Mercola himself will ever know for sure. If he reads this, I hope he'll ask himself some serious questions about the wisdom of ignoring what I'm saying and not doing a thing to help. In the meantime however, I made several very valuable contacts at the Chapter Leaders meeting the last day of the conference with whom I discussed the TCC and other related issues, and the good news is that some of them are professional publicists who have a lot of good connections who can help us springboard this issue more into the national consciousness, so my efforts to get to the Weston A. Price Foundation Conference were by no means in vain, and I want to thank those of you who generously made it possible for me to attend.
Several of these good contacts I made want to be part of a conference call to discuss food freedom issues which threaten farmers in the aftermath of FDA's raid on Rawesome food buyers club and on Amish farmers, as well as related issues such as UN Agenda 21 and FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter with Canada and Mexico.
One of these leaders interested in being part of this conference call is attorney Judith McCreary, a Texas ramcher whose focus group on "Animal ID" I attended yesterday.
McCreary runs the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance which is urging comments be made to the USDA prior to a December 9th deadline on Animal ID (formerly NAIS). USDA is trying to drive all small farmers out of business via onerous and unnecessary regulations that have nothing whatsoever to do with protecting the public health and everything to do with helping the "Agrigiants" to harmonize farming regulations world wide enabling them to grab increased market share. Please learn of this issue on her site and use their form letter to file comments with USDA before the deadline. Judith's organization is fighting against UN Agenda 21 in a slightly different way from IAHF and we endorse her efforts.
Unless we stop USDA's rule-making, even backyard chickens will have to an ID if they cross state lines. This means huge paperwork and cost involved with buying baby chicks from a hatchery if it's not in your state. This will negatively impact all backyard chicken enthusiasts and small farmers. The Animal ID rule making effort is a policy intended to benefit huge agribusiness such as Tyson and Purdue which have gigantic chicken factories where chickens never see the light of day.[U12]
In the health freedom movement, one hand washes the other. We vitamin consumers can make valuable allies from the ranks of the Food Freedom movement, even if they don't use dietary supplements themselves. We must work together against our common enemy: the New World Order, UN Agenda 21, the FDA, the USDA and their international regulatory counterparts.
Canada harmonizing to the EU via the CETA Trade Agreement
(EU is very restrictive when it comes to dietary supplements, and Canada is being taken down hard- IAHF needs Americans to understand the importance of supporting a legal injunction to be filed against Health Canada to stop the rash of Gestapo like raids occurring with increased frequency north of the border as Canada is being forcibly harmonized to the EU- see the article "Vitamin Police Terrorize Suppliers" at ttp:// and please donate to NHF Canada's efforts. Their fight is every American's fight too!
Fleas Collected from Norway Rats in Downtown Los Angeles Carry Human Pathogen
ScienceDaily (Nov. 16, 2011) — Most fleas collected from rats trapped in downtown Los Angeles, California carried microbes from the genus Bartonella, many of which are human pathogens, according to a paper in the November Applied and Environmental Microbiology.---The research team limited their investigation to fleas of the species Xenopsylla cheopis, because they are known both to infest Rattus norvegicus, the Norway rat, which is a major pest in high density urban areas, as well as to bite humans, says first author Sarah Billeter of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, CO.---Bartonella species are gram-negative bacteria that infect red blood cells and endothelial cells of the host. More than half are thought to cause some clinical disease in humans. B. rochalimae, found in 72 percent of the collected fleas, was first isolated from the blood of a patient who became ill after returning to the United States from a vacation in Peru, says Billeter. "She complained of fever, insomnia, nausea, headache, and mild cough. Upon examination at the hospital, she was found to have recurrent fever, splenomegaly, and anemia." B. rochalimae has also been identified as a cause of infectious endocarditis in a dog from San Francisco, says Billeter.---
The remaining fleas harbored sequences most closely related to B. tribocorum, a bacterium that has been detected in rodents "from various parts of the world," including France, says Billeter, and was isolated from the blood of a febrile Thai patient. "At this point, it remains unclear whether B. tribocorum is a human pathogen," says Billeter. "From a public health standpoint, however, it is important to determine whether R. norvegicus are reservoirs for zoonotic Bartonella spp. due to their close contact with humans and their pets." The question of whether X. cheopis can actually spread such pathogens to humans also warrants further investigation, says Billeter.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Society for Microbiology.
[U1]Interesting impact here –“current trends” meaning that what we are doing is in absolute error---that our guidelines are not working---this would include organic-non organic—foods---meaning that what we are eating is predisposing everyone in that direction
[U2]NOW we are getting to the real issue Healthy Foods---now the question is to define what is healthy!!
[U3]Notice SUGAR is the first thing----so that would imply a reduction of sugar---and that would imply all carbs would have to be dramatically reduced
[U4]Again –looking at this –what is in the foods that would cause this or sustain this at such a high rate
[U5]Here the question lies is Organic really the better way?? And can it really be organic being cross contaminated with GMO’s and is the organic going through a similar process then regular foods to make it safe and still be labled organic
[U6]Not entirely true---Canada and some south american countries that grow GMO or GE foods do not label either
[U7]Not Just in the USA---this is on going globally –as mentioned previously a lot of other countries are falling under the influence of the corporate companies who control the agri –and are now exploiting countries that have yet not developed and are in that stage of maturating to be independent
[U8]HERE is something to be made aware of the beginning of the article it mentions all conventional farming in the usa is being contaminated and the fact that by the time the organic food gets to your tabele it would have been exposed to a host of poisons---here you need to be observant—and not just buy organic but buy the foods local or start an enterprise of your own in the gardens or aquaponic or permaculture systems that at that point will be known to be free and clear of issues
[U10]Celebrity!! This putz---you have got to be kidding!!!
[U11]Using this Platform to Sell himself Like a whore on a street corner –instead of offering a solution to current events—Stay HOME COCA COLA
[U12]This is the way of the Vatican ( Monsanto) not sure how much longer the American Public are going to wait or the Canadian one for that matter this will indeed disrupt everyone’s health and access to health
Show of the Week December 5 2011
Common Causes Of Candida Overgrowth—Alkalinity-Adrenal-Mineral Defeciencies
Public bathroom bacteria uncovered, thanks to gene sequencing
Common Causes Of Candida Overgrowth—Alkalinity-Adrenal-Mineral Defeciencies
Some of the numerous reasons for candidiasis overgrowth are well known. Antibiotic therapy, especially long-term, is associated with Candidiasis. Astonishing amounts of antibiotics fed to livestock assure that all of us are ingesting some antibiotic residues, unless we procure antibiotic-free meat.-- There is also a known connection between candida overgrowth, use of the birth control pill and therapy with steroid hormones. However, many questions remain unanswered.
•Why are some people more prone to Candida infection than others?
•Why must Nystatin and anti-fungal regimes be continued for several years or longer?
•Why is there often a recurrence of candida overgrowth when the diet or medication is stopped?
Hair Analysis Reveals Underlying Causes
This article is a report on research conducted by Analytical Research Labs based upon tissue mineral analysis performed on several hundred candidiasis patients. A number of metabolic imbalances were revealed that yield insight into underlying metabolic factors responsible for candidiasis.----Note: All tissue mineral values referred to in this article were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) in unwashed hair samples.
Metabolic Aspects Of Candida Albicans Infection
A number of metabolic factors influence the body's ability to directly or indirectly control Candida Albicans overgrowth. While certain of these factors overlap, a separate presentation will lend more clarity to the multiplicity of factors involved.• Bio-unavailability of copper. Copper has a fungicidal value in the body's tissues[U1]. Copper compounds are used commercially as sprays on vegetables, as algicides in swimming pools, etc.
Zinc deficiency. Zinc is an essential mineral nutrient related to copper metabolism and is necessary for the synthesis of all body proteins.[U2]
Inadequate biochemical energy production. Biochemical energy is required for all body functions, including immune system function, and all other body systems.
Excessive alkalinity of the digestive tract. An alkaline environment of the intestinal tract favors yeast growth.
Excessive systemic alkalinity of body tissues. May permit candida to thrive in other body tissues.
Impaired short-chain fatty Acid metabolism. Short-chain fatty acids have fungicidal properties. Caprylic and butyric acid [U3]are frequently used as anti-candida agents. A healthy body synthesizes appropriate protective fatty acid compounds[U4]
Immune System Incompetence. Yeast infections are far more common in immune-suppressed patients.
Impaired Carbohydrate Metabolism. Impaired carbohydrate metabolism (hypoglycemia, dysinsulinism and diabetes) is intimately associated with candidiasis overgrowth.
Stress. Psychological stress impairs immune system function.
Other Nutrient Imbalances. Tissue mineral testing can identify other metabolic imbalances. Through tissue mineral testing, these metabolic factors can be monitored and corrected, resulting in an individualized and more effective approach to candidiasis.
Following are details of each of the factors that contribute to Candida overgrowth:
Copper Bio-Unavailability A Major Cause of Candida Infection-The most commonly observed mineral imbalance we find in many patients with Candida infection is termed bio-unavailable copper.-- Bio-unavailable copper is indicated on a tissue mineral test by a copper level above 3.0 mg/% or below 1.0 mgs/%. Other mineral indicators of a candida overgrowth are an elevated calcium level, elevated calcium/magnesium ratio, (greater than 10/1) or a low sodium/potassium ratio (less than 2.3/1).-- Bio-unavailability means there is an excess of copper stored in various tissues and organs. While in excess, it is not able to be accessed.--- When copper is bio-unavailable, it cannot serve its normal function as a fungicide. Copper is involved in enzymes in cellular oxidative (aerobic) metabolism, and this appears to be the reason for its anti-fungal action.---The causes of copper bio-unavailability are several, however the principal one is adrenal gland insufficiency, exhaustion or burnout. Inadequate secretion of adrenal glucocorticoid hormones prevents adequate synthesis of the major copper-binding protein, ceruloplasmin.--- Adrenal exhaustion results from stress, which results in a depletion of various nutrients such as manganese, zinc, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, vitamin A, etc., which are vital for optimal adrenal gland activity. Depletion of nutrients occurs due to:
• antibiotics and other medications which deplete copper reserves,
• inadequate diet,
• increased demand for nutrients due to stress, air pollution, illness, toxic metals, etc.,
• poor absorption and/or utilization of nutrients due to food sensitivity, inadequate digestive function, etc.
Zinc Deficiency
Zinc metabolism is closely related to Candida because 1) the zinc/copper balance is critical, and 2) zinc is required for many essential enzyme systems, including production of digestive enzymes and synthesis of all body proteins.[U5] A zinc imbalance is indicated on a tissue mineral chart by a zinc level less than 12.0 mgs/% or greater than 20.0 mgs/%, or a zinc/copper ratio greater than 12.0 mgs/%. A phosphorus level greater than 16 or less than 12 may also indicate a zinc imbalance. Deficiency of zinc is common for several reasons:
Use of superphosphate fertilizers and hybrid crops have contributed to widespread zinc deficiency in all foods.
Processing and refining further depletes foods of their zinc content. For example, zinc loss occurs in the conversion of whole wheat to white flour, in the conversion of sugar cane to white sugar, and in spraying of frozen and canned vegetables with EDTA to retain color.
Foods, relatively low in zinc, such as chicken and fish are being increasingly substituted for higher-zinc foods such as beef and red meats. Soy protein, commonly substituted for beef, is low in zinc.[U6]
Stress of any type results in zinc depletion.
Zinc deficiency is accentuated if copper exposure is high, because of a copper-zinc antagonism. Copper exposure is higher today for several reasons:
– Birth control pills raise tissue copper levels by raising estrogen levels.
– Copper is absorbed from the Copper-7 intrauterine device.
Water remaining in copper pipes, and consumption of high-copper foods such as soy, avocado, and chocolate are sources of copper.
-Stress causes copper levels to increase, by causing a zinc deficiency.
Impaired Biochemical Energy Production--- Hair analysis research indicates that the great majority, if not all, Candida patients have severely impaired production of biochemical energy. Such impaired energy production is indicated on the tissue mineral chart by: metabolic rate that is too rapid or too slow, and/or • evidence of problems in the energy-production pathway. The energy pathway requires many nutrients such as copper, iron, manganese, potassium, magnesium, etc., in optimal amounts and ratios. Various imbalances in these nutrients are indicative of energy production problems. An excess of toxic metals, such as cadmium, usually signals serious problems in the energy pathways of the body.--Since biochemical energy (adenosine-tri-phosphate-ATP) is required for ALL cellular functions, including immunity, fatty acid metabolism, maintenance of pH, etc., restoration of the energy system is essential for permanent correction of candida infections.
Excessive Alkalinity Of The Intestinal Tract Individuals with candida overgrowth frequently have impaired digestive enzyme production. This is indicated on the tissue mineral test by low sodium and potassium levels relative to calcium and magnesium levels, or a sodium-to-potassium ratio less than 2.3/1. Sodium and potassium are required in optimal amounts for production of hydrochloric acid in the parietal cells of the stomach.[U7] HCL production is impaired when tissue levels of these minerals are low. A low sodium/potassium ratio is associated with a liver dysfunction, often accompanied by an inadequate secretion of bile acids. Bile acids also aid in maintaining intestinal pH and keep yeast organisms in check. Insufficient hydrochloric acid and bile acid levels result in an increase alkalinity of the intestines, which in turn favors yeast overgrowth. Adequate levels of hydrochloric acid also help maintain proper intestinal flora by maintaining intestinal pH.
Excessive Systemic Alkalinity---Excessive systemic alkalinity is present in many Candida Albicans patients. Increased systemic alkalinity favors the spreading of the yeast infection from the intestines to other body tissues. These individuals exhibit a mineral pattern referred to as slow oxidation, and/or a sodium/potassium ratio less than 2.3:1, which is indicative of adrenal burnout. A slow oxidation pattern reflects both an underactive thyroid and adrenal gland activity, which causes alkalinity due to decreased production of acid metabolic end-products. These individuals also usually have a high tissue calcium level and rapidly convert lactic acid to the alkaline compound calcium lactate. A low sodium/potassium ratio also reflects a state of protein breakdown, and in this process potassium is released from cells, leading to an increased alkaline condition. Correction of the sodium/potassium ratio is essential to eliminate yeast problems, because this is indicative of adrenal insufficiency, induced hyper-alkalinity, an impaired immune system, and deficient hydrochloric acid and bile acid secretion.
Impaired Short-Chain Fatty Acid Metabolism--- The success of caprylic acid products in controlling intestinal yeast indicates another nutritional problem area for many individuals. Many people today suffer from poor fat digestion and utilization. This is related to a deficiency of digestive enzymes, but may also be adversely influenced by an inadequate diet, and inadequate fat metabolism. The underlying causes must go back to impaired liver function, low energy production, deficiency of essential minerals and disabling of critical enzymes due to toxic metals, etc.[U8]
Immune system Incompetence--- Candida has been related to AIDS and other immune deficiency diseases. We frequently note that candida patients exhibit certain mineral patterns similar to immune incompetence. These patterns are a sodium/potassium ratio less than 2.3:1, copper level less than 1.0 mgs/% or greater than 10.0 mgs/%, or a calcium/magnesium ratio greater than 12:1 or less than 3.3:1 mgs/%. Nutrition programs aimed at correcting the immune system will usually have very beneficial effects on Candida patients.-
Carbohydrate Intolerance----While we are led to believe that the carbohydrate intolerance demonstrated by the Candida patient is due to the yeast acting upon sugars in the diet, it is also conceivable that the body's inability to properly metabolize sugars and starches contributes to yeast overgrowth[U9]
.• Poor absorption of carbohydrates can leave excessive quantities of carbohydrates in the intestines where they are targets for fermentative organisms.
Insufficient insulin levels, or deficiencies of chromium, manganese, zinc or other elements involved in glucose metabolism can prevent conversion of sugars into ATP within body cells; thus allowing glucose to buildup in the cells where again it is a target for yeast organisms.
Problems in carbohydrate metabolism are indicated on a tissue mineral chart by abnormally high or low levels or manganese, zinc, potassium and chromium. A calcium/magnesium ratio above 8.5:1 mgs/% or below 4.5:1 mgs/% is also indicative of glucose tolerance problems.[U10]
Psychological Stress--- Psychological stress has deleterious effects upon the immune system, the digestive system, glucose metabolism, and copper and zinc metabolism. Stress causes rapid depletion of zinc, pathological accumulation and bio-unavailability of copper, resulting in a severe derangement of glucose metabolism as well.
Other Nutrient Imbalances-- While this is a large area of research, toxic metals are known to interfere with hundreds of physiological functions. Mercury is known to impair immune system function. Cadmium displaces zinc in over 70 enzyme systems: lead by impairing calcium metabolism, diminishes insulin secretion resulting in impaired glucose metabolism which favors candida overgrowth.
Conclusion Analysis conclude that these include copper bio-unavailability, zinc deficiency, inefficient biochemical energy production, hyper-alkalinity of the digestive tract and systemic alkalinity, impaired fatty acid metabolism, impaired immune response, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, toxic metal poisoning and deficiency of various trace elements. Use of tissue mineral analysis to uncover these metabolic imbalances can produce a more rapid and complete recovery from a yeast infection.
Zinc –Copper-Manganese Recipe-Take 15mgs of Zinc and 1-3 mgs of Copper to form SOD ( Super oxide Dismutase ) this will work as a Cellular antioxidant—taking Zinc 15 mgs and Manganese 1-5 mgs will Produce as well SOD ( Superoxide Dismutase) and will work as a Mitochondrial Antioxidant—these will assist the Immune system to not only regulate the Sugars and proteins in the body but a host of immune systems and enzyme production and eliminate Cancers which would be as a result of yeast or fungi ---
Sodium and Potassium—take your sea salt and weigh it out and then get either potassium citrate or potassium chloride- weigh this out to be 2 times more then the salt—so for an example you take 1 oz of sea salt then take 2 oz of potassium and blend together---then when this is applied to foods you will be getting the right ratio of sodium/potassium balance
Enzyme Recipe—Take a good Digestive Enzyme—that will include High levels of Amylase—or anything with the letters ase—such as lactase—galactonase-maltase-phytase –xylanase-cellulase etc---these are enzymes that break down the sugars in these foods or the fibres—take them in between meals as well with meals to further break down the excess carbs and starches that may still reside in the digestive trac
TSP-Chlorophyl Recipe- go to a hardware store and pick up a box of TSP ( Trisodium Phosphate ) and add 10 grams to 1 litre ( 33 oz ) of water this will make a 1 % solution-pour 1 oz into a glass add 1 tablespoon of Chlorophyll ( usually has a bout 5 mgs per serving ) and take it with zinc 15 ms+---what this does is increases a very potent antibacterial antifungal antimold effect in the body
And almost instantly will reduce pain in the system—this will remove the excesses as well—Special Note for a lot of you start out with 1 gram to 1 litre and slowly go up –this can be at first potent and has a cleansing effect and you may even see fungal matter or dead matter come out the colon so start low and eventually go up or even stay at that dose—adding the chlorophyll will make a huge difference as well with pain issues—and stay hydrated---this will be key to eliminating yeast and other bacterial and fungal build up
Make a Peanut or Seed Butter Recipe- Take a seed of Choice or Nut and add a small amount of oil and ad to a blender small amounts of seed or nut and blend—once it starts the slowly add more material to the blender and allow to blend smooth---add while it is blending—rosemary essential oil 1-3 drops-tangerine essential oils 1-3 drops—thyme or savoury –or sage---again 1-3 drops ( use any of them or comb them—when down and the seed/nut butter is smooth
Add to glass jar—and consume this right out of the jar---on a tablespoon—in a smoothie this will give a fat content that will again assist you with this condition
Fat Recipe—Make a coconut/butter mix and turn into a cream---buy some cream ( 35% or as high as you can get it ) and add about 1-2 oz of coconut oil to the cream---add to blender and add essential oils to it such as rosemary or sage or thyme or pine or savoury or oregano—add 1-3 drops max—if you do decide to combine then would suggest no more then 3 and only add a drop of each—whip It in the blender til it turns into a whipped cream—if it goes to long it will turn to butter ---which is good as well—either way once whipped then add to a glass container and periodically spoon it out and consume—several times a day---in the mixing you can as well add iodine to the recipe if you should chose 1-3 drops as well
AS the article states—being to much alkaline as well can be a cause of cancer indirectly by the propagation or promotion of yeast and other infections that are a result of being to alkaline---as a rule of thumb –Balance is best---you will never be precise to a point of maintaining an actual 7—any deviation up or down 6.5-7.5 is where you want to be—there are to many things in our environment that keep us in either state---either through environmental pollutants or through foods and beverages we drink being contaminated with things that can cause an imbalance either way of the spectrum---Nothing easy here but being aware of these things will give a better decision in the direction required to make the right choice and balance
Public bathroom bacteria uncovered, thanks to gene sequencing
We all know public bathrooms are lousy with bacteria, but what kind are they, and how did they get there? A study released Wednesday in the journal PLoS ONE uses gene sequencing to find out exactly what germs lurk in public restrooms and where they came from. And after reading this, you are definitely going to want to wash your hands. A few times. Researchers used high-throughput genetic sequencing to detect bacteria on 10 different surfaces in 12 men's and women's bathrooms on a college campus. Those surfaces included door, toilet and faucet handles, soap dispensers, toilet seats and various areas of the floor. The sequencing process used allows scientists to create up to millions of sequences at the same time.---Nineteen bacterial phyla were identified. Most belonged to four phyla: Actinobacteria, Bacteriodetes, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria. Scientists were able to get an average of 3,340 gene sequences per sample.--
Bacteria commonly associated with human skin were found on all surfaces -- not a big surprise, since most of the areas sampled are routinely touched. Other human bacteria, including some linked with the mouth, gut and urine were also found on all surfaces.---Bacterial communities were grouped into three categories: those found on toilet surfaces, on floors, and on surfaces usually touched by hands. Bacteria associated with the gut were common on toilet surfaces, signifying fecal contamination (and an argument for seat protectors). Bacteria linked to skin were most often found on surfaces people touched with their hands. The floor had the biggest bacteria party, revealing what the authors called "diverse bacterial communities" of organisms, including several typically found in soil.--Some toilet flush handles also had bacteria comparable to what was found on the floor. Getting the picture? It suggests some people flush the handles with their feet, a practice, the authors wrote, "well known to germophobes and those who have had the misfortune of using restrooms that are less than sanitary."--Finding bacteria associated with the gut and female urine at various points in the restrooms may indicate that frequent toilet use distributes those germs around and about. And while on some level we all know that, even if we don't want to admit it ourselves, the authors said this emphasizes the importance of hand washing after using the facilities, since surfaces could transmit human pathogens.--Those who used the bathrooms tapped for the study might want to take a cue from the research. "Unfortunately," they wrote, "previous studies have documented that college students (who are likely the most frequent users of the studied restrooms) are not always the most diligent of hand-washers."--The study was released online today in the journal PLoS ONE.
[U1]Cheapest form of copper is chlorophyll
[U2]Add Zinc with the chlorophyll 3:1 to produce SOD
[U3]Coconut oil—Butter-
Butter 1,190 Goat’s Cheese 961
Cream Cheese 335 Gruyere Cheese 355
Edam Cheese 300 Parmesan Cheese 300
Swiss Cheese 289 Mozzarella Cheese 257
Blue Cheese 247 Cream 129
Cow’s Milk 75 Yogurt 42
Dietary Oils: Coconut Oil 7,500 Palm Kernel Oil 3,300
Fruit: Coconut 2,350
Herbs: Saw Palmetto Sage 710
Thyme 240 Turmeric 100
Ginger 60 Thyme 41
Nuts: Cashew Nuts 132
Processed Foods: Cococnut Cream 2,430 Coconut Milk 1,670
butyric acid
Butter: 3,230 Parmesan Cheese 1,510
Swiss Cheese 1,100 Cream 1,080
Cheddar Cheese 1,050 Gruyere Cheese 1,050
Edam Cheese 1,000 Gouda Cheese 1,000
Cream Cheese 1,000 Feta Cheese 775
Blue Cheese 658 Milk 75
[U4]If unable to process fats then use extra Lipase
[U5]Zinc+ Copper= SOD
[U6]It actually depletes the body of the mineral as well as others
[U7]So a good dose of Salt and Potassium ---is not a bad idea
[U8]In other words See what would be causing the issue—or the depleting of the system impairing energy production
[U9]And this can be due to GMO foods or GE foods or foods that are processed and or irradiated-microwaved or chemically coloured or treated
[U10]Minerals for Insulin and ATP conversions
Show of the Week December 9 2011
Call to French minister to caution women about aspartame intake during pregnancy
Hope for Muscle Wasting Disease
Nut consumption benefits for metabolic syndrome
Zeaxanthin may match lutein for MPOD boost RCT
Zeaxanthin improves elderly vision
Call to French minister to caution women about aspartame intake during pregnancy
Scientists attached to the Réseau Environnement Santé (RES) in France are urging the French Minister of Health to inform women about the dangers of aspartame during pregnancy. -- Last week, Paris-based (RES) - Environmental Health Network - said it was taking advantage of the celebration of World Day for Prematurity to communicate to Minister Xavier Bertrand their concerns over the intake of aspartame during pregnancy, citing studies associating the sweetener with increased risk for preterm births. -- RES argues that the prevention of all early and late prematurity should be a priority for the ministry and stressed the need to inform pregnant women about all risk factors. -- As evidence for their concerns, the French campaigners reference a study published last year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which found that pregnant Danish women who consumed at least four servings of artificially sweetened carbonated soft drinks per day were at a 78 per cent higher risk of preterm birth than women who did not consume any soft drinks. -- And the RES scientists claim that since the publication of that research, several other studies have confirmed the health risks linked to intake of the artificial sweetener during pregnancy.
Industry reaction
However, the Danish study was criticised at the time by the sweeteners industry. Beth Hubrich, a dietician with the Calorie Control Council, an international association representing the low-calorie and reduced-fat food and beverage industry, said the research could “unduly alarm” pregnant women. “While this study is counter to the weight of the scientific evidence demonstrating that low-calorie sweeteners are safe for use in pregnancy, research has shown that overweight and obesity can negatively affect pregnancy outcomes.
“Leading health groups support the use of low-calorie sweeteners in pregnancy. Further, low-calorie sweeteners can help pregnant women enjoy the taste of sweets without excess calories, leaving room for nutritious foods and beverages without excess weight gain – something that has been shown to be harmful to both the mother and developing baby,” she added. [U1]
EFSA review
April this year saw the European Parliament’s Environment committee pushing for a warning label on products containing aspartame stating that they may not be suitable for pregnant women. -- On the back of the MEPs’ concerns and on a request for a thorough literature review, a re-assessment of the safety of aspartame is now underway at EFSA, bringing forward a scheduled re-evaluation of aspartame from 2020 to 2012.
EFSA recently told that it asked the regulator for an extension of the review period until the end of September 2012 to allow enough time for the agency to conduct a full risk assessment of the sweetener “in view of the fact that a public call for data had to be conducted first.” -- In response to the call for data, the Parma-based risk assessor said it has received more than 600 studies, including the 112 studies that supported the original application. “We intend to put the draft opinion to a public consultation sometime in either spring or summer 2012,” added the agency.
Supplier confidence
At the time of the announcement of the review, leading aspartame supplier Ajinomoto displayed its confidence in the ingredient. “EFSA reaffirmed the safety of aspartame in 2006, 2009 and 2010. In addition, recent allegations about the safety of aspartame made in France and by a handful of MEPs have already been dismissed by EFSA,” said the company in a statement. -This review of the extensive body of science on aspartame will provide additional confirmation of the ingredient's safety.[U2]
Hope for Muscle Wasting Disease
ScienceDaily (Nov. 22, 2011) — A health supplement used by bodybuilders could be the key to treating a life-threatening muscular dystrophy affecting hundreds of Australian children, new research shows.--The amino acid L-tyrosine had a "rapid and dramatic impact" on Nemaline Myopathy (NM) in laboratory tests on mice, significantly improving symptoms of the muscle wasting disease, medical researchers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) found.---Trials showed that consuming L-tyrosine could significantly improve muscle strength and mobility in NM, raising the possibility it also could be effective in a range of other muscular dystrophies. L-tyrosine is readily available in health food shops for less than $30 and is used as a body building supplement and as a memory booster.---There is currently no cure for NM (or Rod Myopathy) -- the most common congenital muscle wasting disease -- which causes muscle weakness of varying severity in an estimated 500 Australian children.---Children with NM experience delayed motor development and weakness in the arms and legs, trunk, throat and face muscles. The condition can lead to difficulties breathing and moving and, in its severest form, can cause death.---A team of scientists led by Professor Edna Hardeman, from UNSW's Neuromuscular and Regenerative Medicine Unit, were able to test the efficacy of the supplement after creating -- for the first time -- a genetically modified mouse which display the same genetic changes found in children with NM.---"These mice and have a remarkably similar disease profile to the children, with many of the animals dying young," Professor Hardeman said. After feeding the mice the L-tyrosine, the team observed improvements in muscle strength, increased mobility and a reduction in a range of muscle pathologies.--The findings will now be used as the basis for a clinical trial to test L-tyrosine's ability to alleviate symptoms in children.---"This is the first clear demonstration that L-tyrosine supplements can significantly reduce both the clinical and pathological features of NM," Professor Hardeman said.--"L-tyrosine is readily available, it is easy to administer and our data suggest that long-term use is relatively safe," Professor Hardeman said. "What's more, the rapid and dramatic impact of L-tyrosine in NM mice also raises the possibility the supplement may be beneficial for dystrophy patients and other muscle degenerative conditions."
Other team members included Dr Mai-Anh Nguyen and Josephine Joya from UNSW's School of Medical Sciences. The study was funded by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council---The findings are published online in the journal Brain.---Story Source--The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of New South Wales. --Journal Reference-M.-A. T. Nguyen, J. E. Joya, A. J. Kee, A. Domazetovska, N. Yang, J. W. Hook, F. A. Lemckert, E. Kettle, V. A. Valova, P. J. Robinson, K. N. North, P. W. Gunning, C. A. Mitchell, E. C. Hardeman. Hypertrophy and dietary tyrosine ameliorate the phenotypes of a mouse model of severe nemaline myopathy. Brain, 2011; DOI: 10.1093/brain/awr274
Nut consumption benefits for metabolic syndrome
The consumption of nuts could help to boost levels the neurotransmitter serotonin, possibly leading to improved heart health, decreased feelings of hunger, and increased wellbeing in people suffering from metabolic syndrome, according to a new study. The research, published in the Journal of Proteome Research, reports a link between eating nuts and higher levels of serotonin in the bodies of patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS). The Spanish researchers found that just one ounce of mixed nuts – raw unpeeled walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts – a day resulted in increased excretion of serotonin metabolites in the urine. ---“Urinary markers of serotonin metabolism were ... associated, for the first time, to nut consumption, although their endogenous versus exogenous (dietary) origin remains to be elucidated,” said the researchers, led by Cristina Andrés-Lacueva from the Biomarkers & NutriMetabolomics Research Group of the University of Barcelona, Spain. --- The researchers pointed out that the study provides the first evidence in humans of the beneficial effects of nut consumption in reducing levels of substances in the body associated with inflammation and other cardiovascular risk factors in patients with metabolic syndrome. ---“Because of the important role of serotonin in the regulation of energy balance, metabolism, and glucose homeostasis, attention should also be given in the future to the eventual effects of nut intake on the serotonemic status of subjects with MetS,” they said.
Metabolic syndrome --- Andrés-Lacueva and her team explained that the rise in obesity around the world means more and more patients are suffering from metabolic syndrome – the symptoms of which include excess abdominal fat, high blood sugar and high blood pressure, all of which increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. -- Serotonin is a substance that helps transmit nerve signals and decreases feelings of hunger, makes people feel happier and improves heart health. It took -- They added that previous research has suggested that dietary changes – including the regular consumption of nuts – may help patients with MetS shed excess weight, and become healthier. Among the changes nuts have been suggested to correct certain metabolic abnormalities associated with MetS. To check the biochemical effects of nut consumption, Andrés-Lacueva and her team put 22 MetS patients on a nut-enriched diet for 12 weeks and compared them to another group of 20 patients who were told to avoid nuts.
Study details -- After analysing a broad spectrum of metabolites excreted in the participants’ urine, the team, found evidence of several healthful changes, including boosted levels of serotonin metabolites in urine – suggesting a role of serotonin in the beneficial effects of nuts. -- Increased metabolism and excretion of unsaturated fatty acids were also observed by Andrés-Lacueva and her colleagues. They noted that the finding was “probably attributable to the highly increased intake of PUFA through the consumption of nuts.” -- They also reported an increase in urinary microbial and phase II metabolites of nut polyphenols, particularly of urolithins coming from the metabolism of walnut ellagitannins. ---“Because of the potential role of urolithins in reducing inflammation and improving cardiovascular health, these microbial metabolites may reasonably contribute to the beneficial effects of nut consumption,” they stated. -- Source: Journal of Proteome Research Volume 10, Issue 11, Pages 5047–5058, doi: 10.1021/pr200514h “Metabolomics Unveils Urinary Changes in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome following 12-Week Nut Consumption” Authors: S. Tulipani, R. Llorach, O. Jáuregui, P. López-Uriarte, M. Garcia-Aloy, M. Bullo, J. Salas-Salvadó, C. Andrés-Lacueva
Zeaxanthin may match lutein for MPOD boost
Supplements of zeaxanthin may increase the macula pigment optical density (MPOD) as much as lutein, and boost the functioning of cones in retina, says a new study. --- Consuming a daily dose of 8 milligrams of zeaxanthin for one year produced an increase in MPOD in older men similar to that observed following 9 mg per day of lutein, according to findings published in Optometry. --- In addition, zeaxanthin was associated with benefits to vision linked to cone cells in the retina, while lutein was associated with benefits to vision linked to rod cells.
“The remarkable increased visual acuity and heightened foveal shape discrimination with zeaxanthin potentially applies to sports vision (i.e. baseball players) and has military application (i.e. sharpshooters) for the young as well as old,” wrote researchers from the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Facility in Chicago and Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in Illinois.
Zeaxanthin --- The macula is a yellow spot of about five millimeters diameter on the retina. As we age, levels of the pigments in the macula decrease naturally, thereby increasing the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The yellow color is due to the content of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which we derive from the diet.
These compounds are the only carotenoids capable of filtering the harmful blue light than can damage cells in the eye, the rods and the cones. --- A thin macular pigment can allow the blue light through and destroy the cells. Maintaining high levels of both carotenoids, and therefore the macular pigment, is a valid approach to maintaining eye health and reducing the risk of AMD.
Study details --- The Illinois-based researchers recruited 60 people with an average age of 75 to participate in their randomized controlled clinical. All of the participants had mild-to-moderate AMD, and were considered lower-risk than those included in the National Institute of Health/National Eye Institute/Age-Related Eye Disease Study. -- Participants were randomly assigned to receive 8 mg per day of zeaxanthin (Chrysantis), or 8 mg zeaxanthin plus 9 mg lutein, or 9 mg lutein for one year. -- All three supplementation programs increased MPOD, and there were no differences between the groups. -- Detailed high-contrast visual acuity improved in the zeaxanthin group, while low-contrast visual acuity was improved the most in the lutein only group. ---“In older male patients with AMD, zeaxanthin -induced foveal MPOD elevation mirrored that of L and provided complementary distinct visual benefits by improving foveal cone-based visual parameters, whereas L enhanced those parameters associated with gross detailed rod-based vision, with considerable overlap between the 2 carotenoids,” wrote the researchers.
“The equally dosed (atypical dietary ratio) zeaxanthin plus L group fared worse in terms of raising MPOD, presumably because of duodenal, hepatic-lipoprotein or retinal carotenoid competition.” -- Source: Optometry - Journal of the American Optometric Association November 2011, Volume 82, Issue 11, Pages 667-680.e6
“Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of zeaxanthin and visual function in patients with atrophic age-related macular degeneration: The Zeaxanthin and Visual Function Study (ZVF) FDA IND #78, 973”
Authors: S.P. Richer, W. Stiles, K. Graham-Hoffman, M. Levin, D. Ruskin, J. Wrobel, D-W. Park, C. Thomas
Dietary Sources of Zeaxanthin --(mg of Zeaxanthin per 100 grams)
Algae: Blue-Green Algae:
Spirulina -Red Algae-
Dunaliella salina 1,000
Dietary Oils: Palm Oil (crude)
Herbs: Arnica—Barberry-Paprika Lycium
Eggs: Egg Yolks--Whole Eggs 0.023
Fruit: Apricot –Orange-0.07 - 0.2
Papaya—Prunes—Mango-- Kiwi Fruit
Honeydew Melon-- Peach (raw)0.006
Persimmon (raw)0.488
Vegetables: Corn 0.2--Pumpkin
Squash--Kale 0.173--Lettuce (cos) 0.187 Mustard Greens--Lettuce (romaine) 0.187 Lettuce (iceberg) 0.07-
Spinach 0.331—Asparagus-Broccoli 0.023-Carrots -0.023-Celery 0.008 Corn, canned, whole kernel 0.528
Brussels Sprouts - Capsicum (Orange)1.608
Zeaxanthin improves elderly vision
Elderly people have better night vision and are better able to discern fine details, when taking zeaxanthin, a military study has found. The study followed 60 war veterans with early signs of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) who were given 8mg of zeaxanthin daily. They showed a better ability to drive at night and improved reading of an eye chart between 1.5 and 8.5 lines. Blind spots also improved. -- The study followed 60 elderly veterans with early over a 12-month period that consumed 8 mg of dietary Zeaxanthin daily, showed improvement in the ability to drive at night, recognition of fine detail - an average improvement of 1.5 lines or 8.5 letters on an eye chart, and the disappearance of blind spots. -- The study was led by Stuart Richer, PhD, OD at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Chicago, and published in the November issue of the Journal of Optometry . AMD is a degenerative retinal disease that causes central vision loss and leaves only peripheral vision, and the leading cause of legal blindness for people over 55 years of age in the Western world, according to AMD Alliance International. Those in the study were given either 8mg of zeaxanthin, 9mg of lutein, or a combination of both daily over a 12-month period. All groups improved in the vision measures tested. ---“In older male patients [zeaxanthjin improved] foveal cone-based visual parameters, whereas [lutein] enhanced those parameters associated with gross detailed rod-based vision, with considerable overlap between the 2 carotenoids,” the researchers found. --“The equally dosed (atypical dietary ratio) [zeaxanthin plus lutein] fared worse in terms of raising MPOD [macula pigment optical density], presumably because of duodenal, hepatic-lipoprotein or retinal carotenoid competition. These results make biological sense based on retinal distribution and [zeaxanthin] foveal predominance.” -- Source- Journal of the American Optometric Association -- November-- ‘Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of zeaxanthin and visual function in patients with atrophic agerelated macular degeneration’ Authors: Richer et al
Cheapest form of Zeaxanthin- would be paprika—so if you combine marigold and paprika then you get the benefit of both the lutein and zeaxanthin---easiest way take the marigold put in a blender 1 cup of the flower dry or fresh add ¼ cup of paprika—1 oz of vodka ( 2 if necessary ) add oil of choice—olive-sunflower-almond-coconut—top of the flower or just about ½ inch ( 1 centimeter) above—blend at high speed ( start out at a slow speed and when the blender gets going then rev it up to high ) for about 5-7 minutes—this will create a centrifuge and extract the components into the oil ---when done stop the blender and strain through a handkerchief or pillow case or a cloth where you can squeeze out the oil---this will have absorbed the components and you have a remedy—take 1 tsp of this several times a day—if you wish to extend the life of the oil then add 1 drop of the essential oil of rosemary to the bottle and shake well—then utilize
Show of the Week December 12 2011
Professional Dental Cleanings May Reduce Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke
Enzymatic Synthesis of Pyrrolysine, the Mysterious 22nd Amino Acid
ALL the Vaccines Are Contaminated - Every Last One of Them
Researchers Surprised to Find Fatty Liver Disease Poses No Excess Risk for Death
Professional Dental Cleanings May Reduce Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke
ScienceDaily (Nov. 13, 2011) — Professional tooth scaling was associated with fewer heart attacks and strokes in a study from Taiwan presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2011.--Among more than 100,000 people, those who had their teeth scraped and cleaned (tooth scaling) by a dentist or dental hygienist had a 24 percent lower risk of heart attack and 13 percent lower risk of stroke compared to those who had never had a dental cleaning. The participants were followed for an average of seven years.---Scientists considered tooth scaling frequent if it occurred at least twice or more in two years; occasional tooth scaling was once or less in two years.--The study included more than 51,000 adults who had received at least one full or partial tooth scaling and a similar number of people matched with gender and health conditions who had no tooth scaling. None of the participants had a history of heart attack or stroke at the beginning of the study. The study didn't adjust for heart attack and stroke risk factors -- such as weight, smoking and race -- that weren't included in the Taiwan National Health insurance data base, the source of the information used in the analysis.
"Protection from heart disease and stroke was more pronounced in participants who got tooth scaling at least once a year," said Emily (Zu-Yin) Chen, M.D., cardiology fellow at the Veterans General Hospital in Taipei, Taiwan.--Professional tooth scaling appears to reduce inflammation-causing bacterial growth that can lead to heart disease or stroke, she said.--Hsin-Bang Leu M.D., is the study co-author. Author disclosures and funding are on the abstract.--Type of periodontal disease predicts degree of risk for heart attack, stroke, and heart failure --In a separate study, researchers found that the value of markers for gum disease predict heart attack, congestive heart failure and stroke in different ways and to different degrees.--Anders Holmlund, D.D.S., Ph.D. Centre for Research and Development of the County Council of Gävleborg, Sweden, and senior consultant; Specialized Dentistry, studied 7,999 participants with periodontal disease and found people with:-fewer than 21 teeth had a 69 percent increased risk of heart attack compared to those with the most teeth.
A higher number of deepened periodontal pockets (infection of the gum around the base of the tooth) had a 53 percent increased risk of heart attack compared to those with the fewest pockets. The least amount of teeth had a 2.5 increased risk of congestive heart failure compared to those with the most teeth. The highest incidence of gum bleeding had a 2.1 increased risk of stroke compared to those with the lowest incidence.---
Story Source--The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Heart Association. --Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.
Recipe For Oral Health—take baking soda and GSE and make a paste and brush regularly –this will remove almost anything on the teeth and kill off different bacteria---and then proceed to make your own mouth wash with GSE –or peppermint essential oils –thyme E/O—Myrrh E/O—Tea Tree or Cajeput E/O –you would need a good clean drinking alcohol ( vodka-gin-grappa-tecoilla etc) add 3-5 drops in a 8 oz glass container with the alcohol—shake well or add the contents to a blender and blend at high speed for about 3-4 minutes then put into the bottle---use like a normal wash—if to strong then dilute with distilled water til you get to a strength you can handle
Enzymatic Synthesis of Pyrrolysine, the Mysterious 22nd Amino Acid
PylB with methylornithin (3MO) and co-factor S-adenosylmethionine (SAM).
ScienceDaily (Nov. 18, 2011) — With few exceptions, all known proteins are using only twenty amino acids. 25 years ago scientists discovered a 21st amino acid, selenocysteine and ten years ago a 22nd, the pyrrolysine. However, how the cell produces the unusual building block remained a mystery. Now researchers at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen have elucidated the structure of an important enzyme in the production of pyrrolysine.---The scientific journal Angewandte Chemie reports on their results in its "Early View" online section.
Proteins are key players in many vital processes in living organisms.. They transport substances, catalyze chemical reactions, pump ions or recognize signaling molecules. The complexity and variety of proteins is tremendous, in the human body alone there are more than 100,000 different proteins at work. But almost all of them are made up of just twenty different amino acids. Only a few highly specialized proteins additionally contain selenocysteine, the very rare 21st amino acid discovered in 1986.---A big surprise was the discovery of a 22nd amino acid in methane-producing archaea of the family Methanosarcinaceae in 2002: pyrrolysine. It is genetically encoded in a similar manner as that of selenocysteine and the other twenty amino acids. The archaea use the unusual amino acid in proteins that they need for energy conversion. Pyrrolysine is located in the catalytic center of the proteins and is essential for their function. The energy generation process of the archaebacteria would not work without pyrrolysine.
In March 2011, scientists at Ohio State University succeeded in deciphering parts of the manufacturing process of pyrrolysine. They proposed a reaction mechanism suggesting that the enzyme PylB catalyzes the first step of pyrrolysine biosynthesis by converting the amino acid lysine to the intermediate product metyhlornithine. Scientists headed by Michael Groll, Professor of Biochemistry at the TUM-Department of Chemistry, could now determine the crystalline structure of PylB by X-ray using structure analysis.--To their great surprise, they caught the enzyme literally "in the act": at the time of crystallization the reaction product, methylornithine, had not left the enzyme. It adhered to a confined space, a kind of "reaction vessel," still in connection with the centers of the enzyme responsible for its creation. "That the product was still present in the enzyme, was something special and a great stroke of luck," says Felix Quitterer, a member of the scientific staff at the Department of Biochemistry and lead author of the publication. "We were not only able to directly detect the methylornithine, but also retroactively reconstruct how it is created from the source amino acid lysine."---This reaction was not only unknown until now, it is also very difficult to catalyze. It is a cluster of four iron and four sulfur atoms in the active site that is the key to the conversion. "This is a really unusual enzymatic reaction. Up to now no chemist in the laboratory is able to synthesize methylornithine in a one-step reaction starting from lysine," says Michael Groll.---The conversion of lysine to methylornithine is helping scientists to understand how archaebacteria can modify an existing system to enable the formation of a tailored amino acid that, when installed in the appropriate protein, catalyzes a very specific reaction. Researchers can use this knowledge to create artificial amino acids for "custom tailored" enzymes with special properties, that could, for example, find applications in industrial biotechnology and medicine.--A more fundamental reason for the high interest in the synthesis of the 22nd amino acid is that scientists are hoping to find new clues to the evolutionary development of the amino acid-canon. Why does the vast complexity of proteins in living organisms descend from only a few natural amino acids, even though the genetic code would be able to encode many more? An answer on this fundamental question has thus far eluded scientists. Selenocysteine and pyrrolysine are exotic exceptions, but knowledge about their development from the standard amino acids helps to come a little closer to the answer. This research was funded by the Hans-Fischer-Gesellschaft and the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology as well as the Cluster of Excellence Center for Integrated Protein Science Munich. The measurements were performed at the PXI beamline at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Villigen, Switzerland).--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Technische Universitaet Muenchen. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.--Journal Reference--Felix Quitterer, Anja List, Wolfgang Eisenreich, Adelbert Bacher, Michael Groll. Kristallstruktur der Methylornithin-Synthase (PylB): Einblicke in die Biosynthese von Pyrrolysin. Angewandte Chemie, 2011; DOI: 10.1002/ange.201106765
has grown in popularity in New Zealand in recent years as more people (particularly those in cities) have become aware that raw milk from healthy, organic cows provides health benefits. Raw milk is not available for sale in supermarkets or health food stores, and as a result people in cities have been forming raw milk clubs and buying milk from farmers and sharing it with friends and family. Such raw milk clubs make raw milk accessible to city dwellers who would not otherwise have access to it, because they live too far from a supply.---Currently MAF is proposing a new regulatory system for the supply of raw milk that would make raw milk clubs illegal. MAF is also recommending restricting the amount of raw milk that any farmer can sell per day to a level that would make it uneconomic for most farmers to supply raw milk to customers.--MAF has released a discussion document and are calling for public submissions. The cut off date for submissions is December 5, 2011.
Please visit where you will find a link to the discussion document and a guide to making a submission.--The only hope to keep raw milk as an option for the vast majority of New Zealanders who live in urban areas is for a massive public response to the call for submissions, so please act now.
Food Safety proposals for continuing to legally provide for farm gate sales of raw drinking milk-
ALL the Vaccines Are Contaminated - Every Last One of Them
"The chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination" - Dr. Robert Bell, once Vice President International Society for Cancer Research at the British Cancer Hospital--- (WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Have you been rushing out to get a yearly flu vaccine or diligently taking your children for the 40 or so mandated childhood vaccines?--That's really a shame because you have unwittingly been trading a run-of-the-mill flu or just the measles, for loading up your or your children's bodies with cancer and other deadly viruses, a destructive bacteria, a chemical selected to damage fertility, and with synthetic DNA that threatens to damage your own DNA - the biologic code for your existence.----Who is saying the vaccines are contaminated? --None other than the (now deceased) head of vaccines at Merck, Dr. Maurice Hillerman, who on camera admitted that Merck's Hepatitis B vaccines, contaminated with a virus, caused the AIDS epidemic in the US. He went on to say that all of Merck's vaccines are contaminated with cancer and other viruses. (The US government has conceded the HEB B vaccine causes Lupus. That vaccine is mandated for every infant in the US on the day of birth, and is associated with MS as well.)---For Jews who have almost religiously believed in medical authorities about vaccines and poo-pooed those worried about the safety of vaccines, they might want to notice that Hillerman was Jewish.---Or they might recognize that so is Dr. Larry Palevsky, a board certified NY pediatrician, who for ten years routinely gave vaccines to his patients until he noticed them losing eye contact and then began looking into the vaccines he had blindly trusted. He found that they are ALL contaminated with viruses that are so small they can never be removed. He no longer gives any vaccines. He now treats his young patients for autism and other neurologic injuries from vaccines.
Donald W. Scott, the editor of The Journal of Degenerative Diseases and the co-founder of the Common Cause Medical Research Foundation, links vaccines to AIDS (as did Hillerman) and to US bioweapons research, and says they are contaminated with mycoplasma, a primitive bacteria that takes apart cell walls.---Perhaps the highest scientific authority saying vaccines are contaminated is Garth Nicolson. He is a cell biologist and editor of the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Metastasis, and the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. He is one of the most cited scientists in the world, having published over 600 medical and scientific peer-reviewed papers, edited over 14 books, and served on the editorial boards of 28 medical and scientific journals. He is not just saying that vaccines are contaminated with mycoplasma but is warning the US that they are. Nicolson goes further and says that we are all being damaged by them and contracting chronic degenerative diseases --- That damage translates into lifelong patients (and thus life-long profit) for the pharmaceutical industry making the vaccines and he says doesn't appear to be accidental. --According To CIA Statistics: As Shots Increase, U.S. Lifespan Is DECREASING--1980: 9 vaccines, autism is rare2009: 36 vaccine$ before age 5 - 2010: 55 vaccine$ before age 6 - Vaccines vs. Autism, 2009--Vaccinations before age 5-Deaths per 1000 under 5 yrs old
According To CIA Statistics: As Shots Increase, U.S. Lifespan Is DECREASING
1980: 9 vaccines, autism is rare
2009: 36 vaccine$ before age 5
2010: 55 vaccine$ before age 6
Vaccines vs. Autism, 2009 Vaccinations before age 5 Deaths per 1000 under 5 yrs old
Autism Rate Lifespan Ranking
United States (c) 36 7.8 1 in 91 34
Norway 13 4.4 1 in 2,000 ab 5
Denmark 12 5.8 1 in 2,200 ab 18 d
Japan 11 4.2 1 in 475 a 4
Sweden 11 4.0 1 in 862 a 2
Iceland 11 3.9 1 in 1,1000 ab 1
All the vaccines mandated to children and many other vaccines as well, including the seasonal flu vaccines being mandated to health care workers, are contaminated with polysorbate 80, the central ingredient in a pharmaceutical industry patent to damage fertility. The pharmaceutical industry has a long history of of seeking a vaccine that would covertly sterilize whole populations So, in addition to being contaminated with cancer and other viruses, and with the bacteria mycoplasma, vaccines are intentionally "contaminated" with a chemical as well, which is, given the patent, a "patently" sought-after sterilizing agent---Beyond containing polysorbate 80 and cancer and other viruses, and likely mycoplasma, the Gardasil vaccines are contaminated in an additional way. It and all the new vaccines are contaminated with genetically engineered DNA. It can contaminate people's DNA, just a genetically engineered crops can contaminate normal crops. Gardasil itself is contaminated with a man-made version of the HPV DNA, the very virus it was supposed to protect against, which now it threatens not only altering kids' healthy DNA with synthetic DNA (!) but with a diseased version. ----Gardasil was suspended in India after 4 girls died but the killing has gone on in the US despite the confirmed deaths of 100 girls. and now the CDC, with special ties to Merck, its maker, wants all boys to take it, too.---Informed consent is the core of the Nuremberg Code that was created by the Nuremberg Tribunal to keep the pharmaceutical industry from ever again committing the hideous "medical" abuses it did during the Holocaust. In California, Jerry Brown is dismantling informed consent in order to get these deadly vaccines associated with infertility, into all school children. And it was during the Holocaust that the pharmaceutical experimented on Jewish women prisoners at Auschwitz to develop a vaccine that sterilized covertly. Henry Kissinger recommended the development of covertly sterilizing vaccines in a major report to the US government and as late as 2009 a Finnish Health Minister said he was behind the H1N1 vaccine that was meant to lower population.--Jerry Brown has just signed into law a bill that will allow children as young as 12 to decide whether to take a vaccine for sexually transmitted disease. Parental consent is not needed and parents will not even be allowed knowledge as to whether the child has taken the vaccine. Merck's Hepatitis B vaccine is one that is included, as is another Merck vaccine, Gardasil, allegedly for ovarian cancer. A Gardasil researcher says there is no evidence it works. "This raises questions about the CDC's recommendation that the series of shots be given to girls as young as 11-years old. 'If we vaccinate 11 year olds and the protection doesn't last... we've put them at harm from side effects, small but real, for no benefit,' says Dr. Harper. 'The benefit to public health is nothing, there is no reduction in cervical cancers … ' "
Current Data for Gardasil up to AUG 12, 2011
Disabled 763
Deaths 103
Did Not Recover 4777
Abnorm. Pap Smear 430
Cervical Dysplasia 157
Cervical Cancer 41
Life Threatening 444
Emergency Rm. Visit 9115
Hospitalized 2307
Extended Hosp. Stay 201
Serious 3111
Adverse Events 23388
But these figures are based on statistics from medical professionals who do not wish to be sued. In reality, "less than 10% of deaths, seizures, paralysis, etc., are being reported as caused by the vaccinations that doctors gave in their office. ---The following real-world estimates are based on reports from a law firm:
840 young girls and 2 boys have died after receiving the Gardasil HPV Vaccine 201,010 young girls have suffered debilitating events such as fatigue, seizures, paralysis, etc. after receiving the Gardasil HPV Vaccine.
The California law even approves in advance, ALL yet-to-be made (and completely untested) vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases, though of the two current Merck vaccines they are pushing on children, one Merck vaccine caused AIDS and causes Lupus and the other Merck vaccine is contaminated in multiple ways and proving highly lethal. Children will be the ones decide whether to take the vaccines, and they will make that decision after being forced to see videos of people dying terrible deaths from cancer. Not only would the vaccine be given without parental consent, but parents are denied knowledge that the vaccine is going to be given or that it was given. If the child has a seizure or dies afterwards, parents may not see their own children's medical records.--This is what is left of the "informed consent" meant to provide human rights to protect the world from pharmaceutical industry abuses against mankind.---After World War II, it was Merck which received the flight capital of the pharmaceutical industry indicted for crimes against humanity, human enslavement and mass murder. --In the case of children, rather than their facing childhood diseases of insignificant threat, they are, by legal mandate, being bombarded repeatedly throughout their childhood with viruses that cause diseases (including cancer), a cell-destroying bacteria, a a threat to the very integrity of their DNA, and a chemical specifically chosen to impair fertility. And laws are being written to add to the already long list of vaccines they must take, including two mandated Merck vaccines. One is an old Merck vaccine that caused AIDS and is causing Lupus. The other is a Merck vaccine claiming to prevent cervical cancer though girls have little chance of contracting it in the first place (and boys, none!) and it can easily be detected by pap smear and treated successfully and there is NO evidence the vaccine prevents it. Meanwhile, it is killing children.
Contamination of the polio vaccine and the continuing effects
FACT: Before the Polio Vaccine, there had never been a virus from another species deliberately injected into humans.
FACT: 61% of all human tumors (at autopsy) now contain the SV40 monkey virus, traceable to the Polio vaccine of the 1950s and 60s
FACT: CUTTER vaccine division and WYETH produced a deadly Polio vaccine with a live virus that actually gave the recipient POLIO
FACT: All above information was withheld from the public for years to avoid a public panic and to prevent a loss of faith in vaccines. polio was a very rare infectious disease that presented little risk to the public, but the risk was greatly exaggerated by the Polio Foundation before the introduction of the polio vaccine, the miracle vaccine - contaminated with a monkey virus which has been the cause of soft tissue cancers for decades since.
Though facing no serious health risk, people are paying to have their bodies contaminated by contaminated vaccines. In taking vaccines, they are trading the minimal risk of even contracting common diseases and which themselves are rarely dangerous and can be treated if contracted - for the absolute certainty of loading their bodies with
1. cancer and other infectious viruses,
2. a destructive bacteria, and
3. a fertility impairing chemical.
They are doing this because they are being terrorized by their own government with false information on the risks of various diseases and denied critical information on the scientific risk of the vaccines.
Those vaccines without a doubt threaten their own and their children's fertility, and their very lives.
ALL the Vaccines Are Contaminated - Every Last One of Them
Researchers Surprised to Find Fatty Liver Disease Poses No Excess Risk for Death
ScienceDaily (Nov. 23, 2011) — Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common condition associated with obesity and heart disease long thought to undermine health and longevity. But a new study by Johns Hopkins researchers suggests the condition does not affect survival.
A report on the study was published online last week in the British Medical Journal (BMJ).---"Physicians have considered fatty liver disease a really worrisome risk factor for cardiovascular disease," says study leader Mariana Lazo, M.D., Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine's Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research. "Our data analysis shows this doesn't appear to be the case. We were surprised to say the least because we expected to learn by how much non-alcoholic fatty liver disease increased the risk of death and instead found the answer was not at all."---Using health information collected from 11,371 Americans between 1994 and 1998 and followed for up to 18 years as part of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), the researchers checked liver enzyme levels and ultrasound tests for evidence of NAFLD, and ultimately looked at death rates associated with NAFLD. The participants ranged in age from 20 to 74 during the data collection years. Because the ultrasounds were originally taken to assess gallbladder health, Lazo and colleagues from Johns Hopkins looked at each recording to determine the presence of fat in each person's liver. People whose livers are 5 percent fat or more are considered to have NAFLD.--The Johns Hopkins team found no increase in mortality among those with NAFLD, which was identified in approximately 20 percent of the NHANES participants. At the end of the follow-up period, mortality from all causes was 22 percent, or 1,836 individuals. Cardiovascular disease was the cause of death for 716 participants, cancer for 480 and liver disease for 44.---Although the researchers found no increase in deaths, Lazo says further study is needed to determine whether more advanced NAFLD has serious long-term consequences for the liver, a vital organ that turns what we eat and drink into nutrients and filters harmful substances from the blood.---NAFLD, which some researchers have called the nation's next epidemic, is characterized by the [U1]liver's inability to break down fats and fatty build up in the organ. Found in roughly one in three Americans, it is most prevalent in those who are obese, and those with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The spectrum of disease ranges from simple fat build-up to inflammation to the scarring and poor liver function that characterize cirrhosis. Chronic liver disease has long been associated with long-term alcohol consumption, but as the name suggests, NAFLD is found in those who are not heavy drinkers.--"We don't yet know why mortality is not affected or whether there might be some actual protective effect of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease," she says, "but it looks like the liver's ability to accumulate fat may somehow shield the body from the detrimental effects of other health problems such as obesity and diabetes," she says.-
There is no treatment for NAFLD, other than lifestyle changes, including weight loss,[U2] and only a liver biopsy can determine how serious NAFLD is. Lazo says she hopes new methods are developed that more easily identify more advanced stages of NAFLD, which may not be harmless. Still, she says, her research suggests that with respect to long-term survival of people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, "it may not matter if you have the disease or not." The research was supported by grants from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Diseases and the American Diabetes Association.
Other Johns Hopkins researchers involved in the study include Ruben Hernaez, M.D., Ph.D.; Susanne Bonekamp, Ph.D.; Ihab R. Kamel, M.D., Ph.D.; Frederick L. Brancati, M.D.; Eliseo Guallar, M.D., M.P.H.; and Jeanne M. Clark, M.D., M.P.H.
Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.--
Journal Reference-M. Lazo, R. Hernaez, S. Bonekamp, I. R. Kamel, F. L. Brancati, E. Guallar, J. M. Clark. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and mortality among US adults: prospective cohort study. BMJ, 2011; 343 (nov18 2): d6891 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.d6891
[U1]The issue here is that the foods we are eating are lacking lipase and phosphorus which can be found in fats –Saturated fats or fatty foods which would provide the system what is required to dissolve these fats—a good lipase enzyme or Sunflower or egg lecithin would assist dramatically with this—even drinking a solvent based beverage—Wine would assist with this or brandy or cognac
[U2]This is true for just about any ailment
Show of the Week December 16 2011
New Tick-Borne Disease Discovered in Sweden
U.S.-Canadian Border Deal to Streamline GMO Approval- Confirmed
Experimental evidence for therapeutic potential of taurine in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease-- Recipe For NAFLD
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages May Increase Cardiovascular Risk in Women
New Tick-Borne Disease Discovered in Sweden
ScienceDaily (Dec. 6, 2011) — Researchers at the University of Gothenburg's Sahlgrenska Academy have discovered a brand new tick-borne infection. Since the discovery, eight cases have been described around the world, three of them in the Gothenburg area, Sweden.---In July 2009 a 77-year-old man from western Sweden was out kayaking when he went down with acute diarrhea, fever and temporary loss of consciousness. He was taken to hospital where it was found that he was also suffering with deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Following treatment with antibiotics, he was discharged some days later with an anticoagulant to thin his blood. However, the man -- who had an impaired immune system -- went down with a fever again.----Brand new infection----Over the following months the 77-year-old was admitted as an emergency case on several occasions, but despite repeated attempts to find a microbe, and repeated doses of antibiotics, the fever returned. Finally the patient's blood underwent special analysis to look for bacterial DNA -- and that produced results. The findings matched a bacterium in an online gene bank and the results were a sensation: the man had contracted a brand new infection in humans which had never been described in the world before.----Never before seen in Sweden-- The man's blood contained DNA that derived with 100% certainty from the bacterium Neoehrlichia mikurensis. This bacterium was identified for the first time in Japan in 2004 in rats and ticks but had never before been seen in Sweden in ticks, rodents or humans.---Christine Wennerås, a doctor and researcher at the Department of Infectious Diseases and the Department of Haematology and Coagulation at the University of Gothenburg's Sahlgrenska Academy, has been studying the case since it first came to light. Last year she was able, for the first time, to describe the newly discovered disease in a scientific article published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology.---"Since our discovery the bacterium has been reported in eight cases around the world, three of them in Gothenburg," says Wennerås.----Causes DVT---All three of the Gothenburg cases involved patients with an impaired immune system, all of whom became ill during the summer months when ticks are most active.---"The nasty thing about this infection is that it causes DVT, at least in people with an impaired immune system," says Wennerås. "This can be life-threatening. Fortunately, the infection can be treated successfully with antibiotics.---Spreads from mammals-"If the newly discovered bacterium is similar to those we already know, it has presumably spread from wild mammals to people via ticks, and it is unlikely that it can be passed on from person to person."[U1] The mikurensis in the bacterium's name comes from the Japanese island of Mikura, where it was first discovered. Story Source--The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Gothenburg.---Personal Note: this sounds familiar to the black plague of the past---
U.S.-Canadian Border Deal to Streamline GMO Approval- Confirmed
Canada-U.S. Regulatory Co-operation Council under border deal coverage would put Canada under draconian Food Safety Modernization Act, fast track GMO approval.
Aaron Dykes--
Our report sounding the alarm that Obama and Harper’s secretive border deal, due to be signed next week, would be used to fast track GMO acceptance has been confirmed. The details have been kept under wraps, but recent reports revealed that the ‘Beyond Borders’ security and law enforcement deal would also seek to ‘harmonize’ U.S. and Canadian regulatory standards for food, auto and other trade sectors.---The Globe and Mail confirms that the North American Union security perimeter initiative, sold to the public as new security measures at the border, has a second major component– the Canada-U.S. Regulatory Co-operation Council.----Mr. Harper… said there are two issues on the joint security and economic agenda of the two countries. One, he said, is the border and perimeter initiative, and the other is Canada-U.S. Regulatory Co-operation Council.--“We are seeking ways of ensuring security in North America while at the same time making sure that we continue strong Canadian access to the American market,” Mr. Harper told reporters.--This will encompass far more than just the terms under which food can cross the border– it will put approval for biotechnology on a fast track in both countries and impose FDA and other regulations on both countries.---The agenda of the Canada-U.S. Regulatory Co-operation Council was quietly announced in February 2011, putting explicit focus on the implementation of the U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act requirements under the larger Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness agenda. That nightmarish legislation was heavily criticized for new authority it grants the U.S. government over the right to grow, trade and transport foods of any kind.
In other words, it is poised to boost the reach of Big Agra and biotech firms at the expense of small farmers and ordinary people.---Now, under the new Obama-Harper deal, Canada, too, would accept this tyranny over food.
Specifically, the Canada-U.S. Regulatory Cooperative Council (under “free” trade) would establish a joint review process for pre-market GMO approval, establish a policy for the acceptance and export of LLPs (Low-Level Presence contamination of genetically modified foods bans in country of export) and recommends eliminating mandatory country of origin labeling, and more.
From the report--Biotechnology
Establish a joint review process or a Mutual Recognition Agreement for biotechnology product approvals to facilitate synchronized approvals.---Establish a common policy for dealing with low level presence (LLP) of unapproved biotechnology products (e.g., harmonized risk assessments and acceptance of LLP already commercially available in the other country).
A 2004 symposium on Canada-U.S. Regulatory Co-operation even recommends outright acceptance of U.S. food standards: The Health Products and Food Branch is now considering a risk-based approach to regulatory co-operation, which might entail accepting or referencing decisions made by the US Food and Drug Administration and other regulators for low-risk products.---With U.S. regulatory agencies filled with revolving door stooges like FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods Michael R. Taylor, formerly a Vice President at Monsanto and long a go-between for biotech and government regulations, there is little doubt what direction such a “harmonization” of food regulations, including FDA recommendations, would mean under the ‘Beyond Borders’ deal.
President Obama and Prime Minister Stephen Harper are scheduled to meet one-on-one next Wednesday to discuss and sign the deal… then its details will finally be revealed to the world.----Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness: Regulatory Cooperation – A Report on the Consultations on Regulatory Cooperation Between Canada and the United States
Read PDF here or web version here. Excerpt from p. 25
Appendix 2: Specific Proposals by Sector-Agriculture and Food- Food Safety Systems---Develop common approaches to food safety requirements and policies, aligning new regulations and guidance—specifically, implementation of the U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act requirements.---Mutually recognize food safety systems.---Improve the effectiveness of meat-safety-system equivalency agreements (i.e., eliminate or minimize re-inspections of product and microbial testing at the border).--Accept industry-led standards and programs that are based on international standards (e.g., the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, or HACCP).---Harmonize approvals for food-safety-enhancing products and technology used in processing (e.g., packaging materials, anti-microbial interventions, testing methodologies and processes, sanitation, and maintenance chemicals and equipment).---Biotechnology---Establish a joint review process or a Mutual Recognition Agreement for biotechnology product approvals to facilitate synchronized approvals.---Establish a common policy for dealing with low level presence (LLP) of unapproved biotechnology products (e.g., harmonized risk assessments and acceptance of LLP already commercially available in the other country).
Agricultural Inputs
Building on significant collaboration to date, align pre-market approval processes and data requirements for crop protection products (i.e., pesticides, seed treatments) to facilitate joint reviews and assessments and improve re-evaluation and re-registration processes.
Resolve discrepancies in maximum residue limits for crop protection products.---Modify the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notice-of-arrival process to remove the advance notification requirement for products that are already EPA-registered.----Harmonize the approval process for veterinary drugs, including the establishment of maximum residue limits.---Labelling, Packaging and Product Content---Align nutritional labelling formats and content (e.g., nutrient definitions, required values, daily recommended intakes).--Harmonize approaches to allowed health claims.-Align standards for discretionary fortification of foods.Develop uniform labelling requirements (e.g., quality specifications, method of production claims, glycemic index labelling).--Adopt a common approach to the nomenclature of meat cuts.--Eliminate or amend U.S. mandatory country-of-origin labelling requirements.----Align container size requirements (infant food, bottled and canned goods).[U2]
Christopher L. Gentile1,*, Angela M. Nivala1,*, Jon C. Gonzales1, Kyle T. Pfaffenbach1, Dong Wang1, Yuren Wei1, Hua Jiang2, David J. Orlicky3, Dennis R. Petersen4, Michael J. Pagliassotti1, and Kenneth N. Maclean2
The incidence of obesity is now at epidemic proportions and has resulted in the emergence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as a common metabolic disorder that can lead to liver injury and cirrhosis. Excess sucrose and long-chain saturated fatty acids in the diet may play a role in the development and progression of NAFLD. One factor linking sucrose and saturated fatty acids to liver damage is dysfunction of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Although there is currently no proven, effective therapy for NAFLD, the amino sulfonic acid taurine is protective against various metabolic disturbances, including alcohol-induced liver damage. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the therapeutic potential of taurine to serve as a preventative treatment for diet-induced NAFLD. We report that taurine significantly mitigated palmitate-mediated caspase-3 activity, cell death, ER stress, and oxidative stress in H4IIE liver cells and primary hepatocytes. In rats fed a high-sucrose diet, dietary taurine supplementation significantly reduced hepatic lipid accumulation, liver injury, inflammation, plasma triglycerides, and insulin levels. The high-sucrose diet resulted in an induction of multiple components of the unfolded protein response in the liver consistent with ER stress, which was ameliorated by taurine supplementation. Treatment of mice with the ER stress-inducing agent tunicamycin resulted in liver injury, unfolded protein response induction, and hepatic lipid accumulation that was significantly ameliorated by dietary supplementation with taurine. Our results indicate that dietary supplementation with taurine offers significant potential as a preventative treatment for NAFLD.
Recipe For NAFLD—take Taurine and add it to black coffee to assist the liver to remove the excesses that will develop---this will reduce the fat build up as well as regulate the glycose and protect the liver from cancers and other pathogens--- use 500mgs -1000mgs in a black cup of coffee
ScienceDaily (Nov. 22, 2011) — For persons with cardiovascular disease or diabetes, urinary sodium excretion (a surrogate for salt intake) at higher levels or at lower levels compared to mid-range values was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events (for higher levels) or cardiovascular death and hospitalization for congestive heart failure (for lower levels), according to a study in the Nov. 23/30 issue of JAMA. Also, higher estimated urinary potassium excretion was associated with a reduced risk of stroke.---There is uncertainty regarding the optimal daily intake of sodium. Findings from prospective cohort studies, evaluating the association between sodium intake and cardiovascular (CV) events, have been conflicting. "Clarifying the optimal daily intake of sodium is particularly important in patients with established CV disease, where it has been inadequately studied. Patients with CV disease may be especially vulnerable to the CV effects of high and low sodium intake and are most likely to receive recommendations on restricting sodium intake," according to background information in the article. The authors add that the optimal level of daily potassium intake, a proposed modifier of the association between sodium intake and CV disease, has not been established.- Martin J. O'Donnell, M.B., Ph.D., of McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and colleagues examined the association between sodium and potassium excretion (markers of intake) and CV events and mortality. The study consisted of an observational analyses of 2 cohorts (n = 28,880) included in the ON TARGET and TRANSCEND trials (November 2001-March 2008 from initial recruitment to final follow-up). The researchers estimated 24-hour urinary sodium and potassium excretion from a morning fasting urine sample. Multivariable models were used to determine the association of urinary sodium and potassium with CV events (myocardial infarction [MI; heart attack], stroke, and hospitalization for congestive heart failure (CHF) and mortality.
At study entry, the average estimated 24-hour excretion for sodium was 4.77 g and 2.19 g for potassium. After a median (midpoint) follow-up of 56 months, the composite outcome occurred in 4,729 (16.4 percent) participants. The researchers found that after multivariable analysis, compared with baseline sodium excretion of 4 to 5.99 g per day (n = 14,156 [15.2 percent with the composite outcome]), higher baseline sodium excretion (18.4 percent for 7-8 g/d and 24.1 percent for greater than 8 g/d) and lower sodium excretion (18.2 percent for 2-2.99 g/d and 20.2 percent for less than 2g/d) were associated with an increased risk of the composite of CV death, heart attack, stroke, and hospitalization for CHF.---Compared with the reference group, higher baseline sodium excretion was associated with an increased risk of CV death (9.7 percent for 7-8 g/day; and 11.2 percent for greater than 8 g/day), MI (6.8 percent for greater than 8 g/day), stroke (6.6 percent for greater than 8 g/day), and hospitalization for CHF (6.5 percent for greater than 8 g/day). Lower sodium excretion was associated with an increased risk of CV death (8.6 percent for 2-2.99 g/day; 10.6 percent for less than 2 g/day), and hospitalization for CHF (5.2 percent for 2-2.99 g/day) on multivariable analysis. Compared with an estimated potassium excretion of less than 1.5 g per day, higher potassium excretion was associated with a reduced risk of stroke on multivariable analysis.---The researchers note that previous individual prospective cohort studies have either reported a positive association, no association, or an inverse relationship between sodium intake and CV mortality. "Discrepant findings of previous studies are likely due to differences in ranges of sodium intake, study populations, methods of measurement, and failure to explore a nonlinear association."--"Compared with moderate sodium excretion, we found an association between high sodium excretion and CV events and low sodium excretion and CV death and hospitalization for CHF, which emphasizes the urgent need to establish a safe range for sodium intake in randomized controlled trials. Higher urinary potassium excretion was associated with lower stroke risk and is a potential intervention that merits further evaluation for stroke prevention."----Editorial: Urinary Sodium and Cardiovascular Disease Risk
In an accompanying editorial, Paul K. Whelton, M.B., M.D., M.Sc., of the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, comments on the importance of reducing salt intake.---"Most U.S. adults consume levels of sodium far in excess of physiologic need, and the vast majority of that excess is added during the processing of foods. A progressive reduction in the addition of sodium to food products could represent one of the 'lifestyle' changes with the greatest potential for intervention success. This shift to a more natural diet would concurrently lead to an absolute increase in dietary potassium content and also lead to an improved sodium-potassium ratio, which may be more desirable than change of either electrolyte on its own. The scientific underpinning for the health benefits from sodium reduction is strong, and the available evidence does not support deviating from the stated goal of reducing the exposure to dietary sodium in the general population." Story Source--The above story is reprinted from materials provided by JAMA and Archives Journals. --Journal References-M. J. O'Donnell, S. Yusuf, A. Mente, P. Gao, J. F. Mann, K. Teo, M. McQueen, P. Sleight, A. M. Sharma, A. Dans, J. Probstfield, R. E. Schmieder. Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion and Risk of Cardiovascular Events. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 2011; 306 (20): 2229 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2011.1729 P. K. Whelton. Urinary Sodium and Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Informing Guidelines for Sodium Consumption. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 2011; 306 (20): 2262 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2011.1746
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages May Increase Cardiovascular Risk in Women
ScienceDaily (Nov. 13, 2011) — Drinking two or more sugar-sweetened beverages a day may expand a woman's waistline and increase her risk of heart disease and diabetes, according to research presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2011.---In this study, researchers compared middle-aged and older women who drank two or more sugar-sweetened beverages a day, such as carbonated sodas or flavored waters with added sugar, to women who drank one or less daily. Women consuming two or more beverages per day were nearly four times as likely to develop high triglycerides, and were significantly more likely to increase their waist sizes and to develop impaired fasting glucose levels. The same associations were not observed in men.--"Women who drank more than two sugar-sweetened drinks a day had increasing waist sizes, but weren't necessarily gaining weight[U3]," said Christina Shay, Ph.D., lead author of the study and assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City. "These women also developed high triglycerides and women with normal blood glucose levels more frequently went from having a low risk to a high risk of developing diabetes over time."----The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) included food frequency surveys in 4,166 African-American, Caucasian, Chinese-Americans and Hispanic adults 45 to 84 years old. At the beginning of the study the participants didn't have cardiovascular disease.--Researchers assessed risk factors in three follow-up exams spanning five years starting in 2002. Participants were monitored for weight gain, increases in waist circumference, low levels of high density lipoproteins (HDL "good" cholesterol), high levels of low density lipoproteins (LDL "bad" cholesterol), high triglycerides, impaired fasting glucose levels, and type 2 diabetes.----"Most people assume that individuals who consume a lot of sugar-sweetened drinks have an increase in obesity, which in turn, increases their risk for heart disease and diabetes," said Shay, formerly of Northwestern University's Department of Preventive Medicine in Chicago, where the study was conducted. "Although this does occur, this study showed that risk factors for heart disease and stroke developed even when the women didn't gain weight."--Women may have a greater chance for developing cardiovascular disease risk factors from sugar-sweetened drinks because they require fewer calories than men which makes each calorie count more towards cardiovascular risk in women, Shay said.---Researchers have yet to determine exactly how sugar-sweetened beverages influence cardiovascular risk factors such as high triglycerides in individuals who do not gain weight, Shay said, but further work is planned to try and figure that out.--Co-authors include Jennifer A. Nettleton, Ph.D.; Pamela L. Lutsey, Ph.D., M.P.H.; Tamar S. Polonsky, M.D.; Mercedes R. Carnethon, Ph.D.; Cheeling Chan, M.S.; Linda Van Horn, Ph.D., R.D.; and Gregory Burke, M.D.--The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute funded the study.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Heart Association.
Show of the Week December 19 2011
In Third-Degree Burn Treatment, Hydrogel Helps Grow New Scar-Free Skin
Antioxidant Has Potential in the Alzheimer's Fight
Feds Admit to Purposely Infecting People
Ark. Court Affirms $50M Verdict for Rice Farmers
Catch the Fever- It'll Help You Fight Off Infection, Evidence Shows
In Third-Degree Burn Treatment, Hydrogel Helps Grow New Scar-Free Skin
Guoming Sun, a postdoctoral fellow, and Sharon Gerecht, an assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, helped develop a hydrogel that improved burn healing in early experiments.
ScienceDaily (Dec. 13, 2011) — Johns Hopkins researchers have developed a jelly-like material and wound treatment method that, in early experiments on skin damaged by severe burns, appeared to regenerate healthy, scar-free tissue.---In the Dec. 12-16 online Early Edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers reported their promising results from mouse tissue tests. The new treatment has not yet been tested on human patients. But the researchers say the procedure, which promotes the formation of new blood vessels and skin, including hair follicles, could lead to greatly improved healing for injured soldiers, home fire victims and other people with third-degree burns.---The treatment involved a simple wound dressing that included a specially designed hydrogel -- a water-based, three-dimensional framework of polymers. This material was developed by researchers at Johns Hopkins' Whiting School of Engineering, working with clinicians at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Burn Center and the Department of Pathology at the university's School of Medicine.---Third-degree burns typically destroy the top layers of skin down to the muscle. They require complex medical care and leave behind ugly scarring. But in the journal article, the Johns Hopkins team reported that their hydrogel method yielded better results. "This treatment promoted the development of new blood vessels and the regeneration of complex layers of skin, including hair follicles and the glands that produce skin oil," said Sharon Gerecht, an assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering who was principal investigator on the study.---Gerecht said the hydrogel could form the basis of an inexpensive burn wound treatment that works better than currently available clinical therapies, adding that it would be easy to manufacture on a large scale. Gerecht suggested that because the hydrogel contains no drugs or biological components to make it work, the Food and Drug Administration would most likely to classify it as a device. Further animal testing is planned before trials on human patients begin. But Gerecht said, "It could be approved for clinical use after just a few years of testing."---John Harmon, a professor of surgery at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and director of surgical research at Bayview, described the mouse study results as "absolutely remarkable. We got complete skin regeneration, which never happens in typical burn wound treatment."---If the treatment succeeds in human patients, it could address a serious form of injury. Harmon, a coauthor of the PNAS journal article, pointed out that 100,000 third-degree burns are treated in U. S. burn centers like Bayview every year. A burn wound dressing using the new hydrogel could have enormous potential for use in applications beyond common burns, including treatment of diabetic patients with foot ulcers, Harmon said.--Guoming Sun, Gerecht's Maryland Stem Cell Research Postdoctoral Fellow and lead author on the paper, has been working with these hydrogels for the last three years, developing ways to improve the growth of blood vessels, a process called angiogenesis. "Our goal was to induce the growth of functional new blood vessels within the hydrogel to treat wounds and ischemic disease, which reduces blood flow to organs like the heart," Sun said. "These tests on burn injuries just proved its potential."---Gerecht says the hydrogel is constructed in such a way that it allows tissue regeneration and blood vessel formation to occur very quickly. "Inflammatory cells are able to easily penetrate and degrade the hydrogel, enabling blood vessels to fill in and support wound healing and the growth of new tissue," she said. For burns, the faster this process occurs, Gerecht added, the less there is a chance for scarring.---Originally, her team intended to load the gel with stem cells and infuse it with growth factors to trigger and direct the tissue development. Instead, they tested the gel alone. "We were surprised to see such complete regeneration in the absence of any added biological signals," Gerecht said.---Sun added, "Complete skin regeneration is desired for various wound injuries. With further fine-tuning of these kinds of biomaterial frameworks, we may restore normal skin structures for other injuries such as skin ulcers."--Gerecht and Harmon say they don't fully understand how the hydrogel dressing is working. After it is applied, the tissue progresses through the various stages of wound repair, Gerecht said. After 21 days, the gel has been harmlessly absorbed, and the tissue continues to return to the appearance of normal skin.---The hydrogel is mainly made of water with dissolved dextran -- a polysaccharide (sugar molecule chains). "It also could be that the physical structure of the hydrogel guides the repair," Gerecht said. Harmon speculates that the hydrogel may recruit circulating bone marrow stem cells in the bloodstream. Stem cells are special cells that can grow into practically any sort of tissue if provided with the right chemical cue. "It's possible the gel is somehow signaling the stem cells to become new skin and blood vessels," Harmon said.--Additional co-authors of the study included Charles Steenbergen, a professor in the Department of Pathology; Karen Fox-Talbot, a senior research specialist from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine; and physician researchers Xianjie Zhang, Raul Sebastian and Maura Reinblatt from the Department of Surgery and Hendrix Burn and Wound Lab. From the Whiting School's Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, other co-authors were doctoral students Yu-I (Tom) Shen and Laura Dickinson, who is a Johns Hopkins Institute for NanoBioTechnology (INBT) National Science Foundation IGERT fellow. Gerecht is an affiliated faculty member of INBT.---The work was funded in part by the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund Exploratory Grant and Postdoctoral Fellowship and the National Institutes of Health.---The Johns Hopkins Technology Transfer staff has filed a provisional patent application to protect the intellectual property involved in this project.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Johns Hopkins University.
Antioxidant Has Potential in the Alzheimer's Fight
ScienceDaily (Dec. 14, 2011) — When you cut an apple and leave it out, it turns brown. Squeeze the apple with lemon juice, an antioxidant, and the process slows down.---Simply put, that same "browning" process-known as oxidative stress-happens in the brain as Alzheimer's disease sets in. The underlying cause is believed to be improper processing of a protein associated with the creation of free radicals that cause oxidative stress.---Now, a study by researchers in the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy has shown that an antioxidant can delay the onset of all the indicators of Alzheimer's disease, including cognitive decline. The researchers administered an antioxidant compound called MitoQ to mice genetically engineered to develop Alzheimer's. The results of their study were published in the Nov. 2 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience.---Oxidative stress is believed to cause neurons in the brain to die, resulting in Alzheimer's. Study author James Franklin, an associate professor of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences, has studied neuronal cell death and oxidative stress at UGA since 2004.---"The brain consumes 20 percent of the oxygen in the body even though it only makes up 5 percent of the volume, so it's particularly susceptible to oxidative stress," said Franklin, coauthor of the study along with Meagan McManus, who received her Ph.D. in neuroscience from UGA in 2010.--The UGA researchers hypothesized that antioxidants administered unsuccessfully by other researchers to treat Alzheimer's were not concentrated enough in the mitochondria of cells. Mitochondria are structures within cells that have many functions, including producing oxidative molecules that damage the brain and cause cell death.---"MitoQ selectively accumulates in the mitochondria," said McManus, who is now studying mitochondrial genetics and dysfunction as a postdoctoral researcher at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. "It is more effective for the treatment to go straight to the mitochondria, rather than being present in the cell in general," she said. --In their study, mice engineered to carry three genes associated with familial Alzheimer's were tested for cognitive impairment using the Morris Water Maze, a common test for memory retention. The mice that had received MitoQ in their drinking water performed significantly better than those that didn't. Additionally, the treated mice tested negative for the oxidative stress, amyloid burden, neural death and synaptic loss associated with Alzheimer's. Story Source--The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Georgia. The original article was written by Chelsea Toledo.—
Feds Admit to Purposely Infecting People
August 31, 2011. Washington. Most Americans will never hear about the secret medical experiments done on unsuspecting humans by their government. Even though there are dozens, if not hundreds of known secret programs, until the government admits to the sinister crimes, the media and most people refuse to accept the fact that their own government routinely carries out such horrendous acts. That was the case Monday when a Presidential Commission released their findings of yet another secret government program.--According to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, from 1946 to 1948, the US government paid the government in Guatemala to allow American doctors to purposely and secretly infect certain segments of the Guatemalan population with sexually transmitted diseases, some of them deadly. According to the report, “U.S. public health officers wanted to learn more about ways of treating these diseases.” Also according to the findings, researchers targeted people with little or no voice in society or those accustomed to obeying orders without question. Specifically, victims of the secret program centered around mental patients, prisoners, commercial sex workers, and members of the Guatemalan army.---Commenting on the conspiracy theory that turned out to be real, Director of the US Military HIV Research Program, Dr. Nelson L. Michael said, “There was no value. What stings the most in terms of bad science is that it never passed peer review and was never published.” Presidential Commission member Anita Allen told Associated Press, “The researchers put their own medical advancement first and human decency a far second.”---The secret program was funded by the US Federal government and attempted to measure the effectiveness of new antibiotics. This particular program not only infected hundreds of unsuspecting Guatemalans, but also Americans. Prisoners in the Terra Haute, Indiana prison system were also purposely infected with diseases like gonorrhea, syphilis and chancroid. Unlike the unknowing Guatemalans, the prisoners in the US were made aware of the deliberate infections beforehand.
For decades, the US Federal government successfully covered up the secret experiments. Last year however, researchers at Wellesley College discovered documents detailing the experiment from the program’s lead scientist Dr. John Cutler.--Some of the specific examples from the program detailed by Associated Press include seven women afflicted with epilepsy. They were injected at the base of the skull with syphilis. US scientists thought syphilis might turn out to be a cure for epilepsy. As a result, each of the women became infected with bacterial meningitis.
In another example, an unsuspecting female subject was infected with syphilis. US researchers were curious to see the effects of a second, additional infection of gonorrhea. Doctors proceeded to purposely infect the woman with gonorrhea in numerous parts of her body, including her eyes. Within six months, the woman was dead. In all, more than 83 people are known to have perished during or immediately after the experiments. With the admittedly poor record keeping, officials concede the death toll could be much, much higher. Guatemalan officials are carrying out their own investigation and hope to reveal more details.---While most Americans are in blissful denial that their government could be guilty of such atrocious acts, their government continues it’s never- ending quest to quell any knowledge of the hundreds of secret government programs that purposely and secretly infected people with diseases. In one case after another, government officials have had to admit to carrying out such horrid medical experiments. Most examples sound like they came out of the Nazi trials in Nuremberg rather than United States.---The fact is, secret government experiments that infect unsuspecting Americans with deadly diseases is nothing new. In fact, most argue that it’s still going on today. Records continue to be discovered showing that using Americans as unknowing guinea pigs in secret medical experiments is an accepted practice that’s been continuously occurring for over 80 years.---Read the Whiteout Press Special Report, ‘Secret Government Experiments on the American People’ for examples of dozens of secret programs beginning in 1931 and continuing through today. Most recently, 88 members of Congress signed a letter demanding more information regarding Gulf War Syndrome and the details of how tens of thousands of US military personnel, as well as their spouses and future unborn children, could be infected with biological weapons and Gulf War Syndrome.---Government officials led by then President George HW Bush refused to acknowledge Gulf War Syndrome as anything more than a made-up disease that didn’t really exist. It wasn’t until a staggering number of newborn babies born to Gulf War vets were being diagnosed with dozens of strange and rare medical conditions, all directly related to exposure to weapons grade biological agents. Scientists and investigators have so far documented that the secret biological weapons used during the Gulf War were manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, FL. In the process, researchers also discovered another secret laboratory experiment on unsuspecting Americans. These particular biological weapons were tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.---With Congress still fighting for confirmation more than 15 years later, perhaps someday Americans will learn what kind of secret medical experiments their government is performing on them today without their knowledge or consent. If history proves one thing, it’s that these sinister secretive medical experiments have been continuously carried out by the US government without pause since 1931 and there is absolutely no reason to believe they’re not still going on today.
Ark. Court Affirms $50M Verdict for Rice Farmers
The Arkansas Supreme Court on Thursday affirmed a nearly $50 million verdict for farmers who say they lost money because a company's genetically altered rice seeds contaminated the food supply and drove down crop prices. Bayer, the German conglomerate whose Bayer CropScience subsidiary produced the seeds, had argued that Arkansas tort laws set a limit on punitive damages and that courts should set aside jury awards that "shock the conscience." In the April 2010 verdict, a Lonoke County jury awarded $42 million in punitive damages and $5.9 million in actual damages. But in its 24-page opinion released Thursday, the state Supreme Court agreed with the lower court that the cap on punitive damages was unconstitutional. Associate Justice Courtney Hudson Goodson wrote that the cap "limits the amount of recovery outside the employment relationship," while the Arkansas constitution only allows limits on compensation paid by employers to employees. The latest decision comes years after Bayer developed an experimental strain of rice called LibertyLink to withstand its Liberty herbicide. Federal regulators had not yet approved it for human consumption when trace amounts were found mixed with conventional rice seed in storage bins in Arkansas and Missouri. No human health problems have been associated with the contamination, but that wasn't known at the time. The fear that the rice was unsafe, along with the notion that genetically altered rice was somehow impure, quashed sales in major markets. Rice futures plummeted by $150 million immediately after the contamination announcement. European nations quit accepting shipments of rice from the U.S. that hadn't been extensively tested to show they weren't contaminated. Japan banned all American rice. Growers in Arkansas — where about half of the nation's rice is produced — as well as California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Texas sued Bayer, claiming rice prices fell so severely that they received much less for their crops. Bayer argued that any damages were minimal and short-term. This case is only about economic losses," Bayer's attorneys argued in a court document filed in Arkansas this year. "Mixing conventional rice with less valuable (LibertyLink rice) did not constitute 'physical' damage to the rice (as seed or as crop), the land, the farming implements or anything else." Bayer CropScience announced in July that it would pay up to $750 million to settle claims, including those from farmers who say they had to plant different crops and made less money from them. The farmers in the Lonoke County suit cannot receive money from that $750 million pot. The Lonoke County farmers argued that Bayer knew of the contamination as early as January 2006, before that year's crops were sowed, and was thus not only negligent in its handling of LibertyLink rice but acted with malicious intent by not announcing the contamination as soon as it learned about it. Lawyers for the farmers said their clients didn't learn of the contamination until the USDA's announcement in August 2006, when it was almost time to harvest that year's crops. The company said it notified the government as soon as it discovered LibertyLink had shown up in commercial rice. The lawsuit and settlement apply to long-grain rice, the kind used in pilaf or typically mixed with beans. They don't affect farmers who planted medium-grain rice, which is often used in sushi, or short-grain rice, which is often used to make cereal. Thursday's decision calling the cap on punitive damages unconstitutional drew sharp criticism from the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce, a pro-industry interest group, which said the ruling would allow judges and juries to punish businesses without limit. This will have a chilling effect on the business climate in Arkansas," said Randy Zook, the president and CEO of the chamber and Associated Industries of Arkansas. But Scott Powell, an Alabama lawyer who represented the Arkansas farmers in the case, said the decision marked a victory not only for his clients, but for people and businesses in Arkansas "It helps them in deterring bad conduct," said Powell. Bayer said it is studying the court's opinion and considering its options.
Catch the Fever- It'll Help You Fight Off Infection, Evidence Shows
New research demonstrates that elevated body temperature plays a vital role on the generation of effective T-cell mediated immune response. --ScienceDaily (Nov. 1, 2011) — With cold and flu season almost here, the next time you're sick, you may want to think twice before taking something for your fever. That's because scientists have found more evidence that elevated body temperature helps certain types of immune cells to work better. This research is reported in the November 2011 issue of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology.---"An increase in body temperature has been known since ancient times to be associated with infection and inflammation," said Elizabeth A. Repasky, Ph.D., a researcher involved in the work from the Department of Immunology at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York. "Since a febrile response is highly conserved in nature (even so-called cold blooded animals move to warmer places when they become ill) it would seem important that we immunologists devote more attention to this interesting response."---Scientists found that the generation and differentiation of a particular kind of lymphocyte, known as a "CD8+ cytotoxic T-cell" (capable of destroying virus-infected cells and tumor cells) is enhanced by mild fever-range hyperthermia. Specifically, their research suggests that elevated body temperature changes the T-cells' membranes which may help mediate the effects of micro-environmental temperature on cell function. To test this, researchers injected two groups of mice with an antigen, and examined the activation of T-cells following the interaction with antigen presenting cells. Body temperature in half of the mice was raised by 2 degrees centigrade, while the other half maintained a normal core body temperature. In the warmed mice, results showed a greater number of the type of CD8 T-cells capable of destroying infected cells.---"Having a fever might be uncomfortable," said John Wherry, Ph.D., Deputy Editor of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology, "but this research report and several others are showing that having a fever is part of an effective [U1]immune response. We had previously thought that the microbes that infect us simply can't replicate as well when we have fevers, but this new work also suggests that the immune system might be temporarily enhanced functionally when our temperatures rise with fever. Although very high body temperatures are dangerous and should be controlled, this study shows that we may need to reconsider how and when we treat most mild fevers."----Story Source: The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS. --Journal Reference--T. A. Mace, L. Zhong, C. Kilpatrick, E. Zynda, C.-T. Lee, M. Capitano, H. Minderman, E. A. Repasky. Differentiation of CD8+ T cells into effector cells is enhanced by physiological range hyperthermia. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 2011; 90 (5): 951 DOI: 10.1189/jlb.0511229
Recipe---if a fever was ongoing to long or was getting to heated then the quickest way to reduce the heat would be vinegar as one method---you would take equal parts of water and vinegar 1:1 and then apply a wash cloth to the vinegar/ water solution this will immediately disperse the heat from the body –take the cloth of the person twirl it in the air then reapply –repeat this 3 times then re wet the washcloth and apply again or to another part of the body
Should see the impact relatively quick
[U1]This is Something that alternative healers have been saying for Centuries!!!!!
Show of the Week December 23 2011
Grapefruit compound may boost diabetic kidney health
Pine bark extract shows brain health benefits
Probiotics may boost immune health markers for smokers
Creatine can fight fatty liver disease
Coffee may offer womb cancer protection, say Harvard researchers
Grapefruit compound may boost diabetic kidney health
Supplementing the diet with naringenin, a compound from grapefruit, may reduce markers of inflammation and boost kidney health in diabetics, suggests data from a study with mice. ---- Naringenin, responsible for the bitter taste in grapefruits, lemon and tomatoes, has already been reported to offer potential benefits for people with diabetes, arteriosclerosis and hyper-metabolism. --- The new study, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, adds to this body of science, and suggests that the compound may boost kidney health in people with diabetes. Diabetic renal injury (diabetic nephropathy) is just one potential complication of diabetes, and it has been suggested that inflammation may contribute to its development. ---- Taiwanese researchers now report that supplementing the diet of lab mice with 2% naringenin may reduce levels of various inflammatory markers, such as of interleukin (IL)-1beta and IL-6, as well as reducing the activity of a protein called nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-kappaB), which is known to be play a key role in some inflammatory pathways. ---“Although naringenin at 2% exhibited effective anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic activities in diabetic mice, further studies are necessary to examine its safety before it is used for humans,” wrote the researchers. --Study details --- The researchers tested the potential kidney protecting effects of naringenin at doses of 0.5, 1, and 2% of the diet. -- Results showed that diabetic mice consuming the higher doses of the compound displayed decreased blood sugar levels, and increased insulin levels, compared to the control (no naringenin) mice. --- In addition, various markers of inflammation were significantly reduced, including IL-1beta and IL-6 reductions of 45% for the 2%-fed animals. --- “These results indicated that this compound attenuated renal inflammatory injury via down-regulation of these inflammatory mediators,” wrote the researchers. --- While most of the anti-inflammatory effects were observed in a dose-dependent manner, only the 2% group displayed lower activity of NF-kappaB, said the researchers. ---“This compound […]suppressed NF-kappa B activation,” wrote the researchers. “Therefore, supplementation with this agent or foods rich in this compound might be helpful for the prevention or alleviation of diabetic nephropathy.” Source: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1021/jf203259h “Anti-inflammatory and Antifibrotic Effects of Naringenin in Diabetic Mice” Authors: S-J. Tsai, C-S. Huang, M-C. Mong, W-Y. Kam, H-Y. Huang, M-C. Yin
Recipe MSM + Citrus Whites ( Bioflavonoids) –take the peels of any citrus ( dry them or fresh ) add to a blender say 4-8 slices—add MSM 5 grams pulverize together and add to either fluids or add to capsules to further utilize the benfits of both in the reduction of toxic metals and reverese glyacation of the cells and to protect the body’s respiratory system-liver and intestinal trac
Pine bark extract shows brain health benefits
Daily supplements of a French maritime pine bark extract may enhance mental performance, according to a new study with Italian university students. --- A daily dose of the branded ingredient Pycnogenol for eight weeks was associated with improvements in alertness, memory and mood, according to findings published in the PubMed-listed journal Panminerva Medica. Researchers from Pescara University propose that the extract’s benefits may be linked to improvements in blood flow to the brain. --“The study we present here is the first to investigate the effects of Pycnogenol in […] young healthy students,” wrote researchers, led by Dr Gianni Belcaro. “Pycnogenol statistically performed better than controls in a wide series of cognitive performance tests consciously selected evaluating sustained attention, episodic memory, spatial working memory, mental flexibility and planning. “More interestingly, in this study the cognitive performance of the subjects was evaluated in a real challenging situation like the university examinations,” they added. ----Study details --= The Italian researchers recruited 108 Italian university students aged between 18 and 27, and randomly assigned them to receive either a daily 100 mg dose of Pycnogenol or placebo for eight weeks. Computer-assisted methods were used to assess the students’ mental performance. -- Results showed that student in the Pycnogenol group showed improvements in attention, memory and mood, while levels of anxiety decreased by 17%. -- According to Dr Balcaro and his co-workers, the benefits of the supplements may be related to the antioxidant potency of the ingredient, as well as improved blood circulation. --“This study indicates a role for Pycnogenol to improve cognitive function in normal students,” wrote the researchers. ---“It may be the beginning of a series of studies indicating possible uses of Pycnogenol for cognition.” Previous data--- The study adds to an earlier study with the pine bark extract in seniors. Results published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology by scientists from Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia, indicated that a daily dose of 150mg of Pycnogenol over a three month period produced “significantly improved” memory scores in the subjects. Source: Panminerva Medica 2011, Volume 53, Supplement 1 to No. 3, Pages 75-82 “Pycnogenol supplementation improves cognitive function, attention and mental performance in students” Authors: R. Luzzi, G. Belcaro, C. Zulli, M. R. Cesarone, U. Cornelli, M. Dugall, M. Hosoi, B. Feragallo
Recipe Pine Bark Tea---go into the woods or in an area where pine grows and pick out branches ( do not kill of trees ) and use even the needles in soups or teas and make teas with this—use maple syrup to offset the bitterness---combining this with the whites ( bioflavonoids) will also increase the protection of the brain as well
Probiotics may boost immune health markers for smokers
Daily supplements of the probiotic Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain may boost activity of key immune cells in smokers, says a new study.
While quitting smoking is obviously the best option to improve health, researchers from Italy and Japan report that smokers may benefit from a daily probiotic to boost the activity of natural killer (NK) cells, a key component of the immune system. --- According to a paper published in the British Journal of Nutrition, increased activity of these NK cells is associated with healthy body and mind, and therefore boosting NK activity using dietary approaches if “most desirable”. “Smoking habit and alcohol consumption are the two most important preventable causes of disease and premature death,” wrote researchers from the University ‘G. d'Annunzio’ in Italy, and the Nippon Medical School and Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan. --“Despite increasing knowledge of their hazard, prevalence is declining very slowly and their decrease appears to be limited to the higher socio-economic class among populations. --“Smoking threats are not limited to the immunosuppressive effect, but have a major health impact. Thus, despite the LcS increase of NK activity, a concerted effort to quit smoking is the only way to real prevention of cancer and [cardiovascular disease (CVD)].” ---Probiotics According the FAO/WHO, probiotics are defined as "live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host". -- The new study used Yakult’s strain and the Japanese company provided the powder preparations used in this study. Study details -For the new study, the researchers recruited 72 Italian male smokers and randomly assigned them to receive either a daily probiotic (40 billion lyophilized viable cells of Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain) or placebo for three weeks. -- Participants of the double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study had an average age of 50, and they were described as healthy. Results showed that men receiving the probiotic experienced increases in the activity of their NK cells of 17 to 26%, compared with 8.4 to 10.5% in the placebo group. ---“Furthermore, Lactobacillus casei Shirotastrain treatment appeared to reduce the perception of nausea and stomach-ache symptoms, reflecting an improvement of gastrointestinal functions possibly result in from a restored microbiota balance,” wrote the researchers. ---“Although it is well established that ingested Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain transits alive through the stomach and survives in the intestine, it is still unclear as to how Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain may improve the upper gastrointestinal tract symptoms, such as nausea or stomach-ache. “Direct interaction of LcS with the stomach or indirect action through hormonal or nervous regulation may be assumed and may represent future research subjects.” --Take home -“Since smokers exhibit higher susceptibility to infections and inflammatory diseases and NK cells play an important role in controlling infections and eliminating aberrant cells, dietary supplementation with Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain could contribute to increased NK cytotoxic activity with significant health advantages for individuals with smoking habits.--“However, these results should not be interpreted as an attempt to overcome smoke-related damages, but on the contrary they strengthen the notion of tobacco interference with the immune system,” they concluded. --- Source: British Journal of Nutrition Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1017/S0007114511005630 “Daily intake of Lactobacillus casei Shirota increases natural killer cell activity in smokers” Authros: M. Reale, P. Boscolo, V. Bellante, C. Tarantelli, M. Di Nicola, L. Forcella, Q. Li, K. Morimoto, R. Muraro
Recipe For Smoking and Protection---Consuming Porbiotic enriched foods and adding to this NAC 500mgs—and Vitamin C 1000mgs several times a day may improve the protective impact against smoking
Creatine can fight fatty liver disease -NAFLD
A team on international researchers has found that the sports nutrient, creatine, can help prevent the build-up of fat in the liver in rats on high-fat diets. Published in the October issue of the Journal of Nutrition, the study found rats fed a high-fat diet (71% calories derived from fat, 18% protein, 11% carbohydrate) and supplemented with creatine had reduced liver problems compared to control groups after three weeks. --- After three weeks, liver samples were assessed for their contents of fat, creatine, and other substances thought to be involved in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. --- Non-alcoholic liver health measures such as cellular oxidative stress associated with inflammation; reduced S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) levels (a compound linked to immunity) and healthy neural activity were all improved in the creatine group. “The difference in fat accumulation between liver sections from the HF and HFC groups was confirmed by image analysis. Ingestion of the HF diet increased plasma glucose, which was partially reversed by creatine supplementation. The plasma insulin concentration did not differ among the groups.” -- The researchers, from Memorial University of Newfoundland, the University of Sao Paulo and the University of Alberta highlighted the affect of creatine on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) - nuclear receptor proteins involved in the regulation of the expression of genes. The authors said PPARs were crucial in preventing steatosis and fat-related oxidative stress and inflammation via effects on fatty acid catabolism. --‘To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to demonstrate the regulation of PPARs expression and its downstream targets by creatine.” However they acknowledged that the dosages among the rats (3.1g/kg) was significantly higher than that typically used in human tests (0.3g/kg). -Relevance -- UK-based creatine researcher Dr Mark Tallon, PhD, from the NutriSciences consultancy, agreed it was difficult to extrapolate the results of the animal study to humans. -“They are interesting findings but how relevant are they to humans?” Dr Tallon wondered. --“We know rats metabolise fats in a different way to humans as evident in studies looking at medium chain triglycerides and their use as a fuel source and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) as a weight management aid. Is a '71% calories from fat' diet externally valid in relation to the way humans consume food – I would suggest not. Therefore, the study is interesting if you’re a rat on a high fat diet.” Source--- Journal of Nutrition October 2011 (141:1799-1804, 2011.) ‘Creatine supplementation prevents the accumulation of fat in the livers of rats fed a high-fat diet’ - Authors: Deminice R, da Silva RP, Lamarre SG, Brown C, Furey GN, McCarter SA, Jordae AA, Kelly KB, King-Jones K, Jacobs RL, Brosnan ME, Brosnan JT.
Recipe-Creatine + Taurine+ MilkThistle---take 5 grams of creatine -1-2 grams of Taurine and mix with a Milk Thistle tea to increase the potency of the creatine and Taurine to be a effective battle for NAFLD ( Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases ) and do this several times a day---this will increase liver Support –insulin regulating and brain health as well
Coffee may offer womb cancer protection, say Harvard researchers
Long-term coffee consumption may be associated with up to a 25% reduced risk of womb (endometrial) cancer, according to new research.
The study – published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention – reports that consumption of more than four cups of coffee per day is linked with a 25% reduced risk of developing endometrial cancer. Drinking between two and three cups per day was associated with a 7% reduction in risk, said the researchers, led by Professor Edward Giovannucci of the Harvard School of Public Health, USA. Giovannucci, explained that coffee is emerging as a protective agent in cancers that are linked to obesity, estrogen and insulin. --"Coffee has already been shown to be protective against diabetes due to its effect on insulin," he said, noting that his team believed such benefits may also be true of certain cancers that are linked to insulin. “Drinking of coffee, given its widespread consumption, might be an additional strategy to reduce endometrial cancer risk,” said the researchers. However they noted that the addition of substantial sugar and cream to coffee “could offset any potential benefit.” --Study details -- The research team investigated the association between cumulative coffee intake and endometrial cancer risk in a population of 67,470 women who enrolled in the Nurses' Health Study. During the course of 26 years of follow-up, the team documented 672 cases of endometrial cancer. - The team reported that consumption of fewer than four cups of coffee per day was not associated with endometrial cancer risk. --“However, women who consumed four or more cups of coffee had 25% lower risk of endometrial cancer than those who consumed less than one cup per day,” they said. --- A similar association was found for decaffeinated coffee, said the research team, who found that drinking more than two cups per day was linked with a 22% reduced risk for endometrial cancer. They added that tea consumption was not associated with endometrial cancer risk. --- Giovannucci said he hopes this study will lead to further inquiries about the effect of coffee on cancer – noting that further research is needed because this and similar studies reporting benefits from coffee consumption use methodology where coffee intake is self-selected and not randomised.
Source: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention
Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-11-0766
“A Prospective Cohort Study of Coffee Consumption and Risk of Endometrial Cancer over a 26-Year Follow-Up”-- Authors : Y. Je, S.E. Hankinson, S.S. Tworoger, I. DeVivo, E. Giovannucci
Show of the Week December 26 2011
Do Our Medicines Boost Pathogens?
Healing Serious Bone Injuries Faster Than Ever Before
Natural pesticides and bioactive components in foods.
Essential Fatty Acids Pill Prevents PMS
Do Our Medicines Boost Pathogens?
ScienceDaily (Dec. 21, 2011) — Scientists of the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITG) discovered a parasite that not only had developed resistance against a common medicine, but at the same time had become better in withstanding the human immune system. With some exaggeration: medical practice helped in developing a superbug. For it appears the battle against the drug also armed the bug better against its host.-- "To our knowledge it is the first time such a doubly armed organism appears in nature," says researcher Manu Vanaerschot, who obtained a PhD for his detective work at ITG and Antwerp University. "It certainly makes you think."---Vanaerschot studies the Leishmania parasite, a unicellular organism that has amazed scientists before. Leishmania is an expert in adaptation to different environments, and the only known organism in nature disregarding a basic rule of biology: that chromosomes ought to come in pairs. (The latter was also discovered by ITG-scientists recently.) The parasite causes leishmaniasis, one of the most important parasitic diseases after malaria. It hits some two million people, in 88 countries -- including European ones -- and yearly kills fifty thousand of them. The parasite is transmitted by the bite of a sand fly. The combined resistance against a medicine and the human immune system emerged in Leishmania donovani, the species causing the deadly form of the disease.---On the Indian subcontinent, where most cases occur, the disease was treated for decades with antimony compounds. As was to be expected, the parasite adapted to the constant drug pressure, and evolved into a form resisting the antimonials. In 2006 the treatment was switched to another medicine, because two patients out of three did not respond to the treatment. The antimonials closely work together with the human immune system to kill the parasite. This probably has given Leishmania donovani the opportunity to arm itself against both. It not only became resistant against the drug, but also resists better to the macrophages of its host.[U1] Macrophages are important cells of our immune system.--There is no absolute proof yet (among other things, because one obviously cannot experiment on humans) but everything suggests that resistant Leishmania not only survive better in humans -- have a higher "fitness" -- but also are better at making people ill -- have a higher "virulence" -- than their non-resistant counterparts.
Superbug? --It is the first time that science finds an organism that always benefits from its resistance. Normally resistance is only useful when a pathogen is bombarded by drugs; the rest of the time it is detrimental to the organism.
Resistant organisms are a real problem to medicine. More and more pathogens become resistant to our drugs and antibiotics -- to a large extend because you and I use them too lavishly and improperly. For several microbes, the arsenal of available drugs and antibiotics has so diminished that people may die again from pneumonia, or even from ulcerating wounds. Luckily for us, resistance helps pathogens only in a drug-filled environment. In the open field their resistance is a disadvantage to them, because they have to invest energy and resources into a property with no use there. Just like a suit of armour is quite useful on the battle field, but a real nuisance the rest of the time.--So the propagation of resistant organisms is substantially slowed down because they are at a disadvantage outside of sick rooms. But this rule, too, is violated by Leishmania: even in absence of the drug, the resistant parasite survives better, instead of worse, and it is more virulent than a non-resistant parasite.---Did our medicines create a superbug? A legitimate question, and the phenomenon has to be investigated, but this sole case doesn't imply we better stop developing new medicines (as a matter of fact, the antimony-resistant Leishmania are still susceptible to a more recent drug, miltefosine). On the contrary, we should develop more new drugs, to give new answers to the adaptive strategies of pathogens, and we should protect those drugs, for instance by using them in combination therapies. In this never-ending arms race we should use our drugs wisely, to minimise the chances for pathogens to develop resistance.---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp.--
Cobblers Pegs, Farmers Friend ...Bidens Pilosa---Family: ASTERACEAE
Cobblers Pegs - Bidens Pilosa--- Of all the wild food available in Australia the Cobblers Peg, otherwise called Farmers Friend because the seed sticks to you, would have to be amongst the most unpopular with folk who work in gardens.
And yet, in many other parts of the world - mainly the Southern hemisphere interestingly enough, it is a popular and widely-used foodstuff and medicine. It's therapeutic uses are extraordinarily comprehensive (as the list below demonstrates). --- As a foodstuff, it is in daily use as a vegetable in Africa. The leaves can be dried and stored for the future or cooked. Some folks advise draining and refreshing the water often during cooking to purge the bitterness from the taste. We use the leaves straight from the plant in salads or direct to the mouth and experience no bitterness. The taste is a slightly nutty flavour and, like all herbs, our bodies will tell us exactly and unambiguously when we have eaten enough in one session. ---
The extraordinarily-efficient barbs of the seeds--- We had a drive full of Cobblers Pegs when we first arrived here at Middle Path, but found that when we applied a few applications of rock powder to the area where they where growing, they didn't come back. Nature has an amazing way of restoring the balance. Wherever our neighbours spray chemicals there come up the Cobblers Pegs like a lawn doing their utmost to restore balance again. --- A friend of mine sent for some seeds of a particular herb overseas which was known to be excellent for stomach ulcers. When she got the seeds, she laughed, it was Cobblers Pegs. --- This weed is rich in minerals and especially Calcium which is the great healer for stomach ulcers. ---- Cobblers Pegs can be dried and used as a herbal tea as well as a vegetable source.
These conditions below have been successfully treated with Cobblers Pegs in different parts of the world:
blood clots
breast engorgement
dental pain
food poisoning
heat-rash itch
insect bites
intestinal infections
liver obstructions
low blood pressure
nervous problems
postpartum hemorrhage
prostate tumors
sore mouth
sore throat
stomach pains
vaginal infections
ulcerated colitis
urinary infections
venereal diseases
Some of the other names it is known by (around the world):
Kinehi / Ko'oko'olau [Hawai'i]
Xian Feng Cao ("Abundant Weed"), Gui Zhen Cao ("Demon Spike Grass" or "Ghost Needle Weed") [China]
Aceitilla [Spanish]
Amor Seco (Desmodium adscendens is also called "Amor Seco") [Peru]
Beggars Tick / Spanish Needle / Needle Grass [USA]
Black Jack [South Africa]
Cobblers Peg, Farmer's Friend [Australia]
Fisi 'Uli [Tonga]
Has Kung Chia, Han Feng Cao [Taiwan]
Muni [Aymara, Quechua]
Ottrancedi [India]
Picao preto, Cuamba [Brazil]
Piripiri [Cook Islands]
Saetilla, Sillk'iwa [Quechua]
Sanana Vinillo, Saytilla, Natilluna [Bolivia]
Spanish Needle, Needle Grass [Barbados, St. Thomas]
Te de Coral [Mexico]
Z'Herbe Zedruite [Caribbean]
Fisi'uli [Tonga]
Uqadolo [Southern Africa]
Z'Herbe Zedruite, Z'Herbe Z'Aiguille [Dominica, Martinique]
Healing Serious Bone Injuries Faster Than Ever Before
ScienceDaily (Dec. 13, 2011) — A human-made package filled with nature's bone-building ingredients delivers the goods over time and space to heal serious bone injuries faster than products currently available, Cleveland researchers have found.---Tested on sheep in Switzerland, the surgical elastic "implant device," essentially a wrapping that mimics bone's own sock-like sheath called periosteum, delivered stem cells, growth factors and other natural components of the periosteum to heal a defect that would not heal on its own if left untreated. In experimental groups exhibiting best outcomes, a dense network of new bone filled the defect, from the surgical elastic wrapping on the outside towards the steel intramedullary nail that stabilized the bone on the inside, bridging old with new bone.---Melissa Knothe Tate, a joint professor of biomedical engineering and mechanical & aerospace engineering at Case Western Reserve University; Ulf Knothe, an orthopedic surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic, as well as Hana Chang and Shannon Moore, graduate students in Knothe Tate's lab, report their work in a recent issue of PLoS ONE.--"We're trying to use the methods Mother Nature uses to generate bone," Knothe Tate said.---The device is modeled after the periosteum, the sock-like covering of bone, which is filled with stem cells and growth factors that, given the right cues, grow bone. Knothe Tate and her husband, Knothe, reported last year that bridging a bone injury with periosteum healed bone faster than any currently used methods, in testing on sheep and in limited clinical cases.--But, often there is too little of the periosteal covering left to fully cover the gap after a traumatic injury.[U2]
Based on what they'd learned, Knothe Tate built a version of periosteum out of two elastic sheets, approved by the FDA for surgery. She left one intact and perforated the other in a gradient with most holes across the center of the sheet and fewer the farther from the center.---She sewed the sheets together using surgical sutures as thread, with the perforated sheet on the inside. The suture seams create a series of pockets, left open at what would be the top and bottom of the device. The device is sutured to the healthy tissue like a patch and provides a path for movement of cells and bone building materials upward, downwards and inwards.---The researchers filled the pockets of one set of the devices with membranes made of collagen, which is a natural component of the periosteum; a second set was filled with collagen membranes seeded with cells that reside in the periosteum [U3], and a third set with strips of periosteum. Both the collagen seeded sheets and the periosteum strips tucked into the pockets showed the most promising results for bridging of critical sized defects that do not heal on their own.---The pockets filled with natural periosteal strips, although no longer connected to a blood supply, provided the ingredients to grow bone quickly, densely, and completely in a group of five adult sheep, Knothe Tate said.---In addition to providing the ingredients at the right place and time, the device, along with the nail, act as a template for the new growth.---"This really blurs the line between an implant and a delivery system," Knothe Tate said.--Depending on how she directs growth, the device can grow bone two ways found in nature. Much of the skeleton forms as cartilage first then turns to bone before birth, while the skull grows directly from stem cells into bone.--Beyond bone, the device is flexible enough to be used in a broad array of applications, Knothe Tate said. Potential uses include growing cartilage for orthopedics, to fuse vertebrae, as a delivery system for stem cells, antibiotics, transcription factors and more.---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Case Western Reserve University.
Journal Reference-Melissa L. Knothe Tate, Hana Chang, Shannon R. Moore, Ulf R. Knothe. Surgical Membranes as Directional Delivery Devices to Generate Tissue: Testing in an Ovine Critical Sized Defect Model. PLoS ONE, 2011; 6 (12): e28702 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0028702
Natural pesticides and bioactive components in foods.
In this review, some common food plants and their toxic or otherwise bioactive components and mycotoxin contaminants have been considered. Crucifers contain naturally occurring components that are goitrogenic, [U4]resulting from the combined action of allyl isothiocyanate, goitrin, and thiocyanate. Although crucifers may provide some protection from cancer when taken prior to a carcinogen, when taken after a carcinogen they act as promoters of carcinogenesis. The acid-condensed mixture of indole-3-carbinol (a component of crucifers) binds to the TCDD receptor and causes responses similar to those of TCDD. Herbs contain many biologically active components, with more than 20% of the commercially prepared human drugs coming from these plants. Onion and garlic juices can help to prevent the rise of serum cholesterol. Most herbs used in treatments may have many natural constituents that act oppositely from their intended use. Some herbs like Bishop's week seed contain carcinogens, and many contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids that can cause cirrhosis of the liver. The general phytoalexin response in plants (including potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, celery, and sweet potatoes) induced by external stimuli can increase the concentrations of toxic chemical constituents in those plants. In potatoes, two major indigenous compounds are alpha-solanine and alpha-chaconine, which are human plasma cholinesterase inhibitors and teratogens in animals. Because of its toxicity, the potato variety Lenape was withdrawn from the market. Celery, parsley, and parsnips contain the linear furanocoumarin phytoalexins psoralen, bergapten, and xanthotoxin that can cause photosensitization and also are photomutagenic and photocarcinogenic. Celery field workers and handlers continually have photosensitization problems as a result of these indigenous celery furanocoumarins. A new celery cultivar (a result of plant breeding to produce a more pest-resistant variety) was responsible for significant incidences of phytophotodermatitis of grocery employees. Since there is no regulatory agency or body designated to oversee potential toxicological issues associated with naturally occurring toxicants, photodermatitis continues to occur from celery exposure. Sweet potatoes contain phytoalexins that can cause lung edema and are hepatotoxic to mice. At least one of these, 4-ipomeanol, can cause extensive lung clara cell necrosis and can increase the severity of pneumonia in mice. Some phytoalexins in sweet potatoes are hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic to mice. The common mushroom Agaricus bisporus contains benzyl alcohol as its most abundant volatile, and A. bisporus and Gyromitra esculenta both contain hydrazine analogues. Mycotoxins are found in corn, cottonseed, fruits, grains, grain sorghums, and nuts (especially peanuts); therefore, they also occur in apple juice, bread, [U5]peanut butter, and other products made from contaminated starting materials.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
Essential Fatty Acids Pill Prevents PMS
ScienceDaily (Jan. 16, 2011) — A pill containing a mix of essential fatty acids has been shown to significantly reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Reproductive Health tested the tablets by carrying out a randomised, controlled trial in 120 women.--Edilberto Rocha Filho worked with a team of researchers from the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, to conduct the tests. He said, "The administration of 1 or 2 grams of essential fatty acids to patients with PMS resulted in a significant decrease in symptom scores. Furthermore, the administration of the dietary supplement did not result in any changes in the total cholesterol in the patients evaluated."---Women who were given capsules containing 2 grams of a combination of gamma linolenic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, other polyunsaturated acids and vitamin E [U6]reported significantly eased PMS symptoms at both 3 and 6 months after they began the treatment. Few adverse events were recorded and these were mild, insignificant and did not appear to be directly related to the medication.---Speaking about the results, Rocha Filho said, "The negative effect of PMS on a woman's routine activities and quality of life may be significant, in addition to the repercussions on economic costs resulting predominantly from a reduction in productivity. Essential [fatty acids] capsules can now be said to show much promise as a treatment."---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by BioMed Central, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS. ---Journal Reference-Edilberto A Rocha Filho, José C Lima, João S Pinho Neto, Ulisses Montarroyos. Essential fatty acids for premenstrual syndrome and their effect on prolactin and total cholesterol levels: a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study. Reproductive Health, 2011; 8 (1): 2 DOI: 10.1186/1742-4755-8-2
[U1]Seems like the genetics of the parasites are being coersed to develop—making the host more susceptible to being infected---makes you wonder how these parasites became so intelligent---and how there programming allows for this kind of adaption---makes you consider---could they have been helped?
[U2]Periosteum -The dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones except at the joints and serving as an attachment for muscles and tendons.
[U3]Gelatin anyone--
[U4]goitrogenic --Thyroid disrupting—iodine depleting—or hormonal imbalancing
[U5]This is why preparing foods properly will be important—a lot of these things that are naturally occurring in nature –“ being Au Natural” can be lethal unless you know how to neutralize the parts you are going to eat---consuming some of the cruciferious veges can be beneficial but sometimes steaming or high spotting heat to prepare can be adequate to reduce or remove the defence mechanism of the plants that can be dangerous
[U6]Omega 6 oils and omega 9
Show of the Week December 30 2011
The Top 12 Cancer-Causing products in the Average Home
Extracts of Canadian first nations medicinal plants, used as natural products, inhibit neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates with different antibiotic resistance profiles
Choline may help protect the brain from effects of ageing- Recipe for brain Enhancements
Recipe for Making your own EFA’s
Extracts of Canadian first nations medicinal plants, used as natural products, inhibit neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates with different antibiotic resistance profiles.
Sex Transm Dis. 2011 Jul;38(7):667-71
Authors: Cybulska P, Thakur SD, Foster BC, Scott IM, Leduc RI, Arnason JT, Dillon JA
BACKGROUND: Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ng) has developed resistance to most antimicrobial agents and the antibiotics recommended for therapy are restricted, for the most part, to third generation cephalosporins. In order to investigate new potential sources of antimicrobial agents, the antibacterial properties of 14 Canadian plants used in traditional First Nations' medicine were tested against Ng isolates having differing antimicrobial susceptibility profiles.
METHODS: Ethanolic extracts of 14 Canadian botanicals, analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography, were tested for their antimicrobial activity (disc diffusion and/or agar dilution assays) against susceptible Ng reference strains and a panel of 28 Ng isolates with various antimicrobial resistance profiles. RESULTS: Extracts of Arctostaphylos uva ursi (kinnikinnick or bearberry), Hydrastis canadensis (goldenseal), Prunus serotina (black cherry), and Rhodiola rosea (roseroot) inhibited the growth of all Ng isolates with minimum inhibitory concentrations of 32 μg/mL, 4 to 32 μg/mL, 16 to >32 μg/mL, and 32 to 64 μg/mL, respectively. Extracts of Acorus americanus (sweet flag), Berberis vulgaris (barberry), Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh), Equisetum arvense (field horsetail), Gaultheria procumbens (wintergreen), Ledum groenlandicum (Labrador tea), Ledum palustre (marsh Labrador tea), Oenothera biennis (common evening primrose), Sambucus nigra (elderberry), and Zanthoxylum americanum (prickly ash) had weak or no antimicrobial activity against the Ng isolates with minimum inhibitory concentrations ≥256 μg/mL. The phytochemical berberine from H. canadensis inhibited the growth of all Ng isolates. The phytochemicals, salidroside and rosavin, present in R. rosea, also showed inhibitory activity against Ng strains.-- CONCLUSION: Canadian botanicals represent a potential source of novel compounds which inhibit Ng, including isolates resistant to antibiotics.---PMID: 21301385 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Tiny RNA molecules in food eaten can circulate in the bloodstream and turn genes off in the body; what are the implications of eating genetically modified food?
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Nucleic acids circulating in the bloodstream and Darwin’s theory of pangenesis
The age-old adage that you are what you eat has taken a literal turn in the rush of startling findings since the human genome sequence was announced 10 years ago, which overturn every tenet of the genetic determinist ideology that had made the Human Genome Project seem a compelling undertaking ----In 2009, we reported on nucleic acids circulating in the bloodstream that offer golden opportunities for disease diagnosis, and may also play a role in communication between cells within an organism [3] (Intercommunication via Circulating Nucleic Acids, SiS 42). --But would circulating nucleic acids cross species barriers? Yes, according to Liu Yongshen at the Henan Institute of Science and Technology in Xinxiang, China [4]. Furthermore, Charles Darwin was really the first person to have proposed a mechanism for it in his theory of pangenesis. ---Darwin’s theory of pangenesis suggested that all cells of an organism shed minute particles, gemmules, which circulate throughout the body and are passed on to the next generation through the germ cells. In that way, the characteristics of the parents are passed on to their offspring. And if the cells of the parents undergo changes during their life time, those changes would also be transmitted to the offspring. Liu described Darwin’s theory of pangenesis in some detail and reviewed both historical and more recent evidence in support of it, including fascinating findings on transmission of characteristics through blood transfusion that have been expurgated from the mainstream account. He concluded that [4]: “a considerable revision of views on Darwin’s Pangenesis must occur before a new comprehensive genetic theory can be achieved.”
Question are raised the potential dangers of genetically modified (GM) nucleic acids in GM food being taken up by cells in our body. --Now, a team of researchers in China have documented just this possibility. Plant nucleic acids are found to survive digestion in the gut, escape into the bloodstream, and taken up into the liver cells to target a very specific gene for silencing [6].---MicroRNAs a new class of signalling molecules between cells-Zhang Chen-Yu and colleagues at Nanjing University, National University of Defence Technology, Changsha, and Tianjin Medical University, have been researching stable microRNAs, which they found circulating in the bloodstream of mammals that are actively secreted from the tissues and cells in the body. In a paper published in 2008 [7], the team presented results suggesting that the miRNAs could serve as a novel class of biomarkers for disease, and later showed that they could act as signaling molecules in intercellular communication.---MicroRNAs (miRNAa) are a class of 19-24 nucleotide long non-coding RNAs that silence an estimated 30 percent of protein-coding genes in mammals after the genes are transcribed. They do so by pairing, usually with complementary sequences in the 3’ untranslated regions (UTRs) of the targeted gene transcripts. The targeted genes are involved in a range of vital functions including cell differentiation, apoptosis (programmed cell death), cell proliferation, the immune response, and the maintenance of cell and tissue identity. Dysregulation of miRNAs is linked to cancer and other diseases; and specific miRNA profiles in the blood are potential biomarkers for diagnosis. ---Zhang and colleagues had characterized the possible carriers of circulating miRNAs as microvesicles (MVs) shed from almost every cell type under both normal and pathological conditions (rather like Darwin’s gemmules). The MVs carry surface receptors and ligands of the original cells and have the potential to selectively interact with specific target cells to transport lipids, mRNA, proteins, or other signalling molecules between cells. Many MVs also contain miRNAs that could be selectively packaged and delivered into recipient cells where they regulate the expression of target genes and recipient cell function. In other words, miRNAs can serve as a novel class of signaling molecules between cells in the same organism.--To their surprise, Zhang and colleagues found plant miRNAs in the serum and plasma of humans and other mammals [6]. More than half of the plant miRNAs detected are present in MVs. In an extensive series of experiments, they showed that a particularly abundant plant miRNA, MIR168a, can pass through the mouse gut and enter the bloodstream, ending up in various organs especially the liver, where it regulates a specific protein, LDLRAP1, involved in low density lipoprotein uptake.
Choline may help protect the brain from effects of ageing
Increased dietary intake of choline may be related to better cognitive performance and protection against memory loss.--- The study – published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition – points towards correlation between memory and dietary choline – found in such as saltwater fish, eggs, liver, chicken, milk and certain legumes, including soy( Not suggested ) and kidney beans and sunflower seeds– after researchers found that people with high intakes of choline performed better on memory tests, and were less likely to show brain changes associated with dementia. --- The researchers, led by senior researcher Rhoda Au of Boston University School of Medicine, USA, said that their results do not mean that choline is the answer to staving off Alzheimer's disease, but noted that the findings do add to evidence that nutrition plays a role in the aging of the brain. --- However, Au cautioned against looking to any one nutrient as a magic bullet against dementia. [U1]--Diet-dementia link --- A number of studies have reported links between diet and nutrition and the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. --- The authors noted that choline is the precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and as such has attracted attention as a possibly important nutrient to stave off cognitive decline. They added that the loss of cholinergic neurons is associated with impaired cognitive function – particularly memory loss and Alzheimer disease (AD). ---Study details Au and her colleagues analysed population data from the long-running Framingham study. Nearly 1,400 adults aged between 36 and 83 completed a food-frequency questionnaire and then underwent tests of memory and other cognitive abilities, including MRI brain scans. -- In general, Au and her team found that men and women who reported high choline intake performed better on the memory tests than those who reported lower intake – however the researchers said that the differences in test performance were small. ---"As far as your day-to-day functioning, it would not be an appreciable difference," said Au. -- However, she added, the findings suggest that people with lower choline intakes are more likely to be on a ‘pathway’ toward mental decline than their counterparts with higher intakes. In addition, the team found that people with higher choline intake at the outset were less likely to show areas of “white-matter hyperintensity” – areas believed to be a sign of blood vessel disease – in their MRI brain scans. --- Au reiterated that none of the results prove that choline, per se, protects memory or unhealthy brain changes associated with aging. One possibility, she noted, is that some other nutrients present along with choline are responsible for the effects seen. --- She added that further studies in humans are needed to back up the current findings. --- Source: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Volume 94, Number 6, pages 1584-1591 , doi: 10.3945/ajcn.110.008938 “The relation of dietary choline to cognitive performance and white-matter hyperintensity in the Framingham Offspring Cohort”Authors: C. Poly, J.M. Massaro, S. Seshadri, P.A. Wolf, E. Cho, E. Krall, P.F. Jacques, R. Au
Recipe for brain Enhancements—Utilize Choline + Piracetam + Dmae in a ratio of 2:1:1 piracetam 2-choline 1-dmae 1 and you can see the enhancements of thought processes increase—memory retained-analytical thinking increase—a wakening of a dullness
Using Lugols iodine 1-4 drops a day will increase brain acquity as well as mood and endurance mentally
Consuming Sunflower lecithin or Egg Yolk Lecithin and wheat germ oil will increase brain and coordination
Drinking Caffeinated Beverages plus adding b12 1000mcgs-5000mcgs and B1 100mgs –can as well see an increase in brain efficiency
Eating nuts and seeds high in saturated fats and omega 6 fats will increase brain health as well as increase phosphorus which is needed fro brain functionality—several tsp daily
Coffee does the same as gingko or periwinkle as far as oxygenating the brain and increasing alertness—you can as well utilize ephedrine 8mgs + caffeine 100mgs ( 1 cup of a 14 oz volume)—or take the essential oil of peppermint ( 1 drop ) and add to black coffee
The use of nootropics will as well make a huge difference on brain functionality
Recipe for Making your own EFA’s
Add 1 part Omega 3 ( walnut oil—chia seed oil—periwinkle oil )
Add 2 parts omega 6 ( evening primrose-sesame seed-sunflower seed-borage-peanut-almond-apricot-any one or any combo to get a 2 part ratio )
Add 1 part of omega 9 ( olive oil-macadamia nut oil-pumpkin seed oil )
Add either essential oil of rosemary or sage or thyme or savoury or oregano –to act as an antioxidant
Use 1 tsp several times a day or as needed