Acetylsalicylic acid and ascorbic acid combination improves cognition
Piperine reverses high fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance in mice
The pharmacology of the insulinomimetic effect of zinc complexes
Acetylsalicylic acid and ascorbic acid combination improves cognition- Via antioxidant effect or increased expression of NMDARs (N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor )and nAChRs (neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors)?
Chronic inflammation occurs systematically in the central nervous system during ageing, it has been shown that neuroinflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many neurodegenerative disorders. Aspirin, a nonselective COX inhibitor, as well as ascorbic acid, has been purported to protect cerebral tissue. We investigated the effects of subchronic aspirin and ascorbic acid usage on spatial learning, oxidative stress and expressions of NR2A, NR2B, nAChRα7, α4 and β2. Forty male rats (16–18 months) were divided into 4 groups, namely, control, aspirin-treated, ascorbic acid-treated, aspirin + ascorbic acid-treated groups. Following 10-weeks administration period, rats were trained and tested in the Morris water maze. 8-Hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine and malondialdehyde were evaluated by ELISA and HPLC, respectively. Receptor expressions were assessed by western blotting of hippocampi. Spatial learning performance improved partially in the aspirin group, but significant improvement was seen in the aspirin + ascorbic acid group (p < 0.05). While 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine and malondialdehyde levels were significantly decreased, NR2B and nAChRα7 expressions were significantly increased in the aspirin + ascorbic acid group as compared to the control group (p < 0.05). Subchronic treatment with aspirin + ascorbic acid in aged rats was shown to enhance cognitive performance and increase the expressions of several receptors related to learning and memory process
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Nicotinic Cholinergic Mechanisms of the Central Nervous System
Subtypes of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are constructed from numerous subunit combinations that compose channel-receptor complexes with varied functional and pharmacological characteristics. Structural and functional diversity and the broad presynaptic, postsynaptic, and nonsynaptic locations of nAChRs underlie their mainly modulatory roles throughout the mammalian brain. Presynaptic and preterminal nicotinic receptors enhance neurotransmitter release, postsynaptic nAChRs contribute a small minority of fast excitatory transmission, and nonsynaptic nAChRs modulate many neurotransmitter systems by influencing neuronal excitability. Nicotinic receptors have roles in development and synaptic plasticity, and nicotinic mechanisms participate in learning, memory, and attention. Decline, disruption, or alterations of nicotinic cholinergic mechanisms contribute to dysfunctions such as epilepsy, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, autism, dementia with Lewy bodies, Alzheimer's disease, and addiction.
Prostate and Anti Aromatising—
you will need several ingredients to make this
Rosemary-anti inflammatory—anti estrogenic-antioxidant-Liver Support
Grapeseed Powder-antiestrogenic-antioxidant
Ginger Powder and Extract-anti inflammatory— Heart ATP-Testosterone Support
Aspirin-anti inflammatory-anti cancer( prostate as well as others)
Cayenne Pepper-anti inflammatory-anti prostate cancer
Nettle Root-DHT Blocker and anti estrogen and Testosterone producer
Black Pepper-Delivery to the system due to the piperine
Hawthorn Leaf-Heart ATP- Anti Estrogenic
Siberian Ginseng-- Additionally, eleutherococcus compounds bind to estrogen receptors, with no apparent effect in cell cultures
BHT-anti –estrogenic –antioxidant-Testosterone Support
Oil---Olive—Sesame Seed-Pumpkin Seed---any one will do
Take 3 oz of oil of choice---add to a glass container-----take 1 gram aspirin( 1/4tsp) 5 grams ( 1 tsp)of rosemary –siberian ginseng-hawthorn leaf –nettle root- ginger powder-Grapeseed –Cayenne and Black Pepper 1 gram ( ¼ tsp) put in glass jar with the oil---then place oil into a pot of water and allow this to boil and boil for about 15 minutes—when done take the contents and put into a blender and then blend for another 5-8 minutes—strain and add to a glass jar-Add the BHT in the end 2 grams( 2000mgs or almost half a tsp) and mix --use ¼ tsp several times daily to lower Prostate inflammation-increase Testosterone-and Minimize Aromatizing to Estrogen
You can as well use the herbals as a extract in alcohol as well to do the same thing to fuse this in the oil as a carrier and apply this either in the blending or the fusing in the oils through the boiling method
Another way is to fuse these all in honey which has as well estrogen blocking and Testosterone supporting effects---While our data shows that both honey and chrysin induce cytotoxicity and apoptosis in a prostate cancer cell line, honey is more potent. It seems that the variety of polyphenols in honey may have stronger anti-proliferative effects than chrysin alone. This is the first report on honey-induced and chrysin-induced cytotoxicity and apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells. Our data confirm that honey has cytotoxic activity against human prostate cancer cells, which is consistent with previous studies that indicate that honey and its ingredients possess antitumor and anticarcinogenic properties. The ability to induce tumor cell apoptosis is an important property in an anticancer drug that discriminates it from a toxic compound.50
Piperine reverses high fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance in mice.
Food Chem. 2013 Dec 15;141(4):3627-35
Authors: Choi S, Choi Y, Choi Y, Kim S, Jang J, Park T
This study examined the effect of piperine on hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance induced in mice by feeding a high-fat diet (HFD) for 13 weeks and elucidated potential underlying molecular mechanisms. Administration of piperine (50 mg/kg body weight) to mice with HFD-induced hepatic steatosis resulted in a significant increase in plasma adiponectin levels. Also, elevated plasma concentrations of insulin and glucose and hepatic lipid levels induced by feeding a HFD were reversed in mice when they were administered piperine. However, piperine did not reduce body weight and other biochemical markers to an extent where they became equal to the levels found in the CD-fed mice. Piperine reversed HFD-induced down-regulation of adiponecitn-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signalling molecules which play an important role in mediating lipogenesis, fatty acid oxidation and insulin signalling in the livers of mice. The expressions of lipogenic target genes were decreased, whereas the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1) gene involved in fatty acid oxidation was increased in the livers of the Pin50 group. Piperine significantly decreased the phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) compared with the HFD-fed mice. Administration of piperine appeared to reverse preexisting HFD-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance, probably by activation of adiponectin-AMPK signalling in mice.--PMID: 23993530 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]***************************************************************************
Oral administration of Bis(aspirinato)zinc(II) complex ameliorates hyperglycemia and metabolic syndrome-like disorders in spontaneously diabetic KK-A(y) mice: structure-activity relationship on zinc-salicylate complexes.
Yoshikawa Y1, Adachi Y, Yasui H, Hattori M, Sakurai H.
Author information
In recent years, the number of patients suffering from diseases, such as cancer, apoplexy, osteoporosis, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing worldwide. Type 2 diabetes, a lifestyle-related disease, is recognized as a serious disease. Various types of pharmaceutics for diabetes have been used. Since the relationship between diabetes and biometals such as vanadium, copper, and zinc ions has been recognized for many years, we have been developing the anti-diabetic metal complexes as new candidates. We found that several zinc(II) (Zn) complexes exhibit glucose-lowering activity for treating type 2 diabetes. High doses of salicylates have been known to reverse hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in type 2 diabetic patients. [F1]These findings strongly suggest that the combined use of Zn and salicylates achieves the synergism in treating type 2 diabetes. Because aspirin, acetyl salicylic acid, has a chelating ability, we used it as a ligand to Zn. Several Zn-salicylate complexes were prepared and their biological activities were examined in this study. The complexes with an electron-withdrawing group in the ligand exhibited higher in vitro insulinomimetic activity than those of Zn complexes with an electron-donating group in the ligand. When bis(aspirinato)Zn (Zn(asp)₂) complex was orally administered on KK-A(y) mice with hereditary type 2 diabetes, the diabetic state was improved. In addition, this complex exhibited normalizing effects on serum adiponectin level and high blood pressure in metabolic syndrome. In conclusion, Zn(asp)₂ complex is newly proposed as a potent anti-diabetic and anti-metabolic syndrome agent.
The pharmacology of the insulinomimetic effect of zinc complexes.
Author information
In developing new insulinomimetic zinc(II) complexes with different coordination structures and with a blood glucose-lowering effect to treat type 2 diabetic animals, we found a potent bis(maltolato)zinc(ll) complex, Zn(mal)(2). Using the complex as the leading compound, we examined the in vitro and in vivo structure-activity relationships of Zn(mal)(2) and its related complexes in respect to the inhibition of free fatty acids (FFA) release and the enhancement of glucose uptake in isolated rat adipocytes treated with epinephrine (adrenaline), and hypoglycemic activity. Among the compounds tested, a new Zn(II) complex with allixin that was isolated from garlic, bis(allixinato)Zn(II), Zn(alx)(2), was found to exhibit the highest insulin-mimetic and hypoglycemic activities in type 2 KK-A(y) [F2]diabetic mice. On the basis of the results, Zn(alx)(2), complex was proposed to be a potent candidate for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Older adults- Build muscle and you'll live longer
March 14, 2014
University of California - Los Angeles Health Sciences
New UCLA research suggests that the more muscle mass older Americans have, the less likely they are to die prematurely. The findings add to the growing evidence that overall body composition -- and not the widely used body mass index, or BMI -- is a better predictor of all-cause mortality.--The study, published in the American Journal of Medicine, is the culmination of previous UCLA research led by Dr. Preethi Srikanthan, an assistant clinical professor in the endocrinology division at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, that found that building muscle mass is important in decreasing metabolic risk.---"As there is no gold-standard measure of body composition, several studies have addressed this question using different measurement techniques and have obtained different results," Srikanthan said. "So many studies on the mortality impact of obesity focus on BMI. Our study indicates that clinicians need to be focusing on ways to improve body composition, rather than on BMI alone, when counseling older adults on preventative health behaviors."---The researchers analyzed data collected by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) III, conducted between 1988 and 1994. They focused on a group of 3,659 individuals that included men who were 55 or older and women who were 65 or older at the time of the survey. The authors then determined how many of those individuals had died from natural causes based on a follow-up survey done in 2004.--The body composition of the study subjects was measured using bioelectrical impedance, which involves running an electrical current through the body. Muscle allows the current to pass more easily than fat does, due to muscle's water content. In this way, the researchers could determine a muscle mass index -- the amount of muscle relative to height -- similar to a body mass index. They looked at how this muscle mass index was related to the risk of death. They found that all-cause mortality was significantly lower in the fourth quartile of muscle mass index compared with the first quartile.--"In other words, the greater your muscle mass, the lower your risk of death," said Dr. Arun Karlamangla, an associate professor in the geriatrics division at the Geffen School and the study's co-author. "Thus, rather than worrying about weight or body mass index, we should be trying to maximize and maintain muscle mass."--This study does have some limitations. For instance, one cannot definitively establish a cause-and-effect relationship between muscle mass and survival using a cohort study such as NHANES III. "But we can say that muscle mass seems to be an important predictor of risk of death," Srikanthan said. In addition, bioelectrical impedance is not the most advanced measurement technique, though the NHANES III measurements were conducted in a very rigorous fashion "and practically, this is the best situation possible in a study of this size," she noted.
"Despite these limitations, this study establishes the independent survival prediction ability of muscle mass as measured by bioelectrical impedance in older adults, using data from a large, nationally representative cohort," Srikanthan and Karlamangla write, adding that BMI's association with mortality in older adults has proven inconsistent. "We conclude that measurement of muscle mass relative to body height should be added to the toolbox of clinicians caring for older adults. Future research should determine the type and duration of exercise interventions that improve muscle mass and potentially increase survival in (healthy), older adults."--Story Source-The above story is based on materials provided by University of California - Los Angeles Health Sciences. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.--Journal Reference-Preethi Srikanthan, Arun S. Karlamangla. Muscle Mass Index as a Predictor of Longevity in Older-Adults. The American Journal of Medicine, 2014; DOI: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.02.007
One in five older Americans take medications that work against each other
March 13, 2014
Oregon State University
About three out of four older Americans have multiple chronic health conditions, and more than 20 percent of them are being treated with drugs that work at odds with each other -- the medication being used for one condition can actually make the other condition worse.-[F3]-This approach of treating conditions "one at a time" even if the treatments might conflict with one another is common in medicine, experts say, in part because little information exists to guide practitioners in how to consider this problem, weigh alternatives and identify different options.--One of the first studies to examine the prevalence of this issue, however, found that 22.6 percent of study participants received at least one medication that could worsen a coexisting condition. The work was done by researchers in Connecticut and Oregon, and published in PLOS One.--In cases where this "therapeutic competition" exists, the study found that it changed drug treatments in only 16 percent of the cases. The rest of the time, the competing drugs were still prescribed.--"Many physicians are aware of these concerns but there isn't much information available on what to do about it," said David Lee, an assistant professor in the Oregon State University/Oregon Health & Science University College of Pharmacy.--"Drugs tend to focus on one disease at a time, and most physicians treat patients the same way," Lee said. "As a result, right now we're probably treating too many conditions with too many medications. There may be times it's best to just focus on the most serious health problem, rather than use a drug to treat a different condition that could make the more serious health problem even worse."--More research in this field and more awareness of the scope of the problem are needed, the scientists said. It may be possible to make better value judgments about which health issue is of most concern, whether all the conditions should be treated, or whether this "competition" between drug treatments means one concern should go untreated. It may also be possible in some cases to identify ways to treat both conditions in ways that don't conflict with one another.--A common issue, for example, is patients who have both coronary heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. Beta blockers are often prescribed to treat the heart disease, but those same drugs can cause airway resistance that worsens the COPD.--"There are several types of beta blocker that don't cause this negative interaction, but many of the other types are still prescribed anyway," Lee said. "It's this type of information that would be of value in addressing these issues if it were more widely known and used."
The chronic conditions in which competing therapies come into play include many common health concerns -- coronary artery disease, diabetes, COPD, dementia, heart failure, hypertension, high cholesterol, osteoarthritis and others.--This study was done by researchers from OSU and the Yale University School of Medicine, with 5,815 community-living adults between the years 2007-09. The lead author of the study was Dr. Mary E. Tinetti at Yale University, and it was supported by the National Institutes of Health. The analysis included a nationally representative sample of older adults, and both men and women.--The research identified some of the most common competing chronic conditions, in which medications for one condition may exacerbate the other. They included hypertension and osteoarthritis; hypertension and diabetes; hypertension and COPD; diabetes and coronary artery disease; and hypertension and depression. These issues affect millions of older Americans.--"More than 9 million older adults in the U.S. are being prescribed medications that may be causing them more harm than benefit," said Jonathan Lorgunpai, a medical student at the Yale School of Medicine and co-author of the study. "Not only is this potentially harmful for individual patients, it is also very wasteful for our health care system."--Direct competition between medications is just one of the concerns, the report noted. Use of multiple medications can also lead to increased numbers of falls and delirium, dizziness, fatigue and anorexia.--Story Source-The above story is based on materials provided by Oregon State University. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.---Journal Reference-Songprod Jonathan Lorgunpai, Marianthe Grammas, David S. H. Lee, Gail McAvay, Peter Charpentier, Mary E. Tinetti. Potential Therapeutic Competition in Community-Living Older Adults in the U.S.: Use of Medications That May Adversely Affect a Coexisting Condition. PLoS ONE, 2014; 9 (2): e89447 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0089447
Learning and memory promoting effects of crude garlic extract.
Indian J Exp Biol. 2013 Dec;51(12):1094-100
Authors: Mukherjee D, Banerjee S
Chronic administration of aged garlic extract has been shown to prevent memory impairment in mice. Acute and chronic (21 days) effects of marketed formulation of crude garlic extract (Lasuna) were evaluated on learning and memory in mice using step down latency (SDL) by passive avoidance response and transfer latency (TL) using elevated plus maze. Scopolamine (0.4 mg/kg, ip) was used to induce amnesia in mice and piracetam (200 mg/kg, ip) served as positive control. In the acute study, Lasuna (65 mg/kg, po) partially reversed the scopolamine-induced amnesia but failed to improve learning and memory in untreated animals. Chronic administration of Lasuna (40 mg/kg/day for 21 days) significantly improved learning both in control and scopolamine induced amnesic animals. Influence of Lasuna on central cholinergic activity and its antioxidant properties were also studied by estimating the cortical acetylcholinesterase (AchE) activity and reduced glutathione (GSH) levels respectively. Chronic administration of Lasuna inhibited AchE, while increasing GSH levels. Thus the results indicate that long-term administration of crude garlic extract may improve learning and memory in mice while the underlying mechanism of action may be attributed to the anti-AchE activity and anti-oxidant property of garlic.--PMID: 24579375 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]**************************************************************************
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Use of acetaminophen during pregnancy linked to ADHD in children, researchers say
Source: University of California - Los Angeles
"We need further research to verify these findings, but if these results reflect causal associations, then acetaminophen should no longer be considered a 'safe' drug for use in pregnancy," the lead author states.-Acetaminophen, found in over-the-counter products such as Excedrin and Tylenol, provides many people with relief from headaches and sore muscles. When used appropriately, it is considered mostly harmless. Over recent decades, the drug, which has been marketed since the 1950s, has become the medication most commonly used by pregnant women for fevers and pain.-Now, a long-term study by UCLA, in collaboration with the University of Aarhus in Denmark, has raised concerns about the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy.-In a report in the current online edition of JAMA Pediatrics, researchers from the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health show that taking acetaminophen during pregnancy is associated with a higher risk in children of attention-deficity/hyperactivity disorder and hyperkinetic disorder.[F4] The data raises the question of whether the drug should be considered safe for use by pregnant women.-ADHD, one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders worldwide, is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, increased impulsivity, and motivational and emotional dysregulation. Hyperkinetic disorder is a particularly severe form of ADHD.[F5]-"The causes of ADHD and hyperkinetic disorder are not well understood, but both environmental and genetic factors clearly contribute," said Dr. Beate Ritz, professor and chair of the department of epidemiology at the Fielding School and one of the senior authors of the paper. "We know there has been a rapid increase in childhood neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, over the past decades, and it's likely that the rise is not solely attributable to better diagnoses or parental awareness. It's likely there are environmental components as well."-"That gave us the motivation to search for environmental causes that are avoidable," said the University of Aarhus' Dr. Jørn Olsen, another senior author and former chair of the UCLA Fielding School's epidemiology department. "Part of the neuropathology may already be present at birth, making exposures during pregnancy and/or infancy of particular interest. Because acetaminophen is the most commonly used medication for pain and fever during pregnancy, it was something we thought we should look at."-The UCLA researchers used the Danish National Birth Cohort, a nationwide study of pregnancies and children, to examine pregnancy complications and diseases in offspring as a function of factors operating in early life. The cohort focuses especially on the side effects of medications and infections.-The researchers studied 64,322 children and mothers who were enrolled in the Danish cohort from 1996 to 2002. Acetaminophen use during pregnancy was determined using computer-assisted telephone interviews that were conducted up to three times during pregnancy and again six months after childbirth[F6].-The researchers next followed up with parents when their children reached the age of 7. They first asked parents about any behavioral problems in their children using the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire, a standard behavioral screening questionnaire used by scientists. It assesses five domains, including emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer relationship and social behavior in children and adolescents between the ages of 4 and 16.-In addition, they obtained diagnoses of hyperkinetic disorder among the cohort's children (at an average age of 11) from the Danish National Hospital Registry or the Danish Psychiatric Central Registry. Last, they identified if ADHD medications, mainly Ritalin, were redeemed for the children using the Danish pharmaceutical prescription database.--More than half of all the mothers reported using acetaminophen while pregnant. The researchers found that children whose mothers used acetaminophen during pregnancy were at a 13 percent to 37 percent higher risk of later receiving a hospital diagnosis of hyperkinetic disorder, being treated with ADHD medications or having ADHD-like behaviors at age 7. The longer acetaminophen was taken -- that is, into the second and third trimesters -- the stronger the associations. The risks for hyperkinetic disorder/ADHD in children were elevated 50 percent or more when the mothers had used the common painkiller for more than 20 weeks in pregnancy.--"It's known from animal data that acetaminophen is a hormone disruptor, and abnormal hormonal exposures in pregnancy may influence fetal brain development," Ritz said.--Acetaminophen can cross the placental barrier, Ritz noted, and it is plausible that acetaminophen may interrupt fetal brain development by interfering with maternal hormones or through neurotoxicity, such as the induction of oxidative stress, which can cause the death of neurons.--"We need further research to verify these findings, but if these results reflect causal associations, then acetaminophen should no longer be considered a 'safe' drug for use in pregnancy," Olsen said.--Story Source--The above story is based on materials provided by University of California - Los Angeles. The original article was written by Mark Wheeler. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.---Journal Reference--Zeyan Liew, Beate Ritz, Cristina Rebordosa, Pei-Chen Lee, Jørn Olsen. Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy, Behavioral Problems, and Hyperkinetic Disorders. JAMA Pediatrics, 2014; DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.4914
Vaccine-Induced Tissue Scurvy Globally Misdiagnosed as Child Abuse
Codex Shoves Ractopamine Down Our Throats after Narrow Vote
July 04, 2012(FAO Building – Rome, Italy) After taking a vote by secret ballot this late morning, the Chairman of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Mr. Sanjay Dave, announced the results of the voting on whether or not Ractopamine (a steroid-like vet drug, the residues of which remain in the slaughtered animal to then be consumed by meat-eaters) standards were adopted. Out of 143 ballots cast, the vote was 69 for Ractopamine, 67 against Ractopamine, with 7 abstaining. If only one vote had shifted from the “for” camp to the “against” camp, then the result would have been completely different and the Ractopamine standard would not have been adopted.--- This voting was forced upon the Commission by the insistence of the United States, Costa Rica, and Brazil that the long stalemate over the adoption of a standard for Ractopamine MRLs (Maximum Residue Levels) could not be resolved through the Codex-preferred process of “consensus” but would, after all, have to be voted upon.----The European Union (EU) and other delegations – firmly opposed to the adoption of a standard for Ractopamine that would permit WTO trade challenges against existing Ractopamine bans – challenged the need for a vote, as they knew that the United States, Canada, and others had been lobbying Codex countries since last year to support Ractopamine use throughout the World. Nevertheless, in a late-evening Codex session held yesterday, the Commission voted to move forward on a vote, to be held today.-- Numerous delegations had argued for and against the Ractopamine standard in yesterday’s session before the Chairman cut off discussion, leaving 36 country delegations and 2 INGOs (the National Health Federation and Consumers International) without any opportunity to share their views on this issue. This decision was especially unfortunate because both NHF and CI were prepared to speak out strongly against the World Health Organization representative’s unsupported comment that the science supported the safety of Ractopamine in the food supply. The Chairman’s abrupt decision to cut off discussion also stood in sharp contrast with that of the previous Codex Chairwoman, Karen Hulebak, who had permitted a much fuller discussion of the delegates’ views, no matter how unpopular they might have been.---The U.S. Ambassador here in Rome reportedly spent his time from 9:00 pm last night until 9:00 am this morning calling Codex delegates to lobby for their support. In some cases – our sources report – he, or someone, instructed countries (such as Georgia) to vote the U.S. way or else. Pro-Ractopamine lobbying had been particularly effective among African countries, with only staunch Kenya and Zimbabwe resisting the siren song of Ractopamine.---NHF president Scott Tips said this about the result, “The narrow vote reflects the absurdity of this aspect of Codex. Here you have less than 30% of the World’s pork-consuming countries dictating standards to the other 70% plus of the World! The European Union, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Kenya, and China correctly argued throughout that the science on Ractopamine was not settled, that this standard was not about health but about pushing commercial profits instead, and that Codex would be damaged by the adoption of this unhealthy standard. In fact, that is exactly what will unfold as a result of today’s decision: Codex has lost whatever scientific credibility it ever had, even amongst those who have been its biggest supporters. Despite especially the EU representatives’ herculean efforts – and they are truly the unsung heroines of the day – bad science and ill-health prevailed today, and the World is a worse place for it.”----NHF predicts that today’s adoption of a standard for Ractopamine MRLs will lead to trade challenges by the United States against China and by Brazil against the European Union to crack open those consumer markets to Ractopamine-doped meat products. The victory of the United States today in pushing the wishes of its commercial masters – and certainly not those of its citizens, most of whom oppose Ractopamine-doped foods – may very well backfire on that country and its minions as a chain reaction of events unfold, the full scope of which no one here yet knows.
Vaccine-Induced Tissue Scurvy Globally Misdiagnosed as Child Abuse
The father of the child in our published photo was jailed for life for child abuse. Many of you looking at the terrible injuries on this small child will immediately assume, as did the doctors who examined him, that he was viciously attacked and it was right to jail his father.--However, what if I told you that it was later proven that this child had in fact been suffering from Kawasaki disease, otherwise known as tissue scurvy, and that his father was innocent?--Well, that is exactly what happened. Due to the wonderful work of Dr. Michael Innis and a team of experts brought in by the family to help, he is well and happy and back home with his family after his father was released from jail as an innocent man------What Research Tells Us About Tissue Scurvy---Studies have revealed that parents and caregivers worldwide are being falsely accused of child abuse when children develop the autoimmune disease, tissue scurvy, after vaccination.--In a recent paper by Dr. Michael Innis, he stated that--“Some doctors are unaware of the pathophysiological processes of autoimmunity, haemostasis and osteogenesis and are misdiagnosing vaccine induced tissue scurvy, absence of vitamin C within the cell, as non-accidental injury.”---His paper, Autoimmune Tissue Scurvy Misdiagnosed as Child Abuse, outlined three cases of children suffering from symptoms mimicking those of shaken baby syndrome (SBS) whose parents were subsequently accused of child abuse.---However, it was later discovered that all three parents were innocent and far from being abused, their children had been suffering from the autoimmune disease known as tissue scurvy.---Dr. Innis wrote---“Tissue scurvy, unlike the “seafarer scurvy” of yesteryear, is a condition in which vitamin C is abundant in the blood but is unable to enter the cell because of a lack of insulin which is required to transfer the vitamin C into the cell.”---He stated that--“The many faces of tissue scurvy in childhood include sudden infant death syndrome, alleged non-accidental injury, shaken baby syndrome, abusive head trauma, inflicted brain injury, Reye’s syndrome, Kawasaki disease, anaphylaxis and diabetes type I.---All have one feature in common – hyperglycemia, the signature of insulin deficiency resulting from vaccines, and other forms of antigenic stress which damage the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans resulting in hypoinsulinemia and tissue scurvy.” [1]----Dr. Innis firmly believes that doctors are misdiagnosing vaccine-induced tissue scurvy (an absence of vitamin C within the cell) as a non-accidental injury.---In his impressive paper, published last year by the Science Publishing Group, he wrote--“In all the cases in which appropriate histories and tests were done there was evidence that the doctors either misinterpreted the laboratory evidence or they were unaware of the significance of abnormal tests suggesting tissue scurvy as the cause.”—
The father of this child was accused of abuse and put in jail.----A Second Paper By Dr. Innis Reveals Similar Findings----In a second paper on the subject, Dr. Michael Innis stated that it is postulated that Kawasaki disease is tissue scurvy, a disease often found in children under the age five. Children suffering from the condition usually present with a fever, redness of the eyes, blotchy red skin lesions, changes in the mouth and cracked lips, swelling of the hands and feet and lymph node enlargement in the neck.---Describing the case featured in our lead photo in detail, Dr. Innis stated----“A child presenting with the signs and symptoms of Kawasaki disease was diagnosed as suffering from non-accidental injuries. Investigations were carried out for evidence of insulin deficiency and liver dysfunction.---It was found that there was evidence of hyperglycemia, implying insulin deficiency and the liver function tests were abnormal.”---He continued by stating that---“Kawasaki disease is an autoimmune disorder following antigenic stimulation in a genetically susceptible child which causes insulin deficiency and failure of the cellular uptake of vitamin C, tissue scurvy, and can be mistaken for child abuse. Vaccines are a proven cause of hyperglycemia in children and may be a cause of Kawasaki disease.”---Throughout his description of the case, he demonstrated how doctors missed vital signs, preferring to jump to the conclusion that the child had been severely abused by the carer, instead of investigating the truth.---In many ways, it is easy to see why this occurred, as the photos accompanying the report are graphic, and to an untrained eye they would immediately raise suspicion. However, the professionals examining the child in question were all ‘highly qualified,’ and should have carried out a full battery of tests before jumping to the conclusion that the child had been abused.---Showing the blood test results in detail, Dr. Innis explained---“The alacrity with which the admitting doctor declared “trauma level I” colored subsequent clinical and investigative procedures. The possibility of Kawasaki disease was never raised and the ANCA and AECA tests which are sometimes positive in this type of vasculitis were never done. However the presence of hyperglycemia is clear evidence of insulin deficiency provoking the onset of tissue scurvy. The coronary vessels and myocardium should have been thoroughly investigated, as they are a major cause of death in Kawasaki disease.” [2]---Another Specialist’s Perspective on Tissue Scurvy---Dr. Innis is not the only professional who has linked Kawasaki disease to vaccinations. In 2000, psychologist Lisa Blakemore-Brown wrote Reweaving the Autistic Tapestry, a book on autism and interweaving disorders.--One of the chapters centered on a little girl she had renamed Lorelei. Lorelei had reacted extremely badly to the pertussis vaccination and this adverse reaction had been fully documented by the National Health Service (NHS) in the child’s hospital notes. Lorelei was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and Kawasaki disease.--In 2001, Ms. Blakemore-Brown highlighted the case in a rapid response on the British Medical Journal’s website, in response to an article titled A Finnish Study Confirms Safety of MMR. [3] Amazingly, her response was published with a footnote stating that the editor had checked her facts and that the parents of the child had given their permission for the piece to be published.---Ms. Blakemore-Brown wrote---“In one of my cases of very obvious and indisputable reaction to pertussis vaccine the child in question has been found to have Kawasaki disease, her own immune system attacking itself. She presents as Asperger. There is no autism in the family but the baby had allergies prior to the vaccine. It is scientific examination of cases like this which will enable us to ultimately put measures in place to reassure the public.” [3]----The First Links Discovered As Far Back As 1962---The late Dr. Archie Kalokerinos was one of the first professionals to link vaccinations to scurvy. He first noticed there was a problem while he was working with Aborigine children in Australia in 1962.---While there, he noticed that there was an extremely high death rate among children recently vaccinated. After rejecting the usual explanations, his research led him to the conclusion that the infants were suffering from a severe lack of vitamin C, or scurvy.---Dr. Kalokerinos went on to speak about his experiences worldwide and included his research in many books and papers on the subject. However, when he mentioned his fears to the government, instead of investigating the problem as he had expected, he was met with extreme hostility.---In an interview documented in the International Vaccine Newsletter – June 1995, he stated--“At first it was just a simple clinical observation. I observed that many infants, after they received routine vaccines like tetanus, diptheria, polio, whooping cough or whatever, became ill. Some became extremely ill, and in fact some died. It was an observation, it was not a theory. So my first reaction was to look at the reasons why this happened. Of course I found it was more likely to happen in infants who were ill at the time of receiving a vaccine, or infants who had been ill recently, or infants who were incubating an infection. Of course in the early stages of incubation there is no way whatsoever that anyone can detect the disease. They turn up later on. Furthermore, some of the reactions to the vaccines were not those that were listed in the standard literature. They were very strange reactions indeed.---A third observation was that with some of these reactions which normally resulted in death, I found that I could reverse them by giving large amounts of vitamin C intramuscularly or intravenously.”---Extremely concerned by his observations, he tried to alert the government to what was happening. However, what happened next shocked him. He explained--“One would have expected, of course, that the authorities would take an interest in these observations that resulted in a dramatic drop in the death rate of infants in the area under my control, a very dramatic drop. But instead of taking an interest their reaction was one of extreme hostility. This forced me to look into the question of vaccination further, and the further I looked into it, the more shocked I became. I found that the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of these diseases you will realize that this is not so.” [4]--Strong words, I am sure you will agree, especially as he concluded the interview by stating that---“My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business is that the unofficial policy of the World Health Organization and the unofficial policy of Save the Children Fund and almost all those organizations is one of murder and genocide.---They want to make it appear as if they are saving these kids, but in actual fact they don’t. I am talking of those at the very top. Beneath that level is another level of doctors and health workers, like myself, who don’t really understand what they are doing.”--Like Dr. Innis, over the years his conclusions have led him to believe that the trend of parents being falsely accused of shaken baby syndrome is linked to scurvy, and in his final book titled Shaken Baby Syndrome: An Abusive Diagnosis, he wrote:---“After studying more than 50 SBS cases, I have yet to find one where a detailed analysis of the complete individual or family history, or a proper evaluation of all the necessary coagulation/bleeding factors was undertaken. Often, a diagnosis of trauma due to shaking is made at an early stage and any further investigation is considered unnecessary.---It has been known for many years that retinal hemorrhages, subdural hemorrhages and hemorrhages elsewhere can occur in cases of scurvy.” [5]---Throughout his book, he identified vaccination as the main cause of scurvy in young children today.---Conclusion---In trying to help falsely accused parents worldwide, I am currently aware of at least seven falsely accused parents whose children became ill after they received multiple vaccinations. In four of these cases, tests revealed that, far from being abused, the children had been suffering from the autoimmune disease tissue scurvy.---Why are governments around the world burying their heads in the sand and refusing point-blank to investigate this atrocity? INNOCENT parents are being locked up on a daily basis, accused of the most horrendous crimes, and it seems as if no one actually cares.--The evidence speaks for itself: not only are vaccinations harming our children, but that harm is being covered up by blaming innocent parents of abuse.-I would like to extend my gratitude to the wonderful and continuing work of Dr. Michael Innis, without whom many innocent parents would be still be in jail today.
Scroll down to read her response.
Page 11 – Link to PDF only***********************************************************************************
/worth a try to find out so passing this along
Apr 22, 2014
WOW– I am making 100 of these!!!
Have you noticed the Mosquitos are already out! Here is a homemade trap to help keep you and the kiddos from being a blood donor!!!HOMEMADE MOSQUITO TRAP:
Items needed:
1 cup of water
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1 gram of yeast
1 2-liter bottleHOW:
1. Cut the plastic bottle in half.
2. Mix brown sugar with hot water. Let cool. When cold, pour in the bottom half of the bottle.
3. Add the yeast. No need to mix. It creates carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes.
4. Place the funnel part, upside down, into the other half of the bottle, taping them together if desired.
5. Wrap the bottle with something black, leaving the top uncovered, and place it outside in an area away from your normal gathering area. (Mosquitoes are also drawn to the color black.)Change the solution every 2 weeks for continuous control.
[F1]Zinc and Aspirin-compliment each other and lowers sugar and regulates high insulin overload
[F2]Zinc and Garlic –reduces sugar and regulates insulin
[F3]People do this as well in the health food industry taking far to many supplements dealing with an array of issues when sometimes balancing or healing one condition has a domino effect in healing all the others that maybe a direct result of the problem---the medical field again are good at suppression but never heal anything and have not for over 80-90 years the fiscal gain outweighs the real science in healing as a result the victom ( one using there methods) winds up worse
[F4]This drug is extremely toxic to the liver and since everything tavels VIA through the liver to the brain this wouild stand to reason that once this got into the blood stream of a child this to would be uptaken into the Brain—
[F5]This sounds more like an imbalance of zinc-iodine-B3 and possibly magnesium –taruine or glycine or insositol---a deficiency as a result of a drug causing a disturbance in the neurol pathway of the brain and impeding brain maturation by displacing these elements required to build the body-and brain
[F6]This is crucial since more then likely the child would have been breast fed or while gestating taking in whateve the mum took in as well
[F7]People do this as well in the health food industry taking far to many supplements dealing with an array of issues when sometimes balancing or healing one condition has a domino effect in healing all the others that maybe a direct result of the problem---the medical field again are good at suppression but never heal anything and have not for over 80-90 years the fiscal gain outweighs the real science in healing as a result the victom ( one using there methods) winds up worse
How to Make Gel Fuel with Calcium Acetate
I worked for five years as a USDA-contract organic inspector after growing up on an organic grain farm in Saskatchewan.
I had the pleasure of inspecting over 500 organic farms and processors, but I began questioning this career path when
I realized the organic movement was becoming little more than a political movement, relying increasingly
on imports, and aimed at taking farming back in time. I still support the principles of organic production. But when
the organic movement went anti-GMO, it was time for a major rethink[O1]---The organic movement could be perfectly validonce again, but only if it remains a niche production-system, and, crucially, if the captains of the organic movement
drop their knee-jerk opposition to technology and start proving that organic food is being produced without synthetic
pesticides and fertilizers. How? Simple, through across-the-board, once-annual field testing. Most people are shocked to learn
that organic crops are not tested, and that exhaustive record-keeping and record-checking by for-profit agents of the USDA is what
qualifies products for the lucrative 'USDA Organic' logo. There are plans afoot under the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) to
spot-testing organic operations, but only one-time every 20 years, and only on end-product, long after substances prohibited in
organic production have dissipated. When the organic movement went anti-GMO, it was time for a major rethink It was this
slovenly attitude that opened the floodgates to cheap, USDA-certified organic raw ingredients imported
from countries like China, Mexico and Argentina, to the point where there is now one certified-organic food processor
in America for every two certified-organic farmers. So much for saving American organic family farms --By applying
loopholes in the law, these processors can, for instance, add water to USDA certified-organic apple-juice
concentrate from abroad, put it in a carton and call it 'Product of the U.S.A.' even though the apples were
grown, processed and certified under the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) by foreigners in a foreign
land. When trying to shut me up failed, my former colleagues turned to attacking my integrity, charging that I work for Monsanto,
that I’m an 'extreme right-winger,' that I made up my credentials as an organic inspector, and that I plan to line my pockets by
starting an organic testing lab, none of which is true. Finally, I was threatened, and have repeatedly been refused membership in
my former professional organization, the International Organic Inspectors Association, a body on which I was once on the executive,
and for which I organized the first ever 'Organic Testing' training seminar--GMOs should become part of The organic
movement That’s what I got for urging those above me to test organic crops and livestock to ensure they’re
safe and genuine. How silly of me. Then came something completely unforgivable in the minds of organic activists: I realized
that modern, science-based farming presents no threat whatsoever to organic farming, whether we’re talking about the use of
synthetic fertilizers or pesticides on neighboring conventional farms, or the new science of genetic engineering. I came to realize,
as President Clinton did, that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) should someday become part of the
organic movement, at least on a case-by-case basis. GMO Bt crops are the best example. Currently, organic
farmers spray Bacillus thurengiensis, a microbial pesticide, over their fields, inhaling it as they go, and watching as it drifts into
non-target areas affecting non-target organisms. So, what scientists did over at that 'evil' company called Monsanto was they
spliced Bt genes into corn, soy and cotton, thereby eliminating the need to spray, and ensuring that only insects that actually consume
a farmer’s crop will be affected. And for believing this was a step forward in modern, environmentally-conscious farming, my
former colleagues decided it was necessary to launch a full-frontal assault against my reputation Since when did Mother
Nature rely on chemical mutagenesis? Meanwhile, organic farmers use seeds that are produced with nuclear
and chemical mutagenesis-- haphazard processes that are unpredictable and distinctly UN-natural. They also make
liberal use of inorganic, environmentally-persistent substances such as haphazard processes that are
unpredictable and distinctly UN-natural copper sulfate which have no corollary in nature. These are just two
examples that do not fit the anti-GMO mantra used by longtime GMOs are novel patented organisms that have never before
been part of nature or part of the human diet Stop and think… just how much copper sulfate do you think your ancestors used
to consume in their diet? And when’s the last time Mother Nature relied on chemical mutagenesis? Not a single organic crop
has ever been de-certified as a result of coming into contact with GMO material in any way, including cross-pollination Once
done attacking GMOs here at home, activists like Riddle trot off to foreign lands like Iran-- in order to help the Iranians develop
their organic agriculture industry But how about helping American organic farmers instead? Remember, fully one-third of all
domestic USDA certified-organic operations are processors , not farmers, which is like having a doctor for every two patients
in a town. Clearly that doctor would need to treat outside patients to remain profitable, which is fine, until he starts ignoring his
local patients to better serve the outside ones Currently, organic farmers spray Bacillus thurengiensis, a microbial pesticide, over
their fields, inhaling it as they go, and watching as it drifts into non-target areas affecting non-target organisms. .. Monsanto
spliced Bt genes into corn, soy and cotton, thereby eliminating the need to spray, and ensuring that only insects that actually
consume a farmer’s crop will be affected. Meanwhile, there is in point-of-fact no such thing as contamination of an organic crop
by GMOs. According to the very rules for organic production that organic stakeholders like Riddle wrote, organic farmers are not
allowed to make use of GMOs, the same as they’re not allowed to make use of the herbicide Roundup. But not a single organic
crop has ever been de-certified as a result of an organic crop coming into contact with GMO material in any
way, including cross-pollination. This is not to say some activist farmers have not tried claiming their organic crops were
threatened by the mere presence of GMOs. But, in all such cases, these farmers ended up plowing their crops under before any
testing could be done, and as such appear not to have followed the rules of organic production in the first place. It’s time for all the
organic fear-mongering to end.
***********************************************************************Gardasil Contaminant Confirmed By Independent Lab
In September 2011, SaneVax Inc. informed the FDA that despite all Merck's statements claiming Gardasil contained 'no viral DNA,' Dr. Sin Hang Lee had discovered there were indeed fragments of HPV-11, HPV-16 and HPV-18 L1 DNA firmly attached to Merck's proprietary aluminum adjuvant in 100% of the samples his laboratory tested.
The FDA was quick to confirm that Gardasil did indeed contain residual HPV L1 DNA fragments, but that these fragments 'posed no health risk.'
By 2012, Dr. Lee had discovered that these HPV DNA fragments were not only bound to Merck's proprietary aluminum adjuvant, but they had also adopted a non-B conformation, thereby creating a novel (new) chemical compound of unknown toxicity.
Non-B DNA conformations are known to be associated with genetic mutations connected to over 70 serious diseases in human beings including polycystic kidney disease, adrenoleukodystrophy, follicular lymphomas, and spermatogenic failure, just to name a few.
Instead of investigating any potential problems which could be caused by injections of this new chemical compound, HPV vaccine proponents and government health officials chose to try and minimize the impact Dr. Lee's discovery might make on HPV vaccination programs around the globe. Rather than conducting legitimate studies to determine the extent of potential risks, they chose to attack the messenger.
Helen Petousis-Harris PhD, the Director of Immunisation Research and Vaccinology Immunisation Advisory Centre at The University of Auckland, provided a prime example of these tactics in a presentation she gave at a public hearing on HPV vaccine safety in February 2014.
Following are two of the 'concerns' regarding Dr. Lee's research she mentioned during this presentation:
· The tests used were over sensitive, increasing the risk of amplifying irrelevant (junk) DNA
· No one else has replicated his findings
Both of these 'concerns' were put to rest via data presented by Laurent Bélec at the 9th International Congress on Autoimmunity on March 26-30, 2014 in Nice, France.
Confirmation of the Creation of a Novel Molecule in Gardasil
Confirmatory detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 gene DNA sequences in the quadrivalent HPV vaccine Gaardasil® based on virus-like particles production by recombinant expression of major capsid antigen L1 yeast
Hélène Péré, Claire Fayard, Laurent Bélec
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris, Laboratoire de Virologie, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris, and Faculté de Médecine Paris Descartes, Université Paris Descartes (Paris V), Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France*********************************************************************
Cold winter may have killed off 30% of honeybees
The harsh winter, which set cold records in many regions, has been a trial for many Canadians. For some bugs, though, the fluctuating cold temperatures could be even more challenging, if not downright fatal.--Some entomologists are particularly concerned about how honeybees and butterflies are handling the cold weather.-"More than 30 per cent of the honeybees could be killed off," says Evelyn Boychuk, an animal biologist and specialist in insect cold tolerance.-Honeybees live in hives throughout the winter, unlike other insects, which either migrate or avoid cold by burrowing in soil or moving indoors.-The bees rely on nectar and pollen from flowers for fuel, but the prolonged cold weather has also affected the spring growing season. If there are no flowers for honeybees to feed on when they come out of hibernation, the insects could starve.-According to Boychuk, the lack of sustenance could also affect butterflies, as they spend the winter as larva, surviving without food all winter and during metamorphosis in the spring.-Boychuk says for “sensitive” species such as these, factors like when hibernation begins, how long they hibernate and when they come out can influence their survival rates.-John Klymko, director of the Maritime Butterfly Atlas, says although they don’t have records yet, he suspects there won’t be a noticeable decline in butterfly populations this spring.-He says butterflies are a resilient species and will most likely have fared well through the winter.-Even so, he says extreme winters in the future could affect how many insects "overwinter," a term entomologists use to describe how an insect survives the snowy season.-“In general, if habitats become degraded by global climate change, some species will become less resilient or more vulnerable to any sort of hardship,” says Klymko.-Although bees might be having a rough go of it this spring, the news for Canadian cottagers is that mosquitoes and blackflies will most likely be as plentiful as always.-According to entomologists, these insects are well adapted to the Canadian weather and can survive in the cold.-Boychuk says mosquitoes and blackflies probably spend the winter under blankets of snow, where temperatures stay around zero degrees Celsius, so they don’t feel the cold the way we do.-“A lot of snow cover insulates those habitats that insects like to use in the winter, like soil and leaf litter and things," says Brent Sinclair, an associate professor at the University of Western Ontario who researches cold tolerance in insects.-However, in areas with extreme temperatures but little snow cover, there can be what's called "cold frost penetration.” Sinclair says this phenomenon occurs when frost travels deeper into the soil as a result of cold temperatures occurring without snowfall to insulate the soil.-Cold frost penetration could expose hibernating insects to lower temperatures, and as a result lead to a decline in insect populations, says Sinclair.-He points out that the colder-than-usual temperatures may actually benefit insects such as mosquitoes and blackflies in the reproduction department.-During hibernation, a mosquito's metabolic system slows down, allowing it to conserve energy. A longer winter means more stored energy, which could lead to greater reproductive activity in the spring and thus a spike in their numbers.-“I could argue that some of these species will actually do better, that they’ll actually be able to produce more eggs for babies early in the season, which could lead to an earlier bug season,” says Sinclair.-Even so, it’s hard for entomologists to predict what happens to each species over the course of the winter.-“Each insect responds to cold temperatures in different ways,” says Steve Marshall, entomologist from the University of Guelph.-“Some have antifreeze like we have in our cars that stops them from freezing. Some of them avoid cold temperatures by going down into the soil and into tree trunks. Some leave town altogether. Some just die and repopulate the area from southern locations every year,” says Marshall.-“It’s very difficult to tell."
How to Make Gel Fuel with Calcium Acetate
How to Make Gel Fuel with Calcium Acetate If you’d like to use calcium acetate, which is actually the more preferred method, you can either buy it or make it yourself. Making calcium acetate at home: You’ll need crushed chalk (calcium carbonate)[F2] and white vinegar (acetic acid). Combine 4 parts vinegar to 1 part chalk and the result will be carbon dioxide, which will evaporate, and calcium acetate and water, both of which will remain. This process smells like rotten eggs, just so you know. You’ll be left with a solid on the bottom and a liquid on the top. It’s the solid that you want, though you’ll need some of the liquid to make the gel. You’ll need to evaporate 1/2-2/3 of the water out of the solution.[F3] You can do it by placing the solution in the oven for a few hours, sitting it in the sun, or carefully evaporating it on “low” on the stove top. You can also strain it using a cheesecloth or coffee filter. Making the gel fuel: Combine 9 parts isopropyl alcohol and 1 part calcium acetate. Stir together and it will instantly begin to gel. Put it in the empty soup cans as described above. Add some water in if you’re using solid calcium acetate that you bought. The ratio, regardless of whether you’re making your own or adding water to store-bought, is about 1 part water to 3 parts calcium acetate. The Math Made Easy We hate translating “parts” to actual measurements so we’re going to put this in cooking language for you. To get the proper ratio of calcium acetate to water, use 3/4 cup calcium acetate and 1/4 cup water. Now, since it’s only 1 part of this mix to 9 parts isopropyl alcohol. There are 16 cups in a gallon so if you use 1 gallon of isopropyl alcohol, you need to add 1 3/4 cup + 1 teaspoon of the calcium aceate/water mixture to get the right ratio. After that, if the gel is too thick for your liking, just add a bit more isopropyl alcohol until you’re satisfied. Making it Pretty Many people like to burn fuel gel in the fireplace or in pretty pots for ambiance. If you’d like to do that, you can jazz up the fuel by making it crackle when it burns, so that it sounds like wood burning. To add this effect, add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil to each gallon of alcohol (1 teaspoon per 12 ounces of fuel gel). If you’d like to get even fancier and make it smell good, pick up your favorite scented oil from the local craft store and use that in place of part (or all) of the cooking oil. We’ve talked about the importance of morale in various articles throughout this site, and we stand by that idea. If you’re making gel fuel at home for survival, making it sound homey or smell good won’t make it less functional but it may make you feel good when things look bleak. Words of Warning The measurements given here are just a jumping off point. If you want to make a huge batch, just follow the ratios. A word of warning though; just because gel fuels won’t spill like liquid fuels will, make no mistake that they WILL burn you. The fire is hot and it burns for a long time, so if you get the lit gel on you, it’s not going to be pretty. Take all of the same precautions with it that you would with any other highly flammable liquid. Label it well, store it away from heat and sunlight, and keep it out of the reach of children and pets. Now you know how to make gel fuel at home for your stockpile. You can store it for practically forever as long as you keep it covered, but you still need to be cautious. We like to seal ours in plastic zip bags to keep the moisture out, but that’s just our preference. If you’ve made gel fuel, tell us about your experience in the comments section below.
Read more at:
****************************************************************************NASA Proposes Spraying Stratospheric Aerosols Into Earth’s Atmosphere
It’s really amazing how many people are waking up to the fact that “chemtrails” are different from “con-trails.” What was once considered a conspiracy to many is now a fact, chemicals are constantly sprayed into our atmosphere and have been for quite some time now.-Not long ago, NASA personnel gave a lecture (that was also streamed live) at their Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. It was a series of talks by scientists and engineers exploring the topic of Geoengineering and Climate Intervention. (1)--Some of you might be thinking, “Geoengineering, what is that?” Geoengineering encompasses strategies to combat and reduce the effects of global warming and climate change. It’s the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climatic system, and one of these methods, as illustrated in the lecture, is called Solar Radiation Management (SRM) by spraying stratospheric aerosols into the atmosphere. (1) The lecture outlines how SRM would require the equivalent of airplanes spraying aerosols into our atmosphere for decades. You can see this at approximately the 32 minute mark. It seems it’s already happening . --These programs are also considering spraying Aluminum into the atmosphere (if not already doing it).---“There might be some good reasons to think about aluminum. Aluminum has four times the volumetric rate for small particles as does sulphur. That means you have roughly 16 times less the coagulation rate, and that’s the thing that really drives removal.” – David Keith, Canadian Environmental Scientists, Professor of Applied Physics at Gordon McKay, Professor of Public policy, Harvard University, President of Carbon Engineering. (2)--The idea of spraying aluminum into our atmosphere goes way back, patents exist that clearly demonstrate the consideration of such materials that include the oxides of metals which have high emissivity. These include harmful substances like aluminum oxide and thorium oxide. A great patent example is one from the Hughes Aircraft Company that dates all the way back to 1990, that’s over twenty years ago. You can take a look at it here.---“We do stuff in the stratosphere all the time off-course, so it’s not as though the stratosphere is absolutely pristine. But you don’t want to have people going off and doing things that involve large radioactive forgings, or programs that go on for extended periods or for that matter provide lots of reactive surfaces that could result in significant ozone destruction.” - M. Granger Morgan, Carnegie Mellon University, University and Lord Chair Professor of Engineering and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences Member (2)--Did you know that “they” do stuff in the atmosphere all the time? Is he referring to the Department of Defense? These programs are indeed backed by agencies like the CIA and NASA, they support the National Academy of Sciences with regards to geoengineering projects, and still do till this day. (3)(4)Why are Defense Intelligence Agencies in control? Is this a national security issue? If so, that means happenings with regards to geoengineering might remain classified.--Below is a visual I used from a previous article to give you a good idea about SRM.-If you are a constant observer of the skies, as I am, it’s not hard to see that something is already going on. This has been voiced by various individuals from all over the world. For example, Rosalind Peterson, president and Co-Founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition (ADC), and x United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) employee stated at a 2007 United Nations hearing on global warming that:---“One of the things that’s affected by climate change is agriculture, but some of what we are seeing is man made, but man made in a different way than what you may guess. Weather modification programs, experimental ones done by private companies, the US government, are underway and there are more than 50 operations underway across the United States. All of these impact agriculture because they change the micro-climates needed for agriculture to survive. None of these programs are done with oversight. International corporations are modifying our weather all the time, and modifying it in ways that cover thousands and thousands of square miles. Most of it is chemically altered, so what happens is that we are putting ground based chemicals that are shot into the air that change and modify our weather.”---You can read more, and view that full hearing here.---A former premier of British Columbia felt so strong about the issue that he sent out a letter across Canada to multiple politicians voicing his concern. You can read more about that here. Neurosurgeon Russel L. Blaylock made some noise about health concerns as a result of nanoaluminum spraying, you can read about that here.--Anybody who looks out their window on a bright day and watches these trails will notice them spread out and expand until the sky is covered with them. Contrails don’t do that.---There is plenty of evidence to suggest that these geonengineering techniques have already begun, and were initiated a long time ago.-As far as global warming goes, that’s another controversial topic. There is no doubt climate change is occurring, but why and how is still not well understood. --There are better ways to operate here on planet Earth, ways that are more harmonious with the planet. One example is Free Energy, and another is Solar.
[O1]The organic food industry has been engaged in a 'multi-decade public disinformation campaign', claims report
[F2]Egg Shells--
[F3]Simplest way is to pour out some of the content