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Vitamin C could reduce inflammation
08/03/2006- A diet rich in sources of vitamin C could cut the level of
markers for inflammation by 45 per cent, a result that needs verifying
by supplementation studies, says a new study. Consumers have a positive image of vitamin C, with public perception linking the vitamin to improved immune system health. The new cross-sectional study, published in this month’s American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Vol. 83, pp. 567-574), examined 3258 men aged between 60 and 69 with no history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease. A food-frequency questionnaire was used to quantify vitamin C intake from dietary and supplemental sources, and related to blood levels of certain markers linked to inflammation: C-reactive protein (CRP) and tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA). “Plasma vitamin C, fruit intake, and dietary vitamin C intake were significantly and inversely associated with mean concentrations of C-reactive protein, an acute phase reactant, and t-PA antigen, a marker of endothelial dysfunction,” wrote lead author Goya Wannamethee from the Royal Free and University College Medical School, London. High blood levels of vitamin C were associated with a 45 per cent reduced risk of inflammation (with respect to CRP levels), and high fruit intake was related to a 25 per cent reduced risk of inflammation. “Plasma (but not dietary) vitamin C also showed inverse associations with both fibrongen concentrations and blood viscosity,” reported Wannamethee. In an accompanying editorial (Vol. 83, pp. 525-526), Ishwarlal Jialal and Uma Singh from the University of California Davis Medical Center, said: “It is important to emphasize that theirs was a cross-sectional study and not a randomized placebo-based clinical trial, and thus the authors conclusion is not firm and cannot be used for policy guidelines.” The editorial also pointed out that the study was only focused on elderly white men and thus could not be generalized for other races, women, and age groups. Jialal and Singh also questioned the use of t-PA as a measure of endothelial inflammation. “It is not clear whether there is indeed a relation between vitamin C and biomarkers of endothelial function, because the authors did not show a correlation between vitamin C and von Willebrand factor, another biomarker.” Both commentators stressed that previous clinical trials (with diabetics, smokers and healthy men) had not reported an anti-inflammatory effect from vitamin C supplementation. In contrast, intravenous vitamin C trials did report an improvement in endothelial function. “Much further research in a dose-response is required to ascertain whether oral vitamin C supplementation is anti-inflammatory and whether it improves endothelial dysfunction,” concluded Jialal and Singh. The recommended daily intake of the vitamin in Europe is 60 mg. In the US, men are recommended to consume 90 mg per day, and women 75 mg per day. Lactic acid Reduction Solutions: One recommended by Dr. Reich, "Calcium and Vitamin D Deficiency, The Theory and Clinical Work of Dr. Carl Reich," which I had the privilege of editing for The Arthritis Fund, is calcium-magnesium. Calcium and magnesium combine with lactic acid, neutralizing the negative effect of excess lactic acid, normalizing pH, and normalizing breathing for asthma, emotional disturbances, and restoring the ill health of people in many disease conditions. Malic acid supplements, an acid found in food, in apples and other fruit, and produced by the citric acid cycle in the human body itself, has been written about by Holzschlag as "reducing" the effects of excess lactic acid. Drs. Hyde, Cheney, and Goldstein have used it in their practice with CFS to improve energy and reduce pain. The reason for greater energy is made clear by Lehninger. It doesn't neutralize lactic acid build-up directly. Energy production uses another pathway with malic acid. Szent-Gyorgyi found that malic acid kicks red muscle into using oxygen to produce its energy rather than anaerobic ways of doing it. Rather than reducing the effects of lactic acid, malic acid gives a signal to the mitochondria to use oxygen to burn fat as fuel or to use oxygen to burn glucose as energy. Red muscle is red because of its oxygen content. Oxygen gives muscle and blood its redness. The red blood cell abnormalities in people subject to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and chronic fatigue may stem from inability of the RBC to carry adequate oxygen to the cells, so the cells revert to their least efficient mode of energy production, the lactic acid or alcohol pathways. Iron-copper balance synergized with molybdenum help make the RBC do its job of carrying oxygen. Mineral deficiency or mineral imbalance may help explain why RBC abnormalities exist, and, at the same time, explain why MCS people, PPS, and CFS have unusual blood gases. Either mineral deficiencies trigger abnormal breathing patterns, or abnormal breathing patterns trigger mineral deficiency. In fact, both perpetuate each other. The more hurried you are, the tenser you become, and the worse the breathing. Type A hurried rats were created by injuring the hypothalamus in Friedman and Rosenman's experiments. Hypothalamus damage in humans is explained to my way of thinking under beriberi listings in the 1992 Merck Manual: refined sugar, white flour, or white rice causes hypothalamus damage, poliocencephalitis, weakness in the extremities and the heart, by not having enough real B1, thiamine pyrophosphate cocarboxylase and magnesium. Vitamin B1 and magnesium deficiency from refined carbohydrates may be the mineral-vitamin cause of the Type A personality to begin with if I'm right. You can become Type A just as the accountants did by just hurrying through life; you could also become that way if refined sugars and grains are staples in your diet. Type A breathing patterns worsen mineral status either through fostering overly acid conditions in the blood less than pH 7, or overly alkaline conditions over 7.4. Long term use of ascorbic acid or "vitamin C" may also lead to or worsen mineral status for one simple reason. Ascorbic acid takes both bad toxic metals out of the system and GOOD minerals at the same time. All of those circumstances suggest solutions. Change your breathing, pace yourself, and slow down. Deep breathing alone should be a part of every health program. Secondly, checking your mineral status, or taking mineral supplements may do the job to help give your cells the oxygen they need for greater energy and strength, especially calcium-magnesium. Moderating ascorbic acid use might also be warranted. Adding malic acid supplements or upping one's intake of apples and apple products like apple cider vinegar and juice make a lot of sense. You get more oxygen and you're no longer running on empty. You have 20 times the fuel to go on after malic acid kicks your muscles into their most efficient energy mode The body's defenses against an increase in acidity are the bicarbonate, phosphate, and protein "buffers", which help to neutralize the acid produced by intense exercise…Taking a sufficient quantity of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) before high-intensity event should make the muscles and blood less acidic during the event and should enhance physical performance. Sodium citrate is another substance that should enhance performance by buffering the acidity of intense exercise….Short-term exercise can be enhanced by reducing the level of acidity. In a review of 29 studies of the effects of ingestion of sodium bicarbonate, Matson and Vu Tran (1993) concluded that the effect on performance varied between athletes, but that the greater the dosage and the shorter the exercise, the more likely that bicarbonate buffering would enhance performance. Maughan and Greenhaff (1991) concluded that ingestion of sodium bicarbonate can enhance performance of high intensity exercise lasting 1-10 minutes…Tested the effect of sodium citrate on 30-km cycling performance. Performance times averaged almost 3% faster than those in the placebo condition
Benfotiamine is a form of Vitamin B-1 used in Germany for the treatment and prevention of diabetic health complications. Advanced Glycation Endproducts, or “AGEs” as they’re appropriately called, are the end result of the complex chemical process through which the structure of proteins is warped by exposure to sugars or by other, much more reactive molecules. AGE chemistry is the cause of the “browning” you see when you roast a chicken or make toast, but the same “browning” chemistry is at work in your body every day of your life. In your arteries. In your kidneys. In your heart, your eyes, your skin, your nerves. In every cell, the sugar that your body uses for fuel is busily at work at this very moment, caramelizing your body through exactly the same chemical processes that caramelize onions or peanut brittle. Glycation math is simple: more sugar equals more AGEd proteins. As a result, people with diabetes begin to feel the effects of glycation at much younger ages than do people with more normal blood sugar levels. Watching people with diabetes age is like watching “normal” aging played on fast-forward. Slowly, imperceptibly, AGE reactions create chemical handcuffs, which gum up your proteins, deactivate your enzymes, trigger unhealthy biochemical signaling in your cells, and damage your DNA. Aging you. Make that: AGEing you. Two Ways to AGE There are two major ways that AGEs can form inside the body. One way is through a simple series of chemical reactions known as the “Maillard Pathway,” known from food chemistry for a century. But more recently, scientists have come to understand another pathway of AGE formation – a distinctly biological pathway, which only occurs within your cells because of the body’s metabolism of carbohydrates. When blood sugar levels rise, some key kinds of cell – including- nerve cells (neurons) and the cells that make up the fine blood cells of the retina of the eye and the filtering units (glomeruli) of the kidney – are also flooded with glucose. The resulting high sugar levels within these cells cause a logjam in the normal cellular metabolism of glucose. This backlog results in a buildup within the cell of super-reactive glucose-metabolic intermediates known as triosephosphates. And once that happens, the excess triosephosphates attack the surrounding proteins, lipids, and DNA, causing AGE damage from within the heart of the cell. It’s these cells are thus the most vulnerable to the complications of diabetes. Drugs do exist which can inhibit the formation of AGE, but none are available on the market as yet, and one of the most promising candidate (aminoguanidine) has shown signs of toxicity in human trials and appears to have been abandoned by its developers. On the other hand, some companies are selling supplements are marketed as “AGE-inhibitors.” But while many of the herbs and other nutrients may be valuable, and many even inhibit AGEing in a test tube, there’s no evidence that most of these “AGE-blocking” ingredients have any effect on AGEing in your body at the dosages used. Examples include thyme extract, inositol, acetyl-Lcarnitine, taurine, and a whole host of antioxidants (including nacetyl- cysteine (NAC) and flavonoids, such as quercetin and resveratrol). Special Note_ these, above mentioned supplements so work on retarding the age, issues as a result of free radical damge , but the have to be taken at a high end and throughout the day, or there effect is not that good _The power of Benfotiamine to improve vibratory perception threshold and nerve conduction velocity have been confirmed in other trials. Clinical trials have also shown that Benfotiamine supports nerve function in diabetics as measured by many other methods. For instance, Benfotiamine users experience a 50% reduction in diabetic nerve pain, along with an increased ability of the nerves to detect an electrical current, respond to electrical stimulation, and regulate the heartbeat Similarly, Benfotiamine prevents this loss of control from happening in the first place in diabetic dogs. In another human clinical trial, a B-vitamin combination using Benfotiamine as its thiamin source was put head-to-head with a Bcomplex supplement that included a megadose of conventional thiamin. Benfotiamine proved its effectiveness on several of these key parameters, while the standard thiamin pill failed. These benefits are not due to changes in blood sugar levels (either fasting, or after a meal, or averaged over several months (as measured by HbA1c), or improvements in metabolic benchmarks. They are the direct results of Benfotiamine’s AGE-fighting, metabolic-balancing powers. Benfotiamine in Other Vulnerable Tissues More recently, new studies have begun to document Benfotiamine’s ability to shield other tissues from AGE damage. One just-published study tested the ability of thiamin and Benfotiamine to protect diabetic rodents’ retinas from the ravages of AGE. The researchers then gave one group of diabetic rodents Benfotiamine supplements, and left another group unsupplemented, keeping a third group of nondiabetic animals as a control group. Nine months later, they examined the animals’ eyes, testing the level of AGE in their retinas, examining metabolic abnormalities of the cells, and looking for acellular capillaries (the dead husks left behind when the cells of the tiny blood vessels of the eye die). Benfotiamine supplements normalized AGE levels in the diabetics’ retina, as well as several key metabolic parameters within the diabetic animals’ cells – without influencing body weight or blood sugar (as measured by HbA1c). More importantly, Benfotiamine prevented the AGE-associated retinal damage. After nine months of diabetes, diabetic animals had suffered three times as many acellular capillaries as were found in healthy animals. But with the protection afforded by Benfotiamine, the number of acellular capillaries in the supplemented diabetics was indistinguishable from that of their normal, healthy cousins! And there’s another AGE-related disease that researchers believe Benfotiamine may fight: the loss of kidney function which accompanies “normal” aging, and which is accelerated by diabetes. Dr. Paul Thornalley of the University of Essex has just completed a study designed to see if Benfotiamine will protect diabetic rodents against kidney damage. While the results have not yet been published, Dr. Thornalley has indicated that both megadose thiamin and Benfotiamine caused clear-cut reductions in the leakage of protein – with Benfotiamine showing itself to be the superior intervention. A second study is now underway to see if Benfotiamine will actually improve kidney function in diabetic animals with pre-existing kidney damage, as it has already been shown to do in the nerves of diabetic animals and humans
Did you know that this herb/spice is the equivalent as nitroglycerin that they use for heart patients, but without the side effects??? amazing eh, how God and Creation...have a way of knowing what the actual programs and chemicals really work for us and keep us alive.... Here are some of the other actions that Galangal has.... Main Actions Other Actions
· lowers blood pressure · relieves pain
· kills bacteria · kills insects
· kills fungi · relieves spasms
· kills candida · antioxidant
· reduces pain Rhizo me
This can be made into a tea...a tincture.....taken as a spice....mixed with
food.....or blended with wine....taken with honey....and a host of other
combo's as well as uses.
Here is a quote fro the past: "Whoever has heart pain and is weak in the heart should instantly eat enough galangal, and he or she will be well again" is it not amazing that for all our expertise and our technology, that the past can still give us a blast as to what really has been tried and true.....and did you also know that they tied "gastric distresses" to heart conditions and that galangal addressed successfully....this is really a profound statement...that the foods that linger in the intestines can cause a heart condition ....hmmm....foods that can linger in the gut...GMO's....GE's....SOY ( really bad for this) BEANS....high dense insoluble fibers.....anything fermentable...wow!!!! and this was in the 12th century...makes you feel sort of humble eh!??imagine if the Doctors and Dieticians today could actually be aware of what they knew in the past, you think we would have heart issues?? here is another tidbit on Galangal "Antifungal:Research indicates that galangal is distinctly effective against Candida albicans." again this ties with intestinal debris not moving and fermenting, creating an excess sugar which will eventually bring out fungus which feeds on sugar, to try to balance the system from excess sugar.... here is what the chinese found out as well " had an antibacterial action against a number of pathogens, including anthrax".....So here you have it....a herb/spice...that is a pharmacy all it's own....next time you see this ....pick it up and start a tea .....it has other qualities as well....it can have aphrodisiac properties ....hmmm heart health....intestinal fortitude...and sex...what more can one ask for!!!
Inositol is necessary for the formation of lecithin and functions closely with a B complex vitamin, Choline. Since it is not essential in the human diet, it cannot be considered a vitamin. Inositol is a fundamental ingredient of cell membranes and is necessary for proper function of nerves, brain, and muscles in the body. Inositol works in conjunction with folacin, Vitamins B-6 and B-12, choline, betaine, and methionine to prevent the accumulation of fats in the liver. It exists as the fiber component phytic acid, which has been investigated for its anti-cancer properties. Inositol is primarily used in the treatment of liver problems, depression, panic disorder, and diabetes. It also aids in the breakdown of fats, helps in the reduction of blood cholesterol, and helps to prevent thinning hair. A diet low in Inositol may result in deficiency symptoms that culminate in high blood cholesterol, constipation, eczema, and hair loss. Neurotransmitters such as seratonin in the brain depend on Inositol to function properly. Low levels of this nutrient may result in depression and some research has shown that increased levels of Inositol appear to be a promising treatment for depression. According to recent research, the abundance of Inositol in fiber may explain in part why high fiber diets are often associated with a lower incidence of certain cancers. Although promising in the treatment of depression and high blood cholesterol, there is no significant research available to support the use of Inositol for weight loss.
By Dr. James Howenstine, MD.
July 27, 2006
Medical journals and textbooks typically portray iodine as an unimportant substance which should be taken in small amounts[1] because of it's dangers. Actually approximately one third of humanity has iodine deficiency. When humans lack iodine the thyroid gland enlarges (goiter), nodules appear in the thyroid gland and over a period of time cancer may appear in a thyroid nodule. Conventional medicine treats thyroid gland enlargement with thyroid hormone without considering the possibility that the hypothyroidism and goiter may be due to lack of iodine. This failure to diagnose and treat iodine deficiency can lead to an increased risk of breast cancer and the longer the diagnosis is missed the greater the chance that breast cancer will occur. Women taking thyroid hormone appear to be twice (12.1%) as likely to develop breast cancer as women not using thyroid hormone (6..2%). Women who had taken thyroid hormone for 15 years had a 19.5% incidence of breast cancer whereas women who have only taken thyroid hormone for 5 years had only a 10% incidence of breast cancer. Why is this? The essential trace element iodine may be the most important least publicized mineral in existence. Iodine is the only element needed in hormones and in the production of hormones. The iodine containing hormones are involved in the creation of embryos, development of brain function, growth, metabolism and maintenance of body temperature. This means that proper amounts of thyroid hormone, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, insulin, growth hormone etc. can not be made when iodine is lacking from the body. One third of all individuals on Earth are functioning with subnormal levels of iodine. Low intake of iodine is the leading cause for intellectual deficiency in the world.There is strong evidence that iodine lack predisposes to breast cancer. One out of seven women in the U.S. has deficiency of iodine proven by urine iodine screening tests (urine I less than 50 ug/L). This is the same incidence for breast cancer seen in U.S. women. Without bothering to check urine for iodine, physicians visited by a woman with a goiter or symptoms of hypothyroidism are routinely prescribing thyroid hormone therapy. Hintze et al[2] compared the results of 400ug/L of Iodine with 150ug of T4 (synthyroid) for 8 months and then four months after stopping therapy. The results clearly favored iodine therapy. Both treatments led to similar suppression in the size of the goiter. However, four months later the size of the thyroid had returned to pre-treatment levels in the group treated with T4 hormone. The group who had received iodine therapy continued to have normal sized thyroid glands four months after therapy was stopped. Several investigators have concluded that iodine lack is a probable cause for breast cancer in women. Demographic studies in Japan and Iceland revealed that both countries have a high intake of iodine and low incidences of goiter and breast cancer ( My special note this is the REAL REASON why Asian women DO NOT GET BREAST CANCER, that and utilizing Fish Bone soup, the Vitamin D that also prevents Cancer of the reproductive system, SOY encourages breast cancer ). In Mexico and Thailand where iodine intake is low there is a high incidence of goiter and breast cancer.[8] Thyroid gland size measured by ultrasound is significantly larger[9] in Irish women with breast cancer than control women. Administration of thyroid hormone to iodine deficient women appears to increase the risk of developing breast cancer. In a group of women undergoing screening mammograms the incidence of breast cancer[10] was twice as high in the women taking thyroid hormone. for hypothyroidism (probably caused by iodine lack) than in women not taking thyroid supplements. The mean incidence was 6.2% in controls and 12.1% in women on thyroid hormones. The incidence of breast cancer was twice as high in women taking thyroid hormone for more than 15 years (19.5%) compared to those on thyroid hormones for only 5 years (10%). In the state of Michigan, during a period of iodine supplementation in bread (1924-1951) the prevalence of goiter diminished from 38.6% to 1.4%. Of interest the incidence of breast cancer remained unchanged during this time frame. This information was used to suggest that iodine supplementation had no effect on the incidence of breast cancer. However, Ghent and Eskin were able to show in women and female rats that the amount of iodine needed to protect against fibrocystic disease of the breast and breast cancer was at least 20 to 40 times greater[11] than the iodine needed to control goiter. In the 1960s mandated iodine containing dough was equivalent to the RDA of 150 ug per slice of bread. At that time the incidence of breast cancer was only 1 in 20.[12] In the past 20 years the use of iodine supplementation in bread was eliminated and a goiter producing substance toxic to the thyroid gland (bromine) was introduced as replacement for iodine. The risk for breast cancer is now 1 in 8 and this risk is increasing by one percent[13] each year. The decision to replace iodine in an iodine deficient population with a goitrogen was illogical lacking in common sense. The damaging effects of bromine on thyroid tissue also appears to contribute to the development of auto-immune diseases in the thyroid gland (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). Now the next part is extremely important, as to the why iodine is required for breast health….. ( my special note ) The mammary glands have a trapping system for iodine similar to that of the thyroid gland. The breasts effectively compete with the thyroid gland for ingested iodine. This distribution of iodine to both breast and thyroid gland in pubertal girls explains why goiter is 6 times more common in girls than pubertal boys. The disappearance of iodine into breast tissue in women leads to decreased ability to supply the thyroid gland with an adequate amount of iodine. The development of a goiter in young girls indicates deficient distribution of iodine to both breast and thyroid tissue. Treating such a patient with thyroid hormone is not sensible and appears to increase the risk of breast cancer. Study of radioiodine uptake in normals and women with fibrocystic breast disease FDB reveals that the FDB breasts were able to take in 12.5% of the iodine dosage compared to only 6.9% in normal breasts. This proves the existence of considerable iodine depletion in the breasts of women with FDB. There is considerable evidence for an increased risk of thyroid cancer as well as breast cancer in persons with iodine deficiency. Untreated iodine deficiency leads to goiter, thyroid nodules and eventually some of these nodules become malignant. The decreasing intake of iodine has resulted in an increase in thyroid nodules and increase in thyroid cancer. In 2001 there were 19,500 new cases of thyroid cancer in the U.S. with 14,900 of these cases occurring in women. Iodine has a role in promoting general well being as well as protecting against infections, degenerative diseases and cancer. Iodine promotes the normal killing of defective and abnormal cells (apoptosis). Thus, iodine helps the body's surveillance system to detect and remove abnormal cells. Additionally, the presence of iodine triggers differentiation away from the more dangerous undifferentiated type of cell toward normal cells. The presence of adequate levels of iodine in the body (Japanese diet with lots of sea vegetables and fish) reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS)(.SPECIAL NOTE THIS ALSO IS EATEN IN THE MEDITEREANAN DIET AS WELL AS THE NORTHERN EUROPEANS, AFRICAN COAST LINES, MIDDLE EASTERN COASTAL AREAS AS WELL. IN NORTH AMERICA ( CANADA , USA , MEXICO ) WHERE COMMERCIAL FOODS ARE PROCESSED WITH THYROID DAMAGING FOODS, THE INCIDENCE OF THYROID CANCERS ARE HIGH AS A RESULT OF TOXIC POISONS BLENDED IN THE FOODS ) in the body which decreases the oxidative burden in the body This results in slowing of degeneration disease processes and decreasing the risk of cancer. Nearly every physician in the United States will reach for a prescription pad to order thyroid hormone when he sees a patient with goiter or symptoms of hypothyroidism. This can be exactly the wrong thing to do if the patient has deficient stores of iodine. Insist on obtaining a 24 hour urine collection for iodine to eliminate iodine lack as the cause for your symptoms (values below 50 ug/liter are abnormal). Thyroid hormone therapy in the presence of iodine deficiency increases the risk of breast cancer and probably thyroid cancer as well. Endocrinologist, Dr. Guy Abraham, formerly of the U.C.L.A. Department of Endocrinology, is convinced that everyone needs to be on iodine therapy until their iodine stores have been fully restored. After this time frame periodic intake of iodine will help insure that the many body functions requiring iodine run smoothly. A dosage of two tablets of Iodoral twice daily for three months followed by one Iodoral tablet daily for a year will restore iodine stores for most persons. At that point periodic taking of an Iodoral tablet daily one month out of 4 to 6 months etc. will be adequate to maintain iodine stores. Iodine stores can be easily monitored by taking 4 Iodoral tablets (50 mg iodine) and collecting a 24 hour urine sample for iodine content. If 80% of the ingested iodine is found in the urine collection the iodine stores are normal. Iodoral can be obtained from Optimox Corp. Torrance, Cal. To purchase a referral from a health care practitioner is needed. SPECIAL NOTE ; INCORPORATE SEAWEED IN THE DIET BY EITHER SUPPLEMENTATION OR DIRECTLY PURCHASING SEAWEED AT ANY ETHNIC MARKET OR HEALTH FOOD STORE THAT SELLS THIS, YOU CAN ALSO GET KELP TINCTURES AND USE THEM AS A PREVENTATIVE BY UTILIZING THEM AS NEEDED …SOME GOOD TINCTURES ARE LUGOLS ( HAS 7.5 MGS PER DROP) ATOMIDINE ( 600MCGS> THEN 1 MG SO YOU CAN USE MORE OF THIS THEN THE LUGOLS) OR JUST ANY KELP OR SEAWWEED TINCTURE WHICH IN ALL LIKELIHOOD HAVE ABOUT 300-600MCGS. ( MCGS = MICROGRAMS) IT TAKES 1000 MCGS TO MAKE 1 MILLIGRAM ( 1MG) Footnotes:
1, Abraham, Guy F. et al Orthoiodosupplementaion: Iodine Sufficiency Of The Whole Body pg 1
2, Hintze, G. et al treatment of Endemic goiter due to iodine deficiency with iodine,
levothyroxine or both:results of a multicentre trial. European Journal of Clinical Investigation,
19:527-534, 1989
3, Eskin B et al Mammary Gland Dysplasia in Iodine Deficiency JAMA , 200:115-119. 1967
4, Eskin B Iodine and Mammary Gland Cancer Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 91:293-304, 1977
5, Ghent, W. et al Iodine Replacement in Fibrocystic disease of the Breast Can. J. Surg. , 36:453-
460, 1993
6, Eskin B. et al Different Tissue Responses for Iodine and Iodidein Rat Thyroid and mammary
Glands Biol. Trace Element Research 49:9-19, 1995
7, Derry , D Breast Cancer and Iodine Trafford Publishing, Victoria B.C. , 92, 2001
8, Finley JW., Bogardus, G.M., Breast Cancer and Thyroid Disease Quart. Review Surg. Obstet.
Gyn. 17:139-147, 1960
9, Smtyhe, P. , Thyroid Disease and Breast Cancer J. Endo. Int. , 16:396-401, 1993
10, Ghandrakant, C. et al Breast Cancer Relationship to Thyroid Supplements for
hypothyroidism JAMA, 238:1124, 1976
11, Backwinkel, K., Jackson, A.S. Some Fearures of breast Cancer and Thyroid Deficiency
Cancer17:1174-1176 , 1964
12, Epstein, S.S., Sherman, D. Breast Cancer Prevention Program Macmillan , NY. 1998 pg 5
13, Ibid
Conditions Helped:
Pain of any kind: Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis, Back Problems, Lower, Back Problems, Neck, Diabetes, Leg Ulcers, Oteoporosis, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, Prostate Problems, Repetitive Strain (RSI) Carpal Tunnel etc, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Inflammation of any kind including : Breast Engorgement,
Cystitis joints or muscles, Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Inflammatory bowel diseases (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s, IBS.), Lupus Lung & Chest Problems: Asbestosis, Miners and Farmers Lung, Bronchiectasis, Bronchial Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs,
Cystic Fibrosis , Emphysema, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Eye Problems: Inflammation, Blocked veins etc Multiple Sclerosis & other Neurological problems: Damaged Nerves, Multiple Sclerosis Ear, Nose & Throat problems: Chronic ear infection , Catarrhal Rhinopharyngitis, Hayfever, Sore Throat, Swollen Glands, Laryngitis, Runny nose/Rhinitis, Sinusitis problems
Trauma: Sports Injuries, prevention & Recovery, Traumatic swelling/
Oedema/Edema, Post Operative & Traumatic Swelling, Post Operative Scars & Lesions Cardiovascular: Varicose Veins & Thrombophlebitis, Cardiovascular Disease,Arterial Disease, Angina, DVT, Blood Clots Other Conditions: Anti-ageing , Animal treatment The enzyme activity is measured in units and clinical studies are based on the ratio of 10 mg of Serrapeptase equaling 20,000 units of activity. When purchasing the product be sure that the ratio of mg to units is 10 mg for every 20,000 units, or 5 mg for 10,000 units and so on. The average dose, therefore, is 20 mg–or 40,000 units. Serrapeptase digests non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, and arterial plaque and inflammation in all forms. The late German physician, Dr. Hans Nieper, used Serrapeptase to treat arterial blockage in his coronary patients. Serrapeptase protects against stroke and is reportedly more effective and quicker than EDTA Chelation treatments in removing arterial plaque. He also reports that Serrapeptase dissolves blood clots and causes varicose veins to shrink or diminish. A MEDICAL PRACTIONER told of a woman scheduled for hand amputation and a man scheduled for bypass surgery who both recovered quickly without surgery after treatment with Serrapeptase.
STOMACH PANCREATIC INSUFFIECENCY ( NOT ENOUGH ENZYME BEING PRODUCED OR DUE TO AGING NOT FUNCTIONING AS IT SHOULD) INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION ( EXCESS WASTE OR FOODS THAT INHIBIT INTESTINAL ENZYMES) USED IN DEBRIDEMENT ) OF ULCERATION (Surgical excision of dead, devitalized, or contaminated tissue and removal of foreign matter from a wound, EMPYEMAS(The presence of pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity.)FISTULAS (An abnormal duct or passage resulting from injury, disease, or a congenital disorder that connects an abscess, cavity, or hollow organ to the body surface or to another hollow organ.) NECROTIZING WOUNDS (means damage and death of cells ) ABSCESSES (A localized collection of pus in part of the body, formed by tissue disintegration and surrounded by an inflamed area.) HEMATOMAS (A localized swelling filled with blood resulting from a break in a blood vessel.) DECUBITUS ULCERS ( BEDSORES) AN AUXILLARY AGENT FOR MENINGITUS (Inflammation of the meninges of the brain and the spinal cord, most often caused by a bacterial or viral infection and characterized by fever, vomiting, intense headache, and stiff neck)
INTERCOSTAL NEURITIS (. Inflammation of a nerve or group of nerves, characterized by pain, loss of reflexes, and atrophy of the affected muscles, Located or occurring between the ribs) URTICARA (HIVES) POSTOPERATIVE PAROTITIS (Inflammation o the parotid glands, as in mumps.) BEDSORES, PLEURAL EFFUSION ( an exudation{ oozing forth} of fluid from the blood or lymph into a pleural cavity) INFECTED WOUNDS, SCARS, PANCREATITIS(is a rare disease in which the pancreas becomes inflamed,) TRENCH MOUTH(A progressive painful infection of the mouth and throat with ulceration, swelling and sloughing off of dead tissue from the mouth and throat due to the spread of infection from the gums.), EXZEMATOID DERMATITIS(is an inflamation of the skin. The disorder has many causes including contact with an irritating substance, allergic reaction, eczema, and immune disease
DISEASES (The blocking of a blood vessel by a blood clot dislodged
from its site of origin )PERIPHERAL ARTERIOSCLEROSIS (A chronic disease in which thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls result in impaired blood circulation. It develops with aging, and in hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and other conditions. Normally, the arteries of the arms and legs widen (dilate) and narrow (constrict) in response to changes in the environment, such as a change in temperature Functional peripheral arterial disease usually occurs when the normal mechanisms that dilate and constrict these arteries are exaggerated.) PULMINARY INFARCTS ( lung blockages as a result of dead tissue, or a blockage of blood supply to the lung tissue resulting in dying tissue) PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE ( outer blood vessels in the heart area, having blockages, and restricting blood flow) MILK LEG (A painful swelling of the leg occurring in women after childbirth as a result of clotting and inflammation of the femoral veins )ISCHEMIC PURULENT LEG ULCERS (Containing, discharging, or causing the production of pus as a result of poor circulation, boils are an example , either dead tissue as a result of poor circulation or and a pus leaking out )
SWELLING AFTER A SURGERY SPEEDS HEALING FROM INJURIES ( INFLAMMATION OR SWEELING), THIS INCLUDES SPRAINS, STRAINS, CONTUSIONS (An injury in which the skin is not broken; a bruise), FRACTURES, BLACK EYE, HEMATOMAS (A localized swelling filled with blood resulting from a break in a blood vessel) TENDONITIS, AND BURSITIS TREATS, ASSIST IN HEALING RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (A chronic disease marked by stiffness and inflammation of the joints, weakness, loss of mobility, and deformity) AND ACUTE GOUTY ARTHRITIS (arthritis associated with gout and caused by the deposition of urate crystals in the articular cartilage of joints ) TREATS SKIN DISORDERS, including ATOPIC DERMATITIS (Dermatitis characterized by intense itching, occurring in individuals predisposed to developing certain hypersensitivity reactions ) PUSTULAR ECZEMA (A small inflamed elevation of the skin that is filled with pus; a pimple ) EXZEMATOID DERMATITIS (is an inflamation of the skin. The disorder has many causes including contact with an irritating substance, allergic reaction, eczema, and immune disease ) ASSIST EFFECTIVELY IN THE TREATMENT OF RESPIRATORY AND THROAT INFECTIONS, INFLUENZA ( the flu) BRONCHITIS, TUBERCULOSIS ADENITIS (Inflammation of a lymph node or gland, An infectious disease of humans and animals caused by the tubercle bacillus and characterized by the formation of tubercles on the lungs and other tissues of the body, often developing long after the initial infection ) LUNG ABSCESS, INFECTED BRONCHOPLEURAL FISTULA ( AN INFECTION IN AN AREA WHERE THE (Communication between bronchus and pleural cavity occur ) BRONCHIAL ASTHMA, SINUSITIS, PERITONSILLAR ABSCESS (An abscess formed usually above and behind the tonsil, due to extension of infection beyond the tonsillar capsule. Also called QUINCY) PULMONARY DISEASE, PULMONARY EMPHYSEMA (a common disease of the lungs in which the air cells are distended and their partition walls ruptured by an abnormal pressure of the air contained in them ) UNRESOLVED PNEUMONIA -ATELECTASIS (An acute or chronic disease marked by inflammation of the lungs and caused by viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms and sometimes by physical and chemical irritants. AND CAUSES COLLAPSING OF THE LUNS AS WELL) PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS, TRAUMATIC HYPEREMIA (An increase in the quantity of blood flow to a body part; engorgement AS A RESULT OF AN INJURY) and VIRAL PNEUMONIA TREATING
VENEREUM( STD, an inflammation of lymph nodes as a result of
exposure to granulomalike lesions ) GONORRHEAL URETHRITIS,
PROTEUS VULGARIUS OF THE URINARY TRACT(A bacterium found in putrefying materials and in abscesses; it includes strains that agglutinate in typhus serum and are therefore used in diagnosis of typhus ) EYE CARE, SUCH AS, GLAUCOMA, ACUTE IRIDCYCLITIS (Inflammation of the iris and the ciliary body ) THROMBOSIS OF CENTRAL RETINAL VEIN( a blood clot in the retinal area ) FOR DIABETES MANAGEMENT TO PREVENT CELLUTIS, INFECTED LEG ULCERS, AND CARBUNCLE (A painful localized bacterial infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that usually has several openings through which pus is discharged ) CANCER FIGHTER, AND PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH CANCER SUCH AS..ASCITES (An abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity ) DUE TO CANCER OR CIRRHOSIS (A chronic disease of the liver characterized by the replacement of normal tissue with fibrous tissue and the loss of functional liver cells. It can result from alcohol abuse, nutritional deprivation, or infection especially by the hepatitis virus.) AND LYMPHOSARCOMA (A diffuse malignant lymphoma ) WITH INFECTION IT IS ONE OF THE 4 PROTEOLYTIC ENZYMES IN THE PANCREATIN
Also when garlic is combined with cayenne pepper it to has an analgesic effect…tumeric with pineapple…papaya with pepper, even coffee before an activity wil reduce pain. Grapefruit with any kind of herbal pain kiler will extend the effects of the herbs in use. Certain oils like Olive and Wheat Germ oil also have pain reduction activity due to the Vitamin E and octacosanol and polyphenols content of these oils.