Show of the Week April 13-2012
Show of the Week April 16-2012
Show of the Week April 20 2012
Show Of The Week April 23 2012
Show Of The Week April 27 2012
Show Of The Week April 30 2012
New Way to Abate Heart Attacks Before Patients Get to the Hospital
Effects of lime juice on malaria parasite clearance
The choice of thujone as drug for diabetes. Sage and Wormwood
—Iodine has been around for centuries and some of the uses of Iodine have been Lost—Til NOW!!! Here are some uses for iodine—Curing Syphilis---Curing Epilepsy-Syphiloma Of the Nervous System-Syhpilitc infections Of the Brain-Neurolgia-Nocturnal Pain In the Head---for Syhplitic infection of the brain they used 10 grains or 1 drahm several times a day and would saturate ( Called Iodism ) the person in iodine ---it was the most effective way to C-U-R-E the issue- ( 10 grains is 647 miligrams -1 drahm – 1,772 mgs orrrrr 1.77 grams of iodine ) We are talking here therapeutic dosing to C-U-R-E a infection—the Same could be Used for Syphilitic Paraplegia (is an impairment in motor or sensory function of the lower extremities as a result of a syphilis infection ) the same application can be applied and should be applies as [previous for the brain---there has to be a saturation in the use to clear it up—Malarial Fevers—Cures it—again would be in the dose-Usually for 2-3 days and then restored- the dose is 1 ml ( 16 minims) in water - 3 times a day before meals ( lugols or Iodoral) typhoid fever a solution (1 ml ( 16 minims) in water- is administered 3 times daily to reduce fever –and diarrhea-Lumbago-Sciatica-and Rheumatoid ( Chronic) are all treated with Iodine ( or Iodides ) the causes of these issues are tin –mercury-copper or lead or syphilis-and iodine treats them all—the remedy was 15 grains ( 970 mgs) to a drachm ( 1/8 of an ounce or 3.96 mils)—4 times a day 1 ml –The way it works is that it breaks down the elements and makes them soluble so that your kidneys can excrete them out of you— Saturation of iodine will clear Psoriasis---Application Topically would be around the neck –inner and outer Pectoral region by application of a sponge or paint brush—and to repeat this process daily for 3-5 days-- to remove Pleuritic issues and other respiratory ailments like pneumonia you can make a topical by applying it in a mixture of petroleum jelly---or coconut oil or other fats and apply it topically as well---women with breast issues of lumps or potential cancers would be advised to paint the breast or apply the topically inside and on the sides---for prostate cancers or inflammation ---utilze the iodine and apply with either DMSO or Turpentine and or a gelly mix or paint the area--And just think they knew this in the 1890’s---and today---we cannot cure what they could then---just goes to show you---being certified does not make you qualified---
IODINE--Iodine is utilized by every hormone receptor in the body. The absence of iodine causes a hormonal dysfunction that can be seen with practically every hormone inside the body. Dr. Flechas has recently been able to show that patients with insulin resistant diabetes have a partial to full remission of their illness in the presence of taking iodine. Iodine deficiency is also felt to be the source of ovarian cysts. With iodine replacement therapy the cysts disappear and women have stopped having ovarian cysts."--
All cells in the body need iodine for proper functioning. All glands (thyroid, adrenal, etc.) especially need iodine for the production of hormones. Dr. There is Evidence that iodine deficiency is a major cause of breast cancer and other diseases of the reproductive organs such as ovarian, uterus and prostrate cysts and cancers. Iodine levels in US soil have fallen 50 per cent over the past 50 years and soil in the US is deficient in iodine. The Great Lakes region has some of lowest soil iodine levels in the world and this results in high levels of cancers related to iodine deficiency. There has been a success in treating fibrocystic breast disease (cysts in the breast) with iodine/iodine supplementation. In one case a 37 year-old woman with severe fibrocystic breast disease was completely cured after supplementing with 50 mgs of iodine a day for two months. Women with large breasts need more iodine than women with smaller breasts. Other medical authorities agree that iodine deficiency can lead to fibrocystic breast disease and/or ovarian cysts Iodine can similarly reduce uterine fibroids and one of the first conventional medical treatments for severe fibroids was to paint the uterus with iodine. [4] Some other medical conditions associated with iodine deficiency are goiters, Graves’ Disease, Hashimoto’s Disease, fatigue and impaired immune system function. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to miscarriages and reduced IQ in surviving offspring. The World Health Organization says that iodine deficiency is the largest single cause of mental retardation. Iodine also detoxifies the body by removing mercury, fluorides, chlorides, and bromides.
"If you think you may be deficient in Iodine, consider this; most of the US population has one or more mercury amalgam fillings in their mouths. A consequence of this is that minute amounts of the heavy metal mercury are continuously being released into the mouth and absorbed into the body. This toxication stimulates a natural detox reaction by the body. Several mechanisms are utilized to remove the mercury. In order for these detoxification mechanisms to work properly, numerous essential minerals are utilized. Iodine, Zinc, Sulfur, Selenium, and Silica stimulate the excretion of heavy metals including mercury. Iodine is at the top of the list when it comes to mercury removal.
"Unfortunately, the average persons daily intake of Iodine is not high enough to keep them mercury free even when not exposed to excessive levels. Add on the exposure of mercury from vaccinations, smoking, etc., and you have the potential for serious heavy metal toxicity. This toxicity can manifest itself in many ways causing problems that would not normally be attributed to high levels of mercury.
"Iodine is essential for the health of the: Thyroid, Breast and Prostate.
"Iodine chelates:
· Mercury
· Lead
· Cadmium
· Aluminum
· Bromide
· Tin
"Iodine helps to improve-or C-U-R-E
· Bowel irregularity
· Brain fog
· Renaud’s syndrome (numb finger tips)
· Low energy
· Sensitivity to cold
· Skin complexion
· Reduction of Prostate Hypertrophy
· Pneumonia
· Pleurisy
· Syphlis of the Bone
· Ulcerative Syphlis
· Psoriasis
· Rheumatoid Joint issues
· Fights small pox lesions
New Way to Abate Heart Attacks Before Patients Get to the Hospital
ScienceDaily (Mar. 27, 2012) — Paramedics can reduce someone's chances of having a cardiac arrest or dying by 50 percent by immediately administering a mixture of glucose, insulin and potassium ("GIK") to people having a heart attack, according to research presented March 27 at the American College of Cardiology's 61st Annual Scientific Session. --The study showed that patients who received GIK immediately after being diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome -- which indicates a heart attack is either in progress or on the way -- were 50 percent less likely to have cardiac arrest (a condition in which the heart suddenly stops beating) or die than those who received a placebo, although the treatment did not prevent the heart attack from occurring. Over the first month following the event, patients who received GIK were 40 percent less likely to have cardiac arrest, die or be hospitalized for heart failure.---The effect was even more striking for patients with ST-elevation heart attacks, which require immediate treatment. For those patients, immediate GIK was associated with a 60 percent reduction in cardiac arrest or death.---"When started immediately in the home or on the way to the hospital -- even before the diagnosis is completely established -- GIK appears to reduce the size of heart attacks and to reduce by half the risk of having a cardiac arrest or dying," said Harry P. Selker, MD, MSPH, executive director of the Institute for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies at Tufts Medical Center, who led the study with Joni Beshansky, RN, MPH, co-principal investigator and project director. "Acute coronary syndromes represent the largest cause of death in this country. GIK is a very inexpensive treatment that appears to have promise in reducing those deaths and morbidity."--------The cost of the treatment is about $50.---"Because the trial is the first to show GIK is effective when used by paramedics in real-world community settings, it could have important implications for the treatment of heart attacks," Dr. Selker said. Previous clinical trials have shown no consistent effect, likely because the GIK was given too late to help. This study, the "IMMEDIATE Trial," was the first to test the effectiveness of administering GIK at the very first signs of a threatening heart attack, in the community, rather than waiting hours until the diagnosis was well-established at a hospital, as done in previous clinical trials.---"We wanted to do something that is effective and can be used anywhere," said Dr. Selker. "We've done a lot of studies of acute cardiac care in emergency departments and hospitals, but more people die of heart attacks outside the hospital than inside the hospital. Hundreds of thousands of people per year are dying out in the community; we wanted to direct our attention to those patients."---The researchers trained paramedics in 36 Emergency Medical Services systems in 13 cities across the country to administer GIK after determining that a patient was likely having a threatened or already established heart attack using electrocardiograph-based ACI-TIPI (acute cardiac ischemia time-insensitive predictive instrument) and thrombolytic predictive instrument decision support that prints patient-specific predictions on the top of an electrocardiogram. The paramedics used these predictions to decide if a patient would likely benefit from treatment. There were 911 patients randomized to receive either the GIK treatment or a placebo.---Administering GIK immediately also reduced the severity of the damage to the heart tissue from the heart attack. On average, 2 percent of the heart tissue was destroyed by the heart attack in people receiving GIK, compared with 10 percent in those who received the placebo. Although a significant proportion of suspected heart attacks are later determined to be false alarms (23 percent in this study), administering GIK does not appear to cause any harmful effects in such patients.The research team will follow up with study participants at six and 12 months to evaluate the longer-term benefit of the GIK treatment.--This study was funded by the NIH's National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American College of Cardiology. –
Recipe For your Own Heart Remedial---take Glycerin ( Palm or Coconut—avoid the Soy) take 1 tsp of this---add ¼ tsp of Potassium chloride or potassium Citrate-and ¼ tsp of magnesium citrate or magnesium malate ( malic acid )---mix well and use half a tsp---can be used as well as a supplement or preventative
Effects of lime juice on malaria parasite clearance.
Phytother Res. 2011 Oct;25(10):1547-50
Authors: Adegoke SA, Oyelami OA, Olatunya OS, Adeyemi LA
One hundred and twenty children with acute uncomplicated malaria who were managed at the children's outpatient department of the Wesley Guild Hospital, Ilesa (a unit of Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals' Complex, Ile-Ife, Osun state, Nigeria) were recruited into the study to determine the effects of lime juice on malaria parasite clearance. These children were randomized into treatment with World Health Organization recommended antimalarials (artemisinin combination therapy, ACT) either alone or with lime juice. Nine of them were lost to follow-up, four were in the group that were managed with ACT and lime, and five in the group that were managed on ACT alone. The average (SD) time to achieve >75% reduction in parasite load was significantly lower in patients on ACT and lime; 30.5 ± 2.4 h against 38.6 ± 3.3 h for those on ACT alone (p < 0.001). Also, while a significantly higher proportion of children on antimalarial drugs and lime juice achieved complete parasite clearance by 72 h of therapy (p = 0.007), ten (18.2%) patients without lime had early treatment failure (p = 0.003). There were no side effects with the use of lime juice. It may therefore be inferred, from this preliminary work, that lime juice when used with the appropriate antimalarial may enhance malaria parasite clearance especially in those with uncomplicated malaria.---PMID: 21413089 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]Recipe For an antimalarial tea---Add wormwood1/2 and oz clove1/2 tsp and black walnut ½ oz together and brew into a pot of tea and boil this down to about half way down the pot----when cooled strain and add to glass container----when consuming this go ½ tsp increments and add limejuice to it or drink seperate
The choice of thujone as drug for diabetes. Sage and Wormwood
Nat Prod Res. 2011 Dec;25(20):1890-2-Authors: Lachenmeier DW, Walch SG
The use of thujone, a monoterpene ketone often present in sage (Salvia officinalis L.) or wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.), for the treatment of diabetes mellitus was recently suggested in a study published in this journal. Evidence was based on the findings obtained in a diabetic rat model. After oral treatment with thujone (5 mg/kg bodyweight (bw)/day for 28 days), the cholesterol and triglyceride levels were significantly adjusted to normal levels when compared to diabetic, untreated rats. While these results sound promising and worthy of further investigation, the well-defined profile of the adverse properties of thujone demands a cautious interpretation of these results. The therapeutic margin of thujone appears to be small, as a dose-related incidence of seizures was noted in 2-year National Toxicology Program studies in rats and mice. The dose level in the diabetic rat study is also considerably higher than a daily intake that is acceptable for humans (0.1 mg/kg bw/day).--PMID: 21988529 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]Special Note ---to make this effective you would take smaller doses for a period of time and adjust the consumption of foods that would elevate the tryglcerides ( Grains and starch)
Use It or Lose It- Mind Games Help Healthy Older People Too
Brain Training Can Help Improve Specific Abilities in Older People
Reversal effects of traditional Chinese herbs on multidrug resistance in cancer cells
Use It or Lose It- Mind Games Help Healthy Older People Too
ScienceDaily (Mar. 27, 2012) — Cognitive training including puzzles, handicrafts and life skills are known to reduce the risk, and help slow down the progress, of dementia amongst the elderly. A new study published in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Medicine showed that cognitive training was able to improve reasoning, memory, language and hand eye co-ordination of healthy, older adults.---It is estimated that by 2050 the number of people over 65 years old will have increased to 1.1 billion worldwide, and that 37 million of these will suffer from dementia. Research has already shown that mental activity can reduce a person's risk of dementia but the effect of mental training on healthy people is less well understood. To address this researchers from China have investigated the use of cognitive training as a defence against mental decline for healthy older adults who live independently.---To be recruited onto the trial participants had to be between 65 and 75 years old, and have good enough eyesight, hearing, and communication skills, to be able to complete all parts of the training. The hour long training sessions occurred twice a week, for 12 weeks, and the subjects were provided with homework. Training included a multi-approach system tackling memory, reasoning, problem solving, map reading, handicrafts, health education and exercise, or focussing on reasoning only. The effect of booster training, provided six months later, was also tested.--The results of the study were positive. Profs Chunbo Li and Wenyuan Wu who led the research explained, "Compared to the control group, who received no training, both levels of cognitive training improved mental ability, although the multifaceted training had more of a long term effect. The more detailed training also improved memory, even when measured a year later and booster training had an additional improvement on mental ability scores."---This study shows that cognitive training therapy may prevent mental decline amongst healthy older people and help them to continue independent living longer in their advancing years.---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by BioMed Central. --Journal Reference--Yan Cheng, Wenyuan Wu, Wei Feng, Jiaqi Wang, You Chen, Yuan Shen, Qingwei Li, Xu Zhang, Chunbo Li. The effects of multi-domain versus single-domain cognitive training in non-demented older people: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Medicine, 2012; 10 (1): 30 DOI: 10.1186/1741-7015-10-30
Brain Training Can Help Improve Specific Abilities in Older People
ScienceDaily (Dec. 23, 2009) — Many brain training products claim to be able to keep us mentally fit. Some products even claim that brain training can prevent dementia in old age. But there is no scientific proof that games or other brain exercises can have this effect. That is what the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) has discovered.
Brain training can lead to an improvement, but only in the specific ability it is aimed at ---As we get older our thinking gets slower and it is harder for us to learn new things. Many people try to stay mentally fit by, for example, learning a new language or doing crossword puzzles. Computer games that aim to keep the brain active are also becoming increasingly popular. "Doing exercises like trying to find symbols on a computer screen as fast as possible can actually improve your reaction time," explains Professor Peter Sawicki, the Institute's Director. "But scientific studies have shown that brain training only leads to an improvement in the specific ability that it is aimed at. So if you learn to find symbols quickly, it does not mean that you will be able to remember names better too."------------There is no need for people to push themselves to do brain training if they do not enjoy it ---Research has not shown that brain training can keep up or enhance people's overall mental abilities. "So there is no need to feel bad if you do not enjoy brain training: there are no health reasons for doing it," says Sawicki. "But if you think brain training exercises are fun, you can try out different things. For example, completing sequences of letters can improve your logic skills. And practising word association techniques can help you to remember things better."---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care. Journal Reference--PAPP et al. Immediate and delayed effects of cognitive interventions in healthy elderly: A review of current literature and future directions. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 2009; 5 (1): 50 DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2008.10.008
Recipe for the brain---Utilizing Games Such as Soltaire can assist the person to have a Multi purpose activity for the brain as well as doing multi dimensional puzzles—Problem Solving –Researching topics of interest---and allowing for calm and peace of mind—
Nootropics that can assist ---Using Egg yolks—Sunflower Lecithin-Black Coffee-Tea- Black or Green—Using Spices Like Nutmeg- Rosemary-Sage-Thyme-Bay leaf—Consuming Salt ( sea salt or one mineralized without contaminants-things such as these to nourish the brain
Reversal effects of traditional Chinese herbs on multidrug resistance in cancer cells.
Nat Prod Res. 2011 Nov;25(19):1885-9--Authors: Yang L, Wei DD, Chen Z, Wang JS, Kong LY
Multidrug resistance (MDR) continues to be a major obstacle for successful anticancer therapy. In this work, fractions from 17 clinically used antitumour traditional Chinese medicinal herbs were tested for their potential to restore the sensitivity of MCF-7/ADR and A549/Taxol cells to a known antineoplastic agent. The effects of these fractions were evaluated by MTT method and an assay of the cellular accumulation of doxorubicin. Fractions from the PB group (herbs with the ability to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis) showed more significant effects than fractions from the CH group (herbs with the ability to clear away heat and toxic materials). Fractions from CH₂Cl₂ extracts were more effective than fractions from EtOAc extracts. Five herbs (Curcuma wenyujin, Chrysanthemum indicum, Salvia chinensis, Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. and Cassia tora L.) could sensitise these resistant cancer cells at a non-toxic concentration (10 µg mL⁻¹), and markedly increased doxorubicin accumulation in MCF-7/ADR cells, which necessitates further investigations on the active ingredients of these herbs and their underlying mechanisms.---PMID: 21848372 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]---Recipe for that Tough Cancer-Here is a Tea that you can make by Utilizing Chrysanthenum-Chinese Sage- Tumeric- Senna Leaves-Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. Take in equal parts and reduce the senna by half and make a 1 quart container of water ---and drink 1-3 cups a day
Cazzola R, Camerotto C, Cestaro B.
Source-Department of Clinical Sciences L. Sacco, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
Abstract---Aqueous and methanol extracts of dry sage, rosemary, basil, parsley, chili, garlic and onion were analyzed to investigate their anti-oxidant and anti-glycant activities and in vitro inhibitory potential against enzymes involved in glycemic regulation. The aqueous extracts of rosemary and sage were the richest in phenolic compounds and showed the highest ability in binding iron and inhibiting DPPH, superoxide radicals and advanced glycation end-product production, lipid peroxidation, and the activity of α-glucosidase and α-amylase. On the other hand, the methanol extracts of both these Labiatae were less efficient than those of garlic, onion, parsley and chili in scavenging hydroxyl radicals. As far as protein glycation is concerned, methanol extracts were more effective in inhibiting the production of Amadori compounds and the aqueous ones in preventing advanced glycation end-product formation. Therefore these spices may be preventive not only against cardiovascular diseases but also type 2 diabetes.
Solution- Make sure you have a sage and rosemary teas to prevent the onset of any kind of glycation and if it is advanced then utilize the extracts in alcohol as well as consume the foods such as parlsey --onion and garlic and caynenne on a regular bases---this will reduce both ferrous peroxyls ( damge from iron and peroxide in the body ) and reduce any sugar binding protein damage that occurs--the Elimination of Glycate forming foods or Sugars will be important and as you reduce and consume the teas or foods with these things you will find te sugar "cravings" or addicition reduce dramatically
Antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory effects and acute toxicity of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Myrtus communis L. Aerial parts in mice.
J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2011 Dec;4(4):242-7--Authors: Hosseinzadeh H, Khoshdel M, Ghorbani M
Myrtus communis L ( Myrtle ). aerial parts have been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of inflammatory disease. In this study 350 mice were divided into three main groups: negative (saline), positive (morphine or diclofenac) controls, and test groups. The acute toxicity was assessed for 2 days. Antinociceptive activity was performed using hot plate and writhing tests. The anti-inflammatory effect was investigated using xylene-induced ear edema and a cotton pellet test. According to phytochemical screening, the extracts contained tannins, alkaloids, and flavonoids. The LD50 values of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts were 0.473 and 0.79 g/kg, respectively. In hot plate test, the aqueous and ethanolic extracts showed significant antinociceptive activity that was inhibited by naloxone. The extracts exhibited antinociceptive activity against acetic acid-induced writhing and also showed significant activity against acute inflammation which was dose dependent for aqueous extract. The ethanolic (0.05 g/kg) and aqueous extracts (0.005, 0.015, and 0.03 g/kg) demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects against chronic inflammation. The aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the aerial parts of M communis L. showed antinociceptive effects and these may be mediated by opioid receptors.---PMID: 22196507 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]Recipe for Myrtle Tea---Take some leaves of Myrtle and add to a 2 cup pot and simmer for 10 minutes and drink orr add ¼ cup of the leaf and add ½ cup of Vodka or any other clear based Alcohol that is consumable ( ethanol) and blend for 10 minutes at high speed together---strain and add to glass bottle
Pediculicides—Lice and Pest treatments
Government take over of Children with Parental Consent
Vaccinating Without Parental Knowledge Soon To Become The Norm Across The World
Doctors have reported that girls aged just 12 and 13 have suffered paralysis,
convulsions and sight problems after being given the HPV vaccine.
Pediculicides—Lice and Pest treatments
Chemical treatments- Today, insecticides used for the treatment of head lice include organochlorines (lindane), organophosphates (malathion), carbamates (carbaryl), pyrethrins (pyrethrum), and pyrethroids (permethrin, phenothrin, bio-allethrin).
The only agents approved by the FDA for treatment of pediculosis are lindane and malathion.[2]
Laboratory and clinical studies found that many of the pediculicides in the market are either not fully effective or are ineffective when they are used according to the instructions.[3][4][5][6]
Pediculicides may rapidly lose their efficacy because of the development of resistance. Resistance of head lice to insecticides such as lindane, malathion, phenothrin and permethrin has been reported.[7][8][9]
Ivermectin (which can be given orally) has been shown to reduce levels of louse infestation.[10][11][12] Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for pediculosis, though it is approved for onchocerciasis and strongyloidiasis.[2][13]
Natural products
Natural products tested clinically and found to be safe and effective could be very important in the control of head lice, as the complexity of the active ingredients may prevent the rapid development of resistance. They are more acceptable to some parents who are concerned with the use of chemical pediculicides. Several plant products such as aniseed, coconut, neem and tea tree oils offer promise for new compounds to treat head lice infestation. However, the number of clinical studies is very limited, and most have methodological problems such as lack of a comparison group. Plain vaseline also works and is non-harmful, though messy: like all animals, lice need to breathe, and smothering hair with vaseline or other oily/fatty substances (like the aforementioned plant oils) for several hours will asphyxiate them. Removing the oily substance itself can be somewhat difficult; in such a case a highly-foaming soap will be needed. Vinegar is also effective and safe in the treatment of pediculosis. Hair is drenched in warm vinegar, and then a shower cap is put in order to suffocate adult lice and erode egg walls (rendering them unviable). The cap should be worn overnight or at least for six hours.
Enzyme-based products
Certain protease enzymes can have insecticidal effects. This process works through using naturally occurring enzymes similar to those within the insects themselves. These protease enzymes cause the insect to hatch and molt prematurely, destroying the creature’s exoskeleton. These enzymes are similar to those found in meat tenderizers and digestive aids. The benefits of this type of treatment is that the lice do not develop resistance and these products are less toxic.
Silicone-based lotions
Dimethicone is a silicone oil, which coats and smothers the lice causing their death either by suffocation or dehydration. Most dimethicone lotions do not kill nits because the nits have only one breathing orifice, the operculum, so the dimethicone has less access there.----Accelerated Nano X-ray tomography of headlice treated with Silcap(4% dimethicone/96% mineral oil) ([3]). After 15 min the lice and nits are suffocated and dry out. Courtesy of Oystershell NV & University of Ghent----Therefore most treatments should be repeated after 7–10 days to kill any lice that hatch from the eggs or to treat reinfection by family members or class mates .[15] Combination lotions and foams exist (Silcap,[16] manufactured by Oystershell NV) that have an immediate effect on nits (15 min, 96% mortality) by combining the rather viscous dimethicone with penetrating excipients that increase the delivery through the abdominal spiracles of adults and the operculum of the nits.[17] However, “Silcap is not yet available in the US. Import and distribution is still waiting for final FDA approval.”[18]
Gasoline/kerosene (not recommended)
The use of kerosene or gasoline for prevention or treatment of lice is extremely dangerous due to the inherent fire hazard.[19][20] Since 1989, there have been at least nine cases of children being severely burned during such attempts. These cases apparently occurred because, contrary to popular belief, it is the fumes of the gasoline, rather than the liquid itself, that are flammable. These fumes can ignite due to the presence of even a small spark or open flame - such as those caused by electrical appliances, cigarette lighters, or pilot lights in stoves and water heaters. The use of gasoline to treat lice also carries a high risk of dermatitis (i.e. irration of the scalp).[21]----Before gasoline (Petrol) was used as fuel, it was sold in small bottles as a treatment against lice and their eggs. At that time, the word Petrol was a trade name.
Alcohol--------Common rubbing alcohol, when applied to the head, has been known to kill both the adult lice and the eggs.[22][23] Alcohol can be used as a remedy for pediculosis either by using a fine comb and dipping it in alcohol before combing, which is simply a way to increase the effectiveness of combing by rising the chances of killing any lice that the comb misses, or by soaking the head in a large quantity of alcohol and leaving it for a while, either with or without some means to stop the alcohol from evaporating, such as a shower cap. Alcohol use, however, implies certain risks: the scalp can suffer irritations, for example, or it could get into the eyes and cause severe pain and discomfort.
A number of promising compounds are currently in development for the treatment of head lice. Approval of any of these products may make it much easier to treat head lice in the future.
· Summers Laboratories is developing a benzyl alcohol-based treatment that kills by asphyxiation (Summer’s Non-pesticide Lice Asphyxiator). This product is a water-soluble gel similar in consistency to a hair conditioner. It consists of a mixture of dermatological and cosmetic ingredients. The active ingredient is benzyl alcohol. The product was acquired by Sciele Pharma for distribution in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The product was recently approved by the FDA and is being marketed under the brand name Ulesfia.
· ParaPRO is developing a crème rinse containing a novel biologically derived pesticide, Spinosad.[24] The product, tentatively branded NatrOVA, is currently being tested in FDA approved clinical trials.
The Corporate Corruption of Organics---
Government take over of Children with Parental Consent
Australian Government Moves To Quickly Pass Laws To Sterilize, Electroshock, And Restrain Children Without Parental Consent
Another draft mental health bill, this time in Australia is mirroring global efforts in what is now an international and deliberate surge by government officials to remove parental consent. If passed, the shocking new law will allow children who are considered sufficiently mature, to be subjected to horrifying procedures including sterilization and electroshock.
An important message by the Director of Applied Scholastics in Western Australia based in Perth, Alison Tarrant was sent to the public on behalf of The Athena School. "Some very disturbing information has come across our path in relation to a Draft Mental Health Bill which concerns our precious children and our rights as parents," said Tarrant in a statement in the February 29, 2012 letter.
Tarrant initially thought the information lacked authenticity and was later astonished when she found out the document was legitimate. "When I read it I was quite shocked and thought someone was playing a joke on me but then I went onto the main website which is the Government Department of the Mental Health Commission and looked at the actual Draft Bill," she added. recently reported that vaccinating without parental knowledge will soon become the norm across the world. There is now a confirmed global initiative to remove any consent parents have to safeguard their children's health while simultaneously removing any chance of informed consent by those who are considered of "mature" age regardless of their status as a child or teenager. These proposed bills are poised to become law and their frequency is increasing, especially in the U.S, U.K, Canada, Australia.
Some of the more disturbing clauses draft mental health bill include:
- CHILDREN OF ANY AGE TO CONSENT TO STERILISATION: If a psychiatrist decides that a child (under 18 years) has sufficient maturity, he or she will be able to consent to sterilisation. Parental consent will not be needed. Only after the sterilisation procedure has been performed does it have to be reported and then only to the Chief Psychiatrist. [Pages: 135 & 136 of the Draft Mental Health Bill 2011]
- 12 YEAR OLDS WILL BE ABLE TO CONSENT TO PSYCHOSURGERY: Banned in N.S.W. and the N.T., psychosurgery irreversibly damages the brain by surgery, burning or inserting electrodes. This draft bill proposes to allow a 12 year old child, if considered to be sufficiently mature by a psychiatrist, to be able to consent to psychosurgery. Once the child has consented it goes before the Mental Health Tribunal (MHT) for approval. Parental consent is also not needed for the MHT to approve the psychosurgery. [Pages: 108, 109, 110, 197,198, 199, 213]
- 12 YEAR OLDS WILL BE ABLE TO CONSENT TO ELECTROSHOCK (ECT): Electroshock is hundreds of volts of electricity to the head. Any child aged 12 and over, whom a child and adolescent psychiatrist decides is "mature" enough, will be able to consent to electroshock. Also, once consent is given, there is no requirement for parents or anyone, including the MHT, to approve the electroshock. Electroshock should be banned. Its use on the elderly, pregnant women and children is especially destructive. [Pages: 100, 101, 103, 104, 194, 105]
- RESTRAINT AND SECLUSION OF CHILDREN: Children can be restrained in a psychiatric institution, with the use of mechanical restraint (manacles, belts, straps etc.) and bodily force. Chemical restraint - the use of psychiatric drugs to subdue and control the person - is not covered in the draft bill, so there are no legal safeguards to prevent its application. Death can result from all forms of restraint. [Pages: 122, 121, 113, 246]
- INVOLUNTARY COMMITMENT OF CHILDREN: A psychiatrist can involuntarily detain any child for up to 14 days if "suspected" of mental illness. Parents will not be able to discharge their child during this period and take them home. The psychiatrist can then make a "continuation order" to continue the detainment for up to 3 months and thereafter for each subsequent 3 month period. During detainment, the child could be drugged, restrained, secluded, given electroshock if over 12 and could be put into a ward with adults. Parental consent is not required to continue the detainment or for any treatment, including the child being placed on a legal order to continue to receive drugs at home. The MHT hold hearings on the detainment of a child, but there is no guarantee the child will be able to go home. In 2010/11 there were 1,248 hearings for all ages and only 58 people had their status changed from involuntary to voluntary. [Pages: 21, 22, 35, 19, 107, 36, 53, 54, 183 -185, 190, 191, 213, 214,18, 46, 47, 48, 65, 66, 70, 73, 75-77]
- WHO WILL BE ABLE TO DETAIN A CHILD IS NOT FULLY KNOWN: An "authorised mental health practitioner" can also detain a child or adult in the draft bill. Exactly who an authorised mental health practitioner is, is not defined by the draft bill. The Chief Psychiatrist can literally give anyone or any profession the power to detain someone just because he considers they are qualified and by publishing the decision in the Gazette. This clause must be removed from the Draft Mental Health Bill 2011. Only a judge or magistrate should have the power to order someone be detained, and only with full legal representation for the person facing depravation of liberty [Pages: 246, 247, 21, 22]
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS DRAFT BILL?: The Western Australia Mental Health Commission (MHC) were responsible for writing the Draft Mental Health Bill 2011, with Mental Health Commissioner and clinical psychologist, Mr Eddie Bartnik overseeing the process.
Tarrant suggests everybody write a letter saying exactly what you think of this absurd legislation. Write expressing your objections to the Mental Health Commission and to your state legislator.
Email: on orMail: GPO Box X2299 Perth Business Centre, W.A. 6847Â Â
Send a copy of your objections to the Mental Health Minister, Health Minister and your local Member of Parliament.
Find their addresses at:
Please don't let your citizenship stop you from speaking out against these human rights violations. This destructive movement against humanity is global and it's a pressing concern of grand proportions. If we don't speak out now, the health and safety of future generations are in serious jeopardy.
Vaccinating Without Parental Knowledge Soon To Become The Norm Across The World officials in the U.S, U.K, Canada, Australia and around the world are officially crossing into dangerous territory with parents when it comes to vaccinations. Not only are public health entities habitually and deliberately failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings, but they are working towards mandatory vaccination protocols which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all.
It was just a little over one year ago when the pharmaceutical industry, the Department of Health and Human Services, and Centers for Disease Control allocated millions of dollars in funding to establish vaccine clinics in public schools, causing a huge uproar from concerned parents.
The RAND Corporation, paid by Sanofi Pasteur, outlined how to turn schools into vaccine clinics, which critics claimed will inevitably poison children with multi-dose vaccines.
These school based health centers (SBHCs) are located in school settings that claim to provide children and adolescents with comprehensive primary, acute, and preventive care for physical and mental health conditions. The following report Are We 'Making the Grade' With Our Children is a concise overview of school based vaccination centers and their objectives.
SBHCs are becoming a matter of routine in other countries such as Australia, where the focus has been to implement the same HPV vaccination programs. Queensland Health has so far finalised arrangements with approximately almost 800 schools to offer the HPV vaccine to students.
Naturopathic Doctor and vaccine researcher, Dave Mihalovic stated that public health agencies are pushing the centers in the guise of preventive medicine, when they will effectively promote the opposite. "The centers are providing an entry portal for pharmaceutical giants to access student health records and provide dangerous treatments such as untested drugs and vaccines without the full informed consent of parents."
Consent packets are sent home by the school, completed by a parent/guardian, and then returned to the school. Vaccines are provided during the school day by nursing staff. Parents are not required to be present.
The consent forms are a one-time process, meaning parents will not have to submit consent more than once regardless how many vaccines their child receives. "This leaves the door open for the injection or administration of any drug treatment to the child which the school's health staff deems appropriate, without any informed consent by the parents on the treatment's effects, contraindications or consequences," said Mihalovic."It's certainly an incredibly advantageous position for big pharma," said Mihalovic. The decisions will ultimately be between parents and the respective policy makers of school system, however the responsibility to make the right decision will lie solely with the parents. "Any parent who would not sound the alarm at a policy that does not inform them of every single injection, drug or treatment to their child is simply not paying attention to the potential consequences," concluded Mihalovic.
Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry recently came under fire from the public and his opposition for an executive order mandating the HPV vaccine as a requirement for young girls without their informed consent or that of their parents.
One of the most concerning issues relating to Perry's executive order is that HPV has been repeatedly shown not to cause cervical cancer, and that it is the persistant infection, not the virus, that determines the risk. More than 90% of women initially infected with a particular strain of HPV will not show the same strain four menstrual cycles later making the vaccine useless. Another astonishing fact, as shown by a CDC study, is that HPV types 16 and 18, the two HPV vaccine-relevant strains, are NOT the prevalent types in American women. Three published papers on HPV prevalence in the U.S., indicated that types 62, 84 and 52 are the most prevalent. None of these are targeted in either approved HPV vaccine, and type 52 is an accepted high-risk "carcinogenic" strain of HPV.
SANE Vax, Inc. recently informed the FDA that the Gardasil HPV vaccine currently on the market has been found to be contaminated with residual recombinant HPV DNA. This hitherto unknown contaminant may have provided a scientific basis for Gardasil-induced autoimmune-based inflammatory diseases in various tissues, including inflammation in the joints and central nervous system.
SANE Vax contracted with an independent lab to test for contamination and found HPV recombinant DNA (rDNA) in 13 vaccine vials. The Gardasil vials with different lot numbers were from New Zealand, Australia, Spain, Poland, France and three states in the U.S. 100% of the samples tested positive for the presence of the genetically modified HPV DNA.
The state of California recently passed bill AB499, permitting minors as young as 12 years old to be vaccinated with vaccines such as Gardasil without parental knowledge or parental consent. The worst part is that parents will still be legally and financially responsible for their child EVEN IF severe damage results from the SECRET vaccinations without parental consent.The overbearing reach of public health officials extends far beyond the United States. As vaccine examiner noted last year, a 'demonstration project' conducted by PATH International in cooperation with ICMR and the Indian state governments and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was called to an abrupt halt amidst allegations of unethical conduct.
58 various health advocacy groups took it upon themselves to conduct an independent fact finding mission when reports of 4 unexplained deaths and 120 girls suffering from debilitating new illnesses after being vaccinated against the HPV virus.In Canada, health officials routinely ignore the fact that there are no laws that can force a person to be vaccinated against their will. Parents are often pressured to vaccinate their young infants with the threat that the child won't be allowed in school -- even though most provinces don't have acts legislating compulsory vaccination.
In the three provinces (Ontario, New Brunswick and Manitoba) that have legislation for school-entry vaccinations, parents are rarely told that exemptions for reasons of conscience and/or religion exist within these laws to allow their children to opt out of having any shots.Although there is no specific law in British Columbia that governs vaccination for school entry, the Infant's Act gives health officials a veritable carte blanche to perform medical procedures on children without parental knowledge and consent. The Vaccine Risk Awareness Network (VRAN) has been contacted on several occasions by parents whose children were hauled in by school nurses and vaccinated against their will despite the child's protest that they were not to get any vaccines.
In Burnaby, BC, parents have been infuriated by the lack of parental consent obtained by health authorities. A Burnaby mom was one of those parents upset that her 13-year-old daughter was vaccinated for HPV without her parental consent. "She didn't bring home any forms or anything," said Rosemary Reid. "I had absolutely no idea."
The BC based Fraser Health Authority states they try to get parental consent, and if the girls don't bring the forms back, it's up to a public health nurse to decide if they are mature enough to give informed consent. "This informed consent thing, I don't think I agree with it. I think it should still be up to the parents. You can take some kids into a room and brainwash them," she said. "They're only 13 and 14." Fraser Health spokesperson Lisa Thibault said kids can overrule parental objection if they're deemed mature enough by a public health nurse, and it's the nurse's responsibility to make that assessment.
At issue, of course, is whether 12-, 13- or 14-year-olds are mature enough to fully analyze the benefits versus risks of vaccination (or any medical treatment for that matter), or recognize the alternatives.On a broader level, the vaccine situation involving nursing students, students in teachers' college, dental tech students, health care workers and workers in nursing homes is fairly grim. These people are often threatened with expulsion and job loss if they refuse to submit to hepatitis B, tuberculosis tests or flu shots.
Health workers who refused the flu shots have been laid-off their nursing home jobs without pay when cases of flu have broken out. Those who do agree to get the flu shot are required to sign a waiver that absolves the institution, the union and the pharmaceutical company from any liability for damages should health injury or disabilities occur from vaccine reactions.
In the U.K, nurses regularly disregard the wishes of parents relating to the health and welfare of their children. U.K department of health does not deny that parental consent is desirable but not essential. Family rights campaigners called for a change in the law one year ago after it was revealed that girls as young as 12 can be given the cervical cancer vaccine without their parents' consent. Doctors and nurses have been told they are under no legal obligation to seek the permission of the parent or guardian.
Norman Wells, director of Family and Youth Concern, said: ‘Giving the vaccination to girls without the consent of their parents is unethical and a recipe for disaster. "It is sending out the message that girls under 16 have a right to a private sex life and is treating parents with contempt."
U.K Doctors have reported that girls aged just 12 and 13 have suffered paralysis, convulsions and sight problems after being given the HPV vaccine.
Family doctors in the U.K have even been accused of administering the MMR jab by stealth to children coming into their surgeries to receive other vaccinations. At least 50 horrified parents have complained that their GPs have 'mistakenly' given their children the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, it has emerged.
Studies sponsored by pharmaceutical giants continue to embark on several qualitative and quantitative research projects to show biased results on how to assess the competency of consent from children for vaccinations. BMC Public Health published a study in 2009 which claimed to demonstrate that health providers have a duty of care to girls for whom no parental consent for HPV vaccination has been given, and in the UK, this includes conducting, and acting upon, an assessment of the maturity and competence of an adolescent minor.
The British Journal of Cancer published a clinical study on HPV vaccination among ethnic minorities in the UK: knowledge, acceptability and attitudes, to assess what they refer to as unique opportunities for the "primary prevention" of cervical cancer. The background statement alone was erroneous and false before the study was even initiated. Vaccination has never been proven on any scientific grounds to be a primary prevention tool for cervical cancer.
Regardless, the quantitative study assessed ethnic differences in knowledge and acceptability of HPV vaccination in the UK to attempt to validate informed consent and refusal of HPV vaccination in ethnic communities.
The study further demonstrates how desperate vaccine manufacturers have become to obtain public acceptance for bypassing informed consent. The need to initiate a study to derive data on the differentiation between ethnicity, religion and other factors to define acceptability of informed consent is not only immoral, but also shows a complete disregard for what consent represents as a human right.The right to "informed consent" when considering any medical procedure or drug, is a fundamental human right and a key medical ethic that governs medical law in almost every country in the world. This ethic has grown from the Nuremberg trials after World War II. It forbids human experimentation and the use of force or intimidation in medical procedures.
The institutions that are using these strong-arm tactics are in violation of fundamental medical ethics and must be challenged forcefully if we are to preserve what remains of health freedom for humanity. The unions who have conspired with the various institutions to enforce vaccination must also be called to task for failing to protect children and workers' rights from medical coercion and battery.
At the pinnacle of defending our health freedoms, we need to muster strength in numbers as the majority to secure amendments that will guarantee freedom of choice in health, and protection from enforced medication at all costs.
Show of the Week April 13-2012
Link Between Estrogen and Tobacco Smoke: Estrogen May Help Promote Lung Cancer
The Power of Turpentine( Terebinth )
Some of the listings for Terebinth ( Turpentine )
Food Ingredients Most Prone to Fraudulent Economically Motivated Adulteration
A variety of foods. Researchers found that the top seven adulterated ingredients were olive oil, milk, honey, saffron, orange juice, coffee, and apple juice.
ScienceDaily (Apr. 5, 2012) — In new research published in the April Journal of Food Science, analyses of the first known public database compiling reports on food fraud and economically motivated adulteration in food highlight the most fraud-prone ingredients in the food supply; analytical detection methods; and the type of fraud reported. Based on a review of records from scholarly journals, the top seven adulterated ingredients in the database are olive oil, milk, honey, saffron, orange juice, coffee, and apple juice.---The database was created by the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), a nonprofit scientific organization that develops standards to help ensure the identity, quality and purity of food ingredients, dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals. USP's food ingredient standards are published in the Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) compendium. The new database provides baseline information to assist interested parties in assessing the risks of specific products. It includes a total of 1,305 records for food fraud based on a total of 660 scholarly, media and other publicly available reports. Records are divided by scholarly research (1,054 records) and media reports (251 records). Researchers are Drs. Jeffrey C. Moore (lead author) and Markus Lipp of USP, and Dr. John Spink of Michigan State University.
Food fraud was recently defined in a report commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security and funded by the National Center for Food Protection and Defense (University of Minnesota) as a collective term that encompasses the deliberate substitution, addition, tampering or misrepresentation of food, food ingredients or food packaging, or false or misleading statements made about a product for economic gain. A more specific type of fraud, intentional or economically motivated adulteration of food ingredients has been defined by USP's Expert Panel on Food Ingredient Intentional Adulterants as the fraudulent addition of nonauthentic substances or removal or replacement of authentic substances without the purchaser's knowledge for economic gain of the seller."This database is a critical step in protecting consumers," said Dr. Spink. "Food fraud and economically motivated adulteration have not received the warranted attention given the potential danger they present. We recently defined these terms [see the Journal of Food Science, November 2011] and now we are defining the scope and scale. As many do not believe a concept or risk exists if it does not appear in a scholarly journal, we believe that publication of this paper in the Journal of Food Science will allow us to advance the science of food fraud prevention."
While traditionally considered primarily an economic issue and less a consumer safety threat, authors of the paper, Development and Application of a Database of Food Ingredient Fraud and Economically Motivated Adulteration from 1980 to 2010, defined empirically that in some ways food fraud may be more risky than traditional threats to the food supply. The adulterants used in these activities often are unconventional and designed to avoid detection through routine analyses. Melamine, for example, was considered neither a potential contaminant nor an adulterant in the food supply before the episodes of adulteration of pet food in 2007 and infant formula and other milk products in 2008 (with tainted products still appearing sporadically today, principally in China). Although, as records from this database indicate, melamine was used as an adulterant to mimic protein as early as 1979; however, this remained virtually unknown until 2007. Hence, testing for melamine was not included in routine quality assurance or quality control analyses.
Additionally, current food protection systems are not designed to look for the nearly infinite number of potential adulterants that may show up in the food supply.
"Food ingredients and additives present a unique risk because they are used in so many food products and often do not have visual or functional properties that enable easy discrimination from other similar ingredients or adulterants throughout the supply chain," the paper states. Glycerin, for example, is a sweet, clear, colorless liquid that is difficult to differentiate by sight or smell from other sweet, clear, colorless liquid syrups -- including toxic diethylene glycol, which in the past has been substituted for glycerin with deadly consequences. Diethylene glycol has been fraudulently added to wines, and also used as an adulterant of glycerin used in pharmaceuticals.
In addition to identifying specific food ingredients and food categories vulnerable to adulteration, the researchers also analyzed the types of analytical detection methods used to discover the fraud, as well as the type of fraud using three categories: replacement, addition or removal. The authors found 95 percent of records involved replacement -- an authentic material replaced partially or completely by another, less expensive substitute. An example is the partial substitution of olive oil with hazelnut oil. Other examples include potentially harmful substitution of toxic Japanese star anise for Chinese star anise (a common spice used in foods), and the partial replacement of low-quality spices with lead tetraoxide or lead chromate to imitate the color of higher-quality spices.
Utility of Database
The database provides information that can be useful in evaluating current and emerging risks for food fraud. In addition to providing a baseline understanding of the vulnerability of individual ingredients, the database offers information about potential adulterants that could reappear in the supply chain for particular ingredients. For example, records in the database regarding melamine as an adulterant for high-protein-content ingredients date back to 1979. Speaking to that example, the paper notes, "Perhaps if this information had been readily available to risk assessors before the 2007 and 2008 incidents of melamine adulteration and wheat gluten and milk powders, it could have helped risk assessors anticipate these adulteration possibilities." This information also could have stimulated research aimed at developing new methods to measure protein content, which could signal adulteration with melamine and other unexpected constituents -- an effort that has only recently gained substantial interest.
Another practical application of the database involves analytical testing strategies to detect food fraud. A commonly used strategy at present is testing for the absence of specific adulterants -- an approach that excels at detecting known adulterants at very low levels but has the critical limitation of not necessarily being able to detect unknown adulterants. An alternative strategy is compendial testing (via FCC and other sources) for the identity, authenticity and purity of a food ingredient (i.e., what should be present and in what quantity instead of what should not be present). While this testing may not always be capable of detecting adulterants at trace levels, it is capable of detecting both known and unknown adulterants. "Well-designed compendial testing approaches can be very powerful tool for guarding against food fraud," said Dr. Moore. "Their potential to detect both unknown and known adulterants is a significant benefit in an environment where no one knows and is worried about what harmful adulterant criminals will use to create the next generation of fake food ingredients." The USP Food Fraud Database is publicly accessible at
Bitter melon extract impairs prostate cancer cell-cycle progression and delays prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia in TRAMP model.
Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2011 Dec;4(12):2122-30---Authors: Ru P, Steele R, Nerurkar PV, Phillips N, Ray RB
Prostate cancer remains the second leading cause of cancer deaths among American men. Earlier diagnosis increases survival rate in patients. However, treatments for advanced disease are limited to hormone ablation techniques and palliative care. Thus, new methods of treatment and prevention are necessary for inhibiting disease progression to a hormone refractory state. One of the approaches to control prostate cancer is prevention through diet, which inhibits one or more neoplastic events and reduces the cancer risk. For centuries, Ayurveda has recommended the use of bitter melon (Momordica charantia) as a functional food to prevent and treat human health related issues. In this study, we have initially used human prostate cancer cells, PC3 and LNCaP, as an in vitro model to assess the efficacy of bitter melon extract (BME) as an anticancer agent. We observed that prostate cancer cells treated with BME accumulate during the S phase of the cell cycle and modulate cyclin D1, cyclin E, and p21 expression. Treatment of prostate cancer cells with BME enhanced Bax expression and induced PARP cleavage. Oral gavage ( feeding this through a tube into the stomach direct ) of BME, as a dietary compound, delayed the progression to high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia in TRAMP (transgenic adenocarcinoma of mouse prostate) mice (31%). Prostate tissue from BME-fed mice displayed approximately 51% reduction of proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression. Together, our results suggest for the first time that oral administration of BME inhibits prostate cancer progression in TRAMP mice b************************************************************************
Link Between Estrogen and Tobacco Smoke: Estrogen May Help Promote Lung Cancer
ScienceDaily (Apr. 3, 2012) — The hormone estrogen may help promote lung cancer -- including compounding the effects of tobacco smoke on the disease -- pointing towards potential new therapies that target the hormone metabolism, according to new research presented at the AACR Annual Meeting 2012 on April 3 by scientists at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia.---"This research provides the link between estrogen and tobacco smoke," says study author Jing Peng, PhD, postdoctoral associate in the lab of Margie L. Clapper, PhD, also a co-author on the paper.---The researchers found that estrogen is metabolized into toxic derivatives in the mouse lung. The level of these toxic metabolites increased when mice were exposed to tobacco smoke. The results suggest that new therapies which prevent estrogen from being converted into toxins could one day help treat -- or even prevent -- lung cancer, says Peng. "In the future, we would like to target estrogen-metabolizing pathways as a form of treatment or prevention of lung cancer."---Researchers have long known that tobacco smoke is the number one cause of lung cancer. But recent findings suggest that estrogen may also play a role in the disease. If so, it wouldn't be the first form of cancer linked to estrogen -- this hormone is known to promote breast cancer as well as other gynecologic cancers.---To investigate, Peng, Clapper and their colleagues examined the lungs of healthy mice and found that they contained high levels of estrogen metabolites, known as 4‑hydroxy- estrogens (4-OHEs), which are carcinogenic. Specifically, these 4-OHEs help activate processes that promote cell growth, and generate free radicals that damage cells.---When the researchers exposed the mice to tobacco smoke for 8 weeks, they found that the levels of 4-OHEs increased. "We believe that these metabolites of estrogen can damage cells and contribute to lung cancer," says Clapper.---Female mice had twice as much 4-OHE in their lungs compared to male mice after controlling for the level of total estrogen present. Whether this is the same in humans remains to be determined. "While lung cancer is not more common in women, the number of nonsmokers who develop lung cancer is greater for men than for women," explains Clapper.---In the future, Peng and Clapper hope these results will help researchers develop new therapies that target estrogen metabolism as a way to treat or prevent lung cancer. Already, patients are enrolling in clinical trials that are using anti-estrogen drugs to treat lung cancer.---"We believe that levels of these toxic estrogen metabolites may one day be useful in predicting a person's lung cancer risk or prognosis," adds Peng. "If levels are particularly high, for instance, that may suggest the person is more prone to developing the disease, or has a worse prognosis. We'd definitely like to be able to use this information to develop a more personalized treatment approach," she says.
Other co-authors include Lisa Vanderveer, from Fox Chase, as well as researchers from SAIC-Frederick, Inc. and Duke University. The work was supported by funds from the Estate of Jane Villon and the Kitty Jackson Fund.---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Fox Chase Cancer Center.
The Power Of Turpentine-Terebinth
Terebinth has been used in the past for a host of healings ---from arthritic to respiratory –kidney and organ restoration—it has a enema effect from removing narcotic poisoning by applying 2”1 ratio of olive oil ( any carrier that is thick) to 1 part turpentine to be taken internally—it has stimulating Qualities to the arterial and nervous system ( it would open any obstruction in the veins) Terebinth can cause an increase secretion of urine and relieve the back pains as a result of back up from the kidneys and reduce blood in the urine –has been used to remove the symptoms and causes of pleurisy—by applying it on the area---the old term was called a blister---this was when you heated the element( terebinth) and then took a cloth soaked it and wrung out and then pressed and applied this to the area---in this case either the back or the chest since this would cover a large area of the body-and allowed to be there between 15 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the sensitivity of the skin---
A enemata ( a means to void out waste material from the colon) was used to remove narcotics or other toxins from the colon –the method was taking 1 tablespoon to 1 oz and doubling the oil ( a preferred heavier oil like olive or ghee-or coconut etc ) mixing them together and consuming them---this was also used to clear up a ulcer in the stomach ( good chance it would probably knock out Gerd or Hy Pylori ) the method was to take equal parts of terebinth and castor oil and consume them—it was used as well as a vermifuge ( removing worms form the body )—For Typhoid or Enteric Fever ( this is a fever brought on by drinking water that has fecal matter exposed to it ) the remedy was to take 10 drops every 2 hours during the day and every 3 hours at night ( usually applied to a sugar cube to be taken orally that way---must have a carrier )-it removed all the negative symptoms—For Typhoid Bronchitis or Pneumonia an exterior application and an interior one was the method of use to correct the body—for Purpura hemorrhage ( purple bleeding ) a skin condition where there is internal bleeding under the skin giving it a purple appearance ---terebeinth clears it up as well
Some of the listings for Terebinth ( Turpentine )
Internal Uses for Terebinth –Turpenine
Modifies tracheo-bronchial secretions
Haemostatic ( slows down or stops bleeding )
Antidote to Phosphorus Poisoning
Chronic and Fetid Bronchitis Pulmonary TB ( lung TB)
Leucorrhia ( vaginal discharge)
Haemorrhage ( intestinal-pulmonary-uterine-haempohilia-nose bleeds )
Oliguria ( diuretic like effect)
Rheumatism ( painful body )
Intestinal Parasites ( especially worms )
Phosporus Antidote
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~External Uses For Terebinth-Turpentine-
Revulsive ( counter irritant or antidotal)
Scabies or Lice
Puerporal Infections ( bleeding under the skin –purple spots )
Internal Uses for Terebinth –Turpenine
Genitor-Urinary Antiseptic ( used as a douche as well injectable
Dissolves Gallstones
Vermifuge ( removes worms and parasites
Urinary and Renal Infections-cystitis urethritis ( inflammation of the urethra )
Puerperal Fever-( infection of the uterus after birth )
Dropsy (excess water retention of organs or tissue )
Spasms ( Colitis-whopping Cough )
Chronic Constipation
External Uses For Terebinth-Turpentine-
Atonic wounds( a slow healing wound or a damaged or weakened muscle-Sores and Gangrenous wounds
Show of the Week April 16-2012
Kill the Natural Health Products Bill, kill the Food Bill
Banned Antibiotics Found in Poultry Products
Supplementation with Pycnogenol® improves signs and symptoms of menopausal transition
Food Ingredients Most Prone to Fraudulent Economically Motivated Adulteration
A variety of foods. Researchers found that the top seven adulterated ingredients were olive oil, milk, honey, saffron, orange juice, coffee, and apple juice.
ScienceDaily (Apr. 5, 2012) — In new research published in the April Journal of Food Science, analyses of the first known public database compiling reports on food fraud and economically motivated adulteration in food highlight the most fraud-prone ingredients in the food supply; analytical detection methods; and the type of fraud reported. Based on a review of records from scholarly journals, the top seven adulterated ingredients in the database are olive oil, milk, honey, saffron, orange juice, coffee, and apple juice.---The database was created by the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), a nonprofit scientific organization that develops standards to help ensure the identity, quality and purity of food ingredients, dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals. USP's food ingredient standards are published in the Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) compendium. The new database provides baseline information to assist interested parties in assessing the risks of specific products. It includes a total of 1,305 records for food fraud based on a total of 660 scholarly, media and other publicly available reports. Records are divided by scholarly research (1,054 records) and media reports (251 records). Researchers are Drs. Jeffrey C. Moore (lead author) and Markus Lipp of USP, and Dr. John Spink of Michigan State University.
Food fraud was recently defined in a report commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security and funded by the National Center for Food Protection and Defense (University of Minnesota) as a collective term that encompasses the deliberate substitution, addition, tampering or misrepresentation of food, food ingredients or food packaging, or false or misleading statements made about a product for economic gain. A more specific type of fraud, intentional or economically motivated adulteration of food ingredients has been defined by USP's Expert Panel on Food Ingredient Intentional Adulterants as the fraudulent addition of nonauthentic substances or removal or replacement of authentic substances without the purchaser's knowledge for economic gain of the seller."This database is a critical step in protecting consumers," said Dr. Spink. "Food fraud and economically motivated adulteration have not received the warranted attention given the potential danger they present. We recently defined these terms [see the Journal of Food Science, November 2011] and now we are defining the scope and scale. As many do not believe a concept or risk exists if it does not appear in a scholarly journal, we believe that publication of this paper in the Journal of Food Science will allow us to advance the science of food fraud prevention."
While traditionally considered primarily an economic issue and less a consumer safety threat, authors of the paper, Development and Application of a Database of Food Ingredient Fraud and Economically Motivated Adulteration from 1980 to 2010, defined empirically that in some ways food fraud may be more risky than traditional threats to the food supply. The adulterants used in these activities often are unconventional and designed to avoid detection through routine analyses. Melamine, for example, was considered neither a potential contaminant nor an adulterant in the food supply before the episodes of adulteration of pet food in 2007 and infant formula and other milk products in 2008 (with tainted products still appearing sporadically today, principally in China). Although, as records from this database indicate, melamine was used as an adulterant to mimic protein as early as 1979; however, this remained virtually unknown until 2007. Hence, testing for melamine was not included in routine quality assurance or quality control analyses.
Additionally, current food protection systems are not designed to look for the nearly infinite number of potential adulterants that may show up in the food supply.
"Food ingredients and additives present a unique risk because they are used in so many food products and often do not have visual or functional properties that enable easy discrimination from other similar ingredients or adulterants throughout the supply chain," the paper states. Glycerin, for example, is a sweet, clear, colorless liquid that is difficult to differentiate by sight or smell from other sweet, clear, colorless liquid syrups -- including toxic diethylene glycol, which in the past has been substituted for glycerin with deadly consequences. Diethylene glycol has been fraudulently added to wines, and also used as an adulterant of glycerin used in pharmaceuticals.
In addition to identifying specific food ingredients and food categories vulnerable to adulteration, the researchers also analyzed the types of analytical detection methods used to discover the fraud, as well as the type of fraud using three categories: replacement, addition or removal. The authors found 95 percent of records involved replacement -- an authentic material replaced partially or completely by another, less expensive substitute. An example is the partial substitution of olive oil with hazelnut oil. Other examples include potentially harmful substitution of toxic Japanese star anise for Chinese star anise (a common spice used in foods), and the partial replacement of low-quality spices with lead tetraoxide or lead chromate to imitate the color of higher-quality spices.
Utility of Database
The database provides information that can be useful in evaluating current and emerging risks for food fraud. In addition to providing a baseline understanding of the vulnerability of individual ingredients, the database offers information about potential adulterants that could reappear in the supply chain for particular ingredients. For example, records in the database regarding melamine as an adulterant for high-protein-content ingredients date back to 1979. Speaking to that example, the paper notes, "Perhaps if this information had been readily available to risk assessors before the 2007 and 2008 incidents of melamine adulteration and wheat gluten and milk powders, it could have helped risk assessors anticipate these adulteration possibilities." This information also could have stimulated research aimed at developing new methods to measure protein content, which could signal adulteration with melamine and other unexpected constituents -- an effort that has only recently gained substantial interest.
Another practical application of the database involves analytical testing strategies to detect food fraud. A commonly used strategy at present is testing for the absence of specific adulterants -- an approach that excels at detecting known adulterants at very low levels but has the critical limitation of not necessarily being able to detect unknown adulterants. An alternative strategy is compendial testing (via FCC and other sources) for the identity, authenticity and purity of a food ingredient (i.e., what should be present and in what quantity instead of what should not be present). While this testing may not always be capable of detecting adulterants at trace levels, it is capable of detecting both known and unknown adulterants. "Well-designed compendial testing approaches can be very powerful tool for guarding against food fraud," said Dr. Moore. "Their potential to detect both unknown and known adulterants is a significant benefit in an environment where no one knows and is worried about what harmful adulterant criminals will use to create the next generation of fake food ingredients." The USP Food Fraud Database is publicly accessible at
Kill the Natural Health Products Bill, kill the Food Bill.
The Food Bill is one leg of New Zealand’s compliance with Codex Alimentarius, the “Food Book” set of international food regulations being forced upon all World Trade Organisation states. The Natural Health Products Bill is the other leg.---Both legs will kick New Zealanders in the guts by benefiting international trade and multinational agribusiness / pharmaceutical corporations at the expense of our own food and health rights. That is what Codex Alimentarius is all about.--However, if the Natural Health Products Bill can be killed using the Select Committee process, combined with public outrage, then the Food Bill could be repealed without loss to the country in trade terms.---This is because killing the NHP Bill would void New Zealand’s Codex Alimentarius compliance. Codex compliance is NOT in your interests, be sure of that. And with NZ’s Codex compliance voided, there is no reason for the Food Bill to exist at all. The idea is to cut off one leg and the body will fall over, taking the other leg with it. Will it work? There is only one way to find out.--You’ll want to oppose the Natural Health Products Bill in any case. It is outrageous – and, luckily, very easy to read. Let’s try to bring it down.----What’s wrong with the NHP Bill itself?---It makes it illegal without a licence to prepare, share or administer anything (that isn’t presented as “food”) that’s made from plants, vitamins, minerals or anything else natural and may have any of the following material health benefits:--The maintenance or promotion of health or wellness; nutritional support; vitamin or mineral supplementation; affecting or maintaining the structure or function of the body; effective treatment of any self-diagnosed or self-managed condition. Now, go back and read that again!----You’ll be liable for a $50,000 fine for doing any of the above, even for yourself. No more home-grown camomile tea to make you sleep better. No more practising of traditional Maori medicine without a government ticket, which can be denied or revoked. No more home-made manuka oil to put on your cuts. No more using your granny’s remedies from the herb garden. None of this without permission, fees and rules, or you face massive fines and possibly jail. Sound familiar?--Now, you may not actually do these things. But you may wish to retain the right to do so. You may also wish to use any of these products or services in future. But under the NHP Bill they will be more expensive and much harder to find, because most practitioners / producers will be regulated and compliance-costed out of existence.---Don’t take our word for all this. Read the bill. It’s very easy to read, unlike the Food Bill, and easy to see the intent. It is the same intent as the Food Bill. The government wishes to own what goes into you (and thus own you). They say it is all for your safety, of course. Do you still believe that?--Take note: The Natural Health Products Bill was, like the Food Bill, passed at a first reading UNAMINOUSLY. EVERY MP voted for it. And the bill itself was a proud product of cooperation between the Green Party and National.---Are you getting wise to the Green Party yet? And are you getting wise to Parliament itself?
The NHP bill is here:
In reading the NHP Bill, pay close attention to sections 5 (definitions), 6 (what is a natural health product), 20 and 21 (powers of the new health police) 28, 29 and 30 (requirements for licensing) 37 and 38 (penalties), 45 (delegation of powers to corporations), 47 (regulations applying to licensed practitioners – these will be CODEX regulations) and LAST BUT VERY IMPORTANT the Schedule of “Suitable classes of substances”… this is basically everything you ingest that is not food (which is already covered by the Food Bill) – so plants, extracts thereof, minerals, vitamins, amino acids etc that are taken to promote wellbeing. The stuff that, along with food itself, is essential for your life.
Making a “submission” on the Natural Health Products Bill.
We don’t recommend that you “submit” your say, in a sense of law, on this Bill. “Submitting” means “bowing down” and giving up all the rights you presumably wish to retain. You need to reserve all your rights. This can all be made clear in the “submission” process.---Numbers are important here. We need to flood the Select Committee with responses voicing disapproval of the Natural Health Products Bill and Codex Alimentarius, and by extension the Food Bill. This might just kill the Food Bill by proxy, by killing its Codex counterpart and stopping Codex from being implemented.---So please SHARE this info widely, and fast. The deadline is Friday, 24 February 2012. Please especially get this into health food groups etc on Facebook and beyond.
What to write
If you’re outraged, express it. At the bottom of what you write, write All Rights Reserved.--We’d suggest that the main thing to get across is opposition to Codex Alimentarius being imposed upon New Zealanders through the Natural Health Products Bill and the Food Bill. Codex does not serve people, it serves corporations.---Keep a copy of what you write. But please do write something. This needs many people to make it work. New Zealand is sleepwalking towards a corporate police state.--If you wish, you can also choose to talk / shout about your concerns at an actual Select Committee hearing. We think this would be a very good idea.---Finally if you really want to make the Select Committee sit up, send the suggested text below or some variation thereof and put its members on their Oaths of Office. If they screw up, they are out of Office, or worse.
Make your “submission” on the Natural Health Products Bill here, by scrolling to the bottom of the page:
[Note: If the link is changed (not unlikely) then you should still be able to navigate to the NHP Bill submissions page by following this path: Home ( > Parliamentary business > Select committees > Make a submission. The “Make a submission” page is currently at Get to the NHP Bill submission page itself by choosing Health Committee from the drop-down list of Select Committees, then hit go. Scroll to the bottom of the page that comes up to enter the captcha code and make the “submission”.]
Suggested text:
To the Select Committee for the Natural Health Products Bill
1 TAKE NOTICE that those Members of Parliament on the Select Committee have sworn to serve the Queen according to Law, and the Natural Health Products Bill appears to be unlawful serving as it does foreign interests and not the interests of the country of New Zealand, this because it has been introduced into New Zealand together with the Food Bill as part of this country’s compliance with CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, a World Trade Organisation directive that supports international trade agreements at the expense of the natural God-given rights of the people of this land to feed themselves and treat their own ailments themselves in any way they best see fit.
2 TAKE NOTICE that I have not seen any evidence that CODEX ALIMENTARIUS serves the people of this land and I believe that no such evidence exists.
3 TAKE NOTICE that I have not seen any evidence that the Natural Health Products Bill serves the people of this land and I believe that no such evidence exists.
4 TAKE NOTICE that I have not seen any evidence that the Natural Health Products Bill together with the Food Bill representing as they do this country’s efforts to meet the World Trade Organisation’s CODEX ALIMENTARIUS guidelines serves the people of this land and I believe that no such evidence exists.
5 TAKE NOTICE that I have not seen any evidence that the Natural Health Products Bill together with the Food Bill and New Zealand’s efforts to implement the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS guidelines is not in essence treasonous and a breach of te Tiriti o Waitangi on the issue of taonga or treasures at the very least and I believe that no such evidence exists.
5 TAKE NOTICE that it is my belief that the Select Committee members should provide evidence in their findings and recommendations to Parliament that my concerns at paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 above are completely unfounded, with the same to be provided upon their respective Oaths of Office, before they individually or collectively make any implicit or explicit recommendation by act or omission that the Natural Health Products Bill should in any way whatsoever be moved to a second reading in Parliament.
[6, 7 etc… My other concerns about the Natural Health Products Bill are… delete this or add in as appropriate, removing the square brackets and writing to a MAXIMUM TOTAL OF 4000 CHARACTERS. You have about 1500 characters left.]
Coffee Power in the old Days—Back in the 18 century caffeine ( coffee ) was used as a stomachic aid-( which today we can verify as a pancreatic support)—it was given for chronic Catarrh of the stomach (Catarrh is a disorder of inflammation of the mucous membranes in one of the airways or cavities of the body )-it would appear to be overload in the digestive system of mucous- and migraine ---caffeine has been used to alleviate or cure the condition-Diarrhea of phlithis ( A disease characterized by the wasting away or atrophy of the body or a part of the body.- Tuberculosis of the lungs.) Atonic Diarrhea (Looseness of the bowels ) caffeine assisted in regulating waste –black coffee raises the arterial tension-so it improves circulation and can be use when there is a low circulatory activity---it was used for headache treatment- especially for migraine---it was utilized as 1 grain (64.79891 milligrams { 65 mgs} )of coffee every half hour- or until there is relief—Caffeine has been useful for renal and cardiac Dropsy ( a condition where the organs droop or are loaded with fluids—today we call it edema ) used for edema of the stomach as well-It was used regularly by French physicians of the day for heart failure instead of digitalis-based on the study it slows the pulse and raises arterial tension-this would better distrubute blood flow- and was better at diuresis (increased excretion of urine ) the used to by the third day inject a gram-it was safer then digiatalis without the accumulation of the drug in the heart and better for balancing the heart and removing excess fluid
Banned Antibiotics Found in Poultry Products
ScienceDaily (Apr. 5, 2012) — In a joint study, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Arizona State University found evidence suggesting that a class of antibiotics previously banned by the U.S. government for poultry production is still in use. Results of the study were published March 21 in Environmental Science & Technology.---The study, conducted by the Bloomberg School's Center for a Livable Future and Arizona State's Biodesign Institute, looked for drugs and other residues in feather meal, a common additive to chicken, swine, cattle and fish feed. The most important drugs found in the study were fluoroquinolones -- broad spectrum antibiotics used to treat serious bacterial infections in people, particularly those infections that have become resistant to old-er antibiotic classes. The banned drugs were found in 8 of 12 samples of feather meal in a multi-state study. The findings were a surprise to scientists because fluoroquinolone use in U.S. poultry production was banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2005.----This is the first time investigators have examined feather meal, a byproduct of poultry production made from poultry feathers, to determine what drugs poultry may have received prior to their slaughter and sale.-The annual per capita human consumption of poultry products is approximately 100 lbs, greater than that of any other animal- or vegetable-derived protein source in the U.S. To satisfy this demand, each year, the U.S. poultry industry raises nearly 9 billion broiler chickens and 80 million turkeys, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A large percentage of the fresh weight of these animals is inedible -- an estimated 33 percent for chickens, for example -- and is recycled for other uses, including feather meal.---The rendering industry, which converts animal byproducts into a wide range of materials, processes poultry feathers into feather meal, which is often added as a supplement to poultry, pig, ruminant, and fish feeds or sold as an "organic" fertilizer. In a companion study, researchers found inorganic arsenic in feather meal used in retail fertilizers.---"The discovery of certain antibiotics in feather meal strongly suggests the continued use of these drugs, despite the ban put in place in 2005 by the FDA," said David Love, PhD, lead author of the report. "The public health community has long been frustrated with the unwillingness of FDA to effectively address what antibiotics are fed to food animals."---A primary reason for the 2005 FDA ban on the use of fluoroquinolones in poultry production was an alarming increase in the rate of the fluoroquinolone resistance among Campylobacter bacteria. "In recent years, we've seen the rate of fluoroquinolone resistance slow, but not drop," noted study co-author Keeve Nachman, PhD, Farming for the Future Program Director at the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future. "With such a ban, you would expect a decline in resistance to these drugs. The continued use of fluoroquinolones and unintended antibiotic contamination of poultry feed may help ex-plain why high rates of fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter continue to be found on commercial poultry meat products over half a decade after the ban."---In the U.S., antibiotics are introduced into the feed and water of industrially raised poultry, primarily to make them grow faster, rather than to treat disease. An estimated 13.2 million kg of antibiotics were sold in 2009 to the U.S. poultry and livestock industries, which represented nearly 80 percent of all antibiotic sales for use in humans and animals in the U.S. that year.---In conducting the study, researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Arizona State University analyzed commercially available feather meal samples, acquired from six U.S. states and China, for a suite of 59 pharmaceuticals and personal care products. All 12 samples tested had between 2 and 10 antibiotic residues. In addition to antimicrobials, 7 other personal care products, including the pain reliever acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol), the antihistamine diphenhydramine (the active ingredient in Benadryl) and the antidepressant fluoxetine (the active ingredient in Prozac), were detected.---Researchers also found caffeine in 10 of 12 feather meal samples. "This study reveals yet another pathway of unwanted human exposure to a surprisingly broad spectrum of prescription and over the-counter drugs," noted study co-author Rolf Halden, PhD, PE, Co-Director of the Center for Health Information & Research, and Associate Director of the Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology at Arizona State University.---When researchers exposed several strains of E. coli bacteria to the concentrations of antibiotics found in the feather meal samples, they also discovered the drug residues could select for resistant bacteria. "A high enough concentration was found in one of the samples to select for bacteria that are resistant to drugs important to treat infections in humans," noted Nachman.---"We strongly believe that the FDA should monitor what drugs are going into animal feed," urged Nachman. "Based on what we've learned, I'm concerned that the new FDA guidance documents, which call for voluntary action from industry, will be ineffectual. By looking into feather meal, and uncovering a drug banned nearly 6 years ago, we have very little confidence that the food animal production industry can be left to regulate it-self."--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, via Newswise.
Supplementation with Pycnogenol® improves signs and symptoms of menopausal transition.
Panminerva Med. 2011 Sep;53(3 Suppl 1):65-70--Authors: Errichi S, Bottari A, Belcaro G, Cesarone MR, Hosoi M, Cornelli U, Dugall M, Ledda A, Feragalli B
Abstract---AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Pycnogenol® standardized pine bark extract for alleviation of signs and symptoms associated with menopausal transition.
METHODS: Pycnogenol® was used by 38 women as daily supplement in a dosage of 100 mg over an eight week period and menopausal symptoms were evaluated by means of a scoring system, based on a total number of 33 common signs and symptoms. A parallel control group of 32 comparable women was also followed up for the same period. Pycnogenol® was well tolerated, no side effects were reported and the compliance was very good with 98.6% of tablets used as prescribed. A range of 33 menopausal symptoms were evaluated using a scoring system with values ranging from zero (absent) to maximum 4 (very serious). RESULTS: A subset of six most common symptoms comprising hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, irregular periods, loss of libido and vaginal dryness showed a decrease from average 2.67/4 to 1.45/4 after 8 weeks supplementation with Pycnogenol®. The control group of women showed no change from initial average 2.72/4 to 2.73/4 after eight weeks. The improvement of symptoms was statistical significant compared to the control group. Further symptoms related to fatigue, sleeping disorders, concentration and memory problems, dizziness, depression and irritability all improved significantly with Pycnogenol® compared to baseline values but did not reach statistical significance compared to the control group of women. The sensation of pain related to headaches, breast pain, the feeling of "electric shocks", tingling extremities, burning tongue and itchy skin all improved significantly after intake of Pycnogenol® for eight weeks compared to baseline. Specifically the sensation of "electric shocks" and digestive problems improved significantly with Pycnogenol® as compared to women in the control group. The presence of elevated oxidative stress in women was investigated measuring capillary blood plasma free radicals. Oxidative stress was significantly lowered after four weeks (P<0.05) and eight weeks (P<0.022) in the Pycnogenol® group while no significant changes were observed in the control group at any time.
CONCLUSION: Pycnogenol® significantly contributed to reduce signs and symptoms associated with menopausal transitions in women investigated in this study. Furthermore, Pycnogenol® improved the quality of life of most women and these benefits may be at least in part attributed to decreased oxidative stress levels.---PMID: 22108479 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]Recipe for pine bark /needle tea—Take pine bark or needles from the tree in spring time for increasing the hormonal uptake and in the fall to reduce and make teas out of them as you would any other tea or percolate them in a coffee pot and drink small increments through out the day
Show of the Week April 20 2012
Inactivation of Giardia Cysts by Iodine with Special Reference to Globaline
Artificial Bee Silk a Big Step Closer to Reality
Sunlight Plus Lime Juice Makes Drinking Water Safer
Inactivation of Giardia Cysts by Iodine with Special Reference to Globaline
Personal Author(s) : Powers, Edmund M.
Report Date : APR 1991
Handle / proxy Url :
Abstract : This review of the literature indicates that iodine is not completely effective in destroying Giardia especially in cold (3 to 15C) water. Cysticidal efficacy of iodine at a given concentration and temperature depends on contact time. The iodine tablet, Globaline, used by U.S. Military Forces since 1952, required 60 minutes at 15C, 30 minutes at 25C and 25 minutes at 45C for 100% destruction of Giardia cysts at residual iodine concentration of 10, 8, and 6 mg per liter, respectively. The time required at temperatures below 15C for Globaline tablets to destroy Giardia is not presently known. Based on the information presented in this review, two changes for Globaline are recommended: (1) reformulate Globaline tablets with an alkaline buffer and (2) increase the treatment time for one liter of water from 35 minutes to 60 minutes.
Distribution Statement : APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE
Since neither infectious RNA nor DNA is affected, iodine as a disinfectant probably inactivates bacteria and viruses by the iodination of the appropriate protein component. The bactericidal action of iodine is complete within one minute of contact at 570C. The rate of inactivation is not materially reduced by high concentrations of iodide ion. The destruction of bacteria continues until all iodine is consumed or, in case of residual iodine, until all bacteria are destroyed. The minimum number of iodine molecules required to destroy one bacterium varies with the species. For H. influenzae it was calculated to be 1.5 x 10 molecules of iodine per c9ll. When bacteria are treated with iodine, the inorganic phosphate up-take and oxygen consumption by the cells immediately ceases. Bacterial cells reacted with radioiodine show very little in the cell fraction, indicating that most likely an oxidation of -SH groups rather than a substitution into tyrosyl moieties occurs. The inactivation of poliovirus and f 2 RNA bacteria virus by iodine is considerably inhibited by low levels of iodide ion concentration. At pH 6.0 or less iodine inactivation of f2 phage was incomplete. The rate of inactivation by iodine in the presence of iodide ion for the f 2 virus and its host E. coli is different. The difference most likely is due to the nature of The -iodine sensitive proteins involved. The virucidal properties of iodine in waters of low pH and high organic content could be inadequate regardless of the free iodine concentration when virus or viruses involved require iodination of tyrosine for inactivation. At the existing stage of the investigation on the mode of action of bromine on virus and cells, further work will be required to form definite conclusions. A general tentative summary is as follows: (I) Bacterial cells appear to be more resistant to bromine than the phage[U1]. (2) Bromine activity on cells and phage varies directly with the hydrogen ion concentration and temperature. (3) The presence of the bromide ion enhances phage and inhibits cell inactivation by bromine. (4) The activity of RNA harvested from bromine treated phage is less affected than the intact phage.
Diabetic Remedy---Here is a list of things we have seen work to remove people off the insulin and get back to being healthy
The things we have given are bitter melon-cinnamon bark-neem-peppermint-ginseng-clove-juniper berries in a tea format 1:1 ratio in all of the tea---boiled and consumed several times a day ( 4-5 times 1-3 oz increments)—as well we gave alpha lipoic acid 200mgs and 500mgs of L carnitine which were very effective with the teas at lowering sugar---dietary changes have to be implemented since the GMO’s are some of the biggest contributors we have to minimize exposure to nil- especially the soy and canola and rice---all are out of the diet---following the protocol and making juices with dandelion-parsley and watercress –are as well an effective way to assist people in the restoration of the system and reduction of sugar as well----remember to utilize enzymes to relieve the pancreas since it is damaged and this will lighten the load for the pancreas utilize them at every meal and 2 in between meals to get you ready for the next day
Artificial Bee Silk a Big Step Closer to Reality
ScienceDaily (Mar. 3, 2010) — CSIRO scientist Dr Tara Sutherland and her team have achieved another important milestone in the international quest to artificially produce insect silk.--They have hand-drawn fine threads of honeybee silk from a 'soup' of silk proteins that they had produced transgenically.--These threads were as strong as threads drawn from the honeybee silk gland, a significant step towards development of coiled coil silk biomaterials.---"It means that we can now seriously consider the uses to which these biomimetic materials can be put," Dr Sutherland said."We used recombinant cells of bacterium E. coli to produce the silk proteins which, under the right conditions, self-assembled into similar structures to those in honeybee silk.--"We already knew that honeybee silk fibres could be hand-drawn from the contents of the silk gland so used this knowledge to hand-draw fibres from a sufficiently concentrated and viscous mixture of the recombinant silk proteins.--"In fact, we had to draw them twice to produce a translucent stable fibre."--Dr Sutherland said numerous efforts have been made to express other invertebrate silks in transgenic systems but the complicated structure of the silk genes in other organisms means that producing silk outside silk glands is very difficult.---"We had previously identified the honeybee silk genes and knew that that the silk was encoded by four small non-repetitive genes -- a much simpler arrangement which made them excellent candidates for transgenic silk production."--Possible practical uses for these silks would be tough, lightweight textiles, high-strength applications such as advanced composites for use in aviation and marine environments, and medical applications such as sutures, artificial tendons and ligaments.[U2]--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by CSIRO Australia. --Journal Reference-Weisman et al. Honeybee silk: Recombinant protein production, assembly and fiber spinning. Biomaterials, 2010; 31 (9): 2695 DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2009.12.021
Sunlight Plus Lime Juice Makes Drinking Water Safer
ScienceDaily (Apr. 17, 2012) — Looking for an inexpensive and effective way to quickly improve the quality of your drinking water? According to a team of researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, sunlight and a twist of lime might do the trick. Researchers found that adding lime juice to water that is treated with a solar disinfection method removed detectable levels of harmful bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E. coli) significantly faster than solar disinfection alone.---The results are featured in the April 2012 issue of American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.--"For many countries, access to clean drinking water is still a major concern. Previous studies estimate that globally, half of all hospital beds are occupied by people suffering from a water-related illness," said Kellogg Schwab, PhD, MS, senior author of the study, director of the Johns Hopkins University Global Water Program and a professor with the Bloomberg School's Department of Environmental Health Sciences. "The preliminary results of this study show solar disinfection of water combined with citrus could be effective at greatly reducing E. coli levels in just 30 minutes, a treatment time on par with boiling and other household water treatment methods. In addition, the 30 milliliters of juice per 2 liters of water amounts to about one-half Persian lime per bottle, a quantity that will likely not be prohibitively expensive or create an unpleasant flavor."[U3]---In low-income regions, solar disinfection of water is one of several household water treatment methods to effectively reduce the incidence of diarrheal illness. One method of using sunlight to disinfect water that is recommended by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is known as SODIS (Solar water Disinfection). The SODIS method requires filling 1 or 2 L polyethylene terephthalate (PET plastic) bottles with water and then exposing them to sunlight for at least 6 hours[U4]. In cloudy weather, longer exposure times of up to 48 hours may be necessary to achieve adequate disinfection. To determine if one of the active constituents in limes known as psoralenes could enhance solar disinfection of water, Schwab and Alexander Harding, lead author of the study and a medical student at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, looked at microbial reductions after exposure to both sunlight and simulated sunlight. The researchers filled PET plastic bottles with dechlorinated tap water and then added lime juice, lime slurry, or synthetic psoralen and either E. coli, MS2 bacteriophage or murine norovirus. Researchers found that lower levels of both E. coli and MS2 bacteriophage were statistically significant following solar disinfection when either lime juice or lime slurry was added to the water compared to solar disinfection alone. They did find however, that noroviruses were not dramatically reduced using this technique, indicating it is not a perfect solution.--"Many cultures already practice treatment with citrus juice, perhaps indicating that this treatment method will be more appealing to potential SODIS users than other additives such as TiO2 [titanium dioxide] or H2O2[hydrogen peroxide]," suggest the authors of the study. However, they caution, "additional research should be done to evaluate the use of lemon or other acidic fruits, as Persian limes may be difficult to obtain in certain regions."--The research was supported in part by the Osprey Foundation of Maryland, The Johns Hopkins University Global Water Program, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Dean's Funding for Summer Research and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Scholarly Concentrations.Story Source--The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. --Journal Reference--A. S. Harding, K. J. Schwab. Using Limes and Synthetic Psoralens to Enhance Solar Disinfection of Water (SODIS): A Laboratory Evaluation with Norovirus, Escherichia coli, and MS2. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2012; 86 (4): 566 DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.2012.11-0370
[U2]Always a reason for the violation of genetics ---a good cause to treat and do something when they already have a more normal means of achievigng this
[U3]30 mils- 1 oz+ -- 2 litres = 33 oz
[U4]Do it in Glass not this ---this will leach eventually xeno estrogens into the body causing endocrine disrupting effects-that may lead to cancer
Show Of The Week April 23 2012
How to apply the iodine to get the desired results
Table. Summary of Disinfection Capabilities of Iodine Solutions and Resins.
Joint Failures Potentially Linked to Oral Bacteria
Lead Dust Is Linked to Violence
How to apply the iodine to get the desired results
Iodine is an effective disinfectant for viruses, bacteria, and many cysts at IWPD manufacturer recommended iodine dosages and contact times. In general, iodine is most effective against bacteria, followed by viruses. Iodine is least effective against cysts. Iodine is not an effective disinfectant against Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts (references 2, 3, 15 and16). Most manufacturers of iodine solution IWPDs recommend dosages between 4 and 16 mg/L with contact times ranging from 20 – 35 minutes, resulting in CTs of 80 – 560 mg-min/L. CT is the
product of disinfectant concentration (C in mg/L) and contact time (T in min). The CT product-is a useful way for comparing alternative disinfectants and the resistance of various pathogens (reference 26). Because cysts are most resistant, dosages and contact times will be based on
inactivation of cysts and CTs will be in the high-end of the 80 – 560 mg-min/L CT range. Compared to other disinfectants such as chlorine and chloramines, iodine reacts less with organic compounds, is less soluble, is least hydrolyzed in water, and is effective over the pH range likely
encountered in natural water sources likely to be treated with an IWPD (references 2, 3 and 17). Together, these characteristics mean that low iodine residuals will persist longer, be more stable, and exert less of a demand in the presence of organic matter compared to chlorine and
chloramines (reference 12). It has been established that only iodine and hypoiodous acid are capable of biocidal activity. The other iodine species are not effective biocides (references 3, 11, 12 and 16). For these reasons only iodine and hypoiodous acid are the iodine species considered in this paper.
In general, the pH of most natural water sources is neutral to mildly acidic, which is within the effective range for chemical disinfectants used for drinking water, including iodine solutions (reference 3). Iodine and hypoiodous acid have varying degrees of biocidal effectiveness against various pathogens. Iodine is up to three times more cysticidal and 6 times more sporocidal than hypoiodous acid (reference 3). Hypoiodous acid, on the other hand, is 40 times more virucidal and up to 4 times more bactericidal than iodine (reference 3). Because the concentration of these iodine species is dependent upon pH and initial iodine dose (see Figure), the following generalizations can be made. Iodine solutions are more effective cysticides and poorer virucides and bactericides at mildly acidic pH levels (< pH 7). Iodine solutions are more effective virucides and bactericides and poorer cysticides at alkaline pH levels (> pH 7). And, because it generally takes much longer to inactivate cysts than bacteria and viruses, iodine solutions used as IWPDs would be most effective at near neutral to mildly alkaline pH levels. However, at pH levels above 8, biocidal capability may drop sharply because HOI becomes unstable and decomposes to iodate and iodide, which are not effective biocides (see iodine chemistry above). To use iodine most effectively as a disinfectant, the pH should be near neutral to mildly alkaline to allow adequate levels of both iodine and hypoiodous acid (reference 4).
In general, colder water temperatures reduce the disinfection capability of iodine solutions and other chemical disinfectants (references 9, 17 and 21). Cold water temperatures slow disinfection and must be compensated for by longer contact time or higher concentration to achieve comparable disinfection at warmer water temperatures (reference 3). A 2 to 3-fold increase in inactivation rates per 10° C water temperature increase seems a generally accepted rule (reference 3). Studies have shown a significant impact on iodine disinfection capability by temperature. One study showed CT’s to provide 2-log inactivation of the E. Coli bacteria were 2-9 times higher in colder waters (2-5° C) than in warmer waters of 20-25° C (references 9 and 22). Another study showed a CT 3 times higher was necessary at a 3° C water temperature (CT = 200 mg-min/L) compared to 23° C water temperature (CT = 65 mg-min/L) for a 2-log inactivation of E. histolytica cysts (references 9 and 10). Another study using Giardia cysts showed CT’s up to 3 times higher in 3° C water resulted in only a 1.5-log inactivation compared to CT’s at 20° C which resulted in > 2.7-log inactivation (references 7 and 21). These studies show temperature has a significant effect on iodine disinfection capability. Longer contact times and/or higher iodine doses (i.e., increased CT’s) are necessary in colder waters. Using a 2-fold CT increase for every 10° C decrease in water temperature is a good estimate to use when determining CT requirements for iodine disinfection capability.
Numerous studies indicate iodine is an effective bactericide over the range of temperature and pH expected in natural water sources (references 9, 10, 22 and 27). Very low CT levels, ranging from 0.4 – 2.4 mg-min/L are required to inactivate 2-logs of E. Coli over a wide pH range (6 – 9) and temperature range (2 – 37° C) (reference 9). CT’s of less than 10 mg-min/L resulted in a 4- log inactivation of E. Coli at a near neutral pH (6 – 7) and extreme temperatures (~ 0 – 37° C) (references 9 and 27). These low CT’s translate into low iodine residuals and/or short contact times. For example, assuming a contact time of 20 minutes, a 0.5 mg/L iodine residual would be necessary to provide 4-log inactivation of E. Coli at near neutral pH at any temperature encountered in natural waters (20 min x 0.5 mg/L = 10 mg-min/L). When iodine solutions are used at typical doses for emergency drinking water disinfection (4 – 16 mg/L) and typical recommended contact times (20 – 35 minutes), the resulting CT’s of 80 – 560 mg-min/L would likely ensure a 6-log inactivation of bacteria.
Several studies also show that iodine solutions are effective virucides (references 9, 10 and 27). Viruses are more resistant to iodine disinfection than bacteria, typically requiring higher CT’s than bacteria and in some cases much higher CT’s at low pH levels (e.g., 4 – 5), where hypoiodous acid (HOI) is not present, and at cold water temperatures (e.g., 5° C) (reference 9). Most studies evaluated the virucidal efficacy of iodine solutions against f2 virus and Poliovirus. Data indicate 2-log inactivation at near neutral to alkaline pH levels (6 – 10) and various water temperatures (5 – 30° C) occurred at CT’s of 15 – 75 mg-min/L with the higher CTs occurring at lower pH levels and colder water temperatures. One study showed a CT of less than 10 mg min/ L resulted in a 4-log inactivation of f2 virus at a pH of 7 and a very warm water temperature of 37° C (reference 9). Iodine solutions will likely provide a 4-log inactivation of viruses under most natural water conditions expected. Because IWPD dosages and contact times will be based on cyst inactivation, and resulting CTs will be large (80 – 560 mg-min/L), it is likely an IWPD will achieve 4-log virus inactivation under most water quality conditions.
Table. Summary of Disinfection Capabilities of Iodine Solutions and Resins.
Parameter Iodine
Giardia Cysts
Cryptosporidium Oocysts
Effect of Temperature
Effect of pH
Effect of Turbidity
Solutions Iodine
Cysts most resistant. Achieving Giardia cyst inactivation will ensure adequate bacteria and virusinactivation.
Provide additional contact time beyond IWPD manufacturer recommended CTs.
Not effective.
Major effect. Increase contact time and/or dose at colder temperatures. CT’s up to 720 mg-min/L recommended for Giardia cyst inactivation in colder waters.
Minor effect. Generally effective over typical pH levels for natural waters
Affects disinfection capability. Provide additional contact time and/or increase iodine dose in more turbid waters.
Iodine Resins
Cysts most resistant. Achieving Giardia cyst inactivation will ensure adequate bacteria and virus inactivation
Pentaiodide resin effective.
Triiodide resin not effective. Provide additional contact time after passing through resin. Not effective.
Major effect. Increase contact time after passing through pentaiodide resin at colder temperatures. Allow up to 40 minutes additional contact time for Giardia cysts inactivation in colder waters (< 5° C)
Minor effect. Generally effective over pH range typical for natural waters
Affects disinfection capability. Heavy organic matter loading can significantly reduce disinfection capability.
Joint Failures Potentially Linked to Oral Bacteria
ScienceDaily (Apr. 18, 2012) — The culprit behind a failed hip or knee replacements might be found in the mouth. DNA testing of bacteria from the fluid that lubricates hip and knee joints had bacteria with the same DNA as the plaque from patients with gum disease and in need of a joint replacement. This study is one of many coming from the Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine that have linked oral bacteria to health problems when they escape from the mouth and enter the blood. Working with University Hospitals Case Medical Center researchers, the dental, orthopedic and arthritis researchers suggest it might be the reason why aseptic loosening or prosthetic wear of the artificial joints fail within 10 years when no infection appears to be present. The pilot study's findings were reported in the April issue of the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. Dr. Nabil Bissada, chair of the Department of Periodontics at the dental school, said the objective of the study, "Identification of Oral Bacterial DNA in Synovial Fluid of Patients with Arthritis with Native and Failed Prosthetic Joints," was to see if bacteria like Fusobacterium nucleatum and Serratia proteamaculans found in patients with gum disease were present in the fluid.--"For a long time, we've suspected that these bacteria were causing problems in arthritis patients, but never had the scientific evidence to support it," Bissada says.--The researchers recruited and studied 36 patients seeking care at the University Hospitals Case Medical Center for osteoarthritis (the wearing of the joints) and rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease). -These study participants had both natural and artificial joints. Researcher extracted samples of their synovial fluid, which is much like oil that keeps a door from squeaking. These patients also had signs of periodontitis or gum disease and undergone exams where dental plaque was obtained for the study. Plaque build-up from the bacteria, associated with gum disease, breaks down the walls of the pockets around the teeth. The inflammation process from the bacteria acts like a gate that gives bacteria access to the blood stream. Once in the blood, the oral bacteria have induced inflammation in remote sites where the bacteria has been linked to heart, kidney and cancer diseases and premature births and fetal deaths.---Because these bacteria cannot be found with routine lab tests, detection of bacteria in the plaque and fluid was done through a process called polymerase chain reactions and DNA sequence analysis of specific genes (16S-23S rRNA). This is a sophisticated DNA tracking procedure.----Five of the 36 patients (14%) showed direct DNA links between the bacteria in the fluid and plaque from the mouth. The breakdown in patients was: one from a rheumatoid arthritis (RA)[U1] patient with a failed natural joint and one RA patient with a failed replacement joint; two osteoarthritis (OA) patients with failed artificial joints and one OA patient with a failed natural joint.---Bissada said researchers will continue exploring the oral health link in a larger study. "We have a link now and want to see just how much of a trend this is. We also will be able to see if treating the periodontal disease, can reduce the number of future costly joint replacements."---Collaborating with Bissada on the National Institutes of Health and Department of Periodontics-funded research were: Stephanie Temoin, Alia Chakaki, Ahmed El-Halaby, Yiping Han from the Case Western Reserve dental school, and Ali Askari, Steven Fitzgerald and Randall E. Marcus from University Hospitals Case --Story Source--The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Case Western Reserve University. --Journal Reference-Témoin, Stéphanie; Chakaki, Alia; Askari, Ali; El-Halaby, Ahmed; Fitzgerald, Steven; Marcus, Randall E.; Han, Yiping W.; Bissada, Nabil F. Identification of Oral Bacterial DNA in Synovial Fluid of Patients With Arthritis With Native and Failed Prosthetic Joints. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, 18(3):117-121, April 2012 DOI: 10.1097/RHU.0b013e3182500c95
Lead Dust Is Linked to Violence
Vehicles using leaded gasoline that contaminated cities' air decades ago have increased aggravated assault in urban areas, researchers say. --ScienceDaily (Apr. 17, 2012) — Childhood exposure to lead dust has been linked to lasting physical and behavioral effects, and now lead dust from vehicles using leaded gasoline has been linked to instances of aggravated assault two decades after exposure, says Tulane toxicologist Howard W. Mielke.--Vehicles using leaded gasoline that contaminated cities' air decades ago have increased aggravated assault in urban areas, researchers say.--The new findings are published in the journal Environment International by Mielke, a research professor in the Department of Pharmacology at the Tulane University School of Medicine, and demographer Sammy Zahran at the Center for Disaster and Risk Analysis at Colorado State University.---The researchers compared the amount of lead released in six cities: Atlanta, Chicago, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, New Orleans and San Diego, during the years 1950-1985. This period saw an increase in airborne lead dust exposure due to the use of leaded gasoline. There were correlating spikes in the rates of aggravated assault approximately two decades later, after the exposed children grew up.--After controlling for other possible causes such as community and household income, education, policing effort and incarceration rates, Mielke and Zahran found that for every one percent increase in tonnages of environmental lead released 22 years earlier, the present rate of aggravated assault was raised by 0.46 percent.---"Children are extremely sensitive to lead dust, and lead exposure has latent neuroanatomical effects that severely impact future societal behavior and welfare," says Mielke. "Up to 90 per cent of the variation in aggravated assault across the cities is explained by the amount of lead dust released 22 years earlier." Tons of lead dust were released between 1950 and 1985 in urban areas by vehicles using leaded gasoline, and improper handling of lead-based paint also has contributed to contamination.Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Tulane University, via Newswise. --Journal Reference-Howard W. Mielke, Sammy Zahran. The urban rise and fall of air lead (Pb) and the latent surge and retreat of societal violence. Environment International, 2012; 43: 48 DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2012.03.005
Recipe for Removing Lead---Apply Vitamin C 1000mgs + NAC ( or any sulfur based Supplement such as MSM 1000mgs-Methionine 1000mgs-alpha lipoic acid 200mgs—Kyolic formula 108 / 100/106 1000mgs ) and B1 ( thiamine 100 mgs 3 times a day-benfotiamine 100 mgs 3-4 times a day ( better choice ) or sulbatiamine 100 mgs 1-3 a day ) Use all of them together 3-4 times a day and avoid any re exposure
Combining pectin from citrus or apple with onion as a mush will pull it out of the colon—
Combining Iodine ( high dose 900mgs ) and selenium will remove this as well
[U1]Is this interesting that Iodine and Turpentine kill off bacteria and Heal RA
Show Of The Week April 27 2012
Fundamental Discovery Casts Enzymes in New Light
New Process Improves Catalytic Rate of Enzymes by 3,000 Percent
The efficacy of a single pocket irrigation on subgingival microbial vitality
Pediatric Iodine --Safe Antibacterial, Antiviral & Antifungal for Children
Monsanto-Free Seed Companies
Here are some seed companies. Please let us know of any we missed and we will add them to this list.
All Good Things Organic
Amishland Seeds
Annapolis Valley Heritage Seed Company canada
Baker Creek Seed Co.
Botanical Interests
Bountiful Gardens
Diane’s Flower Seeds (she has veggies now, too)
Fedco Seed Co. - phasing out seminis seeds.
Fisher’s Seeds - 406-388-6052 They don’t have a website, but they will send you a catalog if you give them your address
PO Box 236, Belgrade, MT 59714
Garden City Seeds
Gourmet Seed
Heirlooms Evermore Seeds
Heirloom Seeds
High Mowing Seeds
Horizon Herbs
Hudson Valley Seed Library
J.L Hudson
Kitchen Garden Seeds
Kusa Seed Society
Lake Valley Seeds
Landreth Seeds
Livingston Seeds
Local Harvest
Mountain Rose Herbs
Native Seeds for the Arid Southwest
Natural Gardening Company
New Hope Seed Company
Nichol’s Garden Nursery
Organica Seed
Peace Seeds
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
Renee’s Garden
Richters Herbs
Sand Hill Preservation Center
Seed Saver’s Exchange
Seeds of Change
Southern Exposure
Sow True
Tiny Seeds
Tomato Fest
Trees of Antiquity
Turtle Tree Seed
Underwood Garden Seeds
Uprising Seeds
Victory Seeds
Wild Garden Seeds
Wildseed Farms
Wood Prairie FarmCanadian Seed Companies:
Salt Spring Seeds
Seeds of Victoria
Solana Seeds
Terra Edibles
The Cottage Gardener
West Coast Seeds
Source: (
Fundamental Discovery Casts Enzymes in New Light
ScienceDaily (Nov. 9, 2011) — A tree outside Oak Ridge National Laboratory researcher Pratul Agarwal's office window provided the inspiration for a discovery that may ultimately lead to drugs with fewer side effects, less expensive biofuels and more.----Just as a breeze causes leaves, branches and ultimately the tree to move, enzymes moving at the molecular level perform hundreds of chemical processes that have a ripple effect necessary for life. Previously, protein complexes were viewed as static entities with biological function understood in terms of direct interactions, but that isn't the case. This finding, recently published in PLoS Biology, may have enormous implications.--"Our discovery is allowing us to perhaps find the knobs that we can use to improve the catalytic rate of enzymes and perform a host of functions more efficiently," said Agarwal, a member of the Department of Energy laboratory's Computer Science and Mathematics Division.--Making this discovery possible was ORNL's supercomputer, Jaguar, which allowed Agarwal and co-author Arvind Ramanathan to investigate a large number of enzymes at the atomistic scale.---The researchers found that enzymes have similar features that are entirely preserved from the smallest living organism -- bacteria -- to complex life forms, including humans.-"If something is important for function, then it will be present in the protein performing the same function across different species[U1]," Agarwal said. "For example, regardless of which company makes a car, they all have wheels and brakes."--Similarly, scientists have known for decades that certain structural features of the enzyme are also preserved because of their important function. Agarwal and Ramanathan believe the same is true for enzyme flexibility.--"The importance of the structure of enzymes has been known for more than 100 years, but only recently have we started to understand that the internal motions may be the missing piece of the puzzle to understand how enzymes work," Agarwal said. "If we think of the tree as the model, the protein move at the molecular level with the side-chain and residues being the leaves and the protein backbone being the entire stem."---This research builds on previous work in which Agarwal identified a network of protein vibrations in the enzyme Cyclphilin A, which is involved in many biological reactions, including AIDS-causing HIV-1.---While Agarwal sees this research perhaps leading to medicines able to target hard to cure diseases such as AIDS, he is also excited about its energy applications, specifically in the area of cellulosic ethanol. Highly efficient enzymes could bring down the cost of biofuels, making them a more attractive option.---Funding for this research was provided by ORNL's Laboratory Directed Research and Development program. Ramanathan was a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University when this work began and now also works at ORNL. The paper is titled "Evolutionarily conserved linkage between enzyme fold, flexibility and catalysis."--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by DOE/Oak Ridge National Laboratory. --Journal Reference-Arvind Ramanathan, Pratul K. Agarwal. Evolutionarily Conserved Linkage between Enzyme Fold, Flexibility, and Catalysis. PLoS Biology, 2011; 9 (11): e1001193 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001193
New Process Improves Catalytic Rate of Enzymes by 3,000 Percent
ScienceDaily (Apr. 17, 2012) — Light of specific wavelengths can be used to boost an enzyme's function by as much as 30 fold, potentially establishing a path to less expensive biofuels, detergents and a host of other products.--In a paper published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, a team led by Pratul Agarwal of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory described a process that aims to improve upon nature -- and it happens in the blink of an eye.---"When light enters the eye and hits the pigment known as rhodopsin, it causes a complex chemical reaction to occur, including a conformational change," Agarwal said. "This change is detected by the associated protein and through a rather involved chain of reactions is converted into an electrical signal for the brain."---With this as a model, Agarwal's team theorized that it should be possible to improve the catalytic efficiency of enzyme reactions by attaching chemical elements on the surface of an enzyme and manipulating them with the use of tuned light.---The researchers introduced a light-activated molecular switch across two regions of the enzyme Candida antarctica lipase B, or CALB -- which breaks down fat molecules -- identified through modeling performed on DOE's Jaguar supercomputer.--"Using this approach, our preliminary work with CALB suggested that such a technique of introducing a compound that undergoes a light-inducible conformational change onto the surface of the protein could be used to manipulate enzyme reaction," Agarwal said.---While the researchers obtained final laboratory results at industry partner AthenaES, computational modeling allowed Agarwal to test thousands of combinations of enzyme sites, modification chemistry, different wavelengths of light, different temperatures and photo-activated switches. Simulations performed on Jaguar also allowed researchers to better understand how the enzyme's internal motions control the catalytic activity.---"This modeling was very important as it helped us identify regions of the enzyme that were modified by interactions with chemicals," said Agarwal, a member of ORNL's Computer Science and Mathematics Division. "Ultimately, the modeling helped us understand how the mechanical energy from the surface can eventually be transferred to the active site where it is used to conduct the chemical reaction."---Agarwal noted that enzymes are present in every organism and are widely used in industry as catalysts in the production of biofuels and countless other every day products. Researchers believe this finding could have immense potential for improving enzyme efficiency, especially as it relates to biofuels.--Funding for this work was provided by Technology Maturation Funds from Battelle Memorial Institute. Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by DOE/Oak Ridge National Laboratory. --Journal Reference--Pratul K. Agarwal, Christopher Schultz, Aristotle Kalivretenos, Brahma Ghosh, Sheldon E. Broedel. Engineering a Hyper-catalytic Enzyme by Photoactivated Conformation Modulation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2012; : 1142 DOI: 10.1021/jz201675m
The efficacy of a single pocket irrigation on subgingival microbial vitality.
von Ohler C, Weiger R, Decker E, Schlagenhauf U, Brecx M.
Source-Department of Periodontology and Conservative Dentistry, University of the Saarland, Gebäude 73, D-66421 Homburg/Saar, Germany.
The object of this study was to monitor the proportion of vital bacteria (microbial vitality: VF in %) present in subgingival dental plaque following one single subgingival irrigation with saline (S), chlorhexidine (CHX) or povidone iodine (I2), but without any subgingival instrumentation. Its effect on the main composition of the microflora was also assessed. Seventeen patients with adult periodontitis took part in this investigation. In each patient four initially untreated pockets (pocket depth 5-11 mm) associated with bleeding were selected for the standardised pocket irrigation and plaque sampling at baseline (0 h) and after the following 1 h, 24 h, 7 days and 31 days. The subgingival irrigation was only performed once (0 h). One pocket per quadrant was irrigated using 0.9% prereduced S, 0.2% CHX or 0.05% I2 (Iso-Betadine Buccale). The remaining untreated pocket without any irrigation served as an additional control (C). Using an acrylic splint as a guide, paperpoints were inserted into the pocket precisely at the same site to collect subgingival plaque. The bleeding on sampling (BOS) was thereafter noted. The proportions of bacterial morphotypes were examined by darkfield microscopy. VF was evaluated using a vital fluorescence staining. The undisturbed subgingival dental plaque was composed of 86% (median value) vital bacteria. The sampling procedure alone and the saline irrigation led to a decrease in the number of spirochetes but had no influence on the vitality of the flora. Large variations in VF could be observed in the short-term (1 h, 24 h) irrigation effect of CHX and I2. The reduction of VF was still significant after 7 days (VF(CHX) 30-80%, VF(I2) 35-80%) but persisted up to 31 days only after I2 irrigation (VF(I2) 12-90%). The findings indicated that all single subgingival irrigations resulted in a temporary change of the subgingival microflora while povidone iodine produced the longest lasting antimicrobial effect. Any clinical advantage of this situation should be further investigated.
Show of the Week April 30-2012
Therapeutic Uses of (Topically Applied) Salicylic Acid
Aspirin May Lower the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
Aspirin Reduces Cancer Risk: Is It Time to Include It in Cancer Prevention Guidelines?
Regular Aspirin Intake Halves Cancer Risk, Study Finds
Therapeutic Uses of (Topically Applied) Salicylic Acid
All of the topical uses of Salicylic Acid are based on its actions as a keratolytic agent (i.e. its ability to loosen the Stratum Corneum of the Epidermis of the Skin).
Skin/Hair----Salicylic Acid (diluted and applied topically) is sometimes used for the treatment of Acne (it “unplugs” blocked Sebaceous Glands via its exfoliant properties.).
Salicylic Acid (in a 2 - 3% solution applied topically) may alleviate Dandruff (by causing the dead cells that comprise Dandruff to peel (shed)).
Salicylic Acid (in a 2 - 6% solution applied topically) may alleviate Psoriasis (by causing the dead cells involved in Psoriasis to peel (shed)).
Salicylic Acid (applied topically) may act as an exfoliant for the Skin - this action may improve the visual appearance of the Skin (the thinning of the superficial layer of the Skin results in smoother, more radiant Skin)
-Salicylic Acid (applied topically) may remove almost all abnormal Skin Pigmentation, fine Wrinkles, precancerous lesions and Lipofuscin (Age Spots) - especially from the Skin of the hands and forearms.
Salicylic Acid (applied topically by a dermatologist) is sometimes used as the peeling agent in Chemical Peels of the Skin.
Salicylic Acid (10% solution applied topically) is sometimes prescribed for the treatment of Solar Keratoses.
Salicylic Acid (applied topically in a solution of 10% - 70%) is often employed by dermatologists to remove Warts
Recipe for Salicylic ---take TSP 3 parts to 1 part Salicylic Acid and 50 parts water---so take 3 grams of TSP-1 gram of Salicylic acid and 50 grams of water ( 2 oz )---this will increase it’s ability to be dissolved and utilized---this will be another way of making a pain remedy—make sure you if you use an aspirin that it is clean and without contamination---best place I have seen to buy this is at a horse supplier—
Salicylic Acid For Skin Conditions -add 10 grams of Salicylic Acid to 100mls of alcohol and proceed to shake til dissolved – this will make a 10% solution to be dabbed on an area---to make a 2 percent then just add 2 grams to the 100mls
100mls is 3 oz
BMC Complement Altern Med. 2011;11:112---Authors: Han H, He W, Wang W, Gao B
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is an immunosuppressive disease that results in life-threatening opportunistic infections. The general problems in current therapy include the constant emergence of drug-resistant HIV strains, adverse side effects and the unavailability of treatments in developing countries. Natural products from herbs with the abilities to inhibit HIV-1 life cycle at different stages, have served as excellent sources of new anti-HIV-1 drugs. In this study, we aimed to investigate the anti-HIV-1 activity of aqueous dandelion extract.—ÃÃDandelion Tea or SoupÃÃ
METHODS: The pseudotyped HIV-1 virus has been utilized to explore the anti-HIV-1 activity of dandelion, the level of HIV-1 replication was assessed by the percentage of GFP-positive cells. The inhibitory effect of the dandelion extract on reverse transcriptase activity was assessed by the reverse transcriptase assay kit. RESULTS: Compared to control values obtained from cells infected without treatment, the level of HIV-1 replication and reverse transcriptase activity were decreased in a dose-dependent manner. The data suggest that dandelion extract has a potent inhibitory activity against HIV-1 replication and reverse transcriptase activity. The identification of HIV-1 antiviral compounds from Taraxacum officinale should be pursued.
CONCLUSIONS: The dandelion extract showed strong activity against HIV-1 RT and inhibited both the HIV-1 vector and the hybrid-MoMuLV/MoMuSV retrovirus replication. These findings provide additional support for the potential therapeutic efficacy of Taraxacum officinale. Extracts from this plant may be regarded as another starting point for the development of an antiretroviral therapy with fewer side effects.---PMID: 22078030 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]*********************************************************************
Aspirin May Lower the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
ScienceDaily (Apr. 4, 2011) — The use of aspirin at least once per month is associated with a significant decrease in pancreatic cancer risk, [U1]according to results of a large case-control study presented at the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011, held in Orlando, Florida, April 2-6.----Xiang-Lin Tan, --For the current study, Tan and colleagues enrolled 904 patients who had documented pancreatic cancer and compared them with 1,224 healthy patients. All patients were at least 55 years old and reported their use of aspirin, NSAIDs and acetaminophen by questionnaire.---Results showed that people who took aspirin at least one day during a month had a 26 percent decreased risk of pancreatic cancer compared to those who did not take aspirin regularly. The effect was also found for those who took low-dose aspirin for heart disease prevention at 35 percent lower risk, according to Tan.--The researchers did not see a benefit from non-aspirin NSAIDs or acetaminophen. "This provides additional evidence that aspirin may have chemoprevention activity against pancreatic cancer," said Tan. He added that more data must be gathered before we can prove a real benefit.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Association for Cancer Research.
Aspirin Reduces Cancer Risk: Is It Time to Include It in Cancer Prevention Guidelines?
ScienceDaily (Apr. 9, 2012) — A new report by American Cancer Society scientists says new data showing aspirin's potential role in reducing the risk of cancer death bring us considerably closer to the time when cancer prevention can be included in clinical guidelines for the use of aspirin in preventative care. The report, published early online in Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, says even a 10% reduction in overall cancer incidence beginning during the first 10 years of treatment could tip the balance of benefits and risks favorably in average-risk populations.---Current guidelines for the use of aspirin in disease prevention consider only its cardiovascular benefits, weighed against the potential harm from aspirin-induced bleeding. While daily aspirin use has also been convincingly shown to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer and recurrence of adenomatous polyps, these benefits alone do not outweigh harms from aspirin-induced bleeding in average-risk populations.[U2] But recently published secondary analyses of cardiovascular trials have provided the first randomized evidence that daily aspirin use may also reduce the incidence of all cancers combined, even at low doses (75-100 mg daily).---The current review, led by Michael J. Thun, M.D., vice president emeritus of epidemiology and surveillance research for the American Cancer Society was not designed as a comprehensive review of the literature, but instead is a focused discussion of the key outstanding issues in using aspirin as a cancer prevention tool.\The report says recently published meta-analyses of results from randomized trials of daily aspirin treatment to prevent vascular events have provided provocative evidence that daily aspirin at doses of 75 mg and above might lower both overall cancer incidence and overall cancer mortality.---In six primary prevention trials of daily low-dose aspirin, randomization to aspirin treatment was associated with an approximately 20% reduction in overall cancer incidence between 3 and 5 years after initiation of the intervention (metaodds ratio [OR] = 0.81; 95% CI 0.67-0.98) and a 30% reduction during follow up more than 5 years after randomization (meta-OR = 0.70; 95% CI 0.56-0.88). Cancer mortality was also reduced during study follow up that happened more than 5 years after the start of aspirin use (meta-OR = 0.63; 95% CI 0.49-0.82) in analyses that included 34 trials of daily aspirin at various doses. Surprisingly, the size of the observed benefit did not increase with daily doses of aspirin above 75-100 mg. Notably, these meta-analyses excluded results from the Women's Health Study (WHS), a large 10-year-long trial of 100 mg of aspirin taken every other day, which reported no reduction in cancer incidence or mortality.---"The accumulating data from randomized clinical trials provide an exciting opportunity to reconsider the potential role of aspirin in cancer prevention," write the authors. They say several important questions remain unanswered, such as the exact magnitude of the overall cancer benefit and which individual cancer sites contribute to this benefit. "However, these new data bring us considerably closer to the time when cancer prevention can be integrated into the clinical guidelines for prophylactic treatment following regulatory review by the FDA and the European Medicines Agency."---Story Source---The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Cancer Society. --Journal Reference-Michael J. Thun, Eric J. Jacobs, Carlo Patrono. The role of aspirin in cancer prevention. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nrclinonc.2011.199
Regular Aspirin Intake Halves Cancer Risk, Study Finds
ScienceDaily (Oct. 28, 2011) — Scientists including those from Queen's University have discovered that taking regular aspirin halves the risk of developing hereditary cancers.---Hereditary cancers are those which develop as a result of a gene fault inherited from a parent. Bowel and womb cancers are the most common forms of hereditary cancers. Fifty thousand people in the UK are diagnosed with bowel and womb cancers every year; 10 per cent of these cancers are thought to be hereditary.---The decade-long study, which involved scientists and clinicians from 43 centres in 16 countries and was funded by Cancer Research UK, followed nearly 1,000 patients, in some cases for over 10 years. The study found that those who had been taking a regular dose of aspirin had 50 per cent fewer incidents of hereditary cancer compared with those who were not taking aspirin.---The research focused on people with Lynch syndrome which is an inherited genetic disorder that causes cancer by affecting genes responsible for detecting and repairing damage in the DNA. Around 50 per cent of those with Lynch syndrome develop cancer, mainly in the bowel and womb. The study looked at all cancers related to the syndrome, and found that almost 30 per cent of the patients not taking aspirin had developed a cancer compared to around 15 per cent of those taking the aspirin.---Those who had taken aspirin still developed the same number of polyps, which are thought to be precursors of cancer, as those who did not take aspirin but they did not go on to develop cancer. It suggests that aspirin could possibly be causing these cells to destruct before they turn cancerous.---Over 1,000 people were diagnosed with bowel cancer in Northern Ireland last year; 400 of these died from the disease. Ten per cent of bowel cancer cases are hereditary and by taking aspirin regularly the number of those dying from the hereditary form of the disease could be halved.---Professor Patrick Morrison from Queen's University in Belfast, who led the Northern Ireland part of the study, said: "The results of this study, which has been ongoing for over a decade, proves that the regular intake of aspirin over a prolonged period halves the risk of developing hereditary cancers. The effects of aspirin in the first five years of the study were not clear but in those who took aspirin for between five and ten years the results were very clear."---"This is a huge breakthrough in terms of cancer prevention. For those who have a history of hereditary cancers in their family, like bowel and womb cancers, this will be welcome news. Not only does it show we can reduce cancer rates and ultimately deaths, it opens up other avenues for further cancer prevention research. We aim now to go forward with another trial to assess the most effective dosage of aspirin for hereditary cancer prevention and to look at the use of aspirin in the general population as a way of reducing the risk of bowel cancer.--"For anyone considering taking aspirin I would recommend discussing this with your GP first as aspirin is known to bring with it a risk of stomach complaints, including ulcers."---The research was published online Oct. 28 in The Lancet.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Queen's University Belfast. ---Journal Reference-Sir John Burn, Anne-Marie Gerdes, Finlay Macrae, Jukka-Pekka Mecklin, Gabriela Moeslein, Sylviane Olschwang, Diane Eccles, Gareth Evans, Eamonn R. Maher, Lucio Bertario, Marie-Luise Bisgaard, Malcolm G. Dunlop, Judy W.C. Ho, Shirley V. Hodgson, Annika Lindblom, Jan Lubinski, Patrick J. Morrison, Victoria Murday, Raj Ramesar, Lucy Side, Rodney J. Scott, Huw J.W. Thomas, Hans F. Vasen, Gail Barker, Gillian Crawford, Faye Elliott, Mohammad Movahedi, Kirsi Pylvanainen, Juul T. Wijnen, Riccardo Fodde, Henry T. Lynch, John C. Mathers, D. Timothy Bishop, on behalf of the CAPP2 Investigators. Long-term effect of aspirin on cancer risk in carriers of hereditary colorectal cancer: an analysis from the CAPP2 randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, Pubished online Oct. 28, 2011; DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61049-0
[U1]Make sure the aspirin in use or the Salicylic Acid does not have any contamination or colouring agents or plastics such as polyethylene glycol--
[U2]The reason being is that they are not putting it together properly---should be mixed with a sodium phosphate or borax solution or with even magnesium to offset any negative side effects that the salcyclic acid may produce