From: H S Truman
Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end!
Show of the Month August 1 2015
Show of the Month August 8 2015
Show of the Month August 15 2015
Show of the Month August 22 2015
Show of the Month August 29 2015
Quercetin Induces Mitochondrial Biogenesis
Leucine Modulates Mitochondrial Biogenesis and SIRT1-AMPK Signaling in C2C12 Myotubes
Quercetin Induces Mitochondrial Biogenesis
The regeneration of mitochondria by regulated biogenesis plays an important homeostatic role in cells and tissues and furthermore may provide an adaptive mechanism in certain diseases such as sepsis. The heme oxygenase (HO-1)/carbon monoxide (CO) system is an inducible cytoprotective mechanism in mammalian cells. Natural antioxidants can provide therapeutic benefit, in part, by inducing the HO-1/CO system. This study focused on the mechanism by which the natural antioxidant quercetin can induce mitochondrial biogenesis in HepG2 cells[F1]. We found that quercetin treatment induced expression of mitochondrial biogenesis activators (PGC-1α, NRF-1, TFAM), mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and proteins (COX IV) in HepG2 cells. The HO inhibitor SnPP and the CO scavenger hemoglobin reversed the effects of quercetin on mitochondrial biogenesis in HepG2 cells. The stimulatory effects of quercetin on mitochondrial biogenesis could be recapitulated in vivo in liver tissue and antagonized by SnPP. Finally, quercetin conferred an anti-inflammatory effect in the liver of mice treated with LPS and prevented impairment of mitochondrial biogenesis by LPS in vivo. These salutary effects of quercetin in vivo were also antagonized by SnPP. Thus, our results suggest that quercetin enhances mitochondrial biogenesis mainly via the HO-1/CO system in vitro and in vivo. The beneficial effects of quercetin may provide a therapeutic basis in inflammatory diseases and sepsis.
1. Introduction--Mitochondrial biogenesis plays an important role in cell survival and repair [1–3]. Increased oxidative damage and inflammation can cause mitochondrial damage that may lead to serious acute and chronic pathologies such as multiorgan failure, neurodegeneration, and cardiovascular disease [3–6]. Mitochondrial biogenesis can enhance cellular function and survival in vivo and in vitro and promote cellular recovery from damage caused by adverse environmental, pathophysiological, and/or infectious agents [7, 8].
--Mitochondrial biogenesis is regulated by a complex network of factors. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator (PGC) family of transcription co-activators (e.g., PGC-1α) coactivate nuclear respiratory factor 2 (NRF-2/GA-Binding protein-A) and nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1) [1, 9]. PGC-1α and NRF-1 activate mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) that is responsible for transcribing nuclear encoded mitochondrial proteins, including structural proteins as well as proteins involved in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) transcription, translation, and repair [1, 2, 8–11].---Quercetin is a naturally occurring flavonoid which has a broad spectrum of bioactive effects[F2]. Among these, quercetin can impact mitochondrial biogenesis by modulating enzymes and transcription factors in the inflammatory signaling cascade [10, 12]. Previous studies have shown that quercetin can increase messenger RNA (mRNA) for PGC-1α, the cytosolic deacetylase SirtI, and cytochrome concentration in soleus muscles [13]. Quercetin, a potent phenolic antioxidant, can also modulate mitochondrial biogenesis by reducing ROS production in various cell types [14, 15]. Mitochondrial ROS can perturb cellular oxidant/antioxidant balance and participate in redox signaling. Oxidative stress-related ROS production can stimulate adaptive responses, such as Nrf2 translocation and binding to antioxidant response element (AREs) motifs in protective phase II antioxidant genes including heme oxygenase-1 (Hmox1). However, increased ROS production can cause mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death [9, 16]. Polyphenol antioxidants can prevent ROS-induced cellular damage by scavenging free radicals. The process of excess ROS elimination and mitochondrial biogenesis is connected with innate cellular antioxidant defense mechanisms.---Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is an important antioxidant enzyme that catalyses the rate-limiting step in heme-degradation. HO-1 induction protects against prooxidant heme release induced by many agents like LPS, cytokines, and ROS. Degradation of heme results in production of biliverdin, iron, and CO which have important physiological effects. Biliverdin is converted to the potent endogenous antioxidant bilirubin by NADPH: biliverdin reductase. Humans with HO-1 deficiency exhibit severe medical conditions such as anemia, leukocytosis, and hyperlipidemia, while animal models with HO-1 deficiency are susceptible to endotoxemia and chronic hypoxia [17, 18]. HO-1 deficient endothelial cells display increased injury in the presence of oxidative challenge, suggesting that the HO-1 pathway is a key cytoprotective mechanism against oxidative stress which contributes to cellular homeostasis [11, 17–19].----------Endogenous CO contributes to the protective effects of HO-1 by modulation of the inflammatory response. CO binds to cytochrome oxidase resulting in increased mitochondrial ROS production, which enhances mitochondrial biogenesis. Limited bioavailability of CO by hemoglobin treatment triggers cell death with a concomitant decline in ATP production, and mitochondrial generation of ATP significantly declined when CO availability was limited. These results suggest that CO, an enzymatic byproduct of HO-1 activity, is responsible for the function of HO-1 and that the HO-1/CO system may preserve mitochondrial biogenesis [17–20].--In the current study we demonstrate the role of the HO-1/CO system in mediating mitochondrial biogenesis induced by the antioxidant quercetin in HepG2 cells. An understanding of the mechanisms underlying mitochondrial biogenesis may facilitate the development of therapeutics in diseases involving mitochondrial dysfunction (e.g., sepsis, and metabolic syndrome).--2. Materials and Methods-2.1. Reagents--Quercetin, Hemoglobin (Hb), and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS, from Escherichia coli 055:B5) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO). Tin protoporphyrin-IX (SnPP) was from Porphyrin Products Inc. (Logan, UT). Antibodies against β-actin were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Santa Cruz, CA), and antibodies to cytochrome oxidase subunit IV (COX) IV and α-tubulin were purchased from Cell Signaling (Danvers, MA). Antibody against HO-1 was purchased from Assay Designs (Ann Arbor, MI). All other chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich.
2.2. Cell Culture and Quercetin Treatment--HepG2 cells were purchased from ATCC (Manassas, VA). Cells were cultured in DMEM media supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 U/mL penicillin, and 100 mg/mL streptomycin (Gibco, NY). Cells were maintained in a humidified incubator at 37°C under an atmosphere of 5% CO2. For quercetin treatment, HepG2 cells (4 × 104 cells/well) were grown on 6-well plates overnight and quercetin was administered at various doses (5–25 μM) and times (3–24 hrs).-2.3. Animals--All experiments with mice were approved by the Animal Care Committee of the University of Ulsan. Seven week-old male C57BL/6 mice were purchased from ORIENT (Pusan, Korea). The mice were maintained under specific pathogen-free conditions at 18–24°C and 40–70% humidity, with a 12 h light-dark cycle, and food and drinking water were available ad libitum.---C57BL/6 mice were treated with an intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of quercetin (50 mg/kg) dissolved in 0.5% DMSO/PBS solution for seven alternate days. The control group of mice received the same amount of 0.5% DMSO/PBS solution. In some experiments, SnPP (50 μmol/kg) was administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) to mice before quercetin injection. SnPP was dissolved in 0.1 N NaOH and diluted with PBS (pH 7.4). To study sepsis in mice, twenty-four hours after the final injection of quercetin, mice received an injection of LPS (10 mg/kg, i.p.). At 24 h after LPS injection, mice were sacrificed under anesthesia and liver tissue was harvested for RNA, mtDNA, and protein measurements.-2.4. Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR)--
Total RNA of HepG2 was extracted using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, CA). Two micrograms of total RNA were used for reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis using oligo-dT primers (Qiagen, CA) and M-MLV reverse transcriptase (Promega, WI) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The forward and reverse primers used in the present study are shown in Table 1. PCR products were electrophoresed on 1.5% agarose gel and visualized by ethidium bromide staining. GAPDH cDNA level was used as an internal control.
tab1--Table 1: Gene primers used in this study.--2.5. Western Blotting Analysis-
Cells were harvested in lysis buffer [25 mMTris-HCl (pH 7.5), 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 1% Triton X-100] containing protease and phosphatase inhibitors cocktail (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). Protein concentration was measured with BCA protein assay reagent (Pierce, Rockford, IL). Equal amounts of proteins were separated using SDS-PAGE and transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes (Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL). Membranes were blocked with 5% skim milk in PBS containing 0.1% Tween 20 (PBS-T) for 1 h and then incubated with the specified antibodies. Signals were detected using the ECL detection system (Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL, USA).--2.6. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Analysis of mt DNA Content--Genomic DNA (containing both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA) was isolated from cells using a Blood and Cell Culture DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. mtDNA was determined by SYBR green quantitative PCR (qPCR). The following primers for mtDNA were used: Human Complex II (succinate-ubiquinone oxidoreductase): forward primer 5′-CAAACCTACGCCAAAATCCA-3′ reverse primer 5′-GAAATGAATGAGCCTACAGA-3′. Mouse cytochrome b (Mus musculus domesticus mitochondrion): forward primer 5′-CCACTTCATCTTACCATTTA-3′ reverse primer 5′-ATCTGCATCTGAGTTTAATC-3′. The following primers for nuclear DNA were used: human β-actin: forward primer 5′-TCACCCACACTGTGCCCATCTACGA-3′ reverse primer 5′-CAGCGGAACCGCTCATTGCCAATGG-3′ and mouse 18 S rRNA: forward primer 5′-GGGAGCCTGAGAAACGGC-3′ reverse primer 5′- GGTCGGGAGTGGGTAATTT-3′. Reactions were performed with SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (2X; USB production, Affymetrix) on an ABI 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA).-2.7. Statistical Analysis----Multiple mean values were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with GraphPad Prism. Values presented are mean ± SD. ANOVA using -tests was applied to compare the mean of each group with that of the control group. A was considered to be statistically significant.--3. Results 3.1. Quercetin Induces the Expression of Activators and Mitochondrial Proteins Associated with Mitochondrial Biogenesis--We determined the potential of quercetin to induce mitochondrial biogenesis by analyzing the mRNA expression levels of major regulators of mitochondrial biogenesis (i.e., PCG-1α, NRF-1, and TFAM). Treatment of HepG2 cells with quercetin (15 μM) significantly increased the levels of PGC-1α, NRF-1, and TFAM mRNA in a time-dependent and dose-dependent manner (Figures 1(a) and 1(b)). Quercetin treatment also stimulated the expression of the major mitochondrial protein COX IV in a time- and dose-dependent manner (Figures 1(c) and 1(d)). Since increases of mtDNA copy number also represent an index of mitochondrial biogenesis, we measured the amount of mtDNA in HepG2 cells treated with quercetin (Figures 1(e) and 1(f)). Quercetin increased mtDNA copy number with an apparent maximum at a quercetin dose of 15 μM for 3 hrs.-fig1 Figure 1: Time- and dose-dependent increases of mitochondrial biogenesis in HepG2 cells by quercetin treatment. (a–f) HepG2 cells (4 × 105 cells/well) were exposed for indicated times (0, 0.5, 1, 3, 5 h) to various concentrations (0, 5, 10, 15, 25 μM) of quercetin. (a, b) mRNA expressions of markers of mitochondrial biogenesis (PGC-1, NRF-1, and TFAM) were determined by reverse transcription PCR. GAPDH served as the standard. (c, d) Expression of COX IV protein was determined by Western blot analysis. β-actin served as the standard. (e, f) Expression of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content was quantified by real-time PCR. Relative amount of mtDNA and nuclear DNA (nDNA) contents were compared. Results are expressed as mean ± SE of three independent experiments, and representative data are shown. * compared with untreated control group. HepG2 cells (4 × 105 cells/well) were exposed to quercetin 15 μM, quercetin and SnPP (a), and Hb (b) for 3 h as described in panels (a) and (b). mRNA expressions of markers of mitochondrial biogenesis (PGC-1, NRF-1, and TFAM) were determined by reverse transcription (RT) PCR. Results are expressed as mean ± SE of three independent experiments, and representative data are shown. * compared with untreated control group.--3.2. Quercetin Induces Mitochondrial Biogenesis via Expression of the HO-1/CO System in HepG2 Cells--
Quercetin has previously been shown to induce HO-1 expression in various cell types, which may account in part for the cytoprotective, antiapoptotic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects of this compound [19, 21–23]. In the current study, we examined whether quercetin can induce the expression of HO-1 at the RNA or protein level in HepG2 cells. As shown in Figure 2(a), an increase in HO-1 mRNA and protein was detected at various times and doses of quercetin. The maximal effect of quercetin on HO-1 mRNA and protein expression was observed after treatment with 15 μM for 3 h (Figure 2(a), left and middle). When HepG2 cells were treated with different concentrations of quercetin (5–25 μM) for 3 hrs, the maximum induction of HO-1 protein was detected at 15 μM (Figure 2(a), right). Thus, the increases of HO-1 expression achieved with quercetin treatment were consistent with previous reports [24–26].
fig2---Figure 2: Induction of mitochondrial biogenesis by quercetin is regulated by activation of HO-1. (a) Expression levels of HO-1 mRNA and protein were determined after HepG2 cells were exposed for indicated times (0, 0.5, 1, 3, 5 h) and with the indicated concentrations (0, 5, 10, 15, 25 μM) of quercetin. Expressions of HO-1 mRNA and protein were determined by RT-PCR and Western blotting. GAPDH and β-actin served as the standards, respectively. (b–d) HepG2 cells were exposed to 15 μM of quercetin for 3 h with or without 20 μM of SnPP. (b) Expressions of PGC-1, NRF-1, and TFAM mRNA were determined by RT-PCR. (c) Expression of COXIV protein was determined by Western blotting. (d) Expression of mtDNA content was quantified by real-time PCR. Relative amounts of mtDNA and nDNA contents were compared. Results are expressed as mean ± SE of three independent experiments, and representative data are shown. * compared with untreated control group; † compared with cells treated with quercetin alone.---
It is also known that CO generated by HO-1 can activate mitochondrial biogenesis [27, 28]. Therefore, we hypothesized that the activation of mitochondrial biogenesis by quercetin also involves the activation of the HO-1/CO system in HepG2 cells. To investigate whether HO-1/CO is involved in quercetin-induced mitochondrial biogenesis, the competitive HO inhibitor tin-protoporphyrin-IX (SnPP) and hemoglobin (Hb), a CO scavenger, were employed with or without addition of quercetin, and expression levels of PGC-1α, NRF-1, and TFAM mRNA were evaluated. As shown in Figure 2(b), treatment of HepG2 cells with SnPP and quercetin resulted in reduced levels of PGC-1α, NRF-1, and TFAM mRNA expression levels compared with cells treated with quercetin alone. Quercetin-induced COX IV expression was also inhibited by SnPP treatment (Figure 2(c)). Likewise, the increase in mtDNA by quercetin was suppressed by SnPP treatment (Figure 2(d)). To evaluate the involvement of CO in quercetin-induced mitochondrial biogenesis, HepG2 cells incubated with quercetin were cotreated with Hb (Figure 3). The Hb treatment inhibited the increases of PGC-1α, NRF-1, and TFAM mRNA expression induced by quercetin in HepG2 cells (Figure 3(a)). Hb treatment decreased the expression of COX IV protein induced by quercetin (Figure 3(b)). Furthermore, the induction of mtDNA levels by quercetin was inhibited by treatment with Hb (Figure 3(c)).--fig3-Figure 3: Quercetin induction of mitochondrial biogenesis requires CO. (a–c) HepG2 cells were exposed to 15 μM of quercetin for 3 h with or without 20 μg/mL of Hb. (a) Expression of PGC-1, NRF-1, and TFAM mRNA was determined by RT-PCR. (b) Expression of COX IV protein was determined by Western blotting. β-actin served as the standard. (c) Expression of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content was quantified by real-time PCR. Relative amounts of mtDNA and nDNA contents were compared. Results are expressed as mean ± SE of three independent experiments, and representative data are shown. * compared with untreated control group; † compared with cells treated with quercetin alone.--To examine the role of HO-1 in quercetin-induced mitochondrial biogenesis in vivo, quercetin was injected intraperitoneally in C57BL/6 mice for 7 alternate days. Mice were treated with SnPP prior to quercetin injection. In accordance with the results observed in HepG2 cells, quercetin increased the expression of PGC-1α, NRF-1, and TFAM mRNA, COX IV expression, and mtDNA in vivo (Figure 4). The cotreatment with SnPP inhibited quercetin-induced PGC-1α, NRF-1, and TFAM mRNA, COX IV expression, and mtDNA (Figure 4). Thus, these results suggest that HO-1/CO system is required for quercetin-induced mitochondrial biogenesis in vitro and in vivo.-fig4-Figure 4: Quercetin induces mitochondrial biogenesis through the induction of HO-1/CO system in vivo. (a–c) C57BL/6 Mice were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with quercetin (50 mg/kg) for 7 alternate days, with or without SnPP (50 μmol/kg) prior to injection with the addition of quercetin. Liver tissues were excised and analyzed for mitochondrial biogenesis in mice. Experimental analyses were performed with liver tissue. (a) Expressions of PGC-1, NRF-1, and TFAM in mRNA were determined by RT-PCR. 18 S rRNA served as the standard. (b) Expressions of COX IV protein were determined by Western blotting. α-tubulin served as the standard. (c) Expression of mtDNA content was quantified by real time PCR. Relative amounts of mtDNA and nDNA contents were compared. Results are expressed as mean ± SE of three independent experiments ( /group), and representative data are shown. * compared with the uninjected control group; † compared with LPS injected mice group.-3.3. Quercetin Restores LPS-Damaged Mitochondrial Integrity via HO-1/CO Induction-Finally, we examined whether quercetin could contribute to cellular protection against LPS-induced mitochondrial damage in a HO-1/CO-dependent manner. LPS treatment increased the expression PGC-1α, NRF-1, and TFAM mRNA in mouse liver. Moreover, quercetin treatment further increased the expression of PGC-1α, NRF-1, and TFAM mRNA after LPS treatment (Figure 5(a)). However, LPS treatment clearly diminished hepatic COX IV and mtDNA content (Figures 5(b) and 5(c)). In contrast, quercetin protected against the loss of COX IV and mtDNA content in LPS-treated animals. SnPP antagonized the protective effects of quercetin with respect to hepatic PGC-1α, NRF-1, and TFAM mRNA expression, COX IV expression, and mtDNA content in this model (Figures 5(a), 5(b), and 5(c)). LPS caused increases in the hepatic expression of TNFα, IL-1β, and IL-6 mRNA. Quercetin administration inhibited the LPS-dependent induction of TNFα, IL-1β, and IL-6. This effect of quercetin was in turn inhibited by SnPP injection (Figure 5(d)). These results suggest that quercetin restores mitochondrial integrity from LPS damage via activating the HO-1/CO system.
Figure 5: Quercetin restores mitochondrial biogenesis in LPS-treated mice in a HO-dependent fashion. (a to d) C57BL/6 mice were injected with quercetin (50 mg/kg) for 7 alternate days, with or without SnPP (50 μmol/kg) prior to injection with quercetin, and then challenged for 24 hours with i.p. injection of LPS (10 mg/kg). (a) Expressions of PGC-1, NRF-1, and TFAM in mRNA were determined by RT-PCR. 18 S rRNA served as the standard. (b) Expression of COX IV protein was determined by Western blot analysis. α-tubulin served as the standard. (c) Expression of mtDNA content was quantified by real-time PCR. Relative amounts of mtDNA and nDNA contents were compared. (d) Expression of TNFα, IL-1β, and IL-6 mRNA was quantified by real-time PCR. 18 S rRNA served as the standard. Results are expressed as mean ± SE of three independent experiments ( /group), and representative data are shown. * compared with the uninjected control group; † compared with LPS injected mice group; # compared with mice in the LPS + quercetin group.-4. Discussion--Mitochondrial biogenesis has been the focus of extensive studies due to its beneficial effects in many health conditions related to performance, diabetes, neurodegeneration, the cardiovascular system, cancer, and infection. Death resulting from multiple organ failure (MOF) during severe sepsis and septic shock has been related to mitochondrial damage. Rescue of mice from lethal Staphylococcus aureus sepsis and protection against cardiomyocyte apoptosis have been linked to mitochondrial biogenesis induction [27, 28].----Quercetin is a polyphenolic compound that exerts several potent bioactivities including antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune system effects. Recent in vitro and in vivo experiments have shown that the salutary effects of quercetin may involve activation of mitochondrial biogenesis [11, 14, 15]. Previous research has shown positive effects of quercetin on endurance and health maintenance [4, 13, 29, 30]. These benefits may involve the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and psychostimulant effects of quercetin, as well as effects on mitochondrial biogenesis. Because abnormalities that contribute to impaired health or development of metabolic disorders are linked to mitochondrial dysfunction, the stimulation of mitochondrial biogenesis by quercetin may represent the most important bioactivity of this compound [1, 2, 10, 12, 31].--Our results demonstrate that quercetin can enhance the expression of PGC-1α, a master regulator of the transcriptional network that regulates mitochondrial biogenesis, in HepG2 cells. PGC-1α is responsible for activating the transcription of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation and mtDNA replication. NRF-1 and NRF-2, which are transcription factors acting on nuclear genes coding for proteins necessary for the mitochondrial respiratory chain or for mtDNA transcription and replication, are also activated by PGC-1α. PGC-1α and NRFs coactivate the expression of TFAM, which is important for regulation and maintenance of mtDNA copy number [1, 2, 10]. Our results also showed increased expression of PGC-1-related transcription factors associated with mitochondrial biogenesis in HepG2 cells treated with quercetin (Figure 1). Similarly, the mitochondrial respiratory chain consisting of four membrane-bound complexes (Complex I–IV) involved in ATP synthesis and transfer of electrons formed by NADH or FADH2 is an indicator of mitochondrial biogenesis [32]. Increases in cytochrome concentration typically occur in conjunction with similar increases in other mitochondrial enzymes of the electron transport chain and enzymes in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and β-oxidation pathway, that lead to an overall increase in mitochondrial capacity [13, 32]. Previous reports of quercetin-induced increases in mitochondrial biogenesis are consistent with the increases in COX IV protein expression observed in our study (Figures 1–3). The critical effects of quercetin on mitochondrial biogenesis in vitro have been demonstrated at a dose of 15 μM quercetin. To study the effects of quercetin in vivo, animals were treated with a 50 mg/kg dose of quercetin. According to Ruiz et al. [33], treatment of mice with up to 3000 mg/kg quercetin did not cause any toxicity. Among the doses of quercetin (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) tested in mice, we have found that 50 and 100 mg/kg doses of quercetin have a significant effect on mitochondrial biogenesis. However, one of the limitations of the current study is that the effect of oral administration of quercetin has not been tested. Further studies would be needed to determine the therapeutic benefit of oral quercetin in these systems.---Recent reports have also shown that the HO-1/CO system can stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis which may account in part for the cytoprotective effects of this system [27, 28]. Recent research has elucidated the role of HO-1 and CO in cellular defense mechanisms against oxidative damage. Quercetin has gained much attention because of its ability to confer cytoprotective effects through induction of HO-1 in various cell lines and primary hepatocytes [9, 11, 13, 17–20, 34]. CO, an enzymatic byproduct of HO-1, can mediate the cytoprotective effects of HO-1 activity. Our recent work has shown that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress caused significant decline of CO bioavailability that reduced mitochondrial ATP generation [9, 13, 17, 18, 35]. Similarly, in our current study, we have shown that the deleterious effect on mitochondria due to LPS administration was restored by quercetin. The beneficial effects of quercetin in the LPS model were in turn abrogated by SnPP. Thus, it is likely that quercetin induces mitochondrial biogenesis via the HO-1/CO system in HepG2 cell lines [18, 28, 35].--High glucose produces a high concentration of ROS that induces cellular dysfunction. Previous research in the human hematoma cell line, HepG2, has shown that hyperglycemia elicits detrimental changes in liver cells [5, 36]. Increased oxidative damage caused either by an overproduction of free radicals and ROS or by an impairment of the endogenous antioxidant defense system is well studied in epithelial cells and HepG2 cells [16, 19, 36]. Prevention of lung oxidative damage in acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome by quercetin has been shown to involve increases in HO-1 production [19]. In conclusion, we demonstrated that quercetin enhances cell survival against oxidative stress through an HO-1/CO-dependent increase in mitochondrial biogenesis. The antioxidant and mitochondrial biogenesis properties of quercetin may be helpful in developing therapeutic strategies to enhance cell survival during oxidative stress imposed by environmental and dietary factors
Liposomes were discovered in 1961 when Alec D. Bangham of the Agricultural Research Council's Institute of Animal Physiology in Cambridge, England was evaluating the effect of phospholipids on blood clotting. Dr. Bangham noticed that when he put water in a flask containing a phospholipid film, the water forced the molecules to arrange themselves into what he later discovered were microscopic closed vesicles composed of a bilayered phospholipid membrane surrounding water. Phospholipids form closed, fluid-filled spheres when mixed with water in part because the molecules are amphipathic having a hydrophobic tail and a hydrophilic or polar head. Two fatty acid chains, each containing from 10 to 24 carbon atoms, make up the hydrophobic tail of most naturally occurring phospholipid molecules.
Phosphoric acid bound to any of several water-soluble molecules composes the hydrophilic head. When phospholipids are mixed with water in a high enough concentration, the hydrophobic tails spontaneously herd together to exclude water, whereas the hydrophilic heads bind to water. The result is a bilayer in which the fatty acid tails point into the membrane's interior and the polar head point outward. As the liposome forms, any water-soluble molecules that have been added to the water are incorporated into the aqueous spaces in the interior of the spheres and lipid-soluble molecules added to the solvent are incorporated into the lipid bilayer.
Ostro, 256 (1) Sci. AMER. 103-11 (1987).
The separation between the bilayers is determined by the balance between the repulsive forces between the layers, probably mainly electrostatic interactions between headgroups and hydration forces of the head-groups, and attractive forces which are consistent with the expected van der Waal's forces between the layers. The equilibrium distance between the bilayers of pure egg phosphatidyl choline in water is 2.75 nm. Tyrrell et al., 457 BIOCHIMICA ETBIOPHYSICAACTA259-302 (1976). When solutes are sequestered into liposomes, the rate at which they leak out depends on both the nature of the solute and the composition of the liposome[F3]. By modification of the composition of the lipid bilayers it is possible to reduce the leakage of particular molecules. --Depending on the number of lipid layers, size, surface charge, lipid composition and methods of preparation, various types of liposomes have been utilized. Multilamellar lipid vesicles (MLV) were first described by Bangham et al., (13 J. MOL. BIOL. 238-52 (1965)). A wide variety of phospholipids form MLV on hydration. MLV are composed of a number of bimolecular lamellar interspersed with an aqueous medium[F4]. U. S. Patent No. 4,485,054. --Unilamellar vesicles consist of a single spherical lipid bilayer entrapping aqueous solution[F5]. -According to their size they are referred to as small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) with a diameter of 200 to 500 A; and large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) with a diameter of 1000 to 10,000 A. -The small lipid vesicles are restricted in terms of the aqueous space for encapsulation, and thus they have a very low encapsulation efficiency for water soluble biologically active components. -The large unilamellar vesicles, on the other hand, encapsulate a high percentage of the initial aqueous phase and thus they can have a high encapsulation efficiency. -A variety of liposomal products are known to enhance uptake or facilitate delivery of various products. For example, the parental and topical uses of liposomal carriers were reported to protect a drug against hostile environments and to provide controlled release of the drug while circulating in the blood or after immobilization at a target tissue such as the skin.
Recipe—take whatever you want to liposme –use 1 table or 15 grams and use the equivalent in volume with sunflower lecithin powder or more as you add to the mix—take water and add to it to equal level or just slightly over the top of the mix—blend til all is completely covered and surrounded and smooth –use 1.4-1.2 tsp increments til you adjust to the effect and then increase if need be or decrease
Recipes- when you are making any form of lipase you would use small quantities and utilize herbs-vitamins-extracts-or any form of supplement
Adrenals- B 5-1tsp-creatine 1 tsp- Vitamin A ( retinol palmitate) 100,000IU-rhodiola -1 tsp ( if you use an extract then use a tsp ) ginseng( Siberian ) same as the rhodiola---and then add 45 grams of sunflower lecithin –blend all the components together till they are mixed- then when this is finish then add water or any other solution to the powder –about ¼ inch above the mix-and blend for about 5 minutes or til there is a completely fusion or saturation-then use 2-3 grams 2-3 times a day
Liver- Ascorbic Acid 1-2 tsp- Milk Thistle Powder 1 tsp- Dandelion Powder 1 tsp- you can then from here you can add other things –shizandra berry powder 1 tsp and rosemary 1 tsp- ( with the herbs if you have extracted with a solvent or water then again ise just a tsp of these – you can increase or decrease as your tolerance and 3 tablespoons of the sunflower lecithin—and mix then again add water till it is slightly over the mix and then blend –use 2-3 grams 4-5 times a day
Brain- add to this B1- 1 tsp ( powder) B12 ( if you use a liquid 1 tsp) folic acid powder 1 tsp-piracetam 1 tsp- rosemary powder 1 tsp-sage powder 1 tsp- thyme 1 tsp –you can modify these herbs or vitamins with other things or other nootropics-add 3 tablespoons of sunflower lecithin –mix them all in the blender –when mixed add water or a solution again just above the mix ¼ inch above –blend til smooth or saturated or completely absorbed—then ustilize 2-3 grams and consume this 1-2 times a day
Depression- take 1 tsp of cocoa powder-1 tsp of vanilla-1 tsp of niacinamide- 1 tsp of taurine-1 tsp of Siberian ginseng and 3 tablespoons of sunflower lecithin ---mix together til mixed and then again when the mix is complete add water to the mix ¼ above the mix and then blend til absorbed-use 2-3 grams as needed
With these recipes you can substitute-you can decrease or increase the volume in the mix-never take anything prescribed medically with any of these –there will be an interaction with prescriptions--
Fatty acid increases performance of cellular powerhouse--Fundamentally new biological signaling pathway discovered
Mitochondria are essential to all higher forms of life. Every animal and plant depends on these small intracellular structures. Mitochondria have multiple tasks: Since they generate most of the cell's biochemical energy, they are referred to as the powerhouses of the cell. In addition, they are responsible for producing and breaking down amino acids and fats. They also regulate cellular death, called apoptosis.--As a result, the spectrum of diseases that are linked to mitochondrial defects is wide, ranging from severe muscular and nervous disorders to neurodegenerative diseases as well as all symptoms of aging.--"It was by pure chance that we discovered this completely new control mechanism of mitochondrial function," says first author Deniz Senyilmaz, who works in Aurelio Teleman's group at the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ). In collaboration with colleagues from Cambridge, Teleman and his team had planned to investigate the metabolism of long-chain fatty acids. For this purpose, the researchers bred flies whose cells were unable to produce stearic acid, a fatty acid that is composed of 18 carbon atoms. Animals with this defect did not develop beyond the pupal stage and were not viable afterwards.--Teleman and his team were curious to find out why this happened. They then discovered a highly complex biological control mechanism that regulates the fusion -- as well as fragmentation -- of mitochondria and, hence, the performance of these organelles.--The key element in this control mechanism is the transferrin receptor, which binds stearic acid. "For the first time in biological research, we have found out that stearic acid, which up until now has been believed to be simply a metabolic product, also has signaling function," says Teleman. The researchers demonstrated that mitochondrial control via stearic acid works not only in flies but also in the HeLa human cancer cell line.--When the researchers added stearic acid to fly food, the animals' mitochondria fused; when they kept fatty acid levels low, the organelles fragmented. "If using stearic acid as a food additive improves the performance of normal mitochondria, then it might do the same in pathogenically dysfunctional mitochondria," [F6]Teleman explained, describing their experimental approach.--The researchers studied flies that exhibit Parkinson's-like symptoms resulting from a mitochondrial defect in the PINK and Parkin proteins and are recognized as a model system for studying this neurodegenerative disease. When the affected animals were fed stearic acid with their food, their motor skills and energy balance improved and they survived for much longer.--"This opens up the fascinating possibility of using a food additive to alleviate symptoms in patients with mitochondrial disease," says Teleman. "However, this still is a dream of the future, because we do not yet know whether human cells respond in the same way as fly cells do to increased quantities of stearic acid in the diet. Our diet naturally contains much more stearic acid than fly food does. Therefore, a further increase might not make any more difference."--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ). Journal Reference-Deniz Senyilmaz, Sam Virtue, Xiaojun Xu, Chong Yew Tan, Julian L. Griffin, Aubry K. Miller, Antonio Vidal-Puig, Aurelio A. Teleman. Regulation of mitochondrial morphology and function by stearoylation of TFR1. Nature, 2015; DOI: 10.1038/nature14601 -----German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ). "Fatty acid increases performance of cellular powerhouse: Fundamentally new biological signaling pathway discovered." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 28 July 2015. <>.
Leucine Modulates Mitochondrial Biogenesis and SIRT1-AMPK Signaling in C2C12 Myotubes
Chunzi Liang,1 Benjamin J. Curry,2 Patricia L. Brown,1 and Michael B. Zemel3
1Department of Nutrition, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1215 W. Cumberland Avenue, 229 Jessie Harris Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-1920, USA
2Ension, Inc., 11020 Solway School Road, Suite 108, Knoxville, TN 37931, USA
3NuSirt Biopharma, 11020 Solway School Road, Suite 109, Knoxville, TN 37931, USA
Received 19 June 2014; Accepted 17 September 2014; Published 7 October 2014
Academic Editor: Robert B. Rucker
Previous studies from this laboratory demonstrate that dietary leucine protects against high fat diet-induced mitochondrial impairments and stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis and energy partitioning from adipocytes to muscle cells through SIRT1-mediated mechanisms. Moreover, β-hydroxy-β-methyl butyrate (HMB), a metabolite of leucine, has been reported to activate AMPK synergistically with resveratrol in C2C12 myotubes. Therefore, we hypothesize that leucine-induced activation of SIRT1 and AMPK is the central event that links the upregulated mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle. Thus, C2C12 myotubes were treated with leucine (0.5 mM), alanine (0.5 mM), valine (0.5 mM), EX527 (SIRT1 inhibitor, 25 μM), and Compound C (AMPK inhibitor, 25 μM) alone or in combination to determine the roles of AMPK and SIRT1 in leucine-modulation of energy metabolism. Leucine significantly increased mitochondrial content, mitochondrial biogenesis-related genes expression, fatty acid oxidation, SIRT1 activity and gene expression, and AMPK phosphorylation in C2C12 myotubes compared to the controls, while EX527 and Compound C markedly attenuated these effects. Furthermore, leucine treatment for 24 hours resulted in time-dependent increases in cellular NAD+, SIRT1 activity, and p-AMPK level, with SIRT1 activation preceding that of AMPK, indicating that leucine activation of SIRT1, rather than AMPK, is the primary event.
1. Introduction---
Impaired mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle is one of the major predisposing factors to metabolic diseases, such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases [1]. Indeed, lower mitochondrial content and decreased expression of oxidative enzymes are observed in patients with type 2 diabetes [2]. SIRT1 and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) are known to promote mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative capacity and prevent the mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle [3, 4].
SIRT1, a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide- (NAD+-) dependent deacetylase, is the key enzyme that mediates caloric restriction- (CR-) induced longevity in mammals [5]. By sensing intracellular NAD+/NADH ratio, SIRT1 regulates target gene expression via changing acetylation status of histones of transcriptional factors, such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α), tumor suppressor p53 (p53), nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB), and forkhead box O3 (FOXO3) [6], resulting in modulation of wide range of cellular fundamental processes, including DNA repairing, energy metabolism, and cell apoptosis [7, 8]. Overexpression and activation of SIRT1 protect against high fat diet- (HFD-) induced metabolic abnormalities in mice, such as insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and liver steatosis, without extending their lifespan [9, 10]. Therefore, small molecules that could activate SIRT1 and mimic the CR impacts have drawn considerable attention.---
Leucine, a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA), plays a distinct role in energy metabolism in addition to its pivotal function in protein synthesis [11, 12]. For example, leucine promotes energy partitioning from adipocytes to muscle cells, leading to decreased lipid storage in adipocytes and increased fat utilization in muscle cells [13]. Leucine administration increases insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance by promoting glucose uptake and fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle in HFD-fed mice [14–17]. In fact these effects are mediated partially through SIRT1-dependent pathway, as Sirt1 knockout significantly attenuates these effects [18, 19]. Further, recent data indicate that leucine can directly activate SIRT1 by promoting the enzyme affinity for its substrates and NAD+ [18], resulting in elevated mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acid oxidation in both adipocytes and myotubes [20, 21].--HMB, a minor metabolite of leucine, has been reported to stimulate AMPK phosphorylation synergistically with metformin, resulting in significant increases in insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in mice [22]. Similar to SIRT1, AMPK is an evolutionary conserved enzyme and acts as an energy status sensor via intracellular AMP or AMP/ATP ratio in eukaryotes [3]. In response to nutrient restriction, activated AMPK promotes a cell catabolic shift with increased ATP production to rescue the cellular fuel crisis [23]. Furthermore, phosphorylated AMPK is highly associated with SIRT1 activation in both in vivo and in vitro studies [5, 24], and part of these two enzymes signaling pathways are overlapped [25].
These findings provide a mechanistic framework for leucine-modulation of mitochondrial biogenesis [21, 26]. We hypothesize that leucine activation of SIRT1 and AMPK is the major event that regulates fatty acid oxidation and mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle. Accordingly, we examined the effects of leucine, valine (branched-chain amino acid control), and alanine (nonbranched chain amino acid control) on mitochondrial content, mitochondrial biogenesis-related gene expression, SIRT1 activity, and AMPK phosphorylation in C2C12 myotubes. In addition, we used EX-527 (SIRT1 selective inhibitor) and Compound C (specific AMPK inhibitor) to probe the roles of each enzyme in leucine-modulation of energy metabolism in C2C12 myotubes.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Cell Culture
C2C12 myoblast cells were seeded at a density of 1.2 106 cells per well in 6-well plates and incubated in Dulbecco’s modified eagle medium (DMEM) containing 4.5 g/L D-glucose, 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), and 1% penicillin-streptomycin at 37°C and 5% CO2. After the cells reach 90% confluence, the medium was switched to a standard differentiation medium (DMEM supplemented with 2% horse serum and 1% penicillin-streptomycin) for 2 to 4 days. The differentiation medium was changed every other day to allow 90% of the cells to fully form myotubes (3–5 days later) before additional treatments began.--The dosages of reagents were 0.5 mM for leucine, 0.5 mM for alanine, 0.5 mM for valine, 100 nM for resveratrol, 25 μM for EX527, 25 μM for Compound C, and 50 μM for AICAR. The incubation lengths were from 1 to 48 hours as indicated in the figure legend. 2.2. RNA Extraction and Quantitative Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR) Analyses----Total RNA was extracted from C2C12 myotubes using Ambion Totally RNA Isolation Kit (Ambion, Inc., Austin, TX, USA) according to the manufacturers’ instructions. The RNA content was determined using NanoDrop ND-1000 Spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA). RNA quality was assessed by the 260 nm/280 nm ratio (1.8–2.0) and 260 nm/230 nm ratio (2.0). The mRNA expression of selected genes related to mitochondrial biogenesis, including Sirt1, Sirt3, PGC-1α, cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5b (Cox5b), heat shock cognate protein 1 (Hspd 1), and Cox2, was analyzed using a TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix kit (Applied Biosystem) according to the manufacturers’ instructions. The primers and probes sets were obtained from Applied Biosystems TaqMan Gene Expression Assays primers and probe set collection. The quantitative RT-PCR reactions were carried out in 96-well format using ABI 7300HT instrument (Applied Biosystem) according to the instructions. Mouse 18S ribosomal RNA was used as the housekeeping gene. Data for each gene was normalized to 18S and presented as a ratio to the transcript of interest to 18S.-2.3. SIRT1 Activity Measurement--SIRT1 Fluorometric Drug Discovery Kit (BML-AK555, ENZO Life Science International, Inc., PA, USA) was used to measure SIRT1 activity in C2C12 myotubes, following the manufacturer instruction. In this assay, SIRT1 activity is determined by the degree of deacetylation of a standardized substrate that contains an acetylated lysine residue. This Fluor de Lys substrate is a peptide containing amino acids 379–382 of human p53 (Arg-His-Lys-Lys [Ac]) and serves as a direct target for SIRT1. SIRT1 activity is proportionally related to the degree of deacetylation of Lys-382 and the corresponding fluorescence signal changes.
Cell lysates were harvested by homogenizing cells in RIPA buffer (Sigma-Aldrich, MO, USA), which contains protease inhibitor cocktail (MP Biomedicals LLC, Solon, OH, USA) (100 : 1 v/v). After 5 seconds of ultrasonication on ice, the cell lysates were centrifuged at 12,000 ×g for 5 minutes. The supernatant was used for SIRT1 activity assessment and other experiments. According to the protocol, 5 μL of cell lysate was used for the endogenous SIRT1 activity detection. Samples were incubated in a phosphate-buffered saline solution with peptide substrate (25 μM) and NAD+ (500 μM) at 37°C on a horizontal shaker for 45 minutes. The deacetylation reaction was stopped with the addition of the stop solution (2 mM nicotinamide) and developer that binds to the deacetylated lysine to form a fluorophore. Following 10 minutes of incubation at 37°C, fluorescence intensity was measured using Glomax Multi Detection System (Promega, WI, USA), with excitation and emission wavelengths of 360 nm and 450 nm, respectively. Resveratrol (100 mM) and suramin sodium (25 mM) were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. To normalize the data of SIRT1 activity, concentrations of the sample cellular protein were measured via BCA-assay (Thermo Scientific Inc, Waltham, MA, USA). Data for each sample SIRT1 activity is presented as a ratio to the protein content.
2.4. Cellular NAD+
NAD+ was measured in C2C12 myotubes using a colorimetric assay (Cayman Chemical Company, Ann Arbor, MI, USA) that uses an alcohol dehydrogenase reaction to reduce NAD+ in cell lysates to NADH and the NADH is used to reduce a tretrazolium salt substrate (WST-1) to formazan. Formazan absorbance, measured at 450 nm, is proportional to the NAD+ in the cell lysate.
2.5. Fatty Acid Oxidation
Cellular fatty acid oxidation was measured using [3H]-palmitate, as described in our previous studies [13]. C2C12 cells in 12-well plates were washed with 2 mL of cold PBS solution twice and incubated in 1 mL of Hank’s basic salt solution containing 0.5 mg/mL BSA, 22 μM-unlabeled palmitate plus 5 μM [3H]-palmitate (32.4 mCi/μm) for 2 hours. All of the reaction solutions were collected from each well, and then 200 μL of 10% trichloroacetic acid and 70 μL 6 N NaOH were added in the solution. Mixtures were then removed from each well and placed in corresponding poly-prep chromatography columns with 1.5 mL Dowex-1 overnight. The 3H2O that passed through the column was collected into a scintillation vial, and radioactivity was measured with a liquid scintillation counter. The protein level of each well was measured using BCA-assay (Thermo Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA) and was used to normalize the palmitate oxidation data.
2.6. Western Blotting
Primary antibodies for total AMPK, phospho-AMPK (Thr172), total ACC (Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase), and phospho-ACC (Ser79) were obtained from Cell Signaling Technology Inc. (Danvers, MA, USA). Horseradish peroxidase- (HRP-) conjugated goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody was obtained from Thermo Scientific Inc. (Waltham, MA, USA).
Following the indicated treatments, C2C12 myotubes were washed twice with ice cold PBS, and the total cell lysates were prepared using RIPA buffer plus protease/phosphatase inhibitor cocktails with 100 : 1 : 1 (v/v/v, ratio) (Sigma-Aldrich). Following a 10-minute centrifugation at 14,000 ×g, the supernatants were collected for the determination of protein content using BCA assay kit (Thermo Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA) and western blotting. Equal amounts of total cell lysates (20 μg) were loaded to 10% SDS-PAGE (10 cm × 10 cm, Criterion precast gel, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA) and transferred to PVDF membrane (polyvinylidene difluoride membrane) (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). The membrane was incubated in 25 mL blocking buffer (1 TBS, 0.1% Tween-20 with 5% w/v nonfat dry milk) for 1 hour at room temperature. Then the membrane was incubated in TBST containing 5% dry milk with primary antibody (1 : 1000) with gentle agitation at 4°C overnight, washed three times with TBST, and incubated with TBST containing rabbit HRP-conjugated secondary antibody (1 : 5000) for 1 hour at RT. Bound antibodies were visualized by chemiluminescence (ECL Western Blotting Substrate, Thermo Scientific) and membranes were exposed to X-ray films (Phenix Research Product, Candler, NC) for protein band detection. The films were scanned using an HP Scanjet 39070 (Palo Alto, CA 94304) and stored as tagged image file format (TIFF) at 300 dpi. The protein bands were quantified by densitometry using BioRad ChemiDoc instrumentation and software of Image Lab 4.0 (Bio-Rad Laboratories).
2.7. Measurement of Mitochondrial Contents
Mitochondrial abundance in C2C12 myotubes was assessed by 10-N-nonyl acridine orange (NAO) dye (Life Sciences, PA, USA) according to manufacturer’s instruction. After desired treatment, cells in 96-well plates were treated with 10 M NAO dye, following 2-hour incubation at 37°C in the dark. NAO is not fluorescent, but it can be oxidized into the fluorescent-NAO by oxidative species and accumulated in mitochondrial membrane. The absorbance in each well was measured at 570 nm wavelengths (Promega, WI, USA) and normalized with cellular protein level. The image of mitochondria was taken using a Nikon Eclipse Ti-E Ti-E Fluorescence microscope (Nikon Metrology, Inc., US) equipped with an automated stage and a 20x objective. A 3 × 3 large image scan was taken in each of 5 random fields by multichannel capture (channel 1: excitation/emission = 488/517, channel 2: excitation/emission = 550/567 nm).
2.8. Statistical Analysis
Data is presented as means ± standard deviation (SD). Levene’s test was used to determine homogeneity of variance among groups using SPSS 21.0 statistical software (IBM, Armonk, NY) and where necessary natural log transformation was performed before analysis. Multiple comparisons were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using least significant difference when equal variance was assumed, and Games-Howell test was used when equal variance was not assumed. The independent sample t-test was used to compare two conditions. Differences were considered statistically significant at .
3. Results -3.1. Leucine Treatment Induced the Mitochondrial Biogenesis in C2C12 Myotubes
Leucine significantly increased mitochondria content in C2C12s compared to alanine and valine () (Figure 1(a)). These effects were accompanied by increases in mRNA levels of PGC-1α (198%, ) and SIRT3 (167%, ) (Figure 1(b)). SIRT1 activity () and fatty acid oxidation () in the C2C12 myotubes were significantly elevated by leucine compared to the control groups (Figures 1(c) and 1(d), resp.).
Figure 1: Leucine treatment induces mitochondrial biogenesis and SIRT1 enzymatic activity in C2C12 myotubes. (a) Mitochondrial content was quantitated with NAO dye (10 μM) 48 hours after treatment with leucine (0.5 mM), alanine (0.5 mM), and valine (0.5 mM); (b) mRNA expression levels of PGC-1α and Sirt3 with the same treatments were evaluated by quantitative RT-PCR. The relative mRNA expression was normalized to 18S and expressed as dark bars for PGC-1α and grey bars for Sirt3. (c) Cellular SIRT1 activity and (d) palmitate oxidation were measured after treatment for 48 hours. The results were normalized to cellular protein level for each sample. Data are mean ± SE (). Significantly different from controls with .3.2. SIRT1 Is Required for Leucine-Induced Mitochondria Biogenesis in C2C12 Myotubes--We used a selective SIRT1 inhibitor (EX527) to determine the role of SIRT1 in leucine-induced mitochondrial biogenesis. Leucine increased mitochondrial biogenesis as demonstrated by significant increases in mitochondrial content (), palmitate oxidation () and expression of mitochondrial biogenesis-related gene markers PGC-1α(), SIRT3 (), and COX5b () (Figures 2(a), 2(c) and 2(d), dark panel), and these effects were markedly attenuated by EX527 administration (Figures 2(a), 2(c) and 2(d), grey panel). Comparing the relative Sirt1 expression, leucine and resveratrol (positive control) markedly increased Sirt1 mRNA level (); the SIRT1 inhibitor (EX527) plus leucine treatment () revealed the same pattern (Figure 2(b)).--fig2-Figure 2: Leucine improves mitochondrial biogenesis in C2C12 myotubes in a SIRT1-dependent manner. (a) Mitochondrial content was measured using NAO (10 μM) dye after 48-hour leucine (dark bars), leucine plus SIRT1 inhibitor (EX527 25 μM; grey bars) for 48 hours in C2C12 myotubes. (b, c) SIRT1 activity and mitochondrial biogenesis- related genes (PGC-1α, Sirt3, and COX5b) mRNA levels were measured after the same treatments. The relative SIRT1 activity was normalized to cellular protein level, and mRNA level was normalized to housekeeper gene 18S. (b) Dark bars are DMSO control, grey bars are EX527. (c) Dark bars are PGC-1α, grey bars are Sirt3; striped bars are COX5b. (d) Palmitate oxidation level was detected after the same treatment, and the results were normalized to cellular protein for each sample. Data are mean ± SE (). Different letters indicate significant differences within a given variable. Dark bars are DMSO control and grey bars are EX527. Significantly different from controls, and significantly different from control and EX527 groups with .
3.3. Leucine Stimulates Phosphorylation of AMPK in a SIRT1-Dependent Manner--Six hours of leucine treatment resulted in a 3-fold increase in AMPK phosphorylation in the C2C12 myotubes, which was significantly different from baseline, valine, and alanine. Consistent with this observation, phosphorylation of ACC, a downstream target enzyme of AMPK, was also elevated by leucine compared to the controls () (Figure 3(a)), while EX527 treatment resulted in corresponding suppression of AMPK phosphorylation () (Figure 3(b)), indicating the necessity of SIRT1 for leucine-induced AMPK activation.
fig3--Figure 3: Leucine-induced phosphorylation of AMPK and ACC requires SIRT1 in C2C12 myotubes. (a) C2C12 myotubes were serum starved overnight and treated with leucine (0.5 mM), alanine (0.5 mM), valine (0.5 mM), and DMSO for 6 hours. The cell lysates were assessed by western blotting analysis with specific antibodies against phosphor-AMPKα (Thr 172), phosphor-ACC (Ser 79), total AMPKα (Thr 172), and beta-actin. Integrated density values for the p-AMPK and p-ACC were normalized to total-AMPK band density and represented as dark or gray bars. (b) C2C12 myotubes were treated with 0.2% FBS medium overnight and then treated with leucine (0.5 mM), resveratrol (100 nM), and leucine plus EX527 (25 μM) for 6 hours. Whole cell lysates were prepared and detected by western blotting with specific antibodies against phosphor-AMPKα, AMPKα, and beta-actin. Integrated density value for phosphor-AMPK was normalized to total-AMPK. Significantly different from controls with .--3.4. Leucine Stimulates SIRT1 Activity, Phosphorylation of AMPK, and Cellular NAD+ in a Time-Dependent Manner
To determine the interplay between SIRT1 and AMPK, we measured the cellular NAD+ level, SIRT1 activity, and phosphorylation of AMPK at time points: 0, 1, 4, 6, 12, and 24 hours by leucine treatment in C2C12 myotubes. Leucine increased SIRT1 activity at 1 (), 12 () and 24 hours () compared to the baseline (Figure 4(a)). However, no change was observed for the NAD+ content and p-AMPK level during the first 4 hours. NAD+ level was elevated almost twofold higher at time points 4 () and 24 hours () compared to baseline level and otherwise remained low (Figure 4(b)); the levels of p-AMPK were markedly increased and stayed high from 4 to 24 hours () (Figure 4(c)).
Figure 4: Leucine stimulates SIRT1 activity, AMPK phosphorylation, and cellular NAD+ in a time-dependent manner. C2C12 myotubes were serum starved overnight and treated with leucine (0.5 mM). Cell lysate was collected and analyzed for cellular SIRT1 activity, western blotting of p-AMPK and cellular NAD+ levels at indicated certain time points. (a) SIRT1 activity. (b) Cellular NAD+. Both SIRT1 activity and NAD+ level were normalized to cellular protein for each sample. (c) Phosphorylation level of AMPK was detected using western blotting following the same time course in C2C12 cells, with resveratrol serving as positive control. Data are mean ± SE (). Different letters indicate significant differences between dark or gray bars. Significantly different from point 0, and significantly different from time point 1.
3.5. Leucine-Induced Mitochondrial Biogenesis in C2C12 Myotubes Requires AMPK
We next examined whether AMPK also mediates leucine’s impacts on mitochondrial biogenesis in C2C12 myotubes. As shown in Figure 5, leucine treatment markedly increased the mitochondrial component genes expression (Figure 5(a), dark columns), Hspd1 () and COX2 (). Similar effects were found for genes encoding mitochondrial biogenesis regulatory proteins, [PGC-1α (), Sirt1 ()] and component proteins [Cox5b ()], (Figure 5(b), dark columns), while Compound C treatment markedly impaired all these inductions (Figure 5, grey panels).
Figure 5: Leucine-induced mitochondrial biogenesis in C2C12 myotubes requires AMPK. (a) C2C12 myotubes were treated with leucine (0.5 mM), AICAR (20 μM), and Compound C (25 μM) for 24 hours. mtDNA levels of the cells were analyzed by the mitochondrial markers gene expression, Hspd1 and COX2, using real-time PCR. (b) Sirt1 and mitochondrial biogenesis related mRNA level of PGC-1α and COX5b were evaluated also by RT-PCR after treating with leucine and Compound C for 24 hours was measured; all the mRNA levels were normalized to 18S housekeeping gene. Data are mean ± SE (). Dark bars are vehicle control; grey bars are Compound C. Significantly different from controls. Significant Compound C effects.
4. Discussion--These data indicate that leucine stimulates significant muscular metabolic changes, including SIRT1 activation, AMPK phosphorylation, and mitochondrial biogenesis in C2C12 myotubes. These changes may contribute to leucine’s beneficial effects on energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity in both animal and human models [17, 19, 27, 28].--A previous clinical trial has shown that high dairy intake (rich in BCAAs) induces significant suppression of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inflammatory stress, indicated by decreased plasma tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) levels [19]. Doubling leucine intake in mice has been found to reverse multiple HFD-induced metabolic abnormalities, including glucose intolerance, hepatic steatosis, and inflammation [11]. These effects are accompanied by corresponding increases in mitochondrial oxidative capacity and mitochondrial content. Since mitochondrial dysfunction and mitochondrial content loss are directly linked to the development of metabolic disorders [1, 29], increased mitochondrial biogenesis appears to rescue part of these obesity-related abnormalities [30].--Consistent with our previous studies [13], here we show that 0.5 mM leucine treatment, which is comparable to the plasma leucine concentration achieved by a leucine-rich diet [31], can markedly increase mitochondrial content, mitochondrial biogenesis-related gene expression, and fatty acid oxidation in C2C12 myotubes, compared to valine and alanine.
The data herein demonstrate that the improvement of fatty acid oxidation and mitochondrial content by leucine is accompanied by increased SIRT1 activity in C2C12 cells. SIRT1 has been demonstrated to play significant roles in leucine’s effects on energy metabolism. In Macotela’s study [11], leucine restores HFD-reduced hepatic NAD+ and SIRT1 expression back to normal levels. Similarly, Li et al. demonstrate that leucine increases SIRT1 expression and decreases acetylation level of PGC-1α, resulting in attenuation of HFD-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, insulin resistance, and obesity in mice [32]. Furthermore, Sun and Zemel found that leucine induces mitochondrial biogenesis in muscle cells by stimulating the expression of PGC-1α and NRF-1 via a SIRT1-dependent pathway [26]. These findings, along with the observations reported here, are in agreement with our recent work that leucine could activate SIRT1 enzyme through allosteric interaction in adipocytes and myotubes [25].
To establish whether or not SIRT1 is required for leucine-induced mitochondrial biogenesis, EX527, a selective SIRT1 enzyme inhibitor, was used to treat the cells in combination with leucine. EX527 significantly attenuated leucine-induced mitochondrial content, mitochondrial biogenesis-related genes expression, and fatty acid oxidation in C2C12 myotubes. The observations reported here are consistent with Price’s work,in which SIRT1 knockout completely blocked resveratrol-induced mitochondrial biogenesis and β-oxidation in skeletal muscle [33], further supporting the essential roles of SIRT1. However, the leucine-induced Sirt1 gene expression was not affected by EX527, possibly due to the unique inhibition mechanism of EX527 on SIRT1 catalytic activity [34].
We also found that AMPK phosphorylation, which is elevated in response to metabolic stress [35], was also increased by leucine in C2C12 myotubes. This change might help to explain the increased fatty acid oxidation in the cells. Similarly, in mice, leucine supplementation has been reported to activate AMPK synergistically with resveratrol and metformin, resulting in increased insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance [22]. On the other hand, Compound C, an inhibitor of AMPK, markedly blocked leucine’s effects on mitochondrial biogenesis, indicating that like SIRT1 elevated mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acid oxidation by leucine requires AMPK in C2C12 myotubes.
Notably, we found that leucine-induced AMPK phosphorylation was markedly blocked by EX527, suggesting that AMPK might serve as a downstream target of SIRT1. In support of this concept, Price et al. reported that SIRT1 activation is required for AMPK phosphorylation and improvement of mitochondrial function via deacetylation and activation of LKB1, a primary upstream kinase of AMPK [33, 36], while Park et al. found that resveratrol activates SIRT1 via an indirect pathway involving calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase β (Camkkβ) and AMPK activation [36]. Currently available evidences suggest that AMPK and SIRT1 display mutual interactions with each other; AMPK could activate SIRT1 by increasing cellular NAD+ level via promoting expression of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (Nampt), a rate-limiting enzyme in NAD+ biosynthesis; however, SIRT1 can also directly deacetylate and activate LKB1, resulting in the activation and phosphorylation of AMPK [37].
Our time-course data suggest that SIRT1 may be the initial target of leucine. SIRT1 activity was increased within the first hour of leucine treatment, while cellular NAD+ and p-AMPK levels remained unchanged. Considering that the increased Sirt1 mRNA and SIRT1 activity level occurred at some time after the leucine treatment for 24 hours, it is possible that SIRT1 activity is elevated by leucine first, and then activation of AMPK is a subsequent event, which may be responsible for the further SIRT1 activation at the later time points.
Our data may also reflect dose-dependent effects of leucine treatment. For example, high-dose leucine infusion and supplementation have been shown to induce insulin resistance and glucose intolerance in both human and animal models [38, 39], possibly via activation of mammalian target of rapamycin- (mTOR-) insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) signaling pathways [40]. In contrast, modest increases in leucine intake, sufficient to induce plasma leucine elevations to ~0.5 mM, significantly reduced obesity-related oxidative and inflammatory stress, resulting in improvement of insulin sensitivity in humans [19]. Similarly, Vaughan et al. found that leucine in the 0.1–0.5 mM range induces a dose-dependent increases of PGC-1α expression, leading to significant elevated mitochondrial density and oxidative capacity in skeletal muscle cells [17]. Consistent with these evidences, we found comparable levels of leucine promoted mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acid oxidation in C2C12 myotubes.
There are several limitations to this study. One of them is the use of the Fleur de Lys assay to measure SIRT1 activity. Studies have challenged the validity of the assay, as some of them have found that sirtuin-activating compounds (STACs) only increased SIRT1 activity by using fluorophore-tagged substrates but not the matching nontagged peptides, which also might explain why the activation can be found exclusively in vitro but not in vivo [41, 42]. According to Gertz et al., the fluorophore can act synergistically with STACs to promote binding between substrates and SIRT1 enzyme [43]. Furthermore, evidence suggests that resveratrol-induced SIRT1 activation is actually mediated through an indirect signaling pathway involved in cAMP phosphodiesterases (PDE) and AMPK in vivo [36]. However, Hubbard et al. recently provided more evidences to support the allosteric binding and activation theory between STACs and SIRT1. They found that specific hydrophobic motifs in SIRT1 substrates and a single amino acid (Glu230) in SIRT1 enzyme mediate the structure change during the deacetylation [44]. As a highly hydrophobic amino acid, leucine might directly activate SIRT1 through conformation change. Indeed, recent evidence demonstrates that leucine exerts direct effects on SIRT1 kinetics by decreasing 50% km for NAD+ and substrates. With the presence of leucine and HMB, lower concentration of resveratrol is required for the activation of SIRT1 [45]. Therefore, further experiments using fluorophore-free substrates to measure the SIRT1 activity are needed to elucidate the exact pathways of leucine-activated SIRT1. A second limitation is lack of data assessing the cellular acetylation status of LKB1 and PGC-1α, as well as Nampt phosphorylation and expression.
In summary, with the present work, we demonstrate that leucine improves mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acid oxidation in C2C12 myotubes through SIRT1 and AMPK-dependent pathway, with secondary activation of AMPK mediated by SIRT1 (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Proposed mechanism of leucine-induced mitochondrial biogenesis. In C2C12 myotubes, leucine treatment leads to activation of SIRT1. SIRT1 then deacetylates and activates LKB1, which subsequently induces AMPK phosphorylation and activation. In turn, activated AMPK could promote SIRT1 activation via intracellular NAD+ level by changing expression and activity of Nampt. Activated AMPK and SIRT1 further activate PGC-1α via phosphorylation and deacetylation, resulting in elevated mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative function.
Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.
The authors thank Drs. Ling Zhao and Antje Bruckbauer for technical support in cell culture and SIRT1 activity measurement.
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[F1]Quercetin is a sulphur based antioxidant found in onions and garlic---- Quercetin may protect the body’s endogenous Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) from breakage from Ferric Iron-initiated Hydrogen Peroxide lipid peroxidation (by chelating (removing) Ferric Iron from the body).
[F2]Breast Cancer. references
- Quercetin may facilitate the apoptosis (cellular death) of Cervical Cancer cells. references
- Quercetin may help to prevent Colon Cancer by inhibiting the ability of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) to stimulate the growth of Colon Cancer cells and by inhibiting DNA damage in Colon cells (colonocytes). references
- Quercetin may inhibit the synthesis of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) in Leukemia (including Promyelocytic Leukemia) cells (thereby preventing the replication of Leukemia cells). references
- Quercetin may help to prevent Lung Cancer. references
- Quercetin may inhibit the growth and metastasis of Melanoma. references
- Mouth Cancer references
- Ovarian Cancer references
- Quercetin may help to prevent Pancreatic Cancer and may stimulate the apoptosis of Pancreatic Cancer cells. references
- Quercetin may help to prevent Prostate Cancer (by inhibiting the expression of Androgen Receptors, Ornithine Decarboxylase and Prostate-Specific Antigen). references
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma references
- Quercetin may inhibit the growth of Stomach Cancer. references
- Quercetin may reduce the carcinogenicity of Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines (HAAs) (by interfering with the ability of p450 Enzymes to activate HAAs). references
Quercetin may suppress many forms of Detrimental Fungi. references
Quercetin may reduce Inflammation: references
- Quercetin may inhibit the excessive release of Acid Hydrolases from Lysosomes. references
- Quercetin may inhibit the production and release of Histamine by Basophils. references
- Quercetin may stabilize the Cell Membranes of Mast Cells, causing Mast Cells to become less reactive to the Antigens that are implicated in Allergies and decreases the ease with which they release their stored Histamine and Serotonin. references
- Quercetin may inhibit the production of inflammatory Series 4 Leukotrienes and Prostaglandin E2 within the body.
Quercetin may inhibit Helicobacter pylori. references
Quercetin may prevent many infections caused by Viruses: references
- Quercetin may help to suppress the HIV virus (the Virus that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - part of Quercetin’s ability to suppress the HIV virus stems from the inhibition of the Viral Reverse Transcriptase enzyme. references
- Quercetin may suppress the Epstein-Barr Virus. references
- Quercetin may help to prevent and alleviate the Common Cold (due to its ability to suppress Rhinoviruses).
- Quercetin may suppress the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1. references
- Quercetin may suppress many strains of Influenza Viruses. references
- Quercetin may suppress Parainfluenza Viruses. references
- Quercetin may suppress Picornaviruses. [more info]
- Quercetin may suppress Polio Viruses. references
- Quercetin may suppress the Respiratory Syncytial Virus. references
- Quercetin may suppress Rhinoviruses. [more info]
[F3]Meaning the ratio of the fat may need to increase in order to reduce the leakage and or reducing the solute you mixing into the fat-
[F5]Single layer type of liposome
[F6]Primary Functions of Stearic Acid in Cell Culture Systems:
From: H S Truman
Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end!
Show of the Month August 8 2015
Xenotransplantation History and Development
Rapid aging of the thymus linked to decline in free radical defenses
New vitamin B3 pathway identified
Xenotransplantation History and Development
A timeline featuring some of the key events in xenotransplantation from the early 1900s until 2011.
Reconnecting blood vessels for organ transplants
Alexis Carrel at the Rockefeller Institute in New York describes how blood vessels could be reconnected in transplanted organs. Carrel receives the Nobel prize for this work in 1912.–1923
First attempts at organ xenotransplants
Transplants with pig, goat, sheep and monkey organs are attempted, but all fail, with patients surviving only hours or days after transplantation. No further animal to human transplants are tried again until 1963, after immunosuppressing drugs are developed.1944
Immune system causes transplant rejection
Peter Medawar from the University of London shows that transplants are failing because of an immune system reaction.1954
First successful human to human transplant
First successful human to human transplant of a kidney between identical twin brothers.1960
Acquired immune tolerance
Peter Medawar receives the Nobel prize for discovering that it is possible to induce tolerance to transplanted tissue.
First immunosuppressive drugs identified
A number of researchers independently demonstrate that a drug called 6-MP can delay rejection of tissue and organs transplanted between the same species.1963
Baboon kidney transplant
Baboon kidneys are transplanted into six patients in Denver by Dr Thomas Starzl. The patients survive between 19–98 days.1963
Chimpanzee kidney transplant
Chimpanzee kidneys are transplanted into 13 patients by Keith Reemtsma at Tulane University in Louisiana. One patient survives for 9 months.1964
Chimpanzee heart transplant
The first animal to human heart transplant is carried out by James Hardy at the University of Mississippi, but it fails rapidly.1969–1974
Chimpanzee liver transplant
The world’s first chimpanzee liver transplants are done on three children between 1969 and 1974 but none of them survives for more than 2 weeks.1977
Baboon and chimpanzee hearts used as back-up pumps
Christiaan Barnard uses baboon and chimpanzee hearts as temporary back-up pumps in two patients with heart failure after surgery, but the treatment does not help the patients survive.1978
Pig skin used to treat burns patients
Burns patients treated with pig skin grafts have faster healing times and less pain than patients treated with standard paraffin gauze dressings.1984
Baboon heart transplant in baby
Baby Fae, an infant born with a severe heart defect, receives a baboon heart, but only lives for 20 days after the transplant.1992–1993
Baboon to human liver transplant
Dr Thomas Starzl transplants baboon livers into two patients. One of the patients survives for 70 days with little evidence of rejection.1995
Transgenic pigs prevent transplant rejection
Dr David White in Cambridge, UK, creates transgenic pigs that have a human protein to prevent their tissues and organs being rejected by the immune system. Several other labs investigate similar strategies.1995
Baboon to human bone marrow transplant for HIV
Jeff Getty, a patient infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), receives baboon bone marrow to treat his illness. Baboon bone marrow has a natural resistance to HIV. His symptoms improve for a while, but the baboon cells die after about 2 weeks.1996
Pig cell transplant for type 1 diabetes
Living Cell Technologies (formerly Diacrin) transplants encapsulated pig islet cells into type 1 diabetic patient Michael Helyer. The treatment is successful and allows Michael to reduce insulin injections.Get information sheet: Trialling pig cell transplants
Pig nerve cell transplants for Parkinson’s disease
Foetal pig nerve cells are used to treat patients with Parkinson’s disease with some success.Get video clip: Xenotransplantation saves Jim
Pig liver used to keep patient alive
Robert Pennington, a 20-year-old with liver failure, is kept alive by passing his blood through transgenic pig livers, which had been genetically modified so they would not be recognised by the recipient’s immune system. This procedure is carried out for 7 hours over 3 days until a suitable liver becomes available. This procedure is done a few weeks before a worldwide ban on xenotransplants.Get video clip: Xenotransplantation saves Robert
Worldwide ban on all xenotransplantation
Concerns about the risk of infecting human recipients with animal endogenous retroviruses lead to a worldwide ban or moratorium on animal to human transplants. Pig endogenous retrovirus (PERV) is of particular concern.Get video clip: Pig cell transplants and PERV
Risk of infectious disease assessed
Several groups publish findings showing no evidence of PERV infection in human recipients of pig tissues.2000–2011
Ban on xenotransplantation is lifted in some countries
The ban on xenotransplantation is lifted in some countries and applications for trials with xenotransplants are assessed on a case-by-case basis.2007–2011
Clinical trials of pig cell transplants continue
Russia, New Zealand and Argentina all approve clinical trials of pig cells for the treatment of type 1 diabetes.Get focus story: Pig cell transplants
Xenozoonosis, also known as zoonosis or xenosis, is the transmission of infectious agents between species via xenograft. Animal to human infection is normally rare, but has occurred in the past. An example of such is the avian influenza, when an influenza A virus was passed from birds to humans.[27] Xenotransplantation may increase the chance of disease transmission for 3 reasons:
- Implantation breaches the physical barrier that normally helps to prevent disease transmission,
- The recipient of the transplant will be severely immunosuppressed; and
- Human complement regulators (CD46, CD55, and CD59) expressed in transgenic pigs have been shown to serve as virus receptors, and may also help to protect viruses from attack by the complement system.[28]
Examples of viruses carried by pigs include porcine herpesvirus, rotavirus, parvovirus, and circovirus. Porcine herpesviruses and rotaviruses can be eliminated from the donor pool by screening, however others (such as parvovirus and circovirus) may contaminate food and footwear then re-infect the herd. Thus, pigs to be used as organ donors must be housed under strict regulations and screened regularly for microbes and pathogens. Unknown viruses, as well as those not harmful in the animal, may also pose risks (Takeuchi and George, 2000). Of particular concern are PERVS (porcine endogenous retroviruses), vertically transmitted microbes that embed in swine genomes. The risks with xenosis are twofold, as not only could the individual become infected, but a novel infection could initiate an epidemic in the human population. Because of this risk, the FDA has suggested any recipients of xenotransplants shall be closely monitored for the remainder of their life, and quarantined if they show signs of xenosis.[29]
Baboons and pigs carry myriad transmittable agents that are harmless in their natural host, but extremely toxic and deadly in humans. HIV is an example of a disease believed to have jumped from monkeys to humans. Researchers also do not know if an outbreak of infectious diseases could occur and if they could contain the outbreak even though they have measures for control. Another obstacle facing xenotransplants is that of the body’s rejection of foreign objects by its immune system. These antigens (foreign objects) are often treated with powerful immunosuppressive drugs that could, in turn, make the patient vulnerable to other infections and actually aid the disease. This is the reason the organs would have to be altered to fit the patients' DNA (histocompatibility).--In 2005, the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) declared an eighteen-year moratorium on all animal-to-human transplantation, concluding that the risks of transmission of animal viruses to patients and the wider community had not been resolved.[30] This was repealed in 2009 after an NHMRC review stated "... the risks, if appropriately regulated, are minimal and acceptable given the potential benefits.", citing international developments on the management and regulation of xenotransplantation by the World Health Organisation and the European Medicines Agency.[31]
Nanoparticles can be divided into three groups: · Inorganic nanoparticles · Solid lipid nanoparticles · Polymer nanoparticles Inorganic nanoparticles is the generic term for several nanoparticles including for example metal oxide- and non-oxide ceramics, metals, calcium phosphate, gold, silicate and magnetic nanoparticles. So called "nanoshells" combine various inorganic elements or materials. They typically have a silicon core, which is sealed in an outer metallic cover. Polymer nanoparticles involve various natural or biocompatible synthetic polymers. They include rationally designed macromolecular drugs, polymerdrug and polymer-protein conjugates, polymeric micelles containing covalently bounded drugs, and polyplexes for DNA delivery. Polymer nanoparticles can be divided into nanospheres, which build a continuous polymer matrix--
and can be referred as "drug sponges" and nanocapsules, which consist of a polymer layer enclosing a fluid-filled cavity and are mimicking liposomes. Solid lipid nanoparticles combine the advantages but avoiding the disadvantages of other colloidal carriers have attracted increasing attention in recent years, and are regarded as an alternative carrier system to traditional colloidal systems, such as emulsions, liposomes and polymeric microparticles and nanoparticles.
How are they applied to drug delivery?--Nanoparticles are widely used in drug delivery where they can increase drug solubility and, additionally, can lead to controlled release and/or drug targeting. They are used in anti-cancer treatment, genedelivery, asthma inhalers, hormone delivery through the skin, drug delivery through the eye and in oral and vaccine delivery systems. A lot of companies employ nanoparticles in anti-cancer treatment.--Availability: The first United States approval of a product produced incorporating the NanoCrystal® technology occurred in August 2000. Key Players: Elan Pharmaceuticals (USA) SkyePharma (UK)
Nanocrystals-What are they?
Increasing the active surface area is the key to many applications of nanotechnologies, from improving automotive and industrial catalysts to improving the uptake of poorly soluble drugs in the human body. Nanocrystals are ground in special mills and the resulting drugs can be applied intravenously as nanosuspensions or bronchially through an inhaler. This small size enhances the surface/volume-ratio and bioavailability of almost insoluble pharmaceuticals. drug substance using a proprietary, wet-milling technique[F1]. The resulting particles of the drug are stabilized against agglomeration by surface adsorption of selected GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) stabilizers. The result is an aqueous dispersion of the drug substance that behaves like a solution, which can be processed into finished dosage forms for all routes of administration. The size of the particles allows for safe and effective passage through capillaries. [F2]NanoCrystal technology represents both an enabling technology for evaluating new chemical entities that exhibit poor water solubility and also a valuable tool for optimizing the performance of established drugs. NanoCrystal technology is of particular benefit for drugs with poor solubility in water. The process is also useful for moderately soluble drugs when a high concentration of drug in a low volume of fluid is desired.
How are they applied to drug delivery?
For poorly water-soluble drug compounds, grinding them into nanoscale crystals increases the surface area of the compounds, which leads to an increase in dissolution rate. In one of the best known cases, Elan Pharmaceuticals' NanoCrystal® technology, particles are small particles of drug substance, typically less than 1000 nanometers (nm) in diameter, which are produced by milling the
Availability: The first poly (ethylenglycol) (PEG)ylated proteins were approved by regulatory authorities for routine clinical use in the early 1990s. Key Players: StarPharma (USA) Enzon (USA) Teva Pharmaceuticals (Israel)
Polymer Therapeutics-What is it?
Polymer therapeutics differ from particle shaped drug delivery systems in their dimensions. They are molecular units with diameters of a few nanometres and can be subdivided into four groups: · Polymer drugs · Polymer drug conjugates · Polymer micelles · Dendrimers Early designs for a polymer therapeutic system involved attaching a water-soluble polymer to a drug through a selected linker molecule. Trapping low molecular weight drugs as polymer conjugates not only temporarily inactivates the drug, but also restricts their uptake by cells to endocytosis (the process whereby cells absorb material such as proteins from the outside by engulfing it with their cell membrane). As high molecular weight macromolecules of the drugs are unable to diffuse passively into cells, they are 'engulfed' as membrane-encircled sacs called vesicles, in which intracellular enzymes then set to [F3]work to release the drug. This means that the polymer-drug conjugate should be able to circulate longer in the body, potentially without the toxic side-effects associated with many drugs. With the appropriate biodegradable linker, and/or a cell-specific targeting group, it should be possible to deliver the drug direct to the target site.
How is it applied to drug delivery?
A drug can be covalently bound to the four groups above. They differ from other drug-delivery systems in which a drug is encapsulated or solubilised and are more akin to new chemical entities since chemical conjugation occurs (i.e the combined polymer and drug behave as a compound different from either component).
Rapid aging of the thymus linked to decline in free radical defenses
A critical immune organ called the thymus shrinks rapidly with age, putting older individuals at greater risk for life-threatening infections. A study published August 6 in Cell Reports reveals that thymus atrophy may stem from a decline in its ability to protect against DNA damage from free radicals. The damage accelerates metabolic dysfunction in the organ, progressively reducing its production of pathogen-fighting T cells.--The findings suggest that common dietary antioxidants may slow thymus atrophy and could represent a promising treatment strategy for protecting older adults from infections.--"The thymus ages more rapidly than any other tissue in the body, diminishing the ability of older individuals to respond to new immunologic challenges, including evolving pathogens and the vaccines that may otherwise offer protection from them,[F1]" says senior study author Howard Petrie of the Scripps Research Institute. "We provide, for the first time, a mechanistic link between antioxidants and normal immune function, opening new avenues for potential treatment strategies that could improve immune defenses in the aging population."--The thymus produces essential immune cells called T cells, which are continuously lost and must be replaced throughout life[F2]. But starting around the time of puberty, the thymus rapidly decreases in size and loses its capacity to produce enough new T cells. This loss is partially offset by the duplication of existing T cells, but the resulting population of cells becomes more and more biased toward memory T cells, which recognize pathogens from previous or ongoing infections. As a result, broad-spectrum immunity against new pathogens and protective immune responses elicited by new vaccines diminish with age.--[F3]The development of interventions to slow the progression of thymus atrophy has been limited by the lack of knowledge about the underlying mechanisms. The prevailing theory suggests that sex hormones play a key role, but this explanation does not account for the accelerated speed at which the thymus diminishes in size in comparison to other tissues. Moreover, the body of scientific evidence clearly indicates that other factors must be involved in age-related thymus atrophy.--To address this question, Petrie and first author Ann Griffith, currently at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, developed a computational approach for analyzing the activity of genes in two major thymic cell types--stromal cells and lymphoid cells--in mouse tissues, which are very similar to human thymic tissues in terms of function and the properties of atrophy. They found that stromal cells were deficient in an antioxidant enzyme called catalase, resulting in the accumulation of free radical and metabolic damage.-To test whether catalase deficiency plays a causal role in thymus atrophy, the researchers performed genetic experiments to enhance catalase levels in mice. By 6 months of age, the size of the thymus of the genetically engineered mice was more than double that of normal mice. Moreover, mice that were treated with two common antioxidants from the time of weaning achieved nearly normal thymus size by 10 weeks of age.--Taken together, the findings provide support for the free-radical theory of aging, which proposes that reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide cause cellular damage that contributes to aging and a variety of age-related diseases. These toxic molecules, which form in cells as a natural byproduct of the metabolism of oxygen, have been linked to progressive atrophy in many organs and tissues as part of the normal aging process. However, these are generally slow, progressive processes that do not become apparent until late in life and often go mostly unnoticed.--"In the case of the thymus, atrophy is more rapid than other tissues, which we now show is a consequence of stromal catalase deficiency in the context of a highly metabolic environment designed to support the demands of T-cell proliferation," Petrie says. "Our studies show that, rather than an idiosyncratic relationship to sex steroids, thymic atrophy represents the widely recognized process of accumulated cellular damage resulting from lifelong exposure to the oxidative byproducts of aerobic metabolism.[F4]"--In future studies, the researchers will investigate whether antioxidant supplementation improves the functioning of the thymus and the immune system during aging. If these studies provide support for this idea, then they could lead to the development of new clinical recommendations for the prevention or treatment of age-related thymus atrophy in humans.--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Cell Press. --Journal Reference-Griffith et al. Metabolic damage and premature thymus aging caused by stromal catalase deficiency. Cell Reports, August 2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.07.008 --Cite This Page-Cell Press. "Rapid aging of the thymus linked to decline in free radical defenses." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 6 August 2015. <>.
New vitamin B3 pathway identified
Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have identified a new vitamin B3 pathway that regulates liver metabolism. The discovery provides an opportunity to pursue the development of novel drug therapies to address obesity, type 2 diabetes and related metabolic diseases.--Published in the August 2015 issue of Nature Medicine, the new findings show that a small molecule called N1-methylnicotinamide prevents metabolic complications caused by a high-fat diet.--"Our laboratory investigates the metabolic effects of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide [NAD+], a metabolite derived from a form of vitamin B3 called nicotinamide[F1]," explained senior author Pavlos Pissios, PhD, an investigator in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at BIDMC and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. NAD+ is central to intermediary metabolism, the intracellular process by which food is converted into cellular components in the body.--"Like reservatrol, which is found in red wine, NAD+ boosts the effects of the protein sirtuin 1 [Sirt1], which is known to provide many health benefits," said Pissios. "Interest in the metabolic effects of NAD+ has spurred the production of several new dietary supplements to improve metabolic health and delay aging. While these results have yet to be demonstrated in humans, recent research has shown that boosting tissue levels of NAD+ can improve health and reduce metabolic complications in mice that have been fed a high-fat diet."--The liver plays a central role in all metabolic processes, including breaking down fats to produce energy. Because a number of different proteins are involved in the metabolic effects of NAD+, Pissios and his colleagues hypothesized that there might be an as-yet-unidentified vitamin B3 pathway that was directly regulating liver metabolism. "We thought that, in addition to boosting NAD+, vitamin B3 might be positively impacting liver metabolism by acting directly on another pathway," he explained.--To test this hypothesis, the researchers conducted a variety of experiments that assessed these proteins. Their results showed that nicotinamide N-methyltransfersase (NNMT), a "clearance" enzyme that helps the body excrete excess vitamin B3, also plays a more prominent metabolic role.-"Our lab had been gathering evidence that NNMT not only functions to clear nicotinamide from the liver, but is also involved in the regulation of liver metabolism," said Pissios. "We confirmed this in our new study, which found that N1-methylnicotinamide, the product of nicotinamide methylation by NNMT, increases Sirt1 protein levels and improves metabolism."--In subsequent experiments, Pissios and colleagues found that NNMT correlated positively with Sirt1[F2] and a healthy metabolic profile in mice, and also showed that humans with low cholesterol and low triglycerides exhibited high levels of NNMT and Sirt1 in their livers.--"Since N1-methylnicotinamide is a small molecule, we were able to feed it directly to mice to find out if it would prevent the metabolic complications caused by a high-fat diet," said Pissios. As predicted, N1-methylnicotinamide increased liver Sirt1 protein and suppressed triglyceride and cholesterol synthesis resulting in a healthier liver -- with fewer inflammatory markers, less liver fat and lower cholesterol compared to control groups.--"We have now identified a new vitamin B3 pathway that regulates liver metabolism and provides us with an opportunity to pursue development of novel treatments for metabolic diseases," said Pissios.--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. --Journal Reference--Shangyu Hong, Jose M Moreno-Navarrete, Xiaojing Wei, Yusuke Kikukawa, Iphigenia Tzameli, Deepthi Prasad, Yoonjin Lee, John M Asara, Jose Manuel Fernandez-Real, Eleftheria Maratos-Flier, Pavlos Pissios. Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase regulates hepatic nutrient metabolism through Sirt1 protein stabilization. Nature Medicine, 2015; 21 (8): 887 DOI: 10.1038/nm.3882
[F1]The wet milling of such substances with rotor-stator machines offers a multitude of advantages:
- The resulting fine fraction is bonded directly in the suspension, so that a dust formation is avoided from the outset.
- The substances to be ground remain in the system, unlike dry systems, allowing for a significant reduction of losses. Therefore, wet milling is well-suited for organic chemistry, particularly high-quality substances or for the grinding of poisonous substances.
- Product feeding and dosing are easier with wet milling than with a dry process.
Wet milling is successfully used for many applications in the pharmaceutical industry because it works well with API (active pharmaceutical ingredients).
[F2]Meaning then it gets into the organs-brain-skeletal structure-and other places
[F3]This word says it all –at best it is a guess and with the components sustained and using a enzyme mechanism to release the materials then then this could possibly lead to again an overload to organs and other tissues in the body
[F2]Sirtuin 1, also known as NAD-dependent deacetylase sirtuin-1, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SIRT1 gene.[1][2][3]SIRT1 stands for sirtuin (silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog) 1 (S. cerevisiae), referring to the fact that its sirtuin homolog (biological equivalent across species) in yeast (S. cerevisiae) is Sir2. SIRT1 is an enzyme that deacetylates proteins that contribute to cellular regulation (reaction to stressors, longevity).[4]
- Lamin A is a protein that had been identified as a direct activator of Sirtuin 1 during a study on Progeria.[12]
- Resveratrol has been claimed to be an activator of Sirtuin 1,[13] but this effect has been disputed based on the fact that the initially used activity assay, using a non-physiological substrate peptide, can produce artificial results.[14][15] Resveratrol increases the expression of SIRT1, meaning that it does increase the activity of SIRT1, though not necessarily by direct activation.[5] However, resveratrol was later shown to directly activate Sirtuin 1 against non-modified peptide substrates.[16][17] Resveratrol also enhances the binding between Sirtuin 1 and Lamin A.[12]
- SRT-1720 was also claimed to be an activator,[13] but this now has been questioned.[18]
[F1]Are they saying vaccine a causitive issue and that it is the thymus that protects us from vaccinations??
[F2]These Substances may Enhance the Function of the Thymus Gland
Amino Acids
Arginine (1,000 - 5,000 mg per day) may increase the size of the Thymus, may stimulate the production of Lymphocytes by the Thymus and may restore the production of Thymic Hormones to youthful levels. references
Aspartic Acid may increase the size of the Thymus and may enhance the function of the Thymus. references
Cysteine may increase the size of the Thymus.
Ornithine may increase the size of the Thymus. references
Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (OKG) may inhibit the ability of excessive Stress to cause the atrophy of the Thymus gland. references
Threonine may facilitate the growth and activity of the Thymus. [more info]
Beta-Carotene may enhance the function of the Thymus. references
Human Growth Hormone (hGH) is essential for the correct function of the Thymus Gland and supplemental, exogenous hGH may increase the size of Thymus Glands that have atrophied (shrunk). references
Melatonin may improve the function of the Thymus: references
Melatonin may increase the production of T-Lymphocytes by the Thymus and may facilitate the interaction of Zinc with the Thymus.
Melatonin may restore growth of the Thymus (via its ability to improve the body’s absorption and utilization of Zinc) - in the absence of Melatonin, the Thymus may shrink.
Thymulin may stimulate the replication and differentiation of the Lymphocytes in the Thymus (that arrive from the Bone Marrow) into the various types of T-Lymphocytes. [more info]
Thyroid Hormones may promote the regeneration of the Thymus. references
Gangliosides concentrate in the Thymus.
Chronic Magnesium deficiency may cause abnormalities in the development of the Thymus. [more info]
Selenium (200 mcg per day) may increase the size of the Thymus gland and may enhance the function of the Thymus gland. references
Zinc deficiency may cause shrinkage of the Thymus: references
Supplemental Zinc may cause regrowth of Thymus Glands that have shrunk because of Aging.
Norepinephrine may cause the release of the Hormones that provide the Thymus with correct instructions.
Proline Rich Polypeptide (PRP) may help to regulate the activity of the Thymus Gland. references
Thymic Protein A may improve the function of the Thymus (Thymic Protein A is a component of Hormones produced by the Thymus and exogenous supplemental Thymic Protein A may enhance endogenous Thymic Protein A function). [more info]
Biotin deficiency may cause atrophy (shrinkage) of the Thymus. references
Vitamin A may protect and strengthen the Thymus and may enhance its ability to manufacture T-Lymphocytes. Supplemental Vitamin A may increase the size of the Thymus gland. references
Vitamin C may increase the size of the Thymus. [more info]
Vitamin E may protect the Thymus and supplemental Vitamin E may increase the size of the Thymus. references
[F3]They don’t work--
[F4]Nanoparticles, natural, artificial, old and new
What’s new about nanoparticles, as far as risk is concerned, is that many of them are chemically inert as ordinary ions or as larger particles (and hence never had to go through regulatory approval before the nanoparticles were used); but as soon as the particle size reaches nanometre dimensions, they acquire novel physicochemical properties, causing oxidative stress and breaking DNA, and they can get access to every part of the body including the brain, via inhalation and the olfactory nerve.
A comprehensive review by Cristina Buzea and colleagues at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, in Canada, pointed out that human beings have been exposed to natural nanoparticles since the origin of our species, in the form of viruses, dusts from terrestrial and extraterrestrial dust storms, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and sea salt aerosols Nanoparticles have been created by human activities for thousands of years, by burning wood in cooking, and more recently, chemical manufacturing, welding, ore refining and smelting, burning of petrol in vehicles and airplane engines, burning sewage sludge, coal and fuel oil for power generation, all of which are already known to have health impacts. Automobile exhaust particular pollution is linked to heart and lung diseases and childhood cancers.
Tobacco smoke is composed of nanoparticles with size ranging from around 10 nm up to 700 nm, with a peak around 150 nm. It has a very complex composition with more than 100 000 chemical components and compounds. First or second hand cigarette smoke is associated with an increased risk of chronic respiratory illness, lung cancer, nasal cancer, and cardiovascular disease, as well as other malignant tumours, such as pancreatic cancer, and genetic alterations. Children exposed to cigarette smoke show an increased risk of sudden infant death --syndrome, middle ear disease, lower respiratory tract illnesses, and exacerbated asthma.---Dust from building demolition is an important source of particulate pollution. Older buildings are likely to contain asbestos, fibres, lead, glass, wood, paper and other toxic particles
Natural and artificial nanoparticles overlap. For example, C60 fullerenes have been reported in 10 000-year-old ice core samples.--It is important to distinguish nanoparticles from nano-structured materials that do not exist as free particles during any part of the manufacturing process, which therefore are not expected to present the same hazards. --Nevertheless we are faced with an unprecedented and ever-growing volume and diversity of nanoparticles as nanotechnologies take off in all directions.
Diseases associated with nanoparticles
Nanoparticles may be inhaled, ingested or taken in through contact with the skin. The known possible adverse health impacts include both natural and anthropogenic nanoparticles. Obviously not all nanoparticles are harmful, but without exhaustive tests especially in the case of the newly engineered nanoparticles, it is impossible to tell.--Diseases associated with inhaled nanoparticles include asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Nanoparticles in the gastrointestinal tract have been linked to Crohn’s disease and colon cancer. Nanoparticles that enter the circulatory system are implicated in arteriosclerosis, blood clots, arrhythmia, heart diseases, and ultimately death from heart disease. Nanoparticles entering other organs, such as liver, spleen, etc., may lead to diseases of these organs. Some nanoparticles are associated with autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis.
From: H S Truman
Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end!
Show of the Month August 15 2015
Understanding molecular origin of epigenetic markers
New insight into DNA repair
DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are the worst possible form of genetic malfunction that can cause cancer and resistance to therapy. New information published reveals more about why this occurs and how these breaks can be repaired.--Scientists at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center reported their findings about the role of the enzyme fumarase in DNA repair in the Aug. 3, 2015 issue of Nature Cell Biology.--"Our study showed that the enzymatic activity of the metabolic enzyme fumarase and its product, fumarate, are critical elements of the DNA damage response and that fumarase deficiency promotes tumor growth due to impairment of DNA repair," said Zhimin Lu, M.D., Ph.D., professor of Neuro-Oncology.--Lu's team demonstrated that fumarase accomplishes this through a process critical for gene regulation and expression known as histone methylation. Many cancers are thought to result from misregulated histone methylation.--Another crucial component of the DNA repair process is DNA-PK, a protein kinase that governs DNA damage response, helping to assure genetic stability. The researchers defined how DNA-PK and fumarase interact to increase histone methylation, allowing for DNA repair and restoration of healthy cells.--"We know that histone methylation regulates DNA repair, but the mechanisms underlying this repair has not been fully understood," he said. "Our research revealed a 'feedback' mechanism that underlies DNA-PK regulation by chromatin-associated fumarase and the function of this fumarase in regulating histone methylation and DNA repair."--This chain-of-event repair process occurs at the DSB regions and initiates a DNA damage "fix" by joining the tail ends of the double strand breaks.--Increasingly, inhibition of DNA-PKs and fumarase are being looked at for its potential to sensitize cancer cells to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It is hoped a more thorough understanding about how they accomplish this can lead to new approaches to cancer treatment.--Dr. Lu's group previously reported that another metabolic enzyme, pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) acts as a protein kinase in regulation of the Warburg effect, a process by which cancer cells produce energy, as well for regulation of gene expression and cell cycle progression.--"Our new findings on s role in DNA repair further demonstrate that metabolic enzymes can possess non-metabolic functions in crucial cellular activities of cancer cells," said Lu.---Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. --Journal Reference-Yuhui Jiang, Xu Qian, Jianfeng Shen, Yugang Wang, Xinjian Li, Rui Liu, Yan Xia, Qianming Chen, Guang Peng, Shiaw-Yih Lin, Zhimin Lu. Local generation of fumarate promotes DNA repair through inhibition of histone H3 demethylation. Nature Cell Biology, 2015; DOI: 10.1038/ncb3209 --University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. "New insight into DNA repair." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 3 August 2015. <>.
Rapid aging of the thymus linked to decline in free radical defenses
A critical immune organ called the thymus shrinks rapidly with age, putting older individuals at greater risk for life-threatening infections. A study published August 6 in Cell Reports reveals that thymus atrophy may stem from a decline in its ability to protect against DNA damage from free radicals. The damage accelerates metabolic dysfunction in the organ, progressively reducing its production of pathogen-fighting T cells.--The findings suggest that common dietary antioxidants may slow thymus atrophy and could represent a promising treatment strategy for protecting older adults from infections.--"The thymus ages more rapidly than any other tissue in the body, diminishing the ability of older individuals to respond to new immunologic challenges, including evolving pathogens and the vaccines that may otherwise offer protection from them,[F1]" says senior study author Howard Petrie of the Scripps Research Institute. "We provide, for the first time, a mechanistic link between antioxidants and normal immune function, opening new avenues for potential treatment strategies that could improve immune defenses in the aging population."--The thymus produces essential immune cells called T cells, which are continuously lost and must be replaced throughout life[F2]. But starting around the time of puberty, the thymus rapidly decreases in size and loses its capacity to produce enough new T cells. This loss is partially offset by the duplication of existing T cells, but the resulting population of cells becomes more and more biased toward memory T cells, which recognize pathogens from previous or ongoing infections. As a result, broad-spectrum immunity against new pathogens and protective immune responses elicited by new vaccines diminish with age.--[F3]The development of interventions to slow the progression of thymus atrophy has been limited by the lack of knowledge about the underlying mechanisms. The prevailing theory suggests that sex hormones play a key role, but this explanation does not account for the accelerated speed at which the thymus diminishes in size in comparison to other tissues. Moreover, the body of scientific evidence clearly indicates that other factors must be involved in age-related thymus atrophy.--To address this question, Petrie and first author Ann Griffith, currently at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, developed a computational approach for analyzing the activity of genes in two major thymic cell types--stromal cells and lymphoid cells--in mouse tissues, which are very similar to human thymic tissues in terms of function and the properties of atrophy. They found that stromal cells were deficient in an antioxidant enzyme called catalase, resulting in the accumulation of free radical and metabolic damage.-To test whether catalase deficiency plays a causal role in thymus atrophy, the researchers performed genetic experiments to enhance catalase levels in mice. By 6 months of age, the size of the thymus of the genetically engineered mice was more than double that of normal mice. Moreover, mice that were treated with two common antioxidants from the time of weaning achieved nearly normal thymus size by 10 weeks of age.--Taken together, the findings provide support for the free-radical theory of aging, which proposes that reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide cause cellular damage that contributes to aging and a variety of age-related diseases. These toxic molecules, which form in cells as a natural byproduct of the metabolism of oxygen, have been linked to progressive atrophy in many organs and tissues as part of the normal aging process. However, these are generally slow, progressive processes that do not become apparent until late in life and often go mostly unnoticed.--"In the case of the thymus, atrophy is more rapid than other tissues, which we now show is a consequence of stromal catalase deficiency in the context of a highly metabolic environment designed to support the demands of T-cell proliferation," Petrie says. "Our studies show that, rather than an idiosyncratic relationship to sex steroids, thymic atrophy represents the widely recognized process of accumulated cellular damage resulting from lifelong exposure to the oxidative byproducts of aerobic metabolism.[F4]"--In future studies, the researchers will investigate whether antioxidant supplementation improves the functioning of the thymus and the immune system during aging. If these studies provide support for this idea, then they could lead to the development of new clinical recommendations for the prevention or treatment of age-related thymus atrophy in humans.--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Cell Press. --Journal Reference-Griffith et al. Metabolic damage and premature thymus aging caused by stromal catalase deficiency. Cell Reports, August 2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.07.008 --Cite This Page-Cell Press. "Rapid aging of the thymus linked to decline in free radical defenses." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 6 August 2015. <>.
Nanoparticle cluster manufacturing technique using DNA binding protein developed
A mimetic diagram of NPCs manufacturing technique using DNA binding protein zinc finger.-Credit: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology--Scientists in South Korea used the Zinc Finger protein to develop a new manufacturing technique for size-controllable magnetic Nanoparticle Clusters.--Professor Hak-Sung Kim of the Department of Biological Sciences at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Yiseul Ryu, a doctoral candidate, used the Zinc Finger protein that specifically binds to target DNA sequence to develop a new manufacturing technique for size-controllable magnetic Nanoparticle Clusters (NPCs). Their research results were published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition online on 25 November 2014.--NPCs are structures consisting of magnetic nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles, and quantum dots, each of which are smaller than 100 nm (10 [-9m]). NPCs have a distinctive property of collectivity not seen in single nanoparticles.--Specifically NPCS differ in physical and optical properties such as Plasmon coupling absorbance, energy transfers between particles, electron transfers, and conductivity. Therefore, NPCs can be employed in biological and medical research as well as the development of nanoelectric and nanoplasmon devices.--To make use of these novel properties, the size and the composition of the cluster must be exquisitely controlled.[F5] However, previous techniques relied on chemical binding which required complex steps, making it difficult to control the size and composition of NPCs.--Professor Kim's team used Zinc Finger, a DNA binding protein, to develop a NPCs manufacturing technique to create clusters of the desired size easily. The Zinc Finger protein contains a zinc ion and specifically recognizes DNA sequence upon binding, which allows the exquisite control of the size and the cluster composition. The technique is also bio-friendly.--Professor Kim's team created linear structure of different sizes of NPCs using Zinc Finger proteins and three DNA sequences of different lengths. The NPCs they produced confirmed their ability to control the size and structure of the cluster by using different DNA lengths.--The NPCs showed tripled T2 relaxation rates compared to the existing MRI contrast media (Feridex) and effectively transported to targeted cells. The research findings show the potential use of NPCs in biological and medical fields such as MRI contrast media, fluorescence imaging, and drug transport.--The research used the specific binding property of protein and DNA to develop a new method to create an inorganic nanoparticle's supramolecular assembly. The technique can be used and applied extensively in other nanoparticles for future research in diagnosis, imaging, and drug and gene delivery.--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology--Journal Reference-Yiseul Ryu, Zongwen Jin, Joong-jae Lee, Seung-hyun Noh, Tae-Hyun Shin, Seong-Min Jo, Joonsung Choi, HyunWook Park, Jinwoo Cheon, Hak-Sung Kim. Size-Controlled Construction of Magnetic Nanoparticle Clusters Using DNA-Binding Zinc Finger Protein. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014; DOI: 10.1002/anie.201408593 -Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. "Nanoparticle cluster manufacturing technique using DNA binding protein developed." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 5 December 2014. <>.
Universal iodine supplementation during pregnancy could offer huge cost savings
Giving all pregnant women iodine supplements, even in mildly iodine deficient countries like the UK, could result in huge cost savings for health care systems and society, according to new modelling research published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology journal.--The new estimates suggest that introducing iodine supplementation in pregnancy in the UK could save the National Health Service (NHS) around £200 per expectant mother and provide monetary benefits to society of around £4500 per child from increased lifetime earnings and lower public sector costs. With around 1.9 billion people and 241 million school-age children (aged 6-12 years) living in the 32 countries that have iodine deficiency, the authors conclude that the benefits of universal iodine supplementation during pregnancy could be substantial.--"Iodine deficiency in pregnancy remains the leading cause of preventable retardation worldwide. Even mild iodine deficiency during pregnancy is associated with children with lower IQs," explains Kate Jolly, a co-author and Professor of Public Health at the University of Birmingham in the UK. "It's time for all women living in iodine deficient countries without universal supplementation of iodine, who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning a pregnancy to be advised to take a daily supplement containing iodine."--Iodine is not made naturally in the body and must be consumed by eating foods like dairy and seafood or supplements.[F6] Severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy can cause substantial mental impairment and delayed development in children, resulting in a lower IQ and consequently lower educational attainment and earning potential. International health organisations like WHO and the European Food Safety Authority recommend that pregnant and breastfeeding women take daily iodine supplements. However, no recommendation for iodine supplementation has been issued to pregnant women in the UK, even though mild iodine deficiency has been reported to be widespread.--As a randomised trial might not be approved because of ethical concerns in the untreated group, a team of researchers from the University of Birmingham did a modelling study to examine the cost-effectiveness of iodine supplementation versus no supplementation for pregnant women in the UK. Using data from a systematic review of published studies and expert opinion they modelled both the direct health service savings and monetary benefits to society (lifetime earnings) in terms of gains from an additional IQ point in the children.--By converting the effects of iodine supplementation in pregnancy on developing brains into IQ points, the authors estimate that the benefits equate to 1.22 IQ points per child, with monetary benefits of around £199 per expectant mother for the NHS, and £4476 per pregnancy for society.--According to the authors, "As food fortification alone may not be enough to achieve iodine sufficiency for pregnant women, our results strengthen the case for universal iodine supplementation of all women before and during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding in mild-to-moderate iodine deficient countries."--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by The Lancet. --Journal Reference--Mark Monahan, Kristien Boelaert, Kate Jolly, Shiao Chan, Pelham Barton, Tracy E Roberts. Costs and benefits of iodine supplementation for pregnant women in a mildly to moderately iodine-deficient population: a modelling analysis. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 2015; DOI: 10.1016/S2213-8587(15)00212-0 --The Lancet. "Universal iodine supplementation during pregnancy could offer huge cost savings." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 9 August 2015. <>.
Critical need for iodine supplements during pregnancy and while nursing
A viewpoint in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) discusses the issue of iodine deficiency in pregnant women in the U.S. and the potential negative health implications for both mothers and their children from this deficiency.--Alex Stagnaro-Green, MD, MHPE, professor of medicine and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the George Washington University (GW) School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), is the paper's lead author. Elizabeth Pearce, MD, MSc, associate professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM), serves as co-author on the paper. The authors hope to start a conversation in the healthcare community on how to better protect the health of mothers and their children.--"Iodine levels in the US have been decreasing, which has the potential to negatively impact the mother and unborn child," said Stagnaro-Green. "It's time for all healthcare professionals to make sure that every pregnant and breast-feeding woman gets supplemental iodine during pregnancy and while they are breast-feeding."--Iodine, which is not naturally made in the human body, must be consumed through foods rich in the element or through supplements. Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormone, and adequate thyroid hormone levels are critical for normal fetal neurodevelopment. National and international health organizations currently recommend that pregnant women take at least 150 µg of potassium iodide daily.[F7]--"There is concern that even mild iodine deficiency in pregnant women could lead to children with lower IQ's," said Pearce. Iodine deficiency remains the leading cause of preventable mental retardation worldwide. Other risks of iodine deficiency include maternal and fetal goiter and increased pregnancy loss and infant mortality. Guidelines from the American Thyroid Association, Endocrine Society and Teratology Society have recommended daily iodine supplements for women in the U.S. who are pregnant, lactating or planning a pregnancy. However, these recommendations have not been widely adopted and many prenatal multivitamins sold do not contain iodine. Previous studies have shown that approximately only 20 percent of women in the U.S. take supplements with iodine.
"It is imperative that collaborations develop among health care providers and the pharmaceutical industry to ensure that all prenatal vitamins contain at least 150 µg of iodine," said Pearce.--Dr. Stagnaro-Green recommends that, "every prenatal vitamin in the US should have iodine supplementation."--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by George Washington University. Journal Reference-Alex Stagnaro-Green, Scott Sullivan, Elizabeth N. Pearce. Iodine Supplementation During Pregnancy and Lactation. JAMA, 2012; 308 (23): 2463-2464 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2012.45423 --George Washington University. "Critical need for iodine supplements during pregnancy and while nursing." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 18 December 2012. <>
Understanding molecular origin of epigenetic markers
Researchers at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), Cambridge University and New York University, led by Modesto Orozco, Group Leader at IRB Barcelona, Director of Life Sciences at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) and Professor at the University of Barcelona (UB), have determined the mechanics behind of one of the most common epigenetic modifications: histone-tail acetylation. Acetylation is a means by which a cell can control the expression of its genes--The study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) reveals the effect of lysine acetylation in histone tails. "The most relevant acetylation reactions take place in a mysterious part of the nucleosome: the histone tails," explains Modesto Orozco. "Histone tails are loosely structured protein fragments. They are unfolded under normal conditions and when they move, they can touch other nucleosomes, thereby condensing chromatin," he adds. Nucleosomes are structures that make up the fundamental units of chromatin, which is the complex within which DNA is organized in eukaryotic cells.--Using simulation and nuclear magnetic resonance, the researchers found that the histone tails with lysine acetylation acquire a certain structure. "By forming this structure, they become shorter and lose their ability to touch other nucleosomes. As a result, the internucleosomal contact that condenses unmodified chromatin, doesn't happen and this produces DNA molecules that are more accessible to effect or proteins and therefore more active," the researcher describes.--This is the first mechanical explanation at the atomic level of an epigenetic effect, one of the most important, that connects an epigenetic modification with a phenotypic effect," assures Orozco. "This leads us to believe that there is a similar explanation for other epigenetic modifications. There may be a very basic mechanism that accounts for the effect that they have on gene structure and expression," he concludes.--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Institute for Research in Biomedicine-IRB. Journal Reference-Rosana Collepardo-Guevara, Guillem Portella, Michele Vendruscolo, Daan Frenkel, Tamar Schlick, Modesto Orozco. Chromatin unfolding by epigenetic modifications explained by dramatic impairment of internucleosome interactions: a multiscale computational study. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015; 150720124818006 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b04086
Institute for Research in Biomedicine-IRB. "Understanding molecular origin of epigenetic markers." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 28 July 2015. <>.
Effect of environmental epigenetics on disease, evolution
Washington State University researchers say environmental factors are having an underappreciated effect on the course of disease and evolution by prompting genetic mutations through epigenetics, a process by which genes are turned on and off independent of an organism's DNA sequence.--Their assertion is a dramatic shift in how we might think of disease and evolution's underlying biology and "changes how we think about where things come from," said Michael Skinner, founding director of the Center for Reproductive Biology in WSU's School of Biological Sciences. Skinner and colleagues Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna and M. M. Haque present their findings in the latest issue of the journal Epigenetics. "The ability of environmental factors to promote epigenetic inheritance that subsequently promotes genetic mutations is a significant advance in our understanding of how the environment impacts disease and evolution,[F12]" they write. Skinner is a pioneer in the field of epigenetics, which looks at the effect of changes in how genetic information is passed between generations even if DNA remains unchanged. Earlier work by Skinner has found epigenetic effects from a host of environmental toxicants, connecting plastics, pesticides, fungicide, dioxin and hydrocarbons to diseases and abnormalities as many as three generations later. His recent study exposed gestating female rats to the fungicide vinclozolin. Sperm in the first generation of male offspring showed epimutations, or alterations in the methyl groups that stick to DNA and affect its activation. Third generation, or great-grand offspring, had increased genetic mutations, which the researchers saw in increased DNA structure changes known as copy-number variations. Multiple generations of control animals had no such variations. This, said Skinner, suggests that environment has a more important role in mutations, disease and evolution than previously appreciated, and appears to be one of the main drivers of intergenerational changes, not simply a passive component. In short, Skinner and his colleagues say, the environment and epigenetics can drive genetics. "There's not a type of genetic mutation known that's not potentially influenced by environmental epigenetic effects," Skinner said.--Story Source--The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Washington State University. The original item was written by Eric Sorensen.Journal Reference--Michael K Skinner, Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna, M Muksitul Haque. Environmentally induced epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of sperm epimutations promote genetic mutations. Epigenetics, 2015; 10 (8): 762 DOI: 10.1080/15592294.2015.1062207 -Washington State University. "Effect of environmental epigenetics on disease, evolution: 'Epigenetics can drive genetics,' experts say." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 3 August 2015. <>.
[F1]Are they saying vaccine a causitive issue and that it is the thymus that protects us from vaccinations??
[F2]These Substances may Enhance the Function of the Thymus Gland
Amino Acids
Arginine (1,000 - 5,000 mg per day) may increase the size of the Thymus, may stimulate the production of Lymphocytes by the Thymus and may restore the production of Thymic Hormones to youthful levels. references
Aspartic Acid may increase the size of the Thymus and may enhance the function of the Thymus. references
Cysteine may increase the size of the Thymus.
Ornithine may increase the size of the Thymus. references
Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (OKG) may inhibit the ability of excessive Stress to cause the atrophy of the Thymus gland. references
Threonine may facilitate the growth and activity of the Thymus. [more info]
Beta-Carotene may enhance the function of the Thymus. references
Human Growth Hormone (hGH) is essential for the correct function of the Thymus Gland and supplemental, exogenous hGH may increase the size of Thymus Glands that have atrophied (shrunk). references
Melatonin may improve the function of the Thymus: references
- Melatonin may increase the production of T-Lymphocytes by the Thymus and may facilitate the interaction of Zinc with the Thymus.
- Melatonin may restore growth of the Thymus (via its ability to improve the body’s absorption and utilization of Zinc) - in the absence of Melatonin, the Thymus may shrink.
Thymulin may stimulate the replication and differentiation of the Lymphocytes in the Thymus (that arrive from the Bone Marrow) into the various types of T-Lymphocytes. [more info]
Thyroid Hormones may promote the regeneration of the Thymus. references
Gangliosides concentrate in the Thymus.
Chronic Magnesium deficiency may cause abnormalities in the development of the Thymus. [more info]
Selenium (200 mcg per day) may increase the size of the Thymus gland and may enhance the function of the Thymus gland. references
Silicon may improve the function of the Thymus. [more info]
Zinc deficiency may cause shrinkage of the Thymus: references
- Supplemental Zinc may cause regrowth of Thymus Glands that have shrunk because of Aging.
Norepinephrine may cause the release of the Hormones that provide the Thymus with correct instructions.
Proline Rich Polypeptide (PRP) may help to regulate the activity of the Thymus Gland. references
Thymic Protein A may improve the function of the Thymus (Thymic Protein A is a component of Hormones produced by the Thymus and exogenous supplemental Thymic Protein A may enhance endogenous Thymic Protein A function). [more info]
Biotin deficiency may cause atrophy (shrinkage) of the Thymus. references
Vitamin A may protect and strengthen the Thymus and may enhance its ability to manufacture T-Lymphocytes. Supplemental Vitamin A may increase the size of the Thymus gland. references
Vitamin C may increase the size of the Thymus. [more info]
Vitamin E may protect the Thymus and supplemental Vitamin E may increase the size of the Thymus. references
[F3]They don’t work--
[F4]Nanoparticles, natural, artificial, old and new
What’s new about nanoparticles, as far as risk is concerned, is that many of them are chemically inert as ordinary ions or as larger particles (and hence never had to go through regulatory approval before the nanoparticles were used); but as soon as the particle size reaches nanometre dimensions, they acquire novel physicochemical properties, causing oxidative stress and breaking DNA, and they can get access to every part of the body including the brain, via inhalation and the olfactory nerve.
A comprehensive review by Cristina Buzea and colleagues at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, in Canada, pointed out that human beings have been exposed to natural nanoparticles since the origin of our species, in the form of viruses, dusts from terrestrial and extraterrestrial dust storms, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and sea salt aerosols Nanoparticles have been created by human activities for thousands of years, by burning wood in cooking, and more recently, chemical manufacturing, welding, ore refining and smelting, burning of petrol in vehicles and airplane engines, burning sewage sludge, coal and fuel oil for power generation, all of which are already known to have health impacts. Automobile exhaust particular pollution is linked to heart and lung diseases and childhood cancers.
Tobacco smoke is composed of nanoparticles with size ranging from around 10 nm up to 700 nm, with a peak around 150 nm. It has a very complex composition with more than 100 000 chemical components and compounds. First or second hand cigarette smoke is associated with an increased risk of chronic respiratory illness, lung cancer, nasal cancer, and cardiovascular disease, as well as other malignant tumours, such as pancreatic cancer, and genetic alterations. Children exposed to cigarette smoke show an increased risk of sudden infant death --syndrome, middle ear disease, lower respiratory tract illnesses, and exacerbated asthma.---Dust from building demolition is an important source of particulate pollution. Older buildings are likely to contain asbestos, fibres, lead, glass, wood, paper and other toxic particles
Natural and artificial nanoparticles overlap. For example, C60 fullerenes have been reported in 10 000-year-old ice core samples.--It is important to distinguish nanoparticles from nano-structured materials that do not exist as free particles during any part of the manufacturing process, which therefore are not expected to present the same hazards. --Nevertheless we are faced with an unprecedented and ever-growing volume and diversity of nanoparticles as nanotechnologies take off in all directions.
Diseases associated with nanoparticles
Nanoparticles may be inhaled, ingested or taken in through contact with the skin. The known possible adverse health impacts include both natural and anthropogenic nanoparticles. Obviously not all nanoparticles are harmful, but without exhaustive tests especially in the case of the newly engineered nanoparticles, it is impossible to tell.--Diseases associated with inhaled nanoparticles include asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Nanoparticles in the gastrointestinal tract have been linked to Crohn’s disease and colon cancer. Nanoparticles that enter the circulatory system are implicated in arteriosclerosis, blood clots, arrhythmia, heart diseases, and ultimately death from heart disease. Nanoparticles entering other organs, such as liver, spleen, etc., may lead to diseases of these organs. Some nanoparticles are associated with autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis.
[F5]Controlled meaning programmed or directed
[F6]Dairy and Seafood—you have to consider where the dairy is coming from and if the cows feed is sourced with adequate iodine as well and see foods for the most part are mercury and cadmium loaded so the iodine there may as be non existent so to make sure ustilize real iodine either orally or topically to get your adequate dose
[F7]Which is far to low—the daily dose would be 10-13mgs a day –lugols –iodoral—potassium iodide—iosol or atomidine would be suggested
[F8]Are they saying vaccine a causitive issue and that it is the thymus that protects us from vaccinations??
[F9]These Substances may Enhance the Function of the Thymus Gland
Amino Acids
Arginine (1,000 - 5,000 mg per day) may increase the size of the Thymus, may stimulate the production of Lymphocytes by the Thymus and may restore the production of Thymic Hormones to youthful levels.
Aspartic Acid may increase the size of the Thymus and may enhance the function of the Thymus.
Cysteine may increase the size of the Thymus.
Ornithine may increase the size of the Thymus. references
Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (OKG) may inhibit the ability of excessive Stress to cause the atrophy of the Thymus gland.
Threonine may facilitate the growth and activity of the Thymus. [more info]
Beta-Carotene may enhance the function of the Thymus. references
Human Growth Hormone (hGH) is essential for the correct function of the Thymus Gland and supplemental, exogenous hGH may increase the size of Thymus Glands that have atrophied (shrunk). references
Melatonin may improve the function of the Thymus: Melatonin may increase the production of T-Lymphocytes by the Thymus and may facilitate the interaction of Zinc with the Thymus.
Melatonin may restore growth of the Thymus (via its ability to improve the body’s absorption and utilization of Zinc) - in the absence of Melatonin, the Thymus may shrink.
Thymulin may stimulate the replication and differentiation of the Lymphocytes in the Thymus (that arrive from the Bone Marrow) into the various types of T-Lymphocytes. Thyroid Hormones may promote the regeneration of the Thymus. references
Gangliosides concentrate in the Thymus.
Chronic Magnesium deficiency may cause abnormalities in the development of the Thymus. Selenium (200 mcg per day) may increase the size of the Thymus gland and may enhance the function of the Thymus gland.
Silicon may improve the function of the Thymus.
Zinc deficiency may cause shrinkage of the Thymus: Supplemental Zinc may cause regrowth of Thymus Glands that have shrunk because of Aging.
Norepinephrine may cause the release of the Hormones that provide the Thymus with correct instructions.
Proline Rich Polypeptide (PRP) may help to regulate the activity of the Thymus Gland.
Thymic Protein A may improve the function of the Thymus (Thymic Protein A is a component of Hormones produced by the Thymus and exogenous supplemental Thymic Protein A may enhance endogenous Thymic Protein A function). [more info]
Biotin deficiency may cause atrophy (shrinkage) of the Thymus. references
Vitamin A may protect and strengthen the Thymus and may enhance its ability to manufacture T-Lymphocytes. Supplemental Vitamin A may increase the size of the Thymus gland. references
Vitamin C may increase the size of the Thymus. [more info]
Vitamin E may protect the Thymus and supplemental Vitamin E may increase the size of the Thymus. references
[F10]They don’t work--
[F11]Nanoparticles, natural, artificial, old and new
What’s new about nanoparticles, as far as risk is concerned, is that many of them are chemically inert as ordinary ions or as larger particles (and hence never had to go through regulatory approval before the nanoparticles were used); but as soon as the particle size reaches nanometre dimensions, they acquire novel physicochemical properties, causing oxidative stress and breaking DNA, and they can get access to every part of the body including the brain, via inhalation and the olfactory nerve.
A comprehensive review by Cristina Buzea and colleagues at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, in Canada, pointed out that human beings have been exposed to natural nanoparticles since the origin of our species, in the form of viruses, dusts from terrestrial and extraterrestrial dust storms, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and sea salt aerosols Nanoparticles have been created by human activities for thousands of years, by burning wood in cooking, and more recently, chemical manufacturing, welding, ore refining and smelting, burning of petrol in vehicles and airplane engines, burning sewage sludge, coal and fuel oil for power generation, all of which are already known to have health impacts. Automobile exhaust particular pollution is linked to heart and lung diseases and childhood cancers.
Tobacco smoke is composed of nanoparticles with size ranging from around 10 nm up to 700 nm, with a peak around 150 nm. It has a very complex composition with more than 100 000 chemical components and compounds. First or second hand cigarette smoke is associated with an increased risk of chronic respiratory illness, lung cancer, nasal cancer, and cardiovascular disease, as well as other malignant tumours, such as pancreatic cancer, and genetic alterations. Children exposed to cigarette smoke show an increased risk of sudden infant death --syndrome, middle ear disease, lower respiratory tract illnesses, and exacerbated asthma.---Dust from building demolition is an important source of particulate pollution. Older buildings are likely to contain asbestos, fibres, lead, glass, wood, paper and other toxic particles
Natural and artificial nanoparticles overlap. For example, C60 fullerenes have been reported in 10 000-year-old ice core samples.--It is important to distinguish nanoparticles from nano-structured materials that do not exist as free particles during any part of the manufacturing process, which therefore are not expected to present the same hazards. --Nevertheless we are faced with an unprecedented and ever-growing volume and diversity of nanoparticles as nanotechnologies take off in all directions.
Diseases associated with nanoparticles
Nanoparticles may be inhaled, ingested or taken in through contact with the skin. The known possible adverse health impacts include both natural and anthropogenic nanoparticles. Obviously not all nanoparticles are harmful, but without exhaustive tests especially in the case of the newly engineered nanoparticles, it is impossible to tell.--Diseases associated with inhaled nanoparticles include asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Nanoparticles in the gastrointestinal tract have been linked to Crohn’s disease and colon cancer. Nanoparticles that enter the circulatory system are implicated in arteriosclerosis, blood clots, arrhythmia, heart diseases, and ultimately death from heart disease. Nanoparticles entering other organs, such as liver, spleen, etc., may lead to diseases of these organs. Some nanoparticles are associated with autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Show of the Month August 22 2015
NanoRevolution -For Herbicide · Nano-Driven Adjuvant
Chestnut leaves yield extract that disarms deadly staph bacteria
Drinking coffee daily may improve survival in colon cancer patients
One in two dies in hospital in Germany
Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.))- a putative anticancer agent in bladder carcinoma
Sediment dwelling creatures at risk from nanoparticles in common household products
These are photos been taken for the banana the outer skin was loaded with the nano particles the inside was a surprise as well with the saturation of the banana of the nanoparticles clustering along the whole banana~ there was about 1/4 inh removed from the surface that was clear but the surface was saturated
NanoRevolution -For Herbicide · Nano-Driven Adjuvant
NanoRevolution 2.0TM for Herbicide is proprietary adjuvant that is specifically engineered from the ground up which safely improves the performance efficiency of applied glyphosate and 2-4 D herbicide products. NanoRevolution 2.0 may prove beneficial when dealing with stubborn burn-down issues and off-label weed control. TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW ACTIVE INGREDIENTS--Proprietary blend of elemental compounds and derivatives thereof Linear Exthoxylated Compound Other Ingredients TOTAL 8.0% 1.5% 90.5% 100.0%MIXING FORMULA:
NanoRevolution 2.0 will assist the efficiency of applied glyphosate NanoRevolution 2.0 + Herbicide Then Add Water and 2-4 D herbicide products. NanoRevolution 2.0 proprietary adjuvant will help to optimize the over-all performance of the host formula by fusing the existing micro-particles into a synergistic relationship. In other words, EXCELLENT FOR OVERCOMING HERBICIDE RESISTANT WEEDS when NanoRevolution 2.0 adjuvants are Including Glyphosate and 2-4 D. Without altering the existing mixed into existing formulations, the final chemistry of your herbicide, the herbicide "piggybacks" onto the performance of the formula is greater than the nano particles as they penetrate the leaf structure, carrying the sum of its parts. Adding a NanoRevolution 2.0 herbicide directly to the root system for a faster enhanced plant adjuvant to your formula is like putting your absorption of herbicides even on hard to control weeds. existing herbicide on steroids. APPLICATION OPTIONS NanoRevolution 2.0 is designed to be added directly to the spray tank. In a typical application the proper mixture of glyphosate or 2-4 D would be added to the appropriate mixture of water along with the desired ratio of NanoRevolution 2.0. Apply 4-8 ounces of NanoRevolution 2.0 per acre of application regardless of the water amount applied per acre and/or herbicide application rate per acre. For weeds that exceed the herbicide label's recommendation and harder to control weeds, an application of 8 ounces of NanoRevolution 2.0 per acre may prove beneficial.Method of Penetration Media Application Herbicide+ Herbicide+ Herbicide+ Herbicide+ Herbicide+ Herbicide+ Carrier Water Only Non-Ionic Surfactant Ammonium Sulfate Crop Oil Liquid Nitrogen NanoRevolution 2.0 Rate 50% or less up to 60% or less up to 65% or less up to 70% or less up to 75-80% 95+% or more Side Effect Limited Control Limited Success/Weather Dependent Limited Success/Weather Dependent Crop Damage/Hotter Chemistry Salt Related Crop Injury/Burn Nano Enhanced/Maximum Penetration
STORAGE & HANDLING All materials should be handled under good housekeeping practices. Wash hands after use. Wear gloves if exposure is prolonged. Care should be taken to ensure product is not introduced to drinking water or foodstuffs. Store container in a dry and cool place and keep from freezing. Store product in a temperature range between 55°F to 75°F; keep container closed when not in use. Always use clean and sterilized handling equipment when re-packaging and transferring product.
NOTICE: Our only obligation shall be to replace or pay for any material proven to be defective. Beyond the purchase price of materials supplied by us,
we assume no liability for damages of any kind and the user accepts the product "as is" and without warranties, expressed or implied. The suitability of the product for an intended use shall be solely up to the user. Limited Warranty: Max Systems LLC guarantees that this product conforms to its label description and is suitable for its intended use when used in accordance with the label directions before the expiration date. Max Systems LLC or its representatives must be notified of any turf complaint within sixty (60) days after spraying. Max Systems LLC's sole obligation under the warranty shall be to refund the purchase price. Max Systems LLC shall not be liable for and disclaims all consequential, incidental and contingent damages whatsoever. Without limiting the foregoing, Max Systems LLC shall not be responsible for loss or partial loss of crops from any case whatsoever. The limited warranty is in lieu of other warranties, expressed or implied. This limited warranty is void where prohibited by law.NanoRevolution 2.0TM--
MAX SYSTEMS LLC 23533 45th Street Southeast | Lake Lillian, MN 56253-9637
Chestnut leaves yield extract that disarms deadly staph bacteria----
Extract shuts down staph without boosting its drug resistance
Date-August 21, 2015
Source-Emory Health Sciences
Summary-The study of a chestnut leaf extract, rich in ursene and oleanene derivatives, shows that it that blocks Staphlococcus aureus virulence and pathogenesis without detectable resistance.
Leaves of the European chestnut tree contain ingredients with the power to disarm dangerous staph bacteria without boosting its drug resistance, scientists have found.
PLOS ONE is publishing the study of a chestnut leaf extract, rich in ursene and oleanene derivatives, that blocks Staphlococcus aureus virulence and pathogenesis without detectable resistance.-The use of chestnut leaves in traditional folk remedies inspired the research, led by Cassandra Quave, an ethnobotanist at Emory University.-"We've identified a family of compounds from this plant that have an interesting medicinal mechanism," Quave says. "Rather than killing staph, this botanical extract works by taking away staph's weapons, essentially shutting off the ability of the bacteria to create toxins that cause tissue damage. In other words, it takes the teeth out of the bacteria's bite."-The discovery holds potential for new ways to both treat and prevent infections of methicillin-resistant S. aureus, or MRSA, without fueling the growing problem of drug-resistant pathogens.--Antibiotic-resistant bacteria annually cause at least two million illnesses and 23,000 deaths in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. MRSA infections lead to everything from mild skin irritations to fatalities. Evolving strains of this "super bug" bacterium pose threats to both hospital patients with compromised immune systems and young, healthy athletes and others who are in close physical contact.--"We've demonstrated in the lab that our extract disarms even the hyper-virulent MRSA strains capable of causing serious infections in healthy athletes," Quave says. "At the same time, the extract doesn't disturb the normal, healthy bacteria on human skin. It's all about restoring balance."--Quave, who researches the interactions of people and plants -- a specialty known as ethnobotany -- is on the faculty of Emory's Center for the Study of Human Health and Emory School of Medicine's Department of Dermatology. She became interested in ethnobotany as an undergraduate at Emory.-For years, she and her colleagues have researched the traditional remedies of rural people in Southern Italy and other parts of the Mediterranean. "I felt strongly that people who dismissed traditional healing plants as medicine because the plants don't kill a pathogen were not asking the right questions," she says. "What if these plants play some other role in fighting a disease?"--Hundreds of field interviews guided her to the European chestnut tree, Castanea sativa. "Local people and healers repeatedly told us how they would make a tea from the leaves of the chestnut tree and wash their skin with it to treat skin infections and inflammations," Quave says[F1].--For the current study, Quave teamed up with Alexander Horswill, a microbiologist at the University of Iowa whose lab focuses on creating tools for use in drug discovery, such as glow-in-the-dark staph strains.--The researchers steeped chestnut leaves in solvents to extract their chemical ingredients[F2]. "You separate the complex mixture of chemicals found in the extract into smaller batches with fewer chemical ingredients, test the results, and keep honing in on the ingredients that are the most active," Quave explains. "It's a methodical process and takes a lot of hours at the bench. Emory undergraduates did much of the work to gain experience in chemical separation techniques."--The work produced an extract of 94 chemicals, of which ursene and oleanene based compounds are the most active[F3].--Tests showed that this extract inhibits the ability of staph bacteria to communicate with one another, a process known as quorum sensing. MRSA uses this quorum-sensing signaling system to manufacture toxins and ramp up its virulence.--"We were able to trace out the pathways in the lab, showing how our botanical extract blocks quorum sensing and turns off toxin production entirely," Quave says. "Many pharmaceutical companies are working on the development of monoclonal antibodies that target just one toxin. This is more exciting because we've shown that with this extract, we can turn off an entire cascade responsible for producing a variety of different toxins."-A single dose of the extract, at 50 micrograms, cleared up MRSA skin lesions in lab mice, stopping tissue damage and red blood cell damage. The extract does not lose activity, or become resistant, even after two weeks of repeated exposure. And tests on human skin cells in a lab dish showed that the botanical extract does not harm the skin cells, or the normal skin micro-flora.---The Emory Office of Technology Transfer has filed a patent for the discovery of the unique properties of the botanical extract. The researchers are doing further testing on individual components of the extract to determine if they work best in combination or alone.--"We now have a mixture that works," Quave says. "Our goal is to further refine it into a simpler compound that would be eligible for FDA consideration as a therapeutic agent."--Potential uses include a preventative spray for football pads or other athletic equipment; preventative coatings for medical devices and products such as tampons that offer favorable environments for the growth of MRSA; and as a treatment for MRSA infections, perhaps in combination with antibiotics.--"It's easy to dismiss traditional remedies as old wives' tales, just because they don't attack and kill pathogens," Quave says. "But there are many more ways to help cure infections, and we need to focus on them in the era of drug-resistant bacteria."--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Emory Health Sciences--Journal Reference-Cassandra L. Quave, James T. Lyles, Jeffery S. Kavanaugh, Kate Nelson, Corey P. Parlet, Heidi A. Crosby, Kristopher P. Heilmann, Alexander R. Horswill. Castanea sativa (European Chestnut) Leaf Extracts Rich in Ursene and Oleanene Derivatives Block Staphylococcus aureus Virulence and Pathogenesis without Detectable Resistance. PLOS ONE, 2015; 10 (8): e0136486 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136486 --Emory Health Sciences. "Chestnut leaves yield extract that disarms deadly staph bacteria: Extract shuts down staph without boosting its drug resistance." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 21 August 2015. <>.
Regular consumption of caffeinated coffee may help prevent the return of colon cancer after treatment and improve the chances of a cure, according to a new, large study from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute that reported this striking association for the first time.--The patients, all of them treated with surgery and chemotherapy for stage III colon cancer, had the greatest benefit from consuming four or more cups of coffee a day (about 460 milligrams of caffeine)[F1], according to the study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. These patients were 42 percent less likely to have their cancer return than non-coffee drinkers, and were 33 percent less likely to die from cancer or any other cause.--Two to three cups of coffee daily had a more modest benefit, while little protection was associated with one cup or less, reported the researchers, led by Charles Fuchs, MD, MPH, director of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Center at Dana-Farber. First author is Brendan J. Guercio, MD, also of Dana-Farber.--The study included nearly 1,000 patients who filled out dietary pattern questionnaires early in the study, during chemotherapy and again about a year later. This "prospective" design eliminated patients' need to recall their coffee-drinking habits years later -- a source of potential bias in many observational studies Fuchs said. Most recurrences happen within .--"We found that coffee drinkers had a lower risk of the cancer coming back and a significantly greater survival and chance of a cure,"five years of treatment and are uncommon after that, he noted. In patients with stage III disease, the cancer has been found in the lymph nodes near the original tumor but there are no signs of further metastasis. Fuchs said these patients have about a 35 percent chance of recurrence.-As encouraging as the results appear to be, Fuchs is hesitant to make recommendations to patients until the results are confirmed in other studies. "If you are a coffee drinker and are being treated for colon cancer, don't stop," he said. "But if you're not a coffee drinker and wondering whether to start, you should first discuss it with your physician."--Fuchs said the study is the first to study an association between caffeinated coffee and risk of colon cancer recurrence. It adds to a number of recent studies suggesting that coffee may have protective effects against the development of several kinds of cancer, including reduced risks of postmenopausal breast cancer, melanoma, liver cancer, advanced prostate cancer.--Fuchs said the research focused on coffee and other dietary factors because coffee drinking -- in addition to possibly being protective against some cancers -- had been shown to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Risk factors for diabetes -- obesity, a sedentary life style, a Western diet high in calories and sugar, and high levels of insulin -- are also implicated in colon cancer.--In analyzing the results of the new study, Fuchs and his colleagues discovered that the lowered risk of cancer recurrence and deaths was entirely due to caffeine and not other components of coffee[F2]. He said it's not clear why caffeine has this effect and the question needs further study. One hypothesis is that caffeine consumption increases the body's sensitivity to insulin so less of it is needed, which in turn may help reduce inflammation -- a risk factor for diabetes and cancer, Fuchs said.
Other than drinking coffee, Fuchs said, people can take other measures to reduce cancer risks -- avoiding obesity, exercising regularly, adopting a healthier diet, and eating nuts, which also reduce the risk of diabetes.--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. --Journal Reference-Brendan J. Guercio, Kaori Sato, Donna Niedzwiecki, Xing Ye, Leonard B. Saltz, Robert J. Mayer, Rex B. Mowat, Renaud Whittom, Alexander Hantel, Al Benson, Daniel Atienza, Michael Messino, Hedy Kindler, Alan Venook, Frank B. Hu, Shuji Ogino, Kana Wu, Walter C. Willett, Edward L. Giovannucci, Jeffrey A. Meyerhardt, and Charles S. Fuchs. Coffee Intake, Recurrence, and Mortality in Stage III Colon Cancer: Results From CALGB 89803 (Alliance). Journal of Clinical Oncology, August 2015 DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2015.61.5062 ----Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. "Drinking coffee daily may improve survival in colon cancer patients." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 17 August 2015. <>.
One in two dies in hospital in Germany
At home on the sofa, in a hospital bed, or in a care home: where a death takes place is always recorded on the death certificate. Until now, however, this information has never been collated and evaluated. In an Original Article in the current issue of Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, Burkhard Dasch and his co-authors analyze for the first time the place of death records for Germany. What they found was that every second person died in a hospital; only one in four died at home.-The study evaluated more than 24,000 death certificates from Westphalia-Lippe -- around 11 500 from 2001 and 12 500 from 2011 -- and revealed a trend in the distribution of places of death. In 2001, 27.5% of deaths occurred at home; by 2011 the figure was only 23%. People are also dying less often in hospital than previously (57.6% in 2001 vs. 51% in 2011). On the other hand, deaths in nursing or care homes are increasing. In 2001, only one in eight died in a home; in 2011 it was one in five. So far, not many patients are dying in palliative care units and hospices, but the numbers of deaths in these institutions are clearly on the rise.---Story Source--The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Deutsches Aerzteblatt International. Journal Reference-Dasch B, Blum K, Gude P, Bausewein C. Place of death: trends over the course of a decade—a population-based study of death certificates from the years 2001 and 2011. Dtsch Arztebl Int, 2015; 112: 496%u2013504 DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2015.0496 --Deutsches Aerzteblatt International. "One in two dies in hospital in Germany." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 August 2015. <>.
Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.))- a putative anticancer agent in bladder carcinoma?
Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2015;15(1):26-36
Authors: Conde VR, Alves MG, Oliveira PF, Silva BM
The leaves of Camellia sinensis (L.) are the source of tea, the second most consumed beverage worldwide. Tea contains several chemical compounds such as polyphenols (mainly catechins), caffeine, theophylline, L-theanine, among many others. Polyphenolic compounds are mainly responsible for its significant antioxidant properties and anticarcinogenic potential. Bladder cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, and its progression and onset are thought to be controlled by dietary and lifestyle factors. Epidemiological studies showed that the regular consumption of tea can be a preventive factor for this type of cancer, and several in vivo and in vitro studies reported that tea and its components may interfere in the cancer cells' signaling, preventing the bladder tumor progression. The mechanisms responsible for this protection include deregulation of cell cycle, induction of apoptosis while protecting the surrounding healthy bladder cells, inhibition of metastization processes, among others. Herein, we discuss the potential beneficial effects of tea and tea components in bladder cancer prevention and/or treatment, and how they can be helpful in finding new therapeutic strategies to treat this type of cancer. -PMID: 25482719 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Scientists have found a way to "switch" the structure of DNA using copper salts and EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) -- an agent commonly found in shampoo and other household products. It was previously known that the structure of a piece of DNA could be changed using acid, which causes it to fold up into what is known as an "i-motif." But new research published today in the journal Chemical Communications reveals that the structure can be switched a second time into a hair-pin structure using positively-charged copper (copper cations). This change can also be reversed using EDTA. The applications for this discovery include nanotechnology -- where DNA is used to make tiny machines, and in DNA-based computing -- where computers are built from DNA rather than silicon.--New research from the University of East Anglia could one day help build computers from DNA--.It could also be used for detecting the presence of copper cations, which are highly toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms, in water.Lead researcher Dr Zoë Waller, from UEA's school of Pharmacy, said: "Our research shows how the structure of our genetic material -- DNA -- can be changed and used in a way we didn't realise.--"A single switch was possible before -- but we show for the first time how the structure can be switched twice.[F1] "A potential application of this finding could be to create logic gates for DNA based computing. Logic gates are an elementary building block of digital circuits -- used in computers and other electronic equipment. They are traditionally made using diodes or transistors which act as electronic switches.--"This research expands how DNA could be used as a switching mechanism for a logic gate in DNA-based computing or in nano-technology."--Story Source--The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of East Anglia. --Journal Reference-Henry Albert Day, Elisé Patricia Wright, Colin John MacDonald, Andrew James Gates, Zoë Ann Ella Waller. Reversible DNA i-motif to hairpin switching induced by copper(ii) cations. Chem. Commun., 2015; DOI: 10.1039/C5CC05111H -University of East Anglia. "Building computers from DNA?." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 19 August 2015. <>.
[F1]Back and forth or on and off or right to left or left to right
Researchers from the University of Exeter highlight the risk that engineered nanoparticles released from masonry paint on exterior facades, and consumer products such as zinc oxide cream, could have on aquatic creatures.--Textiles, paint, sunscreen, cosmetics and food additives are all increasingly containing metal-based nanoparticles that are engineered, rather than found naturally[F1].--The review, published in the journal Environmental Chemistry, highlights the risks posed to aquatic organisms when nanoparticles 'transform' on contact with water and as they pass from water to sediment and then into sediment dwelling organisms.--Sediments are important for the health of many aquatic ecosystems and are speculated to be a large potential sink for nanoparticles.--Richard Cross, lead author and postgraduate researcher from the College of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Exeter's Biosciences department said: "We argue for the need to incorporate the transformations that engineered nanomaterials undergo as they pass from water bodies into sediments, as their form and nature will change as they do so. This is important to consider if we are to improve environmental realism in our experimental efforts and also better understand the long term effects of these materials in the environment."--Professor Charles Tyler, of the College of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Exeter, added: "In the aquatic environment, it is known that many nanomaterials will end up in the sediment, so it makes sense to focus on this environmental compartment as a possible worst case scenario for exposures and effects in aquatic systems. This review serves to highlight what we need to consider when assessing the susceptibility of sediment dwelling organisms to nanomaterials."--The study calls for more research into whether 'marine snow' -- organic detritus that falls through layers of water -- acts as a transport system for nanoparticles and closer examination of bioaccumulation and toxicity in sediment-dwelling species.--The study highlights a large knowledge gap and recommends further research into the factors that determine the fate of nanoparticles in aquatic systems.--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Exeter-Journal Reference--Richard Cross, Charles Tyler, Tamara Galloway. Transformations that affect fate, form and bioavailability of inorganic nanoparticles in aquatic sediments. Environmental Chemistry, May 2015--University of Exeter. "Sediment dwelling creatures at risk from nanoparticles in common household products: Engineered nanoparticles released from masonry paint on exterior facades, consumer products such as zinc oxide cream, could harm aquatic creatures." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 August 2015. <>.
A Duke University team has found that nanoparticles called single-walled carbon nanotubes accumulate quickly in the bottom sediments of an experimental wetland setting, an action they say could indirectly damage the aquatic food chain.--The results risk to humans ingesting the particles through drinking water[F2], say scientists at Duke's Center for the Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology (CEINT). But the researchers warn that, based on their previous research, the tendency for the nanotubes to accumulate in sediment could indirectly damage the aquatic food chain in the long term if the nanoparticles provide "Trojan horse" piggyback rides to other harmful molecules.--Carbon nanotubes are rapidly becoming more common because of their usefulness in nanoelectric devices, composite materials and biomedicine.--The Duke study was done using small-scale replications of a wetland environment, called "mesocosms," that include soil, sediments, microbes, insects, plants and fish. These ecosystems-in-a-box are "semi-closed," meaning they get fresh air and rainwater but don't drain to their surroundings. While not perfect representations of a natural environment, mesocosms provide a reasonable compromise between the laboratory and the real world.--"The wetland mesocosms we used are a much closer approximation of the natural processes constantly churning in the environment," said Lee Ferguson, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at Duke. "Although it's impossible to know if our results are fully accurate to natural ecosystems, it is clear that the processes we've seen should be considered by regulators and manufacturers."-Ferguson and his colleagues dosed the mesocosms with single-walled carbon nanotubes and measured their concentrations in the water, soil and living organisms during the course of a year.[F3] They found that the vast majority of the nanoparticles quickly accumulated in the sediment on the "pond" floor. However, they found no sign of nanoparticle buildup in any plants, insects or fish living in the mesocosms.--While this is good news for humans or other animals drinking water after a potential spill or other contamination event, the accumulation in sediment does pose concerns for both sediment-dwelling organisms and the animals that eat them. Previous research has shown that carbon nanotubes take a long time to degrade through natural processes -- if they do at all -- and any chemical that binds to them cannot easily be degraded either.--"These nanoparticles are really good at latching onto other molecules, including many known organic contaminants," said Ferguson. "Coupled with their quick accumulation in sediment, this may allow problematic chemicals to linger instead of degrading. The nanoparticle-pollutant package could then be eaten by sediment-dwelling organisms in a sort of 'Trojan horse' effect, allowing the adsorbed contaminants to accumulate up the food chain.--"The big question is whether or not these pollutants can be stripped away from the carbon nanotubes by these animals' digestive systems after being ingested," continued Ferguson. "That's a question we're working to answer now."--This research was supported by the National Science Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency under the National Science Foundation cooperative agreement EF-0830093, the Center for the Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology and the Environmental Protection Agency's Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program (RD833859).--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Duke University. The original item was written by Ken Kingery. -Journal Reference-Ariette Schierz, Benjamin Espinasse, Mark R. Wiesner, Joseph H. Bisesi, Tara Sabo-Attwood, P. Lee Ferguson. Fate of single walled carbon nanotubes in wetland ecosystems. Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2014; DOI: 10.1039/c4en00063c --Duke University. "Nanoparticles accumulate quickly in wetlands: Aquatic food chains might be harmed by molecules 'piggybacking' on carbon nanoparticles." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 1 October 2014. <>.
[F1]The chemical substance(s) that constitute an ENM can be classified into the following main categories:
inorganic nanomaterials – these include metals (titanium, zinc, silver, calcium
and magnesium), metal oxides and metal nitrides and non-metals such as
selenium and silicates.
organic nanomaterials – these include nanopolymers and nanomedicines as
well as nano-carrier systems (e.g. encapsulates) containing antimicrobials,
and nutritional and health supplements etc.
surface functionalised nanomaterials – these may be inorganic materials that
are surface functionalised with organic moieties, or vice versa. Examples
include organically modified nanoclays for food packaging applications
[F2]UK containing engineered nanomaterials based on their likelihood to reach drinking water sources Of the identified 126 products on the UK market that contain ENMs 62 could be ranked qualitatively in terms of their potential to contaminate drinking water, based on the concentration of ENM in the product, product usage, likelihood of environmental exposure and estimated market share for each particle type. Due to the wide range of particle types and consumer products, a ranked list is provided by particle and by product type to allow comparison. Products for which the ENM type is
unknown (32) and the ENM location within the product could not be established (24) and/or products for which the major release pattern is predicted to be landfill (35) were excluded (in total 62). Two products (category filtration) could not be included in the ranking due to missing information on usage and ENM concentration in the product. Data used for the scoring system on market penetration, usage and ENM concentration were collated from scientific publications, patents and manufacturers and product websites (Chapter 3). Nanotechnology is still a highly sensitive area and companies are reluctant to provide any information, therefore for some of the products the required information could not be collated.
[F3]Estimated the level of commercial scale production and use of ENMs. For example, the RS/ RAE review (Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering, 2004) estimated the production of ENMs for:
structural applications (ceramics, catalysts, composites, coatings, thin films,
powders, metals) at 10 tonnes in 2003-04, predicted to increase to 1000
tonnes by 2010 and between 10,000 and 100,000 tonnes per year by 2020;
skin-care applications (mainly metal oxides – such as titanium dioxide, zinc
oxide and iron oxide) to stay approximately at a similar level of around 1000
tonnes per year between 2003-04 and 2020;
information and communication technologies (carbon nanotubes, titanium
dioxide, zinc oxide, iron oxide and organic light-emitting diodes) and for
instruments and sensors at 10 tonnes in 2003-04, predicted to increase to
100 tonnes by 2010 and 1000 tonnes or more by 2020;
biotechnology applications (nanoencapsulates, ENMs for targeted drug
delivery, bio-compatible ENMs, quantum dots, composites, biosensors etc) at
less than 1 tonne in 2003-04, predicted to increase to 1 tonne in 2010 and 10
tonnes per year in 2020;
environmental applications (such as nanofiltration ad membranes) at around
10 tonnes in 2003-04, predicted to increase to 100 tonnes in 2010 and
between 1000 and 10,000 tonnes in 2010.
Other reports, such as by Aitkin et al. (2008), have identified ENMs that are
produced in high production volumes. These include silver, carbon black, amorphous
silica, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, nanoclays, carbon materials (fullerenes and
carbon nanotubes), cerium oxide, iron, organic materials and other commercially
produced ENMs (Table 3.1).
Show of the Month August 29 2015
Modified bacteria become a multicellular circuit
Complex logic circuit made from bacterial genes
How beneficial bacteria protect intestinal cells--
Alpha-lipoic acid stimulates telomerase in vascular smooth muscle
Modified bacteria become a multicellular circuit--Scientists modify E. coli to cooperate, control protein expression
Rice University scientists have made a living circuit from multiple types of bacteria that prompts the bacteria to cooperate to change protein expression.--The subject of a new paper in Science, the project represents the first time the Rice researchers have created a biological equivalent to a computer circuit that involves multiple organisms to influence a population.--The researchers' goal is to modify biological systems by controlling how bacteria influence each other. This could lead to bacteria that, for instance, beneficially alter the gut microbiome in humans.[F1]--Humans' stomachs have a lot of different kinds of bacteria, said Rice synthetic biologist Matthew Bennett. "They naturally form a large consortium. One thought is that when we engineer bacteria to be placed into guts, they should also be part of a consortium. Working together allows them to effect more change than if they worked in isolation.[F2]"In the proof-of-concept study, Bennett and his team created two strains of genetically engineered bacteria that regulate the production of proteins essential to intercellular signaling pathways, which allow cells to coordinate their efforts, generally in beneficial ways.--The ability to engineer DNA so cells produce specific proteins has already paid dividends, for example, by manipulating bacteria to produce useful biofuels and chemicals.--"The main push in synthetic biology has been to engineer single cells," Bennett said. "But now we're moving toward multicellular systems. We want cells to coordinate their behaviors in order to elicit a populational response, just the way our bodies do."--Bennett and his colleagues achieved their goal by engineering common Escherichia coli bacteria. By creating and mixing two genetically distinct populations, they prompted the bacteria to form a consortium.--The bacteria worked together by doing opposite tasks: One was an activator that up-regulated the expression of targeted genes, and the other was a repressor that down-regulated genes. Together, they created oscillations [F3]-- rhythmic peaks and valleys -- of gene transcription in the bacterial population.--The two novel strains of bacteria sent out intercellular signaling molecules and created linked positive and negative feedback loops that affected gene production in the entire population. Both strains were engineered to make fluorescent reporter genes so their activities could be monitored. The bacteria were confined to microfluidic devices in the lab, where they could be monitored easily during each hours long experiment.--When the bacteria were cultured in isolation, the protein oscillations did not appear,[F4] the researchers wrote.--Bennett said his lab's work will help researchers understand how cells communicate, an important factor in fighting disease[F5]. "We have many different types of cells in our bodies, from skin cells to liver cells to pancreatic cells, and they all coordinate their behaviors to make us work properly," he said. "To do this, they often send out small signaling molecules that are produced in one cell type and effect change in another cell type.
"We take that principle and engineer it into these very simple organisms to see if we can understand and build multicellular systems from the ground up."--Ultimately, people might ingest the equivalent of biological computers that can be programmed through one's diet, Bennett said. "One idea is to create a yogurt using engineered bacteria," he said. "The patient eats it and the physician controls the bacteria through the patient's diet. Certain combinations of molecules in your food can turn systems within the synthetic bacteria on and off, and then these systems can communicate with each other to effect change within your gut[F6]."--Ye Chen, a graduate student in Bennett's lab at Rice, and Jae Kyoung Kim, an assistant professor at KAIST and former postdoctoral fellow at Ohio State University, are lead authors of the paper. Co-authors are Rice graduate student Andrew Hirning and Krešimir Josi?, a professor of mathematics at the University of Houston. Bennett is an assistant professor of biochemistry and cell biology.--The National Institutes of Health, the Robert A. Welch Foundation, the Hamill Foundation, the National Science Foundation and the China Scholarship Council supported the research. Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Rice University. Journal Reference-Y. Chen, J. K. Kim, A. J. Hirning, K. Josi , M. R. Bennett. Emergent genetic oscillations in a synthetic microbial consortium. Science, 2015; 349 (6251): 986 DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa3794 -Rice University. "Modified bacteria become a multicellular circuit: Scientists modify E. coli to cooperate, control protein expression." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 27 August 2015.>.
Complex logic circuit made from bacterial genes
Date-October 13, 2012
Source-Washington University in St. Louis
Summary-An engineer has assembled the most complex logic circuit yet assembled in a single bacterium. The logic circuit, in which genes and the molecules that turn the genes on or off function as logic gates, the simple devices that form the basis for electronic circuits, is one step in an effort to make programmable bacteria that make biofuels, degrade pollutants, or attack cancer or infections. ---Just as electronic circuits are made from resistors, capacitors and transistors, biological circuits can be made from genes and regulatory proteins. Engineer Tae Seok Moon’s dream is to design modular “genetic parts” that can be used to build logic controllers inside microbes that will program them to make fuel, clean up pollutants, or kill infectious bacteria or cancerous cells.--By force of habit we tend to assume computers are made of silicon, but there is actually no necessary connection between the machine and the material. All that an engineer needs to do to make a computer is to find a way to build logic gates -- the elementary building blocks of digital computers -- in whatever material is handy.--So logic gates could theoretically be made of pipes of water, channels for billiard balls or even mazes for soldier crabs.--By comparison Tae Seok Moon's ambition, which is to build logic gates out of genes, seems eminently practical. As a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Christopher Voigt, PhD, a synthetic biologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he recently made the largest gene (or genetic) circuit yet reported.--Moon, PhD, now an assistant professor of energy, environmental and chemical engineering in the School of Engineering & Applied Science at Washington University in St. Louis is the lead author of an article describing the project in the Oct. 7 issue of Nature. Voigt is the senior author.-The tiny circuits constructed from these gene gates and others like them may one day be components of engineered cells that will monitor and respond to their environments.--The number of tasks they could undertake is limited only by evolution and human ingenuity. Janitor bacteria might clean up pollutants, chemical-engineer bacteria pump out biofuels and miniature infection-control bacteria might bustle about killing pathogens.
How to make an AND gate out of genes----The basis of modern computers is the logic gate, a device that makes simple comparisons between the bits, the 1s and 0s, in which computers encode information. Each logic gate has multiple inputs and one output. The output of the gate depends on the inputs and the operation the gate performs.--An AND gate, for example, turns on only if all of its inputs are on. An OR gate turns on if any of its inputs are on.--Suggestively, genes are turned on or off when a transcription factor binds to a region of DNA adjacent to the gene called a promotor.--To make an AND gate out of genes, however, Moon had to find a gene whose activation is controlled by at least two molecules, not one. So only if both molecule 1 AND molecule 2 are present will the gene be turned on and translated into protein.--Such a genetic circuit had been identified in Salmonella typhimurium, the bacterium that causes food poisoning. In this circuit, the transcription factor can bind to the promotor of a gene only if a molecule called a chaperone is present. This meant the genetic circuit could form the basis of a two-input AND gate.--The circuit Moon eventually built consisted of four sensors for four different molecules that fed into three two-input AND gates. If all four molecules were present, all three AND gates turned on and the last one produced a reporter protein that fluoresced red, so that the operation of the circuit could be easily monitored.--In the future, Moon says, a synthetic bacterium with this circuit might sense four different cancer indicators and, in the presence of all four, release a tumor-killing factor.
Crosstalk and timing faults
There are huge differences, of course, between the floppy molecules that embody biological logic gates and the diodes and transistors that embody electronic ones.--Engineers designing biological circuits worry a great deal about crosstalk, or interference[F7]. If a circuit is to work properly, the molecules that make up one gate cannot bind to molecules that are part of another gate.--This is much more of a problem in a biological circuit than in an electronic circuit because the interior of a cell is a kind of soup where molecules mingle freely.[F8]
To ensure that there wouldn't be crosstalk among his AND gates, Moon mined parts for his gates from three different strains of bacteria: Shigella flexneri and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as Salmonella.--Although the parts from the three different strains were already quite dissimilar, he made them even more so by subjecting them to error-prone copying cycles and screening the copies for ones that were even less prone to crosstalk (but still functional).--Another problem Moon faced is that biological circuits, unlike electronic ones, don't have internal clocks that keep the bits moving through the logic gates in lockstep. If signals progress through layers of gates at different speeds, the output of the entire circuit may be wrong, a problem called a timing fault.--Experiments designed to detect such faults in the synthetic circuit showed that they didn't occur, probably because the chaperones for one layer of logic gates degrades before the transcription factors for the next layer are generated, and this forces a kind of rhythm on the circuit.
Hijacking a bacterium's controller
"We're not trying to build a computer out of biological logic gates," Moon says. "You can't build a computer this way. Instead we're trying to make controllers that will allow us to access all the things biological organisms do in simple, programmable ways."--"I see the cell as a system that consists of a sensor, a controller (the logic circuit), and an actuator," he says. "This paper covers work on the controller, but eventually the controller's output will drive an actuator, something that will do work on the cell's surroundings. "--An synthetic bacterium designed by a friend of Moon's at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore senses signaling molecules released by the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. When the molecules reach a high enough concentration, the bacterium generates a toxin and a protein that causes it to burst, releasing the toxin, and killing nearby P. aeruginosa.--"Silicon cannot do that," Moon says.--Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Washington University in St. Louis. The original item was written by Diana Lutz. -Journal Reference-Tae Seok Moon, Chunbo Lou, Alvin Tamsir, Brynne C. Stanton, Christopher A. Voigt. Genetic programs constructed from layered logic gates in single cells. Nature, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nature11516 -Washington University in St. Louis. "Complex logic circuit made from bacterial genes." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 October 2012. <>.
[F1]Or it could lead to as well the effective means to target specifics in the body to not work as they should or to create a more conduscive environment to allow for a further incorporation of things that would not normally be
[F2]Interesting note to pay attention to here when you are looking at this they are basically creating something where your normal bodily functions have been compromised so badly that now you will need this tech to survive amd basically just Exist
[F3]Since nano particles can oscillate at 100,000 oscilations then what we have here with this tech is a saturation into specifc areas of integration with bio/nano
[F4]Rhythmic Change
[F5]Or Spreading or integrating with the system as well
[F6]This does not even sound remotely good at all the idea that an external force can control the ebb and flow of human genome biology for bacterial modification or to allow something like this to be swallowed how much of this would even be just nanotech and the effect of this “ control”
[F7] A means to create a distortion in the communications of these circuits
[F8]By adding nano there is no more mingling freely –just a binding –a new program or over ride of the circuit so now the program is altered
How beneficial bacteria protect intestinal cells--
Research on a helpful part of the microbiome -- beneficial intestinal bacteria -- is moving from "what is there" to "how they help."-Scientists at Emory University School of Medicine have shown how an ancient cellular regulatory circuit called Nrf2, present in both insects and mammals, responds to beneficial bacteria and gears up a protective response to environmental stresses.--The findings could potentially lead to advances in the use of bacteria to treat intestinal diseases or mitigate the effects of radiation therapy for cancer.--The results are scheduled for publication August 13 in Cell Reports.---"The body's response to bacteria is often seen through the lens of the immune system," says senior author Andrew Neish, MD, professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at Emory University School of Medicine. "The pathway we've identified is not inflammatory or immunoregulatory; rather, it's cytoprotective."[F1]--While many types of bacteria that live in our intestines are inert or even harmful to intestinal cells, a small subset -- lactobacilli -- can stimulate increased motility, proliferation and ability to withstand stress, Neish says.-"Lactobacilli are present in yogurt, and they're also the first kind of bacteria that will colonize a baby's system after the baby is born[F2]," he says.--Working with Neish, assistant professor of pediatrics Rheinallt Jones, PhD and colleagues found that only lactobacilli could protect previously "germ free" fruit flies from paraquat, a toxic herbicide. Similarly, feeding lactobacilli, but not other types of bacteria, to germ-free mice could protect them from weight loss and death after exposure to radiation.--In intestinal tissues in both flies and mice, the lactobacilli turned on a series of genes in a pattern that indicates that the Nrf2 pathway is involved. If the flies or the mice had a mutation disabling Nrf2, the protective effect from the bacteria was not seen.--Nrf2 is a cellular pathway involved in protecting cells against external stresses such as toxins and carcinogens, and it is activated by reactive oxygen species or ROS. Both paraquat and radiation generate ROS.--"It looks like a little bit of ROS helps cells get ready to withstand stress," Jones says. "This is an example of the concept of hormesis, where limited exposure to something that is harmful protects an organism from more of it later."--Previously, Jones and Neish have shown that lactobacilli stimulate intestinal epithelial cells to produce ROS, which are a key signal for wound healing. In the Cell Reports paper, the researchers showed that when the enzyme Nox1, which makes ROS in response to bacteria, is removed from the intestines in mice, the radioprotective effect of lactobacilli is lost.--While it is not the only regulatory circuit stimulated by beneficial bacteria, Jones and Neish say their findings suggest that Nrf2 is more highly conserved than other bacterially-induced signals, and that it likely evolved as a mechanism for higher organisms to co-exist with bacteria.--Jones and Neish say they are investigating the common genetic signatures of the various types of bacteria that stimulate ROS and Nrf2. That could help researchers sort through which ones may have therapeutic benefits, and possibly how to mimic the bacteria with synthetic agents.
To facilitate this type of research, Jones is establishing a gnotobiotic animal facility at Emory, which will enable scientists to investigate what happens when an animal's intestines are colonized with only one variety of bacteria.--Story Source--The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Emory Health Sciences--Journal Reference--Rheinallt M. Jones, Chirayu Desai, Trevor M. Darby, Liping Luo, Alexandra A. Wolfarth, Christopher D. Scharer, Courtney S. Ardita, April R. Reedy, Erin S. Keebaugh, Andrew S. Neish. Lactobacilli Modulate Epithelial Cytoprotection through the Nrf2 Pathway. Cell Reports, August 2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.07.042
[F1]Capable of shielding cells from injury, e.g., damage from electrolyte disturbance, infection, ischemia, or toxins.
[F2]Yogurt for babies not a bad idea and kefir –make sure with fat and nothing that is fat fre-sugar free or with fruit or other flavouring agents other then vanilla
Aspirin reverses obesity cancer risk
Research has shown that a regular dose of aspirin reduces the long-term risk of cancer in those who are overweight [F1]in an international study of people with a family history of the disease.--The study, conducted by researchers at Newcastle University and the University of Leeds, UK, is published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.--They found that being overweight more than doubles the risk of bowel cancer in people with Lynch Syndrome, an inherited genetic disorder which affects genes responsible for detecting and repairing damage in the DNA. Around half of these people develop cancer, mainly in the bowel and womb.--However, over the course of a ten year study they found this risk could be counteracted by taking a regular dose of aspirin.--Professor Sir John Burn, professor of Clinical Genetics at Newcastle University who led the international research collaboration, said: "This is important for people with Lynch Syndrome but affects the rest of us too. Lots of people struggle with their weight and this suggests the extra cancer risk can be cancelled by taking an aspirin.--"This research adds to the growing body of evidence which links an increased inflammatory process to an increased risk of cancer. Obesity increases the inflammatory response. One explanation for our findings is that the aspirin may be supressing that inflammation which opens up new avenues of research into the cause of cancer."--The randomised controlled trial is part of the CAPP 2 study involving scientists and clinicians from over 43 centres in 16 countries which followed nearly 1,000 patients with Lynch Syndrome, in some cases for over 10 years.-937 people began either taking two aspirins (600 mg) [F2]every day for two years or a placebo. When they were followed up ten years later, 55 had developed bowel cancers and those who were obese were more than twice as likely to develop this cancer -- in fact 2.75 times as likely. Following up on patients who were taking two aspirins a day revealed that their risk was the same whether they were obese or not.--The trial was overseen by Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and funded by the UK Medical Research Council, Cancer Research UK, the European Union and Bayer Pharma.--Professor John Mathers, Professor of Human Nutrition at Newcastle University who led this part of the study said: "For those with Lynch Syndrome, we found that every unit of BMI above what is considered healthy increased the risk of bowel cancer by 7%. What is surprising is that even in people with a genetic predisposition for cancer, obesity is also a driver of the disease. Indeed, the obesity-associated risk was twice as great for people with Lynch Syndrome as for the general population.--"The lesson for all of us is that everyone should try to maintain a healthy weight and for those already obese the best thing is to lose weight. However, for many patients this can be very difficult so a simple aspirin may be able to help this group."--Professor Tim Bishop from the University of Leeds who led on the statistics for the study added: "Our study suggests that the daily aspirin dose of 600 mg per day removed the majority of the increased risk associated with higher BMI. However, this needs to be shown in a further study to confirm the extent of the protective power of the aspirin with respect to BMI."
However, Professor Burn advises: "Before anyone begins to take aspirin on a regular basis they should consult their doctor as aspirin is known to bring with it a risk of stomach complaints including ulcers.-"But if there is a strong family history of cancer then people may want to weigh up the cost-benefits particularly as these days drugs which block acid production in the stomach are available over the counter."-The international team are now preparing a large-scale follow-up trial and want to recruit 3,000 people across the world to test the effect of different doses of aspirin. The trial will compare two aspirin a day with a range of lower doses to see if the protection offered is the same.
Information on the next trial can be found at
The researchers believe the study shows that aspirin is affecting an underlying mechanism which pre-disposes someone to cancer and further study is needed in this area. Since the benefits are occurring before the very early stages of developing a tumour -- known as the adenoma carcinoma sequence -- the effect must be changing the cells which are predisposed to become cancerous in later years.-One possibility is that a little recognised effect of aspirin is to enhance programmed cell death. This is most obvious in plants where salicylates trigger this mechanism to help diseased plants contain the spread of infection.--"We may be seeing a mechanism in humans whereby aspirin is encouraging genetically damaged stem cells to undergo programmed cell death, this would have an impact on cancer," says Sir John.--Story Source--The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Leeds. -Journal Reference--Mohammad Movahedi, D. Timothy Bishop, Finlay Macrae, Jukka-Pekka Mecklin, Gabriela Moeslein,Sylviane Olschwang, Diana Eccles, D. Gareth Evans, Eamonn R. Maher, Lucio Bertario, Marie-Luise Bisgaard,Malcolm G. Dunlop, Judy W.C. Ho, Shirley V. Hodgson, Annika Lindblom, Jan Lubinski, Patrick J. Morrison,Victoria Murday, Raj S. Ramesar, Lucy Side, Rodney J. Scott, Huw J.W. Thomas, Hans F. Vasen, John Burn,and John C Mathers. Obesity, Aspirin, and Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Carriers of Hereditary Colorectal Cancer: A Prospective Investigation in the CAPP2 Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology, August 2015 DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2014.58.9952 ----University of Leeds. "Aspirin reverses obesity cancer risk." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 17 August 2015. <>.
[F1]If you use this then it has to be pure no filler or polymer or metal or colouring agents
[F2]If you take this then you must buffere this with either magnesium or baking soda or copper to reduce any side effect ~ it may save the stomach on one heand but if not delivered properly will cause another issue
Alpha-lipoic acid stimulates telomerase in vascular smooth muscle
Date-August 21, 2015
Source-Emory Health Sciences
Summary-The dietary supplement alpha lipoic acid can stimulate telomerase, the enzyme that lengthens chromosomes' protective caps, with positive effects in a mouse model of atherosclerosis, scientists report. The discovery highlights a potential avenue for the treatment for chronic diseases.
In human cells, shortened telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes, are both a sign of aging and contribute to it. Scientists at Emory University School of Medicine have found that the dietary supplement alpha lipoic acid (ALA) can stimulate telomerase, the enzyme that lengthens telomeres, with positive effects in a mouse model of atherosclerosis.The discovery highlights a potential avenue for the treatment for chronic diseases.-The results were published in Cell Reports.--"Alpha-lipoic acid has an essential role in mitochondria, the energy-generating elements of the cell," says senior author Wayne Alexander, MD, PhD, professor of medicine at Emory University School of Medicine. "It is widely available and has been called a 'natural antioxidant'. Yet ALA's effects in human clinical studies have been a mixed bag."--ALA appears to exert its effects against atherosclerosis by spurring the smooth muscle cells that surround blood vessels to make PGC1 (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator 1)-alpha. PGC1-alpha was already well known to scientists as controlling several aspects of how skeletal muscles respond to exercise. While the Emory researchers did not directly assess the effects of exercise in their experiments, their findings provide molecular clues to how exercise might slow the effects of aging or chronic disease in some cell types.--"The effects of chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis and diabetes on blood vessels can be traced back to telomere shortening," Alexander says. "This means that treatments that can restore healthy telomeres have great potential."--"What's new here is that we show that PGC1-alpha is regulating telomerase, and that has real beneficial effects on cellular stress in a mouse model of atherosclerosis," says Shiqin Xiong, PhD, instructor in the division of cardiology and first author of the paper.----Xiong and Alexander used a model of atherosclerosis where mice lacked the ApoE cholesterol processing gene and were fed a high-fat diet. In this model, mice also lacking PGC1-alpha have more advanced plaques in their blood vessels, but only in older animals, the authors show.--Consistent with the poorer state of their blood vessels, aortic cells from PGC1-alpha-disrupted mice had shorter telomeres and reduced telomerase activity. Having shortened telomeres led the smooth muscle cells to display more oxidative stress and damage to the rest of their DNA.--The authors show that introducing PGC1-alpha back into vascular smooth muscle cells lacking that gene with a gene-therapy adenovirus could restore telomerase activity and lengthen the cells' telomeres.--Telomerase is off in most healthy cell types and only becomes turned on when cells proliferate. Because telomerase is active in cancer cells and enables their continued growth, researchers have been concerned that stimulating telomerase in all cells might encourage cancer growth or have other adverse effects.--As a way to boost PGC1-alpha in cells more conveniently, Xiong and Alexander turned to alpha lipoic acid or ALA. ALA is a sulfur-containing fatty acid used to treat diabetic neuropathy in Germany, and has previously been shown to combat atherosclerosis in animal models.--Treating isolated smooth muscle cells with ALA for one day could both stimulate PGC1-alpha and telomerase, the authors found. ALA's effects on vascular smooth muscle cells could also be seen when it was injected into mice. Xiong and Alexander say they are now investigating the effects of ALA on other tissues in mice. They have not observed increased cancers in ALA-treated mice, but say more thorough investigation is needed to fully assess cancer risk.--"While ALA is present in many foods and its effects in animal models look promising, it may be problematic for clinical use because of its poor solubility, stability and bioavailability," Xiong says. "We are designing new ways to formulate and deliver ALA-related compounds to resolve these issues."Story Source-The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Emory Health Sciences--Journal Reference-Shiqin Xiong, Nikolay Patrushev, Farshad Forouzandeh, Lula Hilenski, R. Wayne Alexander. PGC-1α Modulates Telomere Function and DNA Damage in Protecting against Aging-Related Chronic Diseases. Cell Reports, 2015; DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.07.047 --Emory Health Sciences. "Anti-aging tricks from dietary supplement seen in mice: Alpha-lipoic acid stimulates telomerase in vascular smooth muscle." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 21 August 2015. <>.