Stop the GM Apple! Take Action before June 3
Rosmarinic acid induces melanogenesis through protein kinase A activation signaling
Scientists switch mouse’s genes off and on with radio waves
Silver bullet for cancer: Metal can kill some tumours better than chemotherapy with fewer side effects
Silver can kill some cancers as effectively as chemotherapy and with potentially fewer side effects, new research claims.--Scientists say that old wives tales about the precious metal being a ‘silver bullet’ to beat the Big C could be true.--The metal already has a wide range of medicinal uses and is a common antiseptic, antibiotic and means of purifying water in the third world. ---Good news: Silver can kill some cancers as effectively as chemotherapy and with potentially fewer side effects, new research has claimed---And British researchers now say that silver compounds are as effective at killing certain cancer cells as a leading chemotherapy drug, but with potentially far fewer side-effects. ---They compared it to Cisplatin, currently used to treat a wide variety of cancers, but known to have harsh side effects including nausea, vomiting and even kidney damage.---Silver is used already in everyday products such as deodorant with no known side-effects, and could make for a potentially cheaper alternative to platinum-based Cisplatin. --Researchers from the University of Leeds conducted lab tests which exposed breast and colon cancer cells to various silver-based chemicals over a six day period. --Results, published in journal Dalton Transactions, showed that these silver-compounds were ‘as effective as Cisplatin’ at killing cancer with potentially fewer side effects. --While the team are still unsure about how exactly silver battles cancer, they think its effectiveness may be caused by the structure surrounding silver atoms, known as its ligand. --Way forward: Researchers from the University of Leeds found that silver could be used to help defeat breast cancer --They think this may help release the silver ion into cells when it enters the body, killing any cancer. ---Study author Dr Charlotte Willans plans to spend the next year looking closely at what effect silver has on both cancerous and healthy cells, and whether it could be a safe and effective new anti-cancer drug.--She said: 'It’s certainly an exciting discovery, although I think we have a lot of work to do in the future. It opens the doors in terms of what we can do and investigate.---'Getting these results also gives us the opportunity we need to apply for funding to take the research further.--'This could lead to a cheaper, less toxic alternative to current treatments for cancer.'--Explaining the research in greater detail, Dr Willans added: 'As many are unfortunately aware, chemotherapy can be a very gruelling experience for the patient. ---'Finding effective, yet non-toxic drugs is an ongoing problem, but these preliminary results are an important step in solving it.--'Our research has looked at the structure which surrounds a central silver atom. This "shrubbery" is what determines how reactive it is and what it will interact with. 'Our research has used different types of these ligands to see which is the most effective against cancer cells.'
A School Nurse has written the info below—- Please share - because it really works!
"Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball.
Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20); the tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away.-----This technique has worked every time I've used it (and that was frequently), and it's much less traumatic for the patient and easier for me.." ---"Unless someone is allergic to soap, I can't see that this would be damaging in any way. ---I even had my doctor's wife call me for advice because she had one stuck to her back and she couldn't reach it with tweezers. She used this method and immediately called me back to say, "It worked
Stop the GM Apple! Take Action before June 3.
A small BC company called Okanagan Specialty Fruits has just submitted a request to Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for approval of a genetically modified (GM, also called genetically engineered) “non-browning” apple. Contamination from GM apples threatens the future of our apples, and the farmers who grow them.---
1. Send your comments to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency before June 3, 2012 at <> Tell the government that you don’t want to eat a GM apple!---- Consumers don’t want GM apples.
- The GM "non-browning" apple will mislead consumers by presenting an apple that looks freshly cut or unbruised when it is not. - BC apple growers have already rejected the GM apple. - Contamination from GM apple trees is a risk to Canadian apple producers. - The CFIA and Health Canada should not be wasting public funds reviewing a GM apple that no one wants. - The government should consult with farmers and consumers before approving any new GM crop. ---You can see the notice of the submission for approval of the GM apple at: <>
This is just the first of many actions needed to stop the GM apple.
2. You can also sign a petition created by the British Columbia NDP here:
3. For more information and to get more involved see
Background--The genetically modified (GM) ?non-browning? apple is engineered to keep from going brown after being cut. This apple is designed for fast food companies and other companies that use pre-cut apples. The technology was developed in Australia and was licensed by small BC company Okanagan Specialty Fruits.---Okanagan Specialty Fruits asked for approval in the US in March 2010 and has just asked for approval in Canada. The GM apple has not yet been approved anywhere in the world.
BC apple growers stopped the GM apple from being field tested in Canada in 2001. The federal agricultural research station in Summerland in the Okanagan valley, an important fruit growing area, was preparing to start field trials but BC growers who were concerned about contamination stopped them from happening.---Many apple grower associations in Canada and the US oppose the GM apple, including the BC Fruit Tree Association.--
This action alert was issued on May 18 2012 by Bee SAFE, the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, GE Free BC, Okanagan Greens Society, True Food Foundation and Vigilance OGM.
Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator
Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN)
Collaborative Campaigning for Food Sovereignty and Environmental Justice
Suite 206, 180 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2P 1P5
Phone: 613 241 2267 ext. 25
Fax: 613 241 2506
Stop the GM Apple:
Rosmarinic acid induces melanogenesis through protein kinase A activation signaling.
Source--Biospectrum Life Science Institute, SK Ventium 101-701, Dangjung Dong, Gunpo City, 436-776 Kyunggi-do, Republic of Korea.
Abstract--Melanogenesis is a physiological process that results in the synthesis of melanin pigments, which play a crucial protective role against skin photocarcinogenesis. In order to determine the effects of rosmarinic acid on melanogenesis and elucidate the molecular events of melanogenesis induced by rosmarinic acid, several experiments were performed in B16 melanoma cells. In this study, we showed that the melanin content and tyrosinase expression were increased by rosmarinic acid in a concentration-dependent manner. In addition, after the melanin content was increased by rosmarinic acid, it was reduced by H-89 and KT 5720, protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitors, but not by SB203580, a p38(mapk) inhibitor, or Ro-32-0432, a PKC inhibitor, which suggests the involvement of PKA in rosmarinic acid-induced melanogenesis. Consistent with this, rosmarinic acid induced the phosphorylation of CRE-binding protein (CREB), but had no effect on the phosphorylation of p38(mapk) or the inhibition of Akt phosphorylation. Additionally, rosmarinic acid induced the activation of cAMP response element (CRE) without having any effect on cAMP production, which suggests that rosmarinic acid-induced melanogenesis is mediated by PKA, which occurs downstream of cAMP production. This result was further confirmed by the fact that rosmarinic acid-induced phosphorylation of CREB was inhibited by H-89, but not by PD98059, a MEK1 inhibitor, or by LY294002, a phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor. Rosmarinic acid-induced expression of tyrosinase protein was attenuated by H-89. Based on these results, we report for the first time that rosmarinic acid induces melanogenesis through PKA activation signaling.
Recipe—take the essential oil of rosemary-4 drops to an ounce of a carrier oil shake and or percuss and apply to skin—
Make a rosemary tea by adding sprigs of rosemary with marigold and add gelatin to the cup to gain the benefits or any of these herbs lemon balm, rosemary, oregano, sage, thyme and peppermint.
Making a Wash with a combination of these herbs and then filtering and bottling –can be used as a rince—a skin toner—
Making A tea out of Perilla as well with sage and peppermint is another method
When making the teas go 1:1 ration and make at the least a 2 pint of water in a pot—bring to boil then simmer it down to about half and pour several oz and drink
What is Rosmarinic acid? Rosmarinic acid
MW: 360.31-Formula: C18H16O8
Pure rosmarinic acid is a cream colored powder. Rosmarinic acid belongs to the group of polyphenols.
Health Benefits of Rosmarinic acid
Rosmarinic acid has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities. -The antioxidant activity of rosmarinic acid is stronger than that of vitamin E. Rosmarinic acid helps to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals, thereby reducing the risk for cancer and atherosclerosis. Rosmarinic acid has anti-inflammatory properties. Perilla, rich in rosmarinic acid, is used for its anti-allergic activity. A study by Sanbongi C and colleagues (Clinical and Experimental Allergy, June 2004) have shown that the oral administration of rosmarinic acid is an effective intervention for allergic asthma. Another study by Youn J and colleagues (Journal of Rheumatology, June 2003) demonstrated that rosmarinic acid suppressed synovitis in mice and that it may be beneficial for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Unlike antihistamines, rosmarinic acid prevents the activation of immune responder cells, which cause swelling and fluid formation. --Rosmarinic acid is also used for food preservation. In Japan the perilla extracts, rich in rosmarinic acid, is used the garnish and improve the shelf life of fresh seafood.--Rosmarinic acid is used to treat peptic ulcers, arthritis, cataract, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and bronchial asthma. ---Synonyms---Ros A, [[3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2E-propenyl]oxy]-3,4-dihydroxy- benzenepropanoic acid
Scientists switch mouse’s genes off and on with radio waves
Some laboratory mice were given specially engineered insuling-producing genes. These genes were then remotely activated using radio waves. This could mean a whole new field of medical procedures in which we turn genes on and off at will.[U1]---This breakthrough is the work of geneticists at New York's Rockefeller University. It's a pretty circuitous path from the initial burst of radio waves to the activation of the gene, and there's still a lot of refinement and improvement that needs to be made before this can be used in medical treatments, but still - we're talking about the ability to modify the behavior of genes without ever going inside a patient's body.[U2] That's a potentially colossal advance.--Admittedly, while the treatment itself is totally non-invasive, the researchers did first have to inject some nanoparticles onto the mice's cells in order to affect their genes.[U3] It's a bit of a complex process, but Nature has a good explanation of just what was involved---Friedman and his colleagues coated iron oxide nanoparticles with antibodies that bind to a modified version of the temperature-sensitive ion channel TRPV1, which sits on the surface of cells. They injected these particles into tumours grown under the skins of mice, then used the magnetic field generated by a device similar to a miniature magnetic-resonance-imaging machine to heat the nanoparticles with low-frequency radio waves. In turn, the nanoparticles heated the ion channel to its activation temperature of 42 °C. Opening the channel allowed calcium to flow into cells, triggering secondary signals that switched on an engineered calcium-sensitive gene that produces insulin. After 30 minutes of radio-wave exposure, the mice's insulin levels had increased and their blood sugar levels had dropped.---The radio waves are ideal for this sort of remote manipulation because they can pass through thick layers of tissue, and they can be easily focused by the TRPV1 channel to affect only the desired target[U4]. Lead researcher Jeffrey Friedman says that, although this particular treatment had to do with insulin production, this isn't actually meant specifically as a diabetes treatment. That's a good thing, considering this treatment is massively more inefficient than many diabetes treatments currently available. Instead, this is just meant as a general proof of concept, and insulin production happens to be one of the easier gene activities to manipulate.--Even better, the researchers have already developed a way to achieve similar, albeit weaker, results without having to inject nanoparticles at all. They have developed cells that can grow their own required nanoparticles, meaning there would be no need to give patients strange chemicals or molecules. However, as Nature explains, this would still require growing tumors inside humans to actually get these cell cultures in place, which means the treatment isn't yet ethically permissible in humans. It's definitely early days yet, but this is one seriously intriguing line of research.
[U1]This should make you stand up and pay attention—the fact that they are considering using an RF to turn You On or off is somewhat disturbing
[U2]Weoponizing this makes it more dangerous then A Nuclear reactor
[U3]This is called Genetic Modification—and we all ready have enough of this ongoing
[U4]In other words once inside they can target the gene code of your DNA and trigger a response---seems like a good way to assassinate someone without firing a shot
Cinnamon extract promotes type I collagen biosynthesis via activation of IGF-I signaling in human dermal fibroblasts
Hazelnuts- New Source of Key Fat for Infant Formula That's More Like Mother's Milk
Commonly Used Pesticide Turns Honey Bees Into 'Picky Eaters'
Persistent Sensory Experience Is Good for Aging Brain
Cinnamon extract promotes type I collagen biosynthesis via activation of IGF-I signaling in human dermal fibroblasts.
J Agric Food Chem. 2012 Feb 8;60(5):1193-200--Authors: Takasao N, Tsuji-Naito K, Ishikura S, Tamura A, Akagawa M
The breakdown of collagenous networks with aging results in hypoactive changes in the skin. Accordingly, reviving stagnant collagen synthesis can help protect dermal homeostasis against aging. We searched for type I collagen biosynthesis-inducing substances in various foods using human dermal fibroblasts and found that cinnamon extract facilitates collagen biosynthesis. Cinnamon extract potently up-regulated both mRNA and protein expression levels of type I collagen without cytotoxicity. We identified cinnamaldehyde as a major active component promoting the expression of collagen by HPLC and NMR analysis. Since insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is the most potent stimulator of collagen biosynthesis in fibroblasts, we examined the effect of cinnamaldehyde on IGF-I signaling. Treatment with cinnamaldehyde significantly increased the phosphorylation levels of the IGF-I receptor and its downstream signaling molecules such as insulin receptor substrate-1 and Erk1/2 in an IGF-I-independent manner. These results suggested that cinnamon extract is useful in antiaging treatment of skin.--PMID: 22233457 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Hazelnuts- New Source of Key Fat for Infant Formula That's More Like Mother's Milk
ScienceDaily (May 23, 2012) — Scientists are reporting development of a healthy "designer fat" that, when added to infant formula, provides a key nutrient that premature babies need in high quantities, but isn't available in large enough amounts in their mothers' milk. The new nutrient, based on hazelnut oil, also could boost nutrition for babies who are bottle-fed for other reasons. The report appears in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.---Casimir Akoh and colleagues explain that human milk is the "gold standard" for designing infant formulas. Mothers naturally provide the healthful omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and omega-6 fatty acid ARA (arachidonic acid) -- important for brain development and the development of other organs -- to infants during the last three months of pregnancy. These fatty acids (components of fats) are also in human milk. But premature infants don't get full exposure to DHA and ARA in the uterus because they are born too soon. And their mothers' milk doesn't yet contain high enough levels when the infants are born. Some mothers, of course, do not nurse. That's why infant formulas include proteins, sugars and fats to bring them closer to the standard of human milk.---Currently, DHA and ARA (in the form of triacylglycerols) from algae are added to many formulas, but concerns exist about the digestibility of these algae-derived fatty acids, which are not exactly identical to those in human milk. So, Akoh's team set out to build a new designer fat from hazelnut oil that more closely mimics the DHA and ARA in human milk. The report describes development of fats from hazelnut oil that contain DHA and ARA at the same positions found on fats in human milk. The scientists extensively analyzed these human milk fat mimics and conclude that the new DHA and ARA source is suitable for the supplementation of infant formulas.---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Chemical Society, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS. --Journal Reference--Dilek Turan, Neşe Şahin Yeşilçubuk, Casimir C. Akoh. Production of Human Milk Fat Analogue Containing Docosahexaenoic and Arachidonic Acids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012; 60 (17): 4402 DOI: 10.1021/jf3012272
Selenium and CoEnzyme Q 10-Cardiovascular mortality and N-terminal-proBNP reduced after combined selenium and coenzyme Q10 supplementation-
A 5-year prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial among elderly Swedish citizens
Selenium and coenzyme Q10 are essential for the cell. Low cardiac contents of selenium and coenzyme Q10 have been shown in patients with cardiomyopathy, but inconsistent results are published on the effect of supplementation of the two components separately. A vital relationship exists between the two substances to obtain optimal function of the cell. However, reports on combined supplements are lacking.---Methods--A 5-year prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial among Swedish citizens aged 70 to 88 was performed in 443 participants given combined supplementation of selenium and coenzyme Q10 or a placebo. Clinical examinations, echocardiography and biomarker measurements were performed. Participants were monitored every 6th month throughout the intervention.---The cardiac biomarker N-terminal proBNP (NT-proBNP) and echocardiographic changes were monitored and mortalities were registered. End-points of mortality were evaluated by Kaplan–Meier plots and Cox proportional hazard ratios were adjusted for potential confounding factors. Intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses were applied.--Results---During a follow up time of 5.2years a significant reduction of cardiovascular mortality was found in the active treatment group vs. the placebo group (5.9% vs. 12.6%; P=0.015). NT-proBNP levels were significantly lower in the active group compared with the placebo group (mean values: 214ng/L vs. 302ng/L at 48months; P=0.014). In echocardiography a significant better cardiac function score was found in the active supplementation compared to the placebo group (P=0.03).---Conclusion--Long-term supplementation of selenium/coenzyme Q10 reduces cardiovascular mortality. The positive effects could also be seen in NT-proBNP levels and on echocardiography.
Commonly Used Pesticide Turns Honey Bees Into 'Picky Eaters'
Using an ascending range of sugar water from 0 to 50 percent, the researchers touched the antennae of each bee to see if it extended its mouthparts.
ScienceDaily (May 24, 2012) — Biologists at UC San Diego have discovered that a small dose of a commonly used crop pesticide turns honey bees into "picky eaters" and affects their ability to recruit their nestmates to otherwise good sources of food.---The results of their experiments, detailed in this week's issue of the Journal of Experimental Biology, have implications for what pesticides should be applied to bee-pollinated crops and shed light on one of the main culprits suspected to be behind the recent declines in honey bee colonies.---Since 2006, beekeepers in North America and Europe have lost about one-third of their managed bee colonies each year due to "colony collapse disorder." While the exact cause is unknown, researchers believe pesticides have contributed to this decline. One group of crop pesticides, called "neonicotinoids," has received particular attention from beekeepers and researchers.---The UC San Diego biologists focused their study on a specific neonicotinoid known as "imidacloprid," which has been banned for use in certain crops in some European countries and is being increasingly scrutinized in the United States.---"In 2006, it was the sixth most commonly used pesticide in California and is sold for agricultural and home garden use," said James Nieh, a professor of biology at UC San Diego who headed the research project with graduate student Daren Eiri, the first author of the study. "It is known to affect bee learning and memory."---The two biologists found in their experiments that honey bees treated with a small, single dose of imidacloprid, comparable to what they would receive in nectar, became "picky eaters."---"In other words, the bees preferred to only feed on sweeter nectar and refused nectars of lower sweetness that they would normally feed on and that would have provided important sustenance for the colony," said Eiri. "In addition, bees typically recruit their nestmates to good food with waggle dances, and we discovered that the treated bees also danced less."---The two researchers point out that honey bees that prefer only very sweet foods can dramatically reduce the amount of resources brought back to the colony. Further reductions in their food stores can occur when bees no longer communicate to their kin the location of the food source.---"Exposure to amounts of pesticide formerly considered safe may negatively affect the health of honey bee colonies," said Nieh.---To test how the preference of sugary sources changed due to imidacloprid, the scientists individually harnessed the bees so only their heads could move. By stimulating the bees' antennae with sugar water, the researchers were able to determine at what concentrations the sugar water was rewarding enough to feed on. Using an ascending range of sugar water from 0 to 50 percent, the researchers touched the antennae of each bee to see if it extended its mouthparts. Bees that were treated with imidacloprid were less willing to feed on low concentrations of sugar water than those that were not treated.--The biologists also observed how the pesticide affected the bees' communication system. Bees communicate to each other the location of a food source by performing waggle dances. The number of waggle dances performed indicates the attractiveness of the reward and corresponds to the number of nestmates recruited to good food.---"Remarkably, bees that fed on the pesticide reduced the number of their waggle dances between fourfold and tenfold," said Eiri. "And in some cases, the affected bees stopped dancing completely."---The two scientists said their discoveries not only have implications for how pesticides are applied and used in bee-pollinated crops, but provide an additional chemical tool that can be used by other researchers studying the neural control of honey bee behavior.---The study was funded by the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign and the National Science Foundation.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - San Diego. The original article was written by Kim McDonald. ---Journal Reference-D. M. Eiri, J. C. Nieh. A nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist affects honey bee sucrose responsiveness and decreases waggle dancing. Journal of Experimental Biology, 2012; 215 (12): 2022 DOI: 10.1242/jeb.068718
Persistent Sensory Experience Is Good for Aging Brain
ScienceDaily (May 24, 2012) — Despite a long-held scientific belief that much of the wiring of the brain is fixed by the time of adolescence, a new study shows that changes in sensory experience can cause massive rewiring of the brain, even as one ages. In addition, the study found that this rewiring involves fibers that supply the primary input to the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that is responsible for sensory perception, motor control and cognition[U1]. These findings promise to open new avenues of research on brain remodeling and aging.---Published in the May 24, 2012 issue of Neuron, the study was conducted by researchers at the Max Planck Florida Institute (MPFI) and at Columbia University in New York.--"This study overturns decades-old beliefs that most of the brain is hard-wired before a critical period that ends when one is a young adult," said MPFI neuroscientist Marcel Oberlaender, PhD, first author on the paper. "By changing the nature of sensory experience, we were able to demonstrate that the brain can rewire, even at an advanced age. This may suggest that if one stops learning and experiencing new things as one ages, a substantial amount of connections within the brain may be lost."---The researchers conducted their study by examining the brains of older rats, focusing on an area of the brain known as the thalamus, which processes and delivers information obtained from sensory organs to the cerebral cortex. Connections between the thalamus and the cortex have been thought to stop changing by early adulthood, but this was not found to be the case in the rodents studied.---Being nocturnal animals, rats mainly rely on their whiskers as active sensory organs to explore and navigate their environment. For this reason, the whisker system is an ideal model for studying whether the brain can be remodeled by changing sensory experience. By simply trimming the whiskers, and preventing the rats from receiving this important and frequent form of sensory input, the scientists sought to determine whether extensive rewiring of the connections between the thalamus and cortex would occur.---On examination, they found that the animals with trimmed whiskers had altered axons, nerve fibers along which information is conveyed from one neuron (nerve cell) to many others; those whose whiskers were not trimmed had no axonal changes. Their findings were particularly striking as the rats were considered relatively old -- meaning that this rewiring can still take place at an age not previously thought possible. Also notable was that the rewiring happened rapidly -- in as little as a few days.---"We've shown that the structure of the rodent brain is in constant flux, and that this rewiring is shaped by sensory experience and interaction with the environment," said Dr. Oberlaender. "These changes seem to be life-long and may pertain to other sensory systems and species, including people. Our findings open the possibility of new avenues of research on development of the aging brain using quantitative anatomical studies combined with noninvasive imaging technologies suitable for humans, such as functional MRI (fMRI)."
The study was possible due to recent advances in high-resolution imaging and reconstruction techniques, developed in part by Dr. Oberlaender at MPFI. These novel methods enable researchers to automatically and reliably trace the fine and complex branching patterns of individual axons, with typical diameters less than a thousandth of a millimeter, throughout the entire brain.--Dr. Oberlaender is part of the Max Planck Florida Institute's Digital Neuroanatomy group, led by Nobel laureate Dr. Bert Sakmann. The group focuses on the functional anatomy of circuits in the cerebral cortex that form the basis of simple behaviors (e.g. decision making). One of the group's most significant efforts is a program dedicated to obtaining a three-dimensional map of the rodent brain. This work will provide insight into the functional architecture of entire cortical areas, and will lay the foundation for a mechanistic understanding of sensory perception and behavior.-This study was carried out in collaboration with the group of Dr. Randy M. Bruno in the Neuroscience Department of Columbia University, New York.--Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Max Planck Florida Institute. ---Journal Reference-Marcel Oberlaender, Alejandro Ramirez, Randy M. Bruno. Sensory Experience Restructures Thalamocortical Axons during Adulthood. Neuron, 2012; 74 (4): 648 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.03.022—
Mind Exercises to increase Sensory Experience Restructuring-A good way to do this is to study about certain things and then place your self in the environment or setting and investigate or carry out a perception exercise—an example might be to do a recipe—or go out and take pictures read about the perspective subject you want to photograph and from there go and explore if the subject facts are accurate and write down what you observe---seek out different environments that will cause you to expand this effect so you develop new skills with the brain—further your education in new elements to further enhance te brain keeping it active and viable
[U1]This is Great News—If you are set in your ways and seem to be stuck on negative repetitive behaviour then this is showing there is a ways and means to change this thinking pattern and or associations in thought—Negative aspect of this also infers the idea that people of all ages can be brain washed as well with new concepts
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate is a new inhibitor of hepatitis C virus entry.
Antiviral effects of ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acids in vitro
The effect of black tea on risk factors of cardiovascular disease in a normal population
Black tea polyphenols inhibit tumor proteasome activity
Black tea polyphenol theaflavins inhibit aromatase activity
(-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate is a new inhibitor of hepatitis C virus entry.
Hepatology. 2012 Mar;55(3):720-9
Authors: Calland N, Albecka A, Belouzard S, Wychowski C, Duverlie G, Descamps V, Hober D, Dubuisson J, Rouillé Y, Séron K
Here, we identify (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) as a new inhibitor of hepatitis C virus (HCV) entry. EGCG is a flavonoid present in green tea extract belonging to the subclass of catechins, which has many properties. Particularly, EGCG possesses antiviral activity and impairs cellular lipid metabolism. Because of close links between HCV life cycle and lipid metabolism, we postulated that EGCG may interfere with HCV infection. We demonstrate that a concentration of 50 μM of EGCG inhibits HCV infectivity by more than 90% at an early step of the viral life cycle, most likely the entry step. This inhibition was not observed with other members of the Flaviviridae family tested. The antiviral activity of EGCG on HCV entry was confirmed with pseudoparticles expressing HCV envelope glycoproteins E1 and E2 from six different genotypes. In addition, using binding assays at 4°C, we demonstrate that EGCG prevents attachment of the virus to the cell surface, probably by acting directly on the particle. We also show that EGCG has no effect on viral replication and virion secretion. By inhibiting cell-free virus transmission using agarose or neutralizing antibodies, we show that EGCG inhibits HCV cell-to-cell spread. Finally, by successive inoculation of naïve cells with supernatant of HCV-infected cells in the presence of EGCG, we observed that EGCG leads to undetectable levels of infection after four passages. CONCLUSION: EGCG is a new, interesting anti-HCV molecule that could be used in combination with other direct-acting antivirals. Furthermore, it is a novel tool to further dissect the mechanisms of HCV entry into the hepatocyte.---PMID: 22105803 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Antiviral effects of ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acids in vitro.
Furuya A, Uozaki M, Yamasaki H, Arakawa T, Arita M, Koyama AH.
Source--Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Wakayama Medical University Graduate School of Medicine, Wakayama 641-8509, Japan.
In the present study, ascorbic acid weakly inhibited the multiplication of viruses of three different families: herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), influenza virus type A and poliovirus type 1[U1]. Dehydroascorbic acid, an oxidized form of ascorbic acid and hence without reducing ability, showed much stronger antiviral activity than ascorbic acid, indicating that the antiviral activity of ascorbic acid is due to factors other than an antioxidant mechanism. Moreover, addition of 1 mM Fe3+, which oxidizes ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid and also enhances the formation of hydroxyl radicals by ascorbic acid in the culture media, strongly enhanced the antiviral activity of ascorbic acid to a level significantly stronger than that of dehydroascorbic acid. Although both ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid showed some cytotoxicity, the degree of cytotoxicity of the former was 10-fold higher than the latter, suggesting that the observed antiviral activity of ascorbic acid with and without ferric ion is, at least in part, a secondary result of the cytotoxic effect of the reagent, most likely due to the free radicals. However, the possibility that oxidation of ascorbic acid also contributed to the antiviral effects of ascorbic acid exists, in particular in the presence of ferric ion, since dehydroascorbic acid exhibited a very strong antiviral activity. Characterization of the mode of antiviral action of dehydroascorbic acid revealed that the addition of the reagent even at 11 h post infection almost completely inhibited the formation of progeny infectious virus in the infected cells, indicating that the reagent inhibits HSV-1 multiplication probably at the assembly process of progeny virus particles after the completion of viral DNA replication.
Benefits of Black Tea
The effect of black tea on risk factors of cardiovascular disease in a normal population.
Bahorun T, Luximon-Ramma A, Neergheen-Bhujun VS, Gunness TK, Googoolye K, Auger C, Crozier A, Aruoma OI.
Source-ANDI Centre of Excellence for Biomedical and Biomaterials Research, CBBR Building, MSIRI, University of Mauritius, Réduit, Republic of Mauritius.
OBJECTIVES-A prospective randomized controlled clinical trial determined the effect of Mauritian black tea consumption on fasting blood plasma levels of glucose, lipid profiles and antioxidant status in a normal population.
METHODS-The study group (71%) consumed 3 x 200ml of black tea infusate/day for 12weeks without additives followed by a 3week wash-out. The control group (29%) consumed equivalent volume of hot water for same intervention period.
RESULTS--The tea used had high levels of gallic acid derivatives (50±0.4mg/L), flavan-3-ols (42±2mg/L), flavonols (32±1mg/L) and theaflavins (90±1mg/L). Daily 9g supplementation of black tea infusate induced, in a normal population, a highly significant decrease of fasting serum glucose (18.4%; p<0.001) and triglyceride levels (35.8%; p<0.01), a significant decrease in LDL/HDL plasma cholesterol ratio (16.6%; p<0.05) and a non significant increase in HDL plasma cholesterol levels (20.3%), while a highly significant rise in plasma antioxidant propensity (FRAP: 418%; p<0.001) was noted .
CONCLUSION-Black tea consumed within a normal diet contributes to a decrease of independent cardiovascular risk factors and improves the overall antioxidant status in humans.
Black tea reduces uric acid and C-reactive protein levels in humans susceptible to cardiovascular diseases.
Bahorun T, Luximon-Ramma A, Gunness TK, Sookar D, Bhoyroo S, Jugessur R, Reebye D, Googoolye K, Crozier A, Aruoma OI.
Source--Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science, University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius.
The effect of black tea on the level of uric acid (UA) and C-reactive proteins (CRP) in humans susceptible to ischemic heart diseases was assessed in a prospective randomized controlled study. The study group consumed 9 g of black tea (equivalent to three cups of tea) daily for 12 weeks without additives followed by a 3-week wash-out (with control group consuming equivalent volume of hot water). Black tea consumption induced a highly significant decrease in the high uric acid baseline groups > 6 mg/dL by 8.5%; p < 0.05. For men and women in the base line group > 7 mg/dL, the decrease was 9.4% and 7.1%, respectively. In the low baseline serum uric acid levels there was a non-significant increase of 3.7% and 15% in men and women, respectively. C-reactive protein in the high risk group > 3mg/L was significantly decreased by 53.4% and 41.1% in men and women, respectively. For the non-supplemented group in this range the changes were 3.7% decrease for men and 2.9% increase for women. Tea supplementation-associated decrease in plasma uric acid and C-reactive protein levels may benefit humans at high risk of cardiovascular events and may augment drug therapy.--
Black tea polyphenols inhibit tumor proteasome activity.
The Developmental Therapeutics Program, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute and Department of Oncology, School of Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48201-2013, USA.
Tea is a widely consumed beverage and its constituent polyphenols have been associated with potential health benefits. Although black tea polyphenols have been reported to possess potent anticancer activities, the effect of its polyphenols, theaflavins on the tumor's cellular proteasome function, an important biological target in cancer prevention, has not been carefully studied. Here black tea extract (T5550) enriched in theaflavins inhibited the chymotrypsin-like (CT) activity of the proteasome and proliferation of human multiple myeloma cells in a dose-dependent manner. Also an isolated theaflavin (TF-1) can bind to, and inhibit the purified 20S proteasome, accompanied by suppression of tumor cell proliferation, suggesting that the tumor proteasome is an important target whose inhibition is at least partially responsible for the anticancer effects of black tea.
Black tea polyphenol theaflavins inhibit aromatase activity and attenuate tamoxifen resistance in HER2/neu-transfected human breast cancer cells through tyrosine kinase suppression.
Way TD, Lee HH, Kao MC, Lin JK.
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Section. 1, Jen-Ai Road, Taipei 10018.
The aromatase enzyme, which converts androstenedione to oestrone, regulates the availability of oestrogen to support the growth of hormone-dependent breast tumours. In this study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of black tea polyphenols on aromatase activities. We found that black tea polyphenols, TF-1, TF-2 and TF-3, significantly inhibited rat ovarian and human placental aromatase activities. In addition, using an in vivo model, these black tea polyphenols also inhibited the proliferation induced by 100 nM dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in MCF-7 cells. Transfection of HER2/neu in MCF-7 breast cancer cells appeared to be associated with an increased resistance of the cells to hormonal therapy. Interestingly, unlike the selective oestrogen receptor modulator (SERM) tamoxifen, black tea polyphenols had antiproliferation effects in breast cancer cells with hormonal resistance. The inhibitory effect of black tea polyphenols on hormone-resistant breast cancer cells suppressed the basal receptor tyrosine phosphorylation in HER2/neu-overexpressing MCF-7 cells. These findings suggest the use of black tea polyphenols may be beneficial in the chemoprevention of hormone-dependent breast tumours and represent a possible remedy to overcome hormonal resistance of hormone-independent breast tumours.
[U1]This would be dose dependent the stronger the dose the higher the success
Understanding Why Alkalinity Can Be Unhealthy
Bt Toxin Kills Human Kidney Cells
Green Tea Compound for Radioprotection
2 people dead after swarms of venomous spiders invade Indian town
Polyphenolics from various extracts/fractions of red onion (Allium cepa) peel with potent antioxidant and antimutagenic activities
**********************************************************************************************************************Understanding Why Alkalinity Can Be Unhealthy
If you took high school or college chemistry, you may remember that pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 with 7 for neutral solutions [white, middle of scale] with:
- Lower numbers representing increased acidity [red zone, top of scale at right]
- Higher numbers representing increased alkalinity and [blue zone, bottom of scale at right]
In an overly alkaline environment [due to aliens closeby in Earth's 4th dimension -- aliens whose energy is highly alkaline], there is a need for the following strategies:
- Emphasize acid-forming foods
- Use white vinegar in bath water and washing machine [2 - to 9 cups] depending on the severity of the alkaline energy.
- Use soaps that have a neutral pH [e.g. glycerin soap] or contain mild acid that help preserve the skin's acid mantle [e.g. goat milk soap]. Note: Miracle II is a pH neutral soap that is available through mail-order distributors and some retail stores.
Acids and alkalines (also known as bases) neutralize each other forming salt and water. By emphasizing acids in your diet and on your skin, you will neutralize the extreme alkaline energy that is all around us [due to the presence of aliens]. I will explain more details about these concepts later in this article.
Why Does Alkalinity Cause Aging?
The key to why alkalinity causes aging is in the definition of acids and bases that was developed by a scientist named Svante August Arrhenius (1859 - 1927): --An acid is a substance that increases the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+), which are carried as hydronium ions (H3O+) when dissolved in water, while bases are substance that increase the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-). -Hydrogen ions are involved in growth (a daytime function). They’re also needed in the body to convert adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP has been called the “energy currency” of the cell. ---The illustration Below shows a high concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) that are needed for growth and the production of energy used in the human body. See: "Selecting Foods That Provide Hydrogen Ions." A substance with a high concentration of hydrogen ions would be extremely acid showing little or no hydroxide ions.--In contrast, the illustration at right shows a high concentration of hydroxide ions that are present in alkaline substances. Hydroxide ions will slow growth and thwart metabolic processes in the body because they gobble hydrogen ions to form salt and water [setting up a condition for accelerated aging].--A substance with a high concentration of hydroxide ions would be extremely alkaline showing little or no hydrogen ions.Food Lies
When you read what foods provide hydrogen ions for growth and energy production, you'll say: --Hey, wait a minute, is there an extermination agenda? It turns out, most of the health advice we're given is false. Examples include:
- [#1] Alkaline-forming foods are healthy [fruits and vegetables] and acid-forming foods are harmful.
The truth: Alkaline-forming foods [and energy] cause accelerated aging and promote the growth of parasites that cause disease [Note: If energy was more normal, fruits and vegetables would provide a balance].
- [#2] Fat is bad and low- fat or no-fat is healthy [Note: It has become almost impossible to find whole milk products in food stores and children are being fed low-fat dairy in schools.
The truth: Half of every cell wall is made of saturated fat, the fat that we're told not to eat. With decreased energy and not enough fat to make new cells, you can imagine the effect these two combined factors have on aging. Children need fat for brain development. In addition, fat is required to make hormones. Infertility rates are very high.
These ideas are so deeply embedded, they're hard to dislodge. Aren't all the sources of information providing the same information? That's right -- they are.
Selecting Foods That Provide Hydrogen Ions
Selecting foods that provide hydrogen ions can be tricky because the key is to select foods leave minerals behind that the body can use to make acids.Some foods, such as lemons, seem to contain an acid (citric acid), yet they do not leave the minerals behind to make acids.--To correct mistakes that you may be making -- will require memorization. I recommend Herman Aihara's book that is shown in the upper left corner of this page [some authors make mistakes concerning acid- forming and alkaline forming]. --Look closely at the following chart and notice what foods we're told to eat and not eat:
Acid-forming Minerals
Alkaline-forming Minerals
(makes hydrochloric acid)Magnesium
(makes magnesium hydroxide)Phosphorus
(makes phosphoric acid)Calcium
(makes calcium hydroxide)Sulfur
(makes sulfuric acid)Potassium
(makes potassium hydroxide)
Acid-forming Foods
Alkaline-forming Foods
Apple Cider Vinegar (strong)
Citrus Fruit (strong)
Peanut Butter (strong)
Green Vegetables (strong)
Chocolate (strong)
Seaweed (strong)
Meat (medium)
Green Tea (strong)
Bread (medium)
Sea Salt (medium)
Eggs (medium)
Coffee (medium)
Black tea (medium)
Wine (medium)
Milk and Cheese (Weak)
Ginger (Medium)
Dr. Carey Reams: Parasites Thrive in Alkalinity
Dr. Carey Reams [1904-1985], a medical doctor who also had a career as a soil scientist, has a devoted following in modern agricultural circles that could be described as alternative. Just as there are alternative medical doctors who strive to heal the body without drugs, there are farmers who prefer to use natural methods instead of chemicals.--In the area of human health, Reams is most known for an ionization theory that consists of seven mathematical equations that provide a framework for balancing the body's chemistry. The equations are referred to as Reams Biological Theory of Ionization [RBTI] and pH was an important aspect of Reams' work.---During his lifetime, Reams taught workshops, but was too busy avoiding the medical establishment to write his own books. Fortunately, an oral surgeon named Dr. Alexander Beddoe, has written several books about Reams' work. --Dr. Beddoe's RBTI text book lists the following health conditions that are due to alkalinity:
Slow digestion
Breakdown of discs in the back
Body odor
Deminerialization of bones
Dental decay
Ear deterioration
Gall stonesHeart stress
Hot flashes
Lower GI gas
Mental confusion
Muscle soreness
Increase in skin pigmentationIf alkalinity reflects an abundance of hydroxide ions, this may lead to a buildup of excess water in the body. When a hydroxide ion encounters a hydrogen ion [a base meeting an acid], there is a neutralization reaction that forms salt and water. If you add the popular health advice to eat alkaline-forming foods [fruits and vegetables], and the fact that hydrogen ions [from acid-forming foods] are required for metabolism-driving energy, I believe that acid-base chemistry is the reason that many businesses are selling very large products.
Hydrochloric Acid Kills Parasite Eggs
Disease-causing parasites are the most serious result of the alkalinity problem. The solution is to make the body inhospitable to parasites using food chemistry and herbs.---Chloride, the mineral that's needed to make hydrochloric acid, provides an example of why we need to be careful when selecting the foods that we eat. You'll notice that chloride is a mineral that is needed to make hydrochloric acid [that kills parasite eggs in the stomach]. This mineral is left behind by acid-forming foods [that we're told not to eat]. --Parasites that cause disease lay eggs that are very small. If the eggs are present in food and if we have enough hydrochloric acid, the eggs will not mature and cause health problems.---Alkaline-forming foods create an environment in the body that is very healthy for parasites.---To neutralize alkaline energy, I drink apple cider vinegar in ice water, drink mostly black tea and I eat a lot of peanut butter. Peanut butter is also rich in nutrition [26 minerals, 14 vitamins and monounsaturated fat that's used for energy and converted to saturated fat as needed].Killing Large Parasites
Dr. Hulda Clark [1928-2009], who wrote The Cure and Prevention of All Diseases, discovered herbs that kill large parasites. ---Because there are no lab tests for large parasites that cause serious diseases such as cancer and heart disease, most medical doctors are clueless about the connection between parasites and disease.--Hulda was a meticulous researcher and she made a great contribution. The following list of herbs form the foundation of a group of herbs that Hulda wrote about for fifteen years. See: Antiparasite Tea Recipe
Hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach kills parasite eggs. If stomach acid is low, the eggs may survive. Cloves are known to kill:
• Parasite eggs
• Pseudomonas aeruginosa
• Staphylococcus
• Streptococcus
• Malaria
• Tuberculosis
• Cholera
• Scabies
• Candida
• ShigellaBlack Walnut [Green] Hull Tincture
Kills adult parasites and developmental stages. This tincture contains organic iodine that is required by every cell in the body. The green hull around the nut of the black walnut has antiparasitic properties.
(Artemesia absinthium)Wormwood works to anesthetize worms so they detach from body tissues. It is most effective against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and pinworms.
Thyme kills hook-worms, roundworms, threadworms and skin parasites. Thyme also destroys Cryptococcus neoformans, Aspergillus, Saprolegnia, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureas, and Escherichia coli.
Antiparasite Tea Recipe
Hulda's basic herbs are Cloves, Black Walnut Hull Tincture, and Wormwood. I make tea using the following recipe [frequently].2-3 Cups of Water
2-3 Tea Bags Black Tea [e.g. Earl Grey]
48 Drops of Black Walnut Hull Tincture
12 Drops of Wormwood Tincture
1/4 teaspoon of Ground Cloves (approximately)
2-3 Sprigs of Fresh Thyme
- Use Distilled or Reverse Osmosis If you have a weak immune system, you may want to purchase Hulda's book and learn how to sterilize food -- with a freezer or sound waves. Chest freezers that can be set to -20 degrees kill parasites and microorganisms in 24 hours. --
I use sound waves generated by a jewelry cleaner that Hulda renamed a "sonicator." The Haier Jewelry Cleaner has a 25 oz. water tank (HDPE bottles of herbs are submerged to apply sound waves). Jewelry cleaners kill bugs in 20 minutes [$29.99 at].A jewelry cleaner tank can accomodate two Nalgene, four-ounce, wide-mouth HDPE bottles containing loose herbs [available at camping stores such as REA or Eastern Mountain Sports].
Bt Toxin Kills Human Kidney Cells
Cry1Ab biopesticide kills human cells at low doses as does Roundup herbicide
Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji
A new study shows that low doses of Bt biopesticide CryA1b as well as the glyphosate herbicide, Roundup, kill human kidney cells. The Bt biopesticide conferring insect resistance and the glyphosate tolerance trait tied to the use of glyphosate herbicides account for almost all the GM crops grown worldwide. Bt crops already constitute 39 % of globally cultivated genetically modified (GM) crops, yet this is the first study that provides evidence on the toxicity of Bt protein in human cells. This work comes at a time when the French environment and agricultural ministers are seeking an EU-wide ban of Monsanto’s MON810 Bt corn variety that is already outlawed in Hungary, Austria, Germany, Greece, and Luxembourg[U1]. The EU commission approved this crop in 2009, concluding that it “is as safe as its conventional counterpart with respect to potential effects on human and animal health”. In response to their publication the research team raised questions about the safety assessment procedure stating that their findings were a “surprising outcome and this risk was somehow overlooked” in past assessments of such crops. [1]. -- The research team led by Gilles-Eric Séralini at the University of Caen, France, is already well-known for their investigations on the endocrine disrupting effects of glyphosate herbicides (see [2] Glyphosate Kills Rat Testis Cells[U2], SiS 54).The researchers tested the effects of Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac proteins as well as their combined effects with the herbicide Roundup on the human kidney cell line HEK293 [3]. Humans are exposed to hundreds of chemicals in a day, and their combined effects need to be understood. This is particularly important when considering the new generation of ‘stacked’ genetically modified (GM) crops now on the market, which carry multiple resistance genes for Bt toxins and glyphosate tolerance together. [U3]---------Experiments were performed to assess both cell death and cell membrane integrity, as the pesticidal activity of Bt toxins results from creating pores in the membrane of cells in the insect gut. Cell death was measured using three parameters: 1) mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase enzyme activity as a general cell death marker, 2) activity of the membrane-bound enzyme adenylate kinase (AK) to assess membrane integrity as a marker of necrotic cell death and 3) caspase 3/7 activity, as a marker of apoptosis (programmed cell death). They found that Cry1Ab caused cell death at concentrations of 100 parts per million (ppm), according to mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase activity. The membrane-bound enzyme adenylate kinase (AK) goes up in activity when the membrane disintegrates and releases the enzyme into the culture medium. Cry1Ab at 100 ppm induced a 2-fold increase in AK activity. No effects were seen with Cry1Ac.
Antidiabetic potentials of Momordica charantia: multiple mechanisms behind the effects.
J Med Food. 2012 Feb;15(2):101-7--Authors: Chaturvedi P
Momordica charantia fruits are used as a vegetable in many countries. From time immemorial, it has also been used for management of diabetes in the Ayurvedic and Chinese systems of medicine. Information regarding the standardization of this vegetable for its usage as an antidiabetic drug is scanty. There are many reports on its effects on glucose and lipid levels in diabetic animals and some in clinical trials. Reports regarding its mechanism of action are limited. So in the present review all the information is considered to produce some concrete findings on the mechanism behind its hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects. Studies have shown that M. charantia repairs damaged β-cells, increases insulin levels, and also enhance the sensitivity of insulin. It inhibits the absorption of glucose by inhibiting glucosidase and also suppresses the activity of disaccharidases in the intestine. It stimulates the synthesis and release of thyroid hormones and adiponectin and enhances the activity of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Effects of M. charantia like transport of glucose in the cells, transport of fatty acids in the mitochondria, modulation of insulin secretion, and elevation of levels of uncoupling proteins in adipose and skeletal muscles are similar to those of AMPK and thyroxine. Therefore it is proposed that effects of M. charantia on carbohydrate and fat metabolism are through thyroxine and AMPK.---PMID: 22191631 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE][U4]************************************************************************
Green Tea Compound for Radioprotection
Green tea polyphenol antioxidant protects against bystander effects of low dose ionizing radiation that damage cells and cause numerous diseases including cancer. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho--The recent discovery of bystander effects from low levels of ionizing radiation has thrown risk assessment and radioprotection into disarray [1] (Bystander Effects Multiply Dose and Harm from Ionizing Radiation, SiS 55). However, it has also led to the discovery of potential mitigating measures against exposure to radioactivity, especially from nuclear accidents like Chernobyl (and Fukushima), the devastation health impacts of which are still surfacing 25 years later [2] (Chernobyl Deaths Top a Million Based on Real Evidence. SiS 55). ------Ionizing radiation has been known to produce free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS), predominantly by ionizing water, the most abundant molecules in tissues and cells (see [1] for an explanation of ROS). ROS are responsible for oxidative damage to DNA, proteins, and lipids, initiating cell death, genomic instability and other consequences of radiation, both in cells that have been directly targeted, and in bystander cells that have not been irradiated [1]. There is evidence that various antioxidants can protect cells against bystander radiation damages, and new findings published online in Mutation Research appear particularly promising. ----shu Tiku and Benila Richi at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and Roasaheb Kale at Central University of Gujarat in India may have found the ideal antioxidant for radioprotectopm [3].
Non-toxic compound needed for radioprotection-----One main problem in radioprotection is to find compounds that are non-toxic or minimally so, and natural compounds fit the bill in being both non-toxic and easily available. Green tea is a rich source of polyphenols with strong antioxidant activities. Green tea extracts and its polyphenols have been shown to possess many health benfits attributed to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (see [4, 5] Green Tea, The Elixir of Life? and Green Tea Against Cancers, SiS 33). Most of the health benefits of green tea have been credited to the major polyphenol EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) which constitutes 55 – 70 % of total polyphenols in green tea extract. Its antioxidant potential is believed to be far greater than vitamin E and vitamin C, the two main antioxidants among vitamins [6]. The team exposed both pBR322 plasmid DNA as well as spleen cells from mice to g-radiation at different concentrations of EGCG. Preliminary experiments found that EGCG concentrations above 125 mM were toxic to the cells, so the highest concentration used was restricted to 100 mM. The effects of quercetin - another polyphenol found in fruits, vegetables, leaves and grains - and vitamin C were also investigated. The plasmid DNA and cells were incubated for 2 hours with EGCG at different concentrations or quercetin and vitamin C, both at 100 mM, before being irradiated. Afterwards, the plasmid and cells were assessed for DNA damage, and the cells for viability, lipid peroxidation, membrane fluidity, and for activities of enzymes and cofactors involved in detoxification and scavenging of ROS. Tea compound protects against DNA breaks and cell death--The intact plasmid is supercoiled in a compact form, while the cut plasmid is circular, and the two forms can be clearly distinguished and quantified by electrophoresis. The control (unexposed) sample is about 85% supercoiled. EGCG was found to protect plasmid DNA against breaks at high (50 Gy) or low (3 Gy) dose radiation: >82.5 % protection even at the lowest concentration of EGCG tested (10 mM) and complete 100 % protection at 50 mM. EGCG was better at protection against DNA breaks than quercetin or vitamin C at the same concentration of 100 mM. The viability of cells was determined with a vital dye that depends on active mitochondria. At 3 to 7 Gy of g-irradiation, cell viability was significantly decreased, and at the highest dose, to 53 % of unexposed controls; but pre-incubation with EGCG protected the cells and restored viability in a concentration dependent manner, at 100 mM, viability was restored to >96 % of control. Single cell comet assay was used to determine the extent of DNA degradation in the cells. In this assay, cells are trapped in agar gel on a microscope slide, lysed to expose their DNA for electrophoresis, and stained with a fluorescent dye. Cells with intact DNA will appear as a small compact bright spot, while cells with degraded DNA will appear as a diffuse spot with a tail, like a comet, hence the name of the assay. The bigger the tail, the greater is the extent of degradation, which can be quantified with computer software under a fluorescent microscope. Exposing the cells to 3 Gy led to substantial DNA degradation, which was reduced in a concentration dependent manner by EGCG. Quercetin and vitamin C -also protected the cells against DNA damage, though not as effectively as EGCG.
2 people dead after swarms of venomous spiders invade Indian town
( Playing with genetics- )--Published June 03, 2012
SADIYA, India – A town in India has suddenly been overrun by swarms of venomous spiders, leaving two people dead after being bitten.--It may sound like a B-grade horror movie, but residents of the town of Sadiya, in Assam state, say that on the evening of May 8 as they were celebrating a Hindu festival swarms of spiders suddenly appeared and attacked them, The Times of India reported.---Over the next few days two people -- a man, Purnakanta Buragohain, and an unnamed school boy -- died after being bitten by the spiders. Scores more turned up at the town's hospital with spider bites.--Local resident Jintu Gogoi spent a day in the hospital complaining of excruciating pain and nausea after being bitten. He said weeks later his finger was still blackened and swollen.---District authorities are also panicking -- and they are considering spraying the town with the insecticide DDT.---Locals say the most terrifying aspect is that spiders appear in swarms and their behavior is highly aggressive.[U5]--"It leaps at anything that comes close. Some of the victims claimed the spider latched on to them after biting. If that is so, it needs to be dealt with carefully. The chelicerae and fangs of this critter are quite powerful," head of the department of life sciences at Dibrugarh University Dr. L.R. Saikia said.--Teams of Indian arachnid experts have flocked to the town, hoping to identify the species, but so far they have drawn a blank.[U6]---They say it could be a tarantula, a black wishbone or even a funnel-web spider -- or it could be a whole new species.---One thing they agree on is that it is not native to the area as there is no record of venomous spiders in Assam. The black wishbone and funnel-web are native to Australia. Researchers are also still running tests to find out the toxicity of the spiders' venom.--Dr. Anil Phatowali, superintendent of the town's hospital, said they had not administered antivenin as they could not be certain the spider was venomous at all.---He also pointed out other factors may have contributed to the two reported fatalities.--"All the bite patients first went to witch doctors, who cut open their wounds with razors, drained out blood and burnt it. That could have also made them sick," Phatowali said.
Polyphenolics from various extracts/fractions of red onion (Allium cepa) peel with potent antioxidant and antimutagenic activities.
Singh BN, Singh BR, Singh RL, Prakash D, Singh DP, Sarma BK, Upadhyay G, Singh HB.
Nutraceutical Chemistry, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow 226 001, India.
In order to determine antioxidant activity, the five extracts/fractions of red onion peel were studied for their total content of phenolics (TPC), flavonoids (TFC), antioxidant activity (AOA), free radical scavenging activity (FRSA), assayed by DPPH radical in the terms of anti-radical power (ARP) and reducing power (RP), expressed as ascorbic acid equivalents (ASE)/ml. High TPC (384.7 +/- 5.0 mg GAE/g), TFC (165.2+/- 3.2 mg QE/g), AOA (97.4 +/- 7.6%), ARP (75.3 +/-4.5) and RP (1.6 +/-0.3 ASE/ml) were found for the ethyl acetate (EA) fraction. EA fraction had markedly higher antioxidant capacity than butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) in preventive or scavenging capacities against FeCl3-induced lipid peroxidation, protein fragmentation, hydroxyl (site-specific and non-site-specific), superoxide anion and nitric oxide radicals. EA fraction also showed dose dependent antimutagenic activity by following the inhibition of tobacco-induced mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium strains (TA102) and hydroxyl radical-induced nicking in plasmid pUC18 DNA. HPLC and MS/MS analysis showed the presence of ferulic, gallic, protocatechuic acids, quercetin and kaempferol. The large amount of polyphenols contained in EA fraction may cause its strong antioxidant and antimutagenic properties. This information shows that EA fraction of red onion peel can be used as natural antioxidant in nutraceutical preparations.
[U1]Observe these countries who have rejected this GMO---watch them all go financially broke—or economically devastated—germany is broke from bailing out half of Europe and Greece is totally in economic ruin—keep your eye on the other countries and watch them become devastated
[U2]Apparently this is what is going on with the Human Race as well
[U3]And you wonder why you have headaches—endocrinal disruptions-heart issues-skin issues-brain issues—thyroid and liver and lung issues-glandular issues-why you seem to be aging far more rapidly then you should---why you are having difficulty in things you should not be having especially at the ages of the mid 20’s to 40 and upward ( downward if you are afflicted )
[U4]SO this maybe good to take with tyrosine and iodne as welll
[U5]Genetically Modified Spider?---is it possible after all these years of planting a genetic disrupting compounds into the earth that we have finally made a genetically aggressive species---Was it done in a lab and now this particular area was or is being targeted!!!
[U6]A BLANK!!!!!so is it an alien specied fallen off a space ship---is it a lab made spider---is it been genetically changed due to either experimentation or careless dumping of genetic materials—and no hypothesis?? A blank---something smells bad and it ain’t socks off a sweaty feet!!
Reverse Engineering Epilepsy's 'Miracle' Diet
Can Composting Reduce Radiation
Antiparasitic, nematicidal and antifouling constituents from Juniperus berries
Reverse Engineering Epilepsy's 'Miracle' Diet
ScienceDaily (May 23, 2012) — For decades, neurologists have known that a diet high in fat and extremely low in carbohydrates can reduce epileptic seizures that resist drug therapy. But until now, how the diet worked, and why, was a mystery.---Now, researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School have proposed an answer, linking resistance to seizures to a protein that modifies cellular metabolism in the brain. The research, to be published in the May 24th issue of the journal Neuron, may lead to the development of new treatments for epilepsy.--The research was led jointly by Nika Danial, HMS assistant professor of cell biology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Gary Yellen,professor of neurobiology at Harvard Medical School. The first author was Alfredo Giménez-Cassina, a research fellow in Danial's lab.---Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by repeated seizures, an electrical storm in the brain that can manifest as convulsions, loss of motor control, or loss of consciousness. Some cases of epilepsy can be improved by a diet that drastically reduces sugar intake, triggering neurons to switch from their customary fuel of glucose to fat byproducts called ketone bodies. The so-called ketogenic diet, which mimics effects of starvation, was described more than 80 years ago and received renewed interest in the 1990s. Recent studies corroborate that it works, but shed little light on how.--"The connection between metabolism and epilepsy has been such a puzzle," said Yellen, who was introduced to the ketogenic diet through his wife, Elizabeth Thiele, HMS professor of neurology, who directs the Pediatric Epilepsy Program at MassGeneral Hospital for Children, but was not directly involved in the study. "I've met a lot of kids whose lives are completely changed by this diet," Yellen said. "It's amazingly effective, and it works for many kids for whom drugs don't work."---"We knew we needed to come at this link between metabolism and epilepsy from a new angle," said Danial, who had previously discovered a surprising double duty for a protein known for its role in apoptosis: The protein, BCL-2-associated Agonist of Cell Death, or BAD, also regulated glucose metabolism.--Giménez-Cassina further discovered that certain modifications in BAD switched metabolism in brain cells from glucose to ketone bodies. "It was then that we realized we had come upon a metabolic switch to do what the ketogenic diet does to the brain without any actual dietary therapy," said Gimenez-Cassina, who went on to show that these same BAD modifications protect against seizures in experimental models of epilepsy. Still, it wasn't clear exactly how.---Yellen suspected the solution involved potassium ion channels. While sodium and calcium ion channels tend to excite cells, including neurons, potassium channels tend to suppress cell electrical activity. His lab had previously linked ketone bodies to the activation of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels in neurons. Yellen had hypothesized that the ketogenic diet workedbecause ketone bodies provide neurons enough fuel for normal function, but when the electrical and energy storm of an epileptic seizure threatens, the activated KATP channels can shut the storm down. But the effects of diets are broad and complex, so it was impossible to say for sure---The effects that Danial's lab had discovered -- BAD's ability to alter metabolism and seizures -- offered a new avenue for studying the therapeutic effects of altered metabolism. Together, the researchers decided to investigate whether Danial's switch governed Yellen's pathway, and whether they could reverse engineer the seizure protection of a ketogenic diet.--They could. Working in genetically altered mice, the researchers modified the BAD protein to reduce glucose metabolism and increase ketone body metabolism in the brain. Seizures decreased, but the benefit was erased when they knocked out the KATP channel -- strong evidence that a BAD-KATP pathway conferred resistance to epileptic seizures. Further experiments suggested that it was indeed BAD's role in metabolism, not cell death that mattered. The findings make the BAD protein a promising target for new epilepsy drugs.---"Diet sounds like this wholesome way to treat seizures, but it's very hard. I mean, diets in general are hard, and this diet is really hard," said Yellen, whose wife's Center for Dietary Therapy in Epilepsy hosts a candy-free Halloween party for its many patients on the ketogenic diet. "So finding a pharmacological substitute for this would make lots of people really happy."---Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Harvard Medical School. The original article was written by R. Alan Leo. --Journal Reference--Alfredo Giménez-Cassina, Juan Ramón Martínez-François, Jill K. Fisher, Benjamin Szlyk, Klaudia Polak, Jessica Wiwczar, Geoffrey R. Tanner, Andrew Lutas, Gary Yellen, Nika N. Danial. BAD-Dependent Regulation of Fuel Metabolism and KATP Channel Activity Confers Resistance to Epileptic Seizures. Neuron, 2012; 74 (4): 719 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.03.032
Can Composting Reduce Radiation?
In the gardening-module of the our DVD, the amazing book How to Grow More Vegetables (HtGMV) is highly recommended as the resource on soil-fertility. If you've been following our newsletters (BFP #1, specifically), you'll remember that the microbial life within soil is the most important factor to having a green important in fact, that author John Jeavons insists that if you're really serious about gardening, you shouldn't be focused on growing plants, but instead, growing soil. ---One of the most amazing facts presented in HtGMV was a claim that double-digging, the biointensive gardening method of soil preparation (loosening the top 2ft of soil below the surface and adding various amounts of compost) was shown to reduce radiation up to 30% in soil in areas of Russia near the Chernobyl disaster of 1986. What? How?!
Biointensive for Russia's Chernobyl Research in 2005
(headed by Carol Vecksy and aided by Dr. Igor Prokofyev and Dr. Ludmila Zhirina of the NGO Viola...full report available here) mean that adding compost into soil can significantly reduce the radioactivity soil, and thus, food?" In short, yes! ---This claim was exhaustively confirmed through ground-breaking research done by Biointensive for Russia, an arm of Jeavons' Ecology Action group, who conducted many experiments to better understand the spread of radiation and its effects on the local population and environment surrounding the city of Chernobyl, Russia, the location of the worst nuclear disaster in history. ---Biointensive for Russia determined that the chief source of radionuclides in the food chain is the soil; specifically, the top 6 inches of soil. As time goes on, the chief human health concern is no longer external absorption of radionuclides from fallout, but rather, internal absorption through the food supply. After processing hundreds of samples of soil and veggies it was discovered that compost binds the radionuclides but does not release them to the plants; thus, radionuclide-uptake is choked off before it has a chance to enter the human body through food. Wow. We already knew that microbial life was amazing, but this is something else entirely...some other key findings of this research include:
- After Strontium-90 (Sr-90), Cesium-137 is the most dangerous radionuclide for humans. It accumulates quickly in plants, so is contained in food and is quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.
- The uptake of radionuclides into crops essentially depends on the granulometric structure of the soil. The uptake in sandy soils is approximately twice that in loams, especially when the soils are not well supplied with exchangeable potassium...double digging reduces uptake of radionuclides into plants by factors of 5-10. However, in conditions of sandy and sandy loam soils, it has no effect..."
"Over four years of experiments, Viola has learned that by using GB techniques it is possible to decrease the radionuclide contamination of vegetables by 30 percent. Therefore, we have prepared recommendations for the local population on the best ways to grow vegetables, prepare food, and otherwise live safely with radiation."--" Double Digging reduces uptake of radionuclides into plants by factors of 5-10. However, in conditions of sandy and sandy loam soils, it has no effect. Applying compost in addition to double- digging reduces radionuclide uptake by up to 30 percent...Measures taken to protect plants against pests, dis eases, and weeds such as application of compost teas and intensive growing of vegetables using GB methods lead toa decrease in the amount of radionuclides in vegetables. Combining these methods enables a decrease of up to 40 percent of the radionuclides in plants due to the increased harvest." ----Backyard Food Production, PO Box 1624, Bastrop, TX 78602, USA
Medicinal Action and Uses---Oil of Juniper is given as a diuretic, stomachic, and carminative in indigestion, flatulence, and diseases of the kidney and bladder. The oil mixed with lard is also used in veterinary practice as an application to exposed wounds and prevents irritation from flies. --Spirit of Juniper has properties resembling Oil of Turpentine: it is employed as a stimulating diuretic in cardiac and hepatic dropsy. -The fruit is readily eaten by most animals, especially sheep, and is said to prevent and cure dropsy in the latter. -----The chief use of Juniper is as an adjuvant to diuretics in dropsy depending on heart, liver or kidney disease. It imparts a violet odour to the urine, and large doses may cause irritation to the passages. An infusion of 1 oz. to 1 pint of boiling water may be taken in the course of twenty-four hours. --In France the berries have been used in chest complaints and in leucorrhoea, blenorrhoea, scrofula, etc. They are nut given in substance. --The oil is a local stimulant. -------Dosage---Oil of Berries, B.P., 1 to 5 drops. Oil of Wood, 1 to 5 drops. Fluid extract, 1/2 to 1 fluid drachm. Spirit of Juniper, B.P. and U.S.P., 20 to 60 minims. Oil, 2 to 10 minims. Elixir of Potassium Acetate and Juniper as a diaphoretic, 4 fluid drachms. Comp. Spirit, U.S.P., 2 drachms. Solid extract, 5 to 15 grains. --- Juniper Berry is an effective diuretic and antiseptic that not only promotes the flow of urine, but also treats infection of the urinary tract at the same time. As a diuretic, the herb stimulates the kidneys and bladder to get rid of retained and excess water (possibly also helping to treat obesity). Juniper increases the filtering of waste products by the kidneys and helps to expel prostate sediment and gallstones. It is also thought to dissolve kidney stones. The herb helps to prevent the crystallization of uric acid in the kidneys, retaining it in a solution and passing it in the urine; thus curtailing the formation of razor sharp crystals of uric acid in the big toe! -- Juniper Berry is helpful in combating bacterial infections, such as cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, vaginitis and inflamed kidneys.---Juniper Berry is an old herbal remedy for the digestive tract. The volatile oil content helps to eliminate gas and expel intestinal flatulence and assists in the digestion of foods like cabbage. The herb has been used to ease stomach cramps, colic and indigestion; and in small doses, it stimulates the appetite.--The anti-inflammatory properties of Juniper Berry are thought to ease the pain of rheumatism, arthritis, sore muscles and gout. --Juniper Berry has shown results in the treatment of lung disorders as an effective expectorant and decongestant---Juniper Berry is considered a purifier of the blood and overall system cleanser. -- In recent lab studies, Juniper has demonstrated antiviral activity against virus A-2 and Herpes simplex virus I and II. ---
Orhan N, Aslan M, Demirci B, Ergun F.
Source--Gazi University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy, 06330, Etiler Ankara, Turkey.
Juniperus (Cupressaceae) species are widely used as folk medicine in spreading countries. Decoction of Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. oxycedrus L. leaves is used internally to lower blood glucose levels in Turkey.---AIM OF THE STUDY--To determine hypoglycaemic and antidiabetic activities of Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. oxycedrus leaves and to identify active compounds through bioactivity guided isolation technique.--MATERIALS AND METHODS--Ethanol and water extracts of Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. oxycedrus (Joso), leaves on oral administration were studied using in vivo models in normal, glucose-hyperglycemic and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Through in vivo bioactivity-guided fractionation processes, a nonpolar fraction was separated from the n-hexane subextract by silica gel column chromatography as the main active fraction. Subfractions of this fraction was found to possess antidiabetic activity and their chemical composition was investigated by GC-FID and GC-MS, simultaneously.--RESULTS--This is the first report on the antidiabetic constituents of Joso leaves. Fatty acids, such as palmitic, linoleic and linolenic acid were found as the major compounds in subfractions.--CONCLUSION--Results indicated that Joso leaf extract and its active constituents might be beneficial for diabetes mellitus.
Antiparasitic, nematicidal and antifouling constituents from Juniperus berries.
Samoylenko V, Dunbar DC, Gafur MA, Khan SI, Ross SA, Mossa JS, El-Feraly FS, Tekwani BL, Bosselaers J, Muhammad I.
Source--National Center for Natural Products Research, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677, USA.
Abstract--A bioassay-guided fractionation of Juniperus procera berries yielded antiparasitic, nematicidal and antifouling constituents, including a wide range of known abietane, pimarane and labdane diterpenes. Among these, abieta-7,13-diene (1) demonstrated in vitro antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum D6 and W2 strains (IC(50) = 1.9 and 2.0 microg/mL, respectively), while totarol (6), ferruginol (7) and 7beta-hydroxyabieta-8,13-diene-11,12-dione (8) inhibited Leishmania donovani promastigotes with IC(50) values of 3.5-4.6 microg/mL. In addition, totarol demonstrated nematicidal and antifouling activities against Caenorhabditis elegans and Artemia salina at a concentration of 80 microg/mL and 1 microg/mL, respectively. The resinous exudate of J. virginiana afforded known antibacterial E-communic acid (4) and 4-epi-abietic acid (5), while the volatile oil from its trunk wood revealed large quantities of cedrol (9). Using GC/MS, the two known abietanes totarol (6) and ferruginol (7) were identified from the berries of J. procera, J. excelsa and J. phoenicea.
Special Note
“I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man!!!!!
- Thomas Jefferson “
Today's Environment Influences Behavior Generations Later:
Chemical Exposure Raises Descendants' Sensitivity to Stress
Genetic Mutation in African Malaria Parasite Shown to Give Resistance to Best Drugs
Chernobyl Deaths Top a Million Based on Real Evidence
New protein study could shake up sports nutrition market-Or Kill It!
Today's Environment Influences Behavior Generations Later:
Chemical Exposure Raises Descendants' Sensitivity to Stress
Researchers have seen an increased reaction to stress in animals whose ancestors were exposed to an environmental compound generations earlier. ---ScienceDaily (May 21, 2012) — Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and Washington State University have seen an increased reaction to stress in animals whose ancestors were exposed to an environmental compound generations earlier.---The findings, published in the latest Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, put a new twist on the notions of nature and nurture, with broad implications for how certain behavioral tendencies might be inherited.[U1]--The researchers -- David Crews at Texas , Michael Skinner at Washington State and colleagues -- exposed gestating female rats to vinclozolin, a popular fruit and vegetable fungicide known to disrupt hormones and have effects across generations of animals.[U2] The researchers then put the rats' third generation of offspring through a variety of behavioral tests and found they were more anxious, more sensitive to stress, and had greater activity in stress-related regions of the brain than descendants of unexposed rats.---"We are now in the third human generation since the start of the chemical revolution, since humans have been exposed to these kinds of toxins," says Crews. "This is the animal model of that."---"The ancestral exposure of your great grandmother alters your brain development to then respond to stress differently," says Skinner. "We did not know a stress response could be programmed by your ancestors' environmental exposures."[U3]The researchers had already shown exposure to vinclozolin can effect subsequent generations by affecting how genes are turned on and off, a process called epigenetics. In that case, the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance altered how rats choose mates.[U4] The new research deepens their study of the epigenetics of the brain and behavior, dealing for the first time with real-life challenges like stress. It also takes a rare systems biology approach, looking at the brain from the molecular level to the physiological level to behavior.---"We did not know a stress response could be reprogrammed by your ancestors' environmental exposures," says Skinner, who focused on the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance and genomics aspects of the paper. "So how well you socialize or how your anxiety levels respond to stress may be as much your ancestral epigenetic inheritance as your individual early-life events." This could explain why some individuals have issues with post-traumatic stress syndrome while others do not, he says. Crews says that increases in other mental disorders may be attributable to the kind of "two-hit" exposure that the experiment is modeling.[U5] "There is no doubt that we have been seeing real increases in mental disorders like autism and bipolar disorder," says Crews, who focused on the neuroscience, behavior and stress aspects of the paper. "It's more than just a change in diagnostics. The question is why? Is it because we are living in a more frantic world, or because we are living in a more frantic world and are responding to that in a different way because we have been exposed? I favor the latter." The researchers also saw intriguing differences in weight gain, opening the door to further research on obesity. Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Washington State University. The original article was written by Eric Sorensen. -Journal Reference-David Crews, Ross Gillette, Samuel V. Scarpino, Mohan Manikkam, Marina I. Savenkova, and Michael K. Skinner. Epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of altered stress responses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, May 21, 2012 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1118514109
Genetic Mutation in African Malaria Parasite Shown to Give Resistance to Best Drugs
ScienceDaily (Apr. 27, 2012) — Scientists have identified genetic mutations[U6] in the deadliest malaria parasite in Africa that are giving it resistance to one of the most powerful anti-malarial drugs. The researchers say their findings are a further warning that the best weapons against malaria could become obsolete.--The artemisinin group of drugs are the most effective and widely used treatments for malaria. They are most powerful and less likely to be resisted by the malaria parasite when used with other drugs as artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs). But the new study confirms previous suggestions that mutations in a key part of the parasite can provide resistance to artemether, one of the two most effective artemisinins.---The research group, led by a team at St George's, University of London, discovered artemether resistance in parasite samples taken from 11 of the 28 malaria-infected patients in the study. On average, artemether's effectiveness was reduced by half. Each parasite was found to have the same genetic mutations.[U7]---The patients were infected by malaria parasite-carrying mosquitoes while travelling abroad, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa, home to 90 per cent of the one million people killed worldwide each year by malaria.---Study lead Professor Sanjeev Krishna said: "Artemether and ACTs are still very effective, but this study confirms our fears of how the parasite is mutating to develop resistance. Drug resistance could eventually become a devastating problem in Africa, and not just in south east Asia where most of the world is watching for resistance. Effective alternative treatments are currently unaffordable for most suffering from malaria[U8]. Finding new drugs is, therefore, crucial." In the study, published online April 27, 2012 in BioMed Central's open access journal Malaria Journal, the researchers tested samples from patients infected with the Plasmodium falciparum parasite. This parasite causes the deadliest form of malaria, and is responsible for nine out of 10 malaria deaths. [U9]The parasites were assessed for their sensitivity to four artemisinins -- artemisinin itself, artemether, dihydroartemisinin and artesunate.---The 11 parasites showing artemether resistance had the same genetic mutations in an internal system called the calcium pump. This is used to transport calcium, crucial for the parasite to function. The researchers already suspected that the calcium pump -- which they first showed was a target for artemisinins to work on in 2003 -- had the potential to develop artemisinin resistance. But this had been difficult to confirm until now.---Artemether resistance was strongest in several cases where a separate mutation in another transport system -- a protein called pfmdr1, already associated with drug resistance -- also occurred.---The effectiveness of the other artemisinins was not significantly affected by the mutations. This may be because they were able to work on other transport systems in the parasite, compensating for the effects of resistance mutations in the calcium pump.---However, Professor Krishna added: "At the moment, we do not know if the other artemisinins will follow suit, but given the shared chemistry they have with artemether it is tempting to think that they would."---He added that resistance could be a result of the increasing use of ACTs, 300 million doses of which were dispensed worldwide in 2011. Greater use could offer the parasites more opportunities to develop genetic mutations that provide resistance. This could, the researchers say, lead to a repeat of how the parasite developed resistance to pre-artemisinin drugs such as chloroquine. Incorrect use of anti-malarials, such as not completing the treatment course or taking sub-standard drugs, could aid this process.---Professor Krishna said: "New drug development is paramount, but it is vital that we also learn more about how artemisinins work so we can tailor ACT treatments to be effective for as long as possible."----Story Source-The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of St George's London, via AlphaGalileo. --Journal Reference-Dylan R Pillai, Rachel Lau, Krishna Khairnar, Rosalba Lepore, Allegra Via, Henry M Staines, Sanjeev Krishna. Artemether resistance in vitro is linked to mutations in PfATP6 that also interact with mutations in PfMDR1 in travellers returning with Plasmodium falciparum infections. Malaria Journal, 2012; 11 (1): 131 DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-11-131
Chernobyl Deaths Top a Million Based on Real Evidence
Medical records from contaminated areas speak for themselves; doctors,
scientists and citizens bear witness to the devastating health impacts of
radioactive fallout from nuclear accidents Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Official denial by nuclear lobby---The Chernobyl disaster occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power -Plant near the city of Prypiat in Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union, and close to the administrative border with Belarus. A sudden power output surge prompted an attempt at emergency shutdown; but a more extreme spike in power output led to the rupture of a reactor vessel and a series of explosions. The graphite moderator was exposed, causing it to ignite, and the resulting fire sent a plume of highly radioactive fallout over large parts of the western Soviet Union and Europe. From 1986 to 2000, 350 400 people were evacuated and resettled from the most contaminated areas of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. According to official post-Soviet data, about 57 % of the fallout landed in Belarus [1]. Chernobyl is widely considered to have been the worst nuclear accident in history and one of only two classified as a level 7 event on the International Nuclear Event Scale, the other being the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdown in 2011 (see [2] Fukushima Nuclear Crisis, SiS 50).--- From the beginning, the official nuclear safety experts were at pains to minimise the projected health impacts, as they are doing now for the Fukushima accident. The UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation) estimated a “global collective dose” of radiation exposure from the accident “equivalent on average to 21 additional days of world exposure to natural background radiation”. Successive studies reported by the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) continued to underestimate the level of exposure and to understate health impacts other than [3] “psychosocial effects, believed to be unrelated to radiation exposure” resulting from the lack of information immediately after the accident, “the stress and trauma of compulsory relocation to less contaminated areas, the breaking of social ties and the fear that radiation exposure could cause health damage in the future.”------The number of deaths attributed to Chernobyl varies widely [1]. Thirty-one deaths are directly attributed to the accident, all among the reactor staff and emergency workers. An UNSCEAR report places the total confirmed deaths from radiation at 64 as of 2008. The Chernobyl Forum [4] founded in February 2003 at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna with representatives from IAEA and UN agencies including UNSCEAR, WHO, the World Bank, and Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, estimates that the eventual death toll could reach 4 000 among those exposed to the highest levels of radiation (200 000 emergency workers, 115 000 evacuees and 270 000 residents of the most contaminated areas); the figure includes some 50 emergency workers who died of acute radiation syndrome, 9 children who died of thyroid cancer and an estimated total of 3950 deaths from radiation-induced cancer and leukemia. The Union of Concerned Scientists based in Washington in the United States estimates another 50 000 excess cancer cases among people living in areas outside the most contaminated, and 25 000 excess deaths. A Greenpeace report puts the figure at 200 000 or more. The Russian publication, Chernobyl, by scientists Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Nesterenko, translated and published by the New York Academy of Sciences in 2009, concludes that among the billions of people worldwide who were exposed to radioactive contamination from the disaster, nearly a million deaths had already occurred between 1986 and 2004. Most of the deaths were in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine [5] (see Truth about Chernobyl, SiS 47). The report drew on thousands of published papers and internet and printed publications. Those publications and papers, written by leading Eastern authorities, were downplayed or ignored by the IAEA and UNSCEAR. These agencies minimised their estimates by several ploys including [6]----- Underestimating the level of radiation by averaging exposure over a large regions, such as an entire country; so high exposure doses and health statistics of the most contaminated areas are lumped together with the less and least exposed
- Ignoring internal sources of radiation due to inhalation and ingestion of
radioactive material from fallout
- Using an obsolete and erroneous model of linear energy transfer due to external
sources of ionising radiation
- Not counting diseases and conditions other than cancers
- Overestimating the natural background radiation; today’s ‘background’ has been greatly increased by discharges from nuclear activities including tests of
nuclear weapons, use of depleted uranium, and uranium mining
- Suppressing and withholding information from the public.
Nevertheless, the devastating health impacts did not escape the notice of the hundreds of doctors, scientists and other citizens who had to bear witness to the deformities, sicknesses and deaths of exposed babies, children and adults in their care. -Diversity of health impacts and their global extent over generations to come Alexei Yablokov, distinguished academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, spoke at the Scientific and Citizen Forum on adioprotection – From Chernobyl to Fukushima, 11-13 May 2012 in Geneva [7]. He is adamant that the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster can be clearly demonstrated by comparing the states of people’s health in areas receiving different amounts of additional radiation following the accident, instead of one based on average effective dose calculated by the ICRP and UNSCEAR which underestimates the true levels of irradiation. For example, there is a clear difference in mortality rates between highly contaminated provinces and less contaminated provinces of Russia (see Figure 1). Yablokov is lead author of a massive report, now in its third enlarged 2011 edition [8], which has collated all the available evidence.****************************************************************************
Estriol, an estrogen that has virtually been ignored by the mainstream medical community, is one of the three principal estrogens produced by the body. Estriol was originally thought to have little significance due to its weak estrogenic activity when compared with estrone and estradiol. Nonetheless, research has found that its weakness may very well be its strength. --Studies suggest that when the lower-potency estrogen, estriol, is administered topically, it does not increase the risk of hormone-dependent cancers of the breast or endometrium (uterine lining).1-3 However, having weaker estrogenic effects does not mean that estriol has none of the benefits that come with more potent estrogens. Studies suggest that estriol reduces symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness, but with a better safety profile compared with more potent estrogens.1,4,5 This makes estriol a better choice for bioidentical hormone-replacement treatment regimes. --That is not all this ‘weak’ hormone is good for! Research suggests that estriol has benefits for bone density, heart health, multiple sclerosis, and postmenopausal urinary tract health.6-12 In this article, we will review the attributes of this ‘weaker’ estrogen, and why this estrogen is currently in the news.
F The body naturally makes three estrogen hormones—estradiol, estrone, and estriol. Since estriol possesses the weakest estrogenic effects of the three, it has been largely overlooked by the medical community.
- Many studies show that estriol offers a wealth of potential health benefits—without the dangers that sometimes accompany higher-potency estrogens and synthetic or horse-derived hormones.
- Studies suggest that estriol helps relieve menopausal symptoms while benefitting bone and urinary tract health. Estriol may also help improve cardiovascular risk factors and even shows promise in reducing the brain lesions of multiple sclerosis.
- The most reliable way to measure estriol levels is through 24-hour urine collection.
- Despite abundant evidence to the contrary, the FDA has recently claimed that estriol is not safe. You can act now to help preserve consumers’ access to bioidentical hormones such as estriol by visiting
Fear of cancer prevents many women from restoring youthful hormone levels. When applied through the topical (transdermal) route, estriol is not associated with increased cancer risk. Other methods women can use to prevent hormone-related cancers include consuming regular amounts of vitamin D, and Bioflavonoids, Tumeric,Rosemary,Parsley,Dandelion, Hawthorn Berry, Black tea and Black Tea extracts, Celery Root, regulating meat and high-fat dairy intake.—
Estriol and Hormone Replacement Therapy
In addition, several studies suggest that bioidentical estrogen has less health risk when given with low doses of bioidentical progesterone.26,27--- if you are on hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) and have never heard of estriol, you might be wondering why not? Before the 1970s, estriol was thought to have significance only during pregnancy we saw the beginning of hormone-replacement therapy with patented equine estrogens such as Premarin® and synthetic progestins as found in Provera®. By the 1990s, one-third of menopausal women were taking Premarin®. Research uncovered the increased incidence of breast cancer, increased risk of blood clotting, and increased cardiovascular risk associated with the use of these horse-derived and synthetic hormones (used in combination in the patented medication Prempro®).13 The medical community began to wonder if using hormones from pregnant horses was such a good idea. In an effort to find a safer alternative, many patients and practitioners began looking into ‘natural’ hormone-replacement treatment using bioidentical hormones, which are identical to those produced naturally within the body. Bioidentical-hormone replacement was pioneered in the 1980s as a treatment for menopause by Dr. Jonathan Wright in Washington state. -------Interest in estriol increased as it was discovered that estriol was safer than horse-derived and synthetic hormones in relation to cardiovascular health and potentially cancer risk. Unfortunately, many doctors have not adopted its use, and many bioidentical hormone-replacement regimes use only estradiol, a more potent estrogen with increased associated risks.--- The benefits of estriol may, in part, be explained by the mixed pro-estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects of this interesting estrogen hormone. Scientists Melamed et al. investigated the mixture of stimulating and non-stimulating effects posed by estriol upon estrogen receptors. When estriol is given together with estradiol, the estradiol-specific stimulation to cells is decreased. This little-appreciated scientific fact helps to explain how estriol can reduce pro-carcinogenic effects of more powerful estrogens like estradiol. However, when estriol is given alone over a long period of time, it can produce a more complete pro-estrogenic effect, explaining why symptom relief is achieved when menopausal women take estriol.2 Experimental studies suggest that both estriol and tamoxifen (a synthetic anti-estrogen) have protective effects against radiation-induced cancer of the breast[U10].14--- Most of the research cited in this article used oral estrogen as the route of administration. However, for enhanced safety, topical estriol would be a better choice. Several studies have shown that transdermal estrogen confers less health risk as a route of administration than oral estrogen.3,21-25 Clinical experience of many doctors over the past 20-30 years suggests that transdermal estrogen is also more effective for some women. This is largely thought to be due to the ‘first-pass effect’—meaning that orally ingested drugs are often first metabolized in the liver, before having any activity in the body. Orally ingested estrogen hormones are among these drugs that are first metabolized in the liver before exerting their effects in the body. Physicians experienced in hormone replacement often observe that women treated with oral estrogens show high levels of estrogen metabolites in 24-hour urine specimens, suggesting that most of the orally ingested hormones are being excreted.---------- In a prospective study funded by the US Army and performed at the Public Health Institute, Berkeley, California, researchers compared estriol levels during pregnancy with breast cancer incidence 40 years later. Results revealed that of the 15,000 women entered in the study, those with the highest levels of estriol relative to other estrogens during pregnancy had the lowest cancer risk. In other words, as the relative level of estriol increased during pregnancy, risk of breast cancer decreased 40 years later. In fact, women with the highest level of estriol during pregnancy had 58% lower risk for breast cancer compared with women who had the lowest serum estriol levels. The authors also noted that Asian and Hispanic women had higher estriol levels compared with other racial groups. Interestingly, Asian and Hispanic women have the lowest breast cancer rates. The authors concluded, “If confirmed, these results could lead to breast cancer prevention or treatment regimens that seek to block estradiol estrogen action using estriol, similar to treatment based on the synthetic anti-estrogen tamoxifen.”15 ---In another study, Takahashi et al. studied the safety of estriol treatment for Menopausal symptoms. Fifty-three women with either surgically induced or natural menopause were given 2 mg of oral estriol/day for 12 months. Endometrial and breast assessments done with endometrial biopsy and breast ultrasound, respectively, found normal results in all women. The authors concluded that over a 12-month period, “estriol appeared to be safe and effective in relieving symptoms of menopausal women.”1---In one investigation, 52 postmenopausal women were given 2 mg, 4 mg, 6 mg, or 8 mg/day of oral estriol for six months. In all patients, vasomotor symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes) were decreased. The most improvement was experienced by women taking the highest dose of 8 mg. There were no signs of endometrial hyperplasia confirmed by endometrial biopsy over the six-month treatment period. Mammograms were obtained on six of the patients who had mammary hyperplasia at the study’s outset, and no further changes were seen.8- Although the oral route of administration of estriol appears relatively safe over the short-term, the transdermal route is preferred for long-term use. For example, Weiderpass et al. found an increased risk of endometrial atypical hyperplasia and endometrial cancer with oral use of estriol, but not with transdermal estriol over at least a five-year period. Compared with no use of estriol, those who took oral estriol for at least five years had a significantly greater risk, compared with individuals who did not take any estriol. Women using topical estriol for at least five years did not have any increased risk.
New protein study could shake up sports nutrition market-Or Kill It!
A study out this week could add a new player to the protein market that’s long been dominated by whey.--At the Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego on Monday, Blake Rasmussen, PhD, of the University of Texas Medical Branch, presented findings that show a blend of protein sources—50 percent casein, 25 percent whey, 25 percent soy—was superior to whey alone for prolonging muscle building and recovery after exercise.[U11] “Whey protein has been given considerable notice as the gold standard ingredient after exercise to enhance muscle growth,” Rasmussen said. “The main problem with whey is it’s fast digesting—the anabolic response in muscle is only about an hour. We wanted to prolong the anabolic response with other protein sources. We found muscle protein synthesis is elevated for a longer amount of time with a protein blend versus whey protein.”[U12] The combination of protein blends was determined in Rasmussen's previous preclinical work with rats.--Soy, whey and casein protein are all absorbed at different rates during digestion[U13]. Whey protein is referred to as a “fast” protein because it is rapidly absorbed, between 30 and 60 minutes, Rasmussen said. Soy is an intermediate protein, taking between 60 and 120 minutes to digest. And casein is a slow protein, requiring between three and five hours to digest.-“The combination gives you a quick increase in protein synthesis, and it gets sustained,” said Rasmussen. “It’s a prolonged delivery to muscle that the muscles use for recovery.”-The double-blind, randomized clinical trial followed 19 young adults before and after ingestion of about 19 grams of protein from the blend or about 17.5 grams of whey protein alone.
“Your muscles don’t recover in 30 minutes. It takes at least 24 to 48 hours for your muscles to recover after a resistance exercise,” said Greg Paul, global marketing director for sports nutrition and weight management at Solae, a soy supplier that sponsored the study.[U14]
Not just for athletes anymore?---It was only five years ago when research showed that protein should be an important part of sports nutrition products. Before then, the game was typically provided by the likes of Gatorade-style drinks: with fast carbs and electrolytes such as potassium and sodium.--Whey became the go-to protein source in beverages because it quickly fed muscles. Whey also appears better than soy for producing muscle synthesis because of the presence in whey of the amino acid leucine, which has been shown to uniquely act as a stimulatory signal for muscle protein synthesis. But for athletes and weekend warriors alike, using a blend of protein sources that absorb in the body over time means muscles are being fed until the next meal.
The addition of soy is also important because of soy’s particular properties including as an antioxidant and as an anti-inflammatory, which are both key attributes in muscle building beyond anabolic[U15] effects.
And this could lead to the next great demographic for protein products: the elderly.--“Protein blends are useful for sports nutrition,” said Rasmussen, “but also for those interested in aging and maintaining muscle mass as we age. This could potentially be a great intervention for aging.”[U16] -To date, products targeting elderly nutrition with protein-centric value propositions are few and far between. The trend of aging baby boomers, coupled with research demonstrating the value of protein blends in maintaining muscle mass, ought to be of interest to marketers and product developers. [U17]
[U1]Again Not Genetic as they perpetrate---but a preconditioning to create the anomaly intended—an experiment of control and dependency and debilitation
[U2]Disruptor of the endocrine system---then what happens when you add several different disruptors of the endocrine system? Sterilization!!
[U3]Imagine the duress our lineage will have as a result of the –soy poisoning—chemtrail poisoning-vaccination poisoning –genetically modified food poisoning-environmental---they will be beyond xenophobic and will be told they have a genetic disposition to XYZ infections or conditions or potential invasion from a pathogen specific to there DNA structure---all lies---a direct result of intervention of a evil kind causing this to occur in 3 generations
[U4]It would appear they would possibly chose as a direct result of those who also would have hade these inherited genes –further compounding the problem and causing more issues
[U5]A Binary attack to hit and violate at the same time causing a breakdown
[U6]How interesting ---we have a GMM= genetically modified malaria---doe that not make you go hmmmmm wonder how it got genetically enhanced to resist what once cured it !!?---Is it not interesting that we have a new species of Malaria now—apparently the old one was not killing people off fast enough so now the pharma’ have decided to make this a better pathogen
[U7]WARNING WARNING—Understand this---Genetic Mutation--
[U8]Interesting---if they had the money they could be relieved but no money and they are held hostage by the IMF—what a crock
[U9] 90% kill ratio----am I the only one seeing this is not a natural cause---weoponized malaria??
[U10]Utilizing black tea in a concentrated form has actually the same effect as tamoxifen without the unwanted side effects
[U11]You never Mix a casein with a Soy they are highly allergenic and will cause all kinds of intestinal break down--The soy itself is an idigestible protein that cause intestinal and pancreatic cancers---avoid this
[U12]This is true---but the issue is how it is blended—the idea that you can mix a good egg or animal protein wih the whey would make this far superior to there method and without the allergens associated with the Soy
[U13]This is true whey is in and out in about 2 hours casein in and out in about 4-6 hours-Soy can take a month due to the fact it does not digest and in fact causes intestinal disruptions and pancreatic shutdown---so they are right in the blending but wrong in how they blend
[U15]This is at best a fabrication go to the soy links at
and read for your self the 4 studies that are there---even the FDA since 1904 knew Soy was toxic and not meant to consume
[U16]If this is followed this will exacerbate an already compromised colon and or pancreas---this advice Should not be followed at all—this was obviously done by someone trying to get ahead at the elderly expense
[U17]This is a form of euphanasia---food poisoning the elderly