Show Of the Week November 5 2010
Show Of The Week November 8 2010
Show of the Week November 12 2010
Show Of The Week November 15 2010
Show of the Week November -19-2010
Show of the Week November-22-2010
Show of the Week November
Show Of the Week November 2010
OMEGA 3….Danger and Misinformation
Omega-3 contamination study is misleading, says industry
Omega-3 doesn’t help heart attack patients, say German researchers
Vitamin E –Benefits and therapeutic process
OMEGA 3….Danger and Misinformation
Fish oil
won't stop heart disease
Surprisingly, it was known back in 1979
that diet influenced EFA composition of the cell membrane;
this finding was published in
(1979; 39:1726-32).43 In 1990, a masterpiece of research conducted by William E.
found that the amount of critical parent omega-6
in the tissues was dependent on diet (Lipids
1990; 25(9):505-16).44To gain the best in scientific research, in 2002 I
attended the world's 1st Essential Fatty Acids and Human Nutrition and Health
International Conference in Shanghai, China. There I discovered a shocking and
discovery that fish oil lowers immunity.
I nearly fell out of my chair!
Overdosing on fish oil supplements can significantly decrease the effectiveness
of your immune system, increasing your risk of contracting cancer.
The International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL) June
2000 Congress in Tsukuba, Japan,45 had reported this startling fact, as noted
earlier.And don't think that fish oil prevents heart disease. It doesn't.
Cardiovascular Research
(2002; 54:183-190)
reported on a study where both the fish oil group and the control group showed
close to equal atherosclerotic progression (arteries getting more clogged in
spite of taking fish oil supplements).
Nor did fish oil stop thickening of the artery. On the contrary, the artery wall
got thicker (worsened) with fish oil ingestion!
A mere
1.65 grams per day of fish oil supplement was taken-a great enough dose to cause
adverse immunity and excessive internal bleeding, too.46
These results showing the failure of fish oil were published in 2002. Did this
stop "experts" in the nutritional and medical fields and even in our governments
from declaring how great fish oil supplements are? No! Harvard Medical School
was involved in a study, published in 1995, titled "Controlled Trial of Fish Oil
for Regression of Human Coronary Atherosclerosis" (Am
Coll Cardiol
1995; 25(7):1492-8).47 The daily dose was six grams of fish oil versus six grams
of olive oil in the control group.
Their conclusion? "Fish oil treatment for two years
does not
promote major favorable changes
in the diameter of atherosclerotic coronary arteries" (author's emphasis). This
means that arterial clogging was not decreased with the fish oil supplements.
derivative AA prevents blood clotting
Dr Warburg understood that slow blood speed allowed cancer to metastasise.
Later, other researchers showed that if you can keep a localised cancer from
metastasising, your risk of dying from cancer decreases by an amazing tenfold!
Even though you may have cancer, you won't die from it.
Blood speed and viscosity have a connection to the spread of cancer. This is a
surprising, seldom-mentioned fact that was pointed out by world-renowned
molecular biologist Robert Weinberg.49
What causes metastasis? Blood clots, and this is known,
too.50 What prevents blood from "sticking together" and is also Nature's natural
blood-thinner that prevents blood clots? No, it's not omega-3, like you are
constantly told.
omega-6 is
more powerful.
Arachidonic acid (AA) is a critical omega-6 derivative and major biochemical
component which occurs in virtually every cell we have. It is the building block
of the most potent anti-aggregatory ("helps blood thinning") agent known, termed
AA also inhibits platelet adhesion, making it a natural "blood thinner". AA even
helps solve vascular problems as a response to injury.51 Heart attack victims
often have depleted EFA levels, especially the EFA derivatives AA from parent
omega-6 and EPA from parent omega-3.56 We need some parent omega-3 because EPA
is one of its important derivatives.
problem is that fish oil supplements overdose us with far too much.
really clogging the arteries
Contrary to what we have heard for decades, it is not the saturated fat
that clogs the arteries and impedes blood flow:
it's the adulterated parent omega-6.
A groundbreaking Lancet article (1994; 344:1195-96) reported
investigating the components of arterial plaques. Felton et al.
measured the individual components, and in an aortic artery clog they found over
10 different compounds
but no
saturated fat.57
There was some cholesterol in the clog.
This is explained by the fact that cholesterol acts as a protective healer for
arterial cuts and bruises,
just like a
scab forms over external cuts. What is the predominant component of a clog? You
probably guessed it:
adulterated omega-6 polyunsaturated oils-those that start out containing
properly functioning EFAs but get ruined during commercial food processing.
Many similar analyses of arterial clogs showing the same result have been
carried out and published in the medical journals, but it would seem that few
physicians have seen them.58 The average person has little, if any, chance of
ever discovering the truth.
So, it is not cholesterol itself that clogs the arteries.
If you have a deficiency of EFAs, cholesterol acts as a "poison delivery
system". EFAs are cholesterol's major component. As the medical textbook
Molecular Biology of the Cell makes clear (p. 481),
is necessary for the structural integrity
of the lipid bi-layer, the matrix in each of our 100 trillion cell membranes.
JAMA (1994; 272:1335-40) published an article stating
cholesterol-lowering drugs do not work significantly to prevent heart disease.
The reason?
They can't
lower the amount of defective parent omega-6 enough. As stated in
Atherosclerosis Reports (2004; 6:477-84), this is why cholesterol drugs can't
do the job:59
"LDL contains up to 80% lipids [fats and oils], including polyunsaturated fatty
acids and cholesterol, mainly esters. Linoleic acid (LA), one of the most
abundant fatty acids in LDLÉ" With this information, we see that it is what the
cholesterol is transporting-the adulterated EFAs-that is the problem. An article
in Human Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition (1984; 38C:245-260) further
verifies that it is parent omega-6 that makes up most of the fatty acids in LDL
and HDL cholesterol.60
Don't let
anyone ever tell you that natural fats are "bad". One hundred trillion cells
need lots of EFA-containing natural fats; in particular, lots of parent omega-6.If
just a little of this parent omega-6 is defective, reducing its ability to
absorb oxygen and perform other cellular functions, it acts as a direct cause of
cancer as well as heart disease
Article summary
A new study was recently published showing that 3g/d of fish oil in patients with metabolic syndrome increased LDL levels and insulin resistance. --- But this study isn’t alone in highlighting the potential risks of high-dose fish oil supplementation. Chris Masterjohn’s latest article on essential fatty acids, Precious yet Perilous, makes a compelling argument that fish oil supplementation – especially over the long-term – is not only not beneficial, but may be harmful.--This may come as a surprise to you, with all of the current media hoopla about the benefits of fish oil supplementation. Yet the vast majority of the studies done that have shown a benefit have been short-term, lasting less than one year. The only trial lasting more than four years, the DART 2 trial, showed that fish oil capsules actually increase the risk of heart disease and sudden death. ---A 2004 Cochrane meta-analysis of trials lasting longer than six months suggests that the cardiovascular benefits of fish oil have been dramatically over-stated. They analyzed 79 trials overall, and pooled data from 48 trials that met their criteria. The only effect that could be distinguished from chance was a reduced risk of heart failure. Fish oil provided no reduction in total or cardiovascular mortality.
Too much fish oil can wreak havoc in your body---Omega-3 fatty acids are highly vulnerable to oxidative damage. When fat particles oxidize, they break down into smaller compounds, like malondialdehyde (MDA), that are dangerous because they damage proteins, DNA, and other important cellular structures.---A study by Mata et al demonstrated that oxidative damage increases as intake of omega-3 fat increases. The results of this study were summarized in the Perfect Health Diet, by Paul and Shou-Ching Jaminet:
Notice the clear increase in TBARS (a measure of oxidative damage of the LDL particle) with omega-3 fat. It’s important to note that this was only a 5-week trial. If it had gone on for longer than that, it’s likely the oxidative damage caused by omega-3 fats would have been even worse. This isn’t surprising if you understand the chemical composition of fats. Polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) are highly vulnerable to oxidative damage because they’re the only fatty acids that have two or more double bonds, and it’s the carbon that lies between the double bonds that is vulnerable to oxidation (as shown in the figure below):
Another thing worth noting, if you haven’t already, is that intake of saturated and monounsaturated fats does not increase oxidative damage by a significant amount. This is illustrated in both the table and the diagram above: saturated fats have no double bonds, which means they are well protected against oxidation. MUFA is slightly more vulnerable, since it does have one double bond, but not nearly as much as PUFA which has several double-bonds. ---A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial likewise showed that 6 grams per day of fish oil increased lipid peroxides and MDA in healthy men, regardless of whether they were supplemented with 900 IU of vitamin E. And consumption of fresh, non-oxidized DHA and EPA has been shown to increase markers of oxidative stress in rats.
Fish oil not as beneficial as commonly believed---To be fair, at least one review suggests that fish oil supplementation is beneficial in the short and even intermediate term. A recent meta-analysis of 11 trials lasting more than one year found that fish oil reduced the relative risk of cardiovascular death by 13 percent and the relative risk of death from any cause by 8 percent.----But the effect seen in this review was mostly due to the GISSI and DART-1 trials. They found that fish oil may prevent arrhythmia in patients with chronic heart failure and patients who have recently survived a heart attack. ----However, there is no evidence that people other than those with arrhythmia and chronic heart failure benefit from taking fish oil or that doses higher than one gram of omega-3 fatty acids per day provide any benefit over smaller doses. And then there’s the rather disturbing result of the DART-2 trial, the only fish oil study lasting more than four years, showing an increase in heart disease and sudden death.---It’s logical to assume the effects of oxidative damage would take a while to manifest, and would increase as time goes on. That’s likely the reason we see some benefit in short- and intermediate-term studies (as n-3 displace n-6 in the tissues), but a declining and even opposite effect in the longer-term DART-2 trial (as increased total PUFA intake causes more oxidative damage).---
The danger of reductionist thinking in nutritional research---The current fish oil craze highlights the danger of isolated nutrient studies, which unfortunately is the focus of nutritional research today. Kuipers et al. eloquently described the risks of this approach in a recent paper: --The fish oil fatty acids EPA and DHA (and their derivatives), vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) and vitamin A (retinoic acid) are examples of nutrients that act in concert, while each of these has multiple actions(7,8). ---Consequently, the criteria for establishing optimum nutrient intakes via randomised controlled trials (RCT) with single nutrients at a given dose and with a single end point have serious limitations. They are usually based upon poorly researched dose–response relationships, and typically ignore many possible nutrient interactions and metabolic interrelationships. ---For instance, the adequate intake of linoleic acid (LA) to prevent LA deficiency depends on the concurrent intakes of α-linolenic acid (ALA), γ-LA and arachidonic acid (AA). Consequently, the nutritional balance on which our genome evolved is virtually impossible to determine using the reigning paradigm of ‘evidence-based medicine’ with RCT. --Interest in fish oil supplementation started with observations that the Inuit had almost no heart disease. It was assumed their high intake of marine oils produced this benefit. While this may be true, at least in part, what was overlooked is that the Inuit don’t consume marine oils in isolation. They eat them as part of a whole-food diet that also includes other nutrients which may help prevent the oxidative damage that otherwise occurs with such a high intake of fragile, n-3 PUFA.----It’s also important to note that there are many other traditional peoples, such as the Masai, the Tokelau, and the Kitavans, that are virtually free of heart disease but do not consume high amounts of marine oils. What these diets all share in common is not a large intake of omega-3 fats, but instead a complete absence of modern, refined foods.
Eat fish, not fish oil – cod liver oil excepted---That is why the best approach is to dramatically reduce intake of omega-6 fat, found in industrial seed oils and processed and refined foods, and then eat a nutrient-dense, whole-foods based diet that includes fatty fish, shellfish and organ meats[U1]. This mimics our ancestral diet and is the safest and most sane approach to meeting our omega-3 needs – which as Chris Masterjohn points out, are much lower than commonly assumed. --So I still recommend eating fatty fish a couple times per week. What I don’t endorse is taking several grams per day of fish oil, especially for an extended period of time. Unfortunately this advice is becoming more and more common in the nutrition world.--More is not always better, despite our tendency to believe it is
Omega-3 contamination study is misleading, says industry
A new study on pollutant levels in fish oil supplements has been criticized by industry as being misleading and sensationalist. --Published this month in the Journal of Food Science, the study investigated levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in 30 fish oil supplements found on the Canadian market. POPs, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine insecticide (OC) compounds, have been linked to immunotoxicity and carcinogenicity. Differing levels of these contaminants have been detected in fish products from around the world. The current study, entitled Persistent Organic Pollutants in Fish Oil Supplements on the Canadian Market: Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Insecticides, examined fish oil supplements purchased in Vancouver, Canada, between 2005 and 2007.
Contamination levels --PCBs and OC insecticides were detected in all supplement samples collected. However, most of these levels did not surpass acceptable intake levels, prompting the omega-3 industry to criticize it as “misleading”. According to Ocean Nutrition Canada, a leading manufacturer of omega-3 fish oil ingredients used in foods and supplements, the paper has “a sensational headline that does not reflect the study’s findings and conclusions”. This, said the firm, could generate confusion in the way the information is communicated to the public. The researchers – from Health Canada, Bureau of Chemical Safety and Food Directorate – tested both single-species oil supplements (such as salmon, seal or shark), as well as mixed oil products (for example salmon, anchovy, sardine and mackerel). Their findings revealed PCB levels ranging between 0.711 ng/g (equivalent to 0.711 ppb) in a mixed oil product and 10,400 ng/g (10,400 ppb) in a shark oil product. In Canada, the acceptable limit of PCBs is 2,000 ppb, placing the shark oil product far beyond the limit. The second highest level of PCBs was 519 ng/g, found in seal oil. “With the exception of the menhaden, seal, and shark oil supplements, all median ΣPCB concentrations were below 100ng/g,” notes the study. OC levels in oil supplement samples also varied significantly. However, none of the oils exceeded the acceptable limit of DDT – an OC insecticide – which is 5,000 ppb. The maximum concentration of most OC insecticides were found in the seal oil analyzed. The supplements containing seal, shark, and salmon oils had elevated levels of OC compounds relative to those containing other fish and vegetable oils. Mixed oils (anchovy, mackerel and sardine) had the lowest level of DDT at 0.189 to 15.2 ppb. “The mixed fish oils tested in the present study had lower PCB and OC insecticide levels than other oil types. Although a limited number of supplements were analyzed in this study, variable concentrations of PCBs and OCs were observed corresponding to oil type,” the researchers concluded.
Vegetarian fish
Ocean Nutrition highlighted that seal oil and shark oil – which were found to have the highest contaminant levels – are not an accurate representation of omega-3 oils. “Fish oil primarily is sourced from the Peruvian Anchovy fishery. These fish are low on the food chain and are vegetarians, primarily consuming algae. This means they are very pure from contaminants as a starting source, compared to species such as seals and shark, which are high on the food chain and bi accumulate contaminants,” the company told The Global Organization for EPA and DHA (GOED), an omega-3 trade association, also said that seal and shark oils are “obscure products that are actually difficult to find”. The group’s executive director Adam Ismail noted that these products are outside the scope of the GOED voluntary monograph, which sets quality standards for fish oils. “The other thing the study highlights is that in many instances omega-3 supplements can be a safer source of EPA and DHA than actual fish consumption, with a single serving of salmon containing more than 100 times the PCBs than the standard fish oil supplements used in the study, and 30 times more than the limits in the monograph,” he said.
Omega-3 doesn’t help heart attack patients, say German researchers
University of Heidelberg researchers in Germany have found heart attack patients don’t benefit from omega-3 supplementation in a randomised study involving about 4000 post-heart attack patients. --Their paper, presented at the 58th conference of the American College of Cardiology, found fish oil omega-3 supplements had no more benefit for patients already taking pharmaceuticals for heart conditions, than placebo. ---Despite the apparently negative results, the researchers did not condemn fish oil supplementation, noting the study did not have as an aim, whether fish oil can prevent the onset of heart disease in the first place. ---The American Heart Association recommends that coronary heart disease patients take a gram of omega-3s per day, and recommends 2 to 4 grams per day to patients needing to lower triglyceride levels. --The high-dose omega-3, prescription form used in the trial is sold as Omacor and Lovaza in the US and Zodin in Europe.
Vitamin E –Benefits and therapeutic process
Natural Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) in the treatment of Cardiovascular and Renal Diseases as suggested by Drs. Wilfrid and Evan Shute and the Shute Institute for Clinical and Laboratory Medicine, London, Ontario, Canada. Use only products labeled in terms of InternatIonal Units (IU).
Acute coronary thrombosis: 450 to 1,600 IU a day started as soon as possible and maintained.
Older cases of coronary thrombosis: 450 to 1,600 IU if systolic pressure is under 160 Otherwise 450 IU for the first four weeks, particularly if a hypotensive agent is used concurrently.
Acute rheumatic fever: 450 to 600 IU daily.
Chronic rheumatic heart disease: give 90 IU daily first month, 120 IU daily second month and 150 IU daily for third month. 150 IU may be ideal dose. Occasionally more is necessary and advisable. Response will necessarily be slow.
Anginal Syndrome: 450 to 1,600 IU if systolic pressure is under 160. Otherwise start on 150 IU for four weeks then 300 IU for four weeks, particularly if hypotensive agent is used.
Hypertensive heart disease: 75 IU daily for four weeks, 150 IU daily for four weeks, then cautiously increase. Should be used with hypotensive agents. High doses of vitamin E have been shown to reduce high blood pressure in rats with chronic kidney failure. (Vaziri N. Hypertension, Jan 2002.)
Thrombophlebitis and Phlebothrombosis: 600 to 1,600 IU daily.
Thrombocytopaenic Purpura: 800 to 1,200 IU daily.
Diabetes Mellitus: Same schedule as for cardiacs.
Acute and Chronic Nephritis: as for cardiac patients.
Burns, Plastic
Surgery, Mazoplasia: 600 to 1,600 IU daily, using vitamin E ointment or
vitamin E spray as adjunct. (Editor’s note: vitamin E may also be dripped from
a thumbtack-punctured capsule.)
The maintenance dose equals the therapeutic dose.
Do not take iron and vitamin E at same time. If iron is indicated, separate the doses by about nine hours.
The digitalis requirement is often reduced after vitamin E takes hold, so over-digitalization should be avoided. A patient receiving vitamin E should not be digitalized by the Eggleston massive dose technique nor any of its modifications. It is usually sufficient for full digitalization to give what is ordinarily a maintenance dose of 1 1/2 grains digitalis folia or 0.1 mg digitoxin per day. By the second day the patient is often digitalized.
Insulin dosages in diabetic cardiacs must be watched closely, for the insulin requirement may be considerably reduced very suddenly.
Hyperthyroidism is sometimes a contraindication.
Estrogens should rarely be given at the same time as alpha tocopherol (vitamin E).
(Editor's note: The Shutes also recommend caution with patients who have untreated high blood pressure, a rheumatic heart, or congestive heart failure. If you are a person with these or any other preexisting medical condition, you need to WORK WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN TO DETERMINE YOUR OPTIMUM VITAMIN E LEVEL.)
1. It reduces the oxygen
requirement of tissues.
Hove, Hickman, and Harris (1945) Arch. Biochem. 8:395.
Telford et al (1954) Air University School of Aviation Medicine Project #21-1201-0013, Report #4, May. Randolph Field, Texas.
2. It melts fresh clots, and
prevents embolism.
Shute, Vogelsang, Skelton and Shute (1948) Surg., Gyn. and Obst. 86:1.
Wilson and Parry (1954) Lancet 1:486.
3. It improves collateral
Enria and Fererro (1951) Arch. per Ia Scienze Med. 91:23.
Domingues and Dominguez (1953) Angiologia 5:51.
4. It is a vasodilator.
Shute, Vogelsang, Skelton and Shute (1948) Surg., Gyn. and Obst. 86:1.
5. It occasionally lyses scar
Steinberg (1948) Med. Clin. N. America 30:221, 1946.
6. It prevents scar contraction as
wounds heal.
Shute, Vogelsang, Skelton and Shute (1948) Surg., Gyn. and Obst. 86:1.
7. It increases low platelet
SkeIton, Shute, Skinner and Waud (1946) Science 103:762.
8. It decreases the insulin
requirement in about 1/4 of diabetics.
Butturini (1950) Gior. di Clin. Med. 31:1.
Tolgyes (1957) Summary 9:10.
9. It is one of the regulators of
fat and protein metabolism.
Hickman (1948) Rec. of Chem. Progress, p.104.
10. It stimulates muscle power.
Percival (1951) Summary 3:55.
11. It preserves capillary walls.
Ames, Baxter and Griffith (1951) International Review of Vitamin Research
12. It prevents haemolysis of red
blood cells.
Rose and Gyorgy (1951) Fed. Proc.10:239. 1951.
Tolgyes, S. and Shute, E. V. (1957), Alpha Tocopherol in the Management of Small Areas of Gangrene. Can. M. A. J. 76:730.
Shute, E.V. (1957) The Prevention of Congenital Anomalies in the Human: Experiences with Alpha Tocopherol as a Prophylactic Measure. J. Ob. & Gyn. Brit. Emp. 44:390.
Hauch, J. T. (1957) A New Treatment for Resistant Pressure Sores. Can. M.A.J. 77:125.
Shute, E. V. (1957) Alpha Tocopherol in Cardiovascular Disease. Oxford University Med. Gaz. 9:96.
[U1]These days I would disagree with this inclusion of foods since these foods are either bottom feeders or organ meats which filter out the heavy poisons in our environment --this should be avoided since most people are already overloaded with poison--
Show of the Week November 8, 2010
Accessory to a criminal Practice—Nutrition House
Apoptotic effect of eugenol in human colon cancer cell lines
Half of Those Travelling Internationally Not Aware of Potential Health Risks, Study Finds
Vaccines Could Help What's Ailing Fish
What in the World Are They Spraying
Accessory to a criminal Practice—Nutrition House
As the regulations start to come into effect , the inspectors will be looking for specific products that have been deemed illegal in Canada. These products have long since been unapproved for sale here but some stores try to sneak them in. Please do not be one of these stores. Nutrition house is working with Health Canada to ensure that stores that carry these products are brought to light. If we cannot sell them no store should. Please be sure to clean up your store and if you have these products , under the counter or elsewhere get rid of them. Keep this email in mind as there will be industry rumours as to what happened.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me-Catherine
Health supplements seized over safety
Last Updated: Thursday, November 4, 2010 | 3:10 PM ET Comments0Recommend0
number of supplements targeted at exercise buffs have been seized in raids on
two fitness facilities in British Columbia. Health Canada inspectors collected
18 varieties of supplements from Fitness Etc. locations in Courtney and Campbell
River on Vancouver Island. The public health agency said the supplements were
removed because they contain ingredients that legally require a prescription.
Many also contain a combination of ephedra and caffeine, which was banned in
Canada in 2002. The combination was found to cause serious heart problems that
in some cases led to death. Some of the seized supplements also contain M1T or
DHEA, which is a steroid and sex hormone precursor that is regulated as a
controlled drug in Canada. It cannot be purchased without a prescription.
Health Canada is now working with Canada Border Services to stop the importation
of the unauthorized health supplements. ---
Read more:
Barbara Laidlaw
Senior Vice President
Fleishman-Hillard Canada
33 Bloor Street East, Suite 1500
Toronto, ON M4W 3H1
Office direct: (416) 645-3666
Mobile: (416)
Apoptotic effect of eugenol in human colon cancer cell lines.
Cell Biol Int. 2010 Nov 2;
Authors: Jaganathan SK, Mazumdar A, Mondhe D, Mandal M
Eugenol, a natural compound available in honey and various plants extracts including cloves and Magnoliae Flos, is exploited for various medicinal applications. Since most of the drugs used in the cancer are apoptotic inducers, the apoptotic effect and anticancer mechanism of eugenol were investigated against colon cancer cells. Antiproliferative effect was estimated using 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay (MTT). Earlier events like mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), thiol depletion and lipid layer break were measured by using flow cytometry. Apoptosis was evaluated using Propidium Iodide (PI) staining, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) mediated dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) assay and DNA fragmentation assay. MTT assay signified the antiproliferative nature of eugenol against the tested colon cancer cells. PI staining indicated increasing accumulation of cells at sub-G1 phase. It was 33.29 ± 4.93 and 37.84 ± 4.28 for HT-29 and HCT-15 after 48 h for eugenol treated cells. Eugenol treatment resulted in reduction of intracellular non-protein thiols and increase in the earlier lipid layer break. Further events like dissipation of MMP and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were accompanied in the eugenol-induced apoptosis. Augmented ROS generation resulted in the DNA fragmentation of treated cells as shown by DNA fragmentation and TUNEL assay. Further activation of poly-adenosine diphosphate-ribose polymerase (PARP), p53 and caspase-3 were observed in the western blot analyses. Our results demonstrated molecular mechanism of eugenol-induced apoptosis in human colon cancer cells. This research will further enhance eugenol as a potential chemopreventive agent against colon cancer.
PMID: 21044050 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
If you have eaten things that are really hard to digest late at night-Like walnuts or pecans or something with a heavy fat and wake the next day with a belly ache---here is a remedy that may assist Using sea salt and and cream of tartar and 3 ounces of water out in equal amounts of salt and cream of tartar and drink this Add HCL pills if you have them 1 caplet or capsule Then use a light oil like almond---2 teaspoons And then walk for 2 minutes and then lay down for about 5— And the rest of the day make a gelatin broth with a light oil ( almond or sunflower-or apricot - and do this broth mix ( 4-5 ounces ) and consume this By days end it will be clear and you will have passed the obstruction This will lubricate the colon and intestinal trac as well as regenerate the damage with the gelatin
Half of Those Travelling Internationally Not Aware of Potential Health Risks
ScienceDaily (Nov. 3, 2010) — More than 30 million people in the United States travel to resource-limited areas of the world each year. This global mobility may contribute to the spread of infectious diseases -- such as influenza, measles, and meningitis -- and may also put individual travelers at risk for malaria, typhoid, dengue fever and hepatitis. Despite these potential risks, a recent study conducted by the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and published in the Journal of Travel Medicine found that 46 percent of travelers to resource-limited countries did not seek health advice or vaccinations prior to departure.---The researchers surveyed more than 1,200 international travelers departing the United States at Boston Logan International Airport. The study was the result of a broad-based collaboration between MGH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Boston Public Health Commission, and officials from the Massachusetts Port Authority, which owns and operates Logan International Airport. Based on the results from this work, the CDC, travel medicine experts and Logan Airport officials hope to develop better tools to educate people about the public health risks associated with global travel.---Of those surveyed, 38 percent were traveling to countries described as low- and low-middle income by the World Bank's World Development Report, yet 46 percent of those travelers did not seek health advice prior to departure. Foreign-born travelers -- including those traveling to visit family and friends, and those traveling alone or for vacation -- were the least likely to have researched health information. The most commonly cited reason for not pursuing health information was a lack of concern about potential health problems.---Of the 54 percent of travelers to resource-limited countries who did seek health information, the Internet was the most common source, followed by primary care practitioners (PCPs).---"These results suggest that the Internet and PCPs are two promising avenues for disseminating information about traveling safely," says the study's lead author Regina C. LaRocque, MD, MPH, of MGH's Division of Infectious Diseases. "Offering online resources at the time of ticket purchase or through popular travel websites would likely reach a large audience of people in need of health advice."--The rapid global spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2002-2003 and new influenza strains in 2009 exemplified the role played by travelers in disseminating infectious diseases. More recently, dengue fever -- a tropical disease found mainly in the Caribbean, Latin America and Asia -- has been reported in the southern United States. In India, an epidemic of Chikungunya -- a viral infection characterized by fever, headache, weakness and joint pain -- was spread to Italy by travelers.---"International travel is the primary way many infections traverse the world," says Edward Ryan, MD, director of the Tropical and Geographic Medicine Center in the Division of Infectious Diseases at MGH and a senior author of the study. "What many people don't realize is that, without seeking the correct health information, they are putting themselves at increased risk of infection, as well as creating a public health risk in their home communities after they return."----This study was funded by CDC grants aimed at gathering demographic data on international travelers. Additional ongoing research on U.S. international travelers is being conducted through the Global TravEpiNet, a consortium of travel clinics coordinated by MGH that is focused on improving research and health information regarding international travel.---Ryan is an associate professor and LaRocque an assistant professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Additional authors of the Journal of Travel Medicine study are Sowmya R. Rao, PhD, Athe Tsibris, MD, and Thomas Lawton of the Massachusetts General Hospital; M. Anita Barry, MD, MPH, of the Boston Public Health Commission; and Nina Marano, DVM, MPH, Gary Brunette, MD, and Emad Yanni, MD, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.---Story Source:--The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Massachusetts General Hospital, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.---Journal Reference: Regina C. LaRocque, Sowmya R. Rao, Athe Tsibris, Thomas Lawton, M. Anita Barry, Nina Marano, Gary Brunette, Emad Yanni and Edward T. Ryan. Pre-travel Health Advice-Seeking Behavior Among US International Travelers Departing From Boston Logan International Airport. Journal of Travel Medicine, 2010; 17 (6): 387-391 DOI: 10.1111/j.1708-8305.2010.00457.x
ŘSuggested things to take with you when you travel: Lugols Iodine- GSE- Bee Propolis or Balm of Gilead-Digestive enzymes and MSM---when out of the normal parameter of your environment use wine or spirits to maintain a clean inside--And Vitamin C and Zinc and Selenium in a supplemental form--this will minimize getting anything or at the least mitigate or lessen the severity
Vaccines Could Help What's Ailing Fish
Immersion vaccines have been used for decades, but current work on developing alternative methods of vaccine delivery through feeding is promising. Here, molecular biologist Craig Shoemaker (left) and microbiologist Phillip Klesius demonstrate a technique where channel catfish are immersed in water containing the modified live Streptococcusiniae vaccine---ScienceDaily (Oct. 26, 2010) — U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists are developing vaccines to help protect healthy farm-raised catfish against key diseases.--Working as a team, microbiologist Phillip H. Klesius and molecular biologists Julia Pridgeon and Craig Shoemaker with USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) at the agency's Aquatic Animal Health Research Unit in Auburn, Ala., and Joyce J. Evans, aquatic pathologist at the Auburn unit's lab in Chestertown, Md., are developing vaccines against Streptococcus iniae, S. agalactiae and other pathogens.--ARS is USDA's principal intramural scientific research agency. This research supports the USDA priority of promoting international food security.
The scientists modify the genetic makeup of pathogens to make them nonvirulent, and then develop vaccines that expose fish to low doses of the modified forms of the pathogens.--Klesius and Pridgeon have developed a modified live S. iniae vaccine that appears to be superior to inactivated or killed vaccines. The live modified vaccine has enough similarity with the pathogen to create a lifelong immunity in fish, according to Klesius.---Scientists are looking at new methods to vaccinate fish. But for now, the vaccination process consists of immersing the fish in water that contains the modified pathogen.--Previous research breakthroughs have benefited the catfish industry. For example, a ARS-developed vaccine against the pathogen Edwardsiella ictaluri, which causes enteric septicemia, has been widely adopted by fish growers.---In an earlier trial, the vaccine against enteric septicemia of catfish was tested by Mississippi State University researchers. Results showed a 12 percent increase in the survival rate of fish that were given the vaccine, and a substantial increase in returns for producers who used the vaccine in their ponds.---Read more about this and other research on aquaculture in the October 2010 issue of Agricultural Research magazine at: --- --- Story Source: The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by USDA/Agricultural Research Service. The original article was written by Sandra Avant.
“What in the World Are They Spraying”
Produced by G. Edward Griffin, Michael Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger
Video Presentation and Discussion Group Sat., Nov 20 1PM-5PM
Mesquite Public Library 4525 E. Paradise Village Pkwy. North Phoenix, Arizona 85032-6853 Limited Seating RSVP
Presented by: Arizona Agriculture Defense Coalition The story of a rapidly developing industry called geo-engineering. Public participation is encouraged to join the discussion. Attendees will receive important information including the DVD produced by Dr. Michael Coffman, PhD~”Global Warming, Emerging Science and Understanding” also DVDs of What in the World Are They Spraying |
We look forward to meeting with all of you who share our concern.
All good things happen when we each begin to act on what is true and right.
Today is a good day to begin.
Mike Caraway & Bridget Conroy
Show of the Week November 12 2010
Dangerous Chemicals in Food Wrappers Likely Migrating to Humans
Deadly Latex Evading Lax Food Labelling Laws
Chemicals From Recycled Cardboard May Contaminate Take-out Food
Do Not Abandon New Cigarette Warning Labels, Experts Urge
Vapor Rub Relieves Cold Symptoms for Children, Helps Them Sleep Better
Recipe to make your own Vapour RUB
Dangerous Chemicals in Food Wrappers Likely Migrating to Humans
Popcorn popped in a microwave. PAPs are applied as grease proofing agents to paper food contact packaging such as fast food wrappers and microwave popcorn bags---ScienceDaily (Nov. 9, 2010) — University of Toronto scientists have found that chemicals used to line junk food wrappers and microwave popcorn bags are migrating into food and being ingested by people where they are contributing to chemical contamination observed in blood.--[U2]Perfluorinated carboxylic acids or PFCAs are the breakdown products of chemicals used to make non-stick and water- and stain-repellent products ranging from kitchen pans to clothing to food packaging. PFCAs, the best known of which is perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), are found in humans all around the world.----"We suspected that a major source of human PFCA exposure may be the consumption and metabolism of polyfluoroalkyl phosphate esters or PAPs," says Jessica D'eon, a graduate student in the University of Toronto's Department of Chemistry. "PAPs are applied as greaseproofing agents to paper food contact packaging such as fast food wrappers and microwave popcorn bags."---In the U of T study, rats were exposed to PAPs (polyfluoroalkyl phosphate esters or PAPs,) either orally or by injection and monitored for a three-week period to track the concentrations of the PAPs and PFCA metabolites, including PFOA, in their blood. Human exposure to PAPs had already been established by the scientists in a previous study. Researchers used the PAP concentrations previously observed in human blood together with the PAP and PFCA concentrations observed in the rats to calculate human PFOA exposure from PAP metabolism.---"We found the concentrations of PFOA from PAP metabolism to be significant and concluded that the metabolism of PAPs could be a major source of human exposure to PFOA, as well as other PFCAs," says Scott Mabury, the lead researcher and a professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto.---"This discovery is important because we would like to control human chemical exposure, but this is only possible if we understand the source of this exposure. In addition, some try to locate the blame for human exposure on environmental contamination that resulted from past chemical use rather than the chemicals that are currently in production.---"In this study we clearly demonstrate that the current use of PAPs in food contact applications does result in human exposure to PFCAs, including PFOA. We cannot tell whether PAPs are the sole source of human PFOA exposure or even the most important, but we can say unequivocally that PAPs are a source and the evidence from this study suggests this could be significant."---Regulatory interest in human exposure to PAPs has been growing. Governments in Canada, the United States and Europe have signaled their intentions to begin extensive and longer-term monitoring programs for these chemicals. The results of this investigation provide valuable additional information to such regulatory bodies to inform policy regarding the use of PAPs in food contact applications.---The study was conducted by Jessica D'eon and Scott Mabury of the University of Toronto's Department of Chemistry and is published November 8 in Environmental Health Perspectives. Research was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.---Story Source:--The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by University of Toronto. The original article was written by Kim Luke.----Journal Reference:---Jessica C. D'eon, Scott A. Mabury. Exploring Indirect Sources of Human Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Carboxylates (PFCAs): Evaluating Uptake, Elimination and Biotransformation of Polyfluoroalkyl Phosphate Esters (PAPs) in the Rat. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2010; DOI: 10.1289/ehp.1002409
Deadly Latex Evading Lax Food Labelling Laws
ScienceDaily (Aug. 9, 2006) — Food packaging containing latex should be labeled to avoid the possibility of sensitive individuals being exposed to potentially deadly levels of the allergen, experts told C&I. A recent UK study revealed that one third of food packaging tested was contaminated with latex. The latex was transferred to food in some cases. In one unnamed chocolate biscuit, the amount of latex found was 20 times the level that instigates a reaction.--A group of experts from the UK Latex Allergy Support Group (LASG) Advisory Panel said that these results were significant. 'For a few people, natural rubber latex is a very potent allergen and for these individuals, there is no safe level of exposure,' says LASG representative Graham Lowe. 'We would welcome an approach to the EU to consider this evidence and the issue of labelling,' he said. Lowe added that latex transfer to food could account for some currently inexplicable reactions. There is no agreement on a safe level of latex, but it has been reported that a billionth of a gram (1ng/ml) can be enough to cause a reaction. Currently manufacturers are not required to label food packaging as containing latex. Scientists at Leatherhead Food International measured the presence of four major latex allergens in 21 types of food packaging for confectionary, fruit and vegetable produce, meat, pastry and dairy products. A third of the materials tested gave positive results for the presence of latex and in some cases this was transferred onto the food (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture DOI 10/1002/jsfa.2580). The highest levels of latex allergens were found in a chocolate biscuit containing nearly 20ng/ml. The wrapper contained 85ng/ml of latex. The highest levels in packaging was detected in ice cream wrappers, with over 370ng/ml found in one sample. The ice cream itself contained around 14ng/ml. One company admitted spraying whole wrappers with latex adhesive, so that they could be sealed with minimum wastage. A spokesperson for the Food Standards Agency, which funded this study, said food-labelling guidelines were designed to avoid restriction of choice due to excess use of warning labels. 'Advisory labeling should only be used when, following a thorough risk assessment, there is a real risk of allergic reactions,' they said.The Leatherhead study is the first attempt to quantify the latex allergens present in food contact materials and also in foods. Between 1-6% of the British population suffer from latex allergies. Latex is used in many food packaging materials, including rubber bands, meat netting, stickers found on some fruit and vegetables and the adhesive used for cold sealing of confectionary.--Story Source: -The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Society of Chemical Industry.
Chemicals From Recycled Cardboard May Contaminate Take-out Food, Researchers Say
Plasticisers were found in some pizza boxes containing recycled material, according to a recent study in Italy. ScienceDaily (Nov. 30, 2007) — A new test can identify take-away paper-based food containers (such as pizza boxes) that break phthalate safety rules. The phthalates (plasticisers) are present because the containers were made from pulp that contained at least some recycled paper and cardboard. In Italy, where the test was developed, this use of recycled paper and cardboard for food packaging breaks food safety rules. Recycling paper and cardboard is a great goal, but it can have its problems. If the original paper is loaded with inks, adhesives and other substances, then these will be passed into the new recycled material. If that material is used to package food then the food could be exposed to the chemicals from recycling. One chemical of particular concern is diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP). This is commonly found in inks and other chemicals used in printing. It is potentially dangerous because it has a similar structure to androgenic hormones in the human body. With take-out pizzas, hot food is placed inside the cardboard box, and so there is a high chance that the food will be exposed to any volatile chemicals in the cardboard such as plasticisers as they will enter the headspace of the box. To avoid this contamination, the boxes should be made from unrecycled materials. Working at the University of Milan, Italy, a team of scientists has developed a test that looks specifically at DIBP. In a paper published recently in Packaging Technology and Science, the researchers report the analysis of boxes purchased from 16 different take-away restaurants in northern Italy. They found that while some boxes exposed pizza to just over 7 micrograms of DIBP under test conditions, others gave exposure to over 40 micrograms and one to more than 70 micrograms of DIBP. This is a clear indication that the boxes had been manufactured using at least some recycled paper or cardboard. Our test can give a standardised measurement of the risk of exposure associated with individual types of boxes," says lead author Monica Bononi. "Safety is a key concern in the food industry, and regulations within Italian law help by setting standards for packaging. Our test could help monitor how well manufacturers are keeping to those standards," says co-author Professor Fernando Tateo.--Story Source:--The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Wiley-Blackwell, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
Do Not Abandon New Cigarette Warning Labels, Experts Urge
ScienceDaily (Nov. 9, 2010) — Health Canada's cancellation of plans to renew tobacco warning labels on cigarette packages may lead to increased smoking rates and smoking-related illnesses and deaths, states an editorial in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Ten years ago, Canada was a leader in warning labels and other effective tobacco policies. Abandoning this labeling policy may be a set back for efforts in Canada, particularly as labels are now the government's only remaining mass communication initiative warning of the dangers of smoking. "Warning labels are an effective, inexpensive communication strategy," writes Dr. Matthew Stanbrook, a respirologist and CMAJ deputy editor with Editor-in-Chief Dr. Paul Hébert. "The "dose" of information increases automatically in proportion to the amount of tobacco consumed: the more often smokers reach for a cigarette, the more often they see and are influenced by the warnings." Warning labels also deter non-smokers from taking up smoking and can be viewed by children and youth as well as adults. The international Framework Convention on Tobacco Control recommends large pictorial warning labels and Canada was the first country to adopt labeling regulations in compliance with these guidelines with positive results. "Knowledge of specific health consequences of smoking is twice as high among Canadian smokers compared to their counterparts in the US and UK, where warning labels do not meet the guidelines," write the authors. However, warning labels need to be refreshed to be effective as they lose impact over time and with repeated exposure. Countries such as Thailand and Uruguay have updated their labels several times in the last five years based on this evidence whereas Health Canada has not changed a single label over the same period in this country. "The federal Minister of Health has previously shown leadership in getting tobacco control legislation passed through Parliament. Her leadership is needed again," they conclude. -- Story Source: -- The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Canadian Medical Association Journal, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.---Journal Reference: Stanbrook, Matthew B., Hebert, Paul C. The federal government's senseless policy change on tobacco warning labels. CMAJ, 2010; DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.101583
Vapor Rub Relieves Cold Symptoms for Children, Helps Them Sleep Better
ScienceDaily (Nov. 8, 2010) — Applying a vapor rub is effective for treating children with night-time cough and congestion and improves sleep for children with cold symptoms, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. "Upper respiratory infections are the most common acute illnesses in the world," said Ian Paul, M.D., M.Sc., associate professor of pediatrics and public health sciences. "Symptoms caused by these infections are disruptive for children, and often disturb sleep for both ill children and their parents, with an impact on subsequent daytime activities. Safe and effective, evidence-based treatments are desperately needed by parents and healthcare providers for children." Recent studies by Paul and colleagues at the Penn State College of Medicine looked at the efficacy of oral over-the-counter treatments such as dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine for upper respiratory infection symptoms. They found the preparations no more effective than a placebo. Vapor rubs, containing menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oils, have been used for over a century without published evidence to support their use. "The American Academy of Pediatrics does not support the use of over-the-counter oral cough and cold medications for children due to a lack of evidence of efficacy and the potential for side effects," Paul said. "The question of whether clinicians can recommend a vapor rub topical treatment to treat cold symptoms required evaluation." Paul and his research team recruited 138 children ages 2 to 11 for the study. Parents assessed their child's symptoms the night before enrollment in the study. Each child was then randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: Vicks® VapoRub®, petroleum jelly placebo, and no treatment. Parents of children receiving the vapor rub or petroleum jelly massaged the treatment into their child's neck and chest 30 minutes before bedtime. The randomized study was partially double-blinded. Medical staff did not know what treatment each participating family received when distributing their sealed specimen cup-containing envelope. Parents of children who received the vapor rub or petroleum jelly were blinded to their treatment group. To accomplish this, given the characteristic scent of vapor rubs, parents received their own specimen cup of vapor rub that they were instructed to apply between their own upper lip and nose before opening their child's treatment in order to ensure they could not detect the smell of their child's treatment. Parents of children in the no treatment group received an empty specimen cup. Parents then completed a second survey the following morning assessing their child's cough, sleep, congestion and runny nose.In comparisons across the three treatment groups, parents reported that the vapor rub provided significantly greater relief as measured by cough frequency, cough severity, congestion and the child's ability to sleep. Parents also rated their own sleep as most improved in the vapor rub group when compared across the three study groups. Paired comparisons between the vapor rub group and the no treatment group demonstrated the superiority of the vapor rub for all study outcomes except runny nose. Paired comparison of the vapor rub group to the petroleum jelly group showed vapor rub improved child's sleep, parent's sleep and the combined symptom score. The petroleum jelly placebo was not significantly better than no-treatment for any study outcome. The most common side effect cited with the use of the vapor rub was a burning sensation of the skin, reported by 28 percent of participants receiving that treatment. No side effects were reported with use of petroleum jelly. The results of this study suggest that an old, commonly used remedy is effective at providing symptomatic relief from night-time cold symptoms with the added benefit of improving sleep for children with colds and their parents," Paul said. "Vapor rubs have been used for generations, but this study demonstrates that this therapy is indeed effective." The research results appear in the December issue of Pediatrics. An unrestricted research grant from Procter and Gamble funded this study. An unrestricted grant enables the research team to design and conduct the study and analysis independently from the study sponsor, ensuring that the research can be published by the investigators regardless of whether the results are favorable to the sponsor. --Other members of the research team are Jessica Beiler, M.P.H., Edelveis R. Clapp, D.O., Julie Vallati, L.P.N., and Cheston M. Berlin Jr., M.D., all of the Department of Pediatrics; and Tonya S. King, Ph.D., Department of Public Health Sciences.--Story Source: The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Penn State, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS. Journal Reference: Ian M. Paul, Jessica S. Beiler, Tonya S. King, Edelveis R. Clapp, Julie Vallati, and Cheston M. Berlin, Jr. Vapor Rub, Petrolatum, and No Treatment for Children With Nocturnal Cough and Cold Symptoms. Pediatrics, December 2010 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2010-1601
Recipe to make your own Vapour RUB
---you will need 4 essential oils ( peppermint—camphor—eucalyptus birch or wintergreen---palm or coconut oil and beeswax---take a glass container and shred or add 1 tablespoon of bees wax in the container---allow the heat of the water to melt the wax---then add 1to 3 drops of each of the essential oil in container with the wax-- and make sure the wax has melted--- then add 1-2 ounces of either the coconut or the palm oil or of each at a 1:1 ratio ( equal amounts) allow the heat to fuse all together( five minutes if the oils get warm enough to absorb the wax and the essential oils ) then add another 3 drops of each oil in the blender with the rest—Pour the fat or oil into a blender and blend for about 2-3 minutes a high speed –when done pour into a glass container--When cooled down it should b gelatinized or firm ---apply this like petroleum rub in all areas ---this is a vapour cream without petroleum products and this can be used for joint pain by adding a tiny pinch of red pepper--And apply this to inflamed areas
Show Of The Week November 15 2010
Sesame protein isolate may reduce heart disease risk
Traditional Medicines to Become Illegal in Europe
Making a MouthWash---what you will need is ever clear or a good vodka or gin or rum ( all clear ) the essential oil of either Thyme, Peppermint, or Spearmint -Bay leaf –Oregano –Clove-Cinnamon—any one of these oils will do add 6 oz of the alcohol in a glass container and then ad 1-6 drops of any of the oils you choose---if you decide to combo the essential oils then only do up to 4 drops- Shake vigourously-or percuss this at least 100 times to insure fusion---or shake this everyday for 3 days ---and then use 1 tsp amount in 2 oz of water—swirl this in the mouth and then spit put---will sanitize and clean the oral area and gum and teeth line as well
Protein isolates from sesame seed may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to results of a new study with rats.
The study, published in the Journal of Food Science, finds that dietary intake of sesame protein isolates lowers levels of total plasma cholesterol, and has beneficial effects lipid peroxidations, triacylglycerol, and LDL-, and HDL- cholesterol concentrations. -“Sesame protein isolate consumption can reduce cardiovascular disease by reducing LDL cholesterol, triacylglycerol, and by increasing HDL cholesterol. As sesame is an important oil seed crop in various parts of the world, sesame protein isolate can be utilized in various food formulations for its beneficial effect,” stated the researchers, led by Dr Santinath Ghosh from Calcutta University. “Sesame protein can play an important role due to availability and favorable nutrient composition. The presence of sulphur containing amino acids is an added advantage for sesame protein,” they added.
Protein isolates
According to the authors, much current research and product development is focused on products helping to reduce or control diet-related chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, cancer, or liver failure. They noted that dietary protein has been shown to affect plasma cholesterol concentration and metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the liver. Sesame seeds are mainly grown for their oil; however they are also a promising source of plant proteins, containing about 20 percent protein; however this can be raised to around 50 percent once defatted. The authors noted that whole dehulled sesame seeds are popular in food items because of their low price, high nutritional quality, and versatile functional properties, however the benefits of sesame protein isolate (with at least 90 percent protein on dry weight basis) are relatively unknown. --“As far as we know, there are no investigations on the dietary effects of sesame protein isolate, on experimental hyperlipidemia … The aim of the study was to assess sesame protein isolate on plasma, erythrocyte (red blood cell) membrane, and liver lipid profile and corresponding lipid peroxidation in rats with diet-induced hyperlipidemia,” wrote Dr Ghosh and colleagues.
Cholesterol reduction
The researchers reported total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels were significantly reduced by sesame protein isolate fed rats with high cholesterol diets, compared to the control casein-fed rats. HDL-cholesterol level was also seen to increase by 41 percent through ingestion of sesame protein isolate. They authors also observed up to a 64 percent lowering of plasma lipid peroxidation, as well as up to 56 percent reductions in lipoprotein oxidation susceptibility in sesame protein isolate and isolate containing cholesterol groups. -Ghosh and co workers also reported significant lowering of red blood cell membrane lipid peroxidation (up to 68 percent lower) and liver lipid peroxidation (up to 76 percent lower), from sesame protein isolate.
Gaining importance
The authors noted that sesame protein isolate was more effective in preventing the formation of lipid peroxides when compared with casein. ---“This sesame protein isolate, even in association with cholesterol, was able to protect plasma lipoproteins against oxidation,” stated Ghosh and colleagues --“Therefore, our results indicate that sesame protein isolate decreases cholesterol concentration in plasma, increases HDL-cholesterol, and also decreases plasma and erythrocyte membrane lipid peroxidation with or without cholesterol fed diet in rats,” they added. ---However, they noted the detail of the mechanism by which the serum cholesterol concentration is regulated by vegetable protein isolates such as sesame, and soy, remain unclear.
Source: Journal
of Food Science
Volume 75, Issue 9, pages H274–H279, doi:
“Antihyperlipidemic Effect of Sesame (Sesamum indicumL.) Protein Isolate in
Rats Fed a
Normal and High
Cholesterol Diet”
Authors: A. Biswas, P. Dhar, S. Ghosh
Amino phospholipids and commercially available lecithins such as EGG and Sunflower may reduce the formation of acrylamide, according to new research.
The study tested commercially available egg and sunflower lecithins, as well as phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and ethanolamine. According to findings published in Food Chemistry, PE, ethanolamine and egg and sunflower lecithins to all significantly reduce the formation of acrylamide in a simple model. -“All these results point to lecithins as potential acrylamide mitigating additives in the formulation of food products…They may also be used in combination with amino acids and proteins,” wrote the researchers, led by Dr. Rosario Zamora, of the Instituto de la Grasa, Spain.
Acrylamide is a known neurotoxin and a suspected carcinogen formed by a heat induced reaction between sugar and the amino acid asparagine. The process – known as the Maillard reaction - is responsible for the brown colour and tasty flavour of baked, fried and toasted food. --In 2002 Swedish researchers found the carcinogenic compound was present at high levels in many foods . The discovery grabbed international headlines, alarming consumers and food safety authorities globally. -Since then acrylamide has been the focus of much research, and had been found in many foods, including, bread, crackers, sweet biscuits, deep-fried products and coffee. Epidemiological studies have since reported that everyday exposure to acrylamide from food substances is too low to be of carcinogenic concern - however in March 2010 the European Chemical Agency added the compound to its list of ‘substances of very high concern’ . ---The main focus of research has been on the compound’s effects in humans, and in how to improve production methods in order to reduce or remove acrylamide from foods. -The authors noted that various compounds that have shown promise in acrylamide reduction, however many can not be widely used as they are not recognised as GRAS substances, or because they are too expensive to be applied at an industrial scale. --The new study investigated the role of amino phospholipids and lecithins in acrylamide reduction, using asparagine/glucose and asparagine/2,4-decadienal model systems to analyse the formation of acrylamide.
Reduced Formation
The researchers reported the addition PE (phosphatidylethanolamine) significantly reduced the formation of acrylamide in both asparagine/glucose and asparagine/2,4-decadienal models. -Ethanolamine was found to be more effective that PE in reducing acrylamide formation, with the authors observing an 85 per cent reduction in its presence. --Sunflower and Egg lecithin were also seen to reduce acrylamide formation in the model systems, however dipalmitoylphosphatylcholine (PC) was not found to mitigate acrylamide. --Although both PE and ethanolamine were found to significantly mitigate acrylamide formation, the authors noted that reductions were higher in the asparagine/glucose model system than in the asparagine/2,4-decadienal system.
Mitigating agent
The authors concluded that lecithins may act as mitigating agents for acrylamide in foods, noting that PE had a similar behaviour to that of the amino acid glycine. ---“Analogously to glycine, its mitigating action may be related to the presence of a primary amino group in the phospholipid, which can both: react with carbonyl compounds, thus protecting asparagine from degradation, and add to the carbon-carbon double bond of the formed acrylamide,” stated the authors. --Source: Food Chemistry--Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.10.084 “Amino phospholipids and lecithins as mitigating agents for acrylamide in asparagine/glucose and asparagine/2,4-decadienal model systems”Authors: R. Zamora, R.M. Delgado, F.J. Hidalgo
They call it “mad soy
disease” in Brazil,
where it has been spreading from the
north, causing yield
losses of up to 40 percent,
most notably in the states of Mato Grosso, Tocantins and Goias. Like its
namesake, mad cow disease, it is incurable [1, 2, 3]. This is the latest GMO
fiasco to surface since our report on the meltdown in the USA [4] (GM Crops
Facing Meltdown in the USA, SiS 46), China [5] (GM-Spin Meltdown in China, SiS
47), and Argentina [6] (Argentina's Roundup Human Tragedy, SiS 48).--Mad
soy disease has afflicted soybeans sporadically in the hot northern regions of
Brazil in the past years, but is now spreading to more temperate regions in the
south “with increased prevalence overall”,
according to a US Department of Agriculture scientist. The disease delays the
maturation of infected plants indefinitely; the plants remain green until they
eventually rot in the field.
The top leaves thin out, and
the stems thicken and become deformed. The leaves also darken compared to
healthy plants; the pods, when formed, are abnormal with fewer beans.
Researchers have yet to find a cure for the disease, as they are still not sure
what causes it. The prime suspect for spreading disease is the black mite found
in stubble when soybean is grown in no-till production systems. According to the
USDA Global Agricultural Information Network,
has 24 million Hectacre planted to soybean, 78 percent of which are GM[U3]
[3]. Apart from mad soy disease,
Brazil’s soybean is
simultaneously afflicted by soybean Asian rust that first appeared in 2001-2002.
Producer groups are requesting the Brazilian Government Agency to speed up
approval of more effective fungicide to combat the disease, which would have
significant cost implications. But for mad soy disease, no cure is forthcoming.
Mato Grosso, which alone produces nearly 30 percent of Brazil’s soybean crop, is
among the states that have brought the issue of mad soy disease “to the
forefront”. US
scientists identified more than 40 diseases associated with glyphosate and
glyphosate-tolerant crops
Disease of GM soybean is no
longer a surprise. Senior scientists in the United States, who have studied
glyphosate and glyphosate-tolerant GM crops for decades, identified more than 40
diseases linked to glyphosate, and the list is growing [7] (Scientists Reveal
Glyphosate Poisons Crops and Soil, SiS 47). Glyphosate tolerant crops play a
pivotal role in causing and spreading diseases, not only to the crops
themselves, but also to other crops grown nearby or planted subsequently [8] (Glyphosate
Tolerant Crops Bring Diseases and Death, SiS 47).
Traditional Medicines to Become Illegal in Europe
Licensing Herbal Medicinal Products under the EU Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD)
In less than a year, virtually all medicinal herbs will be illegal in the European Union.---It sounds like a bad April Fool’s joke, but it’s not. On the first of April next year, thousands of products associated with traditional medicine will become illegal throughout the European Union.---April 1, 2011, is the date the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD) comes into force throughout Europe. Many herbal products—including those already sold safely as food supplements—will need to be registered under THMPD if they are to be made available. But registration involves a series of eligibility and technical challenges as well as prohibitive costs, so a large number of traditional medicines will be prevented from being registered. This is especially true if the medicines are made by smaller companies with low annual sales volumes—a fairly common occurrence with traditional medicines.[U4] In their take-no-prisoners strategy to wipe out every penny of competition and gain complete control of the health of the people, Big Pharma and Agribusiness have scored a major win in Europe. Similar, potentially devastating battles are also underway in the U.S. How can this be happening? The secret weapon used by drug companies is trade law. According to Gaia Health: --“Rather than treating food and traditional medicines as human rights issues, they have been treated as trade issues. That makes the desires of large corporations the focus of food and herbal law, rather than the needs and desires of people.---It’s this twisting that has resulted in the FDA’s making outrageously absurd statements, such as claiming that Cheerios and walnuts quite literally become drugs simply because of health claims made for them.”-A related concern is that laws and regulations that are enacted in Europe often influence US policy—and a negative outcome over there is a dangerous precedent that could be adopted here at home. So preserving access in the EU is absolutely critical to our own health freedoms.Our colleagues at the Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl), together with the European Benefyt Foundation (EBF), have established a joint working group to coordinate their response to this issue. They plan a three-pronged attack:
[U1]It would appear the food of Eugenics is dying out thanks to an unusual or unforeseen act---the GMO itself---a mite might be a problems but it would appear something is awry with the genetic manipulation--now I wonder where this Soy that id defective and deformed winds up!! something to think about
[U2]Perfluorinated carboxylic acids or PFCAs==== TEFLON Imagine that teflon in the packaged foods
[U3]It would appear the food of Eugenics is dying out thanks to an unusual or unforeseen act---the GMO itself---a mite might be a problems but it would appear something is awry with the genetic manipulation--now I wonder where this Soy that id defective and deformed winds up!! something to think about
[U4]THE GMP and the DIN in the USA and Canada were put in place by design NOT TO make supplements SAFE but to take us all ONE STOP CLOSER to lost Free Access to health through natural Means---they knew Europe was going to regulate this in 2011 and so they have everything in place to over ride the DSHEA act in America---and in Canada---welll here there is nothing but gov't control and regs and a diminishing of health and to steer more and more people to the pharmaseuticals which in fact have had a history of dismal failure and death---so welcome to Democide---this has been being planned and now is being enacted--by proceeding with this type of legislation the independent will be eliminated and the chains that are left retailing supplements will be absorbed by the drug cartel and the only access will be through a doctors prescription --which will be at best discretionary unless you have wealth
Common chelating agents follow
Sarah’s link—She is treating her self with a skin cancer
ALGIN- Algin derived from seaweeds such as kelp, dulse and algaes such as chlorella provide protection from many of today’s pollutants. Canadian researchers have found that algin can prevent living tissue from absorbing radioactive materials, including strontium-90, barium, mercury, aluminum, tin, cadmium, zinc and manganese. Strontium-90 is so dangerous because it has an affinity for calcium and will accumulate in food substances that are high in calcium such as milk and green leafy vegetables. Such contaminated calcium carries strontium-90 directly to the bones where it damages bone marrow. Kelp has been shown to block strontium-90 from being absorbed by the body. Kelp particles (sodium alginates) strip the metal ions from the calcium molecule forming insoluable salts that are then eliminated from the body
Magnesium- Magnesium protects the cells from absorbing aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel. Evidence is mounting that low levels of magnesium contribute to the heavy metal deposition in the brain that precedes Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s. Researchers have found that children with both learning disabilities and heavy metal toxicity have low total body magnesium
NAC- (N-acetyl-L-cysteine )-NAC powerfully neutralizes mercury as a poison if 500 to 750 mg—Combine this 2:1 with vitamin C where the vitamin C is 1000mgs then the NAC should be 500 mgs and if you add B1 to this then lead will come out as well from the brain area
Clay baths- Clay Baths- Many people have used magnetic clay baths successfully in detoxing from mercury, aluminum, radiation and other environmental pollutants such as those found in "chemtrails
Algin-Sea Weed- Iodine—removes chlorine-bromine- aluminum-mercury and radiation from the body as well—either use iodoral or lugols iodine 1-4 drops daily to remove radioactive –chlorine—bromine—mercury—lead aluminum out of the system
Bioflavonoids-Pectin-Vitamin C- will bind to mercury- lead- aluminum-barium- and draw these out of the system as well good to complement these with either garlic –onion—msm –alpha lipoic acid – Methionine-or NAC— Utilize at the least 3 grams of vitamin C with 1,500 mgs of the bioflavonoids and go up in the dose til you reach bowel tolerance
Enzymes-Serreptase- will bind or dissolve asbestos out of the body as well as other metals and blood clots as well as fibroids and cyst—can be used in conjunction with edta to increase the effect of the removal of mercury- arsenic-cadmium-lead-aluminum—Use 1- 20,000SU serrepeptase 4-5 tines a day or a ful spectrum digestive enzyme with trypsin or use both together this will eliminate any type of blood clotting and metals as well as asbestos
Vitamin A and Vitamin E- used in the removal of toxic metals from the body—in cases where there has been silver poisoning vitamin E in conjunction with other nutrient is able to assist in the removing of excess silver build up—the dose can range from 25,00-50,000 mgs of vitamin A and 400-800 mgs of Viotamin E ( Non SOY based )
Baking Soda –Epsom salt-Chlorine- aids in the removing of radiation of the body and will remove chemicals as well as metals from the system –it can be potent—the dose is I cup of Epsom salt Ľ cup of chlorine and ˝ -1 cup of Baking soda –mix well in the bath—and set in the tub with water as hot as you can tolerate—and allow for 20 minute + soaking minimal
MSM-will bind as well with mercury and lead and aluminum and other heavy metals in the body---good combo would be with Vitamin C (1000mgs) with MSM ( 1000 mgs) and add NAC or L- Cysteine with this ( 500 mgs)
DMSA- is given at a dose of 10 mg for every kilogram body weight divided over three times a day for five days. For example, a 60 kg person would be prescribed 200mg of DMSA, three times a day, for 5 days. Then the frequency of administration is reduced to twice a day for the next fourteen days. Thereafter, oral chelation therapy is guided by blood and 24-hour urine mercury levels. Chelation should be continued until the mercury blood level and the 24-hour urine mercury level falls below 20 microgram per liter.
Gum Mastic—a iron chelator-as well as the removal of elements was decreased in the order: Cu > Fe, Zn > Mn > Ni, Cd. Gallic acid content was 0.1 mg/g resin
Potassium and Magnesium—Chelates Barium Nitrate---using mega dosing with potassium—since barium poisoning can displace potassium levels through out—increasing the potassium with magnesium sulphates ( Epsom salts) can remove this
EDTA-a chelating protein that can remove from the body barium-lead-mercury-aluminum-cadmium-calcium-lead—and when combined with serrpeptase is more effective as a chelating agent-can be used internal as well as through IV
Common chelating agents follow:
Chelator |
Used in |
Dimercaprol (BAL) |
SAFE – with minimal Side effects- Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) |
Dimercapto-propane sulfonate (DMPS) |
Mainly in: Occasionally adjunctive therapy in: |
Safe with minimal side effects- Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (calcium disodium versante) (CaNa2-EDTA) |
There are 34,000 pesticides and herbicides registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as 65,000 other chemicals. Over one-fourth of the 4 billion pounds of pesticides used in the world annually are used in the United States. Each year, 10,000 chemicals are being synthesized by industry and added to the over 1 million already in existence.---Environmental toxins are chemical toxins that come into our bodies via air, water, food or direct contact with the skin. Virtually all of us are now in a state of toxic overload from environmental toxins. Small toxic exposures each day (from common sources such as breakfast cereal, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, perfume, deodorant, hair dye, newspapers, magazines, exhaust fumes, carpets, new mattresses, dry cleaning or a newly-painted bedroom) will increasingly exceed and even incapacitate our body’s ability to detoxify. This causes these chemicals to accumulate to levels that will make us sick
Recipe for Chelation—You will need garlic + Iodine + vinegar + bioflavonoids—what you will do is add garlig ( 1 bulb) with iodine ( 6 drops) with a dried white of any citrus powdered ( 1 tablespoon) add to 1 cup of vinegar—and blend for 5 minutes or til smooth---add to a GLASS container –and use 1 tsp several times a day—You can take serreptase with it or edta—when doing this make sure you rotate the regimen so you are doing this bi weekly and add in the off week high levels of minerals and antioxidants
Supplemental –you can as well do Vitamin C 1000mgs With NAC or L Cysteine 500mgs several times a day ( 3-4) to again remove metals from the system
You can make the Ginger –Onion Grapefruit combo as a juice –1 grapefruit-1/2 an onion-3-6 inch piece of ginger –peel and juice this and use 1 tablespoon increments—do this again throughout the day ( 4-5 times a day) you can increase the uptake throughout as well—this formula will even break down blood clots and increase support to the immune system and increase antioxidant levels.
Edta + Serrepeptase—take one capsule of Serrepeptase 10 mg ( 20,000 SU ) --With 1 edta 500 mgs 3-5 times a day---may want to take teas with milkthistle as well as sage and shiznadra berry to offset any toxicity overload in the liver and kidneys as well as utilizing juices made from watercress –parsley- dandelion-And use blood building foods such as beets and dandelion
The Texas Department of State Health Services has stopped production at a produce processing plant in San Antonio after it linked five deaths to listeria-contaminated chopped celery from the facility. ---The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) ordered on Wednesday that Sangar Fresh Cut Produce recall all products shipped from the plant since January, after laboratory tests indicated the presence of Listeria monocytogenes in packages of chopped celery that it sold to schools, hospitals and restaurants. The celery is not believed to have been sold directly to consumers, the DSHS said, and Sangar’s customers have been advised not to cook the affected product, but to return it or throw it away. --The department carried out the testing as part of an eight-month listeriosis outbreak investigation into ten illnesses, including the five deaths. Six of the illnesses have been positively linked to celery from Sangar’s San Antonio plant, and all were in people with serious underlying health problems. ---Health officials said: “Pinpointing a Listeria source is often difficult due to the small number of cases, the illness’ long incubation period and difficulty collecting complete information about what people ate.” --Texas state law allows the health department to order companies to stop production and recall foods if conditions exist that pose “an immediate and serious threat to human life or health.” They found soil on a food preparation table, a condensation leak above a food processing area, and hand washing issues at the plant, the department said in a statement. --The plant is not authorized to reopen without approval from the Texas DSHS. ---No one from Sangar Fresh Cut Produce responded to a request for further information prior to publication. ---The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 2,500 people become seriously ill with listeriosis in the United States each year, and 500 die. Pregnant women are particularly at risk, with about one-third of listeriosis cases occurring during pregnancy, the CDC said.
Sarah’s link—She is treating her self with a skin cancer
Show of the Week November-22-2010
Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year-old and 8-9-year-old children
Donna McCann, Angelina Barrett, Alison Cooper, Debbie Crumpler, Lindy Dalen, Kate Grimshaw, Elizabeth Kitchin, Kris Lok, Lucy Porteous, Emily Prince, Prof Edmund Sonuga-Barke, Prof John O Warner and Prof Jim Stevenson ---- A randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover trial to test whether intake of artificial food colour and additives (AFCA) affected childhood behaviour. ----(153) 3-year-old and (144 )8/9-year-old children were included in the study. The challenge drink contained sodium benzoate and one of two AFCA mixes (A or B) or a placebo mix. The main outcome measure was a global hyperactivity aggregate (GHA), based on aggregated z-scores of observed behaviours and ratings by teachers and parents, plus, for 8/9-year-old children, a computerised test of attention. This clinical trial is registered with Current Controlled Trials (registration number ISRCTN74481308). Analysis was per protocol. ----Conclusion----Artificial colours or a sodium benzoate preservative (or both) in the diet result in increased hyperactivity in 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children in the general population
. . . The present findings, in combination with the replicated evidence for the AFCA effects on the behaviour of 3-year-old children, lend strong support for the case that food additives exacerbate hyperactive behaviours (inattention, impulsivity, and overactivity) in children at least up to middle childhood. Increased hyperactivity is associated with the development of educational difficulties, especially in relation to reading, and therefore these adverse effects could affect the child's ability to benefit from the experience of schooling. These findings show that adverse effects are not just seen in children with extreme hyperactivity (ie, ADHD), but can also be seen in the general population and across the range of severities of hyperactivity. Our results are consistent with those from previous studies and extend the findings to show significant effects in the general population. The effects are shown after a rigorous control of placebo effects and for children with the full range of levels of hyperactivity. ---We have found an adverse effect of food additives on the hyperactive behaviour of 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children. Although the use of artificial colouring in food manufacture might seem superfluous, the same cannot be said for sodium benzoate, which has an important preservative function. The implications of these results for the regulation of food additive use could be substantial.
Curcumin complex may reduce relapses of recurrent anterior uveitis by over 80 percent, according to new research. Results of the study, published in Clinical Ophthalmology, showed that after adjunct supplementation with the Indena’s curcumin–phosphatidylcholine complex, Meriva, only 18 percent of recurrent anterior uveitis patients suffered relapses. “Our work showed for the first time that Meriva formulation permits us to reach active therapeutic levels in the eye at a common dosage of two tablets per day and is well tolerated,” stated the authors, led by Dr Pia Allegri, from the Ophthalmological Department of Lavagna Hospital, in Italy. “This is the first large and controlled clinical study that demonstrates the efficacy of curcumin in eye relapsing diseases like anterior uveitis. It confirms the important anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin,” said Giovanni Appendino, Indena Scientific Advisor.
Curcumin effects
Indena said that with more than 3000 pre-clinical investigations, curcumin is one of the best investigated natural products. Curcumin has been associated with anti-inflammatory responses, and has been successfully used to treat inflammatory conditions in experimental research and in clinical trials, wrote the authors. Like most dietary phenolics, curcumin shows a very poor oral absorption, however, these problems have now been largely overcome by phospholipid complexation of curcumin, Indena claims. Uveitis is inflammation of the interior of the eye. Symptoms of recurrent anterior uveitis (RAU) include pain, redness, photophobia, and reduced vision. After reviewing several studies on curcumin and on curcumin–phosphatidylcholine complex, some investigating its anti-inflammatory effect in eye diseases, the researchers set out to demonstrate the efficacy of curcumin-phosphatidylcholine complex tablets as oral treatment of RAU.
Positive results
The authors stated that continuous and protracted treatment gave the result of a good anti-inflammatory effect and prevention of relapses. The results showed that the cumin–phosphatidylcholine complex was well tolerated, and could reduce eye discomfort symptoms and signs after a few weeks of treatment in more than 80 percent of patients. The researchers reported a total of 275 relapses one year before the treatment with curcumin complex, compared with 36 relapses at the end of the 12-month post supplementation follow-up period. This was an 88 percent improvement in RAU relapse. Moreover, the researchers reported that only one patient dropped out due to gastric intolerance to curcumin, showing that the Meriva curcumin–phosphatidylcholine complex was in the majority was well tolerated
Important role
The researchers suggested the therapeutic use of curcumin, in addition to traditional therapeutic protocols, “can play an important role in the adjunctive therapy of RAU of various origins and gives a contribution to the clinical potential efficacy of this plant-derived product in medicine.” “The success of our work suggests that curcumin’s potential anti-inflammatory effect may be useful in other chronic or relapsing ocular surface diseases, such as dry eye syndrome, allergic conjunctivitis, and blepharitis,” stated the authors.
Source: Clinical Ophthalmology
Volume 2010:4, Pages 1201-1206, doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S13271
“Management of chronic anterior uveitis relapses: efficacy of oral phospholipidic curcumin treatment. Long-term follow-up”
Authors: P. Allegri, A. Mastromarino, P. Neri
Recipe for Lecithin and Tumeric & Black Pepper---take 2 -4 ounces of lecithin and add to a blender—add 1 tablespoon of tumeric and a ˝ tsp of black pepper and blend---or take in a small bowl and mix well—add ons if you wish-- Vitamin A -4 capsules or the equivalent of 100,000 IU ( add more if you like or less )and Cq10 4-5 capsules of 30-100 mg strength ( use whatever you have the lipid will make the A and Cq 10 more absorbable) then use Ľ tsp 2-3 times a day—the impact will increase the effect of the antioxidant to the liver –heart- eyes-the combination makes the Cq10 last longer in the body ( due to the piperine content of pepper) the cholesterol keeps flowing as it should and by utilizing the lecithin the cells in your body maintain a healthy integrity—Brain Support is increased due to this combination of increased Choline levels and the impact of reducing plaque---will have
As well anti cancer and anti viral impact as a result of the Vitamin A and the Tumeric and Pepper—has anti parasitical impact as well as hearing and intestinal fortification
US Scientists Significantly More Likely to Publish Fake Research,
ScienceDaily (Nov. 17, 2010) — US scientists are significantly more likely to publish fake research than scientists from elsewhere, finds a trawl of officially withdrawn (retracted) studies, published online in the Journal of Medical Ethics.---Fraudsters are also more likely to be "repeat offenders," the study shows.--The study author searched the PubMed database for every scientific research paper that had been withdrawn -- and therefore officially expunged from the public record -- between 2000 and 2010.--A total of 788 papers had been retracted during this period. Around three quarters of these papers had been withdrawn because of a serious error (545); the rest of the retractions were attributed to fraud (data fabrication or falsification).---The highest number of retracted papers were written by US first authors (260), accounting for a third of the total. One in three of these was attributed to fraud.--The UK, India, Japan, and China each had more than 40 papers withdrawn during the decade. Asian nations, including South Korea, accounted for 30% of retractions. Of these, one in four was attributed to fraud.---The fakes were more likely to appear in leading publications with a high "impact factor." This is a measure of how often research is cited in other peer reviewed journals.--More than half (53%) of the faked research papers had been written by a first author who was a "repeat offender." This was the case in only one in five (18%) of the erroneous papers.-The average number of authors on all retracted papers was three, but some had 10 or more. Faked research papers were significantly more likely to have multiple authors.--Each first author who was a repeat fraudster had an average of six co-authors, each of whom had had another three retractions.---"The duplicity of some authors is cause for concern," comments the author. Retraction is the strongest sanction that can be applied to published research, but currently, "[it] is a very blunt instrument used for offences both gravely serious and trivial."---Story Source:---The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by BMJ-British Medical Journal, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.---Journal Reference: R Grant Steen. Retractions in the Scientific Literature: Do Authors Deliberately Commit Research Fraud? J Med Ethics, 15 November 2010 DOI: 10.1136/jme.2010.038125
ńńńOptimal serum Cholesterol levels help to prevent some types of Cerebrovascular Diseases and sub-optimal Cholesterol levels are associated with an increased risk of Cerebrovascular Diseases. ńńń
Cholesterol is an essential component of Cell Membranes
Cholesterol fine tunes Cell Membrane fluidity under constantly fluctuating conditions of dietary Fat intake.--- Caution: excess Cholesterol can cause Cell Membranes to become too rigid.
Cholesterol is a particularly important constituent of the Myelin Sheath that insulates Neurons.
Cholesterol manufactured for use in Cell Membranes is manufactured in response to demand from the Cell Membranes themselves.
AL-721 increases the fluidity of Cell Membranes by removing Cholesterol thereby lowering the Cholesterol:Phospholipid ratio within Cells Membranes.
Digestive System
Cholesterol's byproducts (Cholic Acid, Chenodeoxycholic Acid and Deoxycholic Acid) are essential components of Bile.---Cholesterol facilitates the body's absorption of dietary Fats in the Intestine.
Immune System
ńńńLow Cholesterol levels increase the risk of Cancer. ńńń
Cholesterol (after its secretion by glands in the Skin) protects the Skin against infection by Detrimental Bacteria and Detrimental Fungi.
ńńńCholesterol possesses Antioxidant properties. ńńń
Nervous System
ńńńOptimal levels of Cholesterol are required in order to prevent Aggressiveness (excessively low Cholesterol levels increase the incidence of Aggressiveness). ńńńCholesterol is essential to the healthy function of the Brain.- ńńńCholesterol helps to prevent Depression (low Cholesterol (under 160 mg/dl) is associated with an increased risk of Depression). ńńń--Optimal levels of Cholesterol are required in order to prevent Depression (excessively low Cholesterol levels increase the incidence of Depression). ńńń- Cholesterol indirectly counteracts excessive Stress (due to it being an essential constituent of the Adrenal Hormones - Adrenaline, Cortisol and Cortisone - that are released by the body in response to Stress):
Caution: excessive Stress causes the production of excessive quantities of endogenous Cholesterol.
Cholesterol comprises 1% of human Sebum (in which it helps to protect the Skin against dehydration and accelerates the healing of Skin Tissue). ńńń
Cholesterol Enhances the Function of these Substances
ńńńCholesterol is an essential precursor for the formation of all Steroid Hormones. reńńń
Steroids - Biochemical Pathway
Cholesterol comprises 20% of High Density Lipoproteins (HDLs)-Cholesterol comprises 46% of Lipoprotein (a).--Cholesterol comprises 46% of Low Density Lipoproteins (LDLs)-Cholesterol comprises 22% of Very Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDLs)
Cholesterol increases the number of Receptors in the Brain for Serotonin.
ńńńCholesterol is an essential precursor for the endogenous production of Vitamin D (Vitamin D3 form). ńńń
These Substances Enhance the Function of Cholesterol
Electromagnetic Radiation
Ultra-Violet Radiation converts the 7-Dehydrocholesterol form of Cholesterol to the Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) form of Vitamin D in the Skin:
Manganese facilitates the conversion of Cholesterol into Steroid Hormones.
Steroid Biosynthetic Pathways
3b-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/!5-!4-isomerase
17b-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
* P450-18
Designation Name
P450scc Cholesterol side chain cleavage enzyme
P450-17a 17a-hydroxylase/17-20-lyase
P450-21 21-hydroxylase
P450-11b 11b-hydroxylase
P450-18 18-hydroxylase
P450-arom aromatase
Note that P450-17a catalyzes both reactions in the conversion
of pregnenolone to DHEA and in the conversion of
progesterone to androstenedione.
Kaurinovic B, Popovic M, Vlaisavljevic S.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia.
The in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activities of different extracts of laurel leaves were studied. Free radical scavenging capacity (RSC) was evaluated measuring the scavenging activity on the DPPH, NO, O(2)(.-) and OH radicals. The effects on lipid peroxidation (LP) were also evaluated. Experimental results indicate that ethyl acetate extract of leaves has exhibited the largest RSC capacity in neutralization[U1] of DPPH, NO, O(2)(.-) and OH radicals. The same result was obtained in investigation of extracts impact on LP. The in vivo effects were evaluated on some antioxidant systems (activities of GSHPx, LPx, Px, CAT and XOD, and GSH content) in the mice liver and blood-hemolysate after treatment with the examined laurel extracts, or in combination with carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4)). On the basis of the results obtained it can be concluded that the examined extracts exhibited a certain protective effect, which is more pronounced on the liver than on blood-hemolysate parameters. The results obtained indicate toxicity of CCl(4), probably due to the radicals involved in its metabolism. Combined treatments with CCl(4) and the examined extracts showed both positive and negative synergism. Based on the experimental results, the strongest protective effect was shown by the EtOAc extract.-- PMID: 20657487 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Grapefruit lowers total serum Cholesterol levels (due to the Grapefruit Pectin content of Grapefruit). Oranges lower total serum Cholesterol levels (primarily due to the Pectin content of Oranges). Pears lower total serum Cholesterol levels (due to the Pectin content of Pears). Strawberries lower total serum Cholesterol levels (due to the Pectin content of Strawberries). Almonds lower total serum Cholesterol levels (due to the Oleic Acid content of Almonds). Pecan Nuts lower total serum Cholesterol levels (due to the Beta-Sitosterol content of Pecan Nuts). Fats that lower or Utilize Cholesterol— Coconut Oil lowers elevated total serum Cholesterol levels (it is speculated that this occurs from Coconut Oil stimulating the conversion of Cholesterol to Pregnenolone) Olive Oil lowers total serum Cholesterol, by preventing it from entering the bloodstream (due to the Cycloartenol content of Olive Oil). Rice Bran Oil lowers total serum Cholesterol levels. Perilla Oil lowers elevated serum Cholesterol levels (due to the high Alpha-Linolenic Acid content of Perilla Oil).Processed Foods & Unprocessed FoodsńńńLecithin (10,500 mg per day) lowers elevated serum Cholesterol levels (by approximately 33%).ńńń Sunflower or Egg Lecithin Would be the ChoiceAvocado lowers serum Cholesterol levels.Cabbage helps to lower total serum Cholesterol levels.Carrots lower serum Cholesterol levels: researchConsumption of 200 grams of raw Carrots lowers total serum Cholesterol levels by an average of 11%.Celery can lower total serum Cholesterol by 7%, even at low doses (due to the 3-n-Butyl-Phthalide content of Celery).Garlic (and Garlic Oil) lowers total serum Cholesterol levels: researchAged Garlic Extract lowers total serum Cholesterol levels (by approximately 7%).Globe Artichoke lowers total serum Cholesterol levels (due to the Cynarin content of Globe Artichokes).Onions lower total serum Cholesterol levels.Rutabaga lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.Sweet Potatoes lower total serum Cholesterol levels (by binding to Cholesterol).Turnips lower total serum Cholesterol levels
Herb &Fungi (Mushroooms) Caterpillar Fungus lowers total serum Cholesterol levels by an average of 17.5%. Cordycep Shiitake Mushrooms lower total serum Cholesterol levels (due to the Eritadenin content of Shiitake Mushrooms). research American Ginseng lowers total serum Cholesterol levels. Arjuna lowers total serum Cholesterol levels. Artichoke Leaf lowers total serum Cholesterol levels. Black Cohosh lowers serum Cholesterol levels. Carob lowers total serum Cholesterol levels by up to 15%. Chillis lower total serum Cholesterol levels (due to the Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin content of Chillis). Ginger lowers total serum Cholesterol levels. Ginsengs lower total serum Cholesterol levels. Green Tea lowers total serum Cholesterol levels. Guggulipid (extract) lowers elevated serum Cholesterol levels (by stimulating the function of the Thyroid, inhibiting the endogenous production of Cholesterol and facilitating the excretion of Cholesterol). This regulates T3 –T4 Conversions Hawthorn (berries) lower total serum Cholesterol levels. Holy Basil lowers total serum Cholesterol levels. Indian Gooseberry lowers total serum Cholesterol levels. Jiaogulan lowers total serum Cholesterol levels. Milk Thistle lowers elevated total serum Cholesterol levels (due to the Silymarin content of Milk Thistle). Skullcap inhibits increases in serum Cholesterol levels. Turmeric lowers total serum Cholesterol levels (due to the Curcumin content of Turmeric). Yarrow lowers total serum Cholesterol levels Rosemary—Sage –Thyme-Bay Leaf as well work with cholesterol as to not to allow it to break down and periodize ( get broken and become sticky causing arterial stress ) |
AS you can see The need for Cholesterol Is A NECESSITY---and should be treated as such –as you can see based on the research without it cancer increases
[U1]Here they are showing that Bay Leaf had the Highest antioxidant capcity toward fat break down --it appears to be neutralizing this
Show of the Week November 29-2010
Recipe for Garlic and Wine (2) (3)
GM mosquito wild release takes campaigners by surprise
Int Immunopharmacol. 2010 Nov 17;---Authors: Paolillo R, Romano Carratelli C, Rizzo A
Flavonoids are phenolic compounds widely distributed in almost every plant and act as pharmacologically active constituents in many herbal medicines. They have multiple biological, pharmacological, and medicinal properties including anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective effects. In the present study, the experiments were performed to evaluate the effect of resveratrol and quercetin on proliferation, viability, nitric oxide (NO) production, and apoptosis in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium-infected U937cells and monocytes (MN). The results showed in a time- and dose-dependent manner that both resveratrol and quercetin reduced S. enterica serovar Typhimurium-induced NO production. In addition, the vegetable extracts resveratrol and quercetin inhibited cell viability and proliferation in S. enterica serovar Typhimurium-infected cells. S. enterica serovar Typhimurium-induced apoptosis was also blocked by resveratrol and quercetin. The results obtained indicate that flavonoids modulate the host response during salmonellosis by protecting the host cells from the toxic effects of bacterial infection and also by decreasing programmed cell death. Hence, these polyphenols can be considered potential candidates against S. enterica serovar Typhimurium-related gastric pathogenic processes, and further attention should be given to their application as a treatment for infectious diseases.---PMID: 21093605 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Recipe for Garlic and Wine: take red wine and garlic or onion or apples---1-1 ˝ cup of red wine---one whole onion ( red due to the polyphenol content-and slight resveratrol levels as well it has Quercitin) or 2 apples peeled unless grown without chemical spraying then apply the skin as well---or you can go 1 apple and ˝ an onion- use any of these combinations and make a blended mix by applying the combination of choice to the blender and blend high speed for 5 minutes ) you can either strain the components and have the fibre as a desert—or pour the content in the bottle after you strain---either way—
( 2) Go to the health Food store and Buy Straight resveratrol and quercitin supplements and use daily 1-2 a day of each or increase the uptake if there is a gastro issue starting-then apply this with an enzyme 1 dose 5-6 times a day
( 3 )Take a good Garlic and A Red wine and ferment the 2 together for 6 weeks to increase the potency of the garlic and wine –this should increase Nitric oxide levels in the body as well sa the other antioxidants and enzymes---do 1 tablesoon dose 3 times a day Or as needed or tolerated
GM mosquito wild release takes campaigners by surprise
GM mosquitoes were released on the islands last year — but only publicised last month Experts in the safety of genetically modified (GM) organisms have expressed concern over the release of GM mosquitoes into the wild on the Cayman Islands, which was publicised internationally only last month — a year after their initial release. -The trial of the OX513A strain of the dengue-carrying Aedes aegypti mosquito, developed by UK biotechnology company Oxitec, was carried out on Grand Cayman island by the Cayman Islands' Mosquito Research and Control Unit (MRCU) in 2009, followed by a bigger release between May and October this year. Together they represent the first known release of GM mosquitoes anywhere in the world.-Unpublished results of the trials, showing that the GM male mosquitoes competed with wild males, were presented at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene annual meeting in the United States, last week (4 November).-The male GM mosquitoes mate with normal females to produce larvae that die unless the antibiotic tetracycline is present. In tetracycline's absence an enzyme accumulates to a toxic level, killing the larvae. The developers hope the strategy could be combined with other mosquito control methods to reduce transmission in dengue-prone areas.-Ricarda Steinbrecher, a geneticist and co-director of EcoNexus — a UK-based non-profit research organisation — expressed surprise that the trials had occurred, saying that they had not been mentioned at the fifth meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety — which addresses international safety issues relating to GM organisms — in Nagoya, Japan, last month. -She described the lack of publicity surrounding the trials as "worrying, both from the scientific perspective as well as public participation perspective".-Steinbrecher said that until a full, long-term environmental assessment of the Cayman trials has been carried out, the recently announced Malaysian trials of the same strain should not go ahead. -Just over three million male mosquitoes were released in the Cayman Islands this year. Oxitec sent the GM eggs to the islands, which are a British overseas territory, and they were hatched and grown at the MRCU.-Angela Harris, senior researcher at MRCU, told SciDev.Net that her unit consulted with several Cayman Islands' government departments beforehand. -"Currently there is a draft biosafety bill, and despite the fact that this bill has not yet been implemented we carried out a risk analysis and review of the trial as if this bill was already in place."-She said that there had been a newspaper article and public consultation within the Cayman Islands. (Aedes aegypti mosquitoes transmit dengue fever )-Luke Alphey, research director at Oxitec, said an extensive risk analysis was carried out and "we did lots of engagement work in Cayman, but no special effort either to spread the word internationally or not to [do so]". On the sidelines of a press conference in London today he said that he had not wanted to publicise the trial until the results were known. He did not know what the Nagoya meeting was, he said. An environmental assessment of the trial site is now being carried out.-Alphey said that the experiment complied with the Cartagena Protocol because prior informed consent was obtained from the Cayman government.-John Marshall, of Imperial College London, who has argued that the Cartagena Protocol needs overhauling to deal with the special demands of GM insects, said: "Because the mosquitoes aren't going to spread to other countries, it's a national issue. I think Oxitec has done everything they needed to do." -The wild mosquito population in a 16-hectare urban area is believed to have been reduced by about 80 per cent. The next step for Oxitec, said Alphey, is to test the strategy in conjunction with other mosquito control methods. -Kathy Jo Wetter, a researcher with the ETC Group (Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Cooperation), a Canada-based organisation that promotes the socially responsible development of technologies, said ETC was unaware of the release.-"Oxitec considers its trial 'successful' just days after the experiment has ended," she said. "But unintended impacts on the environment cannot be known, and Oxitec's unproven technology could make things worse in the long term. There is no possibility of recall if something goes wrong — who takes responsibility in that case?"-"Extreme techno-fixes require extreme precaution," she added. -Alphey said they are waiting for approval for the release of GM mosquitoes in Brazil, Panama and the United States.
Tomato juice can significantly increase the presence of cell-protecting antioxidants that help to fight against osteoporosis, according to new research. -Writing in Osteoporosis International, calcium researchers at the University of Toronto (UT) claim that 30mg of lycopene found in tomatoes – the equivalent to two glasses of tomato juice – is enough to help prevent the brittle-bone disease. ---The study was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Research and Development Departments of Genuine Health, Heinz, Millenium Biologix, Kagome (Japan), and LycoRed.
Osteoporosis is characterised by low bone mass, which leads to an increase risk of fractures, especially the hips, spine and wrists. An estimated 75 million people suffer from it in Europe, the US and Japan. --Women are four times more likely to develop osteoporosis than men and previous research indicates that diabetes decreases bone turnover that is associated with impaired osteoblastic maturation and function. --According to the International Osteoporosis.
Lycopene is the red pigment in tomatoes and several fruits. According to the UT scientists, it is a potent carotenoid – a group of naturally occurring pigments essential for plant growth – with a high ability to quench singlet oxygen. -Due to this ability to decrease oxidative stress, lycopene has been associated with a decreased risk of chronic diseases. -The researchers claims that to date, no intervention studies have been published demonstrating the effect of the antioxidant lycopene on bone, and that the aim of the study thus was to determine whether lycopene would act as an antioxidant to decrease oxidative stress parameters that result in decreased bone turnover markers.
Methodology and results
Post-menopausal women aged 50 to 60 were restricted from consuming anything containing lycopene for a month. --The participants were split into four groups over four months. Each group of participants either consumed a 15mg lycopene supplement, a glass of tomato juice naturally containing 15mg of lycopene, a gourmet Japanese tomato juice with 35mg of lycopene or a placebo. --Serum collected after the washout, 2 and 4 months of supplementation, was assayed for cross-linked aminoterminal N-telopeptide, carotenoid content, total antioxidant capacity (TAC), lipid, and protein oxidation, added the authors. --By the end of the initial lycopene-free month, in every participant, "There was an increased reobsorption of bone. In other words, within a month, the participants were more prone to the risk of osteoporosis," says Leticia Rao, director of the Calcium Research Laboratory who conducted the study. -After four months, results showed that lycopene-supplementation had significantly increased serum lycopene compared to the placebo group. -The lycopene groups had significantly increased antioxidant capacity, decreased oxidative stress parameters and decreased bone reobsorption markers. --The results of the study, concluded the researchers, showed a significant increase in serum lycopene after supplementation with juice or lycopene based capsules, which resulted in a decrease in the bone resorption marker NTx in postmenopausal women: --“This reduction in NTx may be due to the ability of the absorbed lycopene to reduce the oxidative stress parameters in these women. Our findings are the first to show that lycopene intervention, given in capsule or juice form, supplying at least 30 mg/day, may decrease the risk of osteoporosis by decreasing oxidative stress and bone resorption.” Source: Osteoporosis International --Published online ahead of print: 10.1007/s00198-010-1308-0 Title: Supplementation with the antioxidant lycopene significantly decreases oxidative stress parameters and the bone resorption marker N-telopeptide of type I collagen in postmenopausal women Authors: E. S. Mackinnon, A. V. Rao, R. G. Josse and L. G. Rao
Recipe for lycopene—Lycopene from any red sourced cartenoid will be better absorbed with the use of fat such as olive oils or even almond---heat the 2 material together to bring out the better yield of lycopene –which will reduce what you have to take to get the same effect---or get a glass of tomato paste and add 1 table spoon to 1 tablespoon of oil –heat together in a pan or a glass jar as a double broiler—allow he heat to fuse the 2 –when done use a 1/5 a teaspoon several times a day