Show of the Month September 2012

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Show of the Month September 3 2012

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Show Of the Month  September 21-2012

Show Of the Month  September 24-2012


Show of the Month September 28 2012


The Truth about Antidepressants.-Withdrawal Side Effects


Most Nations in the World Have No GMO-Free Platform To Protect Their Citizens


Individualized Medicine- FDA Approved Ingestible Microchip Tracking Device


In vitro effects of citrus oils against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and non-tuberculous Mycobacteria of clinical importance


Hacking the human brain- researchers demonstrate extraction of sensitive data via brain-computer interface



The Truth about Antidepressants.-Withdrawal Side Effects


This is a massive subject, and I am living a very difficult life at this time which is interfering with my writing. So, I have to rough this out. This report is based mainly upon information I gathered during a study of antidepressants I did in 2008/09. This was the study that netted the classified documents from GSK

This is the first section of this report.

I will do this report one section at a time, and the steps will be:

1. Testimonies of people destroyed by antidepressants

2. The chemistry of the various antidpressants, and which dangerous substances in everyday life they deliver directly to the brain - Yes, you heard that right, there are several that do nothing more than deliver modeling glue and other nasty aromatic hydrocarbons straight to your brain, and KEEP THEM THERE. Several would be replaced well by a gasoline inhaler attached to a backpack that you carry with you - (pill form is easier though) and others, like Prozac, are derived from fluoride. Antidepressants deliver a very stable but FILTHY high until you fry, and the hydrocarbon based ones cause exactly the same damage you get from working in a paint booth without a respirator.[U1]  I HAVE PROOF.

3. The visible physical damage antidepressants cause and how and why it occurs, including osteo porosis, calcification of the brain, brain shrinkage, destruction of white matter, corkscrewed axons, liver and other organ damage, and some interesting ancedotes related to this.


4. The motivation for attempting to destroy the entire population of a nation with these substances, and an expose of the corruption in the FDA, the medical community, the Jewish connection, the banker/Rothchild/Rockefeller/facist connection, the future slave state, how the research SSRI's are based on was done in Russia and imported to America in the form of Prozac, and the proposed finalization of the destruction of Western civilization which "antidepressants" will play a central role in.

5. A detailed exposure of why antidepressants destroy bonding relationships, and make it impossible for anyone to fall permanently in love genuinely, with a little side attachment explaining the reasons for why specific brands destroy sex in different ways. - I actually have the line by line answers for EACH BRAND, and which part of the brain they ruin to often permanently destroy sex in different ways. Different brands destroy different pathways, but all are effective in wrecking sex.

6. How they get away with hurting so many people under the supposed cover of doing good, and the methods put in place to avoid being sued, imprisoned, and hung. What WE need to do to forever expose this scam, and make sure they are sued, imprisoned, and hung. I have the answer to EXACTLY how we can blow this open and hang them.--

Prescribed Deletion - testimonies of the destroyed.

These are the words of those who have been destroyed by antidepressants. If you are among them, STOP listening to your P-doc telling you it never happens; the reality is that they ALL know it happens and they are lying to you. View this chart, and READ THE RESULTS THAT FOLLOW.

These are testimonies of people destroyed by antidepressants.
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"Whoever said that they lost most their ability to love; MAN, that is the thing I miss the most. I was a very, very, very passionate person
prior to celexa. I was passionate about everything, my marriage, my job, my country. I couldn't hear our national anthem without stopping and feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up. 14 years in the Army National guard, I was very into my career with them too. I was passionate about running, about my relationship with (and this will probably sound wierd) my dog. I miss all of these things. I hope they all come back to me. They were very much the bricks in the foundation of my life and I feel like they are gone. When I say I want the old me back, I mean the person who was passionate, the person who loved and was loved. The driven person who saw what he wanted and went out and got it. That was all taken from me with the introduction of Celexa in my life. I just want it back."
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"I've been in an extremely peculiar state for the past 8 months
after stopping Wellbutrin/buproprion. I have literally lost everything inside of me and no longer have a sense of "inner being". My personality has been completely erased, along with the inner psyche I've spent a lifetime building. When I attempt to "look inside", it is impossible because there is literally nothing there. Everything that made up my specific sense of personal being is gone,  including my hopes, fears, dreams, goals, opinions, values, morals, likes/dislikes, and most strikingly, all emotions and feelings.---I have no feelings associated with past events, and no emotional connections with anything in the world. Specific emotions that defined my personal sense of being are no longer there. People, places, things and events that I thought were etched in my soul as having significance no longer mean a thing. Absolutely nothing, I can't stress this enough.--I am unable to look backward or forward, have no sense of past accomplishments and no desire for future ones. The strangest thing is, I cannot feel anything toward being in this state, as that part of me is gone too. It's like a recursive erasure of everything I ever was, am, and will be.--It doesn't feel like life is a conscious experience that I am having anymore, as there is no inner construct within me to absorb an experience on any level. I see, hear, touch, and smell, yet each of these is so devoid of emotional content that they don't coalesce into anything meaningful I can call a human consciousness. My sense of being has been replaced by a constant void of nothingness that is unchanging, 24/7, I feel nothing towards the nothingness. It is not like feeling empty inside, there is no inside to feel empty within.---Getting to this state was a long process that started with gradually losing my emotions. This started when I decided to withdraw from the antidepressant Wellbutrin/Bupropion which I'd been on a high dosage of for 5 years. Strangely, going back on it did not help, but made things worse. When I stopped and started the drug a second time, I experienced one tremendous day of improvement followed by a seizure while sleeping, and woke up in a confused state. After this I regressed and felt completely dead inside.--This waking up in a confused state happened 2 more times, once in May 2010 and once in September 2010. Both of these were preceded by sudden improvements. But upon waking I felt like I had lost a basic part of my self. Not just feelings, but the core of my being. What I felt to be the complete and final destruction of my inner being happened on September 7th, 2010, and there hasn't been a change since (it has now been 8 months).---"I tell you, I never had a problem before celexa. I just want to be back to me. I want to no longer be the pitiful creature it made me. I want to be me. The old me. I want myself back. Life isn't worth living with this new person holding my thoughts and feelings hostage. I have been off Celexa since last year. I JUST WANT ME BACK."---"I have been on 0 mgs for almost a year, and my emotional state has yet to come back to normal. (normal me). I have been from Psyc doc to Psyc doc (never needed before celexa) to try to figure it out. They point the problem back to me. I found out by reading around the Internet, and buying the book "Prozac: Panacea or Pandora" by doctor Ann Blake Tracy, and I found out that several people, if not all people, who go off these drugs experience exactly what I have experienced. When Natalie wrote what she wrote, you can go back to some of my earlier posts and the withdrawal effects are written down almost verbatim. These are bad for our brains, they change our personalities. I want my life back, and don't want even my worst enemy to experience what I have been through. These people have no love for their fellow man[U2] . We need to, no matter how emotionally messed up we are, we need to band together and prevent them (a commercial for Cymbalta just came on the tv, made my blood boil) from prescribing them to ANYONE. Depression hurts said the commercial, I never knew depression till after celexa. I have been through hell, therefore hell exists."
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"What I don't understand is how a drug could completely erase me as a human being. What I'm experiencing is not depression, anhedonia, or flat affect, but a permanent change in my consciousness that literally destroyed my humanity. All the parts that made up my being are literally gone. I don't understand how this is even possible, or what (if anything) I can do to change it."
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"I'm 25 yrs old. I used to be a bodybuilder, avid fisherman, used to drag race, and enjoy the great outdoors. USED TO
. I was on effexor for about 3 yrs, 75mgs. I decided I wanted to stop taking it, I felt fine. Im 25 I said and I can deal with lifes problems. I told my doc if I may discontinue the drug he said sure, if you want to. Doctor didn't even ask me if I wanted to wean off, I suggested him to give me the 35mgs, but he gave me only a weeks worth. I have never in life felt so sick. I would not wish this on anyone, not even my enemy. The first 3 months were hell. dizziness, nausea, fatigue, bad memory, brain zaps, you name it I had it. I couldnt even walk sometimes. I fought and fought and it is now 7 months that I am clean off this horrible so called drug. To this day, 7 MONTHS later, I am left with weakness, bad memory, and horrible coordination. I can no longer workout, all my muscles went down, I have no energy to do what I liked to do in my life. I cannot function or remember things at work. I am useless. If it wasn't my cousins place, I would have been fired along time ago. I am not depressed, I don't have panic attacks. In my opinion, Effexor has left me permanent damage. I have been through more tests than you can think of. blood tests upon blood tests for every disease known to man. This drug has changed my life for the worse and everynight i cry, because I feel that this medicine has severly left me damaged. My doctor has no idea what to do[U3] ."
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I was prescribed Zoloft 25-50mgs 9 years ago while I was in college.
Before I begin with the nightmare, let me stress I WAS NOT SICK when I started this drug. I had anxiety (situational )and was a little tired. That is it. Other than these issues, I was as healthy as a horse, never been in the hospital, rarely if ever needed to go to the doctor. I was very active and on the go. Well, Zoloft worked immediately, what can I say. I loved it. Loved it loved it loved it. I thought it was a gift from God, saved me and my college career. I wasn't as shy as I had been. I felt more social. But then
I found I could not get off without severe head pain and brain zaps. So, I stayed on it. Every few months I would think about going off again, but the symptoms I would get kept me on it, and very afraid to come off. So, I stayed on it for 8 long years. (I forgot to mention I gained 25 pounds within the first 3 months on it. That was another reason I wanted off). After 8 years, I'd had enough. I felt like I no longer needed it, I had been long out of college and the original situations that gave me anxiety were long gone. So, at my doctors advice, I tapered over about 3-4 weeks. Then my life was shattered. Completely shattered. I was told the withdrawal would only last a week or two at most, so I rode it out. It never went away and only kept getting worse. So, I gave up and tried to go back on. I couldn't take the symptoms anymore. But my body was having none of that. Strangely, now when I took Zoloft, my body and brain reacted badly, as if it were rejecting it. I got a fever and felt like I was dying. I had no choice but to get off again. I was given other SSRI's, but none of them helped either, and all of them made me worse. I no longer tolerated meds like I did prior to Zoloft. I kid you not, here I am 3 YEARS later and still very ill, and it all began when getting off Zoloft. Here is what I suffer 24/7..... severe head pain and pressure brain zaps/ electrical zaps shooting through brain down to toes burning in extremities and brain severe fatigue and weakness dizziness/vertigo severe depression ( never was depressed, ever, until coming off Zoloft ) severe anxiety panic attacks...BAAAAD daily crying jags skin eruptions and bone and muscle pain burning tongue insomnia
digestive pain cramping on right side under rib cage hair loss
sensitivities to food and medications previously tolerated well

extremely sensitive to vitamins and minerals previously tolerated well no motivation / severe apathy loss of career and income/ on disability derealization/ depersonalization back and neck spasms unable to drive, shop, or eat out increased allergies to things once tolerated well ( smoke, dust, cats ) suicidal thoughts....pretty regularly and very scary nightmares jaw pain from clenching teeth ( I guess from severe stress ) agoraphobia...very heartbreaking since I used to be so busy ears ringing feeling like being hit it the back of the head with a shovel pressure in chest, like a 100 elephants are sitting on me racing pulse, even when resting increased blood pressure and cholesterol metallic taste bladder spasms loss of cognition/ mental function ( feels like I lost 50 IQ points ) difficulty concentrating and recalling facts I wrote a letter to Pfizer, detailing my story and my symptoms. They blew me off and wanted a doctors opinion of what my illness is from. No doctor will admit to Zoloft being the cause of this illness, so Pfizer pretty much told me they take no responsibility. They ruined my life, and take no responsibility. They train their drug reps to educate doctors that these drugs are harmless. They know better, but rake in too much money to do anything about it. They do not care how many lives they destroy, as long as they continue making their billions off innocent victims."
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"My withdrawal from
Seroxat/Paxil (a few years ago, now). I became very aggressive on the stuff (many arrests and court appearances), and on some days I could pop valium like smarties without it making the slightest bit of difference. When I decided it would be a clever move to stop taking it and put up with a few days of flu-like symptoms, I found out what withdrawal was really like. I slashed at my arms, I rolled around on the floor, screaming, because everything felt raw (my theory is that we 'normally' perceive the world through a comfortable haze of endorphins--which was stripped away) and when the police were called I freaked out completely and brandished a knife at them. My husband referred to that state as being 'animalistic'. Needless to say, I escaped jail by a hair's breadth. When I ended up in ER, following a dose of pepper spray in my face, I begged for Seroxat and the doc just laughed in my face and said they weren't running a pharmacy. They did not believe there was such a thing as SSRI/SNRI withdrawal syndrome. I think they still don't. In the cell, waiting for the court appearance, I had the worst shakes and weird feelings (derealisation, having two heads, having my head swell to the size of a water melon). The junky I shared the cell with said: "Wow, what are you on?"
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"Please consider this before commenting on antidepressants in a positive way.
About 10 years ago, the medical school at a major university began to notice a
large number of cadavers coming in (for the medical students to work on) which had indented and calcified frontal lobes in their brains. Puzzled by this, they went through the life history of each cadaver that had this anomaly, and discovered that in every case, the person had been on SSRI antidepressants. The level of brain damage indicated that each of the cadavers had been lobotomized. The people who drew the connection between the calcified and collapsed frontal lobes (the part of the brain which contains your soul) and antidepressants received offers of money to keep it secret, and when they chose to go public anyway, received anonymous death threats against their families and children if they ever went public. --I have seen many people get destroyed by antidepressants, all the while they said all was well. Invariably they go down the toilet as they eventually move toward complete and total emotional and personality flatline."
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"I am on my
7th day of no Cymbalta after being on it for only 3 weeks. I went from 60mg to 30mg, no problem. Then 30mg to 15mg, by making my own pills from the 30mg. Brain Zaps started. Now since I am clean for 7 days the Brain Zaps are hell,[U4]  I think I even blink when they hit me. Inside my head the Zaps sound like a chattering angry squirrel. The people that made this drug must have never tested it for withdrawals. I have terrible back pain, have trouble sleeping, and have even cried twice this week. I just took 50mg of benedryl and 1000mg of tylenol hoping I can sleep tonight. I also gained weight on the drug. Has anyone that dealt with the Brain Zaps stopped having them all together? They are so bad, I am afraid to drive, I now understand why some folks kill themselves coming off drugs like this one. If there is a happy ending, I would love to know about it. Almost forgot, Blood Pressure has gone thru the roof coming off this stuff."
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"I will name the countless symptoms and probably unreversable brain damage I am
living with after Effexor. There are good days in which some of the symptoms won't arise for exception of the pain. Those are the days I can be a mother and wife but still the shadow of the energetic person I was. Back in July all the symptoms hit me all at once. Blury vision, dizzy, letargic, high pitch ringing in my ears, exhaustion, pain all over my body, joints and muscles. Muscle twitching, slurred speech, urinary incontinence at times, hair lose in patches. It is impossible for me to normally work at any type of job now. I have states where I would forget what I am doing. I have times in which I have a hard time controlling voluntary motor functions in my legs and arms (such as not being able to write, open a bottle or carry anything). Every now and then muscles will begin to twitch, then just stop, out of the blue. I became lethargic and have no energy to do anything. Not to mention times or days when I can not drive due to the chance that I would have an accident beacuse of the sudden blury vision or dizzines that make it dificult to see. Not to mention when I suddenly forget where I am going or doing."

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"I have been on Celexa for almost three years. the results:
lost a job and a marriage due to being so non complacent but gained 20 lbs. I skipped a few doses several weeks ago and decided it was time to wean myself off. I tapered down very quickly and am now dealing with the following withdrawal symptoms:
Blurred vision
Jolting electric "zaps" (at bedtime)
Tingling sensations
Abdominal discomfort
Flu symptoms and general malaise
Gait disturbances
Sleep disturbance and insomnia
Vivid dreams
Memory and concentration difficulties
Crying spells

The aggression is the scariest part but now that I know almost everyone experiences this I feel better. From reading most of the posts it doesn't seem to matter if you wean yourself or go cold turkey, the withdrawal symptoms appear the same."
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I believe SSRIs
"cause" neurogenesis through the brains compensatory mechanisms. By inducing a massive chemical imbalance at the synaptic level, SSRIs force the brain to respond by shutting down these connections and creating new ones (which then get shut down, and the cycle continues). Unfortunately, these new connections (axons) often resemble the type of new axonal growth (swollen/corksrew appearance) seen after recovery from a neurotoxic MDMA regimen. (editor's note - MDMA is Ecstacy) These axons also often grow and/or project into areas where they did not before, and the significance of this is as of yet unknown.
7. The most troubling permanent lasting adverse neurological effects you may experience after prolonged SSRI usage (and consequent STOPPING) are :
a). Word finding troubles
b). Absolute emotional flatness and deadness
c). Permanently reduced sex drive
d). An odd, pervasive social anxiety/awkwardness
e). Trouble with coordination
f). Bad memory
g). Trouble retrieving words
h). Overall paucity of thought and expression
i). Lack of creativity and intellectual fluidity (mental fog)
j). A lack of ability to "steer" or control the tone of your voice

(I've noticed this- that I sound shaky and agitated no matter what my
mood is, and people think I'm upset when I'm really not)
8. After these brain damaging effects have sunken in, you may have great difficulty finding support anywhere. Talking to a p-doc may be an exercise in futility. They will want to protect their own interests and shield themselves from a possible lawsuit, hence you may be told continually to get back on meds/up your dosage. The more you protest, the less credibility you have, thus the more evidence in your p-doc's mind that you need to go back on SSRIs.
9. Once you realize the extent of the damage, and it sinks in beyond the denial you may initially face, it will be hard to explain to others exactly why you are not the same person you used to be. The damage is similar to a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) yet it might be better termed DBI (Diffuse Brain Injury).
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"Oh, how the withdrawal wrecked me. The only thing worse than taking Cymbalta
was withdrawal from Cymbalta. Added to all the side effects I was already having, I very much wanted to cut myself, and got as far as sitting down with a blade, but instead I bit myself on the hand as hard as I could stand. I think I also punched myself in the thigh that same day, but it's all sort of hazy. The first day off Cymbalta, I hallucinated, felt like my arms were really far away from the rest of my body, dissociated for most of the day, and in general, thought I was going to have to call for an ambulance. A benzo would've really helped, but I didn't have a pdoc yet at the time; I had to wait three weeks and let me tell you, those were three of the most hellish weeks of my life, including feeling very much like I was having a mixed episode. Out of desperation, I took diphenhydramine because it helped the vertigo and the sleepy feeling sort of passed for "calmer." It took at least three weeks for the withdrawal symptoms to calm down to a dull roar. When I saw my new pdoc, I was still agitated."
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Your doctor is your worst enemy. Welbutrin is an SNRI. It blocks the metabolites in the liver that metablilze seretonin and noepinephrin. Switching to celexa, which is an SNRI is not going to help you. Doctors just have no clue as to what they are doing. You go to them with a problem, they consult ther PDR, and hand out some drugs that the pretty little pharma rep gave to them. They will give you something to destroy your brain, then give you a benzo like xanax, to combat anxiety. You cannot sleep, you are always on edge, you end up with some sort of psycological "disorder" (manufactured by the drug companies), and you are left a buned out shell of what you used to be. They tried to give my mother-in-law prozac because she was sad when her father was dying of cancer, and she was starting to go through menopause. I SCREAMED. This lady didn't need prozac, or any other mind altering drugs. She needed to reduce her stress.
I told her to take topical progesterone, and she turned around just fine.
Fact: Doctors don't know what ssri's do to the brain
Fact: There is no evidence of a lack of neuro transmitters.
Fact: There is no way of measuring the level of seretonin in the brain...
I pray for anyone in distress anywhere, and God bless and help those whose lives
were destroyed by doctors who dished out meds that they know nothing about.
did anyone else get tapered off zoloft from a doctor but still having withdrawal?
this is how my doctor did it and I am still trying to understand why it was just down to 50mg and not less after a while: starting with my 100 mg
week 1- 50 mg every day
week 2 and 3 50 mg every other day
week 4 50 mg every two days
week 5 50 mg every three days
week 6 off (on this week now)
I took my last on sunday and it's now Wednesday. last night I could not sleep, I felt very cold and I was shivering and had interrupted sleep and then got too hot all over like I was burning. I've had the brain zaps all along on the days I didn't take it and some of the shivering and feeling a little dizzy too , very restless sleep on and off for these last few weeks. also some irritability, and very depressed and hopeless feelings and anger, some crying spells for no reason. I don't want to call the doctor because obviously they don't know what they are doing or I wouldn't have withdrawl symptoms at all.
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My daughter began having petit mal seizures. Coincidentally, she was just recently placed on zoloft. I am sure it was only a coincidence, right? What did zoloft do to you?
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Zoloft destroyed my life, and my Dr. and therapist stood by and watched it all happen right before their eyes, it was like I was a project for them. I am sorry to those I affected during that time, I regret it everyday.



Most Nations in the World Have No GMO-Free Platform To Protect Their Citizens

Unless you live in the dozen or so nations in the world who have declared GMO (genetically modified organism) bans, then you're likely eating GMO. Eating organic is your best chance of avoiding GM foods, but it's almost impossible to avoid them entirely, especially if you're living in a country that doesn't restrict their cultivation, import or export. The United States, Canada, China, UK, Australia, Mexico, and most of South America, Asia and Africa have no formal GMO-free platforms and their use is typically unrestricted and widespread.

Nations with no formal GMO-Free platform (in red). Nations with laws restricting GMO in most areas (in yellow), and nations who are either GMO-free or have declared national bans (green).
Click for larger image

The image above is a shocking reminder of how we have allowed biotech industries to take over our planet. It is my dream to one day see this image turn from the majority red to green. Countries represented in red have no enforced national laws banning GMOs, their import, export or cultivation. Most of these nations have a very large percentage of their citizens eating GM foods.

The United States is the leader in GM cultivation and now grows mostly GM varieties of corn, canola and soy. Hawaii now grows GM papayas. Approvals have also been given for GM alfalfa, zucchinis, beet sugar and tomato varieties, though not all are currently being grown. In 2010, the US planted 66.8 million hectares of soybean, maize, cotton, canola, squash, papaya, alfalfa and sugarbeet. The largest share of the GMO crops planted globally are owned by Monsanto.

More than 30 of Monsanto's directors, CEOs, VPs, board members, managers, scientists, attorneys and consultants also hold Federal Positions within the US government.

Canada has widespread GM crop usage. All Canadian canola is GM, as is a large portion of the country's soy and corn. Prince Edward Island tried to pass a ban on GMO cultivation but failed, and GM crops in the region are currently increasing.

Despite the fact that 233 consumer and farmer groups in 26 countries have joined the "Definitive Global Rejection of GM Wheat", Canadian MPs voted to reject stronger export rules for crops of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).[U6] 

Even though GMO continue to face strong resistance in South America, it is widespread. One third of the 134 million hectares of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) planted globally in 2009, were in South America. Brazil and Argentina are the main producers, with 21.4 and 21.3 million hectares respectively. Of all the countries in the world that are planting genetically modified crops, seven are in South America. They include Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Paraguay and Uruguay. There are also no national restrictions in Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana to the north of the continent. Between 2008 and 2009, world production of GM crops increased eight percent, while in Brazil it rose 35 percent.[U7] 

Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela have all declared national bans on GM foods. Peru officially passed a law banning genetically modified ingredients anywhere within the country for a full decade before coming up for another review. In 2008 Ecuador declared the country GMO free and will limit its biotechnology. In 2006, Venezuela banned genetically engineered crops thanks to President Hugo Chavez Frias.[U8] 

In January 2010, Slow Food Tehuacan Mixteca Popoloca convivium launched a campaign to protect traditional varieties of maize after the Mexican government gave the go ahead for the first legal plantings of GM corn following a decade-long battle. The convivium is concerned that modified genes could spread and contaminate genetically valuable native varieties and is working to educate family and farmer organizations about the richness of their country's biodiversity, encouraging the Mexican community to be proud of their cultural heritage and to work for its revitalization. Mexico does not have any GMO-free zones.

Europe is quickly becoming the most progressive continent in the world to oppose GM foods. France, Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Latvia and Albania have all declared many regions to be GMO-free. France made an important step in the no-GMO movement by specifically defining exactly what "GMO-free" means when it comes to food labeling[U9] . Spain and Portugal are slowing advancing but they have a long way to go before declaring most of their regions GMO-free. Britain officially supports GM crops and has trials of GMOs like potatoes planted. Austria, Greece and Poland are now completely GMO-free zones thanks to public and government support.

Egypt and Madagascar are the only two countries in Africa to ban GMO. Any agricultural imports to Egypt must have a certificate from the country of origin that the product is not genetically modified and the rule will also apply to Egyptian exports. Madagascar banned growing or importing GMO foods due to concerns over the effect on human health and environment. In Algeria both the planting and distribution of GMO foods is illegal although import laws are lax. Other countries such as Kenya, Lesotho, Ethiopia, Angola, Malawai, Mozambique and Zimbabwe have some limited restrictions in place to ban GMO imports but with many exceptions and critics claim most of the laws are not enforced.

Russia remains GMO-free. According to the official information there is no growing of GMOs in Russia for commercial purposes. So far the Federal Environmental Assessment Commission has not adopted any commercialized GM varieties for agricultural use.[U10] 

India has widespread GM cotton use. The widespread planting of Monsanto's GM cotton has led to tragedy throughout India. The Indian government even banned conventional seeds from many government seed banks in an attempt to please Monsanto (in return, the country was given International Monetary Fund loans to help its economy) and slow the nation's poverty rates[U11] . An estimated 1,000 farmers commit suicide each month in the country as a result of the crop failure and debt caused by planting the GM seeds.[U12]  Farmers were convinced to spend what was often 1,000 times the cost of conventional seed on the "magic seeds" after listening to Monsanto's promises of increased yields and resistance to pests. Despite the promises, the crops were often destroyed by bollworms. In addition, the farmers weren't warned that the crops would require twice as much water as conventional cotton, leading to many crops drying up and dying. The "terminator" seeds also must be purchased again every year. For farmers used to saving seed from year to year, this was often a final financial blow that led to insurmountable debt.[U13] 

With the exception of Thailand and Sri Lanka who both have GMO-free zones, all of Asia remains resistant to adopting laws to restrict imports, exports and cultivation of GMO.

During the meeting of Nordic countries at Terra Madre 2010, delegates from Sapmi, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland discussed a statement that would describe their united position on GMOs. The result was a declaration against GMOs that the convivium leaders, members and food communities could use to lobby against the introduction of these crops, presenting it to their governments and others. Iceland has declared two GMO-free regions in the country.

All genetically modified foods intended for sale in Australia and New Zealand must undergo a safety evaluation by Food Standards Australia New Zealand, however there are no national GMO bans in either country. However there are regional bans. Tasmania's ban on the release of GM organisms to the environment will continue until 2014. South Australia has reaffirmed their commitment to ban all commercial GM crops until 2014.

The status of GM crops is constantly changing, both in the United States and around the world. Public outcry is rising against these largely untested foods and crops. The industry claims of "super yields" and an end to poverty and famine have proven to be dangerously inaccurate. Now, more than ever, is the time when our voices (and purchases) can make a real difference. It's time to support labeling initiatives which may kickstart global campaigns to slowly change our red planet to green and ban GM foods once and for all.


Individualized Medicine: FDA Approved Ingestible Microchip Tracking Device

Articles Health — 05 August 2012



The Food and Drug Administration has approved an ingestible digital senor that can track physical health with the assertion that patients are not taking their medication regularly and need a tracking device inside their body to assist them in their medical care. [U14] The mainstream medical industry has a term for this new type of spying: individualized medicine.---Proteus Digital Health (PDH) released the Ingestion Event Marker (IEM) which was first approved in Europe. George Savage, co-founder and chief medical officer at PDH claims that this ushers in a new era of digital medicine that “shifts the paradigm.”--The IEM, as small as a grain of sand, can be embedded in a pill, and ingested to monitor the patient and their bodily health. The device will collect measurements such as heart rate, body position and activity.[U15]  The IEM sends a signal to your smartphone; which then transmits the data to your doctor. Actual real time data about your biological make-up can be uploaded wirelessly.---Eric Topol, geneticist and cardiologist, is a professor of genomics at the globalist funded Scripps Research Institute, happily says: “The FDA validation represents a major milestone in digital medicine.---Directly digitizing pills, for the first time, in conjunction with our wireless infrastructure, may prove to be the new standard for influencing medication adherence and significantly aid chronic disease management.”---The transhumanists at 2045 Initiative support the IEM. They are a group of Russian scientists who are working toward the “realization of the possibility of a radical extension of human life by means of cybernetic technology” with the directed point of blending humanity with a “new culture[U16]  based on science.---By working with international scientists, they are exploring anthropomorphic robotics (the integration of man and machine) while modeling living systems and brain functions with artificial carriers to achieve cybernetic immortality.[U17] ---The Elite are researching the possibility that become immortal may mean joining their minds with computers to be able to live forever.---The US government, always looking for new ways to manipulate, has been pouring funds into implantable microchips that could monitor soldiers and the battlefield conditions effect on their bodies.--Through brain implants , ingested in an aspirin, the electrodes “listen” to brain activity and sometimes stimulate activity to “inspire” an action or emotion.  By tuning into the activity of the human brain by monitoring neurons the scientists can decipher thoughts and implant suggestions with ease.[U18] --At the Duke Neurogenetics department in Duke University Medical Center, undergraduate students are conducting experiments to gather information on people through brain scans, psychological tests and genetic markers. This study is led by Professor Ahmed Hariri, hopes to unlock the mysteries of a person’s innate propensity toward anxiety, alcoholism, and other defining psychological traits.[U19]  The drug corporations are currently developing pharmacological substitutes to block and break people’s addictive propensities as aids to psychological treatments. The goal is to create a comprehensive genetic test for the mind.---As pharmaceutical corporations turn their attention toward manufacturing bio-electronics , conventional medicine is being phased out. [U20] Treatment will consist of electrical signaling, monitoring of the body by implants that can transmit massive amounts of data, both physical and neurological, but also administer drugs without the necessity of the patient being involved. Basically, you will not need to swallow a pill; the pill will be administered to you by an implanted electronic device. -Millions and millions of dollars are being spent to move our healthcare toward microchip implants that also control your brain in the name of curing neurological diseases in an endless barrage of technology that could quite simply change the way we think.---Epilepsy, diabetes, and obesity can be controlled by the globalist healthcare system with the “electronic impulses in the brain rather than pills or injections.” Electrical signals will control organ function (or failure) under the cover of less necessity for surgery or pill dependence.---Under the thumb of GlaxoSmithKline, head researcher Moncer Slaouni states the “challenge is to integrate the work – in brain-computer interfaces, materials science, nanotechnology, micro-power generation[U21]  – to provide therapeutic benefit.”---In laboratory tests, rats have responded according to plan; showing that the neural microchip implant transferred information to the rat’s brain. When damaged, the microchip enabled the rat to perform functions that they could not do without the implant.---Intel has produced microchips that will collaborate with the human brain with computers and cell phones by 2020. By harnessing brainwaves a computer, keyboard, television and cell phones can be controlled and operated.---Computer giant IBM has researchers studying how the brainwaves adjust to the frequency of the electronic device within their vicinity to prefect the science of bioinformatics that will read brain activity in analyzing facial recognition, facial emotional responses and thought patterns for the “benefit” of technology.


In vitro effects of citrus oils against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and non-tuberculous Mycobacteria of clinical importance.

J Environ Sci Health B. 2012;47(7):736-41

Authors: Crandall PG, Ricke SC, O'Bryan CA, Parrish NM

We evaluated the in vitro activity of citrus oils against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other non-tuberculous Mycobacterium species. Citrus essential oils were tested against a variety of Mycobacterium species and strains using the BACTEC radiometric growth system. Cold pressed terpeneless
Valencia oil (CPT) was further tested using the Wayne model of in vitro latency. Exposure of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis BCG to 0.025 % cold pressed terpeneless Valencia orange oil (CPT) resulted in a 3-log decrease in viable counts versus corresponding controls. Inhibition of various clinical isolates of the M. avium complex and M. abscessus ranged from 2.5 to 5.2-logs. Some species/strains were completely inhibited in the presence of CPT including one isolate each of the following: the M. avium complex, M. chelonae and M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis. CPT also inhibited the growth of BCG more than 99 % in an in vitro model of latency which mimics anaerobic dormancy thought to occur in vivo. The activity of CPT against drug-resistant strains of the M. avium complex and M. abscessus suggest that the mechanism of action for CPT is different than that of currently available drugs. Inhibition of latently adapted bacilli offers promise for treatment of latent infections of MTB. These results suggest that the antimycobacterial properties of CPT warrant further study to elucidate the specific mechanism of action and clarify the spectrum of activity.--PMID: 22560037 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Hacking the human brain- researchers demonstrate extraction of sensitive data via brain-computer interface

As hard as it is to believe, what many might think is the last bastion of total privacy, namely, the human mind, is quickly becoming just as vulnerable as the rest of our lives with the invention of mind-reading helmets and other ways to “hack” the mind.---Now security researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Oxford and the University of Geneva, have created a custom program to interface with brain-computer interface (BCI) devices and steal personal information from unsuspecting victims.
The researchers targeted consumer-grade BCI devices due to the fact that they are quickly gaining popularity in a wide variety of applications including hands-free computer interfacing, video games and biometric feedback programs.---Furthermore, there are now application marketplaces – similar to the ones popularized by Apple and the Android platform – which rely on an API to collect data from the BCI device.---Unfortunately with all new technology comes new risks and until now, “The security risks involved in using consumer-grade BCI devices have never been studied and the impact of malicious software with access to the device is unexplored,” according to a press release.---The individuals involved with this project – which resulted in a research paper entitled “On the Feasibility of Side-Channel Attacks with Brain-Computer Interfaces,” include Ivan Martinovic and Tomas Ros of the Universities of Oxford and Geneva, respectively, along with Doug Davies, Mario Frank, Daniele Perito, and Dawn Song, all of the University of California, Berkeley.---The findings of these innovative researchers are nothing short of disturbing. They found “that this upcoming technology could be turned against users to reveal their private and secret information.” Indeed, they used relatively cheap BCI devices based on electroencephalography (EEG) in order to demonstrate the feasibility of surprisingly simple and effective attacks.--The information that can be gained by the attacks is incredibly sensitive, including, “bank cards,
PIN numbers, area of living, the knowledge of the known persons.”--Most troubling is the fact that this represents “the first attempt to study the security implications of consumer-grade BCI devices,” which makes the success of the attacks that much more disconcerting. The researchers tested out their proprietary program on 28 different participants who, while they were obviously aware that they were cooperating in a study, were not aware that they were being “brain-hacked,” as it were.---Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your perspective, the researchers found “that the entropy of the private information is decreased on the average by approximately 15% – 40% compared to random guessing attacks.”--Or as Sebastian Anthony put it in writing for ExtremeTech, “in general the experiments had a 10 to 40% chance of success of obtaining useful information.” The researchers leveraged a distinctive EEG signal pattern known as the P300 response. This brainwave pattern typically occurs when the subject recognizes something such as a friend’s face or a tool necessary to complete a given task.---Using the knowledge of the P300 response, the researchers created a program which utilizes a technique which those who are familiar with typical hacking might call a “brute force” method.--However, this method is only loosely comparable to the traditional brute force methods since we’re talking about using a brute force attack on the human mind.--The researchers did this by flashing pictures of maps, banks, PINs, etc. while monitoring the subject for any P300 responses.--After they had collected enough data from the subject, they were able to easily compare the captured information in order to see when a P300 response was triggered by a certain image.---
Thus, this allowed the researchers to discover with surprising accuracy which bank the subject uses, where they live, and other information which could potentially be highly sensitive.--The key to capturing this information seems to be making the subject remain unaware of the fact that they are being attacked either through specially formulated “games” designed to steal personal information from the mind of the target or through a false sense of security engendered by social engineering techniques
[U22] .---Personally, I find it quite troubling that people could have their personal information stolen simply by playing what they think is a normal game controlled by a BCI device when in reality it is a carefully engineered piece of software designed to pull private data from the target’s mind. As Anthony correctly points out, “Moving forward, this brain hack can only improve in efficacy as BCIs become cheaper, more accurate, and thus more extensively used. ”However, Anthony incorrectly states, “Really, your only defense is to not think about the topic,” when in reality the P300 response can occur without consciously “thinking” about the topic.--The response can occur when a picture of a familiar face or location shows up, even if the individual isn’t thinking about the familiar person or the location. While someone could theoretically be on the defensive in an attempt to minimize their responses, the entire methodology of the hacker depends on avoiding detection to begin with. Therefore, if the target is already consciously on the defensive, the hacker has failed in their task of remaining in the shadows and carrying out the attack without the knowledge of the target.---That being said, if programs are created in a clever enough manner, I seriously doubt that most people would be able to tell that they’re being actively attacked in order to obtain their most private and sensitive information.



 [U1]You would need Salt in the diet Just to detoxify the brain and the use of anti-solvents for the liver such as Arginine to remove this from the liver---garlic as well which has a form of Arginine in it—walnuts-peanuts ( mixe with vitamin C to offset any aflatoxins that may occur ) nootropics such as pyritrinol as well

 [U2]We are talking the psychiatric and psychological industry—a non medical medical industry that experiments and exploits people in the name of research and health—they victimize people with these chemicals—another weapon of MAS DESTRUCTION!!

 [U3]What else is New---they debilitate the person with chemical castration and then offer a whole new program since you no longer have a conscious and cannot feel ---all you are now is a preprogrammed  device waiting to be exploited—this is why you do not vaccinate and you do not play with these types of chemicals

 [U4]Brain Zaps, Brain Shivers, Brain Shocks. Head Shocks or Electrical shocks are a common side effect and withdrawal symptom from Antidepressants, but they can also occur with Benzodiazepines and Sleeping Pills. The symptoms are described as brief but repeated electric shock-like sensations in the brain and head, or originating in the brain but extending to other parts of the body. Moving one's eyes quickly from side to side has also been shown to trigger Brain Zaps in more rapid frequency. Brain Zaps are often accompanied by disorientation, tinnitus, vertigo and lightheadedness.

 [U5]P-doc—pill doctor---or in the good ol days –the Pusher Man!

 [U6]Canada is owned by Corporates of all kinds---that is why Canada can never be free to be autonomous with it's affairs--- As Canadians we have been traded off for Corporate Rule which means a total exploitation of the country right sdown to it's people

 [U7]Can Some One SAY a Agro COO took place

 [U8]And For this he was ostracized and made to be a Bad Guy ---he did the right thing and got rid of the vipers that would have poisoned there country

 [U9]France is planting seeds and selling them as Non GMO  when if fact they are Genetically modiifed

 [U10]Maybe we should be buying our food from russia rather then Ccanada or the USA or the South American Bio terrorist---what these countries do is export a form Of Bio engineered terror  and this is truly a weapon of mass destruction

 [U11]A bribe here a take there and before you know it you went from poverty to slavery---and this is what Monsanto has done is enslaved the people of India with a weapon of Mass Destruction

 [U12]And this is How we deal with Poverty --and a Over Populated condition---we just allow people to commit suicide and self destruct because of a " BRIBE" so much for Nationalism and being -Spiritually Enlightened- seems to be an oxymoron in this idea--take money to assist in poverty---cause bankruptsy of the farmers and then Death

 [U13]Again--getting support to up build the country and reduce the strain and stress of fiscal burdens and instead you increase the cost of buying seed and growing food and sabotage principles in agriculture that has sustained a nation

 [U14]You have got to be Kidding---needs assistance with there drugs---orr rather a way to monitor them and there whereabouts

 [U15]Spy monitoring chemical reaction where they can modulate the  chemistry—and bring on a condition

 [U16]What Culture?? And who’s

 [U17]Humanity combining with android ---makes Us what??? Connected to a AI—Alien Technolgy

 [U18]No privacy No quiet  mind no Individualism---just a collective connected to a Alien Intelligence

 [U19]This is Bull Shit---this is being done to immobilize you at will there will be no free will

 [U20]Beyond addiction and straight to dependency

 [U21]The challenge is to get you to surrender your will so they can implant and connect you to the Alien Intelligence

 [U22]So if you play video games  and they are connected to a CPU then you may be having  your brain Hacked





Show of the Month September 7 2012


How Long Will Homemade Colloidal Silver


 Candida albicans yeast-hyphal transition and biofilm formation Its Potency

Inhibition by Solidago virgaurea water extracts


Parthenolide, a sesquiterpene lactone, expresses multiple anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activities


After-Birth Abortion- Eugenicists Say Babies are a Parasitic Burden on Society


Thyme May Be Better for Acne Than Prescription Creams


How Long Will Homemade Colloidal Silver Last Before It Begins to Lose Its Potency


How Long Will Homemade Colloidal Silver Last Before It Begins to Lose Its Potency?

Tens of thousands of people throughout North America and around the world now make their own home-made colloidal silver using colloidal silver generators.


By far the #1 question -- How long will a batch of homemade colloidal silver last before it begins to lose its potency?


Rule of Thumb--- If you know what sign to look for, colloidal silver will tell you when it’s beginning to lose potency. --The general rule of thumb is to watch for precipitation of silver particles in your storage container. ---

“Precipitation” means the silver particles are beginning to fall out of suspension in the solution. The resulting residue will begin to visibly coat the sides or bottom of your storage container. That is the sure sign that your batch of homemade colloidal silver (or even store bought colloidal silver, for that matter) is beginning to lose its potency.---All you have to do is examine your storage container to see whether or not a light silver-gray residue is beginning to form on the sides or bottom of the container. --

If you’re using a dark glass storage container, such as the amber glass bottles many people like to store their homemade colloidal silver in (see photo above), you may have to hold the bottle up to a bright light, or shine a flashlight through it, and carefully examine the sides and bottom. --If you see a coating or discoloration beginning to form on the glass sides or bottom, then you know your silver particles are beginning to precipitate, the batch is losing its potency, and it’s time to make a fresh batch. --Otherwise, if there is no visible residue forming in your storage container, your homemade colloidal silver is likely as fresh and potent as the day you made it.


Why Do Silver Particles Fall Out of Suspension?


There are a number of reasons for the precipitation of silver particles. ---

For example, if your colloidal silver generator is producing overly large silver particles, you will often see premature precipitation of the silver particles in your storage container. The more silver-gray residue you see beginning to coat the sides or bottom of your storage container, the weaker in potency your homemade colloidal silver solution is becoming.---

Also, it’s important to note that using salt or baking soda or other additives to boost the speed of the colloidal silver-making process will add to the overall size and weight of the silver particles (due to agglomeration of the particles into larger particle clusters). This will ultimately cause your silver particles to precipitate prematurely and begin forming a residue on the sides or bottom of your storage container. Once again, this is a sure sign that your batch of homemade colloidal silver is beginning to lose its potency.


What’s more, if your storage container is exposed to excessive heat or excessive cold or even excessive sunlight or other bright light for prolonged periods of time, then precipitation of the silver particles could begin taking place.


The bottom line is that any time you can see that your silver particles are precipitating our of solution and coating the bottom or sides of your storage container, then it’s time to make a fresh, new batch of colloidal silver. It’s that simple.



Inhibition of Candida albicans yeast-hyphal transition and biofilm formation by Solidago virgaurea water extracts.--

J Med Microbiol. 2012 Jul;61(Pt 7):1016-22 --Authors: Chevalier M, Medioni E, Prêcheur I

Xerostomia is a decrease of saliva secretion, which can unbalance the oral microflora, mainly to the benefit of Candida albicans. The aim of the present study was to find a plant extract that could create an unfavourable environment for Candida, and would, therefore, be appropriate for use in a dry-mouth daily-care mouthwash. Water extract from the herbaceous plant Solidago virgaurea (Goldenrod)
[U1]  was selected due to its saponin content (plant detergents). Saponin concentrations reached 0.7 and 0.95 mg ml(-1) in S. virgaurea subsp. virgaurea and S. virgaurea subsp. alpestris extracts, respectively. C. albicans was grown in liquid medium and cells were counted by microscopic examination after 0, 4 and 24 h of incubation. Solidago extracts did not inhibit the growth of C. albicans (four strains), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus salivarius or Enterococcus faecalis. When inocula were incubated with Solidago extract for 4 and 24 h, we observed a decrease in Candida yeast-hyphal transition.[U2]  Candida biofilms were then prepared in microtitre plates and treated with plant extracts at 0 h, to estimate biofilm formation, or at 18 h to estimate the effect of the saponin on pre-formed biofilms. Biofilm formation and pre-formed biofilms were both strongly inhibited. In conclusion, the S. virgaurea extract was efficient against two key virulence factors of C. albicans: the yeast-hyphal transition phase and biofilm formation.-PMID: 22422572 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Parthenolide, a sesquiterpene lactone, expresses multiple anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activities.

Inflammation. 2012 Apr;35(2):560-5--Authors: Mathema VB, Koh YS, Thakuri BC, Sillanpää M

Parthenolide, a naturally occurring sesquiterpene lactone derived from feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium),
exhibits exceptional anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a prominent candidate for further studies and drug development. In this review, we briefly investigate molecular events and cell-specific activities of this chemical in relation to cytochrome c, nuclear factor kappa-light-chain enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB), signal transduction and activation of transcription (STAT), reactive oxygen species (ROS), TCP, HDACs, microtubules, and inflammasomes. This paper reports that parthenolide shows strong NF-κB- and STAT-inhibition-mediated transcriptional suppression of pro-apoptotic genes. This compound acts both at the transcriptional level and by direct inhibition of associated kinases (IKK-β). Similarly, this review discusses parthenolide-induced ROS-mediated apoptosis of tumor cells via the intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway. The unique ability of this compound to not harm normal cells but at the same time induce sensitization to extrinsic as well as intrinsic apoptosis signaling in cancer cells provides an important, novel therapeutic strategy for treatment of cancer and inflammation-related disorders.---PMID: 21603970 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



After-Birth Abortion- Eugenicists Say Babies are a Parasitic Burden on Society


According to Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva, “after-birth abortion” is proposed as a form of “contraception” that would allow babies to be killed after they are born.

In a paper published in the Journal of Medical Ethics:

“[W]hen circumstances occur after birth such that they would have justified abortion, what we call after-birth abortion should be permissible. [U3] … [W]e propose to call this practice ‘after-birth abortion’, rather than ‘infanticide,’ to emphasize that the moral status of the individual killed is comparable with that of a fetus … rather than to that of a child.--Therefore, we claim that killing a newborn could be ethically permissible in all the circumstances where abortion would be.[U4]  Such circumstances include cases where the newborn has the potential to have an (at least) acceptable life, but the well-being of the family is at risk.”---Giubilini and Minerva believe that infants are a “threat” to parents because of their financial burden to their parents and that this justifies the murder of new-born babies.-In the Senate, Joe Pitts and Chris Smith spoke out against this ideology. Smith explains: “Giubilini and Minerva say the devaluation of new-born babies is inextricably linked to the devaluation of unborn children.”--Ann Furedi of the British Pregnancy Advisory -Board stated that it was of no consequence to define the point when a fetus is subject to legal limitation with regard to abortion rights. Giubilini and Minerva agree with this summation by stating that “merely being human is not in itself a reason for ascribing someone a right to life. Indeed, many humans are not considered subjects of a right to life,” such as “spare embryos where research on embryo stem cells is permitted” or “fetuses where abortion is permitted.”[U5] ---By defining personhood as being established “some time” after birth, Giubilini and Minerva assert that a fetus has no claim to personhood, and therefore no right to life.

They write that-“[I]n order for a harm to occur, it is necessary that someone is in the condition of experiencing that harm. If a potential person, like a fetus and a newborn, does not become an actual person, like you and us, then there is neither an actual nor a future person who can be harmed, which means that there is no harm at all. … In these cases, since non-persons have no moral rights to life, there are no reasons for banning after-birth abortions. … [U1] ----Indeed, however weak the interests of actual people can be, they will always trump the alleged interest of potential people to become actual ones, because this latter interest amounts to zero.”

Giubilini and Minerva support previous arguments for infanticide regardless of whether or not the baby were given a short lifespan due to a medical prognosis.-Simply by being born the baby is regarded as an “unbearable burden on someone, then people should be given the chance of not being forced to do something they cannot afford.”[U2] ---Parents, relatives and even society should be enabled to force a mother to submit her child to infanticide because of the benefits that one less person would bring to our world.[U3] ---Giubilini and Minerva state that infants are dependent on parents just as fetuses are parasites to the mother’s body. And since no one can ensure that this person will not die prematurely in the future, the investment of resources, time and emotional support cannot be assumed to be a right of the infant.---During pregnancy, the development of the fetus can reveal defects that can legally warrant a partial-birth abortion. Giubilini and Minerva argue that this fact can be extended to after birth because a defective baby can be an “economical, social or psychological” burden because of the energy needed to care for the child.---They say that “people should be given the chance of not being forced to do something they cannot afford.”---The prevention of right to life for infants has another supporter in a study published by the Archives of General Psychiatry (AGP) that asserted pre-mature babies are at an increased risk for bipolar disorder, depression and a wide range of psychosis that would render them a danger to themselves and others later in life[U4] .---Marjorie Wallace, chief executive of a SANE, a mental health charity, stated: “We already knew that premature birth may be linked to schizophrenia, but to see evidence linking it to a range of psychiatric conditions which required hospitalization is striking.”[U5] --While Giubilini and Minerva use eugenics agendas to coerce the public into believing that society would be better off without certain “burdensome” infants, an outright attack on fertility is taking place. --[U6] Dr. Martin Matzuk , professor of molecular biology, molecular and human genetics, and pharmacology at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM), is working on a birth-control pill for men that blocks the proteins essential for sperm production – rendering men “voluntarily” infertile.[U7] --The BCM has a long history of working to expanding the eugenics agenda with the use of genetic technologies; including collaboration with the German Nazis and their march toward using genetics to create a “better human race”.---By looking for “justice as fairness” with the ethical practice of genetics and eugenics concerning applied science and social constructs.---The advantage of eugenics ideology in genetic technology is viewed as “the greatest benefit of individuals with the least advantages.” And so by subverting the fact of eugenics in genetic advances will alleviate prejudice and make sure that the eugenics agenda is devoid of negative perceptions so that the genetically disadvantaged could be touted as the beneficiaries of eugenic applications in genetic technologies.---Last month, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) hosted The London Family Planning Summit (LFPS) where the BMGF secured funding for depopulation efforts in Africa, India and the Southeast Asian region.

Melinda Gates believes that if she can prevent 40% of people who would otherwise have been born, she could justify her family planning scheme to make women healthier who’s “families are more successful and their communities are more prosperous.”---Simply put: the BMGF has classified “unwanted” pregnancies as justification for killing people and they are focusing on eventually eliminating this number to reduce the world’s population. Africa, a big focus for the BMGF is being targeted along with Muslim nations.---In this propaganda cartoon, the depiction of brown and black women as disfigured potatoes having much more fun because they have fewer children is not only offensive, but telling of how these global Elite view the people they purport to be “saving”.---By preventing births, the film says that 600,000 people would not be born. Contraception as a first step in the global Elite’s plan to depopulation by appearing to help save lives of women could be quite effective.



Thyme May Be Better for Acne Than Prescription Creams


Thyme. Herbal preparations of thyme could be more effective at treating skin acne than prescription creams, new research suggests.

ScienceDaily (Mar. 27, 2012) — Herbal preparations of thyme could be more effective at treating skin acne than prescription creams, according to research recently presented at the Society for General Microbiology's Spring Conference in Dublin. Further clinical testing could lead to an effective, gentler treatment for the skin condition.---Researchers from Leeds Metropolitan University tested the effect of thyme, marigold and myrrh tinctures on Propionibacterium acnes -- the bacterium that causes acne by infecting skin pores and forming spots, which range from white heads through to puss-filled cysts. The group found that while all the preparations were able to kill the bacterium after five minutes exposure, thyme was the most effective of the three. What's more, they discovered that thyme tincture had a greater antibacterial effect than standard concentrations of benzoyl peroxide -- the active ingredient in most anti-acne creams or washes.--Dr Margarita Gomez-Escalada who is leading the research project explained how tinctures are made from plants and herbs. "The plant material is steeped in alcohol for days or even weeks to prepare a tincture. This process draws out the active compounds from the plant. While thyme, marigold and myrrh are common herbal alternatives to standard antibacterial skin washes, this is the first study to demonstrate the effect they have on the bacterium that causes the infection leading to acne," she said. The researchers used a standard in vitro model that is used to test the effect of different substances applied to the skin. The effects of the tinctures were measured against an alcohol control -- proving their antibacterial action was not simply due to the sterilizing effect of the alcohol they are prepared in.----These initial findings pave the way for more research into the use of tinctures as a treatment for acne. "We now need to carry out further tests in conditions that mimic more closely the skin environment and work out at the molecular level how these tinctures are working. If thyme tincture is proven to be as clinically effective as our findings suggest, it may be a natural alternative to current treatments," explained Dr Gomez-Escalada.---A herbal treatment for acne would be very welcome news -- particularly for acne sufferers who experience skin sensitivity. "The problem with treatments containing benzoyl peroxide is the side-effects they are associated with," said Dr Gomez-Escalada. "A burning sensation and skin irritation are not uncommon. Herbal preparations are less harsh on the skin due to their anti-inflammatory properties while our results suggest they can be just as, if not more, effective than chemical treatments."

Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Society for General Microbiology.




 [U1]You know  what is even more alarming these to asses from waste---may actually be extraterrestrial defining what makes us human and then stating that if they are gotten to before they are developed then they are nothing more then human Byproduct????

 [U2]Life is boiling down to a financial report??? This is huge eh---when couples start out a lot are not well off and start families---they would be financially strained---that’s life in the end ---things progress and people evolve financially and come out ok---so this dichotomy is about again stating something and then just makig it ok!!

 [U3]Hey we are doing what China did killing off all females and there  villages would force the mums to surrender to the state the fetuses---we are now ---Going to be Worse

 [U4]Interesting Eh---they have the Ability of God to make that kind of prediction—and when did Psychiatry ever become a real science---even among there peers they are laughed at and are not respected or treated as a branch of health and in fact are disdained at---and then we are to believe them on this ?

 [U5]Is this presumption—a hypothetisi---

 [U6]Now if you believe in Aliens –there is a species out there that actually hate any 2 male/female relationship to occur and work and weave to destroy that connection---makes you wonder about this---

 [U7]When these doctors use this on themselves after 20 years let’s see if there balls are still intact---or if there male organ is still there---you never know with the medical if this is a form of chemical castration

 [U1]Tea—or percolated tea

 [U2]Any of the threadlike filaments forming the mycelium of a fungus.

 [U3]Why not call it what it really is—Resources---you have your child killed off like offering Human Saccarifice to the gods/ Aliens—of a millennium ---when the practice of offering infants to dagon by throwing infants and babies into a fiery pit--or ripping out ther hearts and the blood being drank to fill the belly of alien/gods---the differnce today is the Genetic material will be used for some transhuman or genetic abomination ---

 [U4]What a Crock of Horse SHIT!!!---you ‘re going to re define the paradigm and Just by saying it is OK that is going to make it OK----wow that means I can say it is ok for me to have a million dollars given to me by the gov’t because as a Citizen I am entitled to this and the Gov’t is going to give this to me –because I said so!!!! Someone give this person head a shake!!!!

 [U5]Now we are Playing  god –determining what is and is not life---again the arrogance  is unbelievable

 [U6]You know  what is even more alarming these to asses from waste---may actually be extraterrestrial defining what makes us human and then stating that if they are gotten to before they are developed then they are nothing more then human Byproduct????






Show of the Month September 10- 2012


Cynarin-rich sunflower (Helianthus annuus) sprouts possess both antiglycative and antioxidant activities


Ig Human and Soil Bacteria Swap Antibiotic-Resistance Genes


Aspirin May Lower the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer


Daily Aspirin Usage Linked to Lower Cancer Mortality


Growing Strong Muscles Without Working Out


Cynarin-rich sunflower (Helianthus annuus) sprouts possess both antiglycative and antioxidant activities.

J Agric Food Chem. 2012 Mar 28;60(12):3260-5

Authors: Sun Z, Chen J, Ma J, Jiang Y, Wang M, Ren G, Chen F

The present study examined the antiglycative and antioxidant properties of four edible sprouts popular in Chinese markets. In a protein-reducing sugar model, the sunflower sprout Helianthus annuus exhibited the strongest inhibitory effects against the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
[U1]  At a concentration of 1.0 mg/mL, its inhibitory rate achieved 83.29%, which is stronger than that of aminoguanidine (1 mM), a well-known synthetic antiglycative agent (with an inhibitory rate of 80.88%). The antioxidant capacity of H. annuus was also much stronger than other sprout samples in terms of free radical scavenging and reducing properties. An active ingredient contributing to the observed activities was identified as cynarin (1,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid). This is the first report of the novel function of cynarin to intervene against glycoxidation. Given the key roles of AGEs and oxidation in the pathogenesis of diabetes, the sunflower sprout H. annuus rich in cynarin may be regarded as a beneficial food choice for diabetic patients.---PMID: 22394088 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Ig Human and Soil Bacteria Swap Antibiotic-Resistance Genes


Escherichia coli bacteria of the strain O157:H7. Soil bacteria and bacteria that cause human diseases have recently swapped at least seven antibiotic-resistance genes.)----ScienceDaily (Aug. 30, 2012) — Soil bacteria and bacteria that cause human diseases have recently swapped at least seven antibiotic-resistance genes, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis report Aug. 31 in Science.According to the scientists, more studies are needed to determine how widespread this sharing is and to what extent it makes disease-causing pathogens harder to control.----"It is commonplace for antibiotics to make their way into the environment," says first author Kevin Forsberg, a graduate student. "Our results suggest that this may enhance drug resistance in soil bacteria in ways that could one day be shared with bacteria that cause human disease."---[U2] Among the questions still to be answered: Did the genes pass from soil bacteria to human pathogens or vice versa? And are the genes just the tip of a vast reservoir of shared resistance? Or did some combination of luck and a new technique for studying genes across entire bacterial communities lead the scientists to discover the shared resistance genes?--Humans only mix their genes when they produce offspring, but bacteria regularly exchange genes throughout their lifecycles. This ability is an important contributor to the rapid pace of bacterial evolution. When a bacterial strain develops a new way to beat antibiotics, it can share the strategy not only with its descendants but also with other bacteria. Earlier studies by other scientists have identified numerous resistance genes in strains of soil bacteria. However, unlike the seven genes described in this report, the earlier genes were dissimilar to their analogs in disease-causing bacteria, implying that they had crossed between the bacterial communities a long time ago.---Most of the antibiotics used to fight illness today originated from the soil. Bacteria use the antibiotics, in part, as weapons to compete with each other for resources and survival. Scientists have long acknowledged that gives environmental bacteria an evolutionary incentive to find ways to beat antibiotics.--"We wanted to try to get a broader sense of how often and extensively antibiotic-resistance genes are shared between environmental bacteria and pathogens," says senior author Gautam Dantas, PhD, assistant professor of pathology and immunology.---The researchers isolated bacteria from soil samples taken at various U.S. locations. The bacteria's DNA was broken into small chunks and randomly inserted into a strain of Escherichia coli that is vulnerable to antibiotics. Scientists treated the altered E. coli with multiple antibiotics.---"We knew that any E. coli that continued to grow after these treatments had picked up a gene from the soil bacteria that was helping it fight the antibiotics," Forsberg says. Scientists took the DNA from soil bacteria out of the surviving E. coli and prepared it for high-throughput sequencing. Dantas' laboratory has developed techniques that make it possible to simultaneously sequence and analyze thousands of chunks of DNA from many diverse microorganisms. The DNA can be selected for a single function, such as antibiotic resistance. When the scientists compared antibiotic-resistance genes found in the soil bacteria to disease-causing bacteria, they were surprised to find some genes were identical not only in the sections of the genes that code for proteins but also in nearby non-coding sections that help regulate the genes' activities.--Since bacteria have such large population sizes and rapid reproduction times, their DNA normally accumulates mutations and other alterations much more quickly than the DNA of humans. The lack of changes in the resistance genes identified in the study suggests that the transfers of the genes must have occurred fairly recently[U3] , according to Dantas.-In some soil bacteria, the genes are present in clusters that make the bacteria resistant to multiple classes of antibiotics, including forms of penicillin, sulfonamide and tetracycline.---"I suspect the soil is not a teeming reservoir of resistance genes," Dantas says. "But if factory farms or medical clinics continue to release antibiotics into the environment, it may enrich that reservoir, potentially making resistance genes more accessible to infectious bacteria."--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Washington University School of Medicine. The original article was written by Michael C. Purdy. ---Journal Reference-K. J. Forsberg, A. Reyes, B. Wang, E. M. Selleck, M. O. A. Sommer, G. Dantas. The Shared Antibiotic Resistome of Soil Bacteria and Human Pathogens. Science, 2012; 337 (6098): 1107 DOI: 10.1126/science.1220761



Aspirin May Lower the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

ScienceDaily (Apr. 10, 2011) — The use of aspirin at least once per month is associated with a significant decrease in pancreatic cancer risk, according to results of a large case-control study presented at the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011, held in Orlando, Florida, April 2-6.--- For the current study, Tan and colleagues enrolled 904 patients who had documented pancreatic cancer and compared them with 1,224 healthy patients. All patients were at least 55 years old and reported their use of aspirin, NSAIDs and acetaminophen by questionnaire.--Results showed that people who took aspirin at least one day during a month had a 26 percent decreased risk of pancreatic cancer compared to those who did not take aspirin regularly. The effect was also found for those who took low-dose aspirin for heart disease prevention at 35 percent lower risk, according to Tan.---The researchers did not see a benefit from non-aspirin NSAIDs or acetaminophen. "This provides additional evidence that aspirin may have chemoprevention activity against pancreatic cancer," said Tan. He added that more data must be gathered before we can prove a real benefit.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Association for Cancer Research.


Daily Aspirin Usage Linked to Lower Cancer Mortality

ScienceDaily (Aug. 10, 2012) — A large new observational study finds more evidence of an association between daily aspirin use and modestly lower cancer mortality, but suggests any reduction may be smaller than that observed in a recent analysis. The study, appearing early online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI), provides additional support for a potential benefit of daily aspirin use for cancer mortality[U4] , but the authors say important questions remain about the size of the potential benefit. ---A recent analysis pooling results from existing randomized trials of daily aspirin for prevention of vascular events found an estimated 37% reduction in cancer mortality among those using aspirin for five years or more. But uncertainty remains about how much daily aspirin use may lower cancer mortality, as the size of this pooled analysis was limited and two very large randomized trials of aspirin taken every other day found no effect on overall cancer mortality.---For the current study, American Cancer Society researchers led by Eric J. Jacobs, Ph.D., analyzed information from 100,139 predominantly elderly participants in the Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort who reported aspirin use on questionnaires, did not have cancer at the start of the study, and were followed for up to 11 years. They found daily aspirin use was associated with an estimated 16% lower overall risk of cancer mortality, both among people who reported taking aspirin daily for at least five years and among those who reported shorter term daily use. The lower overall cancer mortality was driven by about 40% lower mortality from cancers of the gastrointestinal tract (such as esophageal, stomach, and colorectal cancer) and about 12% lower mortality from cancers outside the gastrointestinal tract.---------The reduction in cancer mortality observed in the current study is considerably smaller than the 37% reduction reported in the recent pooled analysis of randomized trials. The authors note that their study was observational, not randomized, and therefore could have underestimated or overestimated potential effects on cancer mortality if participants who took aspirin daily had different underlying risk factors for fatal cancer than those who did not. However, the study's large size is a strength in determining how much daily aspirin use might lower cancer mortality.---"Expert committees that develop clinical guidelines will consider the totality of evidence about aspirin's risks and benefits when guidelines for aspirin use are next updated," said Dr. Jacobs. "Although recent evidence about aspirin use and cancer is encouraging, it is still premature to recommend people start taking aspirin specifically to prevent cancer. Even low-dose aspirin can substantially increase the risk of serious gastrointestinal bleeding. Decisions about aspirin use should be made by balancing the risks against the benefits in the context of each individual's medical history. Any decision about daily aspirin use should be made only in consultation with a health care professional."--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Cancer Society, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS. -Journal Reference-Eric J. Jacobs, Christina C. Newton, Susan M. Gapstur, Michael J. Thun. Daily Aspirin Use and Cancer Mortality in a Large US Cohort. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, August 10, 2012 DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djs318


Growing Strong Muscles Without Working Out? 'Hulk' Protein, Grb10, Controls Muscle Growth

ScienceDaily (Aug. 30, 2012) — Scientists have moved closer toward helping people grow big, strong muscles without needing to hit the weight room. Australian researchers have found that by blocking the function of a protein called Grb10 while mice were in the womb, they were considerably stronger and more muscular than their normal counterparts. This discovery appears in the September 2012 issue of The FASEB Journal. Outside of aesthetics, this study has important implications for a wide range of conditions that are worsened by, or cause muscle wasting, such as injury, muscular dystrophy, Type 2 diabetes, and problems produced by muscle inflammation.---"By identifying a novel mechanism regulating muscle development, our work has revealed potential new strategies to increase muscle mass,[U5] " said Lowenna J. Holt, Ph.D., a study author from the Diabetes and Obesity Research Program at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, Australia. "Ultimately, this might improve treatment of muscle wasting conditions, as well as metabolic disorders such as Type 2 diabetes."---To make this discovery, Holt and colleagues compared two groups of mice. Once group had disruption of the Grb10 gene, and were very muscular. The other group, where the Grb10 gene was functional, had normal muscles. Researchers examined the properties of the muscles in both adult and newborn mice and discovered that the alterations caused by loss of Grb10 function had mainly occurred during prenatal development. These results provide insight into how Grb10 works, suggesting that it may be possible to alter muscle growth and facilitate healing, as the processes involved in muscle regeneration and repair are similar to those for the initial formation of muscle.[U6] --"Don't turn in your gym membership just yet," said Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal. "If you want big muscles, the classic prescription still applies: lift heavy things, eat and sleep right, and have your hormones checked. But this study shows that when we understand the basic science of how muscle fibers grow and multiply, we will be able to lift the burden -- literally -- of muscle disease for many of our patients."---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS. --Journal Reference-L. J. Holt, N. Turner, N. Mokbel, S. Trefely, T. Kanzleiter, W. Kaplan, C. J. Ormandy, R. J. Daly, G. J. Cooney. Grb10 regulates the development of fiber number in skeletal muscle. The FASEB Journal, 2012; 26 (9): 3658 DOI: 10.1096/fj.11-199349



 [U1]Extrememly Effective Anti Aging  effect-it appears to block the breaking down of the cells protein/sugars--and it appears to be a food of choice for Diabetics as wll---

 [U2]This is already happening---the Gut flora is now manufacturing new strands of genetic material causing the intestinal tract and digestive system to falter and to have wide spread yeast or fungal or viral penetration where it could not otherwise be---this has been going on globally and the ailments and illnesses are a direct result of food pathogens caused byt outside chemicals--estrogens-   pesticides -insecticides and fungals---this has been disrupting the flow of people staying healthy

 [U3]Now here's a thought---what if the chemtrail fallout from the sky with the radioactive materials---toxic metals such as aluminum ( one of the worst if not the worst) barium titanium-baterial- fungal-microbial-viral saturated the soil ---wna what if you added a Genetically Modified seed to this mix---what happens??? what if we added more genetic material with this what is the consideration or theory here-----it is imperative we stop the chemming of our planet and the genetically altering of the earth---these are the real weapons of mass destruction


 [U4]Early Studies shown that when aspirin was combined with arginine it reduced or cured Pancreatic cancers--and lung ---and intestinal ---the effect was pronounced with the combination---if you have a cnacer this is something to explore--

 [U5]GENETICS ANYONE ---People that is

 [U6]Human Genetic?? Imagine while your being born—Mum has a chip in her and now is being read by  a monitor and they decide to releases a pathogen---scary







Show of the Mont September 14-2012




Bacterial Cause Found for Skin Condition Rosacea


Aqueous garlic extract and its phytochemical profile-- special reference to antioxidant status


Hexavalent chromium and its effect on health: possible protective role of garlic


Scientists Pursue Connection between Infectious Disease Afflicting Cattle and Morgellons Disease Affecting Humans




COPPER AND ZINC SALICYLATES----Two Excellent Inflammation Fighters

By Walter Last

Copper is an essential trace mineral. All tissues of the body need it for normal metabolic functions. Sometimes there is too much of the inorganic form in drinking water (acid water flowing through copper pipes). It can then gradually accumulate in the body and lead to toxicity symptoms with signs of zinc deficiency, over-stimulation, psychosis and liver damage.However, in organic  form as chelates or copper complexes it is excellent for reducing inflammations, strengthening connective tissue, restoring hair colour and the oxidative energy metabolism as well as fighting parasites and cancer and may sometimes improve brain and liver functions.---If you give animals a choice between drinking normal water and water in which a copper pipe has been immersed, they will reportedly prefer the high copper water. This helps to keep them free of parasites. Copper armbands are well known to reduce arthritis. Copper serum levels are elevated up to threefold above normal with inflammations and with many chronic and infectious diseases, apparently because the body mobilises all tissue stores of copper to fight the condition. During remissions the copper levels return back to normal.---The most effective anti-inflammatory agents are copper complexes. Commonly these are related to salicylic acid. In addition, copper ascorbate has strong anti-viral properties. Copper salicylate has a better anti-inflammatory effect than cortisone but without the side effects. In addition it has also good anti-cancer, anti-tremor and anti-convulsive properties, suitable for treatment of epilepsy and possibly Parkinson's disease. Children with severe copper deficiency constantly have convulsive seizures. Another feature of severe copper deficiency is degeneration of the central nervous system. There are at least 6 important copper-dependent enzymes in the brain. One of these is required for the conversion of tyrosine into dopamine which is lacking in Parkinson's disease. A copper enzyme is also needed for the synthesis of adrenalin (epinephrine).--In experiments copper salicylate prevented chemically induced skin cancers. Furthermore, a single application resulted in a 55% reduction in experimental animal tumours in 20 weeks. The main metabolic defect of cancer cells, according to Dr Johanna Budwig and other researchers, is a deficiency of the enzyme cytochrome oxidase. This causes a blockage in the cellular respiration or oxidative energy production of the affected cells. Budwig claims that plenty of linseed oil and sulphur amino acids (L-cysteine and especially L-methionine) help to correct this situation.---Cytochrome oxidase is a copper dependent enzyme and additional copper might be of further benefit. In the final stages of this oxidative energy production electrons are transferred to copper (II) and iron (III) in the cytochrome oxidase to form copper (I) and iron (II). In the last step these electrons are then transferred to oxygen, which now can attract hydrogen ions to form water. In cancer cells this transfer of electrons to oxygen is blocked and energy is being produced very inefficiently by converting glucose into lactic acid.--However, practical experience has shown that copper is more important to prevent cancer or a regrowth of tumours and possibly with dormant tumours. If growing tumours are present, then copper is needed to form new blood vessels. Taking high amounts of zinc creates a relative copper deficiency and helps to prevent the formation of new blood vessels.---Copper salicylates have a similar action as superoxide dismutase (SOD) to protect cells from free radicals. Dr John R.J. Sorenson at the University of Arkansas has done most of the research work on copper complexes. In one of his publications he states that with the exception of Wilson's disease, there are no chronic degenerative diseases in man known to result from non-industrial exposure to copper.--Dr Werner Hangerter, head of medicine at the University of Kiel, successfully used copper salicylates for over 20 years with more than 1100 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Of 620 patients with rheumatoid arthritis 65% became symptom free and another 23% improved significantly, only 12% remained unchanged. With acute rheumatic fever 100% became symptom free. Also neuromuscular problems such as sciatica, neuralgia and cervical spine-shoulder problems responded very well. Even short-term treatment of rheumatoid arthritis resulted in long-term remissions or improvements.---The therapeutic potency and safety of the copper complexes of aspirin (acetyl-salicylic acid) and salicylic acid is much better than for aspirin itself or for inorganic copper. These complexes are 5 to 8 times more effective than aspirin but less toxic. The therapeutic index (the margin between effectiveness and toxic effects) has been stated as being significantly greater than for other anti-inflammatory drugs. While aspirin causes or aggravates peptic ulcers, the copper complexes have a better ulcer-healing effect than commonly used anti-inflammatory ulcer drugs. Harmful effects of aspirin, salicylic acid and similar drugs apparently arise because they bind copper in the body and cause a localised copper deficiency in the tissues.---Unfortunately, copper salicylate or other effective copper complexes are not normally available or only in very low doses, presumably because they cannot be patented. However, they are relatively easy to make for someone who wants to experiment. Order salicylic acid through a cooperating pharmacist and dissolve 2 g or about half a teaspoonful in half a litre of hot water.--Use covered glassware and distilled or de-ionised water and several pieces of copper with a large surface area immersed in it. Keep it warm, between 60º and 90ºC or just below boiling. Add more water as required and adjust the final volume to 500 ml. At first a light yellow-greenish colour develops, but at one point the colour considerably deepens. This may happen after 15 to 20 hours of heating and you may now let it cool and fill into a glass bottle.---Near the end of the heating process and during storage black copper oxide starts forming and slowly accumulates at the bottom. This is due to copper being converted from the original one-valent copper (I) salicylate to two-valent copper (II) salicylate. With this, the salicylic acid binds only half of the dissolved copper and the rest becomes copper oxide. The effectiveness of the solution does not seem to be affected by this and the amount of copper in the complex is not related to its potency. From time to time you may decant the solution from any settled copper oxide and crystals or filter it through tissue paper.---Copper (I) salicylate is a strong antioxidant and also appears to have good anti-inflammatory qualities, but all the published papers are on copper (II) salicylate. However the only data for a Cu (I) complex that I could find (penicillamine) showed it to have even stronger anti-inflammatory activity than the corresponding Cu (II) complex. Initially copper (I) will dominate in the self-prepared copper salicylate but the more copper oxide precipitates the more will copper (II) gain the upper hand. While salicylic acid only dissolves in hot water, copper (II) salicylate is easily soluble in cold water and is very stable and generally well tolerated when taken orally.Copper salicylate is also excellent for external use as packs or rubs on sites of tumours and inflammation, also rubbing it on skin prone to skin cancer. To improve its skin absorption you may mix it with some aloe vera gel or follow the copper salicylate rub with some aloe vera.---For internal use with generalised inflammations or other indications 60 mg of copper salicylate have been used in clinical trials once or twice and up to four times daily. Try a teaspoonful (approximately 25 mg of copper salicylate) three times daily in liquids with meals, preferably under professional supervision. For short-term use you may also double this amount. When it produces the desired effect, cut back to a maintenance dose of 1 teaspoonful a day or interrupt the intake after 2 weeks to see what happens.---Copper (I) salicylate is a strong antioxidant and may interfere with oxygen therapy. Therefore, it is advisable to alternate periods of taking high doses of copper salicylate with periods of intensive oxygen therapy. However, external application of copper salicylate should still be fine during oxygen therapy.---Another possibility of making copper salicylate yourself is by ingesting sodium salicylate and a copper chelate together. Copper salicylate then appears to form in the stomach. In some countries sodium salicylate is available as tablets, in others it may be obtained from a friendly chemist/pharmacist as a crystallised powder. Copper chelate, commonly as amino acid chelate or gluconate, may be available from a health food shop or over the Internet. Taking a 650 mg tablet of sodium salicylate together with 5 mg of copper in chelated form has reportedly eliminated severe arthritic pain. As maintenance dose a 350 mg tablet of sodium salicylate together with 2.5 mg of copper have been taken up to three times a day. If the sodium salicylate is available as powder, you may assume that a level teaspoonful is about 4 g. By dividing this into 6 equal portions you will have about 650 mg per portion.---You also find a source of copper salicylate tablets on the Internet or you may be able to obtain copper (II) salicylate crystals from a supplier of laboratory or fine chemicals. In this case you could divide a rounded teaspoonful into 100 equal parts, each part would then be approximately 50 mg.--------For a potent anti-viral remedy you may produce copper ascorbate. This is not difficult either. The only problem is that ascorbic acid easily becomes oxidised in contact with metal. Therefore, it is best to exclude all air. Bring some distilled or de-ionised water to boiling and, as hot as possible, fill a 500 ml glass or hard plastic container nearly to the top. Immerse a piece of copper and add 4 to 5 g or about one teaspoon of ascorbic acid powder. Keep refrigerated and remove the copper after a few days. After part of it has been used minimise the air space by filling it into a smaller bottle or jar. As an infection fighter try a teaspoonful several times a day for up to 2 weeks.---Copper salicylate is a very stable complex and most of it appears to be excreted unchanged. Therefore, it may be regarded more as a remedy rather than a food supplement. Nevertheless, when taking this or other copper complexes, colloids or chelates over a longer period it is advisable to take additional zinc, about 30 mg a day, in order to avoid a zinc deficiency from developing.---Finally I want to stress that the use of copper salicylate and ascorbate, especially when you make these yourself, is strictly experimental and no one can take any responsibility for what you are doing. If in doubt, then use it only externally. Individuals who are sensitive to salicylates need to be extra careful but I believe that even then it will generally be well tolerated. Handle copper salicylate with care, it stains garments.--I believe that colloidal copper has similar beneficial properties as copper salicylate and you might alternate using both with some longer breaks in-between. You can make colloidal copper in the same way as colloidal silver, just use two strips of copper instead of silver electrodes. However, the use of colloidal copper is experimental as well and you have to find out by yourself how much to take and how beneficial it is for you.---The Schweitzer Formula—Zinc has strong anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties as well but can become deficient with a high copper intake. Therefore, it is usually best to increase the intake of both minerals together.[U1]  With a high copper intake, also a high zinc supplementation should be used. This may be best in the form of Schweitzer Formula, a complex formed by zinc (oxide or carbonate), boron (boric acid) and salicylic acid. This is an excellent antibiotic, disinfectant, fungicide, anti-inflammatory and healing remedy.----The Schweitzer Formula was developed 1915 in Germany and sold worldwide since 1920. In addition to any kind of infection or inflammation, it has been used in cancer treatment, to improve the immune response and blood oxygenation. Applied externally it helps to heal injuries and skin diseases, including acne, scarring varicose veins and varicose ulcers.---You can easily make the Schweitzer Formula yourself. Dissolve 9.2 g of salicylic acid, 2.1 g of boric acid and 2.7 g of zinc oxide or 4 g of zinc carbonate in 2 litres of hot water. You may get these ingredients from a pharmacist or supplier of fine chemicals and have exact quantities weight out. However, it is sufficient to use approximate amounts. You may use 2 level teaspoons of salicylic acid and half a teaspoon each of boric acid and zinc oxide or one level teaspoon of zinc carbonate.----However, in Australia boric acid has now been scheduled as a prescription poison. Apparently eating large amounts of boric acid mixed with castor sugar that the parents had used to eliminate ants poisoned some infants. If you cannot obtain boric acid from a friendly chemist, you may use borax instead. This introduces some additional sodium ions. While this is not desirable, I do not expect this to significantly reduce the healing qualities of the Schweitzer Formula. To get the same amount of boron you may use about 30% more borax than boric acid.----Use distilled or de-ionised water and a non-metal container. Heat for about an hour and stir occasionally with a non-metal spoon until no more of the zinc oxide or zinc carbonate at the bottom of the container seems to dissolve. Then decant or filter into a glass container and store in a dark and cool place. Any surplus of zinc oxide or carbonate that remains undissolved shows that all the boric acid and salicylic acid have been used up. However, any surplus of boric acid would be beneficial and just supply additional boron.--As a biochemist I do not see a difference between using this solution directly and letting it crystallise and then dissolving the crystals. However, I have not been able to verify this in a clinical trial. If you do want to crystallise the complex, then let the water evaporate very slowly in a flat non-metal tray covered with fine gauze. As a general rule, the slower the crystallisation, the bigger the crystals. Therefore, keep the tray undisturbed in a cool place. For quick crystallisation and smaller crystals you may expose the tray to direct sunlight. For use you may then dissolve the crystals again in 2 litres of hot water.-----As with copper salicylate, there are no exact guidelines on how much to take. A tablespoonful has been taken 3 times daily with liquid or meals for extended periods. For shorter periods this dose has been doubled. It is also good to rub onto the skin, especially where there are any problems.---You may take this at the ratio of one tablespoon of Schweitzer Formula to one teaspoon of copper salicylate[U2] . For long-term use I would take one spoonful of each daily. I believe that long-term use of copper or zinc should be balanced by taking the other mineral as well, be it as salicylate complex, colloid or conventional remedy. I also believe that copper and zinc as complexes or colloids are safer and more effective than the long-term use of aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs.----One tablespoonful of Schweitzer contains about 15 mg of zinc, 15 mg of boric acid or 2.5 mg of boron and 70 mg of salicylic acid. As with copper salicylate, most of these can be expected to be eliminated from the body as a complex. Therefore, Schweitzer Formula cannot be regarded as a zinc or boron supplement and these may need to be additionally supplemented in a different form. However, to assess any potential toxicity, we may assume that the complex completely disintegrates in the body. This would then supply only relatively low levels of the individual ingredients. Twice these amounts of zinc and boron are recommended as being beneficial and much higher amounts have been used in nutritional therapy. Therefore, I cannot see any possible toxicity at least up to 3 tablespoons daily.---Also many commonly used foods are quite high in salicylates. Some individuals, especially hyperactive children are sensitive to salicylates and get a reaction from it. However, I believe that this is due to the chelating effect of salicylic acid, which may cause zinc and copper deficiency in the body. Therefore, in the form of zinc and copper complexes, salicylates may not normally cause a reaction in susceptible individuals.--After a period of use, it is advisable to interrupt using these remedies for a while and observe any effects., I want to stress again, that the use of these remedies over long periods or in high doses is experimental and you must be prepared to take responsibility for any side effects yourself.


Bacterial Cause Found for Skin Condition Rosacea

ScienceDaily (Aug. 28, 2012) — Scientists are closer to establishing a definitive bacterial cause for the skin condition rosacea. This will allow more targeted, effective treatments to be developed for sufferers, according to a review published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology.---Rosacea is a common dermatological condition that causes reddening and inflammation of the skin mostly around the cheeks, nose and chin. In severe cases skin lesions may form and lead to disfigurement[U3] . Rosacea affects around 3% of the population -- usually fair-skinned females aged 30-50 and particularly those with weak immune systems. The condition is treated with a variety of antibiotics, even though there has never been a well-established bacterial cause.[U4] --A new review carried out by the National University of Ireland concludes that rosacea may be triggered by bacteria that live within tiny mites that reside in the skin.--The mite species Demodex folliculorum is worm-like in shape and usually lives harmlessly inside the pilosebaceous unit which surrounds hair follicles of the face. They are normal inhabitants of the face and increase in number with age and skin damage -- for example, following exposure to sunlight. The numbers of Demodex mites living in the skin of rosacea patients is higher than in normal individuals[U5] , which has previously suggested a possible role for the mites in initiating the condition.---More recently, the bacterium Bacillus oleronius was isolated from inside a Demodex mite[U6]  and was found to produce molecules provoking an immune reaction in rosacea patients. Other studies have shown patients with varying types of rosacea react to the molecules produced by this bacterium -- exposing it as a likely trigger for the condition. [U7] What's more, this bacterium is sensitive to the antibiotics used to treat rosacea.---Dr Kevin Kavanagh who conducted the review explained, "The bacteria live in the digestive tracts of Demodex mites found on the face, in a mutually beneficial relationship. When the mites die, the bacteria are released and leak into surrounding skin tissues -- triggering tissue degradation and inflammation."[U8] ---"Once the numbers of mites increase, so does the number of bacteria, making rosacea more likely to occur. Targeting these bacteria may be a useful way of treating and preventing this condition," said Dr Kavanagh. "Alternatively we could look at controlling the population of Demodex mites in the face.. Some pharmaceutical companies are already developing therapies to do this, which represents a novel way of preventing and reversing rosacea, which can be painful and embarrassing for many people."----Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Society for General Microbiology, via AlphaGalileo. ---Journal Reference-Stanisław Jarmuda, Niamh O'Reilly, Ryszard Żaba, Oliwia Jakubowicz, Andrzej Szkaradkiewicz and Kevin Kavanagh. The potential role of Demodex folliculorum mites and bacteria in the induction of rosacea. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2012 DOI: 10.1099/jmm.0.048090-0


Aqueous garlic extract and its phytochemical profile-- special reference to antioxidant status.

Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2012 Jun;63(4):431-9---Authors: Rasul Suleria HA, Sadiq Butt M, Muhammad Anjum F, Saeed F, Batool R, Nisar Ahmad A

Abstract---Garlic (Allium sativum L) has distinct nutritional profile with special reference to its bioactive components and is used in different diet-based therapies to cure various lifestyle-related disorders. For this purpose, characterization and extraction of garlic were carried out followed by antioxidant assays. Different solvents (50% aqueous ethanol, 50% aqueous methanol and water) at different time intervals (4, 5 and 6 h) at 60°C were used to optimize aqueous extraction efficiency of garlic. Among the solvents, water extract resulted in better extraction yield (31.85 ± 2.09 g/25 g) at 5 h. The antioxidant potential of all these solvents was estimated through in vitro studies. In this context, it was observed that higher amount of total phenolic contents was present in aqueous methanol 71.87 ± 1.69% at 45 min. Antiradical (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl assay) and antioxidant activity showed that the maximum value was 73.80 ± 3.69 and 83.83 ± 0.16%, respectively, in methanolic extract at 45 min while glucose diffusion and ferric reducing antioxidant power were 97.00 ± 0.20 and 32.66 ± 0.72% at p < 0.05, respectively. Aqueous garlic extract was selected as the best treatment on the basis of percentage yield and safety modulation in human body absorption. Aqueous garlic extract was subjected to pH, acidity, total soluble solids (TSS) and colour. It was observed that the pH of aqueous garlic extract decreased with the passage of time while acidity increased. It was also concluded that storage affected the value of TSS and colour significantly. L* values for colour on 0 day were 34.18 ± 0.08, whereas those on 28th day were 38.84 ± 0.03. It was predicted that 28 days storage resulted in significant increase in L* value, while a* value decreased from 4.31 ± 0.01 to 0.32 ± 0.01 at the end of storage study.---PMID: 22098476 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Hexavalent chromium and its effect on health- possible protective role of garlic (Allium sativum Linn).

J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol. 2011;22(1-2):3-10---Authors: Das KK, Dhundasi SA, Das SN

Abstract---Hexavalent chromium or chromium (VI) is a powerful epithelial irritant and a confirmed human carcinogen. This heavy metal is toxic to many plants, aquatic animals, and bacteria. Chromium (VI) which consists of 10%-15% total chromium usage, is principally used for metal plating (H2Cr2O7), as dyes, paint pigments, and leather tanning, etc. Industrial production of chromium (II) and (III) compounds are also available but in small amounts as compared to chromium (VI). Chromium (VI) can act as an oxidant directly on the skin surface or it can be absorbed through the skin, especially if the skin surface is damaged. The prooxidative effects of chromium (VI) inhibit antioxidant enzymes and deplete intracellular glutathione in living systems and act as hematotoxic, immunotoxic, hepatotoxic, pulmonary toxic, and nephrotoxic agents. In this review, we particularly address the hexavalent chromium-induced generation of reactive oxygen species and increased lipid peroxidation in humans and animals, and the possible role of garlic (Allium sativum Linn) as a protective antioxidant.--PMID: 22865357 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



Morgellons Disease Research Update August 2012

Research Update …

Scientists Pursue Connection between Infectious Disease Afflicting Cattle and Morgellons Disease Affecting Humans

Progress moves forward as more research shows Morgellons disease has a physiologic (physical not mental) basis. -------

The Morgellons break through started with the research publication, Filament Formation Associated with Spirochetal Infection: a comparative approach to Morgellons Disease by Marianne Middelveen, a Canadian veterinary microbiologist and Raphael Stricker, MD. The CEHF first announced this news last fall when this peer reviewed publication appeared in the November, 2011 issue of Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology.

Why is this important? ----In November, 2011, Middelveen and Stricker reported to have found evidence of a veterinary analog to Morgellons (MD). BDD, an infectious disease which has plagued cattle for decades, has fibers/filaments within their tissue and lesions that were recognized as a match to those found in the controversial disease known as Morgellons (MD) in humans. Studies on fibers/filaments from cattle with the bovine hoof disease and those found in MD suffers provided startling evidence challenging the dermatologists’ unfounded assumption that MD is a psychiatric disorder called “Delusions of Parasitosis”. Anyone who suffers from Morgellons knows how real these symptoms are and how disheartening it is to be told it is all in your head. Although the publication stated that the etiology (cause) of MD was not yet known, the findings by Middelveen and Stricker provided corroborative evidence to support a physiological and, perhaps, infectious etiology, lending a new direction for further research.

Second Study Announced by the CEHF on May 16, 2012 –Morgellon Fibres

Indeed, their second study, Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study, published May, 2012 in the peer reviewed publication, Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research, continued this BDD and MD comparison in greater detail. Researchers were able to conduct a more in-depth analysis of dermatological specimens from three Morgellons patients and biopsies from cattle with proliferative late stage BDD. Examinations were conducted by light microscopy, by chemical experiments and by immunohistological testing.

Results of the Study … These findings confirmed that filaments/fibers from both bovine and human samples were similar in formation at the cellular level and had the chemical and physical properties of keratin. The composition of MD filaments from humans was confirmed to be keratin by immunohistological staining with antibodies specific for human keratins. Fibers from three human patients were found to be biological in origin and are produced by keratinocytes in epithelial and follicular tissues. ---An interesting side note is that researchers Middelveen and Stricker found filaments/fibers associated with MD beneath unbroken skin as well as in lesions, thus, demonstrating they are not self-implanted. This confirms previous research from Dr. Randy Wymore at the OSU-Center for the Investigation of Morgellons Disease.

Why is this important? ----The original premise--that MD is physiological is holding up to the test of scientific scrutiny.

Morgellons Study Cited by Faculty of 1000

The quality and importance of this research is highlighted in Faculty of 1000 Award.

Faculty of 1000 (F1000) is a global community of over 10,000 experts who select, rate and evaluate the very best articles in biology and medicine. The core mission of the F1000 is to identify and evaluate the most important articles in biology and medical research publications. The organization highlights and brings awareness to significant new research. The selection of Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study places the work in this work in the top 2% of published articles in these fields. It classifies the study as “must read” and is certainly an honor for the entire research team. More information can be accessed at the F1000 website (

Thank You and Congratulations to Our Researchers!! ----No one can apply to be considered for this. This research was chosen and recognized on its merits and for the importance it holds worldwide. Everyone at The Charles E. Holman Foundation and from the Morgellons community wish to express our congratulations to Marianne Middelveen, Elizabeth Rasmussen, Douglas Kahn, and Raphael Stricker for this recognition. The award was indeed serendipity. We now have documented, peer reviewed evidence published, corroborating MD is not Delusions of Parasitosis.

MD, like BBD, has a true physical cause. “ … Because BDD is a disease in which spirochetes have been identified as primary etiologic agents, and spirochetal sero-reactivity has been associated with MD, it is reasonable to assume that spirochetal infection plays an important role in MD... Further immunohistological and electron microscopy studies are needed to solve the mystery of Morgellons …” (Middelveen and Stricker). This points the way to the next step in our research. To paraphrase Paul Harvey, stay tuned in and signed up for the next edition of Keeping You in the Loop …for the “rest of the story.”










Show of the Month Sepetember 17- 2012

Brain-Eating Amoeba-From Tap Water


Coconut Oil Could Combat Tooth Decay


High Doses of Vitamin D Help Tuberculosis Patients Recover More Quickly




Cannabidiol blocks glutamate



Brain-Eating Amoeba-From Tap Water

Now even TAP WATER isn't safe! Brain-eating amoeba fatal in 99% of cases 'could come from your own faucet'

  • In 2011, two people in Louisiana died after using tap water for nasal irrigation
  • Amoeba known as Naegleria fowleri can infect brain and enters through nasal passage
  • Once infected, organism is 99% fatal

By Beth Stebner

PUBLISHED: 12:37 GMT, 24 August 2012 | UPDATED: 12:37 GMT, 24 August 2012  --There could be a deadly killer in your home – the kitchen tap.Last year in Louisiana, two people died from a single-celled organism that thrives in warm, freshwater after using tap water for flushing their sinuses.The amoeba, known as Naegleria fowleri, can cause primary amoebic meningoecephalitis (PAM), which is fatal in 99 per cent of cases.--Deadly infection: The amoeba, known as Naegleria fowleri, can cause primary amoebic meningoecephalitis (PAM), which is fatal in 99 per cent of cases The nose knows: In 2011, two people in Louisiana who used tap water in neti pots to flush out their sinuses caught the deadly infection Both victims, a 51-year-old woman and a 28-year-old man, had used tap water in neti pots to flush out their sinuses and died days later. They lived in separate areas of the state. Neti pots are generally safe for use for clearing out excess mucus in the nasal cavity, but when amoebas are present, the infection has a frighteningly fatal rate. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the amoeba enters the brain through the nasal passage, especially when people go swimming in warm freshwater lakes and ponds. -In a report published by Dr Jonathan Yoder, who works at the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, a division of the CDC, concluded that in both cases, the victims had only come in contact with the amoeba from tap water.-He and a group of researchers tested the water from both houses. Their results were published in Clinical Infectious Diseases on August 23. Dr Yoder and the other authors found the amoeba in the kitchen spigot, shower, bathtub, and bathroom sink in the woman’s home.



Path of infection: N. fowleri can only enter the body through the nasal passage or broken skin, not through drinking water  Growth process: The single-celled amoeba is also called a brain-eating amoeba; later symptoms can include hallucinations and seizures---They found Naegleria fowleri in a tankless water heater in the home of the 28-year-old man. The authors noted that the municipal water sources were not contaminated in either case. The residents lived in different parts of the state. [U9] The CDC says that one cannot contract the organism simply through drinking water, and urges those using nasal irrigation systems to either use distilled or bottled water, or boil their tap water for at least a minute to ensure the Naegleria fowleri amoeba is killed. The centre also notes that there have been few infections in the U.S. throughout the past decades.  Preventative measures: The CDC recommends that those near warm, fresh water avoid swimming in it, or holding your nose when going underwater--From 2002 to 2011, there were 32 infections reported. Included in those statistics are the two people from Louisiana who used neti pots to flush out their noses.---Initial symptoms begin five days after infection, but could take as long as seven, and include headache, fever, nausea, and even vomiting.---In the later phases when the amoeba reaches the brain tissue, those suffering from the infection may lose balance, hallucinate, and experience seizures, and in 99 per cent of cases, die. The CDC notes that only one person out of 123 infected has survived. It reminds those who will be swimming in warm, fresh water to use nasal plugs, hold one’s nose shut, or avoid going under water altogether, though infection from N. fowleri is extremely rare[U10] 


Coconut Oil Could Combat Tooth Decay

ScienceDaily (Aug. 30, 2012) — Digested coconut oil is able to attack the bacteria that cause tooth decay. It is a natural antibiotic that could be incorporated into commercial dental care products, say scientists presenting their work at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn Conference at the University of Warwick. The team from the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland tested the antibacterial action of coconut oil in its natural state and coconut oil that had been treated with enzymes, in a process similar to digestion. The oils were tested against strains of Streptococcus bacteria which are common inhabitants of the mouth. They found that enzyme-modified coconut oil strongly inhibited the growth of most strains of Streptococcus bacteria including Streptococcus mutans -- an acid-producing bacterium that is a major cause of tooth decay.---Many previous studies have shown that partially digested foodstuffs are active against micro-organisms. Earlier work on enzyme-modified milk showed that it was able to reduce the binding of S. mutans to tooth enamel, which prompted the group to investigate the effect of other enzyme-modified foods on bacteria.---Further work will examine how coconut oil interacts with Streptococcus bacteria at the molecular level and which other strains of harmful bacteria and yeasts it is active against. Additional testing by the group at the Athlone Institute of Technology found that enzyme-modified coconut oil was also harmful to the yeast Candida albicans that can cause thrush. The researchers suggest that enzyme-modified coconut oil has potential as a marketable antimicrobial which could be of particular interest to the oral healthcare industry. Dr Damien Brady who is leading the research said, "Dental caries is a commonly overlooked health problem affecting 60-90% of children and the majority of adults in industrialized countries. Incorporating enzyme-modified coconut oil into dental hygiene products would be an attractive alternative to chemical additives, particularly as it works at relatively low concentrations. Also, with increasing antibiotic resistance, it is important that we turn our attention to new ways to combat microbial infection."-The work also contributes to our understanding of antibacterial activity in the human gut. "Our data suggests that products of human digestion show antimicrobial activity. This could have implications for how bacteria colonize the cells lining the digestive tract and for overall gut health," explained Dr Brady. "Our research has shown that digested milk protein not only reduced the adherence of harmful bacteria to human intestinal cells but also prevented some of them from gaining entrance into the cell. We are currently researching coconut oil and other enzyme-modified foodstuffs to identify how they interfere with the way bacteria cause illness and disease," he said.---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Society for General Microbiology, via AlphaGalileo.


High Doses of Vitamin D Help Tuberculosis Patients Recover More Quickly

ScienceDaily (Sep. 3, 2012) — For decades before antibiotics became generally available, sunshine was used to treat tuberculosis, with patients often being sent to Swiss clinics to soak up the sun's healing rays. Now, for the first time scientists have shown how and why heliotherapy might, indeed, have made a difference.--A study led by researchers at Queen Mary, University of London, conducted in collaboration with the Medical Research Council's National Institute for Medical Research, has shown that high doses of vitamin D, given in addition to antibiotic treatment, appear to help patients with tuberculosis (TB) recover more quickly.---The research, which will be published online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), is the first to investigate the effect of vitamin D on the immune responses of patients receiving treatment for an infectious disease. The findings indicate that high doses of the vitamin can dampen down the body's inflammatory response to infection, enabling patients to recover faster, with less damage to their lungs.--[U11]  In addition to stimulating recovery in TB patients, the authors say their results suggest that vitamin D supplementation might help patients recover better from other diseases such as pneumonia.[U12] --Dr Adrian Martineau, senior lecturer in respiratory infection and immunity at the Blizard Institute, part of Queen Mary, University of London, who led the research, said: "These findings are very significant. They indicate that vitamin D may have a role in accelerating resolution of inflammatory responses in tuberculosis patients. This is important, because sometimes these inflammatory responses can cause tissue damage leading to the development of cavities in the lung. If we can help these cavities to heal more quickly, then patients should be infectious for a shorter period of time, and they may also suffer less lung damage."More broadly, the ability of vitamin D to dampen down inflammatory responses without compromising the actions of antibiotics raises the possibility that supplementation might also have benefits in patients receiving antimicrobial therapy for pneumonia, sepsis and other lung infections."--Dr Martineau and his colleagues from a number of London hospitals and institutions randomised 95 TB patients receiving standard antibiotic treatment into two groups: for the first eight weeks of their treatment, 44 received additional high dose vitamin D, while 51 received a placebo. Dr Anna Coussens at the MRC's National Institute for Medical Research measured levels of inflammatory markers in blood samples taken from these patients, and conducted statistical analyses to determine the effects that vitamin D had on the immune response.---"We found that a large number of these inflammatory markers fell further and faster in patients receiving vitamin D," said Dr Coussens.   -The researchers also found that Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes TB, was cleared from the patients' sputum (the phlegm coughed up from deep in the lungs) faster in those who were taking vitamin D, taking an average of 23 days to become undetectable under the microscope compared to 36 days in the patients who were taking the placebo.  Dr Martineau said it was probably too early to be recommending that all TB patients should take high-dose vitamin D in addition to the standard antibiotic treatment for the disease; more research with more patients was needed before clinical recommendations could be made. "We are hoping to do more work to evaluate the effects of higher doses and different forms of vitamin D to see if they have a more dramatic effect," he said. The study was funded by the UK's Medical Research Council and the British Lung Foundation. In addition to Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, part of Queen Mary, University of London, the other institutions involved in the research were the MRC's National Institute of Medical Research, Imperial College London, Homerton University NHS Foundation Trust, Newham Chest Clinic, Whipps Cross University Hospital, Northwick Park Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Lewisham Hospital, and King's College Hospital. Story Source---The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Queen Mary, University of London, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.


Detailed Descripition of Some Specific Embodiments

This invention provides antioxidant compounds and compositions, such as pharmaceutical compositions, that include cannabinoids that act as free radical scavengers for use in prophylaxis and treatment of disease. The invention also includes methods for using the antioxidants in prevention and treatment of pathological conditions such as ischemia (tissue hypoxia), and in subjects who have been exposed to oxidant inducing agents such as cancer chemotherapy, toxins, radiation, or other sources of oxidative stress. The compositions and methods described herein are also used for preventing oxidative damage in transplanted organs, for inhibiting reoxygenation injury following reperfusion of ischemic tissues (for example in heart disease), and for any other condition that is mediated by oxidative or free radical mechanisms of injury. In particular embodiments of the invention, the compounds and compositions are used in the treatment of ischemic cardiovascular and neurovascular conditions, and neurodegenerative diseases. However the present invention can also be used as an antioxidant treatment in non-neurological diseases.---Molecular oxygen is essential for aerobic organisms, where it participates in many biochemical reactions, including its role as the terminal electron acceptor in oxidative phosphorylation. However excessive concentrations of various forms of reactive oxygen species and other free radicals can have serious adverse biological consequences, including the peroxidation of membrane lipids, hydroxylation of nucleic acid bases, and the oxidation of sulfhydryl groups and other protein moieties. Biological antioxidants include tocopherols and tocotrieneols, carotenoids, quinones, bilirubin, ascorbic acid, uric acid, and metal binding proteins.--------------

However these endogenous antioxidant systems are often overwhelmed by pathological processes that allow permanent oxidative damage to occur to tissue.----Free radicals are atoms, ions or molecules that contain an unpaired electron, are usually unstable, and exhibit short half-lives. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a collective term, designating the oxygen radicals (e.g. .O2- superoxide radical), which by sequential univalent reduction produces hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2) and hydroxyl radical (.OH). The hydroxyl radical sets off chain reactions and can interact with nucleic acids. Other ROS include nitric oxide (NO.) and peroxy nitrite (NOO.), and other peroxyl (RO2.) and alkoxyl (RO.) radicals



"Oxidative associated diseases" refers to pathological conditions that result at least in part from the production of or exposure to free radicals, particularly oxyradicals, or reactive oxygen species. It is evident to those of skill in the art that most pathological conditions are multifactorial, and that assigning or identifying the predominant causal factors for any particular condition is frequently difficult. For these reasons, the term "free radical associated disease" encompasses pathological states that are recognized as conditions in which free radicals or ROS contribute to the pathology of the disease, or wherein administration of a free radical inhibitor (e.g. desferroxamine), scavenger (e.g. tocopherol, glutathione) or catalyst (e.g. superoxide dismutase, catalase) is shown to produce detectable benefit by decreasing symptoms, increasing survival, or providing other detectable clinical benefits in treating or preventing the pathological state.--Oxidative associated diseases include, without limitation, free radical associated diseases, such as ischemia, ischemic reperfusion injury, inflammatory diseases, systemic lupus erythematosis, myocardial ischemia or infarction, cerebrovascular accidents (such as a thromboembolic or hemorrhagic stroke) that can lead to ischemia or an infarct in the brain, operative ischemia, traumatic hemorrhage (for example a hypovolemic stroke that can lead to CNS hypoxia or anoxia), spinal cord trauma, Down's syndrome, Crohn's disease, autoimmune diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes), cataract formation, uveitis, emphysema, gastric ulcers, oxygen toxicity, neoplasia, undesired cellular apoptosis, radiation sickness, and others. The present invention is believed to be particularly beneficial in the treatment of oxidative associated diseases of the CNS, because of the ability of the cannabinoids to cross the blood brain barrier and exert their antioxidant effects in the brain. In particular embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is used for preventing, arresting, or treating neurological damage in Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and HIV dementia; autoimmune neurodegeneration of the type that can occur in encephalitis, and hypoxic or anoxic neuronal damage that can result from apnea, respiratory arrest or cardiac arrest, and anoxia caused by drowning, brain surgery or trauma (such as concussion or spinal cord shock).---As used herein, an "antioxidant" is a substance that, when present in a mixture containing an oxidizable substrate biological molecule, significantly delays or prevents oxidation of the substrate biological molecule. Antioxidants can act by scavenging biologically important reactive free radicals or other reactive oxygen species (.O2-, H2 O2, .OH, HOCl, ferryl, peroxyl, peroxynitrite, and alkoxyl), or by preventing their formation, or by catalytically converting the free radical or other reactive oxygen species to a less reactive species. Relative antioxidant activity can be measured by cyclic voltametry studies of the type disclosed in Example 5 (and FIG. 3), where the voltage (x-axis) is an index of relative antioxidant activity. The voltage at which the first peak occurs is an indication of the voltage at which an electron is donated, which in turn is an index of antioxidant activity.


"Therapeutically effective antioxidant doses" can be determined by various methods, including generating an empirical dose-response curve, predicting potency and efficacy of a congener by using quantitative structure activity relationships (QSAR) methods or molecular modeling, and other methods used in the pharmaceutical sciences. Since oxidative damage is generally cumulative, there is no minimum threshold level (or dose) with respect to efficacy. However, minimum doses for producing a detectable therapeutic or prophylactic effect for particular disease states can be established.

As used herein, a "cannabinoid" is a chemical compound (such as cannabinol, THC or cannabidiol) that is found in the plant species Cannabis saliva (marijuana), and metabolites and synthetic analogues thereof that may or may not have psychoactive properties. Cannabinoids therefore include (without limitation) compounds (such as THC) that have high affinity for the cannabinoid receptor (for example Ki <250 nM), and compounds that do not have significant affinity for the cannabinoid receptor (such as cannabidiol, CBD). Cannabinoids also include compounds that have a characteristic dibenzopyran ring structure (of the type seen in THC) and cannabinoids which do not possess a pyran ring (such as cannabidiol). Hence a partial list of cannabinoids includes THC, CBD, dimethyl heptylpentyl cannabidiol (DMHP-CBD), 6,12-dihydro-6-hydroxy-cannabidiol (described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,227,537, incorporated by reference); (3S,4R)-7-hydroxy-Δ6 – tetrahydrocannabinol homologs and derivatives described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,876,276, incorporated by reference; ( )-4-[4-DMH-2,6-diacetoxy-phenyl]-2-carboxy-6,6-dimethylbicyclo[3.1. 1]hept-2-en, and other 4-phenylpinene derivatives disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,434,295, which is incorporated by reference; and cannabidiol (-)(CBD) analogs such as (-)CBD-monomethylether, (-)CBD dimethyl ether; (-)CBD diacetate; (-)3'-acetyl-CBD monoacetate; and . -.AF11, all of which are disclosed in Consroe et al., J. Clin. Phannacol. 21:428S-436S, 1981, which is also incorporated by reference. Many other cannabinoids are similarly disclosed in Agurell et al., Pharmacol. Rev. 38:31-43, 1986, which is also incorporated by reference.

As referred to herein, the term "psychoactivity" means "cannabinoid receptor mediated psychoactivity." Such effects include, euphoria, lightheadedness, reduced motor coordination, and memory impairment. Psychoactivity is not meant to include non-cannabinoid receptor mediated effects such as the anxiolytic effect of CBD.

The "lipoxygenase enzyme activity" refers to the relative level of lipoxygenase enzyme activity for a particular lipoxgenase, such as 5-, 15- or 12-lipoxygenase, as measured in Example 8. A compound would be said to "selectively inhibit a lipoxgenase enzyme" if the concentration of inhibitor required to reduce enzyme activity by 50% was at least about 5 times less than the amount required to reduce activity of a second lipoxgenase enzyme by the same degree (under the same conditions, i.e. temperature, substrate concentration, etc.)

 The term "lower alkyl" refers to a cyclic, branched or straight chain monovalent alkyl radical of one to seven carbon atoms. This term is further exemplified by such radicals as methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, i-propyl, n-butyl, t-butyl, i-butyl (or 2-methylpropyl), cyclopropylmethyl, i-amyl, n-amyl, hexyl and heptyl. Lower alkyl groups can also be unsubstituted or substituted, where a specific example of a substituted alkyl is 1,1-dimethyl heptyl.


"Hydroxyl" refers to --OH.

"Alcohol" refers to R--OH, wherein R is alkyl, especially lower alkyl (for example in methyl, ethyl or propyl alcohol). An alcohol may be either linear or branched, such as isopropyl alcohol.

"Carboxyl" refers to the radical --COOH, and substituted carboxyl refers to --COR where R is alkyl, lower alkyl or a carboxylic acid or ester.


The term "aryl" or "Ar" refers to a monovalent unsaturated aromatic carbocyclic group having a single ring (e.g. phenyl) or multiple condensed rings (e.g. naphthyl or anthryl), which can optionally be unsubstituted or substituted with, e.g., halogen, alkyl, alkoxy, alkylthio, trifluoromethyl, acyloxy, hydroxy, mercapto, carboxy, aryloxy, aryl, arylalkyl, heteroaryl, amino, alkylamino, dialkylamino, morpholino, piperidino, pyrrolidin-1-yl, piperazin-1-yl, or other functionality.

The term "alkoxy" refers to a substituted or unsubstituted alkoxy, where an alkoxy has the structure --O--R, where R is substituted or unsubstituted alkyl. In an unsubstituted alkoxy, the R is an unsubstituted alkyl. The term "substituted alkoxy" refers to a group having the structure --O--R, where R is alkyl which is substituted with a non-interfering substituent. The term "arylalkoxy" refers to a group having the structure --O--R--Ar, where R is alkyl and Ar is an aromatic substituent. Arylalkoxys are a subset of substituted alkoxys. Examples of useful substituted alkoxy groups are: benzyloxy, naphthyloxy, and chlorobenzyloxy.

The term "aryloxy" refers to a group having the structure --O--Ar, where Ar is an aromatic group. A particular aryloxy group is phenoxy.

The term "heterocycle" refers to a monovalent saturated, unsaturated, or aromatic carbocyclic group having a single ring (e.g. morpholino, pyridyl or faryl) or multiple condensed rings (e.g. indolizinyl or benzo[b]thienyl) and having at least one heteroatom, defined as N, O, P, or S, within the ring, which can optionally be unsubstituted or substituted with, e.g. halogen, alkyl, alkoxy, alkylthio, trifluoromethyl, acyloxy, hydroxy, mercapto, carboxy, aryloxy, aryl, arylakyl, heteroaryl, amino, alkylamino, dialkylamino, morpholino, piperidino, pyrrolidin-1-yl, piperazin-1-yl, or other functionality.

"Arylalkyl" refers to the groups --R--Ar and --R--HetAr, where Ar is an aryl group. HetAr is a heteroaryl group, and R is a straight-chain or branched chain aliphatic group. Example of arylaklyl groups include benzyl and furfuryl. Arylalkyl groups can optionally be unsubstituted or substituted with, e.g., halogen, alkyl, alkoxy, alkylthio, trifluoromethyl, acyloxy, hydroxy, mercapto, carboxy, aryloxy, aryl, arylalkyl, heteroaryl, amino, alkylamino, dialkylamino, morpholino, peperidino, pyrrolidin-1-yl, piperazin-1-yl, or other functionality.

The term "halo" or "halide" refers to fluoro, bromo, chloro and iodo substituents.

The term "amino" refers to a chemical functionality --NR'R" where R' and R" are independently hydrogen, alkyl, or aryl. The term "quaternary amine" refers to the positively charged group --N.sup. R'R", where R'R" and R" are independently selected and are alkyl or aryl. A particular amino group is --NH2.


Cannabidiol blocks glutamate toxicity


Cannabidiol blocks glutamate toxicity with equal potency regardless of whether the insult is mediated by NMDA, AMPA or kainate receptors. Cannabidiol and THC have been shown to be comparable to the antioxidant BHT, both in their ability to prevent dihydrorhodamine oxidation and in their cyclic voltametric profiles. Several synthetic cannabinoids also exhibited profiles similar to the BHT, although anandamide, which is not structurally related to cannabinoids, did not. These findings indicate that cannabinoids act as antioxidants in a non-biological situation, which was confirmed in living cells by showing that cannabidiol attenuates hydroperoxide induced neurotoxicity. The potency of cannabidiol as an antioxidant was examined by comparing it on an equimolar basis with three other commonly used compounds.

In the AMPA/kainate receptor dependent neurotoxicity model, cannabidiol neuroprotection was comparable to the potent antioxidant, BHT, but significantly greater than that observed with either α-tocopherol or ascorbate. This unexpected superior antioxidant activity (in the absence of BHT tumor promoting activity) shows for the first time that cannabidiol, and other cannabinoids, can be used as antioxidant drugs in the treatment (including prophylaxis) of oxidation associated diseases, and is particularly useful as a neuroprotectant. The therapeutic potential of nonpsychoactive cannabinoids is particularly promising, because of the absence of psychotoxicity, and the ability to administer higher doses than with psychotropic cannabinoids, such as THC. Previous studies have also indicated that cannabidiol is not toxic, even when chronically administered to humans or given in large acute doses (700 mg/day).

These studies with the nonpsychotropic marijuana constituent, cannabidiol, demonstrate that protection can be achieved against both glutamate neurotoxicity and free radical induced cell death. THC, the psychoactive principle of cannabis, also blocked glutamate neurotoxicity with a potency similar to cannabidiol. In both cases, neuroprotection is unaffected by the presence of a cannabinoid receptor antagonist. These results therefore surprisingly demonstrate that cannabinoids can have useful therapeutic effects that are not mediated by cannabinoid receptors, and therefore are not necessarily accompanied by psychoactive side effects. Cannabidiol also acts as an anti-epileptic and anxiolytic, which makes it particularly useful in the treatment of neurological diseases in which neuroanatomic defects can predispose to seizures (e.g. subarachnoid hemorrhage).

A particular advantage of the cannabinoid compounds of the present invention is that they are highly lipophilic, and have good penetration into the central nervous system. The volume of distribution of some of these compounds is at least 100 L in a 70 kg person (1.4 L/kg), more particularly at least 250 L, and most particularly 500 L or even 700 L in a 70 kg person (10 L/kg). The lipophilicity of particular compounds is also about as great as that of THC, cannabidiol or other compounds that have excellent penetration into the brain and other portions of the CNS.

Cannabinoids that lack psychoactivity or psychotoxicity are particularly useful embodiments of the present invention, because the absence of such side effects allows very high doses of the drug to be used without encountering unpleasant side effects (such as dysphoria) or dangerous complications (such as obtundation in a patient who may already have an altered mental status). For example, therapeutic antioxidant blood levels of cannabidiol can be 5-20 mg/kg, without significant toxicity, while blood levels of psychoactive cannabinoids at this level would produce obtundation, headache, conjunctival irritation, and other problems. Particular examples of the compounds of the present invention have low affinity to the cannabinoid receptor, for example a Ki of greater than 250 nM, for example Ki≥500-1000 nM. A compound with a Ki≥1000 nM is particularly useful, which compound has essentially no psychoactivity mediated by the cannabinoid receptor





[U1]This Forms  SOD—next to Guthatione is one of the stronges antioxidants for the cells and Zinc Manganese produces SOD for the Mitochondria—Muscle

 [U2]The ratio should impact the SOD levels as well

 [U3]This is usually caused by pollutant fall outs that stimulate bacterial or fungal growth due to lack of oxygen anddd the consumption of foods with Disodium guaynalte and Disodium Inosinate—other places call this ribo rash as well

 [U4]Chemtrails have been being dumped on us with bacterial and microbial ,fungal and virals of all kinds they are a genetic anomaly which can impact the system with skin lesions as well

 [U5]Now if this is the case then you would have to consider what is activating them ---what is stimulating there growth-is it something from the air---is there pollutants specific causing this---remember 50 years ago this was not a common issue ---not until the atmospheres was  completely polluted and now being chemtrailed

 [U6]Inside---was it put there genetically in a lab---was it put there due to the genetics of our foods causing there DNA to alter and become a infection carrying mite?? Something to ponder

 [U7]Planned attack?—“trigger”

 [U8]A Trojan Horse---something like a virus on a cpu looks like one thing then releases something unwanted

 [U9]Something is wrong with this picture eh---maybe some one put it there???

 [U10]Use a distilled water and add Iodine or chlorine to the water and allow to sit for several days---or add peroxide or GSE ---and use this instead of the tap for a neti pot use

 [U11]GHEE –UnPasteurized Milk-Butter will do this as well due to the vitamin D and C and traces of Iodine which  will cure this

 [U12]Again Iodine + D + C from fats  ---this shows the connection as well with Fat  and the respiratory organ










Show Of the Month  September 21-2012


Precautions for Tick-Borne Disease Extend 'Beyond Lyme'


Copper Benefits


Copper---and how it Protects


Copper Proves Effective Against New E. Coli Strains in New Study


Dry Copper Kills Bacteria On Contact


Work With Germ-Killing Copper Could Save Thousands of Lives


Copper Recipes


Precautions for Tick-Borne Disease Extend 'Beyond Lyme'


ScienceDaily (Sep. 7, 2012) — This year's mild winter and early spring were a bonanza for tick populations in the eastern United States. Reports of tick-borne disease rose fast.---While Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in the Northeast and Upper Midwest, new research results emphasize that it is not the greatest cause for concern in most Southeastern states.---The findings are published today in a paper in the journal Zoonoses and Public Health.---The majority of human-biting ticks in the North--members of the blacklegged tick species--cause Lyme disease, but these same ticks do not commonly bite humans south of mid-Virginia.-[U1] -Biologist Graham Hickling of the University of Tennessee, co-author of the paper, says many patients in Southeastern states, who become sick from a tick-bite, assume they have Lyme disease, but the odds of that being the case are low.---"Ticks in the eastern U.S. collectively carry more than a dozen agents that can cause human disease," says Hickling.---"Here in Tennessee we regularly collect lone star ticks that test positive for Ehrlichia, [a tick-borne bacterial infection]. Lone stars are an aggressive species that account for most of the human bites that we see in this region. So ehrlichiosis has to be a big concern, yet most people have never heard of it."---In contrast, says Hickling, there have been no confirmed reports to date of the Lyme disease pathogen among the sparse populations of blacklegged ticks found in Tennessee[U2] .--"The Southeast is dominated by different tick species than the ones that attack humans in the North," says Ellen Stromdahl, an entomologist at the U.S. Army Public Health Command and lead author of the paper.---"The lone star tick is by far the most abundant tick in the Southeast, and which species of tick bites you is critical because different ticks carry different diseases. In the Southeast you are unlikely to be bitten by the blacklegged ticks that spread Lyme disease," Stromdahl says.--Most bites in the Southeast are from the tick species that spread spotted fever rickettsiosis and ehrlichiosis, but not Lyme disease.--A complicating factor for public health officials is that tick species are on the move, as wildlife populations, forest habitats and weather patterns change across the continent.[U3]   This spring the Tennessee Department of Health, for example, reported a 500 percent increase in tick-borne rickettsiosis.---"Identifying health risks in the face of changing climates will be critical in coming years," says Sam Scheiner, National Science Foundation program director for the joint NSF-National Institutes of Health Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID) program, which funds Hickling's research.--At NSF, the EEID program is co-funded by the Directorates for Biological Sciences and Geosciences.--"This study will inform public health officials about what diseases are found in which areas," says Scheiner, "so they can minimize human health problems."--Hickling's work is also in collaboration with scientist Jean Tsao of Michigan State University and is part of an EEID project to identify the ecological factors leading to distributions of tick species and pathogens--in particular, where the Lyme disease tick and pathogen are found.--Lyme-infected blacklegged ticks are expanding south through Virginia, and lone star ticks are moving north, [U4] the scientists have found.--The bite of the lone star tick can create a bulls-eye rash that appears like that of Lyme disease, but the rash isn't caused by the Lyme bacteria.---The scientists say that this almost certainly leads to misdiagnosis of some patients in mid-Atlantic states, where both tick species are common.---The best way to distinguish Lyme from other tick-borne diseases is to be vigilant for tick bites, and whenever possible save any tick that manages to bite you, the biologists recommend. Store the tick in your freezer or in a vial of alcohol so it can be identified if you become ill.---In the Northeast, Lyme disease awareness campaigns have focused public attention on the nymphal blacklegged tick--which is responsible for most disease transmission and which is tinier than the adult form.--While nymphal blacklegged ticks and nymphal lone star ticks--which also bite humans--can be distinguished, the two are often confused by the public.--In one study, 13 of 20 patients reporting tick bites to physicians were given antibiotics on the assumption that they were at risk for Lyme disease, yet 53 of the 54 ticks removed from those same patients were lone star ticks, which do not spread Lyme disease.---"Where you live determines which tick species is likely to bite you," says Tsao, "and therefore which diseases you're most likely to contract."--The biologists say they are happy that recent treatment recommendations have begun to emphasize the importance of considering the tick species and its infection status as part of the diagnostic process.--Their advice: Stay open-minded about which tick-borne diseases are most common in your area--and save the tick that bites you.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by National Science Foundation. ---Journal Reference--E. Y. Stromdahl, G. J. Hickling. Beyond Lyme: Aetiology of Tick-borne Human Diseases with Emphasis on the South-Eastern United States. Zoonoses and Public Health, 2012; 59: 48 DOI: 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2012.01475.x


Copper Benefits---

Aneurysm may occur as a result of Copper deficiency.  --Copper may help to prevent abnormal Blood Clotting.-Copper deficiency may cause Congestive Heart Failure. -Copper is involved in the production of Red Blood Cells (via its involvement in the production of Hemoglobin). -Copper (in correct dosages) may enhance the health of the Heart-Optimal Copper levels may help to prevent damage to the Cardiac Muscle (i.e. the Muscle of the Heart).  ---Cells--Impaired Growth may occur as a result of Copper deficiency.  ---Digestive System---Many Celiac Disease patients are found to be deficient in Copper (indicating that supplemental Copper may benefit Celiac Disease patients). --Infant Diarrhea may occur as a result of Copper deficiency. --Eyes/Vision---Optimal Copper levels may help to prevent Cataracts. --- Increased susceptibility to Bacterial & Viral Diseases (infections) may occur as a result of Copper deficiency: references- Copper may be a useful treatment for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patients (Copper inhibits HIV Protease, a component of the HIV virus)--However it has not yet been proven (nor disproven) that supplemental Copper can inhibit HIV Protease in vivo (within the body) as opposed to in vitro (in the test tube).---Optimal Copper levels may enhance the body’s resistance to Candida albicans proliferation.  Copper may be essential for the proper function of the Immune System and damage to the Immune System may occur as a result of Copper deficiency---Copper deficiency may reduce the production of Antibodies. Copper may be essential for the production of Neutrophils - Neutropenia (low Neutrophils count) may occur as a result of Copper deficiency. - Copper is involved in the formation of Bones---Copper may be required for the healing of Fractures (due to Copper being an essential component of the Lysyl Oxidase enzyme that catalyzes the final step in the synthesis of Collagen which is essential for the healing of Fractures) and supplemental Copper may accelerate the healing of Fractures.  People who are deficient in Copper may be more susceptible to Fractures.Osteoporosis may occur as a result of Copper deficiency.  Copper is required for the health of Connective Tissues--Copper may stimulate the (desirable) cross-linking of Collagen fibers (by activating the Lysyl Oxidase enzyme). -Copper may stimulate the formation of Elastin in Connective Tissues. ---33% of the body's Copper concentrates in the Muscles.--        Copper may alleviate Rheumatoid Arthritis---Copper bracelets may react with the Fatty Acids in the Skin to form Copper salts which are able to be absorbed into the Skin (this has been scientifically validated).---The Copper Salicylate form of Copper (consumed orally or applied topically) may be an effective treatment for the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis and claimed to be the best form of Copper for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis (due to it very closely mimicking the function of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), a natural Antioxidant enzyme).  Vitiligo may occur as a result of Copper deficiency. ---


Copper---and how it Protects


Copper Can Help In The Battle Against Influenza A H1N1, Says Scientist

ScienceDaily (July 24, 2009) — A leading microbiologist from the University of Southampton has told a conference that his research has found copper is effective in inhibiting the influenza A H1N1 virus.---Copper appears to have broad spectrum antiviral activity because it is also effective, not only against RNA-based influenza, but also against DNA-based adenovirus 40/41 which causes gastrointestinal infections.---Speaking at the BIT Life Sciences 2nd Annual World Summit on Antivirals in Beijing, China this week, Professor Bill Keevil, from the University’s School of Biological Sciences, added that he believed copper could be used to reduce the spread of flu in public places.---"With the ongoing threat of contamination by influenza A viruses, such as H1N1, there is a real and pressing need to utilise all appropriate and effective measures with proven antimicrobial qualities," commented Professor Keevil. "It is recognised that many infectious diseases are spread by hand contact and studies have now repeatedly shown that the use of copper as a surface material in key public places such as hospitals and food preparation areas offers the potential to substantially restrict and reduce the spread of harmful infection". The influenza aspect of the study, completed in 2007, involved a series of experiments testing incubation of influenza A on copper and stainless steel surfaces. Results showed that, after incubation for 1 hour on copper, 75% of the virus was eradicated, and after 6 hours, less than 500 viral particles remained active (greater than 99.99% or 10,000-fold decrease). Similar inactivation rates have now been observed for adenovirus 40/41.--Professor Keevil added: "These public health benefits, supported by extensive antimicrobial efficacy testing, are underpinned by the fact that copper, brass and bronze are capable of killing a range of harmful and potentially deadly micro-organisms."--The study has contributed further to the understanding of copper’s antimicrobial qualities, which actively inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi and viruses.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Southampton, via AlphaGalileo.


Copper Proves Effective Against New E. Coli Strains in New Study

ScienceDaily (June 2, 2011) — As the World Health Organisation suggests the E. coli outbreak in Germany is a strain never before seen in an outbreak -- O104:H4 -- laboratory science conducted at the University of Southampton indicates a role for copper in preventing the spread of such infections.---Professor Bill Keevil, Head of the Microbiology Group and Director of the Environmental Healthcare Unit at the University of Southampton, explains: "A study looking at copper's efficacy against new strains of E. coli has just been completed. Although it did not specifically look at O104, all the strains investigated have died rapidly on copper."---On a dry copper surface, the study shows 10 million E. coli bacteria are eliminated within 10 minutes. On a wet copper surface, one could expect a total kill within around 45 minutes. This antimicrobial property is inherent to the metal, and shared with alloys such as brass and bronze.---In the wake of this outbreak, hand washing and careful food preparation have been highlighted as key concerns, as has cross-contamination. Any raw food placed on a work surface can contaminate other food, or have bacteria transferred onto it from previous items resting there.[U5]  Deployed as a touch surface in food preparation areas, copper will continuously kill any pathogens that settle on it, reducing the risk of cross-contamination, and helping to prevent the spread of infection.--Professor Keevil will be presenting his findings at the forthcoming WHO International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control in Geneva on 30 June.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Southampton, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.


Dry Copper Kills Bacteria On Contact

ScienceDaily (Feb. 22, 2011) — Metallic copper surfaces kill microbes on contact, decimating their populations, according to a paper in the February 2011 issue of the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology. They do so literally in minutes, by causing massive membrane damage after about a minute's exposure, says the study's corresponding author, Gregor Grass of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. This is the first study to demonstrate this mechanism of bacteriocide.---"When microbes were exposed to copper surfaces, we observed contact killing to take place at the rate of tens to hundreds of millions of bacterial cells within minutes," says Grass. "This means that usually no live microorganisms can be recovered from copper surfaces after exposure."---Thus, such surfaces could provide a critical passive defense against pathogens in hospitals, where hospital-acquired infections are becoming increasingly common and costly, killing 50,000-100,000 Americans annually, and costing more than $8 billion, according to one estimate. Still, Grass cautions that "metallic copper surfaces will never be able to replace other hygiene-improving methods already in effect," although they "will certainly decrease the costs associated with hospital-acquired infections and curb human disease as well as save lives." However, he expects this strategy to be inexpensive, because "the effect does not wear off."---Critically, the researchers provide strong evidence that genotoxicity through mutations and DNA lesions is not a cause of dry copper's antimicrobial properties. This is important, because mutations can cause cancer in animals and humans, and the lack of such mutations in bacteria from copper means that copper does not endanger humans.---The relevant experiment was particularly interesting. The bacterium, Deinococcus radiodurans, is unusually resistant to radiation damage, as its DNA repair mechanisms are especially robust. The hypothesis: if metallic copper kills by causing DNA damage, D. radiodurans should be immune to copper. It is not.[U6] It is important to note that only dry copper surfaces are amazingly lethal to bacteria. The difference between dry and wet surfaces, such as copper pipes, is that only dry surfaces are inhospitable environments for bacterial growth. Bacteria can easily grow and reproduce in wet environments, and in so doing, they can develop resistance to copper. Resistance has not been observed to develop on dry copper surfaces.----Story Source:-- Journal Reference-C. E. Santo, E. W. Lam, C. G. Elowsky, D. Quaranta, D. W. Domaille, C. J. Chang, G. Grass. Bacterial Killing by Dry Metallic Copper Surfaces. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2010; 77 (3): 794 DOI: 10.1128/AEM.01599-10


Work With Germ-Killing Copper Could Save Thousands of Lives


Roberto del Rio Children's Hospital, the oldest pediatric facility in Chile, installed antimicrobial copper surfaces in its intensive care and treatment rooms to reduce the risk of infection. The installation was a first for Latin America, following a growing number of installations in Europe, Asia and North America. --ScienceDaily (Sep. 7, 2012) — When Adam Estelle graduated from the University of Arizona's materials science and engineering program four years ago, he had no idea he would be involved in saving thousands of lives.--Like most graduates, he was just hoping to find a job -- preferably in Tucson, Ariz., because he wasn't interested in big-city life. What happened next was a job offer from the Copper Development Association in New York City.--The technology is based on copper alloys that kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. The metals can be fashioned into everything from IV poles to sinks to bed rails -- just about anything that is frequently touched in hospitals.---While these surfaces might look benign, they're covered with organisms that contribute to hospital-acquired infections, the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, killing more people than AIDS and breast cancer combined. That's 2 million infections annually, and 100,000 deaths -- one infection for every 20 people admitted to hospitals.--While disease-causing organisms can lurk on stainless steel surfaces for two weeks, according to a recent UA research study, 99.9 percent die within two hours on surfaces that contain at least 60 percent copper, Estelle says.---Estelle has been working with four other engineers at the Copper Development Association, a not-for-profit trade group, to develop a market for copper alloys in the health care industry. They also have been helping manufacturers gear up for producing copper alloy products.--Part of that effort has involved gaining EPA certification for the antimicrobial effects of copper so manufacturers can advertise the health benefits of these products. The second part, which has been Estelle's major focus for the past two years, was to retrofit the Ronald McDonald House in Charleston, S.C., with copper alloy stair railings, door hardware, sinks, faucets, counter tops, kitchen tables, chair arms, and other surfaces that are frequently touched by patients, visitors and staff.--This has been a win-win for everyone, Estelle explained, creating a safer environment for families and children, while at the same time helping the first wave of manufacturers tool up and commercialize lines of copper products that can now be marketed to hospitals.--"One of our first commercial products is a beautiful seamless counter top and sink bowl manufactured by Elkay Commercial Products," Estelle said. "We installed about forty of these in the Ronald McDonald House." Elkay is among ten manufacturers now marketing antimicrobial copper alloy products to the health care industry.--Surfaces at the Ronald McDonald House were swabbed and tested for bacteria for ten weeks before the new copper alloy products were installed. "Follow-up tests on the items converted to copper showed they carried 94 percent fewer bacteria," Estelle said. "We are now trying to recreate the Charleston project at other Ronald McDonald Houses around the world to create a safer living and working environment for the children, families and staff."---Now, with the Ronald McDonald House pilot project completed and EPA approval secured, the next step is to convince hospitals to replace traditional surfaces that are not worn out with copper alloy ones. New policies from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that go into effect next year should help spur this changeover. Treatment for hospital-acquired infections costs between $35 billion and $45 billion each year in the U.S., and Medicare and Medicaid will no long reimburse hospitals for that treatment if the infections are judged to have been preventable and a hospital mistake.--But even without the new rules, the changeover makes economic sense, Estelle explained. Under today's reimbursement system, individual hospitals spend $5 million on average each year to treat infections. "Even on the low end, it's $30,000 per infection," he said. Clinical trials at three hospitals funded by the U.S. Department of Defense have recently proved that copper surfaces can reduce infections in the intensive care unit by more than 50 percent.--Using published estimates, about 500,000 Americans will contract an infection this year in the ICU. This will cost our hospitals an additional $3.5 billion in treatment, and about 40,000 people will not survive the ordeal. The clinical trial results suggest that installing copper surfaces could cut these figures in half.---"By implementing these surfaces, hospitals can see real, continuous savings year after year," Estelle said. "This is a passive way to prevent infection that doesn't depend on human behavior, such as hand-washing or hydrogen peroxide vapor machines. There is no need for maintenance beyond the normal surface cleaning procedures that are already in place."---,."Story Source--The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Arizona College of Engineering, via Newswise.




Copper Recipe ---

Chlorophyll2 table spoons---vitamin C 3 grams and Zinc 30-50 mgs-manganese 8 mgs----mix your Vitamin C and chlorophyll in a tiny glass—and consume them—cahse with water or juice or cool tea afterwards---this will Boost S O D in both the mitochandria and the cells—the combination should as well boost the immune system on several fronts and stabilizing Glutathione as well


Copper Colloidal—1  -2 tablespoon 3 grams of vitamin C  and Salicyclic acid 50 mgs—and 2 oz of water –Mix well and consume this  will alleviate pain in moments and will kill of viral and bacterial pathogens


You can also do this in dry form

3 grams of Vitamin C---2 mgs of copper and 30 mgs of zinc and the salicyclic acid 50 mgs-may find relief with this for hours





 [U1]Potential Change in the Genetics or the types of carriers it may have in ‘s DNA are different then what is transpiring  south—potentially different pathogens being releases from the chem. Trails causing the difference

 [U2] Something is definitely different and it would appear it would definitely be environmental

 [U3]Very important comment here---the tick spreads disease as the environment changes it moves accordingly---biggest  environmental change would be the geo engineering going on globally—they would move based on he weather patterns


 [U4]Now I wonder why that is eh?? What is encouraging this movement—this would be a binary attack on the immune system

 [U5]Raw Foods would have to be treated to eliminate this potential compromise of the immune system

 [U6]This is HUGE----truly important ---focus on this part







Show Of the Month  September 24-2012


How LOW Cholesterol Can Harm Your Health

Grain-Wheat-Chronic Poison

Nutritional Supplement Offers Promise in Treatment of Unique Form of Autism


Myocardial infarction in relation to mercury and fatty acids from fish


Supplement Your Stem Cells—how to look at this study


How LOW Cholesterol Can Harm Your Health

You’ve heard for decades about the dangers of high cholesterol, but did you know that LOW cholesterol can lead to violence towards self and other, and has been linked to premature aging, death and other adverse health effects?--In a world gone mad with anti-cholesterol anxiety, and where gobbling down pharmaceuticals designed to poison the body into no longer synthesizing it is somehow considered sane behavior, it is refreshing to look at some of the research on the health benefits of cholesterol, or conversely, the dangers of low cholesterol.

Benefits of Cholesterol

Cholesterol Is Needed To Prevent Aggression

It has been known for almost 30 years that low serum cholesterol levels are associated with habitually violent tendencies of homicidal offenders under the influence of alcohol.[i] Since then, there are at least 8 other studies that have either confirmed or explored the cholesterol-violence link, including both violence towards self and other.  One of the possible explanations for this association was discussed in an article published in the British Journal of Psychiatry in 1993: “One of the functions of serotonin in the central nervous system is the suppression of harmful behaviour impulses…Low membrane cholesterol decreases the number of serotonin receptors. Since membrane cholesterol exchanges freely with cholesterol in the surrounding medium, a lowered serum cholesterol concentration may contribute to a decrease in brain serotonin, with poorer suppression of aggressive behaviour”.[ii] Not surprisingly, several reports have now surfaced on cholesterol-lowering statin drugs contributing to irritability and/or aggression.

Cholesterol Is Needed To Fight Cancer

The inverse relationship between cholesterol levels and the risk for a variety of cancers, and mortality associated with cancer, has been known about since the late 80′s.[iii] Since then, the cholesterol-cancer connection has been confirmed over and over again. It is to be expected, therefore, that statin drug use would be linked with increased cancer incidence, which indeed it is.[iv] Even when you take so-called “bad” LDL-cholesterol and administer it to a culture of highly malignant, multi-drug resistant leukemia cells, the cells lose their resistance to chemotherapy.


Cholesterol Is Needed To Prevent Hemorrhagic Stroke

There are two types of stroke:

1) Ischemic, associated with lack of blood flow and oxygen to the brain

2) Hemorrhagic, associated with the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain, and bleeding.

The risk for the former, in theory, could be raised in the presence of excessive oxidized cholesterol. However, it is the risk for the second, hemorrhagic stroke, which is increased when cholesterol levels are low. Noted as far back as 1994 in the British Medical Journal, in an article titled, “Assessing possible hazards of reducing serum cholesterol,” researchers found “The only cause of death attributable to low serum cholesterol concentration was haemorrhagic stroke.”[vi]  Other studies can be viewed that confirm this association on our stroke-cholesterol link page.

Cholesterol Is Needed for Memory

Low HDL cholesterol has been identified as a risk factor for deficit and decline in memory in midlife. [vii] Even in Parkinson’s disease, higher total serum cholesterol concentrations are associated with slower clinical progression of the disease.[viii]Statin drugs, which inhibit the production of cholesterol, hence severely affecting the brain, are now required by the FDA to display the black box warning that they may adversely affect the memory.[ix] We have indexed over 50 studies from the National Library of Medicine’s bibliographic database, Medline, on the neurotoxicity of statin drugs, with six of these specifically addressing statin-induced memory impairment.

Cholesterol is Needed for Longevity

In a fascinating study published in PLoS in 2011, telomere length – the shoestring cap-like ends of the chromosomes which prevent DNA damage associated with cellular aging – was linked to higher LDL and total cholesterol levels. The longer the length of these protective caps, the higher the cholesterol.[x]  Indeed, several studies indicate that lower cholesterol is associated with increased mortality.

Cholesterol Helps Us Fight Infection

It has been observed that a cholesterol-rich diet improves patients with tuberculosis, leading researchers to suggest “cholesterol should be used as a complementary measure in antitubercular treatment.”[xi] Cholesterol-lowering drugs, incidentally, exhibit immunosuppressive and potent immunotoxic properties, likely in part due to their cholesterol depleting effects.

Given that cholesterol is essential for all animal life and that each cell is capable of synthesizing it from simpler molecules, we should not be surprised by examples provided above of cholesterol’s significant health benefits.  Nor should it be surprising that cholesterol-lowering drugs have over 300 adverse health effects.  For now, suffice it to say, that conventional medical practice would do well to receive instruction from basic principles of biology, rather than simply the drug-company marketing copy it increasingly falls prey to.

Article Sources


 Grain-Wheat-Chronic Poison

(CBS News) Modern wheat is a "perfect, chronic poison," according to Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist who has published a book all about the world's most popular grain. -Davis said that the wheat we eat these days isn't the wheat your grandma had: "It's an 18-inch tall plant created by genetic research in the '60s and '70s," he said on "CBS This Morning." "This thing has many new features nobody told you about, such as there's a new protein in this thing called gliadin. It's not gluten. I'm not addressing people with gluten sensitivities and celiac disease. I'm talking about everybody else because everybody else is susceptible to the gliadin protein that is an opiate. This thing binds into the opiate receptors in your brain and in most people stimulates appetite, such that we consume 440 more calories per day, 365 days per year."--Asked if the farming industry could change back to the grain it formerly produced, Davis said it could, but it would not be economically feasible because it yields less per acre. However, Davis said a movement has begun with people turning away from wheat - and dropping substantial weight. --"If three people lost eight pounds, big deal," he said. "But we're seeing hundreds of thousands of people losing 30, 80, 150 pounds. Diabetics become no longer diabetic; people with arthritis having dramatic relief. People losing leg swelling, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and on and on every day."--To avoid these wheat-oriented products, Davis suggests eating "real food," such as avocados, olives, olive oil, meats, and vegetables. "(It's) the stuff that is least likely to have been changed by agribusiness," he said. "Certainly not grains. When I say grains, of course, over 90 percent of all grains we eat will be wheat, it's not barley... or flax. It's going to be wheat. --"It's really a wheat issue."--Some health resources, such as the Mayo Clinic, advocate a more balanced diet that does include wheat. But Davis said on "CTM" they're just offering a poor alternative. --"All that literature says is to replace something bad, white enriched products with something less bad, whole grains, and there's an apparent health benefit - 'Let's eat a whole bunch of less bad things.' So I take...unfiltered cigarettes and replace with Salem filtered cigarettes, you should smoke the Salems. That's the logic of nutrition, it's a deeply flawed logic. What if I take it to the next level, and we say, 'Let's eliminate all grains,' what happens then?---"That's when you see, not improvements in health, that's when you see transformations in health."




Nutritional Supplement Offers Promise in Treatment of Unique Form of Autism


ScienceDaily (Sep. 6, 2012) — An international team of researchers, led by scientists at the University of California, San Diego and Yale University schools of medicine, have identified a form of autism with epilepsy that may potentially be treatable with a common nutritional supplement.--The findings are published in the Sept. 6, 2012 online issue of Science.--Roughly one-quarter of patients with autism also suffer from epilepsy, a brain disorder characterized by repeated seizures or convulsions over time. The causes of the epilepsy are multiple and largely unknown. Using a technique called exome sequencing, the UC San Diego and Yale scientists found that a gene mutation present in some patients with autism speeds up metabolism of certain amino acids. These patients also suffer from epileptic seizures. The discovery may help physicians diagnose this particular form of autism earlier and treat sooner.--The researchers focused on a specific type of amino acid known as branched chain amino acids or BCAAs. BCAAs are not produced naturally in the human body and must be acquired through diet. During periods of starvation, humans have evolved a means to turn off the metabolism of these amino acids. It is this ability to shut down that metabolic activity that researchers have found to be defective in some autism patients.---"It was very surprising to find mutations in a potentially treatable metabolic pathway specific for autism," said senior author Joseph G. Gleeson, MD, professor in the UCSD Department of Neurosciences and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. "What was most exciting was that the potential treatment is obvious and simple: Just give affected patients the naturally occurring amino acids their bodies lack."---Gleeson and colleagues used the emerging technology of exome sequencing to study two closely related families that have children with autism spectrum disorder. These children also had a history of seizures or abnormal electrical brain wave activity, as well as a mutation in the gene that regulates BCAAs. In exome sequencing, researchers analyze all of the elements in the genome involved in making proteins.---In addition, the scientists examined cultured neural stem cells from these patients and found they behaved normally in the presence of BCAAs, suggesting the condition might be treatable with nutritional supplementation. They also studied a line of mice engineered with a mutation in the same gene, which showed the condition was both inducible by lowering the dietary intake of the BCAAs and reversible by raising the dietary intake. Mice treated with BCAA supplementation displayed improved neurobehavioral symptoms, reinforcing the idea that the approach could work in humans as well.--"Studying the animals was key to our discovery," said first author Gaia Novarino, PhD, a staff scientist in Gleeson's lab. "We found that the mice displayed a condition very similar to our patients, and also had spontaneous epileptic seizures, just like our patients. Once we found that we could treat the condition in mice, the pressing question was whether we could effectively treat our patients."---Using a nutritional supplement purchased at a health food store at a specific dose, the scientists reported that they could correct BCAA levels in the study patients with no ill effect. The next step, said Gleeson, is to determine if the supplement helps reduce the symptoms of epilepsy and/or autism in humans.---"We think this work will establish a basis for future screening of all patients with autism and/or epilepsy for this or related genetic mutations, which could be an early predictor of the disease," he said. "What we don't know is how many patients with autism and/or epilepsy have mutations in this gene and could benefit from treatment, but we think it is an extremely rare condition."

Co-authors are Paul El-Fishawy, Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine; Hulya Kayserili, Medical Genetics Department, Istanbul University, Turkey; Nagwa A. Meguid, Rehab O. Khalil, Adel F. Hashish and Hebatalla S. Hashem, Department of Research on Children with Special Needs, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt; Eric M. Scott, Jana Schroth, Jennifer L. Silhavy, Neurogenetics Laboratory, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Neurosciences, UC San Diego; Majdi Kara, Pediatric Department, Tripoli Children's Hospital, Libya; Tawfeq Ben-Omran, Clinical and Metabolic Genetics Division, Department of Pediatrics, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar; A. Gulhan Ercan-Sencicek, Stephan J. Sanders and Matthew W. State, Program on Neurogenetics, Child Study Center, Department of Psychiatry and Department of Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine; Abha R. Gupta, Child Study Center, Department of Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine; Dietrich Matern, Biochemical Genetics Laboratory, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic; Stacy Gabriel, Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Larry Sweetman, Institute of Metabolic Disease, Baylor Research Institute; Yasmeen Rahimi and Robert A. Harris, Roudebush VA Medical Center and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine.--Funding for this research came, in part, from the National Institutes of Health (grants P1HD070494, R01NS048453, P30NS047101, RC2MH089956, K08MH087639, T32MH018268, U54HG003067), the Center for Inherited Disease Research, the Simons Foundation Research Initiative, Veterans Administration Merit Award, the German Research Foundation, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Pilot Research Award/Elaine Schlosser Lewis Fund and the American Psychiatric Association/Lilly Research Fellowship.---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California, San Diego, via Newswise. --Journal Reference-Gaia Novarino, Paul El-Fishawy, Hulya Kayserili, Nagwa A. Meguid, Eric M. Scott, Jana Schroth, Jennifer L. Silhavy, Majdi Kara, Rehab O. Khalil, Tawfeg Ben-Omran, A. Gulhan Ercan-Sencicek, Adel F. Hashish, Stephan J. Sanders, Abha R. Gupta, Hebatalla S. Hashem, Dietrich Matern, Stacey Gabriel, Larry Sweetman, Yasmeen Rahimi, Robert A. Harris, Matthew W. State, and Joseph G. Gleeson. Mutations in BCKD-kinase Lead to a Potentially Treatable Form of Autism with Epilepsy. Science, 2012; DOI: 10.1126/science.1224631



Myocardial infarction in relation to mercury and fatty acids from fish: a risk-benefit analysis based on pooled Finnish and Swedish data in men1,2,3,4

  1. Maria Wennberg,
  2. Ulf Strömberg,
  3. Ingvar A Bergdahl,
  4. Jan-Håkan Jansson,
  5. Jussi Kauhanen,
  6. Margareta Norberg,
  7. Jukka T Salonen,
  8. Staffan Skerfving,
  9. Tomi-Pekka Tuomainen,
  10. Bengt Vessby, and
  11. Jyrki K Virtanen

+ Author Affiliations

  1. 1From the Departments of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Occupational and Environmental Medicine (MW and IAB), Medicine (J-HJ), and Epidemiology and Global Health (MN), Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden; the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden (US and SS); the Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland (JK, T-PT, and JKV); Metabolic Analytical Services Oy, Helsinki, Finland (JTS); and the Department of Public Health and Caring Science, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (BV).

+ Author Notes


Background: Exposure to methylmercury from fish has been associated with increased risk of myocardial infarction (MI) in some studies. At the same time, marine n−3 (omega-3) PUFAs[U1]  are an inherent constituent of fish and are regarded as beneficial. To our knowledge, no risk-benefit model on the basis of data on methylmercury, PUFA, and MI risk has yet been presented.

Objective: The objective of this study was to describe how exposure to both marine n−3 PUFAs and methylmercury relates to MI risk by using data from Finland and Sweden.

Design: We used matched case-control sets from Sweden and Finland that were nested in population-based, prospective cohort studies. We included 361 men with MI from Sweden and 211 men with MI from Finland. MI risk was estimated in a logistic regression model with the amount of mercury in hair (hair-Hg) and concentrations of n−3 PUFAs (EPA and DHA) in serum (S-PUFA) as independent variables.

Results: The median hair-Hg was 0.57 μg/g in Swedish and 1.32 μg/g in Finnish control subjects, whereas the percentage of S-PUFA was 4.21% and 3.83%, respectively. In combined analysis, hair-Hg was associated with higher (P = 0.005) and S-PUFA with lower (P = 0.011) MI risk. Our model indicated that even a small change in fish consumption (ie, by increasing S-PUFA by 1%) would prevent 7% of MIs, despite a small increase in mercury exposure. However, at a high hair-Hg, the modeled beneficial effect of PUFA on MI risk was counteracted by methylmercury. [U2] 

Conclusions: Exposure to methylmercury was associated with increased risk of MI, and higher [U3] S-PUFA concentrations were associated with decreased risk of MI. Thus, MI risk may be reduced by the consumption of fish high in PUFAs and low in methylmercury. [U4] 


Supplement Your Stem Cells—how to look at this study

ScienceDaily (Apr. 7, 2010) — A nutritional supplement could stimulate the production of stem cells integral for repairing the body. Research published in BioMed Central's open access Journal of Translational Medicine suggests that a commercially-available supplement can increase the blood circulation of hematopoietic stem cells, which can give rise to all blood cells, and endothelial progenitor cells, which repair damage to blood vessels.---Thomas E. Ichim from Medistem Incorporated, USA worked with a team of 13 researchers from industry and academia to further investigate whether this supplement, containing a cocktail of green tea, astralagus, goji berry extracts, 'good' bacteria Lactobacillus fermentum, antioxidant ellagic acid, immune enhancer beta 1,3 glucan and vitamin D3, was able to increase the number of stem cells circulating in the blood. They recruited 18 healthy adults aged between 20 and 72 who stopped any other dietary supplements 4-5 days [U5] before starting a two-week course of this supplement, taking it twice daily. The researchers took blood from the participants before they started the course and on days 1, 2, 7 and 14 to test for signs of stem cell activity by looking for cells expressing the genetic stem cell markers CD133, CD34 and KDR. They then confirmed whether taking the supplement changed the overall levels of hematopoietic stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells in the blood by using HALO (Hematopoietic Assay via Luminescent Output) and colony forming assays respectively.---Hematopoietic stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells increased after taking the nutritional supplement, suggesting that the supplement may be a useful stimulator for both types of stem cells. In this study, the levels of these stem cells peaked at 2-7 days and started to drop at 14 days, suggesting that this supplement could be used for continuous treatment for conditions associated with decreases in these stem cells such as Alzheimer's Disease. Other therapeutic treatments used to recruit hematopoietic stem cells are not viable as long-term solutions due to costs and increased health risks caused by the extremely high levels of stem cells that these treatments maintain in the blood.---"To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating profound mobilization effect with possible clinical significance by a food supplement-based approach," say the authors, adding, "Indeed it may be possible that our supplement could be beneficial in conditions associated with reduced progenitor cells such as diabetes or in smokers which possess lower baseline values as compared to controls." Although they are quick to add, "However, given commercial pressures associated with this largely unregulated field, we propose detailed scientific investigations must be made before disease-associated claims are made by the scientific community."--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by BioMed Central, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS. --Journal Reference-Nina A Mikirova, James A Jackson, Ron Hunninghake, Julian Kenyon, Kyle WH Chan, Cathy A Swindlehurst, Boris Minev, Amit N Patel, Michael P Murphy, Leonard Smith, Famela Ramos, Doru T Alexandrescu, Thomas E Ichim and Neil H Riordan. Nutraceutical augmentation of circulating endothelial progenitor cells and hematopoietic stem cells in human subjects. Journal of Translational Medicine, (in press) [link]



 [U1]Poly Un Saturated Fatty Acids

 [U2]The Mercury Counteracted the effect of the Omega 3

 [U3]Increasing the Mercury increased Heart Attacks—and in creased 3’s lowered the incidences ---but as seen previous the mercury would negate the effect of Omega 3 in the diet coming from fish

 [U4]The Key word is high  in omega 3’s ---but the article is still showing elevated amounts of mercury—especially in the hair so this is not good

 [U5]These are healthy People and quit using supplements for 4-5 days---this would not be enough of a clearance to see if this was real or not---some things depending on how long you use them develop a saturation level where there is a constant in the body long after you quit using the supplements








Show of the Month September 28 2012

Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements May Not Offer Heart Benefits After All

Grape seed extract enhances neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus in C57BL/6 mice

Grain-Wheat-Chronic Poison

18 Causes of Mineral Depletion

US and China Caught Secretly Testing GMO Rice on Children


Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements May Not Offer Heart Benefits After All

12 Sep 2012   

A review of 20 studies covering nearly 70,000 participants finds no statistically significant evidence that supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), commonly referred to as fish oil supplements, is linked to a lower risk of heart attack, stroke, or premature death.--However, in their attempt to clarify the recent controversy surrounding the use of omega-3 supplements, the authors do not rule out the possibility that certain groups may benefit, and call for future studies to look more closely at this.--Evangelos Rizos, of the University Hospital of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece, and colleagues write about their findings in the 12 September issue of JAMA.---Omega-3 PUFAs are considered essential for healthy development of the heart and other parts of the body, and food sources rich in these include nuts and seeds,[U1]  and oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines. As supplements they are typically given in the form of fish oil.---Although it is not clear how they help the heart and circulation, there are suggestions omega-3 PUFAs lower triglyceride levels, prevent serious arrythmias, reduce the clumping of platelets, and lower blood pressure.

However, the authors write that-"Considerable controversy exists regarding the association of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and major cardiovascular end points."---For years, omega 3 fish oils have been recommended by health organisations to help reduce heart disease. However, a review of recent studies has questioned this. ---Although some randomized studies suggest omega-3 PUFAs prevent heart disease, others refute this, they explain, noting also that many medical and health societies support their use for patients after heart attack (MI, myocardial infarction), either as supplements or through dietary advice.--Regulatory authorities also appear to have different views. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of omega-3 PUFAs only for lowering triglycerides in patients with overt hypertriglyceridemia, while some, but not all, European regulators have approved them for reducing cardiovascular risk.---"The controversy stemming from the varying labeling indications causes confusion in everyday clinical practice about whether to use these agents for cardiovascular protection," write Rizos and colleagues.--Thus, in an attempt to clarify the situation, they carried out a large-scale statistical review of the available evidence from randomized controlled studies, looking at the link between omega-3 PUFAs and major cardiovascular outcomes such as stroke and heart attacks, and also premature death.---From a search of the well-known databases, they found 3,635 studies, from which 20 matched their criteria. These provided data for a pooled analysis on 68,680 randomized patients, and events that included 7,044 deaths, 3,993 cardiac deaths, 1,150 sudden deaths, 1,837 heart attacks, and 1,490 strokes.---Taking all the included supplement studies together, the researchers found no significant association between use of omega-3 PUFAs and all-cause mortality, cardiac death, sudden death, heart attack (MI), and stroke.[U2] ---------They conclude-"... omega-3 PUFAs are not statistically significantly associated with major cardiovascular outcomes across various patient populations."--They suggest their findings "do not justify the use of omega-3 as a structured intervention in everyday clinical practice or guidelines supporting dietary omega-3 PUFA administration."---However, they also note that as scientists continue to do more randomized studies in this field, it would be useful to do some that look more closely at how these supplements might benefit individual risk groups, and use more refined measures such as dose, adherence and baseline intake.---In other words, while looking at all the evidence as a whole does not appear to support the idea that omega-3 PUFA supplements benefit the heart, this broad-brush picture could be missing details: there may be certain groups that do benefit, and this may also depend on factors such as the supplement dose and how long they take it for.

Other studies on fish oils---Some other recent individual studies, published in Medical News Today, have also concluded that fish oils do not appear to provide some of the benefits people had previously taken for granted. Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine found that taking omega-3 fish oil supplements appears not to protect older people from cognitive decline.

In contrast, a study published on September 10th found that DHA intake may help improve reading and behavior in healthy but underperforming children. DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid. You can look up other studies related to omega-3 fish oils in our archive.

Written by Catharine Paddock PhD
References-"Association Between Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation and Risk of Major Cardiovascular Disease Events: A Systematic Review and Meta- analysis"; Evangelos C. Rizos, Evangelia E. Ntzani, Eftychia Bika, Michael S. Kostapanos, Moses S. Elisaf; JAMA, published online 12 September 2012; dDOI:10.1001/2012.jama.11374; Link to Abstract. Additional source: American Medical Association press release.


Please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report:


Catharine Paddock PhD. "Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements May Not Offer Heart Benefits After All." Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 12 Sep. 2012. Web.
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Catharine Paddock PhD. (2012, September 12). "Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements May Not Offer Heart Benefits After All." Medical News Today. Retrieved from



Grape seed extract enhances neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus in C57BL/6 mice.

Phytother Res. 2011 May;25(5):668-74--Authors: Yoo DY, Kim W, Yoo KY, Lee CH, Choi JH, Yoon YS, Kim DW, Won MH, Hwang IK

The effects of grape seed extract (
GSE), a major source of phenolic compounds, were examined on cell proliferation, neuroblast differentiation and integration into granule cells in the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) of middle-aged (12 month-old) mice using Ki67, doublecortin (DCX) immunohistochemistry and 5'-bromo-2-deoxyguanosine (BrdU)/calbindin D-28k (CB) double immunofluorescence study, respectively. GSE (25, 50 and 100mg/kg) was administered orally for 28 days, and the animals were treated with 50mg/kg BrdU intraperitoneally on the day of first GSE treatment. In the vehicle-treated group, Ki67 and DCX immunoreactivity was detected in the subgranular zone of the DG (SZDG). GSE treatment dose-dependently increased the number of Ki67 and DCX immunoreactive cells, particularly the number of DCX immunoreactive neuroblasts with well-developed (tertiary) dendrites. GSE also dose-dependently increased DCX protein levels. In addition, GSE treatment increased significantly the number of BrdU/CB double labeled granule cells. These results suggest that GSE significantly increases cell proliferation, neuroblast differentiation and integration into granule cells in the DG, and the consumption of GSE enhances the plasticity of hippocampus in middle-aged mice.---PMID: 21043032 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Grain- Wheat Chronic Poison

(CBS News) Modern wheat is a "perfect, chronic poison," according to Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist who has published a book all about the world's most popular grain. -Davis said that the wheat we eat these days isn't the wheat your grandma had: "It's an 18-inch tall plant created by genetic research in the '60s and '70s," he said on "CBS This Morning." "This thing has many new features nobody told you about, such as there's a new protein in this thing called gliadin. It's not gluten. I'm not addressing people with gluten sensitivities and celiac disease. I'm talking about everybody else because everybody else is susceptible to the gliadin protein that is an opiate. This thing binds into the opiate receptors in your brain and in most people stimulates appetite, such that we consume 440 more calories per day, 365 days per year."--Asked if the farming industry could change back to the grain it formerly produced, Davis said it could, but it would not be economically feasible because it yields less per acre. However, Davis said a movement has begun with people turning away from wheat - and dropping substantial weight. --"If three people lost eight pounds, big deal," he said. "But we're seeing hundreds of thousands of people losing 30, 80, 150 pounds. Diabetics become no longer diabetic; people with arthritis having dramatic relief. People losing leg swelling, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and on and on every day."--To avoid these wheat-oriented products, Davis suggests eating "real food," such as avocados, olives, olive oil, meats, and vegetables. "(It's) the stuff that is least likely to have been changed by agribusiness," he said. "Certainly not grains. When I say grains, of course, over 90 percent of all grains we eat will be wheat, it's not barley... or flax. It's going to be wheat. --"It's really a wheat issue."--Some health resources, such as the Mayo Clinic, advocate a more balanced diet that does include wheat. But Davis said on "CTM" they're just offering a poor alternative. --"All that literature says is to replace something bad, white enriched products with something less bad, whole grains, and there's an apparent health benefit - 'Let's eat a whole bunch of less bad things.' So I take...unfiltered cigarettes and replace with Salem filtered cigarettes, you should smoke the Salems. That's the logic of nutrition, it's a deeply flawed logic. What if I take it to the next level, and we say, 'Let's eliminate all grains,' what happens then?---"That's when you see, not improvements in health, that's when you see transformations in health."



18 Causes of Mineral Depletion

1. Soil Depletion

2. Antacids & Acid blockers

3. Low Stomach Acid/Hypochlorhydria

4. Cortisone

5. Pharmaceutical Drugs

6. Birth Control Pills

7. Coffee

8. Alcohol

9. Soda consumption

10. Sugar

11. Excess Insulin

12. Excess Estrogen

13. Hyperthyroidism

14. The Standard American Diet (S.A.D diet

15. Excess Grains

16. Dietary Insufficiency

17. Heavy Metal Toxicity

- Mercury - Aluminum - Lead

18. Radiation


US and China Caught Secretly Testing GMO Rice on Children


Instead of putting genetically modified foods through proper trials as consumers have been demanding for years, it appears the United States Department of Agriculture in alliance with the Chinese government have instead chosen to secretly test their latest GMO rice on young Chinese children. What’s particularly interesting is the fact that the agencies decided they even needed to test the rice, after claiming that GMO rice and all other GM creations are virtually identical to natural foods.--
Currently under investigation by Chinese health officials, the research project was cracked wide open after Greenpeace reportedly corresponded with the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention to expose the ongoing research. Currently, Greenpeace is calling for a stop to the trials which are reportedly continuing in the field. Citing health and environmental risks, Greenpeace says that the studies are taking place on roughly 24 children aged between six and eight years old. It has also been said that the parents likely were completely unaware or misinformed.[U1] ---The USDA [U2] seeks to examine the effects of the GMO rice on the young children, also known as genetically modified ‘golden rice’.---Shortly after the news came out, China’s version of Twitter exploded with outrage as Chinese government organizations went into overdrive to downplay the studies. A Tufts University PR spokesperson, the very university developing the rice, claimed to no knowledge of the event and decried it as inhumane and unethical. [U3] PR rep Andrea Grossman stated that the GMO rice creators had always placed the ‘highest importance’ on human health---We have always placed the highest importance on human health, and we take all necessary steps to ensure the safety of human research subjects.[U4] ---One Chinese author indicated in the secret GMO rice trials, Shi-an Yin, was suspended from his work. The second claimed to have no idea the study was going on and was therefore not arrested or even suspended.---For the USDA to be secretly testing genetically modified foods on young children while disregarding all calls for real analysis in the United States shows just how the agency is trying to hide. [U5] After all, why would you not perform trials out in the open if the results were so favorable? Likely because their previous secret tests were not favorable, and the agency is determining just how detrimental new GMO rice really is.

[U1]Best choice would be nut and seed oils

 [U2]In other words it did nothing---as I stated in shows past ---waste material—left over from a harvesting  which now they wil call health food

 [U3]Best choice would be nut and seed oils

 [U4]In other words it did nothing---as I stated in shows past ---waste material—left over from a harvesting  which now they wil call health food

 [U1]This is going on in China---then you can only imagine what is going on here in North America


 [U3]What a load of BS –if they had discovered something profound like a cure for HIV doing this they would have said they have case studies----etc etc etc and now they have there hands caught in the cookie jar an now looking at everyone and saying OHHHH Not Me!!

 [U4]Well of course they do---they cannot upset the protocols needed for experimentation on Humans---that could skewer the results and they can then lose big huge endorsements

 [U5]And you have a USDA green sticker of Organic on foods---meanwhile the USDA has allowed glyophophates to be mixed with the  organic food supply meaning they have depleted the food nutritional value-----and you still think labeling something makes it so??





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