100–199 |
100–109 |
yellows (see the full list) |
110–119 |
orange |
120–129 |
reds |
130–139 |
blues & violets |
140–149 |
greens |
150–159 |
browns & blacks |
160–199 |
gold and others |
200–299 |
200–209 |
210–219 |
220–229 |
230–239 |
240–259 |
260–269 |
acetates (ethanoates) |
270–279 |
280–289 |
propionates (propanoates) |
290–299 |
others |
300–399 |
300–305 |
ascorbates (vitamin C) |
306–309 |
Tocopherol (vitamin E) |
310–319 |
320–329 |
330–339 |
340–349 |
350–359 |
360–369 |
370–399 |
others |
400–499 |
400–409 |
410–419 |
420–429 |
other natural agents |
430–439 |
polyoxyethene compounds |
440–449 |
natural emulsifiers |
450–459 |
460–469 |
cellulose compounds |
470–489 |
fatty acids & compounds |
490–499 |
others |
500–599 |
500–509 |
mineral acids & bases |
510–519 |
520–529 |
530–549 |
alkali metal compounds |
550–559 |
570–579 |
580–599 |
others |
600–699 |
620–629 |
630–639 |
640–649 |
others |
700–799 |
710–713 |
900–999 |
900–909 |
910–919 |
920–929 |
930–949 |
950–969 |
990–999 |
1100–1599 |
New chemicals that do not fall into standard classification schemes |
NB: Not all examples of a class fall into the given numeric range. Moreover, many chemicals, particularly in the E400–499 range, have a variety of purposes.